Spelling suggestions: "subject:"masas""
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On The Incorporation Of The Personality Factors Into Crowd SimulationJaganathan, Sivakumar 01 January 2007 (has links)
Recently, a considerable amount of research has been performed on simulating the collective behavior of pedestrians in the street or people finding their way inside a building or a room. Comprehensive reviews of the state of the art can be found in Schreckenberg and Deo (2002) and Batty, M., DeSyllas, J. and Duxbury, E. (2003). In all these simulation studies, one area that is lacking is accounting for the effects of human personalities on the outcome. As a result, there is a growing emphasis on researching the effects of human personalities and adding the results to the simulations to make them more realistic. This research investigated the possibility of incorporating personality factors into the crowd simulation model. The first part of this study explored the extraction of quantitative crowd motion from videos and developed a method to compare real video with the simulation output video. Several open source programs were examined and modified to obtain optical flow measurements from real videos captured at sporting events. Optical flow measurements provide information such as crowd density, average velocity with which individuals move in the crowd, as well as other parameters. These quantifiable optical flow calculations provided a strong method for comparing simulation results with those obtained from video footage captured in real life situations. The second part of the research focused on the incorporation of the personality factors into the crowd simulation. Existing crowd models such as HelbingU-Molnar-Farkas-Vicsek (HMFV) do not take individual personality factors into account. The most common approach employed by psychologists for studying personality traits is the Big Five factors or dimensions of personality (NEO: Neuroticism, Extroversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness). In this research forces related to the personality factors were incorporated into the crowd simulation models. The NEO-based forces were incorporated into an existing HMFV simulated implemented in the MASON simulation framework. The simulation results were validated using the quantification procedures developed in the first phase. This research reports on a major expansion of a simulation of pedestrian motion based on the model (HMFV) by Helbing, D., I. J. Farkas, P. Molnár, and T. Vicsek (2002). Example of actual behavior such as a crowd exiting church after service were simulated using NEO-based forces and show a striking resemblance to actual behavior as rated by behavior scientists.
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Mystical Motherhood: Blending Ecstatic Religious Experience with Feminist Discourse in Appalachian FictionMcIntyre, Heather Dawn 04 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Comer: A Short StoryTucker, Katherine 05 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Charlotte Mason: An Introductory Analysis of Her Educational Theories and PracticesSmith, James Carroll 20 April 2000 (has links)
This study has two goals. One is to begin to explicate the educational theories and practices of Charlotte Mason and the other is to determine whether or not her educational theories and practices are still useful in a 21st Century American School. The first goal is addressed in six essays that discuss major educational tenets of Mason’ s educational philosophy. The second goal is studied through a case study on The Children’s Community School.
The six essays based on major tenets of Mason’s educational theories and practices begin with the principle, "children are born persons," which permeates all of her beliefs about teaching and learning. "Children are born persons" means that children change from within and not from without and, therefore, are discoverers of knowledge not vessels to be filled. Rousseau believed that children come with a good nature, but Mason contended that they come with a nature that is both good and evil, as all humans. Therefore children need to be educated to attenuate the evil nature. That is the second tenet. The third tenet is a discussion of authority and docility. If children have a good and evil nature then authority is necessary. However, since children are persons, they have a right to an education and they have a right to self-authority. The fourth essay discusses Mason’s beliefs about the sacredness of a child’s personality. In the fifth essay on pedagogy the discussion is concentrated on Mason’ s use of narration as an instructional tool. The last essay is on curriculum and includes a discussion of Mason’s views on curriculum and the use of the narrative in the curriculum. All of the essays bring to the discussion the thinking of other educational thinkers both past and present.
At the end of each essay is the story of the implementation of Mason’s educational theories and practices at The Children’s Community School. The data collection for this case study is defined by Mason’s educational principles discussed in each essay. Data were collected on site at the school through observations, interviews and documents. All interviews were transcribed. Data from transcriptions, observations, and documents were then coded by the six major tenets discussed in the essays. Connections were examined between the theory of Mason and the practice in The Children’s Community School. / Ed. D.
