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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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徐心傳 Unknown Date (has links)
由於經濟體系中的”複雜性”使得標準財務理論的研究受到了侷限,有鑑於傳統財務理論對於厚尾現象等”stylized facts”並無法提出有效的解釋,近年來由物理學學者所發展出的”物理經濟學派”開始嘗試使用agent-based model(ABM)的電腦模擬技術來替代以常態隨機漫步理論作為資產變動路徑的假設;許多的實證研究都顯示:高頻率的集中交易市場之資產價格波動具有”scaling behavior”的現象,同時報酬率尾端的機率分配較常態分配所描述的更為極端;因此Mantegna認為報酬率應服從TLF分配。而由Neil Johnson所提出的grand canonical minority game(GCMG)可以在簡單的模型架構下有效地模擬出金融市場的特質,因而可以解釋標準財務理論之不足。 本論文為了檢視GCMG模型使否可以有效解釋台灣股票市場的特質,採用Mantegna演算法估計Levy分配之參數α,並比較其與集中交市場的真實價格分配是否一致,以此來檢測模型是否可以用來解釋台灣股票交易市場之性質。為了真實捕捉經濟個體之決策行為模式,本研究修改了GCMG中對於策略評價採線性的方式,取而代之的是採取諾貝爾獎得主Kanehman所提出的展望理論架構來捕捉真實投資人對於正負報酬會具有不同風險傾向的心理特質。由於MG模型具有”phase transiton”之特質,本論文對GCMG模型進行測試後發現市場波動度與記憶之間呈現嚴格負相關,其原因來自於GCMG對於投資人信心水準之假設。市場配適度分析則顯示GCMG在m=10時最為接近實際市場之α值,但仍有顯著的差異,顯示出模擬股價路徑較接近常態分配。而以展望理論修改評價函數後,雖然可以有效地使模擬股價路徑更為穩定,但仍無法改善GCMG模型的模擬股價路徑較實際市場變動更接近常態分配的缺點。很顯然地,模型架構過於簡化是造成此現象的可能原因;特別是台灣股票市場的制度性因素:散戶市場 以及漲跌幅限制等,都是造成模型配適度不高之原因。


張雯嬌, Chang, Weng-Chou Unknown Date (has links)
為了因應顧客多樣化之需求及擴展市場上占有率,以產品多樣化為競爭策略的訴求重點,成為現今行銷管理的焦點。由於產品複雜性為市場必然的發展趨勢,站在管理當局的立場,如何解決複雜性所帶來的問題,為管理首要當務之急。   對管理當局而言,建立一套有效的標準評估制度,以衡量產品複雜性對作業之影響,是首要的管理任務。然而標準評估制度應建立在客觀分析的基礎上,其須仰賴產品複雜性與生產效率間的關係研究。因此,形成研究問題一:產品複雜性如何影響生產效率。另一方面,試圖從不同層面發掘,足以持續降低產品複雜性對製造資源不利衝擊之方法,是管理當局面對複雜性的根本解決之道。本研究認為替代性製程間選擇及人員技術水準對減緩資源的耗用具有相當大的貢獻,於是試圖根據過去成本動因文獻,以二者角度,考量製程複雜性與技術效率動因對生產效率之影響,於是形成問題二與:製程複雜性如何影響生產效率;技術效率動因對生產效率是否具有影響性。   本研究採取實地實證(Field Empirical)的方式進行,為了取得84年3月至84年7月,以印刷批次為單位的二千九百多筆樣本。作者自84年4月至85年5月期間,每週花費2至3天的時間,進行印刷產業及個案公司製程環境的瞭解,並且為了深入探討產品複雜性、製程複雜性與技術效率動因對生產效率之影響,以個案公司印刷製程中的預作作業及實印作業為研究對象,採用迴歸方式進行分析。   實證結果顯示,在產品複雜性方面,更換尺寸、紙張性質、油墨色別、油墨色數及色調要求完全支持產品複雜性對生產效率之不利影響。在製程複雜性方面,不同替代性製程間的生產效率存在著顯著的差異性,替代性製程間的選擇勢必影響作業的生產效率,因此,支持製程複雜性對生產效率具有顯著的影響力。在技術效率動因方面,無論在預作作業或實印作業裡,技術水準皆無法降低因產品複雜性對生產效率之不利影響。

