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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zvířata jako nástroj využívaný lidmi / Animals as a Tool Used by Mankind

Jonová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
I've chosen Animals as a tool used by mankind as a topic for my thesis. The reason to choose this topic is my closeness to it because of my education in fields of ecology and ethics. I presume, that it would be interesting to connect gained knowledge from ecology and my current study of bioethics. The aim of my thesis is to find out, discover, explain and prove, whether and to what measure is it justified to use animals in favor of a human. I would like to try to describe most important aspects of this topic in my thesis. I'd try to answer to this aimed goal through collected information from worldwide and local authors. My thesis will be structured in three main parts. First part will be aimed on animal rights, in a second part, there will be desribed in which ways we use animals and in a third part there are stated ethical and theological aspects of this problem.

Introducción al análisis demodinámico: un caso aplicado

López-Pablos, Rodrigo 02 June 2014 (has links)
A partir de literatura demográfica y económica reciente, se aborda el acoplamiento epistémico existente entre la economía y demografía estándar representada en la ruptura paradigmática de ambos campos como la necesidad de contribuir a una apertura epistémica en la discíplina para la construcción de una teoría demodinámica incipiente en el campo del arte. A partir del desarrollo de una metodología para el cálculo demodinámico se logra una expansión epistémica de la frontera del análisis demográfico tradicional, en una aproximación primera a un caso aplicado, se obtiene una estimación de la masa, la fuerza y la efectividad demodinámica generacional para dos regiones emergentes del globo. Finalmente se postulan algunas nociones sobre capital social, desigualdad demográfica, reproducción humana así como la actuación del tiempo esperado de vida en el logro del bienestar fenoménico. / Versión preliminar de tesis doctoral aprobada y en espera de fecha de defensa oral y pública.

Contribution à l’étude de l’évolution des glaciers et du changement climatique dans les Andes équatoriennes depuis les années 1950 / Evolution of glaciers in the Ecuadorian Andes since the 1950s and its contribution to the study of the climate change in the inner tropics

