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Apšvietimo sistemos apšvietos tyrimas / Analysis of lighting system illuminanceRinkevičienė, Virginija 11 June 2004 (has links)
The analysis of the illumination devices at work have been performed, methods of illumination calculation and their simplified forms have been presented. The set requirements for the lighting systems have been analyzed and the program of the lighting calculation has been investigated. Experiment on measuring the amount of illuminance on the working surface of the room has been executed and the data of experiment has been compared with the calculation results. It has been measured that the data of experiment coincides with the calculation results. Seven separate lighting systems have been examined; their efficiency of lighting the whole working surface and separate working places has been measured. The research on uniformity of illuminance on the whole working surface and separate working places has been performed. The influence of the objects that exist in the room, such as monitors, workers, on the efficiency and uniformity of illuminance in the working places has been examined. Deficiencies and advantages of separate lighting systems have been explained in the performed research. The received results are summarized in the conclusions.
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Apšvietos ir Romantizmo susidūrimas J. S. Millio filosofijoje / The encounter of enlightenment and romanticism in j. s. mills philosophyGrybauskaitė, Agnė 09 July 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas Apšvietos ir Romantizmo susidūrimas Johno Stuarto Millio filosofijoje. Dauguma autorių ir Millio filosofijos komentatorių (ypatingai Johnas Gray‘us) linkę į ją žiūrėti kaip į Apšvietos doktrinos principus perėmusią teoriją. Mažesnė dalis komentatorių (Nicholas Capaldi, Isaiah Berlinas) Millio koncepcijoje įžvelgia ir Romantizmo principus taip modifikuodami tradicinę anglų filosofo interpretaciją. Tačiau nedominuojantis požiūris faktiškai beveik neanalizuojamas – apsiribojama tik glaustais pastebėjimais. Todėl šis magistro darbas ir yra skiriamas parodyti, kad Millio filosofija kyla tiek iš Apšvietos, tiek iš Romantizmo pamatinių principų, o to pasekoje ji įgauna nenuoseklų ir net konfliktišką pobūdį. Millio mąstymo nenuoseklumą galima susieti su Apšvietos ir Romantizmo konfliktu, kurį remiantis Alvydu Jokubaičiu, galima įvardyti kaip natūralizmo ir ekspresivizmo susidūrimą. Remiantis tokia perskyra aiškiai matyti, kad Millis pasižymi ir natūralistine orientacija (daugiausia mokslo srityje) ir ekspresivistine orientacija (nagrinėjant žmogų ir iš dalies – visuomenę). Darbe išskiriami esminiai Apšvietos principai, pastebimi Millio filosofijoje: 1) meliorizmas (įsitikinimas, kad asmenys, asmenų grupės, institucijos, mokslas, etc. tobulėja ir progresuoja) reiškiąs, kad utilitarinė ir politinė anglų filosofo teorija vaizduojama kaip skatinanti socialinį progresą glaudžiai susijusį su intelektualiniu progresu; 2) egalitarizmas (įsitikinimas, kad nesama... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This paper discusses the encounter of Enlightenment and Romanticism in John Stuart Mill’s philosophy. The majority of authors and Mill’s commentators (especially John Gray) tend to look at it as the theory with principles of Enlightenment. The smaller part of commentators (Nicholas Capaldi, Isaiah Berlin) sees in Mill’s conception also the principles of Romanticism modifying the traditional interpretation of English philosopher. But in fact this not-dominant approach practically is not analysed – it is limited only with brief notices. Therefore this master work is dedicated to attitude that Mill’s philosophy develops both from basic principles of Enlightenment and those of Romanticism. The inconsistency of Mill’s thought could be related with conflict of Enlightenment and Romanticism which, according to Alvydas Jokubaitis, could be named as the encounter of naturalism and expressivism. In conformity with this separation we could clearly see that Mill is characterized by naturalistic orientation (mostly in area of science) and expressivist orientation (in examination of person and partly – of society). There are indicated the essential principles of Enlightenment in Mill’s philosophy: 1) meliorism (the belief that persons, groups of persons, institutions, science, etc. improve and progresses) which denotes that utilitarian and political theory of this philosopher is pictured as stimulating social, as well as closely related intellectual progress; 2) egalitarianism (the belief... [to full text]