網路事業知識整合與創新類型關聯之研究 / The relationship between knowledge integration and innovation on the World Wide Web

吳若君, Wu, Ruo-Jun Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路蓬勃發展,使得全球創新種子不斷地萌芽,個人或公司可以運用自身的知識能力,透過網際網路,將創新成果呈現在大眾的面前,創造出極高的創新價值。進一步分析網際網路創新的產生,會發現網路上任何創意都必須透過網路技術來加以實現,因此本研究探討組織如何整合技術合創意,結合不同專業的知識,產生創新價值。 本研究從知識管理的理論基礎出發,以台灣兩大搜尋引擎蕃薯藤、奇摩推薦網站以及專業評估選網站”人間煙火”評選的中文推薦網站為研究對象,挑選出台灣經營網路事業具代表性的公司,嘗試從成功企業的經營模式中歸納出台灣網路事業的創新類型以及公司在知識整合機制上的作法。研究發現: 一、網站創新類型可分為漸進式創新與跳躍式創新 二、知識特性不同,公司採用之創新類型不同,知識異質度高,網路創新傾向採用跳躍式創新,知識異質地低,網站創新傾向採用漸進式創新。 三、網站創新所需的知識特性不同,公司所採用的知識整合機制不同 3-1 網站企業所需的知識整合機制包括方向/目標、順序/流程、例規、共同語言、多元專業個人、對話/開會,區分為組織機制、介面溝通機制、多元專業個人機制、團隊運作機制四種類型。 3-2 網站創新所需的知識複雜度高,且知識異質度高,組織傾向採用介面溝通機制、多元專業個人機制與團隊運作機制整合不同專業的知識,介面溝通機制複雜度較高。 3-3 網站創新所需的知識複雜度高,且知識異質度低,組織傾向採用多元專業個人機制與組織機制整合不同專業的知識。 3-4 網站創新所需的知識複雜度低,且知識異質度高,組織傾向採用團隊運作機制與組織機制整合不同專業的知識。 3-5 網站創新所需的知識複雜度低,且知識異質度低,組織傾向採用多元專業個人機制與介面溝通機制整合不同專業的知識,介面溝通機制複雜度較低。 / The relationship between knowledge integration and innovation on the World Wide Web -By Ruo-Jun WUAdvisor: Dr. Se-Hwa WuKeywords: Internet innovation, knowledge heterology, Knowledge integration , mechanisms of knowledge integration 1. Background Internet industry grows rapidly. According the Internet report of Mogan Stanley company, new businesses that are created by or for Internet marketplace will grow very rapidly, at an estimated CAGR of 38% from now until ths year 2000. One of the important factor in the Internet's on-going growth is that there are many original innovations in the Internet. One person or a small company can create high innovative value by their own knowledge through the World Wide Web. Innovation becomes an important ubject i2. Purpose According to the research background ,the research objective of this study are four points: (1) To find the innovation on the World Wide Web and the categorization of innovation on the World Wide Web.(2) To explore the characteristic of knowledge with the innovation on the World Wide Web. (3) To explore the relationship between the characteristic of knowledge and categorization of innovation. (4) To explore the relationship between the characteristic of knowledge and the mechanism of integration knowledge?3. Conceptual FrameworkThe literature on organization knowledge and learning has explored the role of organizations in the acquisition, processing, storage, and application of knowledge(Argyris and Schon 1978,Levitt and March 1988,Ribertwon and Swan and Newell 1996). Demsetz(1991) proposes that efficiency in the acquisition of knowledge requires that individuals specialize in specific areas of knowledge, while the application of knowledge to produce goods and services requires the bringing together of many areas of specialized kGrant's(1996) observations of mechanism of integrating knowledge imply that the difference of knowledge characteristic will influence the method of knowledge management and Lyles and Zander(1992) propose the structure of organization knowledge would play an important role in searching the strategic opportunity. Based on the literature review in the preview paragraph, this study proposes the following framework (shown in figure 1), which is made up of two dimensions: knowledge heterology and knowledge complexity as the variables and in order to discussing the company how to integrate different individual's knowledge and to produce innovation on the World Wide Web. 4. MethodologyThe data were collected through research in both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were then collected about the web site project by contacting directly one of the members of web site team and requesting an interview. Search engine is considered the representative product in the Internet and so six project was picked through the recommendation of search engine to show the operation of successful companies on the World Wide Web5. Conclusion(1) The categorization of innovation in Internet industry included incremental innovation and radical innovation. (2) Organizations are more likely to adopt incremental innovation when the degree of knowledge heterology is low and adopt radical innovation when the degree of knowledge heterology is high. (3) Organization will take different mechanism to integrate knowledge when the characteristic of knowledge with Web innovation is different. 3.1 Organizations take "Rules and Directives, Routines, Sequencing, problem solving, dialogue/meeting, multiskilled individual " as the mechanism of integrating knowledge. These mechanisms can be categorized by four mechanism patterns-Organization mechanism, Team mechanism, Individual mechanism and Communication mechanism. 3.2 Organizations will take Team mechanism, Individual mechanism and Communication mechanism, when the degree of knowledge complexity is high and the degree of knowledge heterology is high. The degree of common language is more complex. 3.3 Organizations will take Organization mechanism and Team mechanism, when the degree of knowledge complexity is low and the degree of knowledge heterology is high. 3.4 Organizations will take Organization mechanism and ndividual mechanism, when the degree of knowledge omplexity is high and the degree of knowledge heterology is low. 3.5 Organizations will take Individual mechanism and Communication mechanism, when the degree of knowledge complexity is low and the degree of knowledge heterology is low. The degree of common language is less complex.

