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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Gud såg att det var gott” : En queerteologisk analys av skapandet avmänniskan i 1 Mosebok 1-2 / ”God saw that it was good” : A queer theological analysis of the creation ofmankind in Genesis 1-2

Falkensköld Rehnman, Kim January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Här finns inte längre manligt och kvinnligt” (Gal 3:28) : Kalcedons Symbolum möter nutida transteologisk kristologi. / “There is no longer male and female” (Gal 3:28) : The Symbolum of Chalcedon meets contemporary Trans Christology.

Ohlsson Sandahl, Frida January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Paulus: könlös för rikets skull, oskuldsmystiker eller maskulint fulländad filosof? : En studie av celibatskapets identitetsformande potential för Första Korinthierbrevets avsändare och avsedda mottagare.

Hilariusson, Tilly January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Den djupa penetrationens fall : En postkolonial, feministteologisk och konstruktivistisk analys / The doom of deep penetration : A postcolonial, feminist theological and constructive analysis

Johansson, Hanna Maria January 2022 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen görs en postkolonial, feministteologisk och konstruktivistisk analys av det ursäktstal Svenska kyrkan framför till det samiska folket hösten 2021. Med hjälp av den postkoloniala feministteologen Kwok Pui-lan och den kontextuella teologen Marcella Althaus-Reid närmar sig uppsatsen frågan om det i ursäktstalet finns uttryck för koloniala tendenser eller möjliga befrielser från sådana. Analyses leder till ett utforskande av dynamiken mellan föreställningar om kön, sexualitet, den Andre och naturem, där dessa visar sig vara tätt sammanvävda i en dualistisk ontologi konkretiserad i heterosexuella antaganden. För att bli fri från koloniala tendenser krävs de gamla heterosexuella antagandenas undergång. Bara i den ömsesidiga enhetens harmoni skapas nytt liv.

”Institutionaliserade former av relationer med Gud är helt enkelt inte flexibla nog” : Queerteologiska perspektiv på utanförskap och aktivism / ”The institutionalized forms of relations with God are simply not flexible enough” : Queer theological perspectives on exclusion and activism

Magnusson, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore whether activism can counteract and prevent exclusion in Christian tradition and practice. The analysis is helped by queer theologian Marcella Althaus-Reid as a primary theoretical standpoint. The study is based on Petra Carlsson's exploration of the queer nuns and activists: The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and the movement will be elucidated and interpreted through queer theology as expressed by Althaus-Reid. The method used is a textual analysis, where the study will compare Althaus-Reid’s queer theology and Carlsson’s radical material theology; with the aim to present, analyse and discuss activism.  First, Althaus-Reid’s queer theology is systematized thematically based on the studies analysis points: the body, symbols and activism. Secondly, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are presented and depicted through Carlsson’s interpretation of the movement. After this the queer nuns are compared to Althaus-Reid's queer theology, followed by a comparison of Althaus-Reid’s and Carlsson’s theologies. Lastly, with the help of Erik Gyll, the study discusses the situation for LGBT people in religious environments, such as church, and possible consequences of queer activism- and theology in Christian communities.  Althaus-Reid emphasises the need to do theology from different bodies/parts, especially those that have been excluded. She wants to liberate theological concepts from a heteronormative framework, which she believes limits people’s understanding of and access to God. Multiplicity is also prominent with Carlsson. She advocates for a performative viewpoint, that through adding expressions and expanding the imagery, it is also possible to create and change reality. The analysis indicates a need for theology which can embrace real life and experiences. The research shows that for those who create and engage in alternative expressions or activism, such participation enables access to symbols and spaces from which they were previously excluded. Therefore, it is also reasonable to conclude that it is a relevant and fruitful approach as long as people are still excluded from Christian communities, and the church is not a safe place for everyone.

David och Jonatan - en för den hebreiska bibeln unik relationsform : En queerteologisk narrativ analys med affekt och hierarki-perspektiv på relationen mellan David och Jonatan utifrån den hebreiska bibelns normativa relationsformer. / David and Jonathan, a unique relationship constellation in the hebrew bible.

Wanngård, Alex January 2024 (has links)
I denna uppsats studeras relationen mellan David och Jonatan narrativt. Utvalda verser av Första och Andra Samuelsboken som berättar om David och Jonatans respektive känslouttryck för varandra studeras queerteologiskt och queerteoretiskt med hjälp av affektteori och den narrativa metoden “intern fokalisering”. Normativa relationsformer i den hebreiska bibeln utläggs och förs i dialog med queerteologisk forskning varav en detaljanalys av verserna följer som resulterar i en analys av varför denna relationsform kan tolkas som queer och unik för den hebreiska bibeln.

En oanständig frälsare : Marcella Althaus-Reids kristologi och Elisabeth Ohlson Wallins Ecce Homo

Svedberg, Hannes January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur den kristologi som kommer till uttryck i Elisabeth Ohlson Wallins fotoutställning Ecce Homo kan förstås i relation till det kristologiska projekt som artikulerats av Marcella Althaus-Reid. Undersökningen sker i två steg där Althaus-Reids kristologi först rekonstrueras utifrån de texter i hennes författarskap som tydligt behandlar ämnet, varefter en serie bildanalyser görs av fem fotografier ur Ecce Homo. Studien visar att både Althaus-Reids texter och Ecce Homo innehåller inte en utan flera olika kristologier. De kristologier som uttrycks i Ecce Homo visar sig på många sätt överensstämma med Althaus- Reids kristologiska strävanden, samtidigt som Ohlson Wallins och Althaus-Reids projekt skiljer sig åt på väsentliga punkter, framförallt vad gäller bredd och metodologiska/tematiska ingångar. Medan Althaus-Reids kristologi förstås som intersektionell och alltså som berörande flera olika maktordningar visar sig Ecce Homo framförallt tematisera icke- heterosexuell erfarenhet i relation till Kristus.

