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Mellan råd och praktik : en studie av åtta folkbiblioteks digitaliseringsprojekt / Amidst Guidelines and Practice : A Study of the Digitization Projects at Eight Public LibrariesJohansson, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
This master’s degree thesis stems from the new possibilities that digitization offers preserving and increased public accessibility of our cultural heritage, but also how a lack of co-ordination and standardization may result in short-term projects and lack of quality. The purpose of this thesis is to examine a selection of public libraries’ digitization projects. The two questions posed are:How does a selection of public libraries conduct their digitization projects concerning a) goals and objectives, b) execution c) what resources they encompass?How well does their work agree with the recommendations that exists for goals, objectives and execution?To answer the questions interviews were conducted with persons in various ways involved with the digitization projects. In addition to the result of the interviews, material from guiding principles and recommendations by a selection of actors within the fields of digitization was used. The study shows first of all how publication of the digitized material, rather than preservation, was the most common goal and objective and that local material was prioritized.The execution, concerning technical aspects, differed somewhat among the participating libraries, and also choices made regarding for example file-format. These differences can partly be explained by different ambitions among the participating libraries but also due to lack of standardization. Furthermore, all libraries, except one, had financed their projects with external contributions. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Social network of firms, innovation and industrial performance / Réseau social des firmes, innovation et performance industrielleVan der Pol, Johannes 17 November 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de répondre à trois questions principales ; commentexpliquer et interpréter un réseau de collaboration, est-ce que des firmes avec une positionparticulière dans un réseau bénéficient d’une performance accrue et enfin, existe-t-il desstructures de réseaux qui favorisent l’innovation ?Pour répondre à ces questions, la thèse est organisée en trois parties. La première partieprésente, dans un premier chapitre, une revue analytique de la littérature suivie d’un chapitrequi présente la théorie derrière une des méthodes d’analyse réseau utilisée dans cette thèse :les Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM).La seconde partie présente trois analyses empiriques. Le premier chapitre empirique analysel’impact du cycle de vie de la technologie sur la dynamique du réseau de collaboration autourdes composites structuraux en aéronautique. Les deux chapitres suivants se concentrent sursecteur aéronautique et le secteur des biotechnologies respectivement. L’objectif de ceschapitres est d’analyser la dynamique structurelle et d’identifier s’il existe un lien entreposition dans le réseau et la performance de la firme.La dernière partie cherche à identifier des structures de réseaux qui favorisent l’innovation.Un modèle à base d’agents (ABM) est proposé pour répondre à cette question. / This thesis aims to answer three main questions ; how can one explain andinterpret the structure of an innovation network, are there positions in a network which allowfor an increased performance for firms and finally, are there network structures which favourinnovation ? In order to answer these questions, the thesis is organised in three parts.The first part presents, in a first chapter, an analytical review of the literature followed by achapter presenting the theory behind one of the network analysis methods: ExponentialRandom Graph Models (ERGM).The second part of the thesis presents three empirical analyses. The first empirical chapteranalyses the impact of the life-cycle of the technology on the structural dynamics of thecollaboration network for Structural Composite Materials. The following two chapters focuson two sectors, the aerospace and biotech sector. The aim of these chapters is to analyse thestructural dynamics of collaboration networks as well as identifying a link between networkposition and firm performance.The third and final part of this thesis searches for network structures which might favourinnovation. An Agent-Based Model is used to answer this final question.