任務性、脈絡性及適應性績效表現與主管獎酬決策影響效果之研究 / The study of the effect of task performance, contextual performance and adaptive performance on supervisory reward decision

簡博浩, Chien, Po Pao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的在探討工作績效理論中任務性、脈絡性及適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策的影響。研究一以「特定職位或職系適用」的角度,以業務經理為標的,運用實驗法以影片模擬實驗法的三因子實驗設計來進行,以233位企業主管為受試對象。研究二以「跨職位適用」的角度,運用調查法以150位主管選取一位部屬來評量三種工作績效表現。兩個研究結果顯示,任務性及脈絡性績效表現如過去研究結論一致,對主管獎酬決策有影響;適應性績效表現亦對主管獎酬決策有影響。透過實驗法驗證,適應性績效表現與脈絡性績效表現的交互效果對主管獎酬決策有影響;但與任務性績效表現的交互效果則是不存在的。透過調查法驗證,在任務越複雜的工作,脈絡性績效表現及適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策的正向關係則越強。在研究三中,針對上述研究結論及實務應用,以兩個職務屬性為干擾效果,發現顧客接觸需求程度及任務相互依賴性越高的職位,適應性績效表現與主管獎酬決策的關係就越強。 本論文之研究延伸工作績效內涵,驗證適應性績效表現對主管獎酬決策有其影響。並以三個不同的研究來驗證假說,從不同的職務適用觀點及研究方法的角度,更具理論及實務的價值。 / The current research aims to examine how adaptive performance, contextual performance and task performance correlate supervisory reward decision. The study employed the methods of survey and laboratory experiments and virtually comprises three parts. In Part One, from the perspective of specific occupations or job families, 233 manager subjects were recruited to view a previously-videotaped simulated sales executive’s job performance and give rating afterwards in terms of his task performance, contextual performance, and adaptive performance. In Part Two, from the perspective of applicable across jobs, 150 manager subjects randomly chose one of their subordinates and rated his/her task, contextual and adaptive performance. The findings in either Study 1 or Study 2 were congruent with results of previous research, which indicated not only the main effects of task and contextual performance but also (that of) adaptive performance affected supervisory reward decision. In addition, the experiment study justified that the interactional effects of adaptive and contextual performance were crucial factors to modify the supervisory reward decision, while the field study illustrated how employees’ contextual and adaptive performances reinforced supervisory reward decision especially when task complexity were taken into consideration. In Study 3, based on the former findings and practical application, we found that a job position of high customer-contact requirements and high task interdependence significantly strengthened the correlation between adaptive performance and supervisory reward decision. This study not only endorses the essentiality of job performance but also testifies effect of adaptive performance on supervisory reward decision. Moreover, this study, using different methodologies, has extended theory and provided practical implications.