Basantes-Serrano, Rubén 08 July 2015 (has links)
Le climat des régions tropicales joue un rôle important dans l'équilibre du système climatique mondial. De ce fait, il apparaît essentiel d'en comprendre le fonctionnement et la variabilité pour appréhender au mieux les effets du changement climatique. Dans les régions tropicales où les projections climatiques montrent un réchauffement important à haute altitude, les glaciers sont les premières victimes de l'augmentation des températures. Mais ils apparaissent également comme des indicateurs précis des variations du climat. Jusqu'à présent, les observations glaciologiques réalisées dans les tropiques internes sur le glacier Antisana 15 ont été utilisées dans de multiples études qui nous ont permis de comprendre les processus physiques qui régissent la fonte des glaciers dans cette région. Cependant ces études n'ont pas pris en compte la représentativité spatiale et temporelle de ces processus à l'échelle de toute la calotte glaciaire. A partir d'observations géodésiques, la présente étude montre l'évaluation spatiale et temporelle de neufs glaciers sur quatre périodes échelonnées durant les cinquante dernières années (1956-2014). Situés sur le cône volcanique de l'Antisana, ces glaciers ont été choisis pour leur orientation et leurs caractéristiques morphologiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué les observations glaciologiques existantes sur le glacier Antisana15α entre 1995 et 2012. Nos résultats suggèrent la surestimation d'au moins 5 m éq. eau dans le bilan de masse cumulé de ce glacier. Cet excès dans les taux d'ablation est causé par une sous-estimation dans la mesure d'accumulation annuelle, liée à la difficulté à déterminer la couche qui sépare deux années hydrologiques. Dans une deuxième étape, nous analysons les fluctuations géométriques des glaciers : de manière générale il existe une tendance négative avec un taux de perte de -0.5 m éq. eau par an, occasionnant un recul de 38% de la superficie de la calotte glaciaire. Cependant, cette tendance n'est pas régulière. Nous avons mis en évidence un comportement contrasté d'une période à l'autre : certaines caractéristiques attirent l'attention, comme le fait que le bilan de masse soit très déficitaire entre 1956 et 1964 (-1,3 m éq. eau par an) alors que dans une période plus récente (1998 et 2009) les glaciers se trouvent presque en équilibre (-0.2 m éq. eau par an). Durant la période globale, ces glaciers montrent une réponse commune à un signal climatique régional, tandis qu'à l'échelle locale l'exposition aux flux humides combinés aux caractéristiques morpho-topographiques confère un comportement spécifique à chaque glacier. Ce travail est le premier dans les tropiques internes qui détaille la réponse des glaciers face à la variabilité du climat sur plusieurs décennies et qui prend en considération l'influence des facteurs morphologiques sur ce comportement. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans les objectifs scientifiques de l'équipe Great Ice de l'IRD (LMI Great Ice), et participe aux avancées du service de surveillance glaciologique SOERE GLACIOCLIM. / Climate of the tropical regions plays an important role in the balance of the global climate system. Consequently, it appears essential to understand its functioning and variability to apprehend at best the effects of climate change. In tropical regions where climate projections show an important warming at high elevations, glaciers are the first victims of the increase in temperature. But they also appear as accurate indicators of climatic variations. Until now, glaciological observations carried out in the inner tropics on Glacier Antisana 15 have been used in multiple studies that helped understand physical processes controlling glacial melt in this region. However, the latter studies have not taken into account the spatial and temporal representativeness of these processes at the scale of the whole ice cap. Based on geodetic observations, the present study shows the spatial and temporal evaluation of nine glaciers during four periods spread over the last fifty years (1956-2014). Situated in the volcanic cone of Antisana, these glaciers were chosen according to their orientation and morphological characteristics. In a first phase, we evaluated existing glaciological observations made on Glacier Antisana 15α between 1995 and 2012. Our results suggest an overestimation of at least 5 m w.e. of