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Lauko baseino šildymo saulės energija tyrimas / The research of open air swimming pool heating by sun energySimonaitis, Ramūnas 02 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Parengti lauko baseino vandens šildymo sistemą naudojant saulės kolektorius, siekiant prailginti jo naudojimo laiką. Nagrinėjama tema yra aktuali, kadangi bet koks saulės energijos panaudojimas žmonių tikslams energiją paverčiant šiluma yra aktyviai skatinamas, nes ši energija yra atsinaujinanti, nieko nekainuoja ir neteršia aplinkos, o panaudojimo galimybės - didelės. Atlikti įvairūs tyrimai ir skaičiavimai leidžia teigti, jog baseino panaudojimo negalima prailginti naudojant savos gamybos saulės kolektorių. Vandens temperatūrų pokyčiai esant skirtingiems gyliams yra nežymūs, kai apšvieta yra pakankama veikti saulės kolektoriui, o apšvietai esant mažai, skirtumai tarp skirtingų sluoksnių siekia net 3,7 oC, o tai yra pakankamai daug, kai baseino gylis yra 60 cm. Atlikus temperatūrų ir apšvietos tyrimus ir išanalizavus rezultatus matyti, jog daugeliu atvejų vandens temperaūros pokyčiai maketiniame baseine atitinka dienos apšvietos pokyčius. Šių tyrimų rezultatus galima pritaikyti, siekiant apskaičiuoti, kokių išmatavimų savadarbio kolektoriaus reikės, norint pašildyti pasirinktą lauko baseino vandenį. / Work purpuose: to prepare the open air swimming pool heating system by using sun collectors, to extend it’s working period. The relevance of investigating theme is really big, because of any sun energy using for people purpouse transferring sun energy into heat is active promoting, because this energy is renewable, costs nothing and it’s better for the environment and the usabilitys are big. Studies let’s state, that we can’t extend the use of open air swimming pool by using home made sun collector. The changes of water temperature, when the depth is different are not big when the lighting is enough to work sun collector, and when the lighting is small, the differences between water depth reaches even 3,7oC and it’s really big, when the depth of swimming pool is just 60 cm. When all the researches are done and results are analyzed, we see, that in many cases the temperature changes of pool water corresponds lighting changes. These research results may be adapted by calculating parameters of collector, by which we want to heat the open air swimming pool.
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Regos aštrumo priklausomybės nuo apšvietos tyrimas / Investigation of visual acuity dependence on surface illuminationTarasovienė, Jūratė 16 July 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojama šviesos įtaka regos procesui. Išnagrinėta mokslinė literatūra žmogaus regos, ryškumo, kontrasto ir spalvų suvokimo bei regos aštrumo klausimais. Išanalizuoti žmogaus regos proceso ypatumai, regos fiziologija. Pristatomi pagrindiniai fotometriniai dydžiai bei jų sąsaja su regos sistema. Atliktas tyrimas, kurio metu nustatoma regos aštrumo priklausomybė nuo paviršiaus apšvietos. Tyrime dalyvavo 50 žmonių. Tiriamieji suskirstyti į dvi: 40-50 ir 51-60 metų amžiaus grupes. Tyrime nustatyta, tiriamųjų regos aštrumo priklausomybė nuo įvairių apšvietų, apskaičiuoti vidutiniai tyrimo duomenų rezultatai, pateikta, tyrimo eigoje išryškėjusi adaptacijos tamsai įtaka. Šie tyrimo duomenys pavaizduoti grafiškai. Analizuojant teorinę medžiagą pastebėta, kad Lietuvoje, tai mažai tyrinėta sritis. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad padarius didesnius, daug daugiau tiriamųjų, kriterijų, apimančius tyrimus, būtų galima gauti įdomių rezultatų. / The subject of the work is the investigation of the visual acuity dependence on surface illumination. This final work analyzes the influence of light to visual process. Scientific literature was studied to look into the issues of human’s eyesight, brightness, contrast and color perception and visual acuity. The features of the human visual process and physiology of human’s eyesight have been examined as well. The work introduces the main photometric values and their relation to the visual system. The investigation has been carried out to determine the dependence of visual acuity on the surface illumination with 50 people participating in it. The people were divided into two groups according to their age: 40-50 and 51-50. The average data of the results have been estimated and various deviations from the mean shown up during the investigation are graphically presented in the work. While studying the theoretical material it was noticed that this field is still a byway in Lithuania. The findings suggest that if deeper and more criteria spanning researches were carried out, more revealing results could be expected.
