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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multifunkční objekt / Multifunctional Building

Mikuš, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Multifunctional building is designed as a 4 storey building with one floor underground and three above-ground floors. The building is situated in the administrative area Vajnory Bratislava. Basement includes cellars and 15 parking spaces. The first floor covers commercial premises suitable for civic amenities. In second and third floor are located apartments. Recent third floor is intentionally reduced to achieve a lower index for compliance with a built-up area.

Analysis of unreinforced Masonry Structures with Uncertain Data: Engineering Methods in Verification of Unreinforced Masonry Walls Subjected to In-Plane Shear (Probabilistic and Fuzzy Approach)

Montazerolghaem, Mahdi 24 August 2015 (has links)
In order to have safe and economy construction, different sources of uncertainty should be properly characterized and considered in structural design and verification. Commonly, reliability analysis is being used to evaluate the consistency of design process, including the uncertainty. A full probabilistic approach is an appropriate tool to consider the aleatory portion of uncertainty. However, in dealing with epistemic uncertainty in reliability analysis, modern mathematical tools such as fuzzy logic is required. Unreinforced masonry (URM) is known as sustainable building material and is on the top of worldwide building materials consumed in residential buildings. In this thesis, based on the available information on material, probabilistic models including the involved uncertainty for masonry properties has been provided for reliability study. Furthermore, a new experimental procedure for initial shear and friction coefficient, which theoretically reduces epistemic uncertainty, has been introduced. The unreinforced masonry walls that are important structural members in typical masonry buildings have been chosen as the cases of reliability study. Different verification methods for combination of in-plane shear and compression according to various codes has been collected and direct deterministic equations to predict the capacity has been extracted. In order to identify uncertainty (inaccuracy in design models), the observed (experimental results) load-carrying capacity are compared with predicted values and then the relevant uncertainty in models has been derived. Several reliability analysis using only stochastic method and using fuzzy-randomness technique has been conducted. The effect of uncertainty on assessed reliability has been highlighted. Additionally, the distinction between linear and non-linear application of partial safety factors has been investigated. Finally, by means of 3D graphs the actual reliability level of various masonry walls designed according to the latest German National Annex code DIN EN 1996-1-1 /NA :2012-05 on different load situation has been illustrated. / Analyse von unbewehrten Mauerwerkskonstruktionen mit unscharfen Daten Ingenieurmethoden zur Überprüfung von unbewehrten Mauerwerkswänden unter Scheibenschub (Probabilistische und Fuzzy-Methoden) Um sichere und ökonomische Konstruktionen zu planen, sollten die Datenunschärfe mit ihren verschiedenen Quellen bzw. Ursachen richtig charakterisiert und bei der Tragwerksplanung bzw. dem Nachweis berücksichtigt werden. Üblicherweise wird eine Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse angewendet, um einen konsistenten Tragwerksentwurf einschließlich der Unschärfe zu beurteilen. Eine vollständige probabilistische Näherungslösung ist ein brauchbares Werkzeug, um aleatorische Unschärfe zu berücksichtigen. Für die Erfassung der epistemischen Unschärfe bei der Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse sind moderne mathematische Werkzeuge wie z.B. die Fuzzy-Set-Theorie erforderlich. Unbewehrtes Mauerwerk (URM) ist als nachhaltiges Baumaterial bekannt und weltweit an der Spitze der verbauten Baumaterialien in Wohngebäuden. In dieser wissenschaftlichen Arbeit, die sich auf die verfügbaren Informationen über das Material stützt, werden probabilistische Modelle, einschließlich der zugehörigen wahrscheinlichkeitsbasierten Unschärfen der Mauerwerkseigenschaften, für die Zuverlässigkeitsstudie zur Verfügung gestellt. Außerdem wurde ein neues experimentelles Verfahren für die Ermittlung der Haftscherfestigkeit und den Reibungsbeiwert eingeführt, um die (epistemische) Unschärfe zu reduzieren. Unbewehrte Mauerwerkswände, die wichtige Tragglieder in typischen Mauerwerksgebäuden sind, wurden für die Zuverlässigkeitsstudie ausgewählt. Verschiedene Nachweismethoden für die Kombination von Scheibenschub und Druckbeanspruchung wurden nach verschiedenen Normen zusammengestellt und deterministische Gleichungen, zur Ermittlung der Tragfähigkeit herausgearbeitet. Um Unschärfe zu identifizieren (Ungenauigkeit der Modelle), werden die beobachtete Tragfähigkeit (experimentelle Ergebnisse) mit rechnerischen Werten verglichen, und daraus relevante Aussagen zur Modellunschärfe abgeleitet. Verschiedene Zuverlässigkeitsanalysen wurden zunächst mit stochastischen Methoden und danach mit einem fuzzy-randomness basierten Vorgehen geführt. Die Auswirkung der Unschärfe auf die bewertete Zuverlässigkeit wird herausgestellt. Zusätzlich wurde der Unterschied zwischen der linearen und nichtlinearen Anwendung zur Bestimmung von Teilsicherheitsfaktoren untersucht. Schließlich wird mithilfe von 3D-Graphen das Zuverlässigkeitsniveau von verschiedenen bemessenen Mauerwerkswänden nach dem letzten deutschen nationalen Anhang, DIN EN 1996-1-1/NA:2012-05, für verschiedene Lastsituationen dargestellt.

