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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The application of spontaneous parametric downconversion to develop tools for validating photonic quantum information technologies

Thomas, Peter James January 2010 (has links)
This portfolio of work contributes to the remit of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) to develop the underpinning expertise and tools for validating nascent and future optical quantum technologies based on the discrete and quantum properties of photons. This requirement overlaps with the requirement to provide validation for devices operating in the photon-counting regime. A common theme running through the portfolio is photon pairs generated through spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC). A Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interferometer sourced with visible wavelength photon pairs from an SPDC process in beta-barium borate (BBO) was designed, built and characterised. The visibility of the HOM interference is dependent on the indistinguishability of the interfering photons, but is also influenced by imperfections of the interferometer; therefore an investigation was carried out to quantify the effects of the interferometer imperfections on the measured visibility so that the true photon indistinguishability could be measured with a quantified uncertainty. A bright source of correlated pair photons in the telecoms band based upon a pump enhanced SPDC process in periodically-poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) was designed, built and characterised. From the characterisation measurements the source brightness was estimated to be 6.2×10⁴ pairs/ s/ mw pump. The photon pairs were further characterised through their incorporation as a source in a HOM interference experiment. The developed correlated photon pair source was at the heart of a novel scheme for the generation of polarisation entangled photon pairs, for which the design, build and characterisation work is presented. The source was demonstrated to produce two of the four maximally entangled Bell states with quantum interference visibilities of around 0.95. The generated states were also shown to break a form of Bell's inequality by around six standard deviations. The polarisation entangled photon pair source was originally built at the University of St Andrews and was later transferred to the NPL where it will extend NPL's capabilities to this key spectral region. Finally a study was carried out to investigate the possibility of a wavelength tuneable device for the absolute measurement of single photon detector quantum efficiencies based upon an established SPDC technique.

Consolidation theories for saturated-unsaturated soils and numerical simulation of residential buildings on expansive soils

Zhang, Xiong 01 November 2005 (has links)
The coupled and uncoupled consolidation theories for saturated-unsaturated soils have been discussed. A new method for constructing the constitutive surfaces for saturated-unsaturated soils has been proposed. The consolidation processes for saturated-unsaturated soils have been explained by thermodynamic analogue. One dimensional consolidation theory for saturated-unsaturated soils is presented and a new method is proposed to calculate the immediate settlement, total settlement and the time history of the consolidation settlement manually in the same way as what we have done for saturated soils with a higher accuracy. It makes the consolidation theory of unsaturated soils as applicable as that of saturated soils. This method can also be used to perform uncoupled two or three dimensional consolidation calculation for both expansive soils and collapsible soils. From the analysis, the equivalent effective stress and excessive pore water pressure can be easily calculated. At the same time, the physical meanings for the parameters in the constitutive laws for saturated-unsaturated are illustrated. A new set of the differential equations for the coupled two or three dimensional consolidation of saturated-unsaturated soils are proposed, together with the corresponding method to solve the differential equations. It is also proved numerically and analytically that during the consolidation process the Mandel-Cryer effect exists for unsaturated expansive soils and there is a ??reverse?? Mandel-Cryer effect for unsaturated collapsible soils. A new method is proposed to estimate the volume change of expansive soils. A complete system is proposed for the numerical simulation of residential buildings on expansive soils. The strength of this method lies in its use of simple and readily available historic weather data such as daily temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed and rainfall as input. Accurate three dimensional predictions are obtained by integrating a number of different analytical and numerical techniques: different simulation methods for different boundary conditions such as tree, grass, and bare soils, coupled hydro-mechanical stress analysis to describe deformation of saturated-unsaturated soils, jointed elements simulation of soil-structure interaction, analysis of structure stress moment by general shell elements, and to assess structural damage by the smeared cracking model. The real-time and dynamic simulation results are consistent with filed measurements.

