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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh rozvoje manažerské osobnosti / Developing the Personality for Better Management

Stržinek, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The key focus of this work is on developing manager’s personality. The author, using scientific methods, came to a proposal of an ideal career course of such personalities since their first training for managerial posts to the time when they are able to educate their successors, and therefore, enhance their careers to a higher level. There were used two methods of collecting data – observation and qualitative interviews. The observation took over seven years. Based on evaluation of data, the author reached an embedded theory which he then verified by qualitative interviews with people working in the field. The theory developed by the author was adjusted and divided into two parts based on the processed data from the qualitative research. There emerged two parts of the resulting theory when the dividing aspect was the necessity to arrange some phenomena in terms of time while others pervade through the whole growth period of the manager’s personality. In conclusion of his work, the author had his newly emerged theory evaluated by managers in field to get feedback on its merit. According to the results of the feedback, a compliance with the theory defined by the author can reduce the time needed for educating a manager by half.

Part-time employment within the Swedish retail business : – A study of part-time employment from a management perspective

Dahlman, Johanna, Engberg, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Research question: How has the presence of PT employees affected the role of managers in the Swedish food retail business? Research purpose: The purpose of this paper was to describe the change that accompanies part-time employment from a management perspective, and particularly, describe how the presence of part-time employment has influenced the role of the manager within the Swedish food retail business. Conceptual framework: The main focused in this chapter is directed towards the role of managers. The basis of the conceptual framework consist of the model developed by Mintzberg including the ten managerial roles and Quinn's eight leadership roles and how the presence of PT employments might affect these roles. Methodology: In this paper, the authors adopted a qualitative design and used narrative inquiry as a research strategy in order to gain a deep understanding of the context. Semi- structured interviews have been collected through a self-selection sampling and the total number of participants was ten. Conclusions: Based on the findings of this paper the presence of PT employees have not influenced and changed the role of managers. The changes that have influenced and caused the change of the role of the managers constitutes of the increased workload, the delegations of tasks and responsibilities, changed positions, the change of the organisational structure of the individual store, and the increased workforce.

A superintendência regional de ensino diamantina e o progestão: apropriações de uma política de formação continuada

Silva, Lana Rogéria da 23 July 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-30T13:53:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 lanarogeriadasilva.pdf: 788512 bytes, checksum: fe0c2e475d7adf4ccf8a12f595998561 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-13T15:57:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lanarogeriadasilva.pdf: 788512 bytes, checksum: fe0c2e475d7adf4ccf8a12f595998561 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-13T15:57:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lanarogeriadasilva.pdf: 788512 bytes, checksum: fe0c2e475d7adf4ccf8a12f595998561 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-23 / Este trabalho foi estimulado pela avaliação de uma política pública de formação de diretores escolares – o PROGESTÃO – e pela apropriação que a Superintendência Regional de Ensino Diamantina fez do Programa. Partiu-se da necessidade de focar nos resultados reais dessa capacitação e de propor melhorias nesse processo, tanto para a continuidade, quanto para um possível remodelamento de tal política. Os pressupostos da investigação consideram que aqueles que passassem pela capacitação assumiriam uma parcela de responsabilização, de maneira a pontuar melhorias nas escolas ligadas às funções de gestor escolar. Uma investigação ocorreu no intuito de observar esta relação, e, para tal, utilizou-se de entrevistas semiestruturadas na SRE, pois interessava saber qual o retorno do investimento feito nesses gestores. Os dados coletados evidenciaram que, não há um monitoramento desses gestores capacitados pelo PROGESTÃO, denotando certa fragilidade no processo. Para tanto, após a devida análise e reflexão, a proposição de um monitoramento, por determinado período de tempo, após o findar da capacitação oficial, ao diretor que realizar essa capacitação é a diretriz deste estudo, e que apresenta todos os envolvidos e os direcionamentos que precisam ser acionados para a continuidade da ação nos moldes da responsabilização, e no intuito de detectar melhorias e avanços em relação à gestão escolar. / This work was stimulated by the evaluation of a school principal’s formation policy – PROGESTÃO – and the appropriation of the project by the Superintendência Regional de Ensino de Diamantina (SRE). It starts from the need to focus in real results of this capacitation, and for suggesting improvements in the process, both for continuity and for a possible policy’s reshuffle. The investigation’s presuppositions consider that those who passed through the program would acquire some responsibility, being able to recommend improvements in school which are connected with school manager’s assignments. An investigation occurred in order to observe this relation, and for that, it was used semistructured interviews in SRE, because it was interesting to know which the results in response to the investment in these managers are. The collected data has demonstrated there is not any type of control of these capacitated managers by PROGESTÃO, showing weakness in the process. As a conclusion, after a due analysis and also considerations, the proposal of controlling, during a certain period of time, the capacitated principals as soon as the capacitation is finished is this study’s guideline, which presents all concerned and the directions that need to be followed to the continuity of the operation in the molds of responsibility, and in the intention to detect improvements and developments in school management.

