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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matematikverkstad, lekstuga eller lärandemiljö? : En kvalitativ undersökning av pedagogers argument för matematikverkstad som arbetssätt.

Axdorph, Jacob, Kock, Peter January 2009 (has links)
<p>Examensarbete inom kunskapsområdet matematik, avancerad nivå, MOA004, 15 hp </p><p> </p><p>Jacob Axdorph</p><p>Peter Kock</p><p> </p><p>Matematikverstad, lekstuga eller lärandemiljö?</p><p>En kvalitativ undersökning av pedagogers argument för matematikverkstad som arbetssätt.</p><p> </p><p> 2009                                                        Antal sidor: 28</p><p> </p><p>Intresset för ämnet matematik är i allmänhet svagt hos svenska elever, lägg därtill att många elever på grundskolans senare år inte når upp till de uppställda målen. I skolans styrdokument poängteras även vikten av att elever ska känna lust att lära och att lärare är skyldiga att utforma undervisningen så att detta uppnås. Ett sätt att bidra till att öka lusten att lära är att, i undervisningen, använda sig av matematikverkstad som arbetssätt, där matematiken konkretiseras och synliggörs med hjälp av laborativt material.</p><p> </p><p>Syftet med det här arbetet har varit att undersöka vilka argument som några yrkesverksamma pedagoger använder för att motivera matematikverkstad som arbetssätt samt hur dessa motsvarar de intentioner som finns i Rystedt och Tryggs bok, <em>Matematikverkstad </em>(2005), statliga rapporter och skolans olika styrdokument.</p><p> </p><p>För att på kort tid få in en stor mängd data och många olika synvinklar rörande ämnet valde vi att använda oss av metoden fokusgrupp som genomfördes med en grupp verksamma pedagoger, som alla undervisade i matematik inom skolans senare år. Datainsamlingen analyserades sedan efter ett, av oss definierat, teoretiskt ramverk.</p><p> </p><p>I vår undersökning har vi kommit fram till att de tillfrågade pedagogerna och litteraturen vi undersökt är samstämmiga i argumenten vad gäller användningen av matematikverkstaden som arbetssätt. Liksom litteraturen vill de använda matematikverkstaden till att öka elevernas lust till att lära samt utveckla matematiska färdigheter hos eleverna. Vi ser även att de argument som pedagogerna lyfter fram när de argumenterar för nyttan av en varierande undervisning stämmer mycket väl överens med hur litteraturen argumenterar för samma sak.</p>

Test Cycle Optimization using Regression Analysis

Meless, Dejen January 2010 (has links)
<p>Industrial robots make up an important part in today’s industry and are assigned to a range of different tasks. Needless to say, businesses need to rely on their machine park to function as planned, avoiding stops in production due to machine failures. This is where fault detection methods play a very important part. In this thesis a specific fault detection method based on signal analysis will be considered. When testing a robot for fault(s), a specific test cycle (trajectory) is executed in order to be able to compare test data from different test occasions. Furthermore, different test cycles yield different measurements to analyse, which may affect the performance of the analysis. The question posed is: <em>Can we find an optimal test cycle so that the fault is best revealed in the test data?</em> The goal of this thesis is to, using regression analysis, investigate how the presently executed test cycle in a specific diagnosis method relates to the faults that are monitored (in this case a so called friction fault) and decide if a different one should be recommended. The data also includes representations of two disturbances.</p><p>The results from the regression show that the variation in the test quantities utilised in the diagnosis method are not explained by neither the friction fault or the test cycle. It showed that the disturbances had too large effect on the test quantities. This made it impossible to recommend a different (optimal) test cycle based on the analysis.</p>

Monitoring portfolio weights by means of the Shewhart method

Mohammadian, Jeela January 2010 (has links)
<p>The distribution of asset returns may lead to structural breaks. Thesebreaks may result in changes of the optimal portfolio weights. For a port-folio investor, the ability of timely detection of any systematic changesin the optimal portfolio weights is of a great interest.In this master thesis work, the use of the Shewhart method, as amethod for detecting a sudden parameter change, the implied changein the multivariate portfolio weights and its performance is reviewed.</p><p> </p>