Hydrauliskt kalkbruk : Komparativ studie av bindemedlets inverkan på murverkets egenskaper / Hydraulic lime mortar : A comparative study of the properties of mortar binders

Boström, Dan January 2020 (has links)
Hydrauliskt kalk är ett bindemedel i mur- och putsbruk som idag främst används vid restaureringar. Likt bruk med cement som bindemedel härdar hydrauliskt kalkbruk även under vatten. Hydrauliskt kalkbruk når en högre hållfasthet än luftkalkbruk men lägre än cementbruk. Enligt EU:s avfallsdirektiv ska återanvändning eller materialåtervinning ske av merparten av icke-farligt avfall en avfallsgrupp till vilket tegel och murbruk hör. Likt luftkalkbruk kan tegel murat med hydrauliskt kalkbruk rensas från bruket och sedan återbrukas i nyproduktion. Denna möjlighet tillsammans med god hållfasthet och de hydrauliska egenskaperna gör det intressant att titta på hydrauliskt kalkbruk som ett alternativ till de idag vanligt förekommande bruken på marknaden. Syftet med denna rapport är att redogöra för egenskaperna hos hydrauliskt kalkbruk och jämföra dessa med de cementbaserade bruk som framförnallt används idag. Typiska faktorer som påverkar valet av murbruk är ekonomi, funktion, tillgång, hållfasthet samt fukttekniska och andra byggnadsfysikaliska egenskaper. Arbetet utfördes genom litteraturstudie samt genom ett praktiskt försök genom provning av den kapillära absorptionsförmågan. Provningen utfördes för att bestämma fukttekniska egenskaper hos bruket och se om de liknar det diffusionsöppna luftkalkbruket. Försöket utfördes med hydrauliskt kalkbruk samt två referensbruk i tegelmurar. En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att ingående kartlägga egenskaperna hos hydrauliskt kalkbruk. Brukets sammansättning studerades och uppbyggnadens påverkan på brukets fuktbetingelser analyserades. Denna analys låg till grund för genomförandet av absorptionsproven. De viktigaste egenskaperna vid val av bruk sammanställs även för andra, typiskt förekommande, brukssorter och jämförs med det hydrauliska kalkbruket. Vid proven simulerades slagregn mot fasaden genom att en testplatta fästes vid murverkets yta. Genom ett stigrör anslutet till plattan tillfördes vatten varpå murens absorption skulle bestämmas. Resultat från litteraturstudien visar på god hållfasthet och god tillgång till råvara samt indikerar miljömässiga fördelar jämfört med cementbaserade bruk. Priset och kunskapsbrist hos projektörer och entreprenörer ligger idag i den andra vågskålen, till det hydrauliska kalkbrukets nackdel.Provningen resulterade tyvärr inte i någon användbar data. Problem med tätning mellan utrustningen och murverket ledde till ofullständiga och osäkra resultat. Någon slutsats om absorptionen hos det hydrauliska kalkbruket jämte murcement- och kalkcementbruk i oliksugande tegel kan således inte dras. Ytterligare försök vore intressanta, under rätt för-utsättningar, genom absorptionstest eller genom uttorkningsprov för att bestämma det hydrauliska kalkbrukets fuktegeskaper. De allt större miljömässiga kraven som ställs i samhället och i byggbranchen kan öppna uppför ett ökat användande av hydrauliskt kalkbruk i framtiden. / Much like mortars with cement binders mortar with hydraulic lime hardens in contact with water. Eventually, as the process of carbonation starts, the hardening will be more similar to that of non-hydraulic lime. The compresive strength of hydraulic mortar lies inbetween the weaker non-hydraulic lime and the stronger mortars with Porland cement as binder. According to the european union directive 2006/12/EC on waste 70% of all non-hazardous waste should be reused, recykled or in other ways material recovered. Bricks layed with lime binders can be scraped of hardened mortar and reused in new buildings. This trait together with the strengthand hydraulic properties of hydraulic lime opens up for the mortar as a more widely used alternative to the more commonly used mortars of today containing cement as binders. This project aims to give a thorough presentation of the properties of hydraulic lime and give a comparison with mortars containing Portland cement as binder. Price and access together with strength and functionare all traits that can be of interest in regard to properties of mortar. By performing absorption test on hydraulic lime mortar together with two cement based mortars the moisture movement through mortar joints are compared. The tests are perfomed on multiple sample walls consisting of three different facade clay bricks with low, normal and high suction after 28 days of curing. A litterature study has been performed in support of the experimental study in wich the structure of hydraulic lime has been analysed. The absorption and desorption and it’s connection to the porus structure of mortar is investigeted. This is the basis for the absorption tests performedby the use of test plates applied to the masonry. Wind driven rain is simulated with the use of RILEM-tubes connected to the test plates afterwhich the absorption can be determined. Unfortunaly the experiment did not result in conclusive data because of problems with the equipment. It was not possible to achieve a tight seal between the equipment and the masonry so water leaked out during testing. As a result it was not possible to draw any conclusions regarding the moisture properties of hydraulic lime. Future testing should be done in better conditons or by using another method.

