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Field-Scale Evaluation of Enhanced Agricultural Management Practices Using a Novel Unsaturated Zone Nitrate Mass Load ApproachBekeris, Loren January 2007 (has links)
The monitoring of nitrate mass load through the unsaturated zone below agricultural land was proposed as a novel technique to assess the effect of agricultural best management practices (BMPs). The objectives of the study were to: develop field techniques and apply computational models for the quantification of unsaturated zone nitrate mass flux; scale the point mass flux results to a nitrate mass load across an agricultural parcel; and assess the resulting nitrate mass load measurements as indicators to evaluate the effect of a BMP.
At several locations across the study site, groundwater quality and profiles of soil water content and temperature were regularly monitored, and several rounds of geologic cores were collected for analysis of bulk soil nitrate and an applied bromide tracer. The field data were applied in several analytical techniques for estimating recharge, and in two unsaturated zone numerical models used to refine the recharge estimates. The recharge rate at each measurement location was then combined with unsaturated zone nitrate data to quantify nitrate mass flux. Upscaling of the flux values to field-scale mass load was based mainly on topography, geology and field observations.
The calculation of stored nitrate mass in the shallow subsurface showed some correlation to changes in surface nitrogen application, with the greatest decreases in stored mass observed at locations underlain by sand where there was a switch to a grass crop. In contrast, the calculation of nitrate mass load suggested that the post-BMP value (4.1 t NO3-N/yr) was greater than the pre-BMP value (2.2 t NO3-N/yr). However, the calculation of nitrate mass load was limited by several factors, including a lack of nitrate concentration data from the deep unsaturated zone and an above-average annual precipitation rate; as a result, the findings suggesting an increase in nitrate mass load in response to decreasing nutrient inputs should be interpreted with caution.
Continued monitoring of nitrate mass load and stored nitrate mass in the unsaturated zone is recommended to determine whether further benefits from the BMPs are observed as the measurement period lengthens and the unsaturated zone is progressively flushed.
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Field-Scale Evaluation of Enhanced Agricultural Management Practices Using a Novel Unsaturated Zone Nitrate Mass Load ApproachBekeris, Loren January 2007 (has links)
The monitoring of nitrate mass load through the unsaturated zone below agricultural land was proposed as a novel technique to assess the effect of agricultural best management practices (BMPs). The objectives of the study were to: develop field techniques and apply computational models for the quantification of unsaturated zone nitrate mass flux; scale the point mass flux results to a nitrate mass load across an agricultural parcel; and assess the resulting nitrate mass load measurements as indicators to evaluate the effect of a BMP.
At several locations across the study site, groundwater quality and profiles of soil water content and temperature were regularly monitored, and several rounds of geologic cores were collected for analysis of bulk soil nitrate and an applied bromide tracer. The field data were applied in several analytical techniques for estimating recharge, and in two unsaturated zone numerical models used to refine the recharge estimates. The recharge rate at each measurement location was then combined with unsaturated zone nitrate data to quantify nitrate mass flux. Upscaling of the flux values to field-scale mass load was based mainly on topography, geology and field observations.
The calculation of stored nitrate mass in the shallow subsurface showed some correlation to changes in surface nitrogen application, with the greatest decreases in stored mass observed at locations underlain by sand where there was a switch to a grass crop. In contrast, the calculation of nitrate mass load suggested that the post-BMP value (4.1 t NO3-N/yr) was greater than the pre-BMP value (2.2 t NO3-N/yr). However, the calculation of nitrate mass load was limited by several factors, including a lack of nitrate concentration data from the deep unsaturated zone and an above-average annual precipitation rate; as a result, the findings suggesting an increase in nitrate mass load in response to decreasing nutrient inputs should be interpreted with caution.
Continued monitoring of nitrate mass load and stored nitrate mass in the unsaturated zone is recommended to determine whether further benefits from the BMPs are observed as the measurement period lengthens and the unsaturated zone is progressively flushed.