MARTIN LUTHER; VÄRLDENS FÖRSTA QUEERTEOLOG? : En studie av det queerteologiska perspektivet och Martin Luthers själavårdsteologi. / MARTIN LUTHER; THE FIRST QUEERTHEOLOGIAN OF THE WORLD? : A study of the queertheological perspective and Martin Luther´s pastoral theology.

Lundqvist, Catharina January 2024 (has links)
Contemporary pastoral care appears to both ignore queer theological advancements and to have lost its heritage in Luther`s pastoral care theology.This study aims to investigate which aspects of Lutheran theology can be denoted queer, and thereby of particular relevance for pastoral care undertaken by the Church of Sweden in today's rainbow-aware context. Thus, the study intends to contribute to deepening understanding of contemporary contextual pastoral care, by bringing together two theoretical areas, Lutheran theology and Queer theology, to inform and develop new approaches to pastoral care needs and interventions. A literature review provides the basis for theory-driven analysis that is qualitatively inductive.The main finding of this study identifies the social dimension of both approaches as being vital for contemporary pastoral care. Luther`s social theology for example emphases the social vulnerability of human beings and their experiences of oppressive social systems. This emphasis is also a driving force in Queer theology. Both perspectives also challenge us not only to actively counter experienced social inequality but also to undertake the care of those in need. The work reported in this thesis demonstrates the potential of such an approach for bringing forth certain aspects of Lutheran theology as queer, not only in a broader sense, but in particular for the development of theological and pastoral care encounters for a new era and a new societal situation involving individuals in existential crises. This study thus provides a foundation for a pastoral care that is queer-informed and importantly, thoroughly Luther.

Det profetiska kallets baksida : Om John Howard Yoders teologiskt motiverade övergrepp / The Downside of the Prophetic Notion : On John Howard Yoder's theologically motivated abuse

Melin, Tova January 2022 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen diskuterar John Howard Yoders teologiskt motiverade sexuella våld, med hjälp av queerteologen Marcella Althaus-Reid och den feministiska teologen Mary Daly, och även andra teologiska perspektiv. Särskilt fokus läggs på hur en teologi för syndarens upprättelse och försoning riskerar att osynliggöra skadade och sårbara personer, hur en idealiserad bild av församlingen riskerar att skada den personliga omdömesförmågan, och hur ett profetiskt motiverat gränsöverskridande riskerar att legitimera våld. / This thesis aims to discuss the theologically motivated sexual violence of John Howard Yoder, in the light of the writings of queer theologian Marcella Althaus-Reid and also feminist theologian Mary Daly, and others. Attention is put on how the hurt persons might be left out of a theology for redemption of the sinner, how an idealized view of the congregation risk hurting the personal capacity for judgement, and on how a prophetic calling to cross boundaries might end up protecting transgressive violence.

Inkarnatorisk epistemologi : En transformativ kristologi som teologisk maktkritik i dialog med Theodor Adorno och Gloria Anzaldúa / Incarnational Epistemology : A transformative christology as power critical theology in dialogue withTheodor Adorno and Gloria Anzaldúa

Lang Koppen, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Christ can be understood as a mirror, connecting humanity and God in his image into a hybrid entity, without eliminating the difference. The complex reality is mirrored through Christ transcending the border between subjectivity and objectivity, human and God, ourselves and others. This study is a form of constructive theology that aims to construct a transformative christological conceptual model, which can contribute to theology as a power critical epistemological deconstruction. It does this through the method of critical and comparative text analysis.  The study consists of two main sections, analysis and the discussion. The analysis section seeks to develop a theoretical frame, in which to generate a conversation between critical theorists Theodor Adorno and Gloria Anzaldúa on their view on epistemological oppression and liberation. The result is the development of an analytical concept called dialectics of the borders that exposes epistemological oppression as understood through the critical terms of oppression of objectivism and the suppressed gap. As an answer to the dialectics of border the analysis section develops the phrase dialectics of the gap, as an expression of epistemological liberation, which relies on such concepts as the shape of the gap, epistemological deconstruction, the hybrid entity, and transformative hybridity. The discussion section applies this theoretical frame to various christological concepts in order to create a new useful conceptual model. The constructed conceptual model is called incarnational epistemology and expresses an empowering critical epistemological reconstruction in Christ. The cross is understood as the explicit border between God and humanity, which is expressed by man's colonialization of dialectics. In Christ God transcends these epistemological borders and embodies the gap, as an expression for dialectics of the gap. For example it is demonstrated with the understanding of the body of Christ as the hybridization between subjectivity and objectivity and the sanctification as a reversed incarnation by the collective reconstruction of Christ in the border between subjectivity and objectivity. Hence, humanity as the body of Christ through sanctification can be understood as the mirrored image of Christ incarnating this epistemological reconstruction.

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