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Efeito antinociceptivo e anti-inflamatório dos graus 1 e 3 de mobilização articular em modelo experimental de inflamação articular / Antinocipetive and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Grade 1 and 3 of Joint Mobilization in Experimental Model of Joint InflammationSilva, Zak Moreira de Andrade 03 April 2014 (has links)
Aim of investigation: This study investigated the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of different grades of joint mobilization (JM) at different periods of time after induction of inflammation. Methods: Seventy five male Wistar rats were induced with joint inflammation through an injection volume with 0.1 mL of 3% carrageenan and kaolin at the left knee. Later, they were divided into groups of joint mobilization grade 1, grade 3 and control. Animals were assessed at different periods as 5 days before induction, 07 hours after induction, and 03, 10 and 20 days after induction of inflammation. Joint mobilizations were held for grades 1 and 3 differentiated by the degree of range performed and where clinically indicated for pain reduction and improved mobility. The protocol of JM was performed by using three sets of three minutes with one minute of interval between each series. Control animals were maintained in a glove for the duration of therapeutic intervention. All tests were performed with the investigator blinded to treatment. Mechanical hyperalgesia, and motor performance were assessed through digital analgesimeter and grip strength meter, respectively. Anti-inflammatory action was assessed by the total cell counting. Results: All experimental groups became hyperalgesic, through a significant reduction in mechanical withdrawal threshold (p<0.001) 24 hours after the inflammation was induced. There was no change in the mechanical withdrawal threshold in the experiment where the JM was done before induction. There were antinociceptive effects in the other groups, when compared with control (p<0.05). There was a significant reduction of the total cells counting only in the group treated with grade 1 JM when compared to the group treated with grade 3 and to the control group (p<0.0001). There was no difference for the withdrawal threshold between grades 1 and 3 JM related to the experiments assessed 03, 10 and 20 days after induction of inflammation, and for the 7-hour after induction group, only grade 1 mobilization showed antinociceptive effect (p<0.001). There was no difference between groups related to motor performance. Conclusions: Both grade 1 and grade 3 JM were effective in reducing secondary hyperalgesia after joint inflammation, and grade 1 was more effective in suggesting anti-inflammatory effect in joint inflammation. / Introdução: Dor músculo-esquelética é uma condição altamente prevalente, com influência econômica relevante para a sociedade e repercussões na funcionalidade dos indivíduos. A mobilização articular (MA) é um método terapêutico que promove alívio de dor e melhora da amplitude de movimento funcional. Este estudo é justificado pela necessidade de maior aprofundamento nos efeitos da MA na dor articular aguda e crônica, envolvendo os seus diversos períodos, desde a instalação aguda da inflamação, até a cronificação da dor articular. Objetivo: O presente estudo investigou os efeitos dos graus 1 e 3 de MA bem como o efeito antihiperalgésico das MAs efetuadas durante diferentes períodos após a indução da inflamação articular. Método: 75 ratos Wistar foram induzidos com inflamação articular através de uma injeção com o volume de 0,1 mL de solução de carragenina e caolina (3%) no joelho esquerdo. Posteriormente, a formação dos grupos deu-se de acordo com os graus de MA clinicamente indicados para redução da dor e melhora da mobilidade: grau 1, grau 3 e controle, com 25 animais em cada grupo. As intervenções foram realizadas em diferentes fases: 05 dias antes da indução, 07 horas após a indução, e 03, 10 e 20 dias após a indução de inflamação articular. Os animais do grupo controle foram mantidos dentro da luva durante o tempo do procedimento de intervenção terapêutica. Todos os testes foram feitos com experimentador cego para o tratamento. Foram mensurados os efeitos antinociceptivos, a partir da hiperalgesia mecânica secundária, e os efeitos anti-inflamatórios, a partir da contagem total de células inflamatórias, além disso, foi mensurado o desempenho motor, a partir do Grip Strength Meter. Resultados: Em todos os grupos experimentais, houve redução significativa do limiar mecânico da pata 24 horas após instalado o processo infamatório em todos os grupos, indicando hiperalgesia (p<0,001). Não houve efeitos antinociceptivos quando a MA foi administrada antes de induzir a inflamação articular pré-indução. Ambos os graus de MA (1 e 3) promoveram redução significativa do limiar mecânico de retirada da pata em relação ao controle quando aplicada 3, 10 e 20 dias após indução da inflamação (p<0,05). Às 7 horas pós-indução apenas o grau I apresentou redução significativa do limiar mecânico de pata (p<0,001). Não houve repercussão no desempenho motor após tratamento com MA em nenhum dos períodos de intervenção. Houve diminuição significativa do número total de leucócitos nos grupos que sofreram intervenção com o grau 1 (p<0,0001). Conclusões: Mobilização articular grau 1 e grau 3 foram eficientes na redução da hiperalgesia mecânica em todos os momentos da inflamação articular, sendo que o grau 1 apresentou efeito antinociceptivo no momento mais precoce estudado em modelo experimental de dor inflamatória. A mobilização articular de pequena amplitude apresentou repercussão sobre a contagem de leucócitos, sugerindo um efeito anti-inflamatório da mobilização articular.