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Concept, implementation and analysis of the piezoelectric resonant sensor / Actuator for measuring the aging process of human skin / Conception, réalisation et caractérisation d’un actionneur / capteur piézoélectrique résonant destiné à la mesure du vieillissement de la peau humaineSienkiewicz, Lukasz Krzysztof 07 June 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cet projet est la conception, réalisation et caractérisation d’un actionneur / capteur piézoélectrique piézorésonant destiné à la mesure du vieillissement de la peau humaine. L’étude présentée est le fruit d’une collaboration entre le groupe de recherche de l'Electrodynamique du INP-ENSEEIHT (Toulouse), LAPLACE Laboratoire de Recherche et l'École Polytechnique de Gdask, Département Génie Electrique et Automatique. Un concept d’actionneur / capteur pour la caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques des tissus mous a été présenté. Un actionneur piézoélectrique résonant, appelé "unimorphe" a été choisi parmi les différentes structures piézoélectriques fondées sur le cahier des charges. L'innovation du projet réside dans l'intégration de la méthode d'indentation dynamique en utilisant un unimorphe comme dispositif d'indentation. Ceci permet l'utilisation d'un certain nombre de propriétés électromécaniques favorables des transducteurs piézo-électriques. Ce mémoire est divisé en 7 chapitres. Le chapitre 1 présente la thèse et ses objectifs. Le chapitre 2 présente le phénomène piézoélectrique et les applications piézoélectriques dans les domaines de la médecine et de la bio ingénierie. Le chapitre 3 décrit le cahier des charges pour le transducteur développé. Le choix du transducteur unimorphe est ainsi justifié. Le chapitre 4 présente une description analytique du transducteur unimorphe, y compris les calculs de déformations statiques, la description du circuit équivalent de Mason, et la description des conditions de contact entre la sonde d'indentation et les matériaux testés. Le chapitre 5 contient l'analyse numérique du transducteur unimorphe en utilisant le modèle virtuel MEF. Les résultats de simulations statiques et modales sont décrits par deux géométries considérées du transducteur. Le chapitre 6 décrit le processus de vérification expérimentale des modèles analytiques et numériques développés pour le transducteur unimorphe. Enfin, le dernier chapitre comprend des conclusions générales concernant les résultats de recherche obtenus, ainsi que les travaux futurs possibles. Afin de vérifier la thèse d'un cycle complet de recherche a été effectuée, qui a couvert: étude analytique, l'analyse numérique (simulations MEF), réalisation de prototype, et la vérification expérimentale des actionneurs / capteurs piézoélectriques considérés. / The main goal of the dissertation was following: preparation of a new concept, implementation and analysis of the piezoelectric resonant sensor/actuator for measuring the aging process of human skin. The research work has been carried out in the framework of cooperation between the INP-ENSEEIHT-LAPLACE, Toulouse, France, and at the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Research Group of Power Electronics and Electrical Machines, Gdask, Poland. A concept of transducer for the characterization of mechanical properties of soft tissues was presented. The piezoelectric resonant, bending transducer, referred to as “unimorph transducer” was chosen from different topologies of piezoelectric benders based on the fulfillment of the stated requirements. The innovation of the project lies in the integration of the dynamic indentation method by using a unimorph as an indentation device. This allows the use of a number of attractive electromechanical properties of piezoelectric transducers. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 states the thesis and goals of the dissertation. Chapter 2 presents piezoelectric phenomenon and piezoelectric applications in the fields of medicine and bioengineering. Chapter 3 describes the requirements for the developed transducer. The choice of unimorph transducer is justified. Chapter 4 presents an analytical description of the unimorph transducer, including the calculations of static deformations, equivalent circuit description, and description of the contact conditions between the transducer and the tested materials. Chapter 5 contains the numerical analysis of the unimorph transducer using FEM virtual model. Results of static and modal simulations are described for two considered geometries of the transducer. Chapter 6 describes the experimental verification process of analytic and numerical models developed for unimorph transducer. The final chapter includes general conclusions concerning obtained research results and achievements, as well as possible future works. In order to verify the proposition of the thesis a full research cycle was carried out, that covered: analytical study, numerical analysis (FEM simulations), prototype realization, and experimental verification of the considered (developed) piezoelectric sensor/actuator structures.
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Simulation of airborne transmission of infection in a confined space using an agent-based modelLützow, Joel, Mikiver, Cecilia January 2020 (has links)
As the world observes a new pandemic with COVID-19, it is clear that pathogens can spread rapidly and without recognition of borders. Outbreaks will continue to occur, and so the diseases’ transmission method must be thoroughly understood in order to minimize their impact. Some infections, such as influenza, tuberculosis and measles are known to be spread through droplets in the air. In a confined space the concentration can grow as more droplets are released. This study examined a simulated confined space modelled as a hospital waiting area, where people who could have underlying conditions congregate and mix with potentially infectious individuals. It further investigated the impact of the volume of the waiting area, the number of people in the room, the placement of them as well as their weight. The simulation is an agent-based model (ABM), a computational model with the purpose of analysing a system through the actions and cumulative consequences of autonomous agents. The presented ABM features embodied agents with differing body weights that can move, breathe and cough in a ventilated room. An investigation into current epidemiological models lead to the hypothesis that one may be implemented as a corresponding ABM, where it could possibly also be improved upon. In this paper, it is shown that all parameters of the Gammaitoni and Nucci model can be taken into account in an ABM via the MASON library. In addition, proof is produced to suggest that some flaws of the epidemiological model can be mended in the ABM. It is demonstrated that the constructed model can account for proximity between susceptible people and infectors, an expressed limitation of the original model. / När världen observerar en ny pandemi, COVID-19, är det tydligt att patogener kan spridas fort och utan hänsyn till landsgränser. Utbrott kommer att fortsätta ske och därför måste sjukdomarnas överföringsmetod förstås, så att deras påverkan kan minimeras. Det är känt att vissa infektioner, såsom influensa, tuberkulos och mässling kan spridas via droppkärnor i luften. I ett begränsat utrymme kan koncentrationen växa när fler droppar tillförs. Denna studie utvärderar ett simulerat begränsat utrymme modellerat som ett väntrum på ett sjukhus, där människor som kan ha underliggande sjukdomar samlas och beblandar sig med potentiellt smittsamma individer. Inverkan av volymen av väntrummet, antalet personer i rummet, var de var placerade i rummet samt deras vikt undersöktes också. Simuleringen är en agent-baserad modell (ABM), en beräkningsmodell med syftet att analysera ett system genom handlingarna och kumulativa konsekvenserna av självstyrande agenter. Personer med olika kroppsvikt som kan röra sig, andas och hosta i ett ventilerat rum simuleras i denna ABM. Efterforskning av aktuella epidemiologiska modeller leder till hypotesen att en sådan skulle kunna implementeras som en motsvarande ABM, där den möjligtvis också kan förbättras. I denna rapport kommer det att uppvisas att alla parametrar av Gammaitonioch Nucci-modellen kan tas hänsyn till i en ABM via MASON biblioteket. Därtill produceras bevis som pekar på att vissa brister i den epidemiologiska modellen kan hämmas i denna ABM. Det demonstreras att den konstruerade modellen kan beakta distansen mellan mottagliga personer och smittsamma, vilket är en känd begränsning i originalmodellen.
