Spelling suggestions: "subject:"odontologija"" "subject:"ontologija""
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Odontologijos paslaugų reklamos įvertinimas / Advert Evaluation of Odontology ServiceArlauskienė, Zinaida 13 June 2005 (has links)
Recently there can observed the rapid increase of number of institutions providing odontology services in Lithuania: only in Kaunas city there were active 315 odontology institutions in 2004, joining together 794 dentists. Due to high level of competition, a lot of these institutions face one common problem – difficulties in selling their services. One of the means enabling them to attract new customers is advertisement. Therefore, it is very important to understand the main types and vehicles of advertising used by these institutions, as well as the attitude of the customers towards the advertisement itself. The results of this study and findings thereto are valuable and beneficial for odontology institutions, especially in making and implementation of their promotional decisions.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the advertisement in odontology services.
The object of the study is the consumers and providers of odontology services in Kaunas city.
The goals of the study were: 1) to evaluate the content of printed advertisement promoting odontology services; 2) to investigate how customers value the advertisement in odontology services; 3) to estimate the attitude of odontology services’ providers to advertisement of these services.
Research techniques: content analysis, questioning, comparative analysis.
Results. In order to evaluate the content of printed advertisement promoting odontology services, there were analyzed all related advertisements published... [to full text]
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Pacientų pasitenkinimas pirmine odontologine priežiūra ir jį įtakojantys veiksniai / Satisfaction of the patiens with the primary odontology care and factors influencing itUlickienė, Gitana 13 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study. To evaluate the satisfaction of the patients with the primary odontology care and the factors influencing it in public institution Šeškinės Poliklinika.
Methods. In January – April, 2005 an anonymous questionnaire survey of the patients (n=448) from odontology department of Vilnius city public institution Šeškinės Poliklinika, where odontology services of primary level are provided, was carried out. The response rate was 89,6 percent. The data was analyzed using statistical data analysis package SPSS 9.0.
Results. 71 percent of the patients from Vilnius city public institution Šeškinės Poliklinika were completely satisfied with the services. 24 percent were satisfied, 5 percent were not satisfied, there were no patients who were completely not satisfied. 90 percent of the patients would like to be treated in the same department in the future. About 90 percent of the patients were completely satisfied with the communication with the doctor and his competence. The satisfaction of the patients was related to the following factors: family status (there were less satisfied patients among single and widows than in other family status groups); education (there was the least number of satisfied patients among the respondents who had elementary and unfinished secondary education); social – professional status (there was the least number satisfied patients among the unemployed); certain service accessibility factors (there were more satisfied patients among those... [to full text]
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Kauno miesto odontologinių paslaugų teikėjų konkurencijos įvertinimas / Evaluation Of Competittion Of The Odontologigal Services Providers In Kaunas CityZakarauskaitė, Jurgita 13 July 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti Kauno miesto odontologinių paslaugų teikėjų konkurencijos intensyvumą.
Darbo uždaviniai: 1. nustatyti pagrindinius odontologinių paslaugų teikėjų konkurenciją įtakojančius veiksnius; 2. įvertinti Kauno miesto odontologinių paslaugų teikėjų konkurenciją įtakojančių veiksnių intensyvumą; 3. pateikti rekomendacijas skirtas konkurencinės situacijos pagerinimui Kauno miesto odontologinių paslaugų rinkoje ir padedančias šių paslaugų teikėjams priimti efektyvius veiklos sprendimus.
Tyrimo metodika: atlikus mokslinės literatūros analizę buvo nustatyti pagrindiniai odontologinių paslaugų teikėjų konkurenciją įtakojantys veiksniai. Kauno miesto odontologinių paslaugų teikėjų konkurenciją įtakojančių veiksnių intensyvumo įvertinimas vyko dviem etapais: 1. ekspertų atranka (anketinė Kauno miesto odontologines paslaugas teikiančių įmonių vadovų ir odontologijos skyrių vadovų apklausa); 2. anketinė ekspertų apklausa. Viso tyrimui buvo atrinkti 36 ekspertai. Rezultatų analizės metu apskaičiuotas ekspertų nuomonių sutapimo koeficientas S.