the cumulated mass balance of this glacier. This excess in the ablation rate was caused by an underestimation of the annual accumulation measurement, linked to the difficulty of identifying the layer separating two hydrological years. In a second phase, we analysed the geometrical fluctuations of glaciers: generally there is a negative trend with a loss rate of -0.5 w.e. per year, leading to a retreat of 38% of the ice cap surface area. However, this trend is not constant. We highlighted a contrasting behaviour from one period to the other: some characteristics draw attention, such as the fact that the mass balance was very negative between 1956 and 1964 (-1.3 m w.e. per year) when in a more recent period (1998 to 2009) glaciers were nearly at equilibrium (-0.2 m w.e. per year). During this long period, these glaciers showed a common response to a regional climate signal, while at the local scale their exposure to humid fluxes combined to their morpho-topographic characteristics gave a specific behaviour to each glacier. This work is the first focussing on intern tropics that details glacier response to climate variability over several decades and that considers the influence of morphological factors on this behaviour. This PhD thesis is in line with the scientific objectives of the Great Ice team from IRD (LMI Great Ice), as well as the progress of the glaciological monitoring service SOERE GLACIOCLIM. / El clima de la región tropical juega un rol importante en el balance del sistema climático global, comprender su funcionamiento y su variabilidad es una de las piezas esenciales para entender los efectos del cambio climático. En la región tropical donde las proyecciones climáticas muestran un importante calentamiento a mayor altitud, los glaciares son las primeras víctimas del aumento de las temperaturas y constituyen también los indicadores más precisos de las variaciones del clima. Hasta ahora, en los trópicos internos, las observaciones glaciológicas realizadas sobre el Glaciar Antisana 15α, han sido utilizadas en múltiples estudios que nos han permitido comprender los procesos físicos que gobiernan el deshielo glaciar en esta región. Sin embargo estos estudios no han considerado la representatividad espacial y temporal de estos procesos a escala de todo el casquete glaciar. El presente estudio muestra, a partir de observaciones geodésicas, la evolución espacial y temporal de nueve glaciares en cuatro periodos comprendidos durante en el último medio siglo (1956-2014). Estos glaciares, ubicados en el cono volcánico del Antisana, fueron escogidos en función a su orientación y sus características morfológicas. En una primera etapa hemos evaluado las observaciones glaciológicas existentes sobre el glaciar Antisana 15α entre 1995 y 2012, nuestros resultados sugieren la subestimación de al menos 5 m de agua en el balance de masa acumulado de este glaciar. Este exceso en las tasas de ablación es causado por una subestimación en la medida de la acumulación anual debido a la dificultad que conlleva la determinación de la capa que limita dos años hidrológicos. En una segunda etapa analizamos las fluctuaciones geométricas de los glaciares entre 1956 y 2014, de manera general existe una tendencia negativa con una tasa de pérdida de -0.5 m de agua al año lo que ha ocasionado un retroceso del 38% de la superficie del casquete glaciar. Sin embargo esta tendencia no es continua. Hemos puesto en evidencia un comportamiento contrastado de un periodo al otro, algunas características que llaman la atención son: el balance muy deficitario entre 1956 et 1964 (-1,3 m de agua / año) y en el periodo más reciente (1998 y 2009) en el cual los glaciares se encuentran casi al equilibrio (-0.2 m de agua / año). En el largo plazo, estos glaciares muestran una respuesta común a los una señal climática regional, mientras que a escala local la exposición a los flujos húmedos en combinación a las características morfo-topográficas otorgan un comportamiento específico a cada glaciar. Este trabajo es el primero en los trópicos internos que detalla la respuesta de los glaciares frente a la variabilidad del clima sobre una perspectiva multi-decenal y que considera la influencia que los factores morfológicos tienen sobre este comportamiento. Esta tesis se enmarca en los objetivos científicos del equipo Great Ice del IRD(LMI Great Ice), así como en los alcances del servicio de monitoreo glaciológico SOERE GLACIOCLIM.