Capacity assessment of a single span arch bridge with backfill : A case study of the Glomman Bridge

Bjurström, Henrik, Lasell, Johan January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Distribution of Lateral Forces on Reinforced Masonry Bracing Elements Considering Inelastic Material Behavior - Deformation-Based Matrix Method -

Michel, Kenan 15 June 2021 (has links)
The main goal of CIC-BREL project (Cracked and Inelastic Calculation of BRacing Elements) is to develop an analytical method to distribute horizontal forces on bracing elements, in this case reinforced masonry shear walls, of a building considering the cracked and inelastic state of material. The moment curvature curve of the wall section is created first depending on the section geometry and material properties of both the masonry units and steel reinforcement. This curve will start with an elastic material behavior, then continue in inelastic material behavior where the masonry crushes and the steel start to yield, until the maximum bending moment M_p is reached. Due to reinforced masonry wall ductility, post maximum capacity is also considered assuming a maximum curvature of 0.1%. From the moment curvature curve, the force displacement curve could be extracted depending on the wall height and wall boundary conditions. Matrix formulation has been developed for both elastic and damaged stiffness matrix, considering different boundary conditions. Fixed-fixed boundary condition which usually exists at the middle stories or last story with strong top diaphragm, fixed-pinned which is the case of the last story that has a relatively soft top diaphragm, and pinned-fixed in the first story case. Other boundary conditions could be considered depending on the degree of fixation on the wall both ends at the top and the bottom. The matrix formulation combined with the force-displacement curve which considers different material stages (elastic, inelastic, ductile post peak force) is used to define forces in each bracing element even after elastic behavior. After elastic phase of each wall the stiffness of the element will degrade leading to a less portion of the total lateral force; other elastic walls, i.e., stronger walls, will receive more portion of the total force leading to a redistribution of the total force. This process will be iterated until the total force is distributed on each bracing element depending on the wall section state: elastic, inelastic and ductile post-peak capacity. Flowcharts clearly will show this process. Finally, a Fortran code is developed to show examples using this method. The developed analytical method will be verified by the results of shake table tests held at the University of California in San Diego, USA. Last test performed in the year 2018 uses T-section reinforced masonry walls, subjected to shakings with increased intensity. The total applied force for each shaking could be defined depending on the structural weight and shaking intensity (acceleration). The damage and displacement at each intensity has