Rezultatai: esami konkurentai šiek tiek daugiau nei vidutiniškai įtakoja Kauno miesto odontologinių paslaugų teikėjų konkurenciją (odontologijos kabinetus ir klinikas atstovaujantys ekspertai esamų konkurentų įtaką vertino kaip didelę, šeimos klinikas ir poliklinikas atstovaujantys ekspertai esamų konkurentų įtaką vertino kaip vidutinę). Nauji konkurentai daro didelę, pacientai ir pakaitalai – vidutinę, o tiekėjai silpną įtaką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: to evaluate the intensity of the competition of odontological services providers in Kaunas city
Objectives: 1. to determine the main factors that affect the competition of odontological services providers; 2. to evaluate the intensity of such factors in Kaunas city; 3. to present the recommendations, how to improve the competitive situation in Kaunas odontologic market, and how to make the effective solutions on the activity for such services providers.
Methods: the analysis of the scientific literature allowed determining the factors, which affect the competitiveness of odontologists. The intensity of the factors that affect the competition of odontological services providers in Kaunas city was evaluated in two stages: 1. selection of experts (questioning of the heads of odontologic companies in Kaunas city and heads of odontologic departments); 2. questioning of experts. In total, 36 experts were selected for the research. While analyzing the results, the coefficient of coincidence of expert opinions S was calculated.
Results: the present competitors affect the competition of odontological services providers in Kaunas a little more than on the average (the experts, who represented odontologic offices and clinics, evaluated the influence of the present competitors as big; the experts, who represented family clinics and health care institutions, evaluated the influence of the present competitors as average). New competitors have big, patients and... [to full text]
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PIRMINIO LYGIO ODONTOLOGIJOS PASLAUGŲ PRIEINAMUMAS VAIKAMS (ŠIAULIŲ MIESTO GYVENTOJŲ NUOMONĖS TYRIMAS) / Accessibility to Primary Level Dental Services for Children (Survey of Šiauliai City Inhabitants)Ganiprauskienė, Jolanta, Žalpytė, Asta 07 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas pirminio lygio odontologijos paslaugų prieinamumas vaikams Šiaulių mieste. Nagrinėta pagrindinė Šiaulių miesto problema – vaikų prieinamumas pas gydytojus odontologus. Darbą sudaro dvi pagrindinės dalys: teorinė ir praktinė.
Teorinėje darbo dalyje pateikta paslaugos samprata, savybės, klasifikacija, išskirti paslaugų teikimo sektoriai. Nagrinėta paslaugų kokybės esmė, veiksniai lemiantys paslaugos teikimo procesą, pateiktos 5 kokybės dimensijos, kurios nagrinėja paslaugų kokybę kaip bendrą paslaugos įvertinimą vartotojų atžvilgiu. Pateiktas vartotojų suvokimas apie teikiamą paslaugos procesą, išskirti klientų tipai, analizuotas klientų pasitenkinimo lygis, bei kaip skundai įtakoja vartotojo pasitenkinimą paslauga. Aprašyti vartotojų pasitenkinimą matuojantys kokybės modeliai: E. Gummesson 4 Q kokybės modelis, Gronroos ir Gummesson kokybės modelis ir Servqual modelis. Tinkamiausias modelis matuojantis prieinamumą – Servqual modelis. Plačiau teorinėje dalyje nagrinėjama prieinamumo sąvoka sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose, bei pateikti veiksniai ribojantys sveikatos priežiūros prieinamumą.
Praktinėje dalyje pateikta tyrimo metodologija, bei Šiaulių odontologijos poliklinikos charakteristika. Atliktas kiekybinis ir kokybinis tyrimas. Anketą sudaro 33 klausimai, o interviu – 24 klausimai. Šiaulių miesto vaikų prieinamumas buvo tirtas remiantis paslaugos vertinimo kriterijais pagal Servqual metodiką: laikas, vieta, informacija, gydytojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Accessibility to primary level dental services for children in Siauliai City is analysed in the bachelor‘s thesis. Examined the main problem in the city of Siauliai – Children`s access to the dentist. The thesis consists of two main parts: a theoretical and practical one.
