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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Direito: da forma jurídica à hegemonia / Law: from juridical form to hegemony

Vasconcelos, Jonnas Esmeraldo Marques de 02 December 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo articular as contribuições de dois marxistas à ciência jurídica, são eles: Eugeny Pasukanis e Antonio Gramsci. Trata-se de esforço para delimitar pontos de diálogo entre ambos, os quais refletiram, cada um à sua maneira, sobre o direito. Apesar de contemporâneos, esses dois pensadores não mantiveram contato entre suas posições teóricas. O diálogo entre as suas reflexões, tendo como fio condutor a abordagem sobre o direito, é o desafio enfrentado nessa pesquisa. Por um lado, com o conceito de forma jurídica, a teoria de Pasukanis busca explicar a especificidade do direito que se desenvolve intimamente conectado às relações de produção e troca do capitalismo. Por outro lado, ao investigar as particularidades que conformam as relações políticas no capitalismo, a abordagem de Gramsci sobre a hegemonia estabelece quadro analítico para o estudo da dinâmica do direito. Da aproximação entre essas análises, apostamos na construção de campo conceitual fértil ao estudo jurídico, capaz de iluminar as questões sobre os limites, as possibilidades de desenvolvimento e os sentidos do direito na sociedade capitalista. / This research aims to analyse the contributions of two marxist authors to the study of Legal Science: Eugeny Pasukanis and Antonio Gramsci. It seeks to delimitate the points of contact, deviation and complementation between these two authors, who came to think about Law in their own different ways. Although contemporaries, Pasukanis and Gramsci did not maintain any contact regarding their theoretical positions. Thus, the attempt to stablish a dialogue between their thoughts, using Law as a common thread, presents itself as the main challenge facing this research. On the one hand, through the concept of juridical form, Pasukanis theory seeks to explain the specificity of Law that arises from its intimate historical connections to capitalisms production and trade relations. On the other hand, by investigating the specificities that shape political relations under capitalism, Gramscis approach to hegemony stablishes an interesting analytical framework for studying the dynamics of Law. By approximating these two concepts of juridical form and hegemony, a rich conceptual field is constructed, enabling a critical analysis that could shed light into some compelling questions in relation to the limits, development possibilities and meanings of Law in a capitalist society.

The Great Escape: Modern Women and the Chick Lit Genre

Cooke, Maureen Lynch January 2006 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Elizabeth K. Wallace / This thesis uses a cultural studies approach to study the contemporary "chick lit" genre. These novels written by women, for women may be dismissed as frivolous, but their immense popularity proves that they have tapped into a cultural tension. Their target readers are young women who have grown up in a post-feminist revolution society and face unique issues unknown to any other generation of women. Blending feminist, Marxist, and formalist theories, this thesis attempts to discover how this genre functions in contemporary society – what does it do to its readers? While trying to respect the readers at all times, this thesis will discuss the failure of the genre to provide a new space for women to escape to. The conclusion discusses the potential of chick lit to do more; the genre has captured a "zeitgeist" among young women and its popularity reaches a wide audience. In the future, chick lit could serve as a genre that discusses women's issues, prompting its readers to question gender roles, consumerism, and the global status of women. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2006. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: English. / Discipline: College Honors Program.

Ambiguidade e resistência: direito, política e ideologia na neoliberalização constitucional / Ambiguity and Resistance: law, politics and ideology in the constitutional neoliberalization

