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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model Checked Reinforcement Learning For Multi-Agent Planning

Wetterholm, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Autonomous systems, or agents as they sometimes are called can be anything from drones, self-driving cars, or autonomous construction equipment. The systems are often given tasks of accomplishing missions in a group or more. This may require that they can work within the same area without colliding or disturbing other agents' tasks. There are several tools for planning and designing such systems, one of them being UPPAAL STRATEGO. Multi-agent planning (MAP) is about planning actions in optimal ways such that the agents can accomplish their mission efficiently. A method of doing this named MCRL, utilizes Q learning as the algorithm for  finding an optimal plan. These plans then need to be verified to ensure that they can accomplish what a user intended within the allowed time, something that UPPAAL STRATEGO can do. This is because a Q-learning algorithm does not have a correctness guarantee. Using this method alleviates the state-explosion problem that exists with an increasing number of agents. Using UPPAAL STRATEGO it is also possible to acquire the best and worst-case execution time (BCET and WCET) and their corresponding traces. This thesis aims to obtain the BCET and WCET and their corresponding traces in the model.

A home physiotherapy service for stroke patients in Malta: constraints and recommendations. The process of setting up a home physiotherapy service for hospitalised stroke patients within the public health system in Malta - new knowledge contributing to a strategy document.

Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen January 2009 (has links)
Home physiotherapy is a valid service option for the patient who was recently discharged from hospital after sustaining a stroke, as it enhances functional independence in friendly and familiar surroundings, as opposed to an outpatient clinic (Bader 2008). The aim of this study was to investigate the system responses to the planning and implementation of a home physiotherapy service as an innovation within the Maltese Public Health Service, uncovering barriers or constraints that influenced the introduction and development of state-run home physiotherapy in Malta. Method A qualitative approach was used for this research. A case study design was selected because it possessed contextual, descriptive and heuristic characteristics. Study participants planned and implemented the service using the available resources. Policy makers, physiotherapists, stroke patients and caregivers contributed to the study through their responses to, and experiences of, this service innovation. It was both an exploration and an opportunity to learn about service innovation from a Maltese perspective. A group of stakeholders were interviewed during the planning stage (Phase 1) of the home physiotherapy service. The main purpose of these interviews was to inform the design of the service. Another group of participants was interviewed in the active service stage (Phase 2) - at the beginning and at the end. The purpose here was to gather data from their direct experiences with home physiotherapy. Documents relevant to home rehabilitation were accessed and analysed hermeneutically. These included newspaper media, as it was considered a sensitive instrument to understand social context (Catalán Matamoros 2007; Davis 1990). Findings and discussion Data analysis identified categories of findings such as ¿barriers to the implementation of a new service¿, ¿attitudes to home physiotherapy¿ and ¿fragmented rehabilitation service¿. The category components were discussed and linked to the hermeneutical analysis of documents, offering a deeper understanding of the categories within the local context, and revealing a reinforcement of establishment-based health care. Conclusion The findings of this study provided an insight into the constraints that would appear if home physiotherapy, indeed home rehabilitation, were introduced by the Maltese Public Health Service. This research had an impact on the state physiotherapy services. Recommendations to help mitigate the constraints in an overarching manner were offered at the end of the thesis. To the international reader with experience in organised home physiotherapy, this study gives a glimpse into how issues that would seem trivial and obvious at first glance become significant challenges¿.challenges that the uninitiated would need to overcome.