競值架構應用在國民小學校長領導行為、學校組織文化與組織效能關係之研究 / A Study on the Application of Competing Values Framework on the Relationships among Principal’s Leadership Behavior, School Organizational Culture and Organizational Effectiveness in Elementary Schools.

吳勁甫 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在應用競值架構探討國民小學校長領導行為、學校組織文化與學校組織效能之間的關聯性。研究採用調查研究法,以台灣地區公立國民小學教師為對象,總共發出1060份問卷,問卷回收率為89.91%,有效問卷回收率則為84.81%。正式問卷回收之後,分別以單因子單變量變異數分析、單因子多變量變異數分析、集群分析、區別分析、皮爾森積差相關、迴歸分析(簡單、多元及調節迴歸)、階層線性模式及結構方程模式等統計方式對回收資料進行分析。 本研究獲得以下九項結論: 一、國民小學校長領導行為在競爭行為層面上的表現最突出。 二、國民小學組織文化特性趨向層級節制和朋黨組織文化。 三、國民小學學校組織效能在內部過程模式上的表現最佳。 四、校長領導行為、學校組織文化與學校組織效能之間具有正向關聯。 五、校長領導行為表現愈佳及複雜性愈高,有助於塑造學校組織文化與提升 學校組織效能。 六、學校組織文化的特性愈強及複雜性愈高,能促使學校組織效能之表現愈 佳。 七、校長領導行為與學校組織文化之趨同程度愈高,學校組織效能之表現並未 愈佳。 八、校長領導行為與學校組織效能之關聯是否受學校組織文化所調節,須視學 校組織文化之分析層次而定。 九、校長領導行為可透過學校組織文化的中介作用,正向影響學校組織效能。 本研究分別就實務應用及未來研究兩方面提出如下建議: 一、實務應用方面 (一)以競值架構之量表診斷學校組織行為 (二)展現兼容並蓄之領導作風 (三)提升領導行為之複雜性 (四)著重組織文化之型塑 (五)營造兼容並包的組織文化 (六)各種組織效能模式應兼籌並顧 二、未來研究方面 分別就研究對象、研究變項、研究方法、統計分析方法以及行為複雜性之檢測方式等方面,對未來的研究提出建議。 / The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships among principal’s leadership behavior, school organizational culture, and school organizational effectiveness by utilizing competing values framework. The research method this study adopted is survey research. Data were collected from 1060 teachers of elementary schools in Taiwan. The response rates were 89.91%; the usable rates were 84.81%. The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical methods of one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation, regression analysis (simple regression, multiple regression, and moderated regression), hierarchical linear modeling, and structural equation modeling. The conclusions of this study are: 1.Among all of the dimensions of principal’s leadership behavior, “Compete” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 2.Among all of the dimensions of school organizational culture, “Hierarchy” and “Clan” are the dominant in the elementary schools. 3.Among all of the dimensions of school organizational effectiveness, “Internal Process” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 4.There are positive relationships among principal’s leadership behavior, school organizational culture, and school organizational effectiveness. 5.The principals with better leadership performances and higher behavioral complexity tend to shape school organizational culture and enhance school organizational effectiveness. 6.The schools with stronger organizational cultures and higher cultural complexity could improve school organizational effectiveness. 7.The hypothesis that the higher the congruence between principal’s leadership behavior and school organizational culture is, the better the school organizational effectiveness is could not be supported. 8.Whether the relationship between principal’s leadership behavior and school organizational effectiveness could be moderated by school organizational culture depends on the level of analysis of school organizational culture. 9.The principal’s leadership behavior could positively affect school organizational effectiveness through the mediated effect of school organizational culture. In addition, this study provides suggestions respectively on the aspect of practical application and future study.