Melo, Tarso Menezes de 15 March 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar como o direito, ao passo em que exerce função essencial como instrumento de dominação entre classes sociais, apresenta-se também como importante instrumento de resistência política da classe trabalhadora. Tal importância ultrapassa a simples efetividade das normas no campo jurídico e ganha especial relevância na forma como se traduzem juridicamente as lutas de classes, o que faz com que as reivindicações políticas transformadas em direitos, por mais que em grande medida se neutralizem de acordo com os interesses hegemônicos, permaneçam no horizonte político da sociedade, alimentando a tensão por transformação social. Para tanto, este trabalho percorre um itinerário teórico dividido em três movimentos. Inicialmente, estuda a forma como se constitui e complexifica a noção de ideologia nas obras de Karl Marx, desde as obras iniciais até sua reflexão mais madura. O segundo movimento é dedicado a localizar o papel exercido pelo direito no conjunto da ideologia social e indaga as possibilidades de uma teoria da ideologia jurídica. Em seu terceiro e último movimento, a fim de demonstrar concretamente a problemática da tese, dedica-se à investigação da relação entre ambiguidade e resistência no caso dos direitos sociais, em especial os direitos dos trabalhadores previstos na Constituição brasileira de 1988, cuja vigência se dá sob forte pressão neoliberal. Neste passo, aproveita-se fartamente do diálogo com a sociologia crítica do trabalho contemporânea, no intuito de verificar como as lutas concretas dos trabalhadores transitam entre o direito, a política e a ideologia. / The present work intends to show how law plays not only an essential function as an instrument of domination between social classes, but it is also an important element of working class political resistance. This importance exceeds the rules established in the juridical field and reaches special relevance in the way that it translates class struggles, what makes political claims turned into rights, in spite of the fact that its large measure could be neutralized according to hegemonic interests, remaining on the societys political surface, feeding the social transformation tension. This work follows a theoretical line divided in three movements. Firstly, it studies the way that ideological notion in Karl Marxs work is established and complexified, since the beginning of his works until the most mature ideas developed by him. The second movement intends to find the role played by law in the social ideological field questioning the possibilities of a juridical ideologys theory. The third and last movement, is developed with the main intention to show effectively what this thesis is all about, it also proposes an investigation on the relations between ambiguity and resistance in social rights case, mainly based on workers rights provided in 1988s Brazilian Constitution under the neoliberal pressure. In this sense the discourse of the contemporary critical sociology of work is widely used, aiming to verify how real working class fights flows through the law, politics and ideology.

O pensamento feminista na economia : revisão teórica e crítica a partir de uma perspectiva marxista

Nunes, Débora Machado January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho realiza uma revisão teórica e crítica dos debates marxistas relacionados à questão da mulher dentro de um escopo econômico, buscando identificar sua inserção acadêmica atual e sua possível capacidade de interpretação da posição econômica das mulheres. O trabalho apresenta um levantamento bibliográfico, apresentando as principais premissas e conceitos utilizados por essa vertente de pensamento e suas correntes internas, e um estudo de caso da Rússia Soviética desde o triunfo da revolução bolchevique até a década de 40 (período da chamada “contrarrevolução feminista”), a fim de verificar como alguns desses preceitos foram aplicados e como as experiências de socialismo real contribuíram para o desenvolvimento da teoria tanto internamente, quanto em relação ao seu prestígio perante as demais escolas de pensamento feministas. Conclui-se que houve um período de fértil debate no marxismo feminista nas décadas de 60 e 70, mas que seu desenvolvimento posterior rumou ou para a fusão entre a teoria marxista e outras correntes de pensamento, afastando-se da economia, ou para o debate interno relacionado à inclusão de um recorte de gênero aos conceitos marxianos. Atualmente, o feminismo marxista parece voltar sua atenção para o resgate à obra original de Marx, em uma tentativa de propôr uma nova teoria feminista anticapitalista metodologicamente ortodoxa. / This paper presents a theoretical and critical review of Marxist debates related to the woman’s question inside the economic scope, seeking to identify it's current academic status and it's capacity to interpret the economic situation of women. A literature review is exhibited in order to present the main assumptions and concepts used by this school of thought and its internal divisions, and a case study of the Soviet Russia since the triumph of the Bolshevik revolution until the 40s (the period of the "feminist counterrevolution") is presented in order to see how some of these principles were applied and how socialism experiences contributed to the development of the theory and to its prestige towards the other feminist schools of thought. It concludes that there was a period of fruitful discussion of feminist Marxism in the 60s and 70s, but it's further development headed or to the merge between Marxist theory and other currents of thought, moving away from the economic scope, or for the debate related to the inclusion of a gender approach to Marxian concepts. Currently, Marxist feminism seems to turn it's attention to the rescue of Marx's original work, in an attempt to propose a new anti capital feminist theory methodologically orthodox.