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Évaluation des effets secondaires associés aux thérapies manuelles chez les enfants de 0 à 5 ans : une étude de faisabilitéDolbec, Anne 11 1900 (has links)
Depuis la dernière décennie, un nombre croissant de parents consultent divers praticiens
en médecine complémentaire et alternative pour des troubles reliés à la santé de leurs bébés ou
enfants. Les thérapies manuelles, incluant les mobilisations et manipulations vertébrales, sont
des modalités thérapeutiques couramment utilisées dans ce domaine alternatif et malgré la
popularité de ces thérapies, peu de littérature existe quant à la sécurité de celles-ci. La majorité
des effets secondaires rapportés dans la littérature suite aux thérapies manuelles sont légers et
transitoires (ex. : pleurs et raideur), mais certains plus graves (ex. : décès) ont déjà été rapportés.
L’objectif de l’article présenté dans ce mémoire était d’évaluer les effets secondaires
immédiats et différés (48h) associés aux thérapies manuelles chez les enfants de 5 ans et moins
et de présenter des données préliminaires. L’obtention des données chez 73 participants-enfants
fut réalisée par l’entremise d’un questionnaire en ligne complété par le tuteur légal. Les résultats
de cette étude clinique pragmatique démontrent des effets secondaires bénins et transitoires
(ex : irritabilité/pleurs, fatigue/somnolence) chez 30% des enfants ayant reçu des thérapies
manuelles. La réalisation de ce projet a permis de confirmer la portion faisabilité auprès de
chiropraticiens-participants dans leurs pratiques privées respectives. La limite principale de cette
étude est la taille de l’échantillon, qui fut trop petite pour obtenir une puissance statistique
permettant de tirer des conclusions sur la fréquence et la nature des effets secondaires.
Les retombées de ce projet de recherche incluent un apport quant aux connaissances
concernant les effets secondaires suite aux thérapies manuelles pédiatriques et surtout
permettent de démontrer qu’il est faisable de réaliser un tel projet au sein des diverses
professions pratiquant les thérapies manuelles comme la physiothérapie ou la chiropratique. / Over the past decade, a growing number of parents have been consulting various
complementary and alternative medicine practitioners for health-related problems concerning
their babies or children. Manual therapies, including spinal mobilizations and spinal manipulation,
are one of the therapeutic modalities commonly used in this alternative field and despite the
popularity of these therapies, little literature exists on their safety. The majority of adverse events
reported in the literature following manual therapies are mild and transient (e.g. crying and
stiffness), but some more serious (e.g. death) have already been reported.
The objective of the article presented in this thesis was to evaluate immediate and delayed
side effects associated with manual therapies in children 5 years of age and under and to present
preliminary data. Those data was obtained from 73 child participant through an online
questionnaire completed by the legal guardian. The results of this pragmatic clinical study
demonstrate mild and transient adverse events (e.g. irritability/crying, fatigue/drowsiness) in
30% of children who received manual therapies. The realization of this project made it possible
to confirm the feasibility portion with participating chiropractors in their private practices and the
main limitation of it was the sample size, too small to obtain a statistical power allowing to draw
conclusions on the frequency and nature of side effects.
