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IDENTIFYING BUSINESS STUDENTS’ LEADERSHIP STYLESBorowa, Agnieszka, Darwish, Hani S. January 2007 (has links)
<p>The fact is, no organization has ever become great without exceptional leadership - without leaders who can connect the efforts of their teams to the critical objectives of the organization, who can tap the full potential of each individual on their teams, who can align systems and clarify purposes, and who can inspire trust. The purpose of the study is to investigate and compare what management styles business students from Halmstad University, Sweden, will implement. Moreover, this study shows future leaders work preferences and concerns. As a tool for the findings the managerial grid (founded in 1964 by Blake and Mounton) was incorporated with situational theory (Hersey and Blanchard, 1977). The investigation was conducted applying a theoretical framework to empirical data. By analysing leadership styles and students work preferences, it illustrates the kind of leader a business student will potentially become and which direction he/she may take. Overall, the average of 130 business students from Halmstad University shows that they are going to be a Team Leader, because for them the people’s needs as well as the results of their work are important.</p>
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IDENTIFYING BUSINESS STUDENTS’ LEADERSHIP STYLESBorowa, Agnieszka, Darwish, Hani S. January 2007 (has links)
The fact is, no organization has ever become great without exceptional leadership - without leaders who can connect the efforts of their teams to the critical objectives of the organization, who can tap the full potential of each individual on their teams, who can align systems and clarify purposes, and who can inspire trust. The purpose of the study is to investigate and compare what management styles business students from Halmstad University, Sweden, will implement. Moreover, this study shows future leaders work preferences and concerns. As a tool for the findings the managerial grid (founded in 1964 by Blake and Mounton) was incorporated with situational theory (Hersey and Blanchard, 1977). The investigation was conducted applying a theoretical framework to empirical data. By analysing leadership styles and students work preferences, it illustrates the kind of leader a business student will potentially become and which direction he/she may take. Overall, the average of 130 business students from Halmstad University shows that they are going to be a Team Leader, because for them the people’s needs as well as the results of their work are important.
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HR-chefer : Hur relateras deras ledarskapsstil till det etiska ledarskapet? / HR-managers : How does their leadership style relate to the ethical leadership?Ljung, Fredrik, Lundvold, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
Ethical issues have taken an ever greater place in the social debate over recent years, and it has become increasingly important for today's organizations to follow the public's view of ethical justice. This affects HR-manager to a greater extent than many other managers, as the HR-manager is exposed to ethical problems and situations that involve the entire organization's personal. The leadership theory that primarily handles the ethical aspect of leadership is the ethical leadership. Ethical leadership does this without discussing what is considered ethical or unethical. On the other hand the focus is on how leaders should use different parts of their leadership to create conditions for being able to act in a way that is seen as ethically correct by the outside world. The study is based on whether HR-managers are a higher degree of task- or relationship-oriented in their leadership. It studies in accordance with the purpose of the study and problem definition if HR-managers in Skaraborg are a higher degree of task- or relationship-oriented in their leadership and how it relates to their ethical leadership. To be able to fulfill the purpose of the study and answer the problem definition of the study, the study is based on interviews conducted with eight different HR-managers, all of whom are active in government controlled businesses in Skaraborg. The study's theoretical frame is based on previous research on the role of HR Manager, Managerial Grid, task- and relationship-oriented leadership and ethical leadership. The study's authors have chosen to use a qualitative method and it is designed according to a case study. The eight different HR-managers each represent a separate case and the interviews together with the facts collected from, among other things, the websites of the organizations are the basis for the study's empirical data. The study's empirical data is presented in relation to the theoretical frame in the analysis. In the analysis, the study's authors have found that there are two groups among current HR-managers, one that is a higher degree of task-oriented and one that is a higher degree of relational-oriented. The study's authors also present that there is a relationship between to which group the HR-managers belong and their ethical leadership. The final conclusion is that HR-managers who are a higher degree of relational-oriented correspond more closely with the theoretical reference framework of the study regarding ethical leadership. / Etiska frågor har tagit en allt större plats i samhällsdiskussionen under de senaste åren och det har blivit allt viktigare för dagens organisationer att följa det allmänheten anser är etiskt rätt. Detta drabbar HR-chefer i en högre utsträckning än många andra chefer, då HR-chefen utsätts för etiska problem och situationer