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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zvýšení efektivity vedení lidí / Increase Effectiveness of Leadership

Čapková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Abstract The master’s thesis is concerned on personality of manager and his method of leadership. Describes theoretical knowledge of qualities and skills of manager and evaluates actual situation. On the end, contains project of trainings and next courses that contribute the development of manager’s professionalism and effectiveness.

Management osobního rozvoje / Management of Personal Development

Dvořáčková, Dagmar January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis „Management of personal development“ is focused on the analysis in the management of personal development in the production company ITAB Shop Concept CZ, a.s. focusing on technical-economic workers, and especially to the managers of company. The theoretical part is focused on the fundamental concepts in this area, defining the manager’s personality, his demands, self-management (time and stress management), training and development employees. It also discusses the internal and external factors acting on managerial development, improving performance through mental hygiene, lifestyle and wellbeing. The practical part focuses on the current status of management of personal development and the rules under which the selection process and the choice of development and education. It is focused on finding the requirements for managers and design of a particular solution that is focused to the opportunities for further development company.

"Alla ska kunna gå till arbetet utan att få en klump i magen!" : En kvalitativ studie om chefers föreställningar om personals arbetsmiljö inom äldre- och funktionshinderomsorgen / ”Everyone should be able to go to work without getting a bad gut feeling” : A qualitative study of the manager´s preceptions of the staff´s work enviroment in the elderly- and disability care.

Björk-Hanson, Sara, Hallstedt, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen utvecklar kunskapen om chefernas föreställningar om personals arbetsmiljö inom äldreomsorgen och funktionshinderomsorgen. Eftersom en dålig arbetsmiljön kan leda till arbetsrelaterad ohälsa är problemområdet relevant för det sociala arbetet. Utifrån tidigare forskning identifieras i uppsatsen arbetssätt, medarbetarnas kompetens, relationer samt livspussel som viktiga områden i relation till personals arbetsmiljö. Som en teoretisk utgångspunkt använder sig uppsatsen av organisationsteori med två olika perspektiv: ett strukturellt perspektiv och ett HR-perspektiv. Uppsatsen bygger på kvalitativa metoder och datainsamlingen genomfördes i form av semistrukturerade mejlintervjuer. Nio respondenter deltog i studien, fem från äldreomsorgen respektive fyra från funktionshinderomsorgen. Respondenterna arbetade som chefer inom äldre- och funktionshinderomsorgen i sex olika västsvenska kommuner. Datan från intervjuerna analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Bland resultaten framkommer att enligt chefers föreställningar kan medarbetarnas arbetsmiljö påverkas av deras arbetssätt och påverkansmöjligheter, medarbetarnas kompetens, kommunikation, relationer samt av medarbetarnas livspussel. Dessa områden, som alltså speglar chefernas föreställningar, stämmer relativt väl överens med de områden som framhävts i tidigare forskning. / This essay develops the knowledge of managers’ perception of the work environment of staff in elderly care and disability care. Because a poor work environment can cause work-related ill health, the problem area is relevant to social work. In previous research, the essay identifies way of working, the competence of the staff, relations, and work-life balance as important areas in relation to the staff’s work environment. As a theoretical basis, the essay uses organisation theory with two different perspectives: a structural perspective and an HR perspective. The essay is based on qualitative methods and the data was collected by use of semi-structured email interviews. Nine respondents participated in the study, five from the elderly care and four from the disability care. The respondents worked as managers within the elderly care and disability care in six different municipalities in western Sweden. The data from the interviews was analysed according to a thematic analysis. A result is that according to the managers’ perceptions, the staff’s work environment can be affected by their way of working and their chance to make an impact, the competency of the staff, communication, relations, and by the work-life balance. These areas, which then mirror the managers’ perceptions, match the areas emphasised in previous research relatively well.

Managers' experiences in the implementation of mathematical literacy at technical and vocational education and training colleges in the Western Cape

Hassan, Shaik Mohammad 02 1900 (has links)
Mathematics has always been a problem at schools, colleges and universities and to address this problem the South African government has introduced a new subject called Mathematical Literacy into schools and colleges. Since this subject places the emphasis on real-life contexts, there has been a special focus on its management at schools and colleges so that its implementation is done in an efficient way. This study therefore focuses on the experiences and interactions of managers of this new subject and how their leadership can improve performance in it. In addition to the literature review, an empirical investigation based on a qualitative approach and involving semi-structured interviews with managers of three public TVET colleges in the Western Cape was conducted to collect data. The other method used was the analysis of documents relevant to the study. The research found that managers of Mathematical Literacy have varying experiences in both their roles and the implementation of the subject. They also face varied challenges in relation to lecturers and students although there are also similarities regarding these at the different colleges in the study. The strategies of instructional leadership in intervention methods to improve performance in the subject which are encouraged by managers also differ, and some have better results than others. Various methods to empower lecturers are recommended. Recommendations are also made on what was found in this study, as are recommendations for further study. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Alguns gestores de fundos de ações são melhores do que outros? Uma análise cross-sectional das características dos gestores e do desempenho dos fundos