The Role of Malta in Prehistoric Mediterranean Exchange Networks

ABELL, NATALIE D. 22 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Budget Institutions in the Euro Area Quality of budget institutions, legislative budgetary power and implications for fiscal discipline

Catania, Moira January 2019 (has links)
This study assesses the quality of national budget institutions and legislative budgetary power in the Euro Area (EA) and examines their implications on fiscal discipline. Following the sovereign debt crises, common EA requirements have been introduced for national budget institutions, most notably for fiscal rules and independent fiscal councils. Meanwhile, the legislature has a key role to ensure that budgetary decisions are democratically legitimate, but strong legislative budgetary power is generally associated with less fiscal restraint. Two comprehensive composite indices are produced, based on recent data which captures reforms implemented after the Crisis. The findings show that overall, budget institutions in the EA are of medium quality, whilst legislative budgetary power is weak. Notwithstanding the thrust for a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, the specific characteristics of budget institutions differ considerably among the EA countries. Furthermore, results from a two-way fixed effects panel model for 2006-2015 show a positive relationship between the quality of budget institutions and the budget balance, but, in contrast to previous studies, the effect is rather weak. Being supra-nationally mandated, recent reforms to budget institutions in EA member states may suffer from a lack of ownership, thus impinging on their effectiveness to instil fiscal discipline. A qualitative case study on Malta provides further insight into the limitations of centrally-mandated institutional reforms. Finally, the findings suggest that stronger legislative budgetary power does not necessarily jeopardise fiscal discipline, if this involves a broad role of the legislature in the budgetary process, beyond amendment powers.

Asylum seekers and refugees: A cross European perspective

Balaam, M-C., Haith-Cooper, Melanie, Korfker, D., Savona-Ventura, C. 13 June 2017 (has links)
Yes / In this chapter we explore issues of psychosocial resilience and risk related to asylum seeking and refugee women during the perinatal period, drawing on experiences from three diverse European countries; the United Kingdom (UK), Malta and the Netherlands. First we define the terms asylum seekers and refugees to allow us to focus on the issues that pertain specifically to women experiencing this form of migration. We also note the prevalence of migration in contemporary society. We explore recent research on asylum seeking and refugee women in the perinatal period to identify; the barriers women face in accessing care in their reception countries and their experiences of perinatal care. Through this work, the challenges faced by healthcare professionals to provide culturally appropriate and high quality care to these women who face a range of psychosocial challenges are also highlighted. We suggest possible ways to address some of these challenges including how health professionals can actively build on the resilience of asylum seeking and refugee women to improve their perinatal experiences. We conclude by focusing on the implications of these findings; drawing on examples of good practice from the UK, Netherland and Malta to provide recommendations for practice and service development.

Raising the curtain on relations of power in a Maltese school network

Mifsud, Denise January 2014 (has links)
This study concerns school reform in Malta. Under the policy framework ‘For All Children to Succeed’ (Ministry of Education, Youth & Employment, 2005) [henceforth referred to as FACT], Maltese state schools embarked on the process of being organized into networks called ‘colleges’. These consisted of primary and secondary schools according to geographical location, under the leadership of the Principal – a newly-designated role hierarchically above that of the individual Heads of School. The purpose of my research is to explore relations of power in a Maltese college. My study gives prominence to both theory and methodology. The theoretical research question investigates how networking unfolds among the various leadership hierarchies in school governance in a Maltese college. This is explored through the performance of policy-mandated collegiality; the circulating relations of power; and leadership distribution. My study is framed within a postmodern paradigm and adopts a Foucauldian theoretical framework, more specifically his concepts of power, discipline, governmentality, discourse, and subjectification. Data for my case study are collected through semi-structured, in-depth interviews; observation of a Council of Heads meeting; and a documentary analysis of FACT. Narrative is not only the phenomenon under exploration, but also the method of analysis, and mode of representation. Thus, I attempt to answer my methodological research question that investigates the ways a researcher negotiates the methodological tensions and contradictions in the conduct of qualitative inquiry in order to construct knowledge differently. The Maltese college is viewed as a surveillance mechanism by both the Principal and the Heads, with collegiality being regarded as a straitjacket imposed by the State through a policy mandate. However, there is unanimous agreement on conscription being the only way forward for Maltese state schools. Different degrees of ‘support’ and empowerment exist, according to the directives of the Principal and the State. College setup is problematized on geographical clustering and college streaming, due to which it may end up defying the primary aim of networking by clustering students from particular areas in isolation, resulting in social injustice and educational inequality. This study exposes a strong sense of sectoral isolation among the Heads – a situation being mirrored at macro-level with very few opportunities for inter-networking among colleges. There is an asymmetrical power flow among the college schools, both within the same level and across different levels. Despite the policy FACT mandating distributed leadership, hierarchical forms of accountability are still inherent within the system, bringing out a tension between autonomy and centralization.