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Entreprenadavtalens rättsliga ställning : Särskilt om ABM 07 / The legal value of the standard forms of construction : Particularly about the standard form ABM 07Wahl, Johan January 2016 (has links)
I avsaknad av tillämplig lagstiftning för entreprenader fanns för länge sedan ett behov av ett standardavtalssystem. Standardiserade formulär som säkerställer en optimal riskfördelning mellan parterna och erbjuder snabba avtalsslut togs emot som en framgångssaga inom byggsektorn. I den rättsliga doktrinen frågades, varför behöver vi en lagstiftning när de allmänna bestämmelserna för byggsektorn erbjuder heltäckande regleringar? I denna framställning ställer jag motfrågan, om de allmänna bestämmelserna för byggsektorn verkligen så heltäckande som vi tror? En gammal utbredd uppfattning om juridiken och entreprenader är att, entreprenadrätt skulle vara ett eget särskilt rättsområde och de allmänna bestämmelserna utgör branschspecifik lag inom detta rättsområde. I denna framställning belyser jag praxis från de senaste åren som snarare antyder att entreprenadrätt är en naturlig del av den allmänna köp- och kontraktsrätten. Framställningen har ett särskilt fokus på ABM 07 och behandlar dess centrala brister och medföljande tolkningsproblem. För de som tillämpar de allmänna bestämmelserna är det viktigt att förstå den verkliga innebörden av vad de faktiskt avtalar om. Genom att förstå dessa standardavtal kan onödiga risker, kostnader och osämja undvikas. Tvister om olika tolkningar gällande innebörden av enskilda avtalsvillkor är vanligt förekommande inom entreprenader. Oftast väljer parterna en icke offentlig tvistelösning i ett skiljeförfarande, eller så ser man helst till att förlika framför att invänta en prövning i allmän domstol. Om parterna är förtrogna med en djupare juridiska kunskap om de allmänna bestämmelserna skulle kanske färre tvister behöva prövas överhuvudtaget.
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以展望理論修正GCMG模型:集中交易市場的配適度分析徐心傳 Unknown Date (has links)
由於經濟體系中的”複雜性”使得標準財務理論的研究受到了侷限,有鑑於傳統財務理論對於厚尾現象等”stylized facts”並無法提出有效的解釋,近年來由物理學學者所發展出的”物理經濟學派”開始嘗試使用agent-based model(ABM)的電腦模擬技術來替代以常態隨機漫步理論作為資產變動路徑的假設;許多的實證研究都顯示:高頻率的集中交易市場之資產價格波動具有”scaling behavior”的現象,同時報酬率尾端的機率分配較常態分配所描述的更為極端;因此Mantegna認為報酬率應服從TLF分配。而由Neil Johnson所提出的grand canonical minority game(GCMG)可以在簡單的模型架構下有效地模擬出金融市場的特質,因而可以解釋標準財務理論之不足。
本論文為了檢視GCMG模型使否可以有效解釋台灣股票市場的特質,採用Mantegna演算法估計Levy分配之參數α,並比較其與集中交市場的真實價格分配是否一致,以此來檢測模型是否可以用來解釋台灣股票交易市場之性質。為了真實捕捉經濟個體之決策行為模式,本研究修改了GCMG中對於策略評價採線性的方式,取而代之的是採取諾貝爾獎得主Kanehman所提出的展望理論架構來捕捉真實投資人對於正負報酬會具有不同風險傾向的心理特質。由於MG模型具有”phase transiton”之特質,本論文對GCMG模型進行測試後發現市場波動度與記憶之間呈現嚴格負相關,其原因來自於GCMG對於投資人信心水準之假設。市場配適度分析則顯示GCMG在m=10時最為接近實際市場之α值,但仍有顯著的差異,顯示出模擬股價路徑較接近常態分配。而以展望理論修改評價函數後,雖然可以有效地使模擬股價路徑更為穩定,但仍無法改善GCMG模型的模擬股價路徑較實際市場變動更接近常態分配的缺點。很顯然地,模型架構過於簡化是造成此現象的可能原因;特別是台灣股票市場的制度性因素:散戶市場 以及漲跌幅限制等,都是造成模型配適度不高之原因。
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Från inkunabler till datorskärm : En studie av digitalisering vid fem stiftsbibliotek / From Incunabula to Computer Screen : A Study of Digitization at Five Diocesan LibrariesLetalick Rinaldi, Pia January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is twofold. Firstly it aims to make a contribution to the understanding of how five Swedish Diocesan libraries have carried out the digitizing of their rare book and manuscript collections. Problem areas related to this activity are also investigated. Secondly, it aims to examine the relative guidelines and standardization norms, which have been formulated on a national basis. The research questions posed are:Which problem areas connected to the digitizing activities carried out at the Diocesan libraries can be identified in the empirical material?Which possible discrepancies might be found comparing the digitizing activity at the Diocesan libraries and the guiding principles on a national level?In order to find answers to the research questions, interviews with six librarians at the Diocesan libraries were conducted. Furthermore, using the method of content analysis, the interviews, literature, previous research, reports and in-house documents were examined. The theoretical