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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Value education of youth

Hofmann, Nadi January 2002 (has links)
Am Anfang und am Ende des Schuljahres 2000/2001 wurden die Werteprioritäten der Schüler/innen und Lehrer/innen an acht verschiedenen Schulen gemessen. Mit dieser Studie wurde das theoretische Modell einer universellen Struktur menschlicher Werteprioritäten (Schwartz, 1992) erneut bestätigt. Zu beiden Messzeitpunkten ergaben sich gleiche Geschlechtseffekte wie auch ähnlich hohe positive Zusammenhänge zwischen Religiosität und Schulbindung. Die Schüler/innen der nicht-religiösen Schulen gaben Hedonism als höchsten, und Tradition als niedrigsten Wert an. In den religiösen Schulen waren Benevolence und Self-Direction die meist geschätzten Werte, während Power die niedrigste Priorität besaß. Die Veränderung der Werte Conformity, Hedonism und Universalism ließ sich sowohl durch die Religiosität der Schüler/innen wie auch durch deren Schulzugehörigkeit vorhersagen. Die Veränderung von Power, Tradition, Benevolence und Achievement hingegen wurde primär durch Religiosität vorhergesagt. In drei der vier Schulen korrelierte die Ähnlichkeit der Schüler und Lehrer positiv mit der Schulbindung der Schüler/innen. Die Schüler-Lehrer Ähnlichkeit korrelierte über alle Schulen positiv mit Schulleistung. / The value priorities of students and teachers were measured at eight different schools at the beginning and the end of the school year 2000/2001. This study once again confirmed the theoretical model of a universal structure of human values (Schwartz, 1992). At both measurement times, similar gender differences, as well as positive correlations between religiosity and school commitment were found. The students from the non-religious schools determined Hedonism as their highest, and Tradition as their lowest value priority. In the religious schools, Benevolence and Self-Direction were the highest values, whereas Power was found to be the lowest value priority. The change of the values Conformity, Hedonism, and Universalism was predicted both through the students′ religiosity and their type of school. The change of the values Power, Tradition, Benevolence, and Achievement, however, was mainly predicted through their religiosity. In three out of four schools the student-teacher similarity correlated positively with the school commitment of the students. Across all schools student-teacher similarity correlated positively with academic achievement.

Mapeamento de dados genômicos usando escalonamento multidimensional / Representation of genomics data with multidimensional scaling

Soledad Espezúa Llerena 04 June 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho são exploradas diversas técnicas de escalonamento multidimensional (MDS), com o objetivo de estudar sua aplicabilidade no mapeamento de dados genômicos resultantes da técnica RFLP-PCR, sendo esse mapeamento realizado em espaços de baixa dimensionalidade (2D ou 3D) com o fim de aproveitar a habilidade de análise e interpretação visual que possuem os seres humanos. Foi realizada uma análise comparativa de diversos algoritmos MDS, visando sua aptidão para mapear dados genômicos. Esta análise compreendeu o estudo de alguns índices de desempenho como a precisão no mapeamento, o custo computacional e a capacidade de induzir bons agrupamentos. Para a realização dessa análise foi desenvolvida a ferramenta \"MDSExplorer\", a qual integra os algoritmos estudados e várias opções que permitem comparar os algoritmos e visualizar os mapeamentos. Á análise realizada sobre diversos bancos de dados citados na literatura, sugerem que o algoritmo LANDMARK possui o menor tempo computacional, uma precisão de mapeamento similar aos demais algoritmos, e uma boa capacidade de manter as estruturas existentes nos dados. Finalmente, o MDSExplorer foi usado para mapear um banco de dados genômicos: o banco de estirpes de bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio, pertencentes ao gênero Bradyrhizobium, com objetivo de ajudar o especialista a inferir visualmente alguma taxonomia nessas estirpes. Os resultados na redução dimensional desse banco de dados sugeriram que a informação relevante (acima dos 60% da variância acumulada) para as regiões 16S, 23S e IGS estaria nas primeiras 5, 4 e 9 dimensões respectivamente. / In this work were studied various Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) techniques intended to apply in the mapping of genomics data obtained of RFLP-PCR technique. This mapping is done in a low dimensional space (2D or 3D), and has the intention of exploiting the visual human capability on analysis and synthesis. A comparative analysis of diverse algorithms MDS was carried out in order to devise its ubiquity in representing genomics data. This analysis covers the study of some indices of performance such as: the precision in the mapping, the computational cost and the capacity to induce good groupings. The purpose of this analysis was developed a software tool called \"MDSExplorer\", which integrates various MDS algorithms and some options that allow to compare the algorithms and to visualize the mappings. The analysis, carried out over diverse datasets cited in the literature, suggest that the algorithm LANDMARK has the lowest computational time, a good precision in the mapping, and a tendency to maintain the existing structures in the data. Finally, MDSExplorer was used to mapping a real genomics dataset: the RFLP-PRC images of a Brazilian collection of bacterial strains belonging to the genus Bradyrhizobium (known by their capability to transform the nitrogen of the atmosphere into compounds useful for the host plants), with the objective to aid the specialist to infer visually a taxonomy in these strains. The results in reduction of dimensionality in this data base, suggest that the relevant information (above 60% of variance accumulated) to the region 16S, 23S and IGS is around 5, 4 and 9 dimensions respectively.