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Wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands : Effects of vegetation, hydraulics and data analysis methodsBodin, Hristina January 2013 (has links)
Degradation of water resources has become one of the most pressing global concerns currently facing mankind. Constructed Wetlands (CWs) represent a concept to combat deterioration of water resources by acting as buffers between wastewater and receiving water bodies. Still, constructing wetlands for the sole purpose of wastewater treatment is a challenging task. To contribute to this research area, the fundamental question raised in this doctorate thesis was: how do factors such as vegetation and residing water movements (hydraulics) influence wastewater treatment in CWs? Also, effects of different data analysis methods for results of CW hydraulics and wastewater treatment were investigated. Research was focused on phosphorus (P), ammonium-nitrogen (NH4+-N) and solids (TSS) in wastewater and o n P in macrophyte biomass. Studies were performed in pilot-scale free water surface (FWS) CW systems in Kenya (Chemelil) and Sweden (Halmstad) and as computer simulations. Results from the Chemelil CWs demonstrated that meeting effluent concentration standards simultaneously for all water quality parameters in one CW was difficult. Vegetation harvest, and thus nutrient uptake by young growing macrophytes, was important for maintaining low effluents of NH4+-N and P, especially during dry seasons. On the other hand, mature and dense vegetation growing for at least 4 months secured meeting TSS standards. Phosphorus in above-ground green biomass accounted for almost 1/3 of the total P mass removal, demonstrating high potential for P removal through macrophyte harvest in CWs. Also, results suggested that harvest should be species-specific to achieve high P removal by macrophytes and overall acceptable wastewater treatment in CWs. Still, different methods to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) from the Chemelil CWs showed that water balance calculations greatly impacted estimations of wastewater treatment results. Hydraulic tracer studies performed in the Chemelil and Halmstad CWs showed that mature and dense emergent vegetation in CWs could reduce effective treatment volumes (e-values), which emphasized the importance of regulating this type of vegetation. Also, it was shown that hydraulic tracer studies with lithium chloride performed in CWs with dense emergent vegetation had problems with low tracer recoveries. This problem could be reduced by promoting the distribution of incoming tracer solution into the CW using a barrier near the CW inlet pipe. Computer simulation results showed that the choice of tracer data analysis method greatly influenced quantifications of CW hydraulics and pollutant removal. The e-value could be 50% higher and the pollutant removal 13% higher depending upon used method. Moreover, unrealistic evalues (above 100%) in published literature could to some extent be explained by tracer data analysis method. Hence, to obtain more reliable hydraulic data and wastewater treatment results from CWs, more attention should be paid to the choice of tracer data analysis method. / Konstruerade våtmarker representerar ett koncept för möjligheten att nå en hållbar vattenresurshantering genom att agera som ”filter” mellan föroreningskälla och viktiga vattenresurser såsom sjöar och hav. Mycket kunskap saknas däremot om hur man konstruerar våtmarker med en optimal och pålitlig vattenreningskapacitet. Den här avhandlingen undersöker därför hur vegetation och vattnets väg genom våtmarken (hydrauliken) påverkar avloppsvattenrening i våtmarker. Dessutom undersöktes hur valet av dataanalysmetod av insamlad data påverkar resultaten. Studier genomfördes i Kenya och Sverige i experimentvåtmarker (ca. 40-60 m2) och inkluderadedatainsamling av vattenkvalité, hydraulik (spårämnesexperiment) samt biomassa och fosfor i biomassan av två olika våtmarksväxter. Dessutom genomfördes datorsimuleringar. Resultaten från Kenya visade att växtskörd och efterföljande näringsupptag av nyskördade växter var viktig för att uppnå låga utgående koncentrationer av fosfor och ammonium i en tropisk våtmark, speciellt under torrsäsongen. Däremot var en välutvecklad och tät vegetation viktig för reningen av partiklar. Fosfor i grön växtbiomassa representerade cirka 1/3 av våtmarkernas totala fosforrening, vilket påvisade potentialen i att genom skörd ta bort fosfor från avloppsvatten m.h.a. konstruerade våtmarker. Resultaten pekade också på att skörden bör vara art-specifik för att uppnå en hög fosforrening och generellt bra vattenreningsresultat. Dock visade olika beräkningsmetoder att vattenbalansen i en tropisk våtmark markant kan påverka vattenreningsresultaten. Resultaten från spårämnesexperimenten demonstrerade att den effektiva våtmarksvolymen för vattenrening blev mindre vid hög täthet av övervattensväxter. Detta pekade på att regelbunden växtskörd var viktig för att uppnå god vattenrening i våtmarker. Experiment med spårämnet litium visade att man kan få felaktiga resultat p.g.a. att en del spårämne fasthålls på botten i våtmarken om denna har mycket övervattensväxter. Därför bör spridningen av spårämnet i sådana våtmarker underlättas m.h.a. en spridningsbarriär nära inloppsröret. Simuleringar visade också att valet av dataanalysmetod av spårämnesdata starkt kan påverka resultaten och därmed också vår tolkning av en våtmarks hydraulik och reningskapacitet. Den effektiva volymen kunde vara 50% högre och reningseffekten 13% högre beroende på vilken metod som användes. Likaså kan valet av dataanalysmetod ha bidragit till överskattade och orealistiska effektiva volymer (över 100%) i artiklar publicerade de senaste 25 åren. Genom att fokusera mer på valet av dataanalysmetod och t.ex. jämföra resultaten från två olika metoder kan man minimera risken för bristfälliga resultat och därmed felaktiga slutsatser om en våtmarks vattenreningskapacitet.
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