Miocene climate as recorded on slope carbonates : examples from Malta (Central Mediterranean) and Northeastern Australia (Marion Plateau, ODP LEG 194)

John, Cédric Michaël January 2003 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurden die Hangkarbonate von zwei miozänen heterozoischen Karbonatsystemen näher untersucht: die Malta Inselgruppe (zentrales Mittelmeer) und das Marion Plateau (Nordost Australien, ODP Leg 194). Die Auswirkungen der mittelmiozänen Abkühlung (Mi3), die auf 13.6 Ma datiert wird und starken Einfluß auf die Sauerstoffisotopenkurve hatte, in den oben genannten Flachwassersystemen stellten das Ziel dieser Arbeit dar. Dieses Abkühlungsereignis beeinflußte außerdem sehr stark die ozeanographischen und klimatischen Muster, die im weiteren Verlauf zum modernen Eishausklima führten. So steht insbesondere die Vereisung von Ostantarktika mit diesem Ereignis in Verbindung. Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluß dieses Ereignisses auf Flachwassersysteme, um vorliegende Untersuchungen in Tiefwassersystemen zu ergänzen und so zum globalen Verständnis des miozänen Klimawechsels beizutragen.<br /> <br /> Die Profile auf der Maltainselgruppe wurden mit Hilfe von Kohlenstoff- und Sauerstoffisotopen Auswertungen im Gesamtgestein, Gesamtgesteinmineralogie, Tonmineralanalyse und organischer Geochemie untersucht. Durch einen Wechsel von karbonatischeren zu tonigeren Sedimenten beeinflußte das mittelmiozäne Abkühlungsereignis die Sedimentation in diesem Gebiet sehr stark. Weiterhin wurde beobachtet, daß jede Phase der antarktischen Vereisung, nicht nur das mittelmiozäne Hauptereignis, zu einem erhöhten terrigenen Eintrag in den Hangsedimenten der Maltainselgruppe führte. Akkumulationsraten zeigen, daß dieser erhöhte terrigene Eintrag den einzelnen Vereisungsperioden zusammenhängt und die karbonatischen Sedimente durch tonreiche Sedimente &ldquo;verunreinigt&rdquo; wurden. Das daraufhin entwickelte Modell erklärt diesen erhöhten terrigenen Eintrag mit einer nordwärtigen Verlagerung der innertropischen Konvergenzzone durch die Bildung von kalten, dichten Luftmassen, die zu verstärkten Niederschlägen in Nordafrika führten. Diese verstärkten Niederschläge (oder verstärkter afrikanischer Monsun) beeinflußten die kontinentale Verwitterung und den Eintrag, mit der Folge, daß verstärkt terrigene Sedimente im Bereich der Hangsedimente der Maltainselgruppe abgelagert wurden. Die tonreichen Intervalle weisen Ähnlichkeiten zu sapropelischen Ablagerungen auf, was mit Hilfe der Spektral analyse des Karbonatgehalts und der geochemischen Analyse des organischen Materials gezeigt wurde. <br /> <br /> Auf dem Marion Plateau wurden die Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotopenkurven anhand von Foraminiferen der Gattung Cibicidoides spp. rekonstruiert. Der Karbonatgehalt wurde mit Hilfe einer chemischen Methode (Coulometer) ermittelt. Genauso wie die Sedimente der Maltainselgruppe beeinflußte das mittelmiozäne Abkühlungsereignis (Mi3) auch die Sedimente auf dem Marion Plateau. So kam es bei 13,8 Ma, in etwa zur Zeit der Vereisung von Ostantarktika, zu einem Abfall der Karbonatakkumulationsraten. Weiterhin traten Änderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Sedimente auf, so nehmen neritische Karbonatfragmente ab, der planktische Foraminiferengehalt nimmt zu und es wurden verstärkt Quarz und Glaukonit abgelagert. Ein überraschendes Ergebnis ist die Tatsache, daß der große N12-N14 Meeresspiegelabfall um 11,5 Ma die Akkumulationsraten der Karbonate auf dem Hang nicht beeinflußte. Dieses Ergebnis ist umso erstaunlicher, da Karbonatplattformen normalerweise sehr sensitiv auf Meeresspiegeländerungen reagieren. Der Grund, warum sich die Karbonatakkumulationsraten schon um 13,6 Ma (Mi3) und nicht erst um 11,5 Ma (N12-N14) verringerten, liegt in der Tatsache, daß die ozeanischen Strömungen die Karbonatsedimentation auf dem Hang des Marion Plateau schon im Miozän kontrollierten. Das mittelmiozäne Ereignis (Mi3) erhöhte die Stärke diese Strömungen und als eine Ursache wurde die Karbonatakkumulation auf den Hängen reduziert. Die Amplitude des N12-N14 Meeresspiegelabfalls liegt bei 90 m unter der Berücksichtigung der Sauerstoffisotopendaten aus der Tiefsee und Berechnungen des Meeresspiegels anhand des &ldquo;coastal onlaps&rdquo;, die während Leg 194 gemacht wurden. Die Isotopendaten dieser Arbeit weisen hingegen auf einen verringerten Meeresspiegelabfall von 70 m hin.