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Vers une didactique des langues minoritaires ? : le cas du mapudungun au Chili / Towards a didactics of the minority languages ? : the case of the mapudungun in ChileVergara Lopez, Alejandra Andrea 16 November 2015 (has links)
La situation sociolinguistique du Chili, historiquement marquée par un processus de glottophagie (Calvet, 1974, 1997, 1999), place actuellement le mapudungun parmi les langues originaires minorisées de cet Etat-Nation officiellement monolingue (espagnol). Le statut de cette langue mapuche et l’abandon progressif de sa transmission intergénérationnelle posent la question de sa «revitalisation» (Hinton & Hale, 2001 ; Costa, 2010) au sein de mouvements militants. Cette thèse de doctorat se fonde sur une recherche ethnographique et collaborative au long cours dans un contexte d’enseignement/apprentissage du mapudungun en direction d’un public urbain de jeunes adultes de Santiago du Chili. Analyser les pratiques pédagogiques contemporaines au sein d’un mouvement militant mapuche et en dégager des pistes pour la didactique des langues minoritaires ont constitué les objectifs prioritaires de cette recherche. Il ressort que l’enseignement du mapudungun, comme celui d’autres langues minoritaires, concerne autant la praxis d’une didactique contextualisée que la prise en compte, dans cette même perspective, d’une tension entre tradition vs modernité qu’il s’agit d’intégrer pleinement à la réflexion didactique pour que le parler des «gens de la terre» ait quelque chance de devenir aussi celui des «gens du bitume». / The sociolinguistic situation of Chile, which has been historically marked by a process of glottophagia (Calvet, 1974, 1997, 1999), now regards mapudungun as one of the native minority languages of this officially monolingual Nationstate (Spanish). The status of the mapuche language and the progressive loss of its intergenerational transmission have raised the question of “revitalization” (Hinton & Hale, 2001; Costa, 2010) among militant movements. This Ph.D study conducts a longterm ethnographical collaborative research on mapudungun learning/teaching contexts for an audience of young urban adults from the city of Santiago de Chile. To analyse contemporary educational practices within a militant mapuche movement and to establish new avenues of research for the didactics of minority languages were the priority objectives of this research.It appears that the teaching of mapudungun, as well as that of the other minority languages, concerns both the praxis of contextualized didactics, and the consideration, in the same prospect, of a tension between tradition and modernity, a question that should be fully integrated in the didactic reflection, so that the language of “the people of the earth” might also become that of “the people of the asphalt”.
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Las construcciones verbales seriales en mapucheFernández-Garay, Ana, Malvestitti, Marisa 25 September 2017 (has links)
Este artículo analiza las construcciones verbales seriales (CVS) del mapudungun, lengua indígena hablada en el sur de la República Argentina, sobre todo en las provincias de La Pampa, Neuquén, Río Negro y Chubut. Los estudios tradicionales del mapudungun han tratado los verbos conformadospor dos o más raíces verbales como lexemas compuestos. A partir de la perspectiva tipológica, que define las construcciones verbales seriales como una secuencia de verbos que funciona como un predicado único, sin presentar elementos coordinantes ni subordinantes entre ellos, se las analiza estableciendo los distintos tipos de CVS, sus valores semánticos, así como su frecuencia de aparición en los corpora sobre los que se basanuestro trabajo. -- This article analyzes the serial verb constructions (SVC) of Mapudungun, an indigenous language spoken in the southern region of Argentina —mainly in the provinces of La Pampa, Neuquén, Río Negro y Chubut.Traditional investigations of Mapudungun have considered verbs constituted by two or more verbal roots as complex lexemes. From a typological trend, which defines SVC as a sequence of verbs that functions as a unique predicate, without presenting coordination or subordination elements betweenthem, we analyze Mapudungun SVC and, thus, establish a typology, their semantic values and the appearance frequency in the corpora we gathered for this investigation.
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¿Hablas mapudungun? : Estudio sociolingüístico de bilingüismo, usos y actitudes hacia el mapudungun en el sector rural y urbano en Chile / Do you speak Mapudungun? : A sociolinguistic study of bilingualism, usage and attitudes towards Mapudungun in the rural and urban sectors of ChileNilsson, Noemi January 2021 (has links)
La lengua mapudungun del pueblo mapuche ha sufrido en la historia, por distintas razones desplazamiento y vitalidad lingüística del castellano dentro del territorio chileno como lengua principal. La lengua vernácula está en peligro de extinción y muchos de los mapuche no hablan la lengua. La identidad étnica y la cultura están fuertemente vinculadas con la lengua del pueblo mapuche, lo cual implica que en un olvido de la lengua podría afectar la identidad mapuche. Los estudios nos revelan que existe la diglosia dentro del bilingüismo en Chile y hace que el mapudungun por ser lengua minoritaria sufra aún más. En los últimos años se ha discutido mucho en los telediarios y medios sociales, acerca de este problema sociolingüístico y muestra el gran deseo de muchos mapuche de poder salvar su lengua. La presente investigación se basa en un análisis cuantitativo sobre el bilingüismo, usos, actitudes lingüísticas hacia la lengua mapudungun, en los sectores urbanos y rurales en Chile. El estudio de campo se ha hecho directamente con 56 informantes con descendencias mapuche/chilenos y uno de los objetivos de esta investigación es también analizar si existe una actitud positiva para la mantención y difusión de la lengua mapuche. / The Mapudungun language of the Mapuche people has suffered in history, for different reasons, displacement, and linguistic vitality of Spanish within the Chilean territory as the main language. The vernacular language is in danger of extinction and many of the Mapuche do not speak the language. Ethnic identity and culture are strongly linked to the language of the Mapuche people, which implies that forgetting the language could affect the Mapuche identity. Studies reveal that there is diglossia within bilingualism in Chile and makes the Mapudungun suffer ever more because it is a minority language. In recent years there has been a lot of discussion on the news and social media about this sociolinguistic problem and it shows the great desire of many Mapuche to save their language. This research is based on a quantitative analysis of bilingualism, uses and linguistic attitudes towards the Mapudungun language in urban and rural sector in Chile. The field study has been done directly with 56 infomants with Mapuche/Chilean descent and one of the objectives of this research is also to analyze whether there is a positive attitude towards the maintenance and dissemination of the Mapuche language.
