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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um protótipo de uma ferramenta Web para gerência de serviços em ambientes de TI

Drago, Rodrigo Bonfá 12 April 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:07:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissertacaoMestradoRodrigoBonfaDrago.pdf: 3999277 bytes, checksum: b9b03d58f60a9f3c894c805a35a87dcc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-04-12 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The increasing complexity in the networks and applications with the new demands for distributed information technology (IT) services has changed the way systems are managed. The focus has moved from device-oriented management to service-oriented management. Currently, small and large companies demand an IT infrastructure to support their business, and such infrasctructure has to be monitored. Quantitative metrics should be measured and used to get a feedback about the IT environment functionalities. This work proposes a web-based network service management system that use open standards and free software to help the practice of Service Level Management (SLM) at IT environments. A metric here named Service Availability Index - is presented as a way to measure the IT environment system functionalities. To validate the prototype developed for the system proposed, a case study is presented and the main results are analyzed. / Devido ao crescimento da complexidade das redes e aplicações e à necessidade de serviços de TI (Tecnologia da Informação) distribuídos, houve uma mudança na forma pela qual os sistemas são gerenciados. O foco moveu-se da gerência orientada a dispositivos para a gerência orientada a serviços. Atualmente, pequenas e grandes organizações precisam de uma infra-estrutura de TI para suportar seus negócios, e esta infra-estrutura deve ser monitorada a fim de garantir o seu bom funcionamento. Métricas quantitativas devem ser medidas e utilizadas para se obter um feedback a respeito do funcionamento do ambiente de TI. Este trabalho propõe um sistema de gerência de serviços de rede, baseado em web, que utiliza padrões abertos e software livre, para ajudar na prática do Gerenciamento de Nível de Serviço (SLM Service Level Management) em ambientes de TI. Uma métrica aqui chamada de Índice de Disponibilidade de Sistema - IDS é considerada como uma maneira de medir a funcionalidade dos sistemas de ambientes de TI. A fim de validar o protótipo desenvolvido para o sistema proposto, um estudo de caso é apresentado e os principais resultados são analisados.

Academius: uma ferramenta web para a construção de padrões pedagógicos colaborativos aplicados ao ensino de engenharia. / Academius: a web tool for building collaborative pedagogical patterns applied to engineering education.

Flavio Marques Azevedo 29 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta para a criação de um ambiente web colaborativo responsável pela troca das melhores práticas de planejamento de aulas utilizadas pelos especialistas e educadores, agrupados pelo que chamaremos de artefatos pedagógicos ou padrões pedagógicos, considerados a menor unidade divisível de uma aula. O planejamento será pautado pelo conceitual de design instrucional, que proporciona o encadeamento de forma simplificada e em ordem cronológica de todos os conteúdos previstos a execução de um curso ou de uma disciplina. Com a utilização da ferramenta em ambiente compartilhado (web), será mostrado que o efetivo planejamento de um simples objetivo de aprendizagem ou até mesmo a de um conteúdo mais amplo, por intermédio da apresentação linear e cronológica de todos os artefatos pedagógicos, levará à uma visão geral e completa da composição dos assuntos abordados. Neste momento, será possível visualizar por intermédio de relatórios, dentre as funcionalidades da própria ferramenta, o formato de matriz de design instrucional, um dos produtos essenciais da fase de planejamento de um curso. Para a criação dos artefatos pedagógicos de forma compartilhada será utilizado um protótipo de interface gráfica conduzido por conceitos de arquitetura de informação e usabilidade. Com o objetivo de transformar o protótipo em uma ferramenta, na fase de implementação será utilizada a estrutura de um sistema de gerenciamento de conteúdo, capaz de simplificar esta etapa extremamente complexa. A aplicação por meio do estudo de caso será feita através de uma disciplina do curso de pós-graduação, com foco nas tecnologias de ensino de engenharia, ilustrando a contribuição do presente trabalho e dando condições de um real e efetivo resultado da metodologia utilizada. A sua efetiva consolidação será obtida pelo estabelecimento de uma avaliação de reação aplicada entre o grupo de alunos do referido estudo de caso. / This paper presents , in relation to new forms of teaching and learning , a proposal for the creation of a collaborative web environment responsible for the exchange of best practice techniques for classroom used by educators and experts , grouped by which we will pedagogical patterns or pedagogical artifacts , and grounded in the concepts of \" instructional design \" , which can be considered as a structure that provides to the heterogeneous audience, since experts in education and technology and students interested in a particular subject to plan a simplified form and measurable their respective courses , modules , and related disciplines . With the use of the tool in a shared environment will be shown that the effective planning of a single learning object or even a broader content, through linear and chronological presentation of all educational artifacts will lead to an overview and complete the composition of the subjects covered, coming to provide in one aspect of the tool itself, the format of an instructional design matrix, one of the key products of the planning phase of a course. For the creation of educational artifacts in a shared way, will be used a graphical interface prototype concepts outlined by information architecture and usability, and its last one implementation in a development framework designed for what we call content management system. The application, by case study, will be taken through a course in the graduate with a focus on teaching engineering technologies, illustrating the contribution of this work and giving conditions for a real and effective result of the methodology used, consolidated by the establishment of a reaction evaluation performed between the group of students of that case study.