A concept of the service, its characteristics, classification is provided and sectors of service provision are identified. The essence of service quality, factors determining the process of service provision were analysed, 5 quality dimensions analysing the service quality as a general service evaluation from the point of view of consumers were provided. A consumer perception of the service process is provided, client types were distinguished, client satisfaction level and how complaints influence the consumer satisfaction with the service were examined. The following quality levels measuring consumer satisfaction were described: E. Gummesson 4Q Quality Model, Grönroos and Gummesson Quality Model and Servqual Model. The most suitable model measuring accessibility is Servqual Model. The concept of accessibility in a health care institution is analysed in more detail and factors limiting the health care accessibility are provided in the theoretical part.
Research methodology and characteristics of Siauliai Dentistry Clinic is provided in the practical part. A quantitative and qualitative research was made. The questionnaire consists of 33 questions and interview – 25 questions. Accessibility of Siauliai City... [to full text]
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Odontologinės priežiūros prieinamumas pacientų požiūriu / Accessibility of odontolgy care from the point of view of patientsŠaltmerytė Tomaševičienė, Herda 16 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study. To evaluate patients’ attitude towards the accessibility of primary odontology care and their satisfaction with the services in public health care institution.
Investigation methods. The patients were questionared in Odontology department for primary health care of public institution Kaunas “Kalniečių“ policlinic. 230 questionnaires were delivered, 198 respondents answered the questions (response rate 86%). Statistical data analysis was carried out on the basis of program package SPSS 10.0. Correlation between peculiarities was estimated according to the Chi square criterion test (χ2). The hypothesis concerning the comparison of two independent variables average was tested on the basis of Stjudent ( t ) criterion. Correlation strength among range variables was tested on the basis of Spearman correlation coefficient. As the basis for hypotheses checking was chosen significance level equal to 0,05 or less.
Results. The majority of respondents evaluated primary health care odontolgy department from the financial point of view, communication and organization as satisfactory. The bigger part of respondents did not face any problems in: fee for odontology materials (73,2%), arrival to doctor – odontologist (66,5%), 79,2% claimed having had a possibility to select a doctor, 42,8% of the respondents had to spend up to 10 minutes at the receptionists’, while 42,3% of them spent at the receptionists from 10 to 15 minutes. Some accessibility specimen had a primary... [to full text]
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Kauno aukštųjų mokyklų studentų nuomonė apie odontologinių paslaugų prieinamumą / Kaunas Higher School Students’ Opinion on Dental Service AccessibilitySkersytė, Ingrida 05 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Ištirti Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto, Kauno technologijos universiteto bei Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto studentų nuomonę apie odontologinių paslaugų prieinamumą.
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo trijų Kauno aukštųjų mokyklų atsitiktinai atrinkti bakalauro nuolatinių studijų studentai. Išdalinta 360 anketų, gauti 347 atsakymai (96,4%). Po 33% atsakytų studentų anketų buvo iš Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų bei Vytauto Didžiojo universitetų, o 34% anketų buvo iš Kauno technologijos universiteto. Vertinta, kaip atsakymai priklausė nuo skirtingų universitetų studentų, jų lyties, odontologinio kabineto rūšies. Skirtumas laikytas reikšmingas, kai p<0,05.
Rezultatai. Odontologinių paslaugų prieinamumas, studentų nuomone, organizaciniu, finansiniu bei komunikaciniu požiūriu yra geras. Studentams atvykti pas gydytoją labiausiai trukdo jų pačių laiko trūkumas (72,9%). Žvelgiant iš finansinės pusės: retai (40%) arba dažnai (38%) finansinių problemų turi beveik vienoda dalis studentų. Organizacinį prieinamumą respondentai taip pat įvertino neblogai. Beveik pusė apklaustųjų (47,3%) dantis gydosi privačioje praktikoje ir dažniausiai lankosi dėl dantų gydymo (52,2%). Telefonu registruojasi dauguma (73,2%) apklaustųjų. Vizito pas odontologą 48,4% tenka laukti 1 – 2 savaites ir dauguma (49%) dažniausiai patenka laiku, nebent reikia palaukti iki 15 min. (74,9%). Vizitas pas odontologą trunka 31 – 60 min. (49,6%). Daugumos respondentų nuomone (70,3%), odontologų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the Study. Surveying Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas Technology University and Vytautas Magnus University students’ opinion on dental service accessibility.
