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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Job evaluation in the provincial government of the Western Cape

Johnson, Reginald George Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The democratisation of South Africa on 27 April 1994 marked the beginning of a new era for South Africans in all spheres of society. The new democratic Government of the Republic of South Africa faced numerous challenges, including the transformation of the South African Public Service into a non-discriminatory organisation for both citizens and employees. The pre-1994 South African Public Service functioned as a centralised driven system that negatively discriminated against non-white employees in terms of financial rewards resulting in salary differences between white and non-white employees. The promulgation of the new legislative framework of deconcentration had resulted in the centralised driven South African Public Service system becoming obsolete as it was incompatible with the democratic Government’s vision. The transformation of the South African Public Service was supported through legislation and various directives simultaneously focusing on service delivery improvement as well as implementing new internal systems to address discriminatory practices. The implementation of the EQUATE job evaluation programme within the new legislative framework of deconcentration marked the beginning of a new era of grading post in the Public Service. It had brought an end to the unfair salary differentiation in the Public Service. To render public services effectively and efficiently is a legislative requirement. Political and administrative leaders are responsible for ensuring that both external and internal services are rendered optimally through improvement interventions. In the Provincial Government of the Western Cape (PGWC), the Department of the Premier renders a job evaluation service to all provincial departments to ensure internal consistency in terms of grading of posts. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the current process of evaluating posts in the PGWC and subsequently to formulate recommendations to improve the process. The study concludes with a set of recommendations which include amongst others the following: • The devolvement of the job evaluation function to the provincial departments enabling them to conduct their own departmental job evaluations. • The creation of a Job Evaluation Unit in every provincial department. • That the proposed Process Model of evaluating posts in the provincial departments be considered. • It is the responsibility of the Directorate Organisation Development Interventions in the Department of the Premier to co-ordinate the job evaluation process in the Provincial Government of the Western Cape. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die demokratisering van Suid-Afrika op 27 April 1994 was die begin van ‘n nuwe era vir Suid-Afrikaners op alle vlakke van die samelewing. Die demokratiese Regering van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika het verskeie probleme in die gesig gestaar wat onder andere die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens ingesluit het. Die Staatsdiens moes verander word na ‘n diens wat nie diskrimineer teen nie-blanke burgers of werknemers nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens voor 1994 het gefunksioneer as ‘n gesentraliseerde sisteem en het negatief gediskrimineer teen nie-blanke werknemers in terme van besoldigingspakkette wat aanleiding gegee het tot verskille in besoldigingsvlakke. Die promulgering van die nuwe regulatoriese raamwerk van dekonsentrasie het meegebring dat die gesentraliseerde benadering in onbruik verval het, omdat dit teenstrydig was met die visie van ‘n demokratiese Regering. Die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens is ondersteun deur verskeie wetgewing en mandate wat gefokus het op sowel die verbetering van dienslewering aan burgers as die implementering van nuwe interne sisteme om diskriminerende praktyke aan te spreek. Die implementering van die EQUATE posevalueringsprogram binne die nuwe regulatoriese raamwerk van dekonsentrasie was die begin van ‘n nuwe era van posgradering in die Staatsdiens. Dit het ‘n einde gebring aan die onregverdige besoldigingsvlakke in die Staatsdiens. Die lewering van doelmatige en doeltreffende openbare dienste is ‘n wetlike vereiste. Politieke en administratiewe hoofde is daarvoor verantwoordelik om toe te sien dat alle dienste, intern en ekstern, optimaal gelewer word deur gebruik te maak van verskeie verbeteringsintervensies. Die Departement van die Premier in die Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap (PRWK) is verantwoordelik vir die lewering van die posevalueringsdiens aan alle provinsiale departemente ten einde konsekwentheid in terme van posgradering te verseker. Die oogmerk van die studie is om die huidige posevalueringsproses in die PRWK te evalueer om sodoende aanbevelings te doen om die proses te verbeter. Die studie is saamgevat met aanbevelings wat onder andere die volgende insluit: • Die afwenteling van die posevalueringsfunksie na elke provinsiale departement; sodat elke departement self verantwoordelik is vir departementele posevaluering. • Die skepping van ‘n Posevaluering Eenheid binne elke provinsiale departement. • Die voorgestelde Proses Model vir die evaluering van poste binne provinsiale departemente oorweeg word. • Die verantwoordelikheid van die Direktoraat Organisasie Ontwikkeling Intervensies in die Departement van die Premier vir die koördinering van die posevalueringsproses binne die Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap.

An individual performance management system as a way of improving customer satisfaction at the City of Cape Town (Unicity) Municipality