Subsídios à integração de ferramentas de avaliação automática e sistemas de gerenciamento de aprendizagem / Subsidies to the integration of automated assessment tools and learning management systems

Draylson Micael de Souza 20 June 2017 (has links)
A avaliação de trabalhos práticos de programação é uma tarefa dispendiosa. Diversas ferramentas têm sido propostas e desenvolvidas a fim de automatizar as tarefas repetitivas realizadas pelos professores na avaliação de trabalhos práticos de programação e fornecer um feedback mais rápido e adequado aos alunos. No entanto, a adição de uma nova ferramenta aumenta a sobrecarga de novas informações e ambientes que os alunos têm que lidar. De forma análoga, a ferramenta de avaliação é mais um recurso que o professor tem de configurar, manter e ensinar os alunos a utilizar. Por este motivo, vários trabalhos vêm sendo conduzidos a fim de integrar ferramentas de avaliação para trabalhos de programação em sistemas de gestão da aprendizagem (Learning Management Systems LMSs). A integração de ferramentas em LMSs promove sua adoção em disciplinas de computação, uma vez que estarão em concordância com o LMS já familiar aos alunos e professores, dispensando a necessidade de adotar, aprender e gerenciar a submissão e correção de trabalhos em um outro ambiente. No entanto, tais trabalhos consistem apenas em modelos conceituais abstratos, não propõem uma integração com vários LMSs ou não tratam certas dificuldades específicas encontradas quando integrando ferramentas de avaliação. Nessa perspectiva, este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento da arquitetura IMPACTLE, uma solução que permite a integração de diferentes ferramentas de avaliação para trabalhos de programação em vários LMSs. A ideia é que os alunos e professores possam acessar as funcionalidades das ferramentas por meio dos LMSs em que já estão habituados, sem a necessidade de aprender a utilizar e adotar uma nova ferramenta. Protótipos da arquitetura IMPACTLE foram instanciados e experimentos foram realizados envolvendo a utilização de diferentes ferramentas de avaliação por meio de LMSs. De modo geral, observou-se que a utilização da IMPACTLE possibilita que professores e alunos realizem as tarefas relacionadas às atividades de programação de forma mais eficiente, eficaz e efetiva por meio dos LMSs. / The assessment of programming assignments is a costly task. Several tools have been proposed and developed in order to automate the repetitive tasks performed by instructors in the assessment of programming assignments and provide a faster and more adequate feedback to students. However, adding a new tool increases the overload of new information and environments that students have to deal with. Similarly, the assessment tool is one more resource that the instructor has to configure, maintain and teach students to use, spending time and effort that could be used in other pedagogical activities. For this reason, several works have been conducted to integrate assessment tools for programming assignments in learning management systems (LMSs). The integration of assessment tools into LMSs promotes their adoption in computing courses, since they will be in agreement with the LMS already familiar to students and instructors, without the need to adopt, learn and manage the submission and correction of assignments in another environment. However, these works consist only of abstract conceptual models, do not propose integration with several LMSs, or do not address certain specific difficulties faced when integrating assessment tools. In this perspective, this work aims at the proposition of the IMPACTLE architecture, a solution that allows the integration of different assessment tools for programming assignments in LMSs. The idea is that students and teachers can access the features of the tools through the LMSs they are already used to, without the need to learn how to use and adopt a new tool. Architecture prototypes were instantiated and experiments were carried out involving the use of different assessment tools through LMSs. In general, we noticed that the use of IMPACTLE enables instructors and students perform tasks related to programming activities in a more efficient, efficacious and effective way through the LMSs.