HBO and the Holocaust: Conspiracy, the historical film, and public history at Wannsee

Johnson, Nicholas K. 12 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In 2001, Home Box Office aired Conspiracy, a dramatization of the infamous Wannsee Conference organized by Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann. The Conference took place in Berlin on 20 January 1942 and was intended to coordinate the Final Solution by asserting the dominance of Heydrich and the SS over other governmental departments. The surviving Wannsee Protocol stands as one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for the Third Reich’s genocidal intent and emblematic of its shift from mass shootings in the occupied East to industrial-scale murder. Conspiracy, written by Loring Mandel and directed by Frank Pierson, is an unusual historical film because it reenacts the Wannsee Conference in real time, devoid of the usual clichés prevalent throughout Holocaust films. It also engages with historiographical arguments and makes a few of its own. This thesis argues that dramatic film has been relatively ignored by the public history field and uses Conspiracy as a case study for how dramatic film and television can be used to further the goals of public history, especially that of making complex and difficult histories accessible to wide audiences. Grounded in a thorough reading of script drafts, production notes, HBO meeting minutes, and correspondence, this thesis examines Conspiracy from the vantage point of scholarship in public history, film studies, and Holocaust studies. It details the film’s production history, the sources used for the film, the claims it makes, and advocates for dramatic film as a powerful public history outlet. Ultimately, this thesis argues that Conspiracy is exactly the type of historical film that historians should be making themselves.

Demonstrating quantum entanglement and Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, using type-II spontaneous parametric down conversion with C programming for data collection

Svanberg, Erik, Johannisson Lundquist, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) is used to generate quantum entangled photons through a non-linear crystal. The entanglement of photons is demonstrated by observing the effects of indistinguishability on photons, first through time and energy, then by polarization. The Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect was also demonstrated. A theoretical derivation of the effect of a non 50/50 beam splitter (BS) is also investigated. The energy of the photons was changed by varying the temperature of the crystal whilst the time difference was changed by varying the relative position of two mirrors. Results showed a clear effect from indistinguishability on both energy and time.

Georges Mandel (1885–1944): Protokoll zur Restitution von NS-verfolgungsbedingt entzogenem Kulturgut (NS-Raubgut)

Geldmacher, Elisabeth 26 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Pensamento pós-moderno e educação na crise estrutural do capital / Post – modern thinking and education on structural crisis of capital

