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The NA-KD Truth About Influencer Marketing : Exploring influencer marketing through integrated marketing communication and the influencer’s role in strengthening a brandDalstam, Malin, Nordlöf, Hedvig, Holmgren, Daniella January 2018 (has links)
Problem: The nature of marketing communications is changing as a result of the rise and development of social media. In response to this advancement, the way in which companies communicate with their target audience has shifted. Consumers today attain greater control in terms of receiving and influencing a message. Companies may need to gain an understanding on how various marketing communication tools can be integrated and utilized instead of primarily using one marketing communication tool for the purpose of optimizing the impact of persuasive communication. However, a company’s attempt to control brand related discussions on social media can be executed through the use of influencer marketing. The use of influencers is expanding within the fashion industry but the recognition of influencers being a part of a company’s modernized marketing strategy is low. This causes the researchers inquiry to explore this further. Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to explore how a company within the fashion industry can use influencer marketing as a part of their integrated marketing communication and how a company can use an influencer to strengthen its brand in view of its brand identity. The study targets the fashion industry in Sweden. Methodology: In order to fulfil the purpose of the study and to answer the two research questions, a qualitative research approach together with a multi-method approach was adopted. Semi-structured interviews and qualitative email questionnaires were used in the empirical data collection process. The selected participants obtained high knowledge in the field of influencer marketing as well as knowledge within the fashion industry. The participants were selected through convenience sampling. Conclusion: The empirical study showed that influencer marketing can be used as a part of a company’s IMC by integrating the influencer with the six marketing communication tools. Furthermore, influencer marketing can be incorporated into a company’s IMC as a tool used to partially control eWOM to a desired target audience by speaking positively about a product, service and brand. An influencer can strengthen a brand through laying a foundation for a brand identity and a brand image to cooperate as a unit. It was further found that the influencer should be integrated internally within a brand identity for the purpose of externally communicating the brand identity to the company’s desired target audience. A conceptual model was developed by the researchers with the intention of providing a comprehensive illustration of the answers to the research questions.
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Marketingová komunikace nestátních neziskových organizací v oblasti ochrany spotřebitele / Marketing communication of non-state and non-profit organisations in the area of consumer protectionJOHNOVÁ, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
This work is concerned with analysis of marketing communication tools used by the TEST Civic Association of Consumers and partially also the Association for Defence of Consumers and the Association of Czech Consumers. The necessary information was obtained using a questionnaire survey, interview and also analysis of the organisation?s website from the viewpoint of a normal user. Measures on how to improve existing marketing communication used by the TEST Civic Association of Consumers, are proposed on the basis of the established results.
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Marketingová komunikace OC Futurum Kolín / Marketing communication of shopping center Futurum KolínJAVŮRKOVÁ, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of this graduation theses was to describe and evaluate the marketing communication of shopping center Futurum Kolín and find out what type of marketing communication tools is used. After characteristic of the center followed by description of the communication mix. In the theses was realized marketing research to identify the typical customer of SC Futurum Kolín as a starting point for effective marketing communication. Based on the results were designed new tools of marketing communication that complement the already existing.
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Comunicação de marketing e cibercultura: um estudo exploratório sobre a comunicação de marketing no contexto dos meios digitais / Marketing communication and cyberculture: a exploratory study regarding marketing communication in the digital contextFabíola Dezam Giglio 19 December 2012 (has links)
A Cibercultura ganhou notoriedade com as transformações da sociedade contemporânea, as quais foram impulsionadas pela popularização do acesso à Internet e a crescente disseminação dos meios digitais. Caracterizada principalmente pela descentralização, velocidade de acesso a informações e por processos colaborativos, a Cibercultura possibilitou aos consumidores um papel mais ativo no processo de comunicação, fato que, associado à característica de interconectividade da rede, vem provocando a perda do controle da mensagem por parte das organizações e desafiando conceitos clássicos e exigindo alterações significativas na dinâmica da comunicação de marketing. Neste sentido, o estudo aborda o tema da comunicação de marketing no contexto dos meios digitais, com o objetivo de discutir a complementariedade entre meios digitais e tradicionais. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, a pesquisa foi dividida em duas partes: a primeira parte refere-se à revisão da literatura pertinente ao tema e a segunda parte à pesquisa empírica. A pesquisa empírica foi realizada com base no método exploratório e abordagem qualitativa, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com especialistas em comunicação digital. A investigação corroborou com muitos dos achados da literatura e adicionou novas perspectivas em relação à complementariedade entre meios digitais e tradicionais na comunicação de marketing. A investigação aponta que a integração entre meios digitais e tradicionais está começando a se desenvolver, devendo evoluir para atividades mais harmoniosas e eficientes em um futuro próximo. / Cyberculture gained notoriety along with the contemporary society transformations, which were driven by widespread access to the Internet and digital media.Mainly characterized by decentralization, agile information access and collaborative processes, Cyberculture allowed consumers a more active role in the communication process, fact which, combined with network interconnectivity, causes the loss of message control by organizations and challenges classical concept, requiring significant changes in the marketing communications operation. In this sense, the study addresses the issue of marketing communication in the digital media context, with the aim of discussing the complementarity between traditional and digital media. To achieve the proposed objective, the study was divided into two parts: the first part refers to the literature review and the second part to the empirical research.The empirical research was exploratory and had a qualitative approach; it was conducted through semi-structured interviews with digital communication experts. Research results validated many of the literature findings and added new perspectives on the complementarity between traditional and digital media.The investigation indicates that digital and traditional media integration is starting to develop, and should evolve into more harmonious and efficient activities in the near future.