<br /> <br /> Als allgemeine Schlußfolgerung kann gesagt werden, daß der mittelmiozäne Klimaumschwung die Karbonatsysteme zumindest an den beiden untersuchten Lokalitäten beeinflußt hat. Allerdings waren die Auswirkungen sehr von den unterschiedlichen lokalen Gegebenheiten abhängig. Insbesondere wirkten sich die Anwesenheit einer Landmasse (Malta) und die Abwesenheit einer Barriere vor den Einflüssen des offenen Ozeans (Marion Plateau) stark auf die Ablagerung der Karbonate aus. / This study investigated the slope carbonates of two Miocene carbonate systems: the Maltese Islands (in the Central Mediterranean) and the Marion Plateau (Northeastern Australia, drilled during ODP Leg 194). The aim of the study was to trace the impact of the Miocene cooling steps (events Mi1-Mi6) in these carbonate systems, especially the Mi3 event, which took place around 13.6 Ma and deeply impacted the marine oxygen isotope record. This event also profoundly impacted oceanographic and climatic patterns, eventually leading to the establishment of the modern ice-house world. In particular, East Antarctica became ice covered at that period. The rational behind the present study was to investigate the impact that this event had on shallow water systems in order to complement the deep-sea record and hence acquire a more global perspective on Miocene climate change.<br /> <br /> The Maltese Islands were investigated for trends in bulk-rock carbon and oxygen isotopes, as well as bulk-rock mineralogy, clay minerals analysis and organic geochemisty. Results showed that the mid Miocene cooling event deeply impacted sedimentation at that location by changing sedimentation from carbonate to clay-rich sediments. Moreover, it was discovered that each phase of Antarctic glaciation, not just the major mid Miocene event, resulted in higher terrigenous input on Malta. Mass accumulation rates revealed that this was linked to increased runoff during periods when Antarctica was glaciated, and thus that the carbonate sediments were &ldquo;diluted&rdquo; by clay-rich sediments. The model subsequently developed to explain this implies feedback from Antarctic glaciations creating cold, dense air masses that push the ITCZ Northward, thus increasing precipitation on the North African subcontinent. Increased precipitation (or stronger African monsoon) accelerated continental weathering and runoff, thus bringing more terrigenous sediment to the paleo-location of the slope sediments of Malta. Spectral analysis of carbonate content and organic matter geochemical analysis furthermore suggest that the clay-rich intervals are similar to sapropelic deposits.<br /> <br /> On the Marion Plateau, trends in oxygen and carbon isotopes were obtained by measuring Cibicidoides spp foraminifers. Moreover, carbonate content was reconstructed using a chemical method (coulometer). Results show that the mid Miocene cooling step profoundly affected this system: a major drop in accumulation rates of carbonates occurs precisely at 13.8 Ma, around the time of the East Antarctic ice sheet formation. Moreover, sedimentation changes occurred at that time, carbonate fragments coming from neritic environments becoming less abundant, planktonic foraminifer content increasing and quartz and reworked glauconite being deposited. Conversely, a surprising result is that the major N12-N14 sea-level fall occurring around 11.5 Ma did not impact the accumulation of carbonates on the slope. This was unexpected since carbonate platform are very sensitive to sea-level changes. The model developed to explain that mass accumulation rates of carbonates diminished around 13.6 Ma (Mi3 Event) instead of 11.5 Ma (N12-N14 event), suggests that oceanic currents were controlling slope carbonate deposition on the Marion Plateau prior to the mid-Miocene, and that the mid Miocene event considerably increase their strength, hence reducing the amount of carbonate being deposited on slope sites. Moreover, by combining results from deep-sea oxygen isotopes with sea-level estimates based on coastal onlaps made during Leg 194, we constrain the amplitude of the N12-N14 sea-level fall to 90 meters. When integrating isotopic results from this study, this amplitude is lowered to 70 meters.<br /> <br /> A general conclusion of this work is that the mid Miocene climatic shift did impact carbonate systems, at least at the two locations studied. However, the nature of this response was highly dependant on the regional settings, in particular the presence of land mass (Malta) and the absence of a barrier to shelter from the effects of open ocean (Marion Plateau).