framework used is a triangular model formulated by the museologist, Ivo Maroević, indicating the relationship between the institutions of cultural heritage: archives, libraries and museums. The particularity of the collections of the Diocesan libraries places them in the middle of the triangle.The most important problem areas were found to be connected with: economical and personnel resources, outsourcing and open access, preservation, storage, and the national strategy for digitization. The major discrepancy with national recommendations consists in the differences of the digitization process at the Diocesan libraries, depending on whether it is related to a project or on demand. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Réglementation environnementale et dynamique de l'innovation : analyse des effets du règlement REACH / Environmental regulation and innovation dynamic : analyse the effects of REACH regulationArfaoui, Nabila 05 December 2014 (has links)
Le 1er Juin 2007 l’union européenne met en place REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals), un des règlements les plus ambitieux jamais mis en place au niveau européen. Cette réglementation introduit une nouvelle philosophie dans la manière de concevoir la protection environnementale et sanitaire. Selon le préambule du règlement, l’objectif de REACH consiste « à assurer un niveau élevé de protection de la santé humaine et de l’environnement, tout en améliorant la compétitivité et l’innovation ». Aussi, le règlement vise à concilier des enjeux à priori antagonistes, grâce aux innovations environnementales qu’il induirait. En ce sens, REACH apparaît comme un objet d’étude privilégié pour analyser les effets d’une réglementation environnementale sur les stratégies d’innovations des entreprises. Dans cette perspective, nous étudierons les mécanismes du règlement REACH qui sont susceptibles de favoriser le développement des innovations environnementales. A travers une étude empirique originale réalisée auprès des entreprises en région PACA, nous déterminerons, d’une part, les mécanismes qui favorisent de nouvelles opportunités technologiques et commerciales dans le domaine de l’environnement et de la santé, et, d’autre part, ceux qui stimulent une demande de qualité environnementale. Enfin nous analyserons l’influence des attributs de la réglementation REACH sur la dynamique technologique et industrielle à partir d’un modèle multi-Agent. Ce cadre de modélisation s’avère particulièrement pertinent pour tenir compte du caractère stochastique et complexe des processus qui gouvernent les stratégies d’innovations des agents soumis à la pression de la réglementation REACH. / On 1 June 2007 the European Union set up REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals), one of the most ambitious regulations. This regulation establishes a new philosophy of how to design environmental protection and health. According to the preamble to the Regulation, the objective of REACH is "to ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment while enhancing competitiveness and innovation." REACH has been designed to balance environmental objectives with competitiveness aims, and has the scope to induce the adoption of eco-Innovation as a side effect of the regulation itself. For this reasons, REACH appears as a privileged object of study to analyse the effects of environmental regulation on the innovation. In this regard, we analyse the innovation-Friendly mechanisms of REACH to promote the development of environmental innovations. From an unique original survey on REACH regulation, we study, one the hand, mechanisms to promote new opportunities in the field of environment and health, and, the other hand, those that stimulate demand for environmental quality. Finally, we analyse the impact of the attributes of the REACH regulation on technological and industrial dynamics from an agent-Based model (ABM). The ABM provide a powerful tool for exploring such complex and stochastic systems as innovation, and allow modelling the behaviour of heterogeneous agents, technological diversity and the change in selection environment that result from policy measures.