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Comunicação de marketing: proposta de sistematização do processo de planejamento / Marketing communication: proposal for systematization of the planning processFabiano Palhares Galão 05 February 2013 (has links)
O planejamento da comunicação de marketing se desenvolve a partir de um processo de tomada de decisão envolvendo diferentes e inter-relacionadas etapas, as quais permitem às empresas determinar as principais diretrizes estratégicas e operacionais da atividade. O presente estudo tem por objetivos analisar o processo de planejamento da omunicação de marketing adotado pelas empresas e propor uma sistematização desse processo. O método geral de investigação foi baseado em duas etapas. A primeira consistiu na pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os conceitos, características e funções do planejamento, a definição e as etapas para o desenvolvimento do planejamento e do plano de marketing, os fundamentos e processo da comunicação, as funções da comunicação de marketing, os elementos de decisão que a compõem, além dos modelos de planejamento da comunicação de marketing. A segunda etapa envolveu uma pesquisa empírica que teve como técnica de coleta de dados a entrevista em profundidade realizada com profissionais da área de comunicação de dez empresas pertencentes ao ranking dos 300 maiores anunciantes do Brasil. Como técnica de análise dos dados optou-se pela análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados apontaram que o processo de planejamento da comunicação de marketing adotado pelas empresas praticamente se resume no planejamento e execução das campanhas de propaganda. Constatou-se que algumas decisões do processo de planejamento da comunicação citadas na literatura não são consideradas e que a implementação das ações tem sido a maior preocupação por parte das empresas. Apresentou-se uma proposta para sistematizar o processo de planejamento da comunicação de marketing, considerada uma alternativa aos modelos estrangeiros destoantes da realidade brasileira e pouco adequados à dinâmica encontrado no planejamento e execução das atividades promocionais. / The planning of marketing communications evolves from a process of decision making involving different and interrelated steps, which allow companies to determine the strategic keys and operational activity. This study aims to analyze the process of planning marketing communication adopted by companies and to propose a systematization of this process. The general method of research was based on two stages. The first step consisted in researching concepts, features and functions of planning, definition and the steps for the development of planning and marketing plan, communication fundamentals and process, the roles and importance of marketing communication, the decision elements that comprise it, besides planning models of marketing communications. The second stage involved an empirical study that had as data collection technique in-depth interviews conducted with communications professionals from ten companies belonging to the ranking of the 300 largest advertisers in Brazil. As data analysis technique, we have chosen content analysis. The main results showed that the process of planning marketing communication adopted by companies practically consists in planning and execution of advertising campaigns. We found that some classic decisions of communication planning process cited in the literature are not considered and that the implementation of actions has been the biggest concern for companies. We presented a proposal for systematizing planning process of marketing communication, considered as an alternative to foreign models dissonant from Brazilian reality and ill adapted to the dynamics found in the planning and execution of promotional activities.