Chefers upplevelser av framgångsfaktorer och utmaningar vid en återhämtningsintervention : En intervjustudie med enhetschefer i en svensk kommun / Managers' experiences of promoting and challenging factors in a recovery intervention : An interview study with unit managers in a Swedish municipality

Symreng, Kristine January 2024 (has links)
Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate managers' experiences of promoting and challenging factors in a recovery intervention within healthcare and social services.  Method: The study is a semi-structured interview study. The interviews were conducted digitally with ten unit managers from a healthcare and social services administration in a Swedish municipality. Text materials were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Main Results: Clear division of roles, allocated time and support are promoting factors, while large staff groups and high workloads are challenges in integrating recovery into everyday work. Unit managers felt they did not have time to work with health promotion and felt overlooked in the recovery intervention. Support from the unit's wellness champions and the administration's central coordinator was appreciated. Conclusion: Managers' motivation for the recovery intervention depended on their perception of support from the management and having the conditions and time to work with health-promoting activities. Managers' work environment and opportunities for recovery need to be prioritized to create conditions for supportive leadership where managers act as role models. Smaller staff groups and support from wellness champions and a health coordinator can enable engagement and motivation for health-promoting work. / Problemformulering: Stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa är ett stort samhällsproblem och arbete inom vård- och omsorg ökar risken för sjukskrivning. Tidigare forskning belyser chefers roll vid hälsointerventioner men det finns få studier som studerat deras egen upplevelse vid en intervention, inte minst när det gäller återhämtning. Vad behöver chefer för att känna sig motiverade och engagerade i det hälsofrämjande arbetet? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka chefers upplevelser av framgångsfaktorer och utmaningar vid en återhämtningsintervention i en vård- och omsorgsförvaltning. Metod: Studien är en semi-strukturerad intervjustudie. Intervjuerna genomfördes digitalt med tio enhetschefer från en vård- och omsorgsförvaltning i en svensk kommun. Textmaterial analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Huvudresultat: Tydlig rollfördelning, avsatt tid och stöd är framgångsfaktorer medan stora personalgrupper och hög arbetsbelastning är utmaningar vid integrering av återhämtning i arbetsvardagen. Enhetscheferna upplevde sig inte ha tid att arbeta med hälsofrämjande arbete och kände sig bortglömda i återhämtningsinterventionen. Stöd från enheternas hälsoinspiratörer och förvaltningens centrala samordnare var uppskattat. Slutsats: Chefernas motivation till återhämtningsinterventionen var beroende av deras upplevelse av stöd från ledningen samt att de hade förutsättningar och tid att arbeta med hälsofrämjande insatser. Chefers arbetsmiljö och möjlighet till återhämtning behöver prioriteras för att skapa förutsättningar till ett stödjande ledarskap där chefer agerar förebilder. Mindre personalgrupper och stöd av hälsoinspiratörer och en central samordnare kan möjliggöra motivation och engagemang i det hälsofrämjande arbetet.