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Kalkylering : En aktionsstudie om hur ledningen i ett företag kan använda kalkyleringen för att validera beslut. / Kalkylering : En aktionsstudie om hur ledningen i ett företag kan använda kalkyleringen för att validera beslut.Bertilsson, Pontus January 2012 (has links)
Det finns en rad olika skrivna vetenskapliga artiklar om vad kalkylering är. Men hur används kalkyleringen utav ledningen i ett företag? Används kalkyleringen som ett styrverktyg? Syftet med studien har varit att beskriva och analysera hur kalkyleringsarbetet och utformningen av kalkyleringen påverkar styrningen av ett företag. Jag har därför utformat följande frågeställning: Hur påverkar kalkyleringen och framtagandet utav fördelningsnycklar styrandet utav verksamheten? Jag har valt att undersöka mitt syfte och min frågeställning genom en aktionsstudie på Ardagh Glas i Limmared. Jag valde att göra en aktionsstudie eftersom jag ville få en helhetsbild av hur ett företag kan använda kalkyleringen för att validera sina strategiska beslut. Jag har valt en kvalitativ studie med en abduktiv ansats där jag växlade mellan att gå från empiri till teori och från teori till empiri. I min teoretiska referensram har jag beskrivit de grundläggande begreppen ABC-kalkylering, ABM-styrning, aktivitet, kostnadsdrivare och kapitalets kretslopp. Min empiriska studie omfattade en egen genomgång av Ardaghs kalkylsystem, fyra personliga intervjuer som kompletterades med en enkätundersökning för att guida mig i mitt arbete med att utveckla nya fördelningsnycklar . Resultatet blev att poängtera hur viktigt det är att företag som använder sig av ABC-kalkyleringen har en uppbyggd förståelse om kalkyleringen för att kunna få en bra grundplåt att basera sina strategiska beslut med hjälp av den. Sedan har jag dessutom lämnat förslag om nya fördelningsnycklar för att därigenom få en mer rättvis kostnadsbild i Ardaghs produktkatalog.
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Development of agent-based models for healthcare: applications and critiqueDemianyk, Bryan C.P. January 2010 (has links)
Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a modeling and simulation paradigm well-suited to social systems where agents interact and have some degree of autonomy. In their most basic sense, ABMs consist of agents (generally, individuals) interacting in an environment according to a set of behavioural rules. The foundational premise and the conceptual depth of ABM is that simple rules of individual behaviour will aggregate to illuminate complex and/or emergent group-level phenomena that are not specifically encoded by the modeler and that cannot be predicted or explained by the agent-level rules. In essence, ABM has the potential to reveal a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. In this thesis, ABMs have been utilized as a modeling framework for three specific healthcare applications, including:
• the development of an ABM of an emergency department within a hospital allowing the modeling of contact-based infectious diseases such as influenza, and simulating various mitigation strategies;
• the development of an ABM to model the effectiveness of a real-time location system (RTLS) using radio frequency identification (RFID) in an emergency department, used for patient tracking as one measure of hospital efficiency; and,
• the development of an ABM to test strategies for disaster preparedness (high volume, high risk patients) using a fictitious case of zombies in an emergency department.
Although each ABM was purposeful and meaningful for its custom application, each ABM also represented an iteration toward the development of a generic ABM framework. Finally, a thorough critique of ABMs and the modifications required to create a more robust framework are provided. / February 2016
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Performance Evaluation of Boids on the GPU and CPULindqvist, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
Context. Agent based models are used to simulate complex systems by using multiple agents that follow a set of rules. One such model is the boid model which is used to simulate movements of synchronized groups of animals. Executing agent based models partially or fully on the GPU has previously shown to increase performance, opening up the possibility for larger simulations. However, few articles have previously compared a full GPU implementation of the boid model with a multi-threaded CPU implementation. Objectives. The objectives of this thesis are to find how parallel execution of boid model performs when executed on the CPU and GPU respectively, based on the variables frames per second and average boid computation time per frame. Methods. A performance benchmark experiment will be set up where three implementations of the boid model are implemented and tested. Results. The collected data is summarized in both tables and graphs, showing the result of the experiment for frames per second and average boid computation time per frame. Additionally, the average results are summarized in two tables. Conclusions. For the largest flock size the GPGPU implementation performs the best with an average FPS of 42 times over the single-core implementation while the multi-core implementation performs with an average FPS 6 times better than the single-core implementation. For the smallest flock size the single-core implementation is most efficient while the GPGPU implementation has 1.6 times slower average update time and the multi-cor eimplementation has an average update time of 11 times slower compared to the single-core implementation.
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Jin in time a jeho vliv na manažerské účetnictví / Just in Time and its influence on the management accountingŠvajková, Monika January 2009 (has links)
The thesis describes Just in Time method and other important issues related to strategic management accounting. The goal is to set a general process of cost saving by using the method. To mention especially process management, activity based costing, activity based management and quality management. The Just in Time method is described individually in relation with supplying and producing. The empirical part of the thesis is divided to two subsections. The first one contains questions about propriety of Just in Time implementation in the producing company. The second part attempts to set a general process of cost saving by using the Just in Time method.
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