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Proposta de um método para a análise dos efeitos das atividades de marketing e alocação de recursos em um ambiente multicanal / A method for analyzing the effects of marketing activities and allocating marketing resources in a multichannel environmentLeandro Angotti Guissoni 05 October 2012 (has links)
A compreensão dos efeitos das atividades de marketing nas vendas de produtos de consumo em um ambiente multicanal é de fundamental importância para acadêmicos e executivos. As decisões sobre as variáveis controláveis de marketing para as marcas de consumo nos mercados considerados emergentes, como o Brasil, são desafiadoras porque, no contexto do varejo alimentar, os canais de distribuição nesses mercados variam mais em relação aos mercados maduros em termos de formatos e tipos de varejistas. No Brasil, o varejo é ainda menos concentrado do que em outros países desenvolvidos. Os supermercados de vizinhança e as lojas tradicionais independentes, como mercearias e padarias, ainda são importantes. Por outro lado, os grandes grupos varejistas têm expandido seus negócios. Considerando que esses canais variam em relação ao tamanho da loja e ao formato (autosserviço e full-service), variedade de SKUs (Stock Keeping Unit) oferecidos, propriedade e perfil do público-alvo, o efeito das atividades de marketing da indústria pode ser diferente em cada um desses canais. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa investiga se os efeitos nas vendas provenientes das atividades de marketing, com foco em gerenciamento de canais e comunicação push (dirigidas aos canais) e pull (dirigidas aos consumidores finais), variam por canal de distribuição, mensurando, assim, quais são os efeitos nas vendas em cada canal. A base de dados utilizada estava disponível por SKU para todas as marcas de bebidas carbonatadas referentes a uma região do Brasil, que representa 16,5% das vendas no varejo alimentar. Os dados, no período de janeiro de 2008 até dezembro de 2011, estavam disponíveis mensalmente incluindo variáveis de produto, preço, cobertura de mercado e atividades promocionais para todos os SKUs de bebidas nos grandes supermercados (AS>5), pequenos supermercados (AS 1-4) e o canal formado pelas lojas full-service, (tradicional). Sobre os investimentos em comunicações de marketing, a base de dados foi disponibilizada por um fabricante de marcas líderes no mercado de bebidas. A metodologia deste trabalho, de abordagem quantitativa, envolveu os testes de validação e a aplicação do método de análise multivariada para séries temporais, seguindo o modelo de Vetores Autorregressivos (VAR). Um ponto de destaque desta pesquisa é a adaptação do modelo VAR para a modelagem das variáveis de marketing em um contexto multicanal, analisando os efeitos das atividades push e pull de maneira integrada com todas as variáveis controláveis de marketing (comunicação, preço, distribuição e produto). Mesmo pesquisas conduzidas em mercados maduros ainda não exploraram totalmente as sinergias entre as atividades push e pull em diferentes canais. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicaram que os efeitos das atividades de marketing variam por canal. As funções de respostas ao impulso, a partir das equações do modelo VAR, são apresentadas para cada atividade de marketing analisada, mensurando seu efeito nas vendas de cada canal. Isso permitiu analisar as hipóteses propostas. Por fim, este estudo contribui com uma metodologia que permite modelar as variáveis de marketing em um contexto multicanal e, ainda, apresenta o efeito das atividades de marketing nas vendas em cada tipo de varejista analisado. / Understanding marketing mix effects on consumer product\'s sales in a multichannel environment is of importance to both scholars and practitioners. Marketing mix decisions for consumer brands in emerging markets, such as Brazil, is challenging because in the grocery retailing, channels in these markets vary more than in the developed markets with regards to their format and type. In Brazil, the level of concentration in grocery retailing is still smaller in than in developed markets. Neighborhood stores and independent mom-and-pop stores are still of importance; however, big retailers\' chains are expanding their businesses. Considering that these channels vary in terms of store size (self-service and full-service), breadth of assortment, value proposition and customers\' profile, effects of manufacturers\' marketing activities might be different in each channel. Under this context, this research analyzes whether effects on sales from the marketing activities vary by channel, with focus on channel management and marketing push and pull. This assessment was possible by measuring what these effects are across channels. Data for the study comes from store audits that spans four years, from 2008 to 2011, for all brands in the carbonated soft-drinks category from a region in Brazil which accounts for 16,5% of sales in food retail. The data was available by channel and SKU, including channel management measures for all SKUs in big supermarkets (AS>5), small supermarkets (AS 1-4) and mom-and-pop stores. Data for the marketing communication spending came from a beverage leading company. The methodology used for this quantitative research included validation tests and the employment of a method for multivariate time series analysis, called Vector Autorregressive Models (VAR). A highlight of the study is the employment of a VAR model in a multichannel context, which makes it possible to analyze the effects of push and pull activities integrated with the others marketing variables (communication, price, distribution and product). Even research conducted in developed markets has not explored synergies between push and pull. Results from this research have indicated that the effects of marketing activities vary by channel. The impulse-reponse functions by each marketing activities and channels are estimated in order to test the hypothesis proposed in this study. Thus, it contributes to creating an understanding of how to model the marketing mix variables in a multichannel environment and to creating an understanding of what marketing activities are more potential to drive higher level of sales by each analyzed channel.