Brown, Mogamat Faizel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this research assignment is the evaluation of an individual Performance Management system at local government level in the Cape Metropolitan Area. The researcher has observed a possible decline in customer satisfaction towards the Cape Metropolitan Council Administration and at other Administrations within the City of Cape Town, and the press also highlighted complaints regarding the absence of an entrenched customer care ethic among municipal officials. The researcher was concerned with the way customers are being handled by municipal officials, and sought to find a solution to the problem. The researcher conducted research on what the ideal situation should be, and how to reach the ideal situation, which included South African local government legislation and discussion documents. The researcher also conducted an opinion survey (by means of a questionnaire) within the CMC Administration, in order to obtain the opinions of employees of the City of Cape Town's CMC Administration with regard to perceptions of customer satisfaction, and the possible effect on customer satisfaction should a Performance Management system be implemented within the City of Cape Town. It was found that, should a Performance Management system be introduced within the City of Cape Town, it will contribute to efficiency in service delivery, and staff will be held accountable for their work performance. It was also found that at local government institutions (locally and internationally) where effective organisational and individual Performance Management systems had been implemented, customer satisfaction at these institutions has improved. It is therefore suggested by this research that the City of Cape Town should implement an individual Performance Management system and that customer satisfaction should improve over time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van die navorsings opdrag is die evaluering van 'n individuele werkverrigting- bestuurstelsel op die vlak van plaaslike regering in die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied. Die navorser het 'n moontlike afname in kliënte bevrediging teenoor die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Raad (KMR) en ander Rade binne die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied opgelet, en die pers het ook klagte belig betrekkend die afwesigheid van 'n verskansekliënte-sorg etiek onder munisipale amptenare. Die navorser was bekommered met die manier waarop kliënte behandel is deur munisipale amptenare, en het probeer om 'n oplossing te vind vir die probleem. Die navorser het ondersoek ingestel, wat ingesluit het Suid_Afrikaanse plaaslike regerings-wette en besprekings-dokumente, om uit te vind wat die ideale situasie is, en hoe om hierdie situasie te bereik. Die navorser het ook 'n opinie opneming ingestel (dmv. 'n vraelys) binne die KMR Administrasie, om sodoende die opinies van die werkers van Stad Kaapstad se KMR Administrasie betreffend die waarnemings van kliënt bevrediging, en die moontlike effek op kliënt bevrediging as 'n werkverrigting bestuurstelsel in werking gebring word binne die Stad Kaapstad. Daar is gevind, dat as 'n werkverrigting bestuurstelsel voorgestel word binne die Stad Kaapstad, daar 'n verbetering sal wees in doeltreffendheid van diens gelewer, en personeel sal verantwoordelik wees vir hul werkverrigtinge. Daar is ook gevind by plaaslike regering-instansies (plaaslik en internasionaal) waar daar effektiewe werkverrigting bestuurstelsels in werking gestel is, daar 'n verbetering in kliënte bevrediging was. Dus word daar gesuggereer, deur dié navorser dat die Stad Kaapstad 'n individuele-werkverrigting bestuurstelsel moet implementeer en dat kliënt bevrediging mettertyd sal verbeter.

Effective public relations in a transformed organisation : Naval Base Simon's Town as a case study

Theunissen, J. D. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Public Relations is a discipline where the basic concepts and functions remain the same, be it in a public or private organisation. It is ultimately a staff function, which is responsible for effective two-way communication between an organisation and its publics, both internal and external. With the transformation in the Department of Defence and ultimately the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), major changes took place structurally as well as in terms of the execution of functions on the operational level where Naval Base Simon’s Town (NB Smst) is one of the new General Support Bases of the SANDF. The Public Relations Section of NB Smst must deliver public relations services to the clients of NB Smst. The purpose of this study is to establish whether the services that the Public Relations Section delivers to its clients are in line with the expectations of the clients. An in-depth study is made of the theory of public relations, starting with the overall concept of communication. The transformation of the SANDF is discussed in detail and the concept of how public relations is supposed to be executed is researched. A needs assessment survey was done and the recommendations listed. The research established that although the Section is functioning in line with international and national principles and procedures the clients’ perceptions are that the Section does not deliver the quality of service they expect. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Openbare Skakeling is ’n dissipline waar die basiese konsepte en funksies ooreenstem binne publieke sowel as private organisasies. Dit is hoofsaaklik ’n staffunksie wat verantwoordelik is vir die effektiewe twee-rigting kommunikasie tussen ’n organisasie en sy publiek, beide intern sowel as ekstern. Met die transformasie van die Departement van Verdediging en uiteindelik die Suid- Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW), het grootskaalse veranderinge plaasgevind, struktureel sowel as ten opsigte van die uitvoering van funksies op die operasionele vlak waar Vlootbasis Simonstad (VB Smst), een van die SANW se Algemene Steunbasisse, opereer. Die Openbare Skakelseksie van VB Smst is verantwoordelik vir die lewering van openbare skakeldienste aan die kliente van VB Smst. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal of die dienste wat deur die Openbare Skakelseksie gelewer word in lyn is met die kliente se verwagtinge. ’n In-diepte studie is gedoen ten opsigte van die teorie van openbare skakeling, beginnende met die totale konsep van kommunikasie. Die transformasie van die SANW word in detail bespreek. Dit word gevolg deur die navorsing oor hoe openbare skakeling veronderstel is om uitgevoer te word, ’n Behoeftebepaling is gedoen en aanbevelings word gelys. Die navorsing se bevindings is dat alhoewel die Seksie volgens internasionale en nasionale konsepte en prosedures funksioneer, die kliente se persepsies is dat die Seksie nie die kwaliteit dienste lewer wat hulle verwag nie.