The benefits of this research project include a contribution to knowledge concerning
adverse events following pediatric manual therapies and above all make it possible to
demonstrate that it is feasible to carry out such a project within the various professions practicing
manual therapies such as physiotherapy or chiropractic.
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Quantification des caractéristiques force-temps des mobilisations vertébrales chez la population pédiatrique d’âge préscolaire : une étude de faisabilitéVallières, Marie-Hélène 01 1900 (has links)
La mobilisation vertébrale est fréquemment utilisée pour traiter les troubles
neuromusculosquelettiques chez les enfants. Cependant, il existe peu d’études ayant mesurées
les caractéristiques force-temps de la mobilisation pédiatrique. Cette étude visait à évaluer la
faisabilité de l'utilisation d'un capteur de force au bout des doigts pour mesurer les
caractéristiques force-temps de la mobilisation vertébrale administrée par des chiropraticiens à
des enfants âgés de cinq ans et moins.
Des chiropraticiens traitant couramment de jeunes enfants ont été recrutés. Un capteur
(Tekscan®, USA) a été placé sur le bout du doigt des chiropraticiens lors de l’exécution des
mobilisations vertébrales chez un patient de cinq ans et moins. Avant la collecte de données, le
capteur a été calibré à l'aide d'un capteur précalibré (Large Loadpad®, Novel®) positionné sur la
cuisse du chercheur. Les courbes force-temps des mobilisations ont été analysées visuellement
pour identifier des patrons de mobilisations. Au total, cinq patrons de mobilisations vertébrales
ont été identifiés. Cette étude a permis d’identifier des défis limitant la faisabilité à mesurer les
caractéristiques force-temps des mobilisations vertébrales pédiatriques en clinique privée. Le
positionnement adéquat du capteur lors des mobilisations cervicales explique la perte importante
des données limitant la compréhension de sa sécurité et de son efficacité. Bien que l’algorithme
de calibration ait démontré une concordance parfaite entre la force et le voltage, la calibration
effectuée sur la cuisse du chercheur peut expliquer en partie un manque d’exactitude observé.
Néanmoins, les résultats ont démontré que les mobilisations pédiatriques peuvent être
effectuées de différentes façons, cependant qu’un patron prédomine auprès d’un même
chiropraticien. Cette étude soulève le besoin d’établir des standards pour guider la mesure des
caractéristiques force-temps des thérapies manuelles en pédiatrie considérant les défis
particuliers associés à ce type de population. / Spinal mobilization is frequently used to treat neuromusculoskeletal disorders in children.
However, there are few studies that have measured the force-time characteristics of pediatric
mobilization. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of using a fingertip force sensor to measure
the force-time characteristics of spinal mobilization administered by chiropractors to children
aged five years and younger.
Chiropractors who commonly treat young children were recruited. A sensor (Tekscan®,
USA) was placed on the chiropractors' fingertip during the execution of spinal mobilizations in a
patient aged five years and younger. Before data collection, the sensor was calibrated using a precalibrated
sensor (Large Loadpad®, Novel®) positioned on the researcher's thigh. The force-time
curves of mobilizations were visually analyzed to identify mobilization patterns graphically. In
total, five patterns of vertebral mobilizations were been determined..
This study identified challenges that limit the feasibility of measuring the force-time
characteristics of pediatric spinal mobilizations in private practice. The proper positioning of the
sensor during cervical mobilizations explains the significant loss of data limiting the understanding
of its safety and effectiveness. Although the calibration algorithm showed a perfect match
between force and voltage, calibrating on the researcher's thigh may point out a lack of accuracy
shown. Nevertheless, the results demonstrate that pediatric mobilizations can be performed in
different ways, but a predominant pattern existed for the same chiropractor.
This study highlights the need to establish standards to guide the measurement of forcetime
characteristics of manual therapies in pediatrics, considering the specific challenges
associated with this type of population.
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