A ideologia do contrato de trabalho: contribuição à leitura marxista da relação jurídica laboral / The ideology of labor contract: contribution to marxist reading of the laboral legal relationship

Machado, Gustavo Seferian Scheffer 19 April 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo pretende promover uma discussão acerca dos aspectos ideológicos que envolvem o contrato individual de trabalho. Partindo do alicerce tríptico proposto por Slavoj iek para a crítica da ideologia, bem como da crítica da economia política de Karl Marx, buscamos uma aproximação do estudioso dos fenômenos jurídicos à realidade do contrato de trabalho, em seus ideais, instituições e práticas sociais. Para tanto, além de uma avaliação teórica aprofundada acerca do assunto, provocamos a reflexão do leitor trazendo um retrospecto acerca da instalação do ideal neoliberal no contratualismo trabalhista brasileiro. / This present study aims to promote a discussion on the ideological aspects that involve the individual labor contract. From the foundation proposed by Slavoj Zizek for the critique of ideology, as well as from the critique of the political economy by Karl Marx, we seek an approach between the studious of the juridical phenomena and the reality of the labor contract in its ideals, institutions and social practices. To this end, in addition to an in-depth theoretical evaluation on the subject, we provoke the reflection of the reader by presenting a retrospective concerning the installation of the neoliberal ideal on the Brazilian labor contractualism.

Do realismo burguês ao realismo socialista: um estudo sobre a questão da herança cultural no pensamento de Lukács nos anos 1930 / From bourgeois realism to socialist realism: a study on the issue of cultural heritage in Lukács thought in the 1930s

Dias, Fabio Alves dos Santos 09 May 2014 (has links)
Na presente tese procuramos compreender qual o sentido de Lukács nos anos 1930 defender no campo cultural socialista a herança legada pelo realismo burguês em detrimento das inúmeras experimentações de vanguarda. Estudando sua vasta obra produzida ao longo daquela década, dividimos a tese em quatro capítulos. No primeiro, salientamos como a adoção do pensamento de Marx por Lukács leva o filósofo a conceber o proletariado não apenas como herdeiro da grande filosofia burguesa (a filosofia clássica alemã), mas também da herança cultural burguesa. No segundo, verificamos como Lukács analisa o método realista na grande herança legada pela cultura burguesa. No terceiro, estudamos como Lukács sustenta sua crítica à decadência ideológica burguesa, detendo o olhar sobre a análise do método descritivo na literatura, do naturalismo ao expressionismo. Por fim, no quarto capítulo, nos debruçamos sobre a questão do realismo socialista e sua relação com a herança cultural burguesa, enfatizando a participação de Lukács nos debates da revista alemã Die Linkskurve [Virada a esquerda] durante os anos 1931-1932 e na revista soviética Literaturnji Kritik [Crítica Literária] de 1934 ao ano de 1940. O grande argumento que mobiliza esta tese é que a valorização da herança legada pela literatura clássica burguesa em nada se assemelha a um classicismo conservador, como afirmavam Brecht ou Bloch, para não citar outros críticos. Antes, a partir da descoberta e do estudo dos Cadernos filosóficos de Lenin e dos Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos de Marx, Lukács pode sustentar a defesa da herança por entender que toda literatura autêntica (assim como toda arte autêntica) é produto de uma época progressista que permite ao escritor refletir corretamente a realidade objetiva e figurar na obra o homem em seu processo de formação como ser social. Nesse aspecto, ao apreender a imagem do homem ontologicamente como ser total, o método realista contido na literatura burguesa se tornava tão mais atual para a literatura que se fazia no campo cultural socialista, quanto mais urgente era a tarefa do proletariado em realizar seu próprio ser social e dar fim a todas as formas de estranhamento. Somente desse modo, argumentamos, Lukács pode conceber na literatura do proletariado uma força ideológica capaz de lutar contra a barbárie capitalista representada pelo fascismo e, ao mesmo tempo, capaz de impulsionar o avanço do socialismo que se construía na URSS / In this thesis we tried to understand what the meaning of Lukács in the 1930s to defend the heritage bequeathed by the bourgeois realism in the socialist cultural camp at the expense of numerous avant-garde experimentation. The thesis was divided into four chapters which show studies about his vast work done during that decade. In the first, we highlight how the adoption of Marx\'s thought by Lukács leads him to conceive the proletariat not only as the heir of the great bourgeois philosophy (classical German philosophy), but also of the great bourgeois cultural heritage. In the second, we see how Lukács analyzes the realistic method in great heritage bequeathed by bourgeois culture. In the third, we study how Lukács maintains his review about bourgeois ideological decay, focusing at the analysis of the descriptive method in the literature, of the naturalism until the expressionism. Finally, in the fourth chapter, we concentrate on the question of socialist realism and its relation with the bourgeois cultural heritage, emphasizing the participation of Lukács in the debates of the German magazine Die Linkskurve [\"Turn left\"] during the years 1931-1932 and in the Soviet magazine Literaturnji Kritik [\"Literary Criticism\"], 1934 until 1940. The main argument that mobilizes this thesis is that the appreciation of the heritage bequeathed by the bourgeois classical literature don\'t resembles with a conservative classicism, like Brech and Bloch said, not mention other critics. First, from the discovery and study of the Philosophical Notebooks, by Lenin, and of the Economic Philosophical Manuscripts, by Marx, Lukács could support the defense of this heritage, understanding that every authentic literature (as well as all authentic art) is the result of a progressist epoch that allows to the writer to reflect correctly the objective reality and bring to the work the man in his formation process as a social being. In this aspect, to attach the image of man ontologically as total being, the realistic method contained in bourgeois literature became so more new to the literature that it was in socialist cultural field, the more urgent was the task of the proletariat in performing its own social being and ending all forms of estrangement. Only this way, we argue, Lukács could conceive in the proletarian literature an ideological strength able to fighting against capitalist barbarism represented by fascism and at the same time, able to boost the advance of the socialism that was being built in the USSR