An assessment of the effectiveness of primary health care services in addressing HIV/AIDS by providing anti-retroviral treatment : the case of Du Noon clinic in the Western health sub-district of the city of Cape Town

Sifanelo, Gloria Monica 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The accessibility of anti-retroviral drugs to patients and families affected by HIV and AIDS, and the affordability of these drugs, have been challenges to the Du Noon community in the Cape Peninsula. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of primary health care services in addressing HIV/AIDS in the light of these challenges. The focus was on patients registered on the ARV programme and who were receiving treatment at Du Noon Clinic. Interviews were conducted with 15 groups of 10 patients each using a patient questionnaire. During these interviews qualitative and quantitative data were gathered and secondary data was used for quantitative analysis. The results that the data analysis yielded are in keeping with the hypothesis that the HIV/AIDS programme is effective in meeting the needs of the HIV/AIDS patients of Du Noon. After content analysis of qualitative data, two themes related to patient satisfaction emerged: positive and negative feelings that were categorised as satisfied and not satisfied with the service. Most often noted was the feeling of satisfaction with the services rendered at the clinic and that the staff were helpful. The staff rendering the service were also satisfied with the kind of service offered to the patients, but were dissatisfied with the allocation of resources. An increase in enrolment figures of patients was noted in the statistical analysis for the period 2004-2008 with 1,018 patients registered. The statistics illustrate the linear tendency in the enrolment of patients, which indicated the accessibility and affordability of the service. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geredelike toegang tot en die bekostigbaarheid van anti-retrivorale middels (ARM’s) vir pasiënte en families wat deur MIV en VIGS aangetas is, is ‘n uitdaging vir die Du Noon-gemeenskap in die Kaapse Skiereiland. Die doel van die studie was om die doeltreffendheid van primêre gesondheidsorgdienste te bepaal wanneer MIV/VIGS aangespreek word. Die fokus is op geregistreerde pasiënte wat die ARM-program volg en behandeling by die Du Noon Kliniek ontvang. Met behulp van ‘n pasiëntevraelys was onderhoude met 15 groepe van 10 pasiënte elk gevoer. Tydens hierdie onderhoude is kwalitatiewe data versamel en vir kwantitatiewe analise was sekondêre data aangewend. Die resultate wat uit die data analise verkry was, strook met die hipotese dat die MIV/VIGS-program doeltreffend is om die behoeftes van die pasiënte en die gemeenskap van Du Noon aan te spreek. Nadat ‘n inhoudsanalise van die kwalitatiewe data onderneem was, het twee temas rakende positiewe en negatiewe gevoelens – gekategoriseer as tevrede en nie tevrede nie – ten opsigte van die gelewerde diens na vore getree. Veral die gevoel van tevredenheid teenoor die diens gelewer by die kliniek en die personeel as behulpsaam, is opgemerk. Die personeel wat die diens lewer, was ook tevrede met die diens wat aan die pasiënte gelewer word, maar was ontevrede oor die toekenning van hulpbronne. By die statistiese analise is ‘n toename in die inskrywingsgetalle deur pasiënte waargeneem. Toename in inskrywingsgetalle deur pasiënte is gemerk in statistiese analise van 2004 - 2008, met 1,018 pasiënte geregistreer. Die statistiek het die lineêre tendens toegelig ten aansien van die inskrywing van pasiënte wat die toeganklikheid en bekostigbaarheid van die diens uitbeeld.

The role of a resource centre in the empowerment of community based organisations in Cape Town's townships