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Synchronic and diachronic morphoprosody : evidence from Mapudungun and Early EnglishMolineaux Ress, Benjamin Joseph January 2014 (has links)
In the individual grammars of time-bound speakers, as well as in the historical transmission of a language, prosodic and morphological domains are forced to interact. This research focuses, in particular, on stress, and its instantiation in different domains of the morphological structure. It asks what factors are involved in prioritising one system – morphology or stress assignment – over the other and how radical the consequences of this may be on the overall structure of the language. The data comes from two typologically distinct languages: Mapudungun (previously 'Araucanian'), a polysynthetic and agglutinating language isolate from Chile and Argentina documented for over 400 years; and English, far further into the isolating and fusional spectra, and documented from the 7th century onwards. In both languages, we focus on morphologically complex words and how they evolve in relation to stress. In Mapudungun we examine the entire historical period, while in English we focus on the changes from Old to Middle English (8th -14th centuries). The analyses show how different types of data (from acoustics, to native and non-native intuitions; from historical corpora, to present-day experimentation techniques), can be used in order to assess whether the prosodic system will accommodate to the demarcation of morphological domains or whether morphological structure is to be shoehorned into the prosodic system's rhythmic pattern. Original contemporary field and experimental work on Mapudungun shows stress to fall on right-aligned moraic trochees in the stem and word domains. This contradicts claims in the foot-typology literature, where Araucanian stress goes from left to right, building quantity-insensitive iambs. A reconstruction of the history of the stress system suggests a transition from quantity insensitivity to sensitivity and the establishment of two domains of stress, which ultimately facilitates the parsing of word-internal structure, emphasising the demarcative function of stress. In the case of Early English, the focus is on the prefixal domain. Here the optimisation of the stress system – also trochaic – is shown to reduce the instances of clash in the language at large. As a result, a split in the prefixal system is identified, where prefixes constituting heavy, non-branching feet are avoided – and are ultimately lost – due to clash with root-initial stress, while light and branching feet remain in the language. In this case, it is the rhythmic or structural role of stress that is emphasised. Language internal factors are evaluated – in particular morphological type and stress properties – alongside external factors such as contact (with Chilean Spanish and Norman French), in order to provide a more general context for the observed changes and synchronic structure of the languages. A key concept in the analysis is that of 'pertinacity', the conservative nature of transmission in grammars, which leads learners to perpetuate perceived core elements of the system.
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Actitudes hacia el mapudungun : Un estudio sociolingüístico entre jóvenes chilenos en la región de LosLagos, Chile.Faxér, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Our aim in this study is to investigate what attitudes exist among young Chilean peopletowards Mapudungun. Our other objectives are to establish the interest of learningMapudungun and to investigate if any of the informants identify themselves as mapuche. Thisstudy has been conducted among a small sample of informants in the region Los Lagos inChile. The sample consists of 21 informants between the ages 20 to 30.They answered a questionnaire consisting of two parts. In the first part we establish the ethnicidentity of the informants, and their desire to learn the language. Based on this they weredivided into three groups (mapuche, not mapuche and unsure) to investigate if the attitudesdiffer depending on their ethnicity. The second part of the questionnaire consists of the items.The informants have expressed their agreement or disagreement towards 20 positive ornegative items toward Mapudungun.The results of the analysis indicate that the attitudes towards Mapudungun are positive.However, the results show that the attitudes differ between the groups. We found a morepositive attitude in the mapuche group. We have also established an interest in learningMapudungun among the informants, even those that are not mapuche.
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Análisis de las actitudes hacia la variedad mapudungun entre los estudiantes de la lengua en Chile. La situación actual y algunos métodos de revitalizaciónRuch, Carolina January 2018 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las actitudes actuales hacia la variedad mapudungun dentro de sus estudiantes en Chile. Existen diferentes tipos de estudiantes, diferentes edades y motivaciones que conllevan al estudio de esta lengua ancestral. Para conseguir nuestros objetivos, realizamos algunas encuestas y entrevistas con el fin de analizar el estado de la cuestión actual. Hemos comprobado que, a pesar de las desavenencias con la sociedad chilena, las actitudes hacia el mapudungun han mejorado positivamente, además existen entidades dedicadas al trabajo de revitalización, lo que ayuda a obtener un respaldo del gobierno para trabajar, aunque a pasos lentos, en la revitalización de la lengua. / The purpose of this essay is to analyze the current attitudes towards the mapuche language among its students. There are different kinds of students, varieties of ages and motivations that entails the study of this ancestral language. To achieve our objectives, we conducted an interview and a few surveys to analyze the current state towards the variety. We have confirmed that despite the disagreements with the Chilean society, the attitudes towards the mapuche language have improved positively, additionally to this, we found there are entities dedicated to the work of revitalization, which helps to get governmental support, even if at a slow pace, they are working on the language revitalization.
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