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Eismo saugumo tamsiuoju paros metu tyrimas / Road safety in the dark period of the dayČičelienė, Giedrė 19 June 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the work is to analyze road safety and the quality of illumination in Akademija town, suggest the means for improving it.
In the work there is car accidents in Lithuania and the town of Akademija analized; it was discovered, that in the period of 1980 – 2005 in the car accidents, 20637 people died and 14801 were injured. Since 2001, accident rate have been increased as the number of new cars and traffic flows is rising every day. Approximately 40 % of traffic accidents happen in the dark period of the day, and 70% of pedestrians, participating in the event, die. Traffic safety mostly depends on the level of illumination. In Akedemija town were fixed 142 traffic events, during last four years. There were injured 28 persons.
The analysis for road illumination improvements was done and the illumination of the Akademija streets was observed. There are three streets in the area of Akademija and Ringaudai, illuminated enough, Mokyklos, Pilėnų and Tako (6 lx). Not enough there are lighted Student street and Pedestrian pathway between Akademija and Ringaudai. The worst situation is in the Universiteto Street. The illumination near the 5th dormitory hardly reaches 2.4 lx, and there is 4.5 lx illumination near the 6th dormitory. A part of Universiteto street is not lighted up at all.
According to the requirements, with the help of computer program „Calculux road 6.2.2“, there is illumination of Akademija town designed and the economical evaluation done. The cost of... [to full text]
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Apšvieta kompiuterizuotose darbo vietose / Illumination at the VDT workplacesPuplauskaitė, Laura 08 June 2005 (has links)
There are widely used computers in agricultural mobile technique, which show important parameters of work process and its quality in. It is important a good illumination of workplace for quick and correct information identification from the VDT’s. There are forming different levels of illumination in agricultural technique cabins when they are working at the field. Those levels are fluctuating and operator’s eye should adapt to them compulsory. Operator’s vision feels fatigue because of those processes and work becomes not so effective. There are assessed in the work, that luminance increase on the VDT screen, as do illumination level in the cabins of agricultural mobile technique and as a result of this process, contrast reduces and visibility become worse. In experiment, there was researched, that tasks were performed quicker, when illumination was 300 -500 lx, and slower, when - 900-1200 lx. There are assessed the response time dependence on illumination level model , which helps to calculate the duration of operator’s watching, which influences the results of work quality and safety.
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Puslaidininkinių šviesos šaltinių tyrimas / Semiconductor light sources inquiryMačenskas, Marius 10 June 2005 (has links)
The main point: Research light emiting diodes RGB (red, green, blue) matrix with controllable spectrum of light. I have made that matrix, and researching energetic, light and technicality datum. To use that light sources for lightening of emergency. To review other liht sources. Stepping stone and results: There are made review of most popular light sources, quality and limitation. There are overlook of semiconductors light sources and the range where they are using now. Experiments are made with our LED illuminator with minimal number of LED. There are noticed, that LED can take energy from light and that we use to make manage of others light sources. Illuminator are adapted to work in emergency lightening. The result can be use: The result can be use for development LED in Lithuania, to know people more about semiconductor light sources ant to use it ours home.
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