Zeus, Marion 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to assess the needs for a Resource Centre (RC) run by Community Connections (CC), a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) based in Philippi, Cape Town. The overall objective of the RC is the empowerment of Community Based Organisations (CBOs). Community Connections’ mission is to support community development in South Africa by building the capacity of CBOs to initiate, manage and sustain local empowerment and self help initiatives. Research paradigms for the study were critical theory with its aim of emancipation and an approach that favours transformative action, as well as postmodernism with its appreciation of local contextualised knowledge and value based action. The research problem was addressed through action research and a case study approach. The researcher did an internship at CC between March and November 2008. During this period data was collected through participant observation as well as interviews, namely thirteen semi-structured interviews with CBOs and four additional interviews with practitioners of the NGO and external stakeholders. The study was motivated by an approach to development that aims at transformation to increase social justice and the strengthening of vulnerable and marginalised groups. The transformative potential of development is discussed through an analysis of related concepts such as social capital, participation and empowerment. It was found that discourses and social practices can shape the way people participate and that the environment also influences participation through the availability of space for participation and debate. Empowerment needs the critical consciousness of people and takes place when the inequality in power relations is addressed. Development therefore needs to be people centred, value meaningful participation and aim at inverting existing imbalances in access to assets and resources in society. The review evaluates suggestions for civil society practice that supports a transformative, learning and partnership based approach to development. To address the research question of how an NGO Resource Centre can most effectively contribute to creating empowering linkages between CBOs and other stakeholders, their external relationships were assessed. Relevant stakeholders include CBO funders, NGOs and government departments and institutions. The findings of the research describe those relationships with a focus on the imbalances in power and how they manifest themselves in practice. The relationship between CBOs and Community Connections was assessed as well as the relevance of specific services that the RC would provide. The recommendations focus on how the RC can support the strengthening of CBOs in their specific environment, and how they can be enabled to act upon their environment through access to relevant information, knowledge and capacities. Specific recommendations for the RC focus on the learning in Community Connections through the integration of services, making the NGO more accessible for CBOs through the constant availability of certain services, and further research that can strengthen the work of Community Connections and the empowerment of CBOs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om ondersoek in te stel na die vereistes en behoeftes van ʼn Hulpmiddel Sentrum (HS), bedryf deur Community Connections (CC), ʼn nieregeringsorganisasie (NRO) gebaseer in Philippi, Kaapstad. Die oorkoepelende doelwit van die HS is die bemagtiging van gemeenskapsgebaseerde organisasies (GGO‘s). Community Connections se missie is om gemeenskapsontwikkeling in Suid Afrika te ondersteun deur die uitbouing van die vermoë van GGO‘s om plaaslike bemagtiging en self-help inisiatiewe te inisieer, te bestuur en te onderhou. Die navorsingsparadigmas vir die studie was kritiese teorieë met hulle kenmerkende klem op emansipasie en ʼn benadering wat voorkeur gee aan transformatiewe aksie, asook postmodernisme, met waardasie van plaaslik-gekontekstualiseerde kennis en waardegedrewe aksie. Die navorsingprobleem is aangespreek deur aksie-navorsing en ʼn gevalle studie-benadering. Die outeur het ʼn internskap by Community Connections deurloop vanaf Maart tot November 2008. Gedurende hierdie tydperk is data bekom deur deelnemende waarneming asook onderhoude, naamlik dertien semigestruktureerde onderhoude met GGO‘s en vier addisionele onderhoude met praktisyns van die NRO‘s en ander eksterne belanghebbendes. Die studie is gemotiveer deur ʼn benadering tot ontwikkeling wat gerig is op transformasie ten einde sosiale geregtigheid te bevorder en kwesbare en gemarginaliseerde groepe te versterk. Die transformatiewe potensiaal van ontwikkeling word bespreek deur ʼn analise van verwante konsepte soos sosiale kapitaal, deelname en bemagtiging. Daar is bevind dat diskoerse en sosiale praktyke deelname kan beïnvloed en ook dat die omgewing ʼn impak uitoefen op deelname as gevolg van die beskikbaarheid van ruimte vir deelname en debat. Bemagtiging vra vir ʼn kritiese bewussyn by gemeenskappe en vind plaas wanneer die ongelykheid van magsverhoudings aangespreek word. Ontwikkeling moet dus gemeenskapsgesentreerd wees, erkenning gee aan betekenisvolle deelname en daarop gemik wees om die wanbalans in die toegang tot bates en hulpbronne om te keer. Die studie evalueer voorstelle vir gemeenskapsgebruike wat ʼn transformatiewe, kundigheidsvormende en vennootskapsgedrewe benadering tot ontwikkeling ondersteun. In ʼn poging om die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord van hoe ʼn NRO hulpmiddel sentrum optimaal kan bydra tot die daarstelling van brûe tussen GGO‘s en ander belanghebbendes, is hulle eksterne verhoudings geëvalueer. Relevante belanghebbendes sluit GGO-befondsers, NRO‘s en regerings-departemente en instellings in. Die bevindinge van die navorsing beskryf hierdie verhoudings en fokus op die magsongelykhede en hoe hulle in die praktyk beleef word. Die verhoudings tussen GGO‘s en Community Connections is ondersoek asook die toepaslikheid van spesifieke dienste wat die HS sou voorsien. Die aanbevelings fokus op hoe die HS kan bydra tot die versterking van GGO‘s in hulle spesifieke omgewing en op watter wyses hulle bemagtig kan word om ʼn invloed op hulle omgewing te hê deur die toegang tot relevante inligting, kennis en vaardighede. Spesifieke aanbevelings t.o.v. die HS fokus op die opleiding van CC deur die integrasie van dienste, ʼn poging om NRO‘s meer toeganklik te maak vir GGO‘s deur die konstante beskikbaarheid van sekere dienste en verdere navorsing wat die werksaamhede van Community Connections kan versterk en die GGO‘s kan bemagtig.

Adopting the Public Accounts Committee Model for financial oversight in South African municipalities - a case study of the Public Accounts Committee in the City of Cape Town

Botes, Cobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Since its inception in 1861 when the first public accounts committee was established in the United Kingdom, this oversight mechanism has developed into a model for non-executive financial oversight and accountability at the national and provincial levels of government throughout the Commonwealth and beyond. A few municipalities in South Africa have also established public accounts committees, but they are a few isolated cases. The hesitance on the part of South African municipalities to establish a good governance mechanism with a proven track record is a cause of concern, especially in view of the poor financial management that prevails throughout the local sphere of government. In this case study of the public accounts committee established in the City of Cape Town in 2006, the researcher explores the feasibility of the implementation of the public accounts committee model within the local government sphere in South Africa. Twenty internationally recognised public accounts committee practices were identified and used to probe the selected case to gain in-depth knowledge of the extent to which the committee adheres to these recognised practices. Where the committee deviated from accepted practices, the reasons for the deviation and its impact on the effectiveness of the committee were analysed. Finally, the key lessons learnt from the experience of the public accounts committee in the City of Cape Town are used in order to make two sets of recommendations: Firstly, recommendations on how the public accounts committee of the City of Cape Town can become more effective than it currently is – recommendations which are also relevant to any municipality wishing to establish a public accounts committee. The second set of recommendations is addressed to the national authorities in charge of finance and local government, as the challenge of establishing improved governance systems in local government is of national importance, and it is within the power of these authorities to remove a few key obstacles in the way of establishing municipal public accounts committees.