Do realismo burguês ao realismo socialista: um estudo sobre a questão da herança cultural no pensamento de Lukács nos anos 1930 / From bourgeois realism to socialist realism: a study on the issue of cultural heritage in Lukács thought in the 1930s

Fabio Alves dos Santos Dias 09 May 2014 (has links)
Na presente tese procuramos compreender qual o sentido de Lukács nos anos 1930 defender no campo cultural socialista a herança legada pelo realismo burguês em detrimento das inúmeras experimentações de vanguarda. Estudando sua vasta obra produzida ao longo daquela década, dividimos a tese em quatro capítulos. No primeiro, salientamos como a adoção do pensamento de Marx por Lukács leva o filósofo a conceber o proletariado não apenas como herdeiro da grande filosofia burguesa (a filosofia clássica alemã), mas também da herança cultural burguesa. No segundo, verificamos como Lukács analisa o método realista na grande herança legada pela cultura burguesa. No terceiro, estudamos como Lukács sustenta sua crítica à decadência ideológica burguesa, detendo o olhar sobre a análise do método descritivo na literatura, do naturalismo ao expressionismo. Por fim, no quarto capítulo, nos debruçamos sobre a questão do realismo socialista e sua relação com a herança cultural burguesa, enfatizando a participação de Lukács nos debates da revista alemã Die Linkskurve [Virada a esquerda] durante os anos 1931-1932 e na revista soviética Literaturnji Kritik [Crítica Literária] de 1934 ao ano de 1940. O grande argumento que mobiliza esta tese é que a valorização da herança legada pela literatura clássica burguesa em nada se assemelha a um classicismo conservador, como afirmavam Brecht ou Bloch, para não citar outros críticos. Antes, a partir da descoberta e do estudo dos Cadernos filosóficos de Lenin e dos Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos de Marx, Lukács pode sustentar a defesa da herança por entender que toda literatura autêntica (assim como toda arte autêntica) é produto de uma época progressista que permite ao escritor refletir corretamente a realidade objetiva e figurar na obra o homem em seu processo de formação como ser social. Nesse aspecto, ao apreender a imagem do homem ontologicamente como ser total, o método realista contido na literatura burguesa se tornava tão mais atual para a literatura que se fazia no campo cultural socialista, quanto mais urgente era a tarefa do proletariado em realizar seu próprio ser social e dar fim a todas as formas de estranhamento. Somente desse modo, argumentamos, Lukács pode conceber na literatura do proletariado uma força ideológica capaz de lutar contra a barbárie capitalista representada pelo fascismo e, ao mesmo tempo, capaz de impulsionar o avanço do socialismo que se construía na URSS / In this thesis we tried to understand what the meaning of Lukács in the 1930s to defend the heritage bequeathed by the bourgeois realism in the socialist cultural camp at the expense of numerous avant-garde experimentation. The thesis was divided into four chapters which show studies about his vast work done during that decade. In the first, we highlight how the adoption of Marx\'s thought by Lukács leads him to conceive the proletariat not only as the heir of the great bourgeois philosophy (classical German philosophy), but also of the great bourgeois cultural heritage. In the second, we see how Lukács analyzes the realistic method in great heritage bequeathed by bourgeois culture. In the third, we study how Lukács maintains his review about bourgeois ideological decay, focusing at the analysis of the descriptive method in the literature, of the naturalism until the expressionism. Finally, in the fourth chapter, we concentrate on the question of socialist realism and its relation with the bourgeois cultural heritage, emphasizing the participation of Lukács in the debates of the German magazine Die Linkskurve [\"Turn left\"] during the years 1931-1932 and in the Soviet magazine Literaturnji Kritik [\"Literary Criticism\"], 1934 until 1940. The main argument that mobilizes this thesis is that the appreciation of the heritage bequeathed by the bourgeois classical literature don\'t resembles with a conservative classicism, like Brech and Bloch said, not mention other critics. First, from the discovery and study of the Philosophical Notebooks, by Lenin, and of the Economic Philosophical Manuscripts, by Marx, Lukács could support the defense of this heritage, understanding that every authentic literature (as well as all authentic art) is the result of a progressist epoch that allows to the writer to reflect correctly the objective reality and bring to the work the man in his formation process as a social being. In this aspect, to attach the image of man ontologically as total being, the realistic method contained in bourgeois literature became so more new to the literature that it was in socialist cultural field, the more urgent was the task of the proletariat in performing its own social being and ending all forms of estrangement. Only this way, we argue, Lukács could conceive in the proletarian literature an ideological strength able to fighting against capitalist barbarism represented by fascism and at the same time, able to boost the advance of the socialism that was being built in the USSR