Posouzení cenového vývoje vepřového masa ve vybraných státech EU / The assessment of price developments of pork meat in selected EU countries

HAUZEROVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this work is to analyze the prices of pork in selected EU countries in the period 2003-2013. This work consists of several parts. In the first part dealt with theoretical issues - agriculture sector, and therefore the Czech agriculture, the issue of the pricing in agriculture. The last part of the theoretical part contains a comparison of costs and revenues on a pig.The second part is called the methodology, this section contains instructions for calculations that are performed in solutions and results. The third part contains the results of calculations, because the prices of agricultural producers were used per 100 kg live weight and average annual wages. At the end of the work are collected all the results obtained in this work results.

Tragovi egzistencije – Sudbina pojedinca i njegovo izostajanje

Despotovski Goran 04 May 2018 (has links)
<p>Doktorskim radom Tragovi egzistencije &ndash; Sudbina pojedinca i<br />njegovo izostajanje obuhvaćeno je sagledavanje pojedinih so-<br />cijalnih i dru&scaron;tvenih pojava koje su značajno uticale na položaj<br />i život pojedinca. Tematski okvir doktorskog rada nastao je kao<br />rezultat prethodnih istraživanja, sprovedenih u dvema studijama.<br />Prva je Plutati (2007), sa radovima: Mumlači, Varenje,<br />Plasma, Uvrede, Jedi svoju zemlju, Civil, a druga nosi naziv Socijalan<br />(2013), sa radovima: Glasine, Lice, Socijalan, Izbrisan,<br />Tvar, Utvara, Razgovor, Brijač, Selekcija. Iz makroteme Tragovi<br />egzistencije &ndash; Sudbina pojedinca i njegovo izostajanje moguće je<br />pratiti čitav niz podtema: sudbina, egzistencija, tragovi, levitiranje,<br />manipulacija, identitet, dru&scaron;tvo, čovek-figura, čovek kao<br />pojedinac ili čovek u masi, odnosno čovek s negacijom, ne-čovek,<br />pozicija čoveka, meka forma, figura-lutka, telo kao lutka,<br />lutka kao telo, i dr.<br />Praktičan rad, instalacija ASC/DESC, kroz segmente u kojima<br />dominira prikaz lutke koja levitira, prikazuje čovekovu poziciju<br />u kojoj je nagla&scaron;en životni/sudbinski tok, čovekova mentalna,<br />psihička i fizička istro&scaron;enost. U ovom radu, u prostornom ambijentu<br />postavljeno je vi&scaron;e repliciranih objekata sa elementima<br />forme neupotrebnog predmeta, kreveta, figure/lutke u prirodnoj<br />veličini, s unesenim detaljima odnosno zvučnim i tekstualnim<br />sadržajima. Svi ovi elementi grade zasebne objektne segmente<br />koji u vi&scaron;e kloniranih verzija, u paraboli sa minimalnim promenama,<br />stvaraju novu celinu. Pozicije u radu nagla&scaron;avaju mesto<br />izostavljenog čovekovog života/neživota, koji se može naslutiti i<br />koji je dat samo u tragovima. Dominantne elemente u radu čine<br />predstave o čoveku koga u neposrednom fizičkom smislu nema,<br />uno&scaron;enjem praznine u kojoj se prisustvo čoveka naslućuje, koja<br />podstiče na sećanje o čoveku kao takvom &ndash; samo kao čoveku,<br />subjektu bez identiteta. Figure, u formi mase lutaka, imaju za cilj<br />da provociraju na razmi&scaron;ljanje, na opomenu, da preispituju nas<br />i na&scaron;e sećanje tako da se putem njih identifikujemo i prepoznajemo,<br />utvrđujući koliko su ti ljudi vezani za mesto, određeni događaj<br />ili pak suprotno tome, koliko samo govore o čoveku, bilo<br />kada i bilo gde. Upravo ovako ostvarenom simbolikom pokreću<br />se doživljaji, iskustvene funkcije u osećanju pripadnosti. Ovaj<br />rad svojom porukom otvara i nova pitanja, prevashodno s ciljem<br />da se pojedinac zapita pred vremenom u kojem je sve prisutnija<br />strate&scaron;ka kontrola svega životnog i u kojem su nagla&scaron;eni momenti<br />preispitivanja ličnog, specifičnog, karakternog, dovedeni<br />u pitanje.</p> / <p>The PhD thesis, Relics of Existence &ndash; The Fate and the Absence of<br />an Individual, perceives particular social occurences which have<br />significantly influenced the status and life of an individual. The<br />thematic framework of the thesis was created as a result of previous<br />examination explained in two research papers. The first<br />one is To Float (2007) which includes works such as: Mumblers,<br />Welding, Plasma, Insults, Eat Your Own Turf, Civilian, and the<br />other one is Social (2013), with the following works: Rumours,<br />Face, Social, Erased, Matter, Wraith, Conversation, Razor, Selection.<br />This macro theme, Relics of Existence &ndash; The Fate and the<br />Absence of an Individual, offers an insight into a wide variety of<br />subthemes: fate, existence, hints, levitation, manipulation, identity,<br />society, human figure, a person as an individual against a<br />person in the crowd or a person in denial, non-human, a person&rsquo;s<br />stature, soft form, figure-puppet, body as a puppet, puppet<br />as a body, etc.<br />The practical work, the installation ASC/DESC, which consists<br />of segments dominated by a form of a levitating puppet, depicts<br />a person&rsquo;s stature introduced by the flow of life/fate, by a person&rsquo;s<br />mental, psychological and physical weariness. This work<br />involves spatial ambience with multiple replicated objects in a<br />form of nonfunctional object, bed, life-size figure/puppet with<br />imported audio and textual details. All these elements build separate<br />object segments that create a new whole through several<br />cloned versions, parabolic with minimal alterations. The positions<br />of the work emphasize a place of the excluded life/non-life,<br />which can be assumed and which is split into particles. Dominant<br />elements of the work are composed of notions about a human<br />being who is, in direct and physical sense, gone, while the<br />inserted emptiness only offers a hint of human presence, and<br />which evokes reminiscence of a human being as such &ndash; solely as<br />a human being, a subject with no identity. The purpose of figures,<br />represented as a bulk of puppets, is to provoke thinking, issue<br />a warning, to question ourselves and our memory, enabling<br />us to identify and perceive, at the same time determining how<br />strong is the connection between those people and the place,<br />specific event or something quite opposite, and how much is being<br />said about the person, in any given time, anywhere. Exactly<br />through such symbolism, experience is set in motion, together<br />with the impressions about the sense of belonging. This work<br />opens up new questions, mostly with the aim to make an individual<br />undertake inquiries about the time with an increasing<br />strategic control of everything that is living, and the time that<br />casts a shadow over highlighted moments of personal, specific,<br />and individual reexamination.</p>