An assessment of the recruitment, diversity strategies and initiatives used to promote and retain undergraduate students : the case study of Stellenbosch University

Siebritz, Ubenicia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: For the past five years, Stellenbosch University (hereafter SU) has worked attentively to improve the diversity profiles of its staff and students, as well as the campus climate. In this regard, as at many other institutions, SU has worked in various ways to promote diversity. To this end, SU has not only invested in a variety of strategies and initiatives to address inequalities that exist in the education system, but has implemented their strategies and initiatives to assist with the diversification of the campus environment. Supplementary to these strategies and initiatives, staff, students, faculties and departments substantially support the institutional climate for diversity by supporting the various approaches and initiatives. In the twenty-first century, higher education institutions are obligated to make numerous changes in their recruitment, retention and study programmes to succeed in having a more diverse learning environment. This thesis discusses diversity at SU and how the institution, as a community, can work together to make the campus a more welcoming place for everyone. The purpose of the study was to determine the success of the diversity strategies and initiatives used by SU to promote their student diversity profile as it relates to students’ perceptions and experiences of the campus. The data confirms differences in opinions and perceptions in demographics such as race, culture, ethnicity and religion/beliefs. The researcher has also found a relationship between campus climate and the perceptions that students and staff may have. The findings presented in this study enhance the body of knowledge in the areas of student recruitment and retention strategies and initiatives, as well as student participation, student progress and campus climate. Even though the study is limited to one institution, this report provides institutions with a better understanding of student/staff involvement, their backgrounds and the campus climate as these aspects relate to the staff and students’ perceptions of the institutional commitment to diversity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het vir die afgelope vyf jaar aandagtig gewerk aan die diversiteitsprofiel van beide studente en personeellede, sowel as aan die klimaat op kampus. In hierdie opsig het die US, soos ander hoëronderwysinstellings, op verskeie maniere gewerk om diversiteit te bevorder. Die US het nie net belê in ’n verskeidenheid strategieë en insiatiewe om die ongelykhede wat in die onderwyssisteem bestaan, aan te spreek nie, maar het ook hierdie strategieë en inisiatiewe geimplimenteer om diversifikasie van die kampusomgewing aan te moedig. Bykomend tot die strategieë en inisiatiewe het studente, personeellede, fakulteite en departemente ongelooflike bydraes gemaak tot die institusionele klimaat van diversiteit deur verskeie benaderings en insiatiewe te ondersteun. In die een-en-twintigste eeu het dit toenemend belangrik geword vir hoëronderwysinstellings om veranderinge te maak in werwing, behoud en studieprogramme ten einde `n meer diverse leeromgewing te bewerkstellig. Hierdie tesis bespreek diversiteit in die hoër onderwys en hoe die US as gemeenskap saam kan werk om die instelling `n meer verwelkomende kampus vir almal te maak. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die sukses van die diversiteitstrategieë en insiatiewe wat deur die US vir die bevordering van die studente diversiteitsprofiel gebruik is ten opsigte van studente se persepsies en ervarings van die kampus te assesseer. Die resultate bevestig verskillende opinies en persepsies oor demografiese aspekte soos ras, kultuur, etnitisiteit en godsdiens/geloof. Die navorser het ook `n verhouding bepaal tussen die kampusklimaat en die persepsies van studente en personeellede. Die bevindinge wat hierdie studie aanbied, dra by tot die geheel van kennis in die areas van strategieë en insiatiewe om studente te werf en te behou, sowel as studentedeelname, studentevordering en kampusklimaat. Hoewel die studie tot een instelling beperk is, voorsien hierdie verslag instellings van `n beter begrip oor studente/personeelbetrokkenheid, hulle agtergrond en die kampusklimaat in terme van hoe hierdie aspekte verband hou met die studente en personeel se waarnemings van die institusionele verbintenis tot diversiteit.

An analysis of waste minimisation initiatives in the City of Cape Town, South Africa