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Principy komunikace v hudebním průmyslu ČR / Principles of communication in the Czech music industryJelínková, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the marketing communication of Czech musicians, concretely how musicians should effectively communicate with their audience. The aim is to analyse and to create the optimal way to develop the communication of musicians within the Czech music sphere. The theoretic part aims to define the fundamental terms of this thesis. It explains terms relating to the marketing communication, communication mix, communication and media channels used in the music industry and it also defines the Czech music industry. The practical part consists of two qualitative researches regarding the communication of musicians and the audience in the Czech music industry. The results are used for creation the methodology of marketing communication including the advices and recommendations for beginning musicians. The benefit of this thesis is the application of the methodology as the reference how to communicate with the audience for a purpose of gaining and building up the audience of the musicians.
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Du kan vara med! (Om du gör det här) : En kritisk diskursanalys av företags användande av kommunikationsstrategier i relation till hållbarhet / You can join! (If you do this) : A critical discourse analysis of companies usage of communication strategies in relation to sustainabilityBillqvist, Elly, Frank, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Studien syftar till att få en ökad förståelse kring hur företag använder sig av kommunikationsstrategier relaterade till hållbarhet för att lyckas påverka konsumenten. Mer precist studeras Ica och Apotekets reklamfilmer då dessa företag anses vara två av de mest hållbara företagen enligt svenska konsumenter. För att kunna utläsa vilka strategier som används samt se hur företagen utnyttjar sin position som samhällsaktörer används multimodal kritisk diskursanalys (MCDA) som teori och metod. Det teoretiska ramverket är även utökat med forskning om reklam, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) och övertalningsstrategier. Med hjälp av MCDA analyseras reklamfilmerna djupgående där både verbal och visuell text granskas. Som stöd används ett analysschema baserat på frågor som grundar sig i det teoretiska ramverket. Frågorna bidrar till en systematisk granskning av materialet och agerar stöd för tematiseringen av analysresultatet. Analysen tyder på att det finns en gemensam diskurs mellan studieobjektens sätt att bygga sin marknadskommunikation. Humor och känslor i allmänhet är centralt i materialet och de visuella valen bidrar till associationer kring hållbarhet och hälsa, utan att detta nämns uttryckligen. Både Apoteket och Ica uppfyller de etiska och filantropiska nivåerna av ansvarstagande utifrån mottagarens perspektiv. Gemensamt för de båda företagen är att konsumenten tvingas engagera sig för att Apoteket eller Ica ska kunna ta sitt ansvar. Trots detta positionerar företagen sig själva som goda medborgare som tar på sig extra ansvar och arbete. / The aim of this study is to gain a greater understanding of how companies use different communication strategies related to sustainability in order to affect the consumers’ perceptions. More precisely it is the commercials of two Swedish companies, Apoteket and Ica, that are being studied. The companies have both been awarded as the top most sustainable companies in Sweden according to Swedish consumers. In order to acknowledge which strategies are being used and to investigate how the companies take advantage of their position as authorities a multimodal critical discourse analysis (MCDA) is being used both as theory and method. The study’s theoretical framework is enhanced with research regarding advertising, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and persuasion strategies. The commercials are profoundly examined using MCDA where both language and visual signs are being studied. Research questions based on the theoretical framework are being used in order to review the material systematically and create thematic schemes. The result indicates that common discourses exist in how the companies communicate with the public. Humour and emotions are central in the material and the visual choices contribute with associations regarding sustainability and health despite being expressed clearly. Apoteket and Ica fulfil the ethical and philanthropic stages of responsibility from the recipient’s perspective. Commonly for the two companies are the fact that the consumers are forced to engage in order for Ica and Apoteket to take their responsibility. Nonetheless the companies position themselves as good citizens who take responsibility for their businesses.
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Návrh komunikační strategie pro nestátní zdravotnické zařízení optometrie / Communication Strategy Concept for Private Health Care Facility of OptometryChovancová, Iveta January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is an analysis of the effectiveness of marketing communication strategy in private health care facility of optometry, evaluation of customer perception and design measures to encourage business performance. The first part describes the theories, which knowledge of is necessary to build a communication plan. The second part is an analysis of the current external communication within the organization and evaluation of its effectiveness based on a questionnaire survey. The final part includes suggestions for changes and appropriate communication measures to increase business performance.
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Návrh marketingového mixu pro systém SMSbrána / Proposal of the Marketing Mix for the System SMSbránaZbořilová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The subjekt of the master’s thesis „Proposal of the marketing mix for the system SMSbrána“ is to define individual instruments of the marketing mix with an focus on the marketing communication on the internet and it’s use for the system SMSbrána. The thesis consist of free sections. The first part explains the basic concepts of marketing mix, on which is the second part based. I have done an analysis and product specification in the analytical part. This helped me to define main shortcoming of the system. I proposed recomendations to eliminate shortcoming in the third part.
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