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An Introduction to the Piano Works of William Mason (1829-1908) and a Performance Guide to Selected Repertoire for Intermediate StudentsChen, Ying-Chieh 05 1900 (has links)
William Mason (1829–1908) was a well-known American composer, pianist, and pedagogue. Researchers have mainly focused on Mason's career as a pedagogue in the United States and his pedagogical treatises, which are widely considered and used as the conceptual core of teaching materials on the nineteenth century. However, there has been only an annotated catalogue of Mason's music works, and no performance guide to his piano compositions. This dissertation is designed to be the first performance guide to his solo piano repertoire and act as an introduction to his music through an examination of selected works suitable for the intermediate student. This study provides instruction for students on how to practice these works through the analysis of the elements of practice – pedaling, phrasing, technique practice, touch, and musical expression – which were all considered as essential by Mason himself for a good performance. The five piano works selected are: Three Preludes, Op. 8, No. 1; Ballade et Barcarole, Op. 15; Valse Caprice, Op.17; Spring-Dawn, Mazurka–Caprice, Op. 20; and Spring Flower–Impromptu, Op. 21.
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Lukácsian aesthetics in a post-modern world: understanding Thomas Pynchon’s Mason & Dixon through the lens of Georg Lukács’ the historical novelDvorak, John N. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of English / Timothy A. Dayton / This thesis project seeks to reconcile the literary criticism of Marxist critic and advocate of literary realism Georg Lukács with the writing of postmodern author Thomas Pynchon in order to validate the continued relevance of Lukácsian aesthetics. Chapter 1 argues that Lukács’ The Historical Novel is not only a valid lens with which to analyze Pynchon’s own historical novel, Mason & Dixon, but that such analysis will yield valuable insight. Chapter 2 illustrates the aesthetic transition from the historical drama to the historical novel by using Lukács’ ideas to explicate The Courier’s Tragedy, a historical drama found within the pages of Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49. Chapter 3 applies Lukács’ ideas on the “world-historical” figure and the “mediocre” hero of the classic historical novel to Mason & Dixon. Chapter 4 asserts that Mason & Dixon enables contemporary readers to experience the novel as what Lukács calls a “prehistory” to the present. This chapter also illustrates how the prehistory of Mason & Dixon anticipates Pynchon’s nonfiction essay “A Journey into the Mind of Watts.” Finally, this chapter demonstrates how Pynchon avoids the pitfall of modernization in Mason & Dixon, which Lukács defines as the dressing up of contemporary crises and psychology in a historical setting. Chapter 5 ties together the work of the previous four chapters and offers conclusions on both what Pynchon teaches us about Lukács, as well as what Lukács helps us to learn about Pynchon.
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The Road Beyond Suffrage: Female Activism in Richmond, VirginiaGammon, Denise 01 May 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the continued activism in the YWCA, the Equal Suffrage League and the League of Women Voters after 1920. The work examines the uses of motherhood, social religion, race and traditions as tools for activism and compares the YWCA to the Equal Suffrage League and League of Women Voters after 1920. The date range is roughly from 1915 to 1925.
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Unreliable Narration and the Portrayal of Bertha Mason in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane EyreMelkner Moser, Linda January 2012 (has links)
This essay investigates the narration in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre by applying narratologist Great Olson’s model of unreliable narration to Jane, the novel’s narrator. Further, the novel discusses how Jane’s reliability affects the portrayal of the character Bertha Mason. The essay argues that the narrator’s characterization of Bertha Mason is deliberately misleading.
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