Nkala, Zandile Carol 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mounting pressure on waste management has forced the City of Cape Town (CCT) to progressively move towards achieving an integrated waste management system (IWMS). This system presents a holistic approach of dealing with waste issues. The waste management hierarchy indicates that the ‘cradle-to-cradle’ approach of waste management is more ideal as compared to the traditional ‘cradle-to-grave’ approaches of waste management, example landfilling. However the challenges that have transpired in the rollout of waste minimisation initiatives highlight the need to continuously improve the system. This thesis investigates the municipal solid waste (MSW) minimisation programmes initiated by the CCT Solid Waste Management Department. A systems approach that combined both quantitative and qualitative methodologies was employed in the analysis. A material flow analysis (MFA) model was used to trace the flow of waste through the waste management system. The benefit of applying the MFA approach for waste management problems has been highlighted in literature in terms of identifying potential recycling, and other, waste-treatment technologies, and predicting the outcomes of waste treatment and disposal initiatives. The main objective of this study was to apply an adapted MFA method in order to determine the progress of the existing waste minimisation programmes and to also determine the opportunities to utilise biodegradable and other recyclable components of the waste streams; thereby improving the IWMS of the CCT. The MFA provided a conceptual understanding of the flow of waste materials in the CCT. The mass assessment of waste minimisation facilities, such as the Bellville compost plant and Athlone material recovery facility and refuse transfer station, unveiled that there is still a large amount of biodegradable and recyclable municipal solid waste that ends up in landfills regardless of the waste minimisation facilities available. However, it is still immature at this stage to conclude the success of the Think Twice campaign, since this is a fairly new initiative that relies on the response rate of the public. There are challenges associated with the recyclable waste recovery rates such as public awareness, proper advertising, operational problems that still need to be addressed. The MFA results also showed the final sinks of the different waste types that are sent through the different waste minimisation facilities run by the CCT. The current institutional arrangements and legislative environment have been greatly improved but there are still a number of challenges that need to be addressed. The largest, overall challenge is devising a practical plan of ‘closing the loop’ in order to develop a circular economy. The concept of ‘cradle-to-cradle’ seems to be premised on extended producer responsibility and other stringent control mechanisms, which are currently believed, will yield negative consequences in the South African context. A lot more work needs to be done to achieve a genuinely integrated and sustainable solid waste management system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Stad Kaapstad streef na ‘n geïntegreerde afval beheer sisteem (GABS) as gevolg van toenemende druk op die bestuur van afval. Hierdie stelsel bied 'n holistiese benadering tot die hantering van afval-probleme. Die afvalbestuur-klassifikasie wys dat die “wieg-tot-wieg” benadering meer ideaal is as die tradisionele “wieg-tot-graf” benaderings van afvalbestuur, byvoorbeeld die bestaande sorteringsterreine. Die uitdagings wat voor-gekom het in die bekendstelling van afvalbeperkingsinisiatiewe het getoon dat daar ‘n voortdurende behoefte is om die stelsel te verbeter. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die munisipale vaste-afvalbeperkingsprogamme wat deur die Stad Kaapstad se Departement Vaste-Afvalbestuur geïnisieer is. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodes is gebruik om die analises uit te voer. ‘n Materiaal vloei-analise model (MVM) is gebruik om die vloei van afval deur die afvalbestuur-sisteem te volg. Die voordeel van die toepassing van die MVM-model word uitgelig in die literatuur in terme van identifisering van potensiële herwinning en ander afvalbehandelings-metodes en die voorspelling van die uitkomste van afval-behandeling en wegdoen-inisiatiewe. Die hoofdoel van die studie was om ‘n aangepaste MVM-metode toe te pas om die vordering van die bestaande afvalbeperkings programme vas te stel asook om die gebruik van bioafbreekbare en ander herwinbare komponente van die afvalstrome beter te kan benut en daardeur ‘n verbetering van die GABS van die Stad Kaapstad teweeg te bring. Die MVM het goeie insig gebied in die vloei van afvalmateriaal in die Stad Kaapstad. Die massa-waardebepaling van afvalverminderings-fasiliteite, soos die Belville kompos-aanleg en die Athlone materiaalherwinningsfasiliteit asook die afval-oordragstasie, het onthul dat daar nog groot hoeveelhede biodegradeerbare munisipale vaste-afval in die stortingsterreine beland ten spyte van die afvalbeperkings-fasiliteite wat beskikbaar is. Dit is egter nog te vroeg om ‘n gevolgtrekking oor die sukses van die “Think Twice” veldtog te maak aangesien dit 'n redelike nuwe inisiatief is wat op die terugvoer van die publiek staatmaak. Daar is uitdagings wat verband hou met die herwinbare afvalhersteltempo’s soos byvoorbeeld: openbare bewustheid, goeie advertering asook operasionele probleme wat nog aangespreek moet word. Die MVM resultate het ook ‘n daling in die verskillende afval-tipes wat deur die verskillende afvalbeperkingsfasiliteite van die Stad Kaapstad gestuur word, getoon. Die huidige institusionele reëlings en wetgewende omgewing het baie verbeter, maar daar is nog 'n aantal skuiwergate wat aangespreek moet word. Die grootste algehele uitdaging tans is die ontwerp van ‘n praktiese plan om die skuiwergate te oorkom en om ‘n kringloop in die ekonomie te ontwikkel. Die "wieg-totwieg" benadering berus op uitgebreide produsente verantwoordelikheid en ander streng beheermaatreëls wat waarskynlik negatiewe gevolge in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks gaan oplewer. Daar is egter nog baie werk wat gedoen moet word om ‘n geïntegreerde en volhoubare stelsel vir die bestuur van vaste-afval daar te stel.

Exploring business and owner traits of small and medium enterprises that exhibit increased revenues in South African townships : the case of selected townships in Strand