A classifying algebra for CFT boundary conditions

Stigner, Carl January 2009 (has links)
<p>Conformal field theories (CFT) constitute an interesting class of twodimensionalquantum field theories, with applications in string theoryas well as condensed matter physics. The symmetries of a CFT can beencoded in the mathematical structure of a conformal vertex algebra.The rational CFT’s are distinguished by the property that the categoryof representations of the vertex algebra is a modular tensor category.The solution of a rational CFT can be split off into two separate tasks, apurely complex analytic and a purely algebraic part.</p><p>The TFT-construction gives a solution to the second part of the problem.This construction gets its name from one of the crucial ingredients,a three-dimensional topological field theory (TFT). The correlators obtainedby the TFT-construction satisfy all consistency conditions of thetheory. Among them are the factorization constraints, whose implicationsfor boundary conditions are the main topic of this thesis.</p><p>The main result reviewed in this thesis is that the factorization constraintsgive rise to a semisimple commutative associative complex algebrawhose irreducible representations are the so-called reflection coefficients.The reflection coefficients capture essential information aboutboundary conditions, such as ground-state degeneracies and Ramond-Ramond charges of string compactifications. We also show that the annuluspartition function can be derived fromthis classifying algebra andits representation theory.</p>

Effective Distribution Theory

Dahlgren, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
<p>In this thesis we introduce and study a notion of effectivity (or computability) for test functions and for distributions. This is done using the theory of effective (Scott-Ershov) domains and effective domain representations.</p><p>To be able to construct effective domain representations of the spaces of test functions considered in distribution theory we need to develop the theory of admissible domain representations over countable pseudobases. This is done in the first paper of the thesis. To construct an effective domain representation of the space of distributions, we introduce and develop a notion of partial continuous function on domains. This is done in the second paper of the thesis. In the third paper we apply the results from the first two papers to develop an effective theory of distributions using effective domains. We prove that the vector space operations on each space, as well as the standard embeddings into the space of distributions effectivise. We also prove that the Fourier transform (as well as its inverse) on the space of tempered distributions is effective. Finally, we show how to use convolution to compute primitives on the space of distributions. In the last paper we investigate the effective properties of a structure theorem for the space of distributions with compact support. We show that each of the four characterisations of the class of compactly supported distributions in the structure theorem gives rise to an effective domain representation of the space. We then use effective reductions (and Turing-reductions) to study the reducibility properties of these four representations. We prove that three of the four representations are effectively equivalent, and furthermore, that all four representations are Turing-equivalent. Finally, we consider a similar structure theorem for the space of distributions supported at 0.</p>

On Estimating Topology and Divergence Times in Phylogenetics

Svennblad, Bodil January 2008 (has links)
<p>This PhD thesis consists of an introduction and five papers, dealing with statistical methods in phylogenetics.</p><p>A phylogenetic tree describes the evolutionary relationships among species assuming that they share a common ancestor and that evolution takes place in a tree like manner. Our aim is to reconstruct the evolutionary relationships from aligned DNA sequences.</p><p>In the first two papers we investigate two measures of confidence for likelihood based methods, bootstrap frequencies with Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian posterior probabilities. We show that an earlier claimed approximate equivalence between them holds under certain conditions, but not in the current implementations of the two methods.</p><p>In the following two papers the divergence times of the internal nodes are considered. The ML estimate of the divergence time of the root is improved if longer sequences are analyzed or if more taxa are added. We show that the gain in precision is faster with longer sequences than with more taxa. We also show that the algorithm of the software package PATHd8 may give biased estimates if the global molecular clock is violated. A change of the algorithm to obtain unbiased estimates is therefore suggested.</p><p>The last paper deals with non-informative priors when using the Bayesian approach in phylogenetics. The term is not uniquely defined in the literature. We adopt the idea of data translated likelihoods and derive the so called Jeffreys' prior for branch lengths using Jukes Cantor model of evolution.</p>

Omkostningskalkulation for avancerede produktionsomgivelser : en sammenligning af stokastiske og deterministiske omkostningskalkulationsmodeller

Nielsen, Steen January 1996 (has links)
Hvordan kan en omkostningskalkulationsmodel udformes under moderne og fleksible produktionsforudsætninger, og hvordan påvirker stokastikken fra produktionen en given kalkulationsmodel, når der tages højde for samtlige indsatte ressourcer fra produktionen? Disse forhold er diskuteret med udgangspunkt i den existerende kalkulationsteori på området og i relation till to konkrete case-virksomheder. For at kunne gøre konkrete beregninger af stokastikkens virkninger, er der udformet en model baseret på et FMS-system, som har været testet via stokastisk simulering. Resultatet heraf viste, at variationer i processerne, transport og leadtid kan have relativ stor effekt på stykomkostningerne sammenliget med det deterministiske tilfælde. Med en stokastisk omkostningsmodel er der også mulighed for, at estimere effekten fra Design For Manufacturability (DFM) via standardafvigelsen. Dermed bliver det muligt att søge efter at minimere stokastikken og variationen fra produktionen. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan

On Estimating Topology and Divergence Times in Phylogenetics

Svennblad, Bodil January 2008 (has links)
This PhD thesis consists of an introduction and five papers, dealing with statistical methods in phylogenetics. A phylogenetic tree describes the evolutionary relationships among species assuming that they share a common ancestor and that evolution takes place in a tree like manner. Our aim is to reconstruct the evolutionary relationships from aligned DNA sequences. In the first two papers we investigate two measures of confidence for likelihood based methods, bootstrap frequencies with Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian posterior probabilities. We show that an earlier claimed approximate equivalence between them holds under certain conditions, but not in the current implementations of the two methods. In the following two papers the divergence times of the internal nodes are considered. The ML estimate of the divergence time of the root is improved if longer sequences are analyzed or if more taxa are added. We show that the gain in precision is faster with longer sequences than with more taxa. We also show that the algorithm of the software package PATHd8 may give biased estimates if the global molecular clock is violated. A change of the algorithm to obtain unbiased estimates is therefore suggested. The last paper deals with non-informative priors when using the Bayesian approach in phylogenetics. The term is not uniquely defined in the literature. We adopt the idea of data translated likelihoods and derive the so called Jeffreys' prior for branch lengths using Jukes Cantor model of evolution.

A classifying algebra for CFT boundary conditions

Stigner, Carl January 2009 (has links)
Conformal field theories (CFT) constitute an interesting class of twodimensionalquantum field theories, with applications in string theoryas well as condensed matter physics. The symmetries of a CFT can beencoded in the mathematical structure of a conformal vertex algebra.The rational CFT’s are distinguished by the property that the categoryof representations of the vertex algebra is a modular tensor category.The solution of a rational CFT can be split off into two separate tasks, apurely complex analytic and a purely algebraic part. The TFT-construction gives a solution to the second part of the problem.This construction gets its name from one of the crucial ingredients,a three-dimensional topological field theory (TFT). The correlators obtainedby the TFT-construction satisfy all consistency conditions of thetheory. Among them are the factorization constraints, whose implicationsfor boundary conditions are the main topic of this thesis. The main result reviewed in this thesis is that the factorization constraintsgive rise to a semisimple commutative associative complex algebrawhose irreducible representations are the so-called reflection coefficients.The reflection coefficients capture essential information aboutboundary conditions, such as ground-state degeneracies and Ramond-Ramond charges of string compactifications. We also show that the annuluspartition function can be derived fromthis classifying algebra andits representation theory.

Topics in geometry, analysis and inverse problems

Rullgård, Hans January 2003 (has links)
The thesis consists of three independent parts. Part I: Polynomial amoebas We study the amoeba of a polynomial, as de ned by Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. A central role in the treatment is played by a certain convex function which is linear in each complement component of the amoeba, which we call the Ronkin function. This function is used in two di erent ways. First, we use it to construct a polyhedral complex, which we call a spine, approximating the amoeba. Second, the Monge-Ampere measure of the Ronkin function has interesting properties which we explore. This measure can be used to derive an upper bound on the area of an amoeba in two dimensions. We also obtain results on the number of complement components of an amoeba, and consider possible extensions of the theory to varieties of codimension higher than 1. Part II: Differential equations in the complex plane We consider polynomials in one complex variable arising as eigenfunctions of certain differential operators, and obtain results on the distribution of their zeros. We show that in the limit when the degree of the polynomial approaches innity, its zeros are distributed according to a certain probability measure. This measure has its support on the union of nitely many curve segments, and can be characterized by a simple condition on its Cauchy transform. Part III: Radon transforms and tomography This part is concerned with different weighted Radon transforms in two dimensions, in particular the problem of inverting such transforms. We obtain stability results of this inverse problem for rather general classes of weights, including weights of attenuation type with data acquisition limited to a 180 degrees range of angles. We also derive an inversion formula for the exponential Radon transform, with the same restriction on the angle.

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