數位金融時代下行動銀行app持續採用行為研究 / Understanding Consumers’ Continuance Intention toward Mobile Banking in the Fintech Era: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study

梁榕修, Liang, Jung Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從金融科技創新應用之觀點,舉行動銀行app之應用為例,整合過去行銷與科技採用之相關文獻,並呼應金融科技時代的創新元素,據此探究使用者對於行動銀行app持續採用行為、與提供未來創新發展上之建議。首先以質化研究的方式,了解行動銀行app使用者的使用原因、使用經驗、對app的整體評價與建議;其次發展出量化研究模型,找出各種影響消費者持續使用意願的因素。 本研究針對「僅使用行動銀行app者」、與「行動銀行app和網路銀行皆有使用者」發放網路問卷調查,在量化研究的部分,首先根據Fintech重要核心價值中的差異化與利基型專業產品,提出競業差異作為研究模型之第一層探討面,結果顯示: 1. 設計美感對使用者能產生正向的情感品質知覺,提升對科技使用的知覺有用性、知覺易用性與降低知覺風險。 2. 品牌聲望有助於提升消費者對於業者所提供之產品與服務的相對優勢。 其次,結合過去創新擴散理論、科技接受模式以及個人知覺風險,作為研究模型之第二層探討面,結果顯示: 複雜性、知覺有用性、知覺風險能顯著影響消費者對於行動銀行app的採用意願。 最後,整合質化訪談發現與量化結果分析,給予結論與建議: 1. 業者可從設計美感加強消費者對於新科技使用的知覺有用性與降低知覺風險 2. 品牌聲望為輔,實質創新為主,首先降低複雜性 3. 從知覺有用性方面創造創新競爭優勢、同時兼顧知覺風險 4. 持續推廣行動銀行app,作為創新發展基礎後盾、與開拓市場之契機。 / This paper takes mobile banking application as an example in the view of FinTech innovation. Combined with findings from marketing and information system research, this study adopts key elements of FinTech innovation to arrive at a more complete understanding of consumers’ continuance intention toward mobile banking. By first taking the qualitative method and conducting semi-structured interviews, we look into consumers’ motivations, experiences, and evaluations of using mobile banking. For the quantitative part our empirical tests involve structural equation modeling. In addition, with the reference to one of main core values of FinTech innovation: differentiation and niche, specialized products, we propose competitive differences among competitors to form our first layer research model, the results demonstrate that: 1. Design aesthetics can increase one’s perceived affective quality of system usage, which in turn, had a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and lower perceived risk 2. Brand reputation can positively affect consumers’ sense of relative advantage in terms of the product and service provided by specific vendor. Meanwhile, our research integrates the concepts of Rogers’ innovation diffusion model, technology acceptance model, and personal perceived risk to further propose our second layer research model, and the result shows that: complexity, perceived usefulness, and perceived risk emerge as important antecedents of consumers’ continuance intention toward mobile banking. Lastly, we conclude our analysis of both qualitative and quantitative survey and make suggestions as below: 1. Placing a high value on the influence of design beauty, could increase consumers’ perceived usefulness and reduce perceived risk of new technology. 2. Focusing mainly on innovation while brand reputation subsidiary, and take complexity as priority. 3. Creating competitive advantage of innovation based on perceived usefulness, without overlooking the significant influence of perceived risk. 4. Keeping giving an impetus actively to the usage of mobile banking to solidify foundations of innovation development and increase opportunities in the market.

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