Management multikulturních firem / Management of Multicultural Companies

Havlík, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
Master’s thesis deals with issues of personal management in multinational companies, evaluation of company’s strategy success rate, management and international manager’s performance assessment. Furthermore, investments into manager’s development are evaluated and cultural standards of Czech rep. and France are compared. Based on research, suggestions, which might be useful for future development of company and its managers, are listed in the final part of the thesis.

Smulkios įmonės vadovo darbo gerinimas odontologijos klinikos pavyzdžiu / Small enterprise leading manager’s work improvement in accordance with odontology clinic case

Pociūtė, Inesa 20 August 2008 (has links)
Vadybos literatūros analizė pateikia daugybę požiūrių į vadovo darbą. Teisingas vadovavimo kelias būtų efektyvių valdymo metodų taikymas kasdienėse darbo situacijose bei problemų sprendime. Darbo tikslas pateikti projektinius sprendimus smulkios įmonės - odontologijos klinikos - vadovo darbui gerinti. Šis darbas apima nedidelės odontologijos klinikos vadovo darbo analizę. Pirmoje darbo dalyje yra pateikta vadovo darbo požiūrių įvairovės analizė. Antra darbo dalis apima smulkios odontologijos klinikos vadovo darbo analizę remiantis interviu metodu atliktu tyrimu. Šis tyrimas padėjo nustatyti vadovo požiūrį į jo atliekamą darbą ir taikomus darbo metodus. Taip pat antroje darbo dalyje yra pateikiamos tyrimo metu nustatytos kasdienėje vadovo darbo veikloje kylančios problemos, kurios įtakoja vadovo veiklų atlikimą įmonėje. Trečioje darbo dalyje yra pateikiami konkretūs pasiūlymai kaip spręsti odontologijos klinikos vadovo darbe kylančias problemas. / The management literature identifies a number of alternative management approaches. The right way of management could be effective operating methods use in everyday work and trouble situations. The aim of this work – to offer designed decisions for small odontology clinic manager‘s work improvement. This essay contains small odontology clinic manager’s work analysis. The first part of this paper gives a number of alternative approaches of manager’s work in the enterprise. The second part includes small odontology clinic manager’s work research using interview method. This research helped to clear manager’s business opinion and used work methods. Also in the second part of this paper there are presented the main manager’s problems that occur in everyday’s work which influence manager activity in the company were discovered by this research. In the third part of this paper there are given particular suggestions how to solve small odontology clinic manager’s work problems.

Vadovų vadybinės kompetencijos: būklė ir perspektyvos / Leaders‘ managerial competencies: evidence and perspectives

Danuta, Diskienė 08 April 2009 (has links)
Habilitacijos procedūrai teikiamų mokslo darbų apžvalgoje nagrinėjami svarbiausi Danutos Diskienės atliktų 1997–2008 m. mokslinių tyrimų rezultatai. Autorės tyrimai yra susiję su vadovų vaidmens šiuolaikinėje organizacijoje pokyčiais bei verslo ir viešojo sektoriaus skirtingo lygio vadovų vadybinėmis nuostatomis, įgyvendinant valdymo funkcijas. Pagrindinis tyrimų tikslas - įvertinti vadovų vadybines kompetencijas pagal pagrindines valdymo funkcijas bei atskleisti kompetencijų pokyčių turinį ir kryptis, atsižvelgiant į besikeičiančios aplinkos iššūkius. Tikslui atskleisti buvo iškelti tokie uždaviniai: • atlikti, remiantis teoriniu vadovų kompetencijų modeliu, verslo ir viešojo sektorių skirtingo lygio vadovų kompetencijų lyginamąją analizę ir identifikuoti kritines pozicijas; • nustatyti, atsižvelgiant į kultūros orientacijos modelį, Lietuvos kultūros vertybių orientacijas ir atskleisti jų įtaką vadybinės elgsenos raiškai organizacijose; • išnagrinėti ir apibendrinti teorines valdymo funkcijų turinį atskleidžiančias koncepcijas vadovų kompetencijų ugdymo kontekste, pabrėžiant jų pritaikomumo lygį skirtinguose veiklos sektoriuose (verslo ir viešajame sektoriuje); • įvertinti skirtingo lygio vadovų vadybinių kompetencijų būklę, įgyvendinant pagrindines valdymo funkcijas ir atskleisti galimas kompetencijų pokyčių kryptis. Savo darbuose autorė remiasi teorinės minties ir vadybinės praktikos integravimu. Empiriniai iškeltų vadybinių problemų tyrimai buvo atliekami dviem etapais: I... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This overview of research work done by Danuta Diskiene includes the most important research issues and results obtained in the period of 1997–2008. The principal research points and issues are summarized below. Author’s research is related to the changes of leader’s role in the modern organization, as well as with different managerial attitudes of business and public sector leaders needed in the realization of managerial functions. The main aim of this research is to evaluate the managerial competencies of leaders according to the main managerial functions and to reveal the contents and directions of the competencies’ changes in respect to the challenges of the changing environment. The following tasks were formed to disclose the aim: • To perform a comparative analysis and indentify critical positions of the managers representing different levels in business and public sectors, invoking theoretical module of managerial competencies; • To determine Lithuanian cultural values and to reveal their influence on the managerial behavior in the organizations in consideration of cultural orientation model; • To analyze and summarize theoretical concepts which reveal the content of managerial functions in the context of managerial competencies’ cultivation, stressing their adaptability level for different sectors (business and public sector); • To evaluate the condition of leaders’ managerial competencies on different levels, through implementation of main managerial functions and to... [to full text]

