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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les évêques de Maurétanies dans l'Antiquité (IIIème, IV et Vème siècles) / The Bishops of Mauretania in Antiquity, from IIIrd to Vth Century

Benguémale, Maurice 23 March 2012 (has links)
Le christianisme peut-être étudié sous plusieurs angles. Dans cette thèse, il est abordé par le bias de ses responsables que furent les évêques dans les provinces de Maurétanies Césarienne et Sitifienne au Bas-Empire. La première parie consacrée à l'analyse prosopographique donne des informations d'ordre bibliographique sur chaque évêque(catholique ou donatiste). On en compte plus d'une centaine pour les deux provinces à cette époque.A travres la synthèse de l'analyse prosopographique qui constitue la deuxième partie de ce travail, il est retracé les origines du christianisme dans les Maurétanies grâce à des documents de nature diverse notamment épigraphique et littéraire. Enfi la troisième parie traite des grands problèmes auxquels les évêques africains de l'époque sont confrontés et tentent d'y apporter des solutions dans les conciles et synodes du Vè siècle.Alors qu'on assisteà une christianisation timide des Maurétanies au IIIè siècle, celle-ci gagne les régions de l'arrière pays par la multiplication anarchique des diocèses dits ruraux au Vè s. / The Bishops of Mauretania in Antiquity, from IIIrd to Vth Century.Chrstianism can be studied from many angles or point of view. In this thesis, christianism is tackled through its bishops who were the persons in charge of the Cesarian and Sitifian Mauretanies in the lower Empire.The first partof the thesis dedicated to the prosographic analysis gives informations of bibliographical order on each catholic or donatist bishop. At that period, there were more than a hundred bishops for th two provinces.The secons part of this work, based on a synthesis of prosopographic analysis of different epigrphic and litterary archives, deals with the origins of christianism in the Mauretanies.Finally, the third part treats with the big issues that confront the african bishops, issues to which they attempt to find some solutions councils or synods of that period.While a shy christianisation is noticeable in the Mauretanies of the third century, an anarchic multiplication in the so called rural dioceses spread to the hinterland regions.

The two Mauretaniae : their romanization and the imperial cult

Gironi, Claudia 11 1900 (has links)
The 'Romanization' of the African provinces of Mauretania Tingitana and Mauretania Caesariensis was in fact a two-way process of exchange between Roman and African elements which resulted in a uniquely Romano-African civilization. The imperial cult highlights issues common to all Romanization processes, such as ruler-subject interaction and the role of local initiative in bringing about change, as well as unique issues such as the impact of politics on emperor-worship. The success of the imperial cult was hampered by the fact that only a select few - notably the wealthy local elite - derived direct benefit from the process, and by the fact that, because the pre-Roman Mauretaniae had no established ruler-cults, the imperial cult failed to assimilate with local tradition. As a result, the cult was unable either to make a decisive impact on the Romanization of the Mauretanians, or to achieve any real religious unity among them. / History / M.A. (Ancient History)

The two Mauretaniae : their romanization and the imperial cult

Gironi, Claudia 11 1900 (has links)
The 'Romanization' of the African provinces of Mauretania Tingitana and Mauretania Caesariensis was in fact a two-way process of exchange between Roman and African elements which resulted in a uniquely Romano-African civilization. The imperial cult highlights issues common to all Romanization processes, such as ruler-subject interaction and the role of local initiative in bringing about change, as well as unique issues such as the impact of politics on emperor-worship. The success of the imperial cult was hampered by the fact that only a select few - notably the wealthy local elite - derived direct benefit from the process, and by the fact that, because the pre-Roman Mauretaniae had no established ruler-cults, the imperial cult failed to assimilate with local tradition. As a result, the cult was unable either to make a decisive impact on the Romanization of the Mauretanians, or to achieve any real religious unity among them. / History / M.A. (Ancient History)

Mauretania Caesariensis : prosopographie et aspects administratifs, judiciaires et militaires du gouvernement de la province de Maurétanie Césarienne / Mauretania Caesariensis : prosopography and administrative, judicial and military aspects of the government of the province of Mauretania Caesariensis

Kasdi, Zheira 09 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée au gouvernement de la province de Maurétanie Césarienne depuis sa création durant le règne de Claude jusqu'au règne de Dioclétien, avant la grande réforme de l'administration qui conduit à une partition de la province en deux : la Maurétanie Césarienne d'un côté et la Maurétanie Sitifienne de l'autre. Le sujet porte sur une région de l'Afrique romaine qui correspond, de nos jours, à l'Algérie et concerne une période qui s'étale du Ier siècle à la fin du IIIe siècle. Province impériale gouvernée par un procurateur équestre, la Maurétanie Césarienne est connu a travers un très grand nombre de sources épigraphiques qui nous permettent de réfléchir aux modalités et aux pratiques de gouvernement dans cette région de l'empire romain. Il s'agit, dans un premier temps, d'analyser le rôle et la fonction des procurateurs-gouverneurs durant leur charge et, à la lumière des données disponibles, proposer une étude nouvelle étude prosopographique. Pour gouverner, le procurateur équestre disposait de divers moyens qu'il convient également d'analyser. Ainsi, pour assurer la sécurité du territoire, il commandait une armée. Il était aidé, pour les tâches administratives, comme par exemple lors des opérations de recensement, d'un personnel largement attesté par la documentation qu'il convient d'appréhender. Il s'agit également d'essayer de cerner les différentes politiques impériales mises en place dans la région, des politiques étroitement liées à une colonisation progressive des territoires. / This thesis is dedicated to the government of the province of Mauretania Caesariensis, from its creation during Claude 's reign until Diocletian, before the administrative reform that leads to the partition of the province in two: the Mauretania Caesariensis on one side and the Mauretania Sitifensis on the other. The subject concerns a region of Roman Africa which corresponds, nowadays, to Algeria and concerns a period from the 1st to the 3th century. Imperia! province governed by an equestrian procurator, the Mauretania Caesariensis is documented by a very large number of epigraphic sources which allow us to think about the modalities and the practices of government in this region of the Roman Empire. At first, the aim consists in analyzing the role and the function of the governors during their responsibility, in the light of the available data and to propose a new prosopographic study. The governor has many resources to rule. To insure the homeland security, he commanded an army. He was helped, for the administrative tasks, as for example during the operations of census, by an administrative staff that is widely attested by the documentation too and that deserves to be studied. Finally, the aim is trying to identify the various imperial politics applied in the region, politics that are closely linked to a progressive colonization of territories.

