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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ultravioletinių dažų sukietinimo problemų tyrimas / The research of problems of ultraviolet ink hardening

Vinogrodskij, Sergej 18 June 2010 (has links)
Nagrinėjama spausdinimo metu ant atspaudo užnešamų ultravioletinių dažų sukietinimo (užsitvirtinimo) problema. Spausdinama ritinine plokščiosios ofsetinės spaudos spausdinimo mašina. Apžvelgti eksperimentiniai ir teoriniai problemos aspektai. Aprašoma dažų džiovinimo ultravioletinėmis lempomis specifika, spausdinimo mašinos ir džiovinimo įrenginių parametrų įtaka dažų sukietinimo kokybei. Pateikiama eksperimentų planavimo metodu paremta tyrimo metodika ir jos pagrindu gauti duomenys, parodantys technologinių faktorių įtaką dažų sukietinimui. Didžiausią įtaką nagrinėjamų ultravioletinių dažų sukietinimui daro ultravioletinių lempų skaičius. / The problems of hardening (fixing) of ultraviolet ink while putting it on the imprint during the printing process are examined. The product is printed with the web-fed offset printing press. Experimental and theoretical questions are investigated. The specific features of ultraviolet ink curing using the ultraviolet radiation lamps as well as the parameters of the printing press and ultraviolet curing devices, which affect the quality of the imprint, are described. The results are presented in reference to the research methods based on the mathematical design of experiments. The results reveal how different technological factors’ affect the investigated hardening. The biggest influence on the investigated ultraviolet ink hardening has the number of ultraviolet lamps.

Taktilinio informacijos perdavimo įrenginio akliesiems tyrimas / The research of a tactilic information transmission device for blind person's

Aladavičius, Ramūnas 23 July 2008 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamos informacijos perdavimo akliesiems problemos. Aprašyti ir apibendrinti įvairių mokslininkų tyrimai taktilinių perdavimo įrenginių išradimų bei tobulinimo srityse. Šių tyrimų rezultatai išanalizuoti, atlikta palyginamoji analizė ir suformuluoti pagrindiniai tyrimo uždaviniai. Darbe pateikta aklųjų skaitymo aparato struktūrinė schema ir veikimas. Remiantis analizės išvadomis, atliktas informacijos nuskaitymo kokybės priklausomybės nuo raidžių dydžio, atstumo iki raidžių, apšviestumo bei kitų parametrų eksperimentinis tyrimas ir jo rezultatų įvertinimas. Eksperimento grafinis pateikimas atliktas naudojantis programiniu paketu „Microcal OriginPro 8��� ir ,, Microsoft Excel 2003“. Darbą sudaro 3 dalys; įvadas, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 53 puslapiai teksto be priedų, 37 iliustracijos, 7 lentelės, 20 bibliografinių šaltinių. / The final work presents the information transmission problems for blind persons. Research of a number of scientists in the area of invention and improvement of tactilic transmission devices are described and summarized. The results are analized, comparative analysis made and the main research tasks formulated. The structural scheme and operation of the reading device of blind persons is presented. The experimental research on information reading qualities dependance on the size of letters and the distance between the letters and camera, the level of light and other parameters is made based on conclusions of analysis, the results are evaluated. The software „Microcal OriginPro 8“ and ,, Microsoft Excel 2003“ is used for grafical presentation of the experiment. This work contains three sections: preface, conclusions, referentes list, annexes. The volume of work is 53 pages of text without annexes, 37 illiustration, 7 tables, 20 bibliography sources.

Puslaidininkinių šviesos šaltinių tyrimas / Semiconductor light sources inquiry

Mačenskas, Marius 10 June 2005 (has links)
The main point: Research light emiting diodes RGB (red, green, blue) matrix with controllable spectrum of light. I have made that matrix, and researching energetic, light and technicality datum. To use that light sources for lightening of emergency. To review other liht sources. Stepping stone and results: There are made review of most popular light sources, quality and limitation. There are overlook of semiconductors light sources and the range where they are using now. Experiments are made with our LED illuminator with minimal number of LED. There are noticed, that LED can take energy from light and that we use to make manage of others light sources. Illuminator are adapted to work in emergency lightening. The result can be use: The result can be use for development LED in Lithuania, to know people more about semiconductor light sources ant to use it ours home.

Statistinė medicininių duomenų analizė taikant dimensijos mažinimo metodus / Statistical analysis of medical data using methods of dimension reduction

Šlepikaitė, Laura 25 November 2010 (has links)
Darbe yra aprašomi skirtingi dimensijos mažinimo metodai. Pradžioje pristatoma pagrindinių komponenčių analizė ir ypatingųjų reikšmių dekompozicija. Po to plačiau nagrinėjama neneigiamos matricos faktorizacijos tema, aprašomi algoritmai naudojantys atnaujinimo dauginant metodus. Vėliau pasiūlomi algoritmai naujai prie duomenų matricos prijungiamų duomenų transformacijai atlikti. Visi algoritmai realizuoti naudojantis SAS statistiniu paketu. Tyrimui naudoti pacientų, sergančių širdies nepakankamumu, duomenys. Gauti rezultatai parodo, kad dimensijos mažinimas gali būti efektyvus įrankis dirbant su didelio matavimo duomenų rinkiniais. / This work deals with several dimensionality reduction techniques and their implementations in real medical problems. For this reason, firstly, one speaks about classical dimension reduction methods called principal component analysis and singular value decomposition. After these methods are introduced, non – negative matrix factorization (NMF) are presented. Also algorithms for its implementation are introduced. Moreover, two ways for implementation of dimensionality reduction via NMF are presented when applied for feature extraction, followed by pattern recognition. All algorithms were executed using SAS statistical pachage. Patients with heart failure data were used. It was shown that dimensionality reduction could be effective tool for multidimensional data analysis and classification problems.

Teorijska i eksperimentalna analiza dinamičkog ponašanja jezgra visokih zgrada / Theoretical and experimental analysis of the dynamic behaviour of the tall buildings core

Varju Đerđ 12 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U ovoj disertaciji, izvršena su teorijska i eksperimentalna istraživanja dinamičkog onašanja jezgra visokih zgrada. Model je zasnovan na Vlasovoj teoriji tankozidnih nosača, kao i na metodi prenosnih matrica. Jezgro se tretira kao tankozidni nosač otvorenog poprečnog preseka, koji je na dnu uklješten u temeljnu ploču, dok je na vrhu&nbsp; slobodan.&nbsp; Duž&nbsp; ose&nbsp; smicanja,&nbsp; jezgro&nbsp; je&nbsp; podeljeno&nbsp; na&nbsp; čvorove&nbsp; u&nbsp; nivoima spratova&nbsp; u&nbsp; kojima&nbsp; su&nbsp; redukovane&nbsp; mase.&nbsp; Poseban&nbsp; naglasak&nbsp; je&nbsp; stavljen&nbsp; na&nbsp; analizu uticaja poprečnih greda, međuspratnih ploča, kao i načinu oslanjanja međuspratnih ploča po spoljašnjoj konturi na dinamičke karakteristike jezgra. Razvijeni&nbsp; numerički&nbsp; postupak&nbsp; je&nbsp; primenjen&nbsp; na&nbsp; armiranobetonskom&nbsp; jezgru petnaestospratne zgrade, koja je analizirana ranijeu radovima mnogih autora. U tu svrhu korišćen je računarski program TWBEIG, napisan primenom Visual Fortran programskog jezika. Analize su urađene i MKE, a dobijeni rezultati su upoređeni. Vrednosti sopstvenih frekvencija pokazuju dobro slaganje.<br />Ovaj rad daje detalje i o eksperimentalnoj studiji&nbsp; u kojoj se primenjuje pleksiglas model u cilju pružanja eksperimentalnih podataka zaproveru tačnosti i pouzdanosti numeričkih&nbsp; rezultata.&nbsp; Dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su&nbsp; takođe&nbsp; upoređeni&nbsp; sa&nbsp; rezultatima dobijenim TWBEIG računarskim programom, kao i MKE.<br />Predstavljeni&nbsp; numerički&nbsp; metod&nbsp; nudi&nbsp; solidnu&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; za&nbsp; formiranje&nbsp; jednostavnog modela&nbsp; proračuna,&nbsp; a&nbsp; ipak&nbsp; obezbeđuje&nbsp; odgovarajući&nbsp; nivo&nbsp; preciznosti.&nbsp; Predloženi postupak&nbsp; može&nbsp; biti&nbsp; korišćen&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; fazi&nbsp; prethodne&nbsp; analize&nbsp; zgrade,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; fazi konačnog projektovanja.</p> / <p>In this dissertation, a theoretical and experimental study of the dynamic behaviour<br />of&nbsp; the&nbsp; tall&nbsp; buildings&nbsp; core&nbsp; was&nbsp; carried&nbsp; out.&nbsp; The&nbsp; model&nbsp; is&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; Vlasov&#39;s<br />theory of thin-walled beams and the transfer matrixmethod. The core is treated as<br />a thin&nbsp; wall-walled, open cross section cantilever beam. Along the shear axis the<br />core&nbsp; is&nbsp; divided&nbsp; into&nbsp; nodes,&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; level&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; floors,&nbsp; in&nbsp; which&nbsp; the&nbsp; masses&nbsp; are<br />reduced.&nbsp; Special&nbsp; emphasis&nbsp; was&nbsp; given&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; analysis of&nbsp; the&nbsp; influence,&nbsp; of&nbsp; lintel<br />beams,&nbsp; floor&nbsp; slabs,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; type&nbsp; of&nbsp; restraints&nbsp; along&nbsp; the&nbsp; outer&nbsp; edge&nbsp; of&nbsp; the<br />floor slabs, on the dynamic characteristics of the core.<br />The&nbsp; developed&nbsp; numerical&nbsp; procedure&nbsp; was&nbsp; applied&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; fifteen-storey&nbsp; reinforced<br />concrete core tall building, analyzed previously inthe papers of many authors. For<br />this&nbsp; purpose,&nbsp; the&nbsp; computer&nbsp; program&nbsp; TWBEIG&nbsp; was&nbsp; used, written&nbsp; using&nbsp; Visual<br />Fortran programming language. The analyses were also performed with FEM and<br />subsequently the results were compared. The values&nbsp; of natural frequencies show<br />significant agreement. This&nbsp; paper&nbsp; presents&nbsp; details&nbsp; about&nbsp; the&nbsp; experimental&nbsp; study&nbsp; which&nbsp; applies&nbsp; the plexiglas model in order to provide experimental data to verify the accuracy and reliability of the numerical results. The results are also compared with the results obtained with the TWBEIG computer program, as well&nbsp; as with FEM. The values of frequencies show reasonable agreement.<br />The proposed numerical&nbsp; method offers a solid base&nbsp; for the creation of a&nbsp; simple<br />calculation model, yet provides the appropriate level of precision. It can be either<br />used for preliminary analysis or for the final design.</p>


MARCELA STRONGYLIS 21 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] O propósito do trabalho é avaliar a viabilidade técnica do uso de sondas tipo TDR e tensiômetros no monitoramento de encostas não saturadas. Com tais instrumentos, objetiva-se monitorar a variação da sucção mátrica e da umidade no solo em períodos chuvosos, visando aperfeiçoar os sistemas de alerta usados em áreas de risco e, consequentemente, minimizar perdas materiais e humanas. Para as medições, foram instalados uma estação meteorológica (munida de um pluviômetro, um datalogger, uma placa solar e uma antena para a transmissão de dados via internet), quatro sensores de umidade tipo TDR e um tensiômetro de alta capacidade em uma encosta localizada a montante da Faculdade de Medicina de Petrópolis, cidade da região serrana do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram registrados cerca de três meses de dados das sondas tipo TDR e, por conta de uma pane elétrica, apenas treze dias de dados do tensiômetro. As sondas tipo TDR apresentaram tempos de resposta rápidos, com nítidos aumentos de umidade volumétrica com o início de um evento chuvoso. Elas também apresentaram sensibilidade adequada para serem utilizadas em sistemas de alerta, sendo capazes de registrar alterações de umidade volumétrica com pequenos volumes de chuva. As curvas características encontradas através de ensaios de papel filtro mostraram um bom paralelo entre as sucções medidas diretamente pelo tensiômetro e aquelas obtidas indiretamente pelas sondas tipo TDR, através da conversão das umidades volumétricas em sucção. / [en] The purpose of this work is to evaluate the technical feasibility of using TDR probes and tensiometers to monitor unsaturated slopes. The objective is to monitor with these instruments the variation of matric suction and soil moisture during rainy periods, aiming to improve the warning systems used in hazardous areas and, consequently, to minimize human and material loss. For the measurements, a meteorological station (equipped with a rain gauge, a datalogger, a solar panel and an antenna for data transmission via internet), four TDR-type humidity sensors and a high capacity tensiometer were installed in a slope located in the University of Medicine of Petrópolis, city of the mountainous region of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Approximately three months of data were collected from the TDR probes and only thirteen days of tensiometer data due to a power outage. TDR-type probes showed fast response time, with clear increases in volumetric humidity with the beginning of a rainfall event. They also showed adequate sensitivity to be used in warning systems, being able to register changes in volumetric humidity with small precipitation amounts. The characteristic curves found by the filter method showed a good correlation with the suctions measured directly by the tensiometer and those obtained indirectly by the TDR probes, by converting the volumetric humidity into suction.

Препознавање облика са ретком репрезентацијом коваријансних матрица и коваријансним дескрипторима / Prepoznavanje oblika sa retkom reprezentacijom kovarijansnih matrica i kovarijansnim deskriptorima / Pattern recognition with sparse representation of covariance matrices andcovariance descriptors

Brkljač Branko 20 October 2017 (has links)
<p>У раду је предложен нови модел за ретку апроксимацију Гаусових<br />компоненти у моделима за статистичко препознавање облика<br />заснованим на Гаусовим смешама, а са циљем редукције сложености<br />препознавања. Апроксимације инверзних коваријансних матрица<br />конструишу се као ретке линеарне комбинације симетричних матрица из<br />наученог редундантног скупа, коришћењем информационог критеријума<br />који почива на принципу минимума дискриминативне информације.<br />Ретка репрезентација подразумева релативно мали број активних<br />компоненти приликом реконструкције сигнала, а тај циљ постиже тако<br />што истовремено тежи: очувању информационог садржаја и<br />једноставности представе или репрезентације.</p> / <p>U radu je predložen novi model za retku aproksimaciju Gausovih<br />komponenti u modelima za statističko prepoznavanje oblika<br />zasnovanim na Gausovim smešama, a sa ciljem redukcije složenosti<br />prepoznavanja. Aproksimacije inverznih kovarijansnih matrica<br />konstruišu se kao retke linearne kombinacije simetričnih matrica iz<br />naučenog redundantnog skupa, korišćenjem informacionog kriterijuma<br />koji počiva na principu minimuma diskriminativne informacije.<br />Retka reprezentacija podrazumeva relativno mali broj aktivnih<br />komponenti prilikom rekonstrukcije signala, a taj cilj postiže tako<br />što istovremeno teži: očuvanju informacionog sadržaja i<br />jednostavnosti predstave ili reprezentacije.</p> / <p>Paper presents a new model for sparse approximation of Gaussian<br />components in statistical pattern recognition models that are based on<br />Gaussian mixtures, with the aim of reducing computational complexity.<br />Approximations of inverse covariance matrices are designed as sparse linear<br />combinations of symmetric matrices that form redundant set, which is learned<br />through information criterion based on the principle of minimum<br />discrimination information. Sparse representation assumes relatively small<br />number of active components in signal reconstruction, and it achieves that<br />goal by simultaneously striving for: preservation of information content and<br />simplicity of notion or representation.</p>