The challenge of achieving impartiality in Maltese TV news programming

Spiteri, Joanna January 2014 (has links)
This study examines some of the challenges that Maltese broadcasting is facing with respect to the news programming produced by the public service broadcaster and by the other two political stations. The thesis also investigates the concepts of balance and objectivity in news reporting and analyzes the extent to which Maltese TV news programmes succeed in providing balanced, impartial and accurate accounts. Special attention is paid to the role of the public service broadcaster, but consideration is also given to the part played by the two Maltese political stations competing with the public service broadcaster. A particular aim of this study is to measure how the requirement to preserve impartiality and balance impinges on the content of TV news bulletins and current affairs programmes produced by PSB and the other two political stations. The study will also consider the impact of current broadcasting regulations and will examine the degree to which such legislation is relevant in the attempt to achieve impartiality and balance in Maltese news broadcasting. As a basis for the study the thesis focuses on a sample of news programming material broadcast on the three television stations in Malta during a Local Council electoral campaign. The aim is to assess how various news messages are communicated to audiences and to consider whether such messages are perceived as impartial and balanced by the viewers. The study explores how news workers and news producers strive to achieve impartiality and balance in their day-to-day practices. Finally the thesis makes one or two tentative suggestions as to how current broadcasting legislation might be amended in order for the Broadcasting Authority can become a more effective watchdog and is able to intervene in cases where news programming is not deemed to be balanced and impartial.

A home physiotherapy service for stroke patients in Malta : constraints and recommendations : the process of setting up a home physiotherapy service for hospitalised stroke patients within the public health system in Malta : new knowledge contributing to a strategy document