Mourir enfant en Afrique romaine : gestes, pratiques et rituels : Afrique Proconsulaire, Numidie et Mauritanie Césarienne, Ier-IIIe siècle de notre ère

De Larminat, Solenn 06 December 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de caractériser les gestes, les pratiques et les rituels entourant la mort des enfants dans les provinces romaines d’Afrique Proconsulaire, de Numidie et de Maurétanie césarienne aux trois premiers siècles de notre ère. La documentation disponible provient de nombreuses publications de nécropoles, plus ou moins bien documentées en fonction de la date des fouilles, et de la nécropole de Pupput (Hammamet) qui offre pour la première fois un corpus suffisamment important pour être statistiquement crédible. En raison de leur disparité, les données sont présentées sous différents catalogues mais elles sont en revanche analysées simultanément lorsqu’elles renseignaient la même séquence des funérailles. Il a été opté d’étudier dans un premier temps la gestion des corps, de l’emplacement de la sépulture à sa fermeture, puis dans un second temps, les rituels réalisés dans et autour de la sépulture. Le postulat de départ est que les différentes pratiques funéraires adoptées par les familles responsables de l’enterrement de leurs enfants dépendaient d’un certain nombre de facteurs. Parmi eux, l’âge des enfants qui déterminait en grande partie le statut du défunt a été mis en évidence. D’après les données archéo-anthropologiques étudiées, les âges de 6 mois, 3 ans et 7 ans marquaient des étapes importantes dans la socialisation de l’enfant dans sa famille et la société africaine. / The aim of this study is to characterize the gestures, practices and rituals about the children’s death in the Roman provinces of Africa Proconsularis, Numidia and Mauretania cesarean in the first three centuries AD. The available documentation is divided between numerous publications of cemeteries, more or less well documented depending on the date of excavation, and unpublished literature of the necropolis of Pupput (Hammamet), which provides for the first time a corpus large enough to be statistically credible. Because of their differences, the data are presented in various catalogs but analyzed simultaneously when associated to the same funeral sequence. At first, it was decided to study how corpses were managed from the localization of burial to its closure, then in a second time, the rituals performed in and around the grave. The initial postulate is that different burial practices adopted by families in charge of the funeral of their children depended on a number of factors. Among them, the children's age that determined the status of the deceased has been identified. According to archaeological and anthropological data studied, the ages of 6 months, 3 years and 7 years marked important steps in the socialization of the child in his family and the African society.

'AFRICITAS'. INSURREZIONI, SECESSIONI E USURPAZIONI NELL'AFRICA DELLA PRIMA ETA' IMPERIALE (31 A.C. - 70 D.C.) / 'Africitas'. African insurrections, secessions and usurpations during the early Roman Empire (31 a.C.-70 d.C.)

BONIS, EMANUELE 30 April 2020 (has links)
La tesi affronta il controverso tema dell’‘Africitas’, ovvero della singolare specificità politica, economica e culturale delle province africane nel contesto dell’ecumene romano-imperiale, esaminandola nelle sue eterogenee manifestazioni geo-politiche e militari nel periodo compreso tra la risistemazione augustea dei domini africani e gli esordi della dinastia flavia (31 a.C. – 70 d.C.). In quest’arco cronologico le frequenti e violente insurrezioni delle popolazioni autoctone a difesa della propria indipendenza – vere e proprie reazioni di rigetto alla progressiva romanizzazione guidate da carismatici capi berberi (Tacfarinas) o da funzionari del dissolto regno di Mauretania (Edemone) – furono precocemente arginate e soppiantate da fermenti automistici di diversa natura, declinati nelle forme del potentato personale ad opera di governatori romani quali Clodio Macro e Lucceio Albino, desiderosi di ascendere ai vertici della gerarchia imperiale sfruttando la crescente floridezza delle province africane come formidabile ‘trampolino di lancio’ per nutrire le proprie velleitarie ambizioni di potere. Tali tentativi, per quanto ancora in stadio embrionale e risoltisi rapidamente in un fallimento, rappresentarono tuttavia il preludio alle ben più articolate e gravi secessioni e usurpazioni tardo-antiche di matrice africana. / The primary purpose of this thesis is to investigate the complex and elusive topic of the so-called ‘Africitas’ in the historical context of the African provinces during the early Roman empire, between the overall resettlement of North-African territories undertaken by Augustus and the new arrangement of the African provinces fostered by the Flavian dinasty. During this period, the frequent and violent insurrections promoted by local populations, in particular by the Berber tribes, against the Roman conquest and the increasing romanization of their lands were early suppressed and replaced by autonomistic turmoils and ambitious aspirarations conceived by unscrupulous Roman governors like Clodius Macer and Lucceius Albinus, who tried, without any success, to carve out some niches of autonomy and personal authority among African subjects. Anyway, their complete failure in gaining support from the local population was destined to pave the way for the much more serious African secessions and usurpations of the Late Antiquity.

Underestimated Influences: North Africa in Classical Antiquity

Martin, Maria A. 09 June 2011 (has links)
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