been recorded and evaluated. Depending on these test results, the results of the analytically developed method will be compared and evaluated. Total system displacement at different lateral load values has been compared for analytical calculations and shake table tests; furthermore, each wall state at increased load has been compared, good agreement could be noticed.:Acknowledgement 5 1. Introduction 7 1.1. State of the Art 9 1.2. Elastic Formulae 9 1.3. Example, Elastic Calculation 12 1.3.1. Stiffnesses of the System 13 1.3.2. Torsion due to Eccentric Lateral Loading 14 1.3.3. Distribution of the Lateral Load on Wall “j” and Floor “i” 15 2. Force Displacement Curve of RM Shear Wall 19 2.1. Introduction 19 2.2. Cantilever Wall 19 2.2.1. Cantilever Elastic Wall 19 2.2.2. Cantilever Inelastic Wall 21 2.2.3. Cantilever Post-Peak Wall 22 2.3. Fixed-Fixed Wall 23 2.3.1. Fixed-Fixed Elastic Wall 23 2.3.2. Fixed-Fixed Inelastic Wall 24 2.3.3. Fixed-Fixed Post-Peak Wall 26 2.4. Moment – Curvature Analysis 26 2.5. Example, Rectangle Cross Section, Cantilever 29 a) Moment Curvature Curve 29 b) Force Displacement Curve 32 2.6. Example, Rectangle Cross Section, Fixed-Fixed 33 a) Moment Curvature Curve 33 b) Force Displacement Curve 33 2.7. Example, T Cross Section, Cantilever 35 a) Moment Curvature Curve 35 b) Force Displacement Curve 41 2.8. Example, T Cross Section, Fixed-Fixed 43 a) Moment Curvature Curve 43 b) Force Displacement Curve 43 3. Matrix Formulation 47 3.1. Procedure 47 3.2. Structure Discretization 47 3.3. Element, i.e.; Wall, Local Stiffness Matrix 48 3.4. Stiffness Matrix of Fixed-Pinned Beam 52 3.4.1. Elastic 52 3.4.2. Pre-Peak Inelastic 54 3.4.3. Post-Peak Inelastic 55 3.4.4. Normal Force Part in the Stiffness Matrix 56 3.5. Stiffness Matrix of Pinned-Fixed Beam 57 3.5.1. Elastic 57 3.5.2. Post-Peak Inelastic 57 3.6. Stiffness Matrix of Fixed-Fixed Beam 58 3.6.1. Elastic 58 3.6.2. Post-Peak Inelastic 60 3.7. Summary of Stiffness Matrices 61 3.7.1. Fixed-Fixed 61 3.7.2. Fixed-Pinned 62 3.7.3. Pinned-Fixed 63 3.8. Transformation Matrix 63 3.9. Assemble the Structure Stiffness Matrix 65 3.10. Assemble the Structure Nodal Vector 66 3.11. Solve, Get Nodal Displacements and Forces 66 4. Matrix Formulation and Deformation Based Method 69 4.1. Elastic Method in Distributing Lateral Force 69 4.2. Elastic and Inelastic Method in Distributing Lateral Force 70 5. Shake Table Tests 73 5.1. Introduction 73 5.2. Design of Test Structure 73 5.3. Material Properties 75 5.4. Tests and Observations 75 5.4.1. Tests up to Mul-90% 76 5.4.2. Tests with Mul-120% 76 5.4.3. Tests with Mul-133% 76 5.5. Deformations 77 6. Verification 81 6.1. T Cross Section, Dimensions, Reinforcement and Materials 81 6.2. Moment Curvature Curve 82 6.3. Force Displacement Curve 85 6.4. Force Displacement Curve of the Structure 88 7. Conclusions and Suggestions 91 8. References 93 Appendix 1, Timoshenko Beam 95 • Fixed-Fixed 95 • Fixed-Pinned 95 • Pinned-Fixed 96 Appendix 2, Bernoulli Beam 97 • Fixed-Fixed 97 • Fixed-Pinned 97 • Pinned-Fixed 98