Sondlo, Dumisani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Apart from meeting basic customer needs, small and medium enterprises in the townships are a source of employment and livelihood for many. Businesses in the townships of the Strand have mushroomed from a formerly neglected area, like others in various townships throughout South Africa. Yet very little is known about them and their owners. What are their characteristics? What traits distinguish those that make higher revenues from the rest? Many of these small businesses have emerged without government assistance, even though such support is often seen as a non-factor in determining the rate of an enterprise’s growth. Entrepreneurship, as literature often explains, is a dynamic endeavour which requires a business founder to display both determination and skill. Yet very few businesses normally survive the early stages. Many aspects of entrepreneurship need to be practically learned to enable the business to overcome many prevalent obstacles, and thus enable the enterprise to grow and contribute to job-creation. Not all entrepreneurs are alike in their capability to spot an opportunity. Also, entrepreneurs differ in their ability to either steer or set up systems to take an enterprise through its various transitions. Yet still, the financial strategic decisions made at inception stage often influence the rate at which businesses will generate revenues later in existence. Government, both local and national, has a responsibility to provide an enabling environment for businesses to thrive. Using a study of spaza and informal trade done in the past by Unisa and by Bojanala Platinum District Municipality as a baseline, this study surveyed 60.6 percent of businesses in the Strand townships that were identified through the database of both Khanyolwethu School and Sinobulumko Business Association. The main areas of focus were – the socio-economic and demographic profile, the physical characteristics, financing, relationship with suppliers, transport, income/turnover and traits that distinguish higher-revenue businesses from others. Analyses through the Mann-Whitney U, the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the chi-square and the Kruskal-Wallis test then showed that the businesses that tend to make larger monthly revenues are those that are owned by males, using cheque accounts for the business, and those whose main suppliers deliver merchandise to their premises. The businesses that make larger daily revenues were shown to be those that are owned by males, registered with CIPRO, using cheque accounts for the business and those whose owners have Grade 7 to 9 qualifications and above. For government, the results of this study call for a further refining of the criteria used for loaning to businesses in townships, as well as to make the public more aware of the assistance provided by government’s business support agencies. For banks, the study calls for the designing of a ‘Spaza Account’, tailored to the needs and skills level of businesses owners in the townships. Socially, the study calls for the tearing down of all the walls that make it difficult for open trade to take place / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Klein besighede in informele nedersettings spreek die behoefte aan van kliënte en genereer ‘n tipe inkomste, maar daar is min kennis oor eienaars se belange. Besighede in die Strand se informele nedersettings was gestig in minderbevooregte gebiede, soos baie ander regdeur Suid Afrika. Watter karaktereienskappe beskik hierdie eienaars om ‘n beter inkomste te genereer as die res van die inwoners? Baie van hierdie besighede het ontstaan sonder enige hulp van regering instansies ten spyte van ondersteuningsdienste wat aan hulle beskikbaar was. Afhangende van die groei van die besigheidseienaar word dit in elk geval nie in ag geneem nie. Entrepreneurskap verduidelik letterlik dat die besigheids eienaar uithouvermoe en vaardighede kan uitbeeld. Baie min van hierdie besighede oorleef hulle eerste fase vanuit die staanspoor. Baie aspekte van die besigheid moet prakties aangeleer word om daaglikse uitdagings te oorkom. Op hierdie wyse groei die mark en sodoende word werksgeleenthede geskep. Nie alle besighede is sodanig op hoogte van sake om geleenthede raak te sien nie. Dikwels verskil bestuurstyle van besighede om sisteme in plek te stel wat verandering kan meebring. Finansiële besluite wat geneem is aan die begin stadium het ‘n impak op inkomste wat op ‘n later stadium in die besigheid gegenereer word. Beide die nasionale en plaaslike regering het die verantwoordelikheid om ‘n goedgegewe besigheids omgewing te skep vir besigheidsgroei. ‘n Vorige studie van ‘n spaza en oor informele handel deur Unisa en Bojanala Platinum Distriksmunisipaliteit was as basis gebruik. Die studie het bewys dat 60.6 persent van besighede in informele nedersettings in die Strand geidentifiseer is deur gebruik te maak van die databasisse van beide plaaslike skole en besigheidsvereningings. Die hoof fokus areas was die sosio-ekonomiese en demografiese profiele, die fisiese karaktereienskappe, finansiering, verhoudinge met verskaffers, vervoer, inkomste en kenmerke wat die hoër – inkomste genererende besigheide van die ander skei. Analises deur die Mann-Whitney, die Spearman rank korrelasie, die Chi-square en die Kruskal-Wallis toetse bewys dat besighede met ‘n hoër maandelikse inkomste deur mans besit word wat hulle besigheide vanaf hulle eiendomme bestuur en gebruik maak van tjekrekeninge. Die besighede wat ‘n daaglikse hoër inkomste genereer is ook daardie wat deur mans besit word, geregistreer is by CIPRO, gebruik maak van tjek rekeninge vir die besigheid en daardie van wie se eienaars kwalifikasies van graad 7 tot 9 en hoër het. Asgevolg van die uitkoms van hierdie studie, soos van toepassing op die regering, moet vereistes vir lenings aan besighede in informele nedersettings hersien word. Die publiek moet ook meer bewus gemaak word oor die ondersteuning wat deur die regering beskikbaar gestel word. Ten opsigte van banke het die studie uitgelig dat daar ‘n spesiale ‘Spaza rekening’ geskep moet word wat voldoen aan die behoeftes en vaardighede van besigheidseienaars in die informele nedersettings. Op ‘n sosiale vlak vra die studie aan dat die ‘mure’ wat dit moeilik en onmoontlik maak vir ope mark besigheids geleenthede om plaas te vind, afgebreek moet word.

Investigating gaps in the application of financial management systems by schools receiving section 21 funding : case study for Mthatha education district schools - Eastern Cape province

