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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Mt. Marcella volcanics : middle Triassic convergent margin volcanism in Southeast Queensland

Buck, Adrian January 2008 (has links)
Triassic igneous rocks in southeast Queensland show a number of subduction related geochemical characteristics. Extensive calc-alkalic granitoids chains characterise the region and define the ancient arc setting. Despite good evidence that an arc was present, Triassic volcanic rocks are relatively sparse in southeast Queensland. The Mt Marcella Volcanics, of the northern Esk Trough are a previously poorly understood piece of the Middle Triassic convergent margin of southeast Queensland. A three stage model is proposed for the eruptive development of the Middle Triassic (245- 230Ma) volcanic succession that involves; 1) The Middle Triassic basalt, comprising coalesced lava flows covering as much as 500km2 with an estimated eruptive volume in the order of 50km3. 2) The Penwhaupell Volcanic Centre, a concentration of inter-bedded lavas and pyroclastic rocks dominated by dacite that forms a volcanic pile exceeding 2km stratigraphic thickness and representing an eruptive volume of approximately 48km3. 3) The Ettiewyn Caldera, representing the catastrophic culmination of the Mt Marcella Volcanics event, with a sequence of caldera out-flow and in-fill andesite ignimbrites and post-caldera lavas with a total eruptive volume in the order of 130km3. The “Penwhaupell Volcanic Centre” and the “Ettiewyn Caldera” are two new sub-divisions and the proposed names, for the lower and upper sequences of the previously undifferentiated Mt Marcella Volcanics. The Mt Marcella Volcanics magma compositions show cogenetic characteristics that define three evolutionary pathways; 1) a mildly alkali series, from basaltic-andesite to trachy-dacite related through fractionation dominated by plagioclase and clinopyroxene 2) an amphibole series, basaltic-andesite to hornblende dacite through fractionation dominated by plagioclase and hornblende under hydrous conditions, and 3) a pyroxene series, from basaltic-andesite to pyroxene andesite through fractionation dominated by plagioclase and pyroxene. Quantitative petrogenetic models generally support the proposed fractional crystallisation pathway, however weaknesses are acknowledged, with good results for the major elements and REE off-set by generally poor results for the LILE. Despite the inconclusive trace element results for the modelled fractionation, strong geochemical similarities and cogenetic relationships have been established. A typical arc-like geochemical signature including a pronounced Nb depletion characterises the Mt Marcella Volcanics. However, the geochemical character within the Middle Triassic volcanic succession reveals an unusual transition from an OIB character of the Middle Triassic basalts, to the Andean arc character of later Mt Marcella Volcanics. The implications of this could have profound impact on our understanding of how southeast Queensland’s Triassic tectonic setting operated by providing support for hotspot activity rather than subduction-driven activity.

En oanständig frälsare : Marcella Althaus-Reids kristologi och Elisabeth Ohlson Wallins Ecce Homo

Svedberg, Hannes January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur den kristologi som kommer till uttryck i Elisabeth Ohlson Wallins fotoutställning Ecce Homo kan förstås i relation till det kristologiska projekt som artikulerats av Marcella Althaus-Reid. Undersökningen sker i två steg där Althaus-Reids kristologi först rekonstrueras utifrån de texter i hennes författarskap som tydligt behandlar ämnet, varefter en serie bildanalyser görs av fem fotografier ur Ecce Homo. Studien visar att både Althaus-Reids texter och Ecce Homo innehåller inte en utan flera olika kristologier. De kristologier som uttrycks i Ecce Homo visar sig på många sätt överensstämma med Althaus- Reids kristologiska strävanden, samtidigt som Ohlson Wallins och Althaus-Reids projekt skiljer sig åt på väsentliga punkter, framförallt vad gäller bredd och metodologiska/tematiska ingångar. Medan Althaus-Reids kristologi förstås som intersektionell och alltså som berörande flera olika maktordningar visar sig Ecce Homo framförallt tematisera icke- heterosexuell erfarenhet i relation till Kristus.