Codes additifs et matrices MDS pour la cryptographie / Additive codes and MDS matrices for the cryptographic applications

El Amrani, Nora 24 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les liens entre les codes correcteurs d'erreurs et les matrices de diffusion linéaires utilisées en cryptographie symétrique. L'objectif est d'étudier les constructions possibles de codes MDS additifs définis sur le groupe (Fm2, +) des m-uplets binaires et de minimiser le coût de l'implémentation matérielle ou logicielles de ces matrices de diffusion. Cette thèse commence par l'étude des codes définis sur un anneau de polynômes du type F[x]/f(x), qui généralisent les codes quasi-cycliques. Elle se poursuit par l'étude des codes additifs systématiques définis sur (Fm2, +) et leur lien avec la diffusion linéaire en cryptographie symétrique. Un point important de la thèse est l'introduction de codes à coefficient dans l'anneau des endomorphismes de Fm2. Le lien entre les codes qui sont des sous-modules à gauche et les codes additifs est mis en évidence. La dernière partie porte sur l'étude et la construction de matrices de diffusion MDS ayant de bonnes propriétés pour la cryptographie, à savoir les matrices circulantes, les matrices dyadiques, ainsi que les matrices ayant des représentations creuses minimisant leur implémentation. / This PhD focuses on the links between error correcting codes and diffusion matrices used in cryptography symmetric. The goal is to study the possible construction of additives MDS codes defined over the group (Fm2, +) of binary m-tuples and minimize cost of hardware or software implementation of these diffusion matrices. This thesis begins with the study of codes defined over the polynomial ring F[x]/f(x), these codes are a generalization of quasi-cyclic codes, and continues with the study of additive systematic codes over (Fm2, +) and there relation with linear diffusion on symmetric cryptography. An important point of this thesis is the introduction of codes with coefficients in the ring of endomorphisms of Fm2. The link between codes which are a left-submodules and additive codes have been identified. The last part focuses on the study and construction of efficient diffusion MDS matrices for the cryptographic applications, namely the circulantes matrices, dyadic matrices, and matrices with hollow representation, in ordre to minimize their implementations.

Histomorphologische Kriterien für zytogenetisches Risiko beim myelodysplastischen Syndrom / Histo-morphological criteria for cytogenetic risk in myelodysplastic syndrome

Kürten, Cornelius 15 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Multitarget localization and tracking:active and passive solutions

Macagnano, D. (Davide) 17 June 2012 (has links)
Abstract Localization and tracking of multiple targets is becoming an essential feature of modern communication services and systems. Although necessary in many contexts, such as surveillance and monitoring applications, low-complexity and reliable solutions capable of coping with different degrees of information are not yet available. This thesis deals with different problems that are encountered in localization and tracking applications and aims to establish a broad understanding of multitarget systems ranging from complete active to incomplete passive solutions in dynamic scenarios. Thereby we start by investigating a fully algebraic framework which is proved to be advantageous in dynamic contexts characterized by no a-priori knowledge. Subsequently we extend the approach to improve its robustness versus corrupted observations. Finally we focus on a Bayesian formulation of the passive multitarget tracking (MTT) problem. The Thesis is based on three parts. The first part focuses on a low complexity mathematical representation of the active problem (i.e manifold-based solution). In particular, the spectrum of the matrices used to represent target locations within an algebraic, multidimensional scaling (MDS) based, solution is characterized statistically. In so doing we propose a novel Jacobi-based eigenspace tracking algorithms for Gramian matrices which is shown to be particularly convenient in a multidimensional scaling formulation of the multitarget tracking problem. The second part deals with incomplete-active multitarget scenarios as well as eventual disturbances on the ranging measurements such as bias due to non-line-of-sight conditions. In particular the aforementioned algebraic solution is extended to cope with heterogeneous information and to incorporate eventual knowledge on the confidence of the measurement information. To do so we solve the classical multidimensional scaling (C-MDS) over a novel kernel matrix and show how the intrinsic nature of this formulation allows to deal with heterogeneous information, specifically angle and distance measurements. Finally, the third part focuses on the random finite sets formulation of Bayesian multisensor MTT problem for passive scenarios. In this area a new gating strategy is proposed to lower the computational complexity of the algorithms without compromising their performance. / Tiivistelmä Useiden kohteiden yhtäaikaisesta paikannuksesta ja seurannasta on tulossa olennainen osa nykyaikaisia viestinnän palveluita ja järjestelmiä. Huolimatta siitä, että yhtäaikainen paikannus on erittäin tarpeellinen osa monissa yhteyksissä, kuten valvonnan ja kontrolloinnin sovelluksissa, siihen ei ole olemassa kompleksisuudeltaan alhaista ratkaisua, joka ottaisi huomioon kaiken saatavilla olevan informaation. Väitöskirja käsittelee useiden kohteiden paikannukseen ja seurantaan liittyviä ongelmia, ja se keskittyy antamaan laajan ymmärryksen aktiivisista täydellisistä menetelmistä passiivisiin epätäydellisiin menetelmiin dynaamisissa ympäristöissä. Saavuttaakseen tavoitteen väitöskirjassa esitetään algebrallinen kehys, