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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förlossningsställningens betydelse för perineala bristningar under utdrivningsskedet : Ett barnmorskeperspektiv / Birth positions significance to perineal tearing during the second stage of labor : A midwifery perspective

Cappelen, Ane, Stridh, Veronica January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Perineala bristningar är vanligt förekommande vid vaginal förlossning. Bristningar kan leda till bland annat smärta i underlivet som i sin tur kan påverka den sexuella hälsan negativt. Befintlig forskning visar att en förlossningsställning kan påverka både uppkomsten samt graden av bristning, dock framkommer inte förklaring om varför. Syfte: Undersöka barnmorskors uppfattning av förlossningsställningens betydelse för perineala bristningar under utdrivningsskedet. Metod: Studien baseras på en fenomenografisk forskningsmetod där tio intervjuer har genomförts med barnmorskor från sex olika förlossningsavdelningar i södra och mellersta Sverige. Resultat: Förlossningsställningen uppfattas av barnmorskor kunna avlasta trycket mot perineum, undvika ett utdraget utdrivningsskede, vara avgörande för kvinnors kroppskontroll samt bidra till ett långsamt framfödande, vilket uppfattas minska risken för uppkomst av perineala bristningar. Förlossningsställningen uppfattas även kunna öka belastningen mot perineum, minska kvinnors möjlighet att själv kontrollera sin kropp samt bidra till spänd muskulatur i bäckenbotten, vilket uppfattas öka risken för perineala bristningar. I denna studie belyser även barnmorskor värdet av kommunikation med de födande kvinnorna under utdrivningsskedet. Detta uppfattas vara en av de viktigaste faktorerna för att förebygga perineala bristningar. Konklusion: Barnmorskor uppfattar att förlossningsställningen har olika betydelser för perineala bristningar. De för också ett resonemang kring varför och hur bristningar kan uppkomma samt förebyggas relaterat till olika förlossningsställningar. / Background: Perineal tears are common in vaginal delivery. The injury can lead to vaginal pain, which in turn can affect the sexual health negatively. Existing research shows that a birth position can influence both the onset and the degree of rupture, but does not reveal the explanation of why. Aim: Investigate midwives perception of the birth positions significans to perineal tearing during the second stage of labor. Method: The study is based on a phenomenographical research where ten interviews were conducted with midwives from six maternity hospitals in southern and central Sweden. Result: Birth positions is perceived by midwives to relieve pressure on the perineum, avoid prolonged second stage of labor, be crucial to women's body control and contribute to a slow birth, which is perceived to reduce the risk of perineal tearing. The birth position perceived also to be able to increase the pressure against the perineum, reduce women's ability to control their body and contribute to tense muscles in the pelvic floor, which is perceived to increase the risk of perineal tearing. This study also highlights the value of midwives communication with women giving birth during the second stage of labor. This is perceived to be one of the most important factors for the prevention of perineal tearing. Conclusion: Midwives perceive that birth position has different meanings for perineal tearing. Midwives also reason why and how perineal tearing can occur and be prevented related to different birth positions.

Predictors of Primary Elective Cesarean Delivery Among Apparently Healthy Pregnant Women in Virginia

Rossheim, Brooke W. 01 January 2006 (has links)
Objectives. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate whether certain maternal variables were associated with the performance of a primary cesarean delivery rather than a spontaneous vaginal delivery among apparently healthy pregnant women in the Commonwealth of Virginia.Methods. This study utilized the 2004 Virginia Statistics File for Live Births which contained 103,830 records. From this dataset, the following groups of women were excluded: multiparous women, women who had had a previous delivery by any method, women with medical and obstetric problems, women with any labor and delivery complications, women with premature births and women with multiple gestations. The resulting study population only included ostensibly healthy women who had no medical and/or obstetric indication for a primary cesarean delivery. The main outcome variable was the performance of a primary cesarean delivery and the independent variables included maternal race, age, location of residence in the state, educational level, method of payment, birth attendant and number of prenatal visits. Descriptive statistics were first calculated and subsequently univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed to calculate crude and adjusted odds ratios for each variable. Results. The study population included 18,873 live births. The following maternal variables were statistically significantly associated with an increased likelihood of having a primary cesarean section: black race (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 1.58,95% confidence interval (CI) 1.42, 1.76, p-value Conclusions. Specific maternal variables are associated with an increased likelihood of having a primary cesarean section in the absence of an overt medical or obstetric indication (i.e. an elective cesarean section) among women in the Commonwealth of Virginia. These results have important public health implications for patients, obstetric care providers and the healthcare system. Pregnant women need to be fully informed about the risks and benefits of cesarean delivery. Furthermore, ethical issues regarding the provision of elective cesarean sections need to continue to be explored as should the monetary costs of this procedure to our healthcare system.

Určování rodičovství / Determination of paternity

Vykydalová, Alice January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with parentage determination. At present, this issue is becoming more and more topical due to current diversion from traditional values, the traditional model of family in particular. The thesis concerns not only with the determination of paternity, but also with maternity determination, which is mentioned with regard to assisted reproduction and surrogacy. Emphasis is placed on both, current legislation and the new Civil Code coming into effect on 1 January 2014. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. The introduction discusses possible views on the concept of parenthood. Furthermore, it introduces the issue of parentage determination, especially in connection with the increasing number of children born outside marriage. The following chapter is devoted to legislative regulation of parentage determination itself. Firstly, it elaborates the history of such regulations with focus on Roman law and the Austrian Civil Code. Subsequently, it describes the current legislation and briefly comments on the new Civil Code, which is further discussed in the corresponding chapters. The third chapter examines the determination of maternity. Included are the issues of assisted reproduction and surrogacy, as well as anonymous and concealed births, which have become an important topic rather recently....

Zabezpečení žen v těhotenství a mateřství / Welfare of women during pregnancy and maternity

Mlčochová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Analysis and evaluation of positive law of benefits which are drawn by people in the Czech republic was my main intention. The result of frequent amendments is questionable interpretation of particular provisions and decline of legal certainty, because neither instructed employees who work in employment offices or in others can help general public. In the Czech republic there is a stronge social-democratic feeling from interwar period that is receding from the reality of our lives. Quick economic changes during 90'caused admission of liberal measures. These consequences carried into effect, that Czecch family policy of the begining of this millenium is a combination of various wals, very difficult to be classify. On the one hand I see a problem in current concepts of role of the family by young people because it devaluates gradually which you can notice in a big amount of divorces, fall of marriages, in a way to postpone pragnancy, drop of new-born babies etc. On the other hand it is necessary to say, that in fact, there is still distrust in a case to employ mothers of small children and that's why i tis very difficult to join both, care about family and building of career. Compared with other developed countries employers placed in the Czech republic offer parents who would like to work for, still few...

Strategie a představy nastávajících rodičů / Strategies and concepts of expectant parents

Stuchlá, Růžena January 2012 (has links)
The thesis will deal with the views and ideas of expectant parents how to articulate concerns for their child with employment and unpaid domestic work. The thesis will also focus on the transition to parenthood as a new phase of family life. The author will try to uncover the current situation and strategies of young couples. Keywords Maternity leave, parental leave, strategies, housework Obsah Úvod............................................................................................................................................7 1. Teoretická část........................................................................................................................8 1.1 Rodina...............................................................................................................................8 1.1.1 Proměny rodiny..........................................................................................................8 1.1.2 Demografické trendy vývoje české rodiny................................................................9 1.2 Představy a změny očekávané s narozením potomka - kvantitativní pohled.................11 1.3 Rodinné a pracovní dráhy...............................................................................................13 1.4 Slaďování rodinného a...

Právní předpoklady rodičovství / Legal pre-conditions for parenthood

Hroník, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The work follows the current legislation dealing with matters of parenthood. It is designed in accordance with the breakdown of motherhood and fatherhood. After an introduction, defining the purpose and need for legal regulation of family issues, follow the main chapters dealing with different issues. First, attention is paid to the determination of motherhood. This section is divided into three chapters, the first of which is further divided for clarity even in the following sections. The first chapter is devoted to the issue of child identity undetected. This chapter is further divided into parts and special sections devoted to the identity of unidentified child, called the found child, another sub-chapter describes the legislation and the possibility of using the birth mother's identity and privacy of anonymous births, and the last sub-sections deal with the problem of their baby boxes, and legal issues. In other chapters of the work deals with the erroneous entry in the matrix and the state where the child is born outside the medical facility. Then follow chapters on the determination and denial of paternity. The work follows a system of three statutory presumptions of paternity and the subsequent denial of the possibility of paternity. So the first presumption of paternity mother indicating...

Právní předpoklady rodičovství / Legal pre-conditions for parenthood

Hroník, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
The work follows the current legislation dealing with matters of parenthood. It is designed in accordance with the breakdown of motherhood and fatherhood. After an introduction, defining the purpose and need for legal regulation of family issues, follow the main chapters dealing with different issues. First, attention is paid to the determination of motherhood. This section is divided into three chapters, the first of which is further divided for clarity even in the following sections. The first chapter is devoted to the issue of child identity undetected. This chapter is further divided into parts and special sections devoted to the identity of unidentified child, called the found child, another sub-chapter describes the legislation and the possibility of using the birth mother's identity and privacy of anonymous births, and the last sub-sections deal with the problem of their baby boxes, and legal issues. In other chapters of the work deals with the erroneous entry in the matrix and the state where the child is born outside the medical facility. Then follow chapters on the determination and denial of paternity. The work follows a system of three statutory presumptions of paternity and the subsequent denial of the possibility of paternity. So the first presumption of paternity mother indicating...

Hodnocení psychosociálního klimatu rodičkami v malé porodnici. / Evaluation of Psychosocial Clima by Woman in a Small Maternity Hospital

Žipajová, Věra January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on mapping and evaluation of psychosocial climate by expectant mothers in the "Česko-německá horská nemocnice s.r.o.". This work is based on the results of the research project "Psychosocial climate in maternity hospitals from the perspective of parturients - theory and diagnostics" (project no. 316111), realized in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. The thesis is a theoretical and empirical work. The theoretical part provides knowledge about psychological changes, which the woman goes through during her pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. The further space is devoted to the historical look at the development of inclusion of the psychosocial aspects into the health care and the current approach to the patients in general basis and to the women in labour especially. The theoretical part touches also the pathological mental states of women occurring in this time most frequently. However, the psychosocial aspects of the care for the woman in the perinatal period are the core of the theoretical part. The research part of the work tries to achieve the evaluation of psychosocial climate in Česko-německá horská nemocnice s.r.o. by the women who gave birth there. The research has got a quantitative design. The number of 51 women participated...

Práva a povinnosti rodičů a dětí (s důrazem na vybrané problémy vzniku vztahu rodičů a dětí) / Rights and obligations of parents and children with emphasis on selected issues of development of relationship between parents and children

Málková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The family is a term, which is known in each period of history of mankind. It played, playes and will play an important role in life of every individual. It helps to create an identity of individual, a scale of values and principles, which are so necessary for happy life. The topic of my thesis is Rights and Obligations of Parents and Children with Emphasis on Selected Issues of Development of Relationship between Parents and Children. I have chosen this topic because I think that this part of family law is very interesting, especially the questions regarding to the determination of parenthood in the time of the medical breakthroughs. The purpose of my thesis is to analyse Czech legislation with regard to international law. The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the relationships between parents and children and the determination of parenthood. Chapter one is introductory. It is subdivided into four parts. Part one deals with history of legislation of relationships between parents and children. Part two describes general features of this relationships. And third and fourth parts sort rights and obligations into groups and analyze the issue of a parental responsibility, which are the basic rights and obligations of parents and children. These rights and...

Maternités précoces et vulnérabilité : analyse sociologique de leur signification et des politiques périnatales mises en place / Early maternities and vulnerability : sociological analysis of their meaning and the establishment of perinatal politics.

Genest, Louise 23 November 2015 (has links)
Cette étude s'intéresse à l'adaptabilité de l'entretien prénatal du 4e mois, mesure phare du plan périnatalité (2005-2007), auprès d'une population de mères adolescentes. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective (2007-2011) et comparative de 303 accouchements de femmes mineures dans les maternités hospitalières de Saint-Denis et Nantes. Le suivi de grossesse chez ces adolescentes reste globalement inférieur en qualité aux moyennes nationales françaises, mais des différences significatives sont observées lorsque l'on prend en compte des éléments sociodémographiques. Trois profils différenciés vont apparaître et permettre d'identifier les raisons sociales, familiales, environnementales et professionnelles qui peuvent expliquer des disparités significatives dans le suivi de grossesse. Tenir compte du profil sociodémographique de ces adolescentes est essentiel pour étudier les maternités précoces et pallier les vulnérabilités propres à cette population fragile. Un repérage des facteurs favorisant une surveillance de grossesse optimale chez ces jeunes femmes est mis en parallèle avec une réduction des risques obstétricaux et sociaux. / This study concerns prenatal fourth month interviews, key measure of the perinatal plan (2005-2007), as being adapted to a population of adolescent mothers. It is a retrospective (2007-2011) and comparative study of 303 births by underage women in the maternity hospitals of Saint-Denis and Nantes. The quality of medical care during pregnancy of these adolescents is generally inferior to national French averages, but significant differences are observed when sociodemographic elements are taken into account. Three different profiles appear and identify the social, family, environmental and professional reasons which explain these significant disparities during medical pregnancy care. Taking into account the sociodemographic profiles of these adolescents is essential to the study of early pregnancies and to mitigate the vulnerability specific to this fragile population. Finding the factors which further optimize medical pregnancy care for these young women is parallel to a reduction of obstetrical and social risks.

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