Le rôle des cadres intermédiaires dans la capacité de changement des organisations publiques : étude d'un cas de mutualisation des services au sein du bloc communal / The middle managers’ role in the change capability of public organizations : a case study of mutualization of services within the municipal block

Fergelot, Valérie 16 December 2015 (has links)
Face aux mutations auxquels sont confrontés les services publics, les cadres intermédiaires sont à la fois acteurs et objets des transformations managériales. La recherche empirique et qualitative menée dans une collectivité territoriale française décrit et modélise le rôle des cadres consistant à fabriquer du sens (« sensemaking »), à faire partager ce sens (« sensegiving ») et leur entremise au service de l’appropriation et de la mise en œuvre du changement. En s'inscrivant de façon longitudinale à différents niveaux de l'organisation, l'étude de cas permet d’approfondir les dimensions de son processus d'évolution, et sa capacité de changement, en relation avec le rôle des cadres intermédiaires. / Considering transformations faced by public services, managers are both actors and objects of managerial changes. The empirical and qualitative research conducted in a french local authority describes and models the managers’ role consisting of making sense ("sensemaking"), sharing sense ("sensegiving") and their agency to help for the appropriation and the implementation of change. By joining in a longitudinal way multi-levels of the organization, the case study enables to look into the dimensions of its evolutionary process, and its change capability, in relation with the middle managers' role.

Vadybos specialistų ugdymas veiklai tarptautinėje darbo rinkose: tobulinimo strategijos / Management specialist training for activities in the international market: strategic decisions