Survey methods. The selected at random B.A. students of three Kaunas universities took part in the survey. 360 questionnaire forms were given out to the students and 347 answers were received (96. 4%). Lithuanian University of Health Sciences students as well as Vytautas Magnus University students presented 33% of the answers and Kaunas Technology University – 34%. It was estimated how the answers depended on different university students, their sex and the type of dental surgery. The difference was considered important when p<0,05.
Results. In students’ opinion the dental service accessibility is good from organizational, financial and communicative point of view. 72.9 % of the students say they can not get to the doctor mainly due to their lack of time. Financial problems arise to almost the same number of students: rarely – 40%, often – 38%. The respondents estimated organizational accessibility quite well. Nearly a half of the surveyed (47.3%) go to private dental surgeries to have their teeth treated (52.2% in most cases). 73.2% of the respondents make appointments by telephone. 48.4% of the surveyed have to wait for 1-2 weeks to get an appointment and the majority (49%) are accepted at the appointed time, unless it is necessary to wait for up to 15 min. (74.9%). The visit at the dentist... [to full text]
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Smulkios įmonės vadovo darbo gerinimas odontologijos klinikos pavyzdžiu / Small enterprise leading manager’s work improvement in accordance with odontology clinic casePociūtė, Inesa 20 August 2008 (has links)
Vadybos literatūros analizė pateikia daugybę požiūrių į vadovo darbą. Teisingas vadovavimo kelias būtų efektyvių valdymo metodų taikymas kasdienėse darbo situacijose bei problemų sprendime. Darbo tikslas pateikti projektinius sprendimus smulkios įmonės - odontologijos klinikos - vadovo darbui gerinti. Šis darbas apima nedidelės odontologijos klinikos vadovo darbo analizę. Pirmoje darbo dalyje yra pateikta vadovo darbo požiūrių įvairovės analizė. Antra darbo dalis apima smulkios odontologijos klinikos vadovo darbo analizę remiantis interviu metodu atliktu tyrimu. Šis tyrimas padėjo nustatyti vadovo požiūrį į jo atliekamą darbą ir taikomus darbo metodus. Taip pat antroje darbo dalyje yra pateikiamos tyrimo metu nustatytos kasdienėje vadovo darbo veikloje kylančios problemos, kurios įtakoja vadovo veiklų atlikimą įmonėje. Trečioje darbo dalyje yra pateikiami konkretūs pasiūlymai kaip spręsti odontologijos klinikos vadovo darbe kylančias problemas. / The management literature identifies a number of alternative management approaches. The right way of management could be effective operating methods use in everyday work and trouble situations. The aim of this work – to offer designed decisions for small odontology clinic manager‘s work improvement. This essay contains small odontology clinic manager’s work analysis. The first part of this paper gives a number of alternative approaches of manager’s work in the enterprise. The second part includes small odontology clinic manager’s work research using interview method. This research helped to clear manager’s business opinion and used work methods. Also in the second part of this paper there are presented the main manager’s problems that occur in everyday’s work which influence manager activity in the company were discovered by this research. In the third part of this paper there are given particular suggestions how to solve small odontology clinic manager’s work problems.
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Odontologijos paslaugų vaikams kokybė tėvų požiūriu / Quality evaluation of dental service for children from the parents' point of viewKavaliauskienė, Aistė 30 May 2005 (has links)
Aistė Kavaliauskienė
Supervisor Antanas Šidlauskas, Assoc. Prof., D.D.S., PhD., Department of Social Medicine, faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine. – Kaunas, 2005. �� P.74
Aim of the study – to evaluate the quality of dental services for children from the parents’ point of view.
Methods. The anonymous questionnaire survey was performed among 280 parents of children visiting their pediatric dentists or orthodontists in four Kaunas public health care institutions. The research methodology used the questionnaire based upon SERVQUAL instrument. Two sets of questions, one relating to the respondents’ expectations, the other relating to the respondents’ perceptions of a particular aspect of service quality, comprised the questionnaire. The perceived gaps between expectations and perceptions were analysed regarding five service quality dimensions (tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, empathy). Likert-type scales were used for the evaluation of the examined characteristics. The statistical package SPSS version 11.0 for Windows was used to conduct data analysis.
Results. There was a statistically significant difference between the parents’ expectations (mean score 4,31±0,36) compared with their perceptions (mean score 3,86±0,46) of the dental service provided. The largest quality gap was observed in characteristic regarding reliability while the smallest gap concerned... [to full text]
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