Lungaro-Mifsud, Stephen January 2009 (has links)
Home physiotherapy is a valid service option for the patient who was recently discharged from hospital after sustaining a stroke, as it enhances functional independence in friendly and familiar surroundings, as opposed to an outpatient clinic (Bader 2008). The aim of this study was to investigate the system responses to the planning and implementation of a home physiotherapy service as an innovation within the Maltese Public Health Service, uncovering barriers or constraints that influenced the introduction and development of state-run home physiotherapy in Malta. Method A qualitative approach was used for this research. A case study design was selected because it possessed contextual, descriptive and heuristic characteristics. Study participants planned and implemented the service using the available resources. Policy makers, physiotherapists, stroke patients and caregivers contributed to the study through their responses to, and experiences of, this service innovation. It was both an exploration and an opportunity to learn about service innovation from a Maltese perspective. A group of stakeholders were interviewed during the planning stage (Phase 1) of the home physiotherapy service. The main purpose of these interviews was to inform the design of the service. Another group of participants was interviewed in the active service stage (Phase 2) - at the beginning and at the end. The purpose here was to gather data from their direct experiences with home physiotherapy. Documents relevant to home rehabilitation were accessed and analysed hermeneutically. These included newspaper media, as it was considered a sensitive instrument to understand social context (Catalán Matamoros 2007; Davis 1990). Findings and discussion Data analysis identified categories of findings such as 'barriers to the implementation of a new service', 'attitudes to home physiotherapy' and 'fragmented rehabilitation service'. The category components were discussed and linked to the hermeneutical analysis of documents, offering a deeper understanding of the categories within the local context, and revealing a reinforcement of establishment-based health care. Conclusion The findings of this study provided an insight into the constraints that would appear if home physiotherapy, indeed home rehabilitation, were introduced by the Maltese Public Health Service. This research had an impact on the state physiotherapy services. Recommendations to help mitigate the constraints in an overarching manner were offered at the end of the thesis. To the international reader with experience in organised home physiotherapy, this study gives a glimpse into how issues that would seem trivial and obvious at first glance become significant challenges - challenges that the uninitiated would need to overcome.

L'area centrale del santuario di Tas-Silġ a Malta in età tardo-ellenistica / The Central Area of Tas-Silġ Sanctuary in Malta in the Late-Hellenistic Age

BONZANO, FRANCESCA 06 June 2007 (has links)
Il presente lavoro tratta delle trasformazioni edilizie nell'area centrale del santuario di Tas-Silġ a Malta (presso la baia di Marsaxxlokk), con particolare attenzione alla fase tardo-ellenistica (fine II inizio I sec. a.C.). il luogo di culto fu frequentato a partire dall'età preistorica, e il lobo centrale del tempio, costruito nella fase di Tarxien dell'eneolitico maltese (3000 2500 a.C.), fu mantenuto anche durante gli interventi successivi. L'arrivo sull'isola di genti fenicie (fine VIII sec. a.C.) determinò importanti trasformazioni edilizie riguardanti il tempio e lo spazio sacrificale (VII VI sec. a.C.), la più importante delle quali fu la messa in opera del ground altar arcaico all'ingresso del tempio. L'ultimo degli interventi che modellò il volto del santuario fino alla sua trasformazione in chiesa cristiana fu quello tardo ellenistico. L'intera area del santuario venne racchiusa da un muro di delimitazione dotato di torri e lo spazio antistante il tempio fu monumentalizzato con la costruzione di una corte-peristilio con portici sui quattro lati, la cui ipotesi ricostruttiva è stata affrontata nella tesi attraverso l'analisi dei frammenti di decorazione architettonica conservati. / The present work deals with the architectonic transformations in the central area of the Tas-Silġ sanctuary in Malta (close to Marsaxxlokk bay), with special focus on the late-Hellenistic phase (late 2nd early 1st b.c.). The cult site had been attended since the prehistorical age, and the central lobe of the temple erected in the Tarxien phase (3000 2500 B.C.) of the Maltese eneolithic was maintained during the following transformations. The arrival of Phoenician people on the island (end of VIII century) determined important architectural transformations involving the temple and the sacrifical praecinct, (VII VI cent.), which most important was the construction of the archaic ground altar at the entrance of the temple. The last of the major works which modelled the sanctuary face, transforming it into Christian church, was the late-Hellenistic one. The entire sanctuary area is delimited by an enclosure wall with towers and the space in front of the temple is monumentalized with a peristyled court with porches on the four sides, which reconstruction hypothesis was developed in the present thesis through the analysis of the architectural fragments.

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