Makrwede, Fundiswa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Following significant changes in legislation since the enactment of The Constitution of South Africa, 1996, and also accelerated by the ratification of the South African School Act of 1996, the array of services delegated to schools has placed an ever greater responsibility on school governing bodies and principals. Key to those responsibilities is the capacity to manage school finances. Although the South African Schools Act gives schools freedom to exercise their authority in managing school finances, along with this goes the responsibility to maintain with due regard proper accountability and control over the expenditure of public funds. This investigative research study looked at the extent to which the financial management systems employed in schools in utilizing Section 21 funding comply with relevant legislative and policy framework. In terms of financial management, schools are divided into two categories. There are Section 20 schools whose budget is centralized and managed by the Department of Education. Then there are Section 21 schools whose budget is decentralized to schools and these schools have sovereignty in managing their financial resources in compliance with relevant legislation, policies and procedures. A non-empirical study was undertaken which reviewed and analyzed literature on a financial management legislative framework as well as systems and procedures of financial management applicable to public institutions in general and those that relate specifically to schools. Subsequent to that, an empirical investigation was conducted. A questionnaire was issued to 72 principals who formed the sample of the study. The sample represented 21.3% of the total number of Section 21 Schools in the district of Mthatha. The questionnaire was administered to solicit the extent to which principals understand and apply the legislation, policies and procedures that underpin financial management systems in schools. Focus group interviews were held with school finance committees. These discussions were used to collect a wider range of information and insight on how schools manage financial resources. A qualitative financial documentary analysis was conducted in four schools. To achieve a holistic understanding of the research problem in-depth interviews were also conducted with district officials. The study revealed that, there is indeed a noteworthy divergence between the directives of the applicable financial policies and financial management practices in the majority of schools. The most critical deviations identified include, absence of clear policy directives on procurement procedures and financial controls, poor financial recording and lack of clarity on the roles and responsibilities of different financial structures. The key recommendation of the study is the establishment of an internal audit unit within the district which will serve as a basis of the fiscal oversight processes for schools. Since this unit will work closely with schools, this will advance significant improvements in financial accountability, systems of internal control in school and general financial administration processes. This unit will advance ongoing support in the form of training, monitoring and mentoring of the governing bodies and principals to inculcate strong financial leadership in schools. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As gevolg van betekenisvolle verandering in wetgewing sedert die promulgasie van die S.A. Grondwet in 1996, en bespoedig deur die bekragtiging van die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet van 1996, word ’n uiteenlopende verskeidenheid bevoegdhede tans aan skole toegewys. Dit plaas toenemende verantwoordelikheid in die hande van beheerliggame en skoolhoofde. Aan die kern hiervan lê die bevoegdheid om skoolfinansies te bestuur. Alhoewel die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet vryheid aan skole verleen om hulle gedelegeerde mag betreffende finansies na goeddunke uit te oefen, gaan dit gepaard met verantwoordelikheid om omsigtigheid aan die dag te lê en aanspreeklikheid vir die aanwending van openbare fondse te aanvaar. Hierdie ondersoekende studie het nagevors in watter mate die finansiële bestuurstelsel wat skole gebruik om Seksie 21-befondsing te benut, voldoen aan die vereistes van die relevante wetgewing en voorgeskrewe beleidsraamwerk. Skole word, volgens finansiële bestuursreëls, in twee kategorieë verdeel. Daar is Seksie 20-skole, wie se begrotings gesentraliseer en deur die Departement van Onderwys bestuur word. Daar is ook Seksie 21-skole wie se begrotings gedesentraliseer is. Laasgenoemde skole besit dus die volwaardige reg om hul finansiële hulpbronne self te bestuur; solank dit voldoen aan voorgeskrewe wetgewing, beleid en prosedure. ’n Nie-empiriese studie is onderneem om die toepaslike literatuur oor finansiële bestuur en die betrokke wetgewingsraamwerk in oënskou te neem. Verder is die sisteme en finansiële bestuursprosedures wat betrekking het op openbare instellings in die algemeen, en op skole in die besonder, ook ondersoek. Hierna is ’n empierise ondersoek gedoen. ’n Vraelys is aan 72 skoolhoofde, die monster vir die ondersoek, gerig. Dié monster het 21.3% van die totale aantal Seksie 21-skole in die Mthatha-distrik verteenwoordig. Die vraelys was sodanig saamgestel en geadministreer dat dit die nodige inligting sou bekom om te kan bepaal tot watter mate skoolhoofde wetgewing, beleid en prosedure, wat finansiële bestuurstelsels in skole ondersteun, verstaan en toepas. Gefokusde groep-onderhoude is met skole se finanskomitees gevoer. Hierdie besprekings is aangewend om ’n wyer reeks inligting en insigte te bekom oor hoe skole hulle finasiele hulpbronne bestuur. ’n Kwalitatiewe dokumentêre analise van vier skole se finansiële state is uitgevoer. Om ’n meer omvattende begrip van die navorsingsproblematiek te bekom, is in diepte onderhoude, op ’n een-tot-een basis, ook met distriksamptenare gevoer. Dit het aangedui dat daar inderdaad, by ’n meerderheid skole, ten opsigte van die voorgeskrewe finansiële beleid en bestuur, noemenswaardig uiteenlopende toepassing van riglyne was. Die mees kritieke afwykings geïdentifiseer, sluit in: gebrek aan duidelike beleidsriglyne oor aanskaffingsprosedure en finansiële beheer, swak boekhouding en onduidelikheid oor die verpligtings en verantwoordelikhede van die verskillende finansiële strukture. Die studie se sleutelaanbeveling is dat ’n interne ouditeenheid vir die distrik tot stand gebring moet word. Dit sal die ruggraat vorm vir die fiskale toesighoudingsproses vir die betrokke skole. Aangesien hierdie ouditeenheid nou saam met skole sal werk, sal dit tot betekenisvolle verbetering van interne finansiële beheerstelsels van skole lei en beter algemene finansiële beheer en administratiewe aanspreeklikheid tot gevolg hê. Hierdie eenheid sal deurlopend, deur middel van opleiding, monitering en mentorskap aan bestuursliggame en skoolhoofde, ondersteuning verleen. Sodoende sal ’n kultuur van sterk finansiële leierskap in skole gevestig word.

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