Pluktaitė, Justina 17 June 2010 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjami vadybos specialistų įsidarbinimo tarptautinėje darbo rinkoje veiksniai, švietimo sistemos, darbo rinkos poreikių harmonizavimo galimybės Lietuvoje. Išnagrinėta organizacijų tarptautiškumo įtaka žmonių išteklių vadybos pokyčiams, pateikiamos Lietuvos švietimo sistemos ypatybės rengiant vadybos specialistus. Pateikiama mokslinės literatūros apžvalga, kurioje nagrinėjama vadybos specialistų kompetencijos, žmonių išteklių vadybos principai, specialistų integracijos į darbo rinką modeliai. Pristatoma mokslinio tyrimo metadologija. Siekiant nustatyti vadybos specialistų įsidarbinimo tarptautinėje darbo rinkoje veiksnius, Lietuvos organizacijų keliamus reikalavimus įdarbinant vadybininkus, atlikta darbo rinkos struktūros statistikos ir mokslininkų atliktų tyrimų analizė bei atlikta anketinė vadybos studijų studentų ir absolventų ir įvairių organizacijų atstovų apklausa. Atsižvelgiant į literatūros šaltinių, statistikos analizę bei atliktus tyrimus, parengti strateginiai sprendimai, kurie leidžia vadybos specialistui pasirinkti įsidarbinimo tarptautinėje darbo rinkoje strategiją. Apibendrinamos išvados ir pateikiami pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro 7 dalys: įvadas, 4 dėstymo dalys, išvados, literatūros sąrašas. / This Master thesis has its main focus on managers training for activities in the international market, considering the needs of labour market and education institutions in order to harmonise specialist training system. It covers human resource management changes regarding business internationalisation process and influence of human resource management changes in the Lithuanian education system for the training of management specialists. This Master thesis evaluates labour market and education system requirements regarding managers’ competence and his integration in the international labour market. Scientific literature review examined the management expertise of specialists, human resource management principles, basic models of specialsits integration into the labour market. Statistical mathematic and empirical research analysis presents nowadays market situation in training management specialists and covers the need of harmonisation of all training system. This Master thesis offers strategic decisions focused on trinomial managers training model. Considering all analysis of theoretical and practical manager’s approach, there are given findings of this Master thesis. The structure of this thesis: introduction, 4 main chapters, conclusions, and references. Thesis consists of: 102 p. texts without appendixes, 29 pictures, 12 tables, and 183 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.

Gestão ativa de carteiras de renda fixa: o valor da expectativa do gestor no contexto de eficiência de mercado

Milan, Pedro Luiz Albertin Bono 14 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Luiz Albertin Bono Milan (pedrolalbertin@gmail.com) on 2017-02-22T20:43:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Gestao Ativa de Carteiras de Renda Fixa.pdf: 1715135 bytes, checksum: ad7e9b05127e972e34408c5fbe927dbd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamela Beltran Tonsa (pamela.tonsa@fgv.br) on 2017-02-23T14:22:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Gestao Ativa de Carteiras de Renda Fixa.pdf: 1715135 bytes, checksum: ad7e9b05127e972e34408c5fbe927dbd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-23T14:35:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gestao Ativa de Carteiras de Renda Fixa.pdf: 1715135 bytes, checksum: ad7e9b05127e972e34408c5fbe927dbd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-14 / This study examines the contribution of active portfolio management in fixed income investments in Brazil. Active portfolio management is critical to the investment return, as it seeks to achieve rates of return above those of a market portfolio. The Efficient Market Hypothesis, which states that an informational dynamics prevents managers from anticipating price movements and taking up winning positions in the market, surrounds the activities of portfolio management. With regard to the controversy about the effectiveness of active management, the complete understanding about the topic has not yet been established. The contributions of the study is based on the decomposition of excess returns of the portfolios into managers' choices about duration, allocation and selection, which serves as support to apply a metric of dispersion in managers' expectations in fixed income portfolios. Through the expectations, it was possible to observe a positive effect of the managers in the performance of the funds, supporting the active management of the fixed income portfolios in the Brazilian market. / Este estudo examina a contribuição da gestão ativa para a rentabilidade das carteiras de investimentos de renda fixa no Brasil. A atuação do gestor é fundamental para o desempenho das carteiras de investimentos com gestão ativa, uma vez que ele busca acessar taxas de retorno acima das taxas de uma carteira de mercado. Permeando o exercício da gestão ativa de carteiras está a Hipótese de Eficiência de Mercado, que aponta para uma dinâmica informacional que impede os gestores de antever movimentos e assumir posições vencedoras no mercado. A discussão na literatura mostra que há controvérsia sobre os benefícios da gestão ativa e que a compreensão completa sobre o tema ainda não foi alcançada. O estudo parte da decomposição dos excessos de retornos das carteiras, pelas escolhas dos gestores sobre a duration, a alocação e a seleção individual dos ativos, permitindo a adaptação de uma métrica de dispersão de expectativas dos gestores em carteiras de renda fixa. Por meio das expectativas, foi possível observar um efeito positivo dos gestores no desempenho dos fundos, embasando a hipótese da contribuição da gestão ativa de carteiras de renda fixa no mercado brasileiro.

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