Klientų duomenų valdymas bankininkystėje / Client data management in banking

Žiupsnys, Giedrius 09 July 2011 (has links)
Darbas apima banko klientų kredito istorinių duomenų dėsningumų tyrimą. Pirmiausia nagrinėjamos banko duomenų saugyklos, siekiant kuo geriau perprasti bankinius duomenis. Vėliau naudojant banko duomenų imtis, kurios apima kreditų grąžinimo istoriją, siekiama įvertinti klientų nemokumo riziką. Tai atliekama adaptuojant algoritmus bei programinę įrangą duomenų tyrimui, kuris pradedamas nuo informacijos apdorojimo ir paruošimo. Paskui pritaikant įvairius klasifikavimo algoritmus, sudarinėjami modeliai, kuriais siekiama kuo tiksliau suskirstyti turimus duomenis, nustatant nemokius klientus. Taip pat siekiant įvertinti kliento vėluojamų mokėti paskolą dienų skaičių pasitelkiami regresijos algoritmai bei sudarinėjami prognozės modeliai. Taigi darbo metu atlikus numatytus tyrimus, pateikiami duomenų vitrinų modeliai, informacijos srautų schema. Taip pat nurodomi klasifikavimo ir prognozavimo modeliai bei algoritmai, geriausiai įvertinantys duotas duomenų imtis. / This work is about analysing regularities in bank clients historical credit data. So first of all bank information repositories are analyzed to comprehend banks data. Then using data mining algorithms and software for bank data sets, which describes credit repayment history, clients insolvency risk is being tried to estimate. So first step in analyzis is information preprocessing for data mining. Later various classification algorithms is used to make models wich classify our data sets and help to identify insolvent clients as accurate as possible. Besides clasiffication, regression algorithms are analyzed and prediction models are created. These models help to estimate how long client are late to pay deposit. So when researches have been done data marts and data flow schema are presented. Also classification and regressions algorithms and models, which shows best estimation results for our data sets, are introduced.

Анализа мел-фреквенцијских кепстралних коефицијената као обележја коришћених при аутоматском препознавању говорника / Analiza mel-frekvencijskih kepstralnih koeficijenata kao obeležja korišćenih pri automatskom prepoznavanju govornika / Analysis of mel-frequency cepstral coefficients as features used for automatic speaker recognition

Jokić Ivan 24 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Рад је окренут ка анализи мел-фреквенцијских кепстралних коефицијената као обележја говорника која се користе при аутоматском препознавању говорника. Испитан је утицај промене облика чујних критичних опсега као и модификације енергије у њима на тачност препознавања говорника. Такође испитане су и неке трансформације ради умањења временске променљивости модела истих говорника.</p> / <p>Rad je okrenut ka analizi mel-frekvencijskih kepstralnih koeficijenata kao obeležja govornika koja se koriste pri automatskom prepoznavanju govornika. Ispitan je uticaj promene oblika čujnih kritičnih opsega kao i modifikacije energije u njima na tačnost prepoznavanja govornika. Takođe ispitane su i neke transformacije radi umanjenja vremenske promenljivosti modela istih govornika.</p> / <p>The work is oriented towards the analysis of mel-frequency cepstral<br />coefficients as speaker features used in automatic speaker recognition. The<br />influence of the shape of auditory critical bands as well as the proposed<br />energy modification inside them is tested. Also, some transformations for<br />reducing of time variability of models of the same speakers are proposed.</p>

The Schur complement and H-matrix theory / Шуров комплемент и теорија Х-матрица / Šurov komplement i teorija H-matrica

Nedović Maja 19 October 2016 (has links)
<p>This thesis studies subclasses of the class of H-matrices and their applications, with<br />emphasis on the investigation of the Schur complement properties. The contributions<br />of the thesis are new nonsingularity results, bounds for the maximum norm of the<br />inverse matrix, closure properties of some matrix classes under taking Schur<br />complements, as well as results on localization and separation of the eigenvalues of<br />the Schur complement based on the entries of the original matrix.</p> / <p>Докторска дисертација изучава поткласе класе Х-матрица и њихове примене,<br />првенствено у истраживању својстава Шуровог комплемента. Оригиналан допринос<br />тезе представљају нови услови за регуларност матрица, оцене максимум норме<br />инверзне матрице, резултати о затворености појединих класа матрица на Шуров<br />комплемент, као и резултати о локализацији и сепарацији карактеристичних<br />корена Шуровог комплемента на основу елемената полазне матрице.</p> / <p>Doktorska disertacija izučava potklase klase H-matrica i njihove primene,<br />prvenstveno u istraživanju svojstava Šurovog komplementa. Originalan doprinos<br />teze predstavljaju novi uslovi za regularnost matrica, ocene maksimum norme<br />inverzne matrice, rezultati o zatvorenosti pojedinih klasa matrica na Šurov<br />komplement, kao i rezultati o lokalizaciji i separaciji karakterističnih<br />korena Šurovog komplementa na osnovu elemenata polazne matrice.</p>

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