Hotel Welpas / Hotel Welpas

Kalousová, Kamila January 2022 (has links)
The project documentation addresses the design of a wellness hotel with a restaurant on a plot in the village of Pasohlávky. It is a two-storey partly basement building of an interesting quarter-circle shape. The vertical load-bearing walls are made of the Ytong system, the ceiling structures are reinforced concrete monolithic and the roof is warm flat with vegetation treatment. The plan also includes the connection of engineering networks to the building, modification and strengthening of adjacent areas on the plot, establishment of an internal area transport road to connect to the existing service road, parking space and landscaping.

Stavební průzkum a diagnostika konstrukce / Survey and Diagnostics of Building Construction

Frimlová, Eva January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the construction survey and diagnostics of the New synagogue in Velké Meziříčí. The aim of the work is to perform an inspection, construction survey of the building and evaluation of its current condition using classical survey and diagnostic methods. The work is processed as the final report from the construction and technical survey of the building. It contains its course and results. The main part of the survey is brick masonry, its failures and structural assesment. The thesis includes also survey of foundation structures, the history and description of the building.

Hotel v Pardubicích / Hotel in Pardubice

Skupa, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the project of a new hotel in the city of Pardubice. The building consists of three above-ground and one underground floor. In the basement there is a gym, fitness room, games room, sanitary facilities and technical facilities of the hotel. On the first floor there is a restaurant with a bar, a kitchen with storage space, staff locker rooms, a living room for employees, an entrance with reception, the office of the director and secretary, and sanitary facilities. On the second floor there is a conference and lounge, sanitary facilities and five guest rooms. On the third floor there are twelve guest rooms.

Dry Stacked Surface Bonded Masonry - Structural Testing and Evaluation

Murray, Eric B. 03 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The ENDURA block system is a dry-stack surface-bonded masonry system. Typical masonry construction uses thin-set mortar in the bed joints to provide a bearing surface for the blocks while the ENDURA system typically relies on shims and a surface bonding coat to ensure that the wall is level and plumb and to provide stability. Typical ENDURA block walls are built with the reinforcement placed eccentrically in the walls. Testing was performed on ten walls in order to determine axial capacity. The walls were ten feet high by eight feet wide. Each of the walls was built using a different configuration of block type, reinforcement spacing, and amount of grout. A steel frame with two hydraulic jacks was used to apply vertical load to the top of the walls. Three conclusions were drawn from the axial testing performed. First, typical ENDURA block walls built without thin set mortar in the bed joints have similar axial capacity to walls built with the thin set mortar. Second, walls built with un-reinforced cells grouted resisted significantly more load than walls built with only the reinforced cells grouted. Third, more research is required in order to establish a control and to determine whether the eccentrically placed rebar has a significant effect on the axial capacity of the walls.

Shake table Seismic Performance Assessment and Fragility Analysis of Lightly Reinforced Concrete Block Shear Walls

Mojiri, Saeid January 2013 (has links)
<p>This thesis reports on shake table tests on fully-grouted reinforced masonry (RM) shear walls. The test walls covers a range of design parameters to facilitate benchmarking, a thorough performance investigation, and calibration of numerical models as well as development of fragility curves within the context of Performance Based Seismic Design (PBSD). The details of the experimental program undertaken, including general observations in terms of cracking patterns and failure modes of the tested walls and the results on the lateral strength, hysteretic response, dynamic properties, and the contribution of different displacement components to the response of the walls, are presented. More detailed analyses include seismic performance quantification of the walls in terms of inelastic behaviour characteristics, various energy components, and the effective dynamic properties of the tested walls. The analysis is concluded with development of simplified nonlinear response history analytical models and seismic fragility assessment tools for the tested walls. In general, the study results indicated that the displacement ductility capacity of the RM walls and their capability to dissipate energy through plastic hinging are higher than what is currently recognized by the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC). The fragility assessment study further indicated that similar walls are expected to conform to the current drift limits of the NBCC even at high seismic regions in Canada. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the growing Seismic Performance Database (SPD) of RM Seismic Force Resisting System (SFRS), and to the understanding of the lightly reinforced masonry wall system behaviour.</p> / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

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