som involverar hela organisationens personal. Den ledarskapsteori som främst involverar den etiska aspekten av ledarskapet är det etiska ledarskapet. Det etiska ledarskapet gör detta utan att gå in på diskussionen angående vad som anses vara etiskt eller oetiskt. Å andra sidan fokuserar det på hur ledare ska använda sig av olika delar av ledarskapet för att skapa förutsättningar för att ledaren sedan ska kunna agera på ett sätt som ses som etiskt korrekt av omvärlden. Studien utgår ifrån om HR-chefer i högre grad är uppgift- eller relationsorienterade i sitt ledarskap. Den studerar i enlighet med studiens syfte och problemformulering om HR-chefer i Skaraborg i högre grad är uppgift- eller relationsorienterade i sitt ledarskap och hur det relateras till deras etiska ledarskap. För att kunna uppfylla studiens syfte och svara på studiens problemformulering utgår studien i första hand från intervjuer som genomfördes med åtta olika HR-chefer, som alla är verksamma inom offentliga verksamheter i Skaraborg. Studiens teoretiska referensram är uppbyggd utifrån tidigare forskning angående rollen som HR-chef, Managerial grid, uppgift- och relationsorienterat ledarskap samt etiskt ledarskap. Studiens författare har valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie och den är utformad i enlighet med en fallstudie. De åtta olika HR-cheferna representerar var sitt fall och intervjuerna med dessa tillsammans med fakta som är insamlad från bland annat organisationernas hemsidor är grunden för studiens empiri. Studiens empiri ställs i relation till den teoretiska referensramen i studiens analys. Under analysen har studiens författare funnit att det finns två grupper bland de aktuella HR-cheferna, en som i en högre grad är uppgiftsorienterade och en som i en högre grad är relationsorienterade. Studiens författare ser även att det finns en relation mellan vilken grupp HR-cheferna tillhör och deras etiska ledarskap. Den slutgiltiga slutsatsen som presenteras är att HR-chefer som i högre grad är relationsorienterade i högre grad överensstämmer med studiens teoretiska referensram angående det etiska ledarskapet.
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Ledare utan plan : Uppgift- och relationsorienterat ledarskap inomrestaurangbranschen under coronapandemin. / Leaders without a plan : Task- and relations oriented leadership inresturants during the corona pandemic.Pavlovic, Dorian, Nyberg Steinbrenner, John January 2021 (has links)
Studien handlar om att skapa förståelse kring huruvida restaurangchefer är i högre grad uppgifts- eller relationsorienterade i sitt ledarskap samt hur de hanterat corona pandemin. Studien har tagit utgångspunkt i insamling av empirisk data, för att vidare analysera materialet med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramen. Under den teoretiska referensramen har data samlats in kring de berörda ledarstilarna och hur de skiljer sig från varandra, samt hur en kris och krishantering kan se ut. Studiens empiriska avsnitt utgår ifrån en kvalitativ metod insamling där sju restaurangchefer intervjuades. Respondenterna och dess restauranger är belägna i Göteborg. Uppsatsens empiriska resultat stödjer teoretiska referensramen som implementeras i analysavsnittet.Författarna presenterar slutligen i slutsatsen att restaurangcheferna använder en kombination av uppgifts- och relationsorienterat ledarskap. Författarna kan dessutom fastslå att ingen chef utesluter den ena ledarskapsstilen. Studien visar tydliga samband där restaurangcheferna är antingen mer relations- eller uppgiftsorienterade i sitt ledarskap. I analysavsnittet visar det sig att restaurangcheferna hanterar krisen på olika sätt. De relationsorienterade restaurangcheferna var innovativa och arbetade med att skapa ytterligare intäkter, medans den uppgiftsorienterade ledaren effektiviserade organisationen och kapade kostnader. Ledarna har dock varit tydliga att ingen krisstrategi formats i förväg. Samtliga ledare har agerat reaktivt under den rådande pandemin då ingen liknande händelse inträffat dessförinnan. / The study is about creating an understanding of whether restaurant managers are more task- or relationship-oriented in their leadership and how they have handled the corona pandemic. The study is based on two parts, one of which is the collection of empirical data, the other from the theoretical frame of reference. During the theoretical frame of reference, data has been collected on the relevant leadership styles and how they differ from each other, as well as what a crisis and crisis management can look like. The empirical section of the study is based on a qualitative collection method where seven restaurant managers were interviewed. The respondents and their restaurants are located in Gothenburg. The empirical evidence of the thesis is supported in the theoretical frame of reference that is implemented in the analysis section.The authors presents in the conclusion that restaurant managers use a combination of task and relationship-oriented leadership. The authors can also state that no manager excludes a leadership style. The study shows clear connections where restaurant managers are either more relational or task-oriented in their leadership. In the analysis section, it turns out that the restaurant managers handle the crisis in different ways. The relationship-oriented restaurant managers were innovative and worked to create additional revenue, while the task-oriented leader streamlined the organization and reduced costs. However, the leaders have been clear that no crisis strategy has been formulated in advance. All leaders have acted reactively during the current pandemic because no similar event has occurred before.
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