Ribeiro, Lizie Maria de Oliveira 03 December 2009 (has links)
Submitted by paulo junior (paulo.jr@fgv.br) on 2010-03-09T21:55:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LIZIE_M_O_RIBEIRO.pdf: 214822 bytes, checksum: d7372528573d8b900527bb14f3dcf304 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by paulo junior(paulo.jr@fgv.br) on 2010-03-09T21:55:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LIZIE_M_O_RIBEIRO.pdf: 214822 bytes, checksum: d7372528573d8b900527bb14f3dcf304 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2010-03-10T19:34:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LIZIE_M_O_RIBEIRO.pdf: 214822 bytes, checksum: d7372528573d8b900527bb14f3dcf304 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-03 / The field of investment funds has been growing a lot in Brazil in the last 7 years. Such a movement can be seen at the percentual given to the stock funds. Part of this movement can be credited to the entrance of actors with no knowledge on the financial universe, but who mesmerize this segment as an opportunity to invest their money. The unknown work of the financial universe makes the new investor elect some criteria for the selection of where to put their resources, since it is expected a professional manager to make the best choices. According to Chevalier & Ellison (1999), the financial press produces a big number and variety of information the people who manage these funds, but little is spoken about their educational records. This work aims at analyzing if the performance of the stock funds is related to the features of the managers of those funds. Specifically, we studied the relationship between the performance of the funds and the degree of the managers, the quality of the schools where they studied, as well as the fact of having Lato Sensu or Stricto Sensu Graduation, besides their age and their 'experience time' in the financial market. We use as reference the data collected by the QUANTUN AXIS system (Quantun Assessment of the Investment Funds) having the period from september/2007 to 2008 as reference. We observed the résumés of 81 managers of the sample by searching sites of administrative companies, calling their numbers and résumés from information sites such as Bloomberg. Then, the Cross-Section analysis was made. For that, a chain of investigation was used which analyzed the impact of the educational records of the fund managers on their results in The U.S.A., emphasizing the work of Golec (1996), Chevalier & Ellison (1999) and Gottesman & Morey (2006). The result of this jog suggests that there is a difference in the cross-sectional analysis between the performance of the stock funds in Brazil and the quality of the manager’s college. Future researches could, using the same sample of managers, follow the evolution of the résumé data comparing to the performance of the funds managed in a time perspective using the panel data. / A área de fundos de investimento tem crescido no Brasil nos últimos 7 anos. Movimento semelhante tem sido observado no percentual destinado a fundos de ações. Parte deste movimento pode ser creditado à entrada de atores sem familiaridade com o universo financeiro, mas que vislumbram neste segmento uma oportunidade para investir seu dinheiro. O desconhecimento do funcionamento do universo financeiro leva o novo investidor a eleger critérios para seleção de onde alocar os seus recursos, já que se espera que um gestor profissional faça as melhores escolhas. Segundo Chevalier & Ellison (1999), a imprensa financeira produz um grande volume e variedade de informação sobre as pessoas que gerenciam esses fundos, mas pouco se fala de seus antecedentes educacionais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar se o desempenho dos fundos de ações esta relacionado com as características dos gestores desses fundos. Em particular, se estudou a relação entre o desempenho dos fundos e a formação dos gestores, a qualidade das escolas em que cursaram, bem como o fato de possuírem pós-graduação Lato Sensu ou Stricto Sensu, além da idade e seu 'tempo de experiência' no mercado financeiro. Utilizamos como base os dados coletados pelo sistema QUANTUN AXIS (Quantun Avaliação de Fundos de Investimento), tendo como referência o período de setembro/2007 a 2008. Consultamos currículos dos 81 gestores da amostra por meio de buscas aos sites das empresas administradoras, consulta por telefone aos gestores, e currículos via difusores de informação como o Bloomberg. Foram então realizadas as análises Cross-Section. Para tal, foi utilizada uma corrente de investigação que analisou o impacto dos antecedentes educacionais dos gestores de fundos sobre os resultados dos mesmos nos EUA, destacando os trabalhos de Golec (1996), Chevalier & Ellison (1999) e Gottesman & Morey (2006). O resultado deste trabalho sugere que existe diferença na análise cross-sectional entre o desempenho dos fundos de ações no Brasil e a qualidade do curso de graduação do gestor. Futuras pesquisas poderiam, utilizando a mesma amostra de gestores, acompanhar a evolução dos dados do currículo em comparação ao desempenho dos fundos administrados em uma perspectiva temporal utilizando dados de painel.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional building

Grossová, Ilona January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with project documentation of a newly constructed multifunctional building in municipality Oslavany. The multifunctional building is independently standing and it is located on the flat terrain on the right bank of Oslava river. The building is of e cuboid shape with flat roof and one recessed floor. It is two-storey building without basement. On the 1st floor there is a rehabilitation center, cafeteria and facilities for flats that are placed on the 2nd floor. The part of the 1st floor is also the manager’s apartment and technology space. On the 2nd floor there are situated 7 apartments with shared outside terrace. Structural system is masonry with bidirectional support system. For construction will be used brick technology. Building has the flat roof. The staircase is straight, two flights of stairs with landing, monolithic. Foundation constructions are designed as areal, strip footings are rectangular made from plain concrete, monolithic.

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