Analýza užitkových vlastností základního stáda prasnic / Analyze utility of the basic herd of sows

LESKOVSKÁ, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to analysis of production and reproductive performance of sows of basic herd in agricurtural cooperativ Agra Březnice for the years 2010 and 2011. Sows from breeding core of the nucleic stud, sows from nucleic stud as a whole and sows from reproductive stud were integrated in the observation.The Large White breed paternal line focused attention on the reproductive characteristics, the results of their own performance and results of unified testing. The planting of breeding sows focused attention on reproductive characters in the production of stainless crossbreed sow Czech White paternal line x Czech landrase.

Vyhodnocení intenzivního chovu candáta obecného (Sander lucioperca) v provozních podmínkách včetně posouzení kvality finálního produktu / Evaluation of the intensive culture of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) under commercial-scale conditions including the quality of the final product

JABLONICKÁ, Dagmara January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensory, chemical (fatty acid profile, N-substances, lipid, ash) and technological (texture of meat) parameters of meat of pikeperch reared in intensive culture and compared with the fish from the pond (extensive) culture.

Testování produkční účinnosti vybraných komerčních krmiv pro tržního keříčkovce červenolemého (Clarias gariepinus) / The efficiency testing of production commercial feeds for african catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

PETR, Miloš January 2012 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I was tested six types of feed. I tested in 3 repetitions in the recirculating system with biological treatment of water. Tested fishes african catfish (Clarias gariepinus) weighted between 200 ? 800 g per piece, were deployed into 18 aquariums with volume of 190 litres per aquarium. The whole experiment took place in five partial 3-week periods in the intensive breeding of the laboratory - controlled reproduction of fishes FROV JCU. The average water temperature during the experiment was 27 °C. The main objective of the thesis was to observe production efficiency of tested types of feed, speed of the growth of fishes, feed rates and financial costs. Afterwards, determinativ of yield and organoleptic evaluation was determined, followed by laboratory examination of composition of meat. The results of production indicators (Specific Growth Rate, Relative Growth Rate, Food Conversation Ratio) were most favorable for 3 types of feed ? Haltáp (SGR=0,81 %; RGR=126 %; FCR=1,45), Coppens TROCO SUPREME-22 (SGR=0,73 %; RGR=105 %; FCR=1,19), Coppens TROCO PRIME-18 (SGR=0,68 %; RGR=97 %; FCR=1,26). The lowest costs for 1 kg of fish increment were achieved for these specific types of feed Haltáp and Aller Aqua Focus (45 Kč a 46 Kč). In the organoleptic analysis was found positive evaluation of meat of all tested fishes. Chemical composition of meat was (in term of proteins and fats content) most favorably documented for the hungarian feed called Haltáp (proteins=19,22 % and fats=4,85 %).

Vliv systému HACCP na kvalitu masných výrobků / The influence of the HACCP system on the quality of meat products

KOCINOVÁ, Marie January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, we performed a detailed analysis of the entire HACCP system in the enterprise Libor Novák - production of meat, sausages and specialties. The HACCP system in that enterprise was compared with the available literature and knowledge have been proposed some changes in the system of critical control points in a system of checks. They were designed diagrams of two new production of selected products (smoked meat, cooked production). Both productions were performed new hazard analysis and critical control newly set points and control points. For newly designed control points were established and possible changes of danger and the consequent monitoring and corrective action. Because of the HACCP system in the company for the last 10 years, well developed and stabilized, it was proposed to reduce the number of critical control points. The HACCP system is carried out in constant evolution and must constantly adapt and production workflows. Therefore, these new proposed changes can be valid only until until it changes anything in production technology.

Relatos, trajetórias e imagens : uma etnografia em construção sobre os Ye pâ-masa do baixo Uaupés (alto rio Negro)

Rodrigues, Raphael 06 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:00:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4633.pdf: 2382462 bytes, checksum: f843159a735b1b9158574d04f5cfa327 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-06 / This study aimed to observe the motivations of an indigenous leader of the Northwest Amazon, Maximilian Menezes, in his desire to produce a written record of the Inapéporã s trajectory and placement of hierarchical, one of about forty clans tukano. From the collection of mythical and historical narratives attempted to recover the trajectory of this group from the river Papuri toward the lower river Uaupes contributing thereby to a greater understanding of the ethno-sociological conformation of this region. The history of the community of Ananás, where Max was born, and where co-lived with another tukano clan, the Sanadepó-porã, was rebuilt, in part, from these oral histories and historical sources, mainly. We tried to observe, from conflicting reports of episodes involving specific movements related to shamanism and scatter some of the groups own dynamic tukano regarding mainly the formation of communities, micro-politics of affinity and co-residence between agnatic groups. This paper revisits classic themes of regional literature as hierarchy, social organization, cosmology, and is constituted as a starting point for research collaboration marked mainly by the fluidity between native and anthropological knowledge. / O presente trabalho procurou observar as motivações de uma liderança indígena do noroeste amazônico, Maximiliano Menezes, em seu desejo de produzir um registro escrito da trajetória e posicionamento hierárquico dos Inapé-porã, um dos cerca de quarenta clãs tukano. A partir da coleta de narrativas mítico-históricas tentou-se recuperar a trajetória deste grupo a partir do rio Papuri em direção ao baixo rio Uaupés contribuindo, com isso, para uma maior compreensão sobre a conformação étnicosociológica desta região. A história da comunidade de Ananás, onde nasceu Max, e onde corresidiram com outro clã tukano, os Sanadepó-porã, foi reconstruída, parcialmente, a partir desses relatos orais e fontes históricas, principalmente. Tentou-se observar, a partir de relatos de episódios conflituosos específicos envolvendo xamanismo e relacionados a movimentos de dispersão, algumas dinâmicas próprias dos grupos tukano no que diz respeito, principalmente, a constituição de comunidades, micropolítica da afinidade e co-residência entre grupos agnáticos. O texto retoma temas clássicos da literatura regional como hierarquia, organização social, cosmologia, e constitui-se como ponto inicial de uma pesquisa-colaboração marcada, principalmente, pela fluidez entre saber nativo e saber antropológico.

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