Impossibly indecent God? : pursuing questions of the Biblical God in the Church of Scotland through churchgoers' and Marcella Althaus-Reid's theological ideas, juxtaposed with fragments of Jacques Derrida's philosophy

Brown, Susan Victoria January 2012 (has links)
Marcella Althaus-Reid was a theologian who dared to imagine differently, a thinker whose inventive style brought striking originality to her writings on sexuality and gender, people and God. Her work is remembered most noticeably in theological academia for her conceptual phrase, ‘Indecent Theology’. In this thesis about questions of God, the innovative elements of Marcella’s literary corpus are developed in new ways by placing her academic theories alongside a practical research study undertaken in the alternative milieu of Church of Scotland congregations in Edinburgh. This primary material, which has been analysed through interview and focus group transcripts, together with questionnaire responses, brings revealing insights to frame the emerging tensions between churchgoers and Marcella across the dimensions of its four chapters. In each, the following themes are developed: the ambiguities surrounding questions of asking who God might be; the considerations involved in recognising God’s relationship with the Bible; the exploration of the extent to which sexuality and gender may influence God concepts; and the recognition of the role people play in evaluating their understandings of God in Christianity. Arranged in a rhythmical structure throughout, every chapter is first prefaced by a media-based report which contextualises relevant themes in a contemporary idiom, and is later concluded by a deconstructive postscript that, in fragmentary ways, invokes some critical concepts in the work of Jacques Derrida germane to the particular questions of God pursued in each.

”Institutionaliserade former av relationer med Gud är helt enkelt inte flexibla nog” : Queerteologiska perspektiv på utanförskap och aktivism / ”The institutionalized forms of relations with God are simply not flexible enough” : Queer theological perspectives on exclusion and activism

Magnusson, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore whether activism can counteract and prevent exclusion in Christian tradition and practice. The analysis is helped by queer theologian Marcella Althaus-Reid as a primary theoretical standpoint. The study is based on Petra Carlsson's exploration of the queer nuns and activists: The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and the movement will be elucidated and interpreted through queer theology as expressed by Althaus-Reid. The method used is a textual analysis, where the study will compare Althaus-Reid’s queer theology and Carlsson’s radical material theology; with the aim to present, analyse and discuss activism.  First, Althaus-Reid’s queer theology is systematized thematically based on the studies analysis points: the body, symbols and activism. Secondly, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are presented and depicted through Carlsson’s interpretation of the movement. After this the queer nuns are compared to Althaus-Reid's queer theology, followed by a comparison of Althaus-Reid’s and Carlsson’s theologies. Lastly, with the help of Erik Gyll, the study discusses the situation for LGBT people in religious environments, such as church, and possible consequences of queer activism- and theology in Christian communities.  Althaus-Reid emphasises the need to do theology from different bodies/parts, especially those that have been excluded. She wants to liberate theological concepts from a heteronormative framework, which she believes limits people’s understanding of and access to God. Multiplicity is also prominent with Carlsson. She advocates for a performative viewpoint, that through adding expressions and expanding the imagery, it is also possible to create and change reality. The analysis indicates a need for theology which can embrace real life and experiences. The research shows that for those who create and engage in alternative expressions or activism, such participation enables access to symbols and spaces from which they were previously excluded. Therefore, it is also reasonable to conclude that it is a relevant and fruitful approach as long as people are still excluded from Christian communities, and the church is not a safe place for everyone.

Det profetiska kallets baksida : Om John Howard Yoders teologiskt motiverade övergrepp / The Downside of the Prophetic Notion : On John Howard Yoder's theologically motivated abuse

Melin, Tova January 2022 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen diskuterar John Howard Yoders teologiskt motiverade sexuella våld, med hjälp av queerteologen Marcella Althaus-Reid och den feministiska teologen Mary Daly, och även andra teologiska perspektiv. Särskilt fokus läggs på hur en teologi för syndarens upprättelse och försoning riskerar att osynliggöra skadade och sårbara personer, hur en idealiserad bild av församlingen riskerar att skada den personliga omdömesförmågan, och hur ett profetiskt motiverat gränsöverskridande riskerar att legitimera våld. / This thesis aims to discuss the theologically motivated sexual violence of John Howard Yoder, in the light of the writings of queer theologian Marcella Althaus-Reid and also feminist theologian Mary Daly, and others. Attention is put on how the hurt persons might be left out of a theology for redemption of the sinner, how an idealized view of the congregation risk hurting the personal capacity for judgement, and on how a prophetic calling to cross boundaries might end up protecting transgressive violence.

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