MARINHO, Cristiane Maria January 2008 (has links)
MARINHO, Cristiane Maria. Pensamento pós-moderno e educação na crise estrutural do capital. 2008. 286f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2008. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-04T14:50:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_tese_CMMarinho.pdf: 2314155 bytes, checksum: 28f7ba6d6a324f0c375a1e97a6e67b7d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-04T16:02:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_tese_CMMarinho.pdf: 2314155 bytes, checksum: 28f7ba6d6a324f0c375a1e97a6e67b7d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-04T16:02:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008_tese_CMMarinho.pdf: 2314155 bytes, checksum: 28f7ba6d6a324f0c375a1e97a6e67b7d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / This thesis analyzes post – modern thinking and education in Lyotard and Vattimo under the context of the structural crisis of contemporary capital. It aims at working out in detail a critical view on post – modern thinking and its central category of difference, featuring it as ideological expressions of the material output of such crisis, proving, critically its reflections and its ideological impact on education, based on the marxist theoretical framework: Mandel, enphasising the late capitalism concept and the third revolution; Meszáros, setting priority on the structural crisis of capital and its uncontrolability, activation of absolute limits and decreasing rate of utilization of goods; Jameson and Harvey, focusing on their criticism on post – modern thinking as ideological expression of late capitalism. The critical study as shown here examines if post – modern thinking and its view on education expresses the logic of capital: in Lyotard, it has been examined the role of university; in Vattimo, reflection has been about liberation of differences through media and the new hermeneutic ideal for education. The outcome of this study proves that post – modern thinking and its influence on education express the movements and concerns of contemporary capital in its structural crisis. Determination of late capitalism on education has been studied through influence of the third technological revolution on superior teaching based on Mandel’s thinking. The influence of the structural crisis on education has been examined based on Meszáro’s reflections. However, this study has proved, in addition, that post modern thinking, in spite of its epistemological and educational limits, also has contributed to improvements and possibilities of emancipation. / Esta tese analisa o pensamento pós-moderno e a educação em Lyotard e Vattimo no contexto da crise estrutural do capital contemporâneo. Tem por objetivo elaborar uma crítica ao pensamento pós-moderno e a sua categoria central da diferença apresentando-os como expressões ideológicas da produção material dessa crise, demonstrando criticamente suas reflexões e seu impacto ideológico na Educação a partir do referencial teórico marxista: Mandel, com ênfase no conceito de capitalismo tardio e a terceira revolução; Meszáros, com prioridade na crise estrutural do capital e sua incontrolabilidade, ativação dos limites absolutos e taxa decrescente de utilização da mercadoria; Jameson e Harvey, com a elaboração de sua crítica ao pensamento pós-moderno como expressão ideológica do capitalismo tardio. O estudo crítico aqui apresentado investiga se o pensamento pós-moderno e sua idéia acerca da Educação expressa a lógica do capital: em Lyotard, foi explorado o papel da universidade; em Vattimo, a reflexão foi sobre a libertação midiática das diferenças e o novo ideal hermenêutico para a educação. O resultado da pesquisa demonstra que o pensamento pós-moderno e sua influência sobre a educação expressam o movimento e os interesses do capital contemporâneo na sua crise estrutural. A determinação do capitalismo tardio sobre a educação foi vista por meio da influência da terceira revolução tecnológica no ensino superior, partindo do pensamento de Mandel. A influência da crise estrutural do capital na educação foi analisada, a partir das reflexões de Meszáros. Contudo, a investigação demonstrou, ainda, que o pensamento pós-moderno, apesar de seus limites epistemológicos e educacionais, também contribuiu com avanços e possibilidades emancipatórias.

Etude théorique et expérimentale du flambement des pieux

Youssef, Emile 01 December 1994 (has links) (PDF)
En géotechnique, le phénomène du flambement se rencontre principalement dans le cas des micropieux traversant des sols de faibles caractéristiques mécaniques. Pour des pieux plus massifs chargés latéralement et soumis à une charge verticale importante se pose plutôt le problème de l'influence de l'effort normal sur la réponse en flexion des pieux. Ces deux problèmes se traitent mécaniquement en tenant compte des non-linéarités géométriques (effets du second ordre - grands déplacements). Une synthèse bibliographique est d'abord entreprise. Il ressort que la théorie de Mandel est souvent utilisée dans la pratique. Une approche théorique appelée "résistance des matériaux locale (RDM locale)" est ensuite développée pour tenir compte des non-linéarités géométriques. Cette approche est mise en oeuvre numériquement par le programme GOUFLA de calcul de la réponse d'un groupe de pieux en tenant compte des grands déplacements. La validation du programme GOUFLA s'appuie, d'une part, sur des résultats analytiques obtenus par la théorie de Mandel et, d'autre part, sur les résultats numériques obtenus par le logiciel CESAR-LCPC (code par éléments finis). Les principaux résultats d'un programme d'essais de chargement axial sur des modèles réduits de pieux centrifugés sont ensuite présentés, ainsi qu'une confrontation de ces résultats avec les prévisions théoriques de Mandel ; une méthode est ainsi proposée pour une bonne estimation de la force critique à partir de la théorie de Mandel. Les résultats expérimentaux sont aussi comparés avec ceux obtenus numériquement par le programme GOUFLA. Des prévisions de la force critique de flambement sont calculées par le programme GOUFLA pour le dimensionnement des fondations de plusieurs ouvrages réels. L'interprétation et l'analyse d'un essai de flambement d'un micropieu en vraie grandeur sont présentées.

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