Poets with blood on our tongues

Falzon, John, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Faculty of Health, Humanities and Social Ecology, School of Humanities January 1997 (has links)
The following areas of poetics and politics are engaged with in the writing practices that constitute this thesis : 1.The class context of poiesis (imaging and making). 2.The construction of the tropes : 'poet' and 'revolutionary'. 3.The ongoing process of making oneself as a poet. 4.The consciousness of oneself as a bodily (economic, political) movement in the oikos (house) and the polis (city), both of which are in the process of being unmade and made. 5.The dialectics of : destruction and creation, analysis (loosening the elements) and poiesis (assembling elements), naivete and terror, revolution and the state, the freely developing human and the crowd (as subject of becoming and binding), the necessity of telling and its impossibility, tightness and looseness, imperialism/post-coloniality, catholic christianity/post-theism, Marx and angels, social analysis and magical realism, presentation and marginalization, labour and capital, black and white, the making of poems and the making of a doctoral thesis, doctor and dictator, the epic and the fragmentary, the beginning and the end, the tongue and the blood. 6.The failure of the practices of Social Democracy and Stalinism in the face of the creativity and destructiveness of capital. 7.The unity/disjunction of the political and the passionate in creative practices. 8.Concrete historical conditions as the basis for poiesis. The text's polyvocality asks, and also avoids asking, how a tongue can speak and not belie its blood and how a voice can be produced that is not sundered from the speaker's blood and how a writer can stake a claim to write (genetically or apocalyptically) with any body's blood. Two paradigmatic images meld the fragmentary pieces into a work. The first is the image made by Marx of the human essence as an ensemble of social relations. The second is the image of the jazz ensemble in which the relationship between the musician and the ensemble produces the effect that nothing is background and all is semiotically loaded. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Modernity and the Idea: Liberalism, Fascism, Materialism in Showa Japan

Hurdis, Jeremy 29 August 2012 (has links)
After the Meiji Restoration of 1862, Western philosophy was imported and infused into Japanese culture and its intellectual climate. By the early 20th Century, Kyoto School philosophers and romantic authors sought to reaffirm Japanese culture, believed jeopardised by the hastened development of Western capitalist modernity. This movement became politically charged, and is not without fascist allegations. After the Second World War modernism again became a primary intellectual concern, as modernists and Asianists alike attempted to struggle with the idea of fascism in Japan. Works of Nishida Kitaro (1870-1945) and Watsuji Tetsuro (1889-1960), and the prewar contexts within which they were written, will be compared to the postwar thinkers Maruyama Masao (1914-1996) and Takeuchi Yoshimi (1910-1977). The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Japanese thinkers before and after the Second World War understood and responded to the global process of modernity, and how it relates to such political movements as liberalism and fascism.

The Balancing Act: Economic Determinism and Humanism in Marxism

Taylor, Christopher Leighton 09 1900 (has links)
I argue that there are two interpretations of the Marxist dialectic, both of which examine how human beings interact with objects around them conceptually and how society evolves over time, from different points of view. In the present paper, I undertake three tasks. First, I demonstrate that there is a clear difference between these two strains of Marxist thought which I here call humanist and determinist. Second, I show how Marxist thought has evolved from Hegel and Marx to the present in light of these two different models. Last, I argue that the determinist model is flawed, and that the humanist model stands as a more solid logical and epistemological perspective for Marxist theory.

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