A utilização de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica como auxílio à gerência de manutenção de estradas rurais não pavimentadas / The use of a Geographic Information System a tool to aid in the maintenance management of rural unpaved roads

Eliane Viviani 08 May 1998 (has links)
As estradas rurais não-pavimentadas constituem significativa parcela da rede rodoviária do Brasil, e a responsabilidade pela manutenção de grande parte delas está nas mãos das administrações municipais. Por outro lado, a tecnologia dos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SlGs) apresenta-se como ferramenta promissora em atividades que envolvem manuseio e análise de informações, sendo uma ferramenta destinada especialmente para atividades que envolvem planejamento e gerência, podendo servir como poderoso auxílio na tomada de decisões. Assim, procurou-se analisar o potencial de utilização de um SIG como meio de se armazenar e manipular informações referentes às vias não-pavimentadas, conduzindo diferentes análises com as bases de dados, com vistas a um futuro auxílio a um sistema de gerência de manutenção. Fazendo-se uso das ferramentas do SIG, para cada segmento de estrada inspecionada no campo, foi possível atribuir, graficamente, características distintas em função de suas classificações. Também, trechos considerados críticos foram facilmente identificados através do procedimento de consulta condicionada. Um modelo digital do terreno foi usado para avaliar o relevo da área de estudo, e sua possível influência na classificação da via. Os tipos de solos também foram utilizados para análise. Quanto à inspeção de campo, foi adotado um método para o cálculo da condição da via. Apesar das dificuldades com a aquisição de dados básicos e com a não completa adequação do método de avaliação das vias às condições locais, pôde-se constatar que a utilização da tecnologia dos SIGs é muito útil, podendo vir a ser uma grande ferramenta de auxílio à gerência de manutenção de estradas rurais não-pavimentadas. / Unpaved roads constitute a large portion of the total road network in Brazil and the responsibility of maintaining a significant share of them is in the hands of local governments. On the other hand, Geographic Information Systems (GISs) technology presents itself as a promising tool in activities involving information handling and analysis, being particularly suited to planning and management related activities, where it serves as a powerful aid in decision making. This study analyzes the potential use of a GIS as a means to store and manipulate information on unpaved roads. Several analyses are made using data stored in the database with the objective of providing future support for a maintenance management system. Different characteristics were attributed graphically for each segment of road inspected in the field based on GIS tool classifications. Furthermore, stretches of road considered critical were easily identified by means of the conditional querying procedure. A digital terrain model was used to evaluate the relief of the area under study and its possible influence on the road\'s classification. The soil types were also used in the analysis. With regard to the field inspection, a method was adopted to calculate the road\'s conditions. Despite the difficulties involved in acquiring the basic data and the fact that the road evaluation method was not entirely suitable for the local conditions, it was possible to acertain that the GIS technology is very useful and that it can become a great tool to aid in the maintenance management of rural unpaved roads.

Best Practices for Glucose Management Using a Computer-Based Glucose Management

Jackson-Cenales, Oteka 01 January 2017 (has links)
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) continues to be a global concern among health care practitioners. Without collaboration and interventions, this chronic disease, which poses a significant financial burden for health care institutions, will continue to be problematic. Promoting the use of glycemic control measures among diabetic patients is an intervention, which has the potential to reduce diabetic complications and improve outcomes. The purpose of this doctoral project was to explore available evidence through a systematic review of the best practices for glucose management. The chronic care model served as the theoretical framework. The evidence based practice question was, What is the current evidence supporting the utilization of a computer-based glucose management system (CBGMS) for inpatient diabetic adults in acute and critical care settings? A systematic review was conducted, yielding 532 studies in which 3 of the studies related to CBGMSs published from 2008 to 2017 were critically appraised. The John Hopkins Nursing Evidence Appraisal Tool with specific inclusion and exclusion criteria was utilized. Participants were adult patients (aged 18 and over) with DM in inpatient care settings who were English speaking. Interventions included the traditional paper-based sliding scale regimen versus the utilization of a CBGMS. Outcome measures included decreased length of stay, reduced cost, and glucose optimization. A conclusion was the implementation of a CBGMS has the potential to improve patient outcomes with additional research that exhibits overall benefits and implement into practice. Thus, implementation of a CBGMS can lead to positive social change by aiding in a change in practice that will ultimately ameliorate patient health outcomes.

Suburban High School Teachers' Teaching Styles, Teaching Experiences, and Acceptance of Edmodo

Mukenge, Tshimpo C. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Southern U.S. teachers at suburban high schools can use Edmodo; however, teachers prefer traditional teacher-centered teaching methods. This quantitative correlative study explored teachers' technology acceptance in relation to teaching styles and experiences. Framing acceptance by Davis's technology acceptance model (TAM), research questions addressed the direct and moderating relationships between teaching style and the TAM variables related to using Edmodo and the direct and moderating relationships between teaching experiences and TAM variables. From 240 teachers at the high school, 45 completed an online survey (response rate of 18.75%). Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and regression analyzed data. TAM could be verified for the entire sample; however, no significant direct relationship between teaching style and the TAM variables was found. Teaching style moderated the relationships within the TAM; these were stronger for teachers with a teacher-centered teaching style. No significant direct relationship existed between teaching experiences and TAM variables; a moderating effect on the relationships existed within the TAM. Among experienced teachers, ease of use was the strongest acceptance predictor, whereas perceived use was the strongest predictor among less experienced teachers. Results indicated teachers might develop a more student-centered teaching style, thus concentrating on technology's ease of use, rather than its potential utility. A policy recommendation could ensure teachers efficiently used technology to support student-centered learning. The application of the recommended policies might lead to teachers' more effective use of instructional technology, which might affect student learning and motivation.

Capturing and Analysing Emotions to Support Organisational Learning : The Affect Based Learning Matrix

Olsson Neve, Theresia January 2006 (has links)
This thesis deals with the importance of managing employees’ thoughts and feelings in relation to organisational learning. To visualise and to identify affections within organisations is of major importance since most of our actions and the decisions we make are steered by our emotions rather than rational thinking. In this work we show that employees’ thoughts and feelings can be managed by implementing the cognitive therapeutic process into the organisational setting. In comparison to the more traditional way of managing problems within organisations, i.e. the two activities of problem identification and problem solving, the cognitive therapeutic process also addresses the importance of identifying associated feelings and underlying automatic thoughts in relation to an occurrence or a situation. Consequently, the overall purpose of this thesis has been to develop an approach for improving the quality of organisational learning processes which should stimulate employees’ contribution and facilitate the identification of their thoughts and feelings in relation to their work. As a result, ‘The Affect Based Learning Matrix’ (TABLe MATRIX) was developed. TABLe MATRIX can be used either in a paper-based or in a Web-based format and identifies and analyses individuals’ affections in relation to an organisational occurrence or change, a subject or a problem. Our empirical investigations show that TABLe MATRIX contributes to improving the output of organisational learning processes since unspoken negative emotions make people passive in finding new solutions. TABLe MATRIX has been evaluated by interviewing thirteen operational development representatives within eight different branches and also by testing the paper-based version at two large organisations within retail fast moving consumer goods and within education.

Dynamic monitoring, modeling and management of performance and resources for applications in cloud

Xiong, Pengcheng 06 November 2012 (has links)
Emerging trends in Cloud computing bring numerous benefits, such as higher performance, fast and flexible provisioning of applications and capacities, lower infrastructure costs, and almost unlimited scalability. However, the increasing complexity of automated performance and resource management for applications in Cloud computing presents novel challenges that demand enhancement to classical control-based approaches. An important challenge that Cloud service providers often face is a resource sharing dilemma under workload variation. Cloud service providers pursue higher resource utilization, because the higher the utilization, the lower the hardware cost, operating cost and maintenance cost. On the other hand, resource utilizations cannot be too high or the service provider's revenue could be jeopardized due to the inability to meet application-level service-level objectives (SLOs). A crucial research question is how to generate as much revenue as possible by satisfying service-level agreements while reducing costs as much as possible in order to maximize the profit for Cloud service providers. To this end, the classical control-based approaches show great potential to address the resource sharing dilemma, which could be classified into three major categories, i.e., admission control, queueing and scheduling, and resource allocation. However, it is a challenging task to apply classical control-based approaches directly to computer systems, where first-principle models are generally not available. It becomes even more difficult due to the dynamics seen in real computer systems including workload variations, multi-tier dependencies, and resource bottleneck shifts. Fundamentally, the main contributions of this thesis are the efforts to enhance classical control-based approaches by leveraging other techniques to address the increasing complexity of automated performance and resource management in the Cloud through dynamic monitoring, modeling and management of performance and resources. More specifically, (1) an admission control approach is enhanced by leveraging decision theory to achieve the most profitable service-level compliance; (2) a critical resource identification approach is enhanced by leveraging statistical machine learning to automatically and adaptively identify critical resources; and (3) a resource allocation approach is enhanced by leveraging hierarchical resource management to achieve the highest resource utilization. Concretely, the enhanced control-based approaches are implemented in a collection of real control systems: ActiveSLA, vPerfGuard and ERController. The control systems are applied to different real applications, such as OLTP and OLAP database applications and distributed multi-tier web applications, with different workload intensities, type and mix, in different Cloud environments. All the experimental results show that the prototype control systems outperform existing classical control-based approaches. Finally, this thesis opens new avenues to address the increasing complexity of automated performance and resource management through enhancement of classical control-based approaches in Cloud environments. Future work will consistently follow the direction of new avenues to address the new challenges that arise with the advent of new hardware technology, new software frameworks and new computing paradigms.

The challenge of cooperative government and its implications for the financial and fiscal management systems in South Africa

Tshambe Ngoy, Ntanda N'shii January 2009 (has links)
<p>Can a country function without a legislative framework able to inform decisionmaking processes taken at different spheres of government? To what extent would actions conducted at various&nbsp / spheres of government be efficiently coordinated and informed by appropriate channels of constitutional provisions and legislative amendments to consolidate financial and intergovernmental&nbsp / fiscal relations policy-making tools for the realization of an efficient local developmental state? Answers to the above mentioned two questions refer to normative fiscal policy principles and&nbsp / prescriptive instruments of intergovernmental fiscal transfer design, whose orientation suggests better ways of framing sound and coherent programs and interventions that strengthen&nbsp / cooperative synergy and transfer knowledge of experience gained in empirical investigations and various South African environments of higher academic learning. Growing evidence&nbsp / acknowledges South Africa as one of the young democratic countries that has been going through a period of transition over the past three years as it changes its system of public finance from&nbsp / a structure suited to the old apartheid system to one consistent with the new South African Constitutional dispensation. While the former system was highly centralized, the newconstitution makes a clear commitment to municipal governments as important providers of government services, with greater tax and spending powers. Even as local autonomy has been substantially increased,&nbsp / there remains uncertainty as to the most appropriate design of a system of intergovernmental fiscal grants to metropolitan areas and townships. This study analyses this situation and further&nbsp / develops a generic design for intergovernmental transfers and its suitability to the realities of South African municipalities on the ground within the framework of Cooperative Government. This&nbsp / study concludes that fiscal&nbsp / management, as a cross-cutting discipline, is a&nbsp / powerful instrument for government&rsquo / s revenue sources at the national, provincial and local government levels.&nbsp / Financial management should be regarded as a co-coordinating mechanism managing government&rsquo / s expenditure and catalyzing sound financial relationship for an efficient management in the&nbsp / country, thus allowing government to budget effectively for the delivery of goods and services in order to attain the constitutional mandate of a developmental state.</p>

Managing Terminology for Translation Using Translation Environment Tools: Towards a Definition of Best Practices

Gómez Palou Allard, Marta 03 May 2012 (has links)
Translation Environment Tools (TEnTs) became popular in the early 1990s as a partial solution for coping with ever-increasing translation demands and the decreasing number of translators available. TEnTs allow the creation of repositories of legacy translations (translation memories) and terminology (integrated termbases) used to identify repetition in new source texts and provide alternate translations, thereby reducing the need to translate the same information twice. While awareness of the important role of terminology in translation and documentation management has been on the rise, little research is available on best practices for building and using integrated termbases. The present research is a first step toward filling this gap and provides a set of guidelines on how best to optimize the design and use of integrated termbases. Based on existing translation technology and terminology management literature, as well as our own experience, we propose that traditional terminology and terminography principles designed for stand-alone termbases should be adapted when an integrated termbase is created in order to take into account its unique characteristics: active term recognition, d one-click insertion of equivalents into the target text and document pretranslation. The proposed modifications to traditional principles cover a wide range of issues, including using record structures with fewer fields, adopting the TBX-Basic’s record structure, classifying records by project or client, creating records based on equivalent pairs rather concepts in cases where synonyms exist, recording non-term units and multiple forms of a unit, and using translated documents as sources. The overarching hypothesis and its associated concrete strategies were evaluated first against a survey of current practices in terminology management within TEnTs and later through a second survey that tested user acceptance of the strategies. The result is a set of guidelines that describe best practices relating to design, content selection and information recording within integrated termbases that will be used for translation purposes. These guidelines will serve as a point of reference for new users of TEnTs, as an academic resource for translation technology educators, as a map of challenges in terminology management within TEnTs that translation software developers seek to resolve and, finally, as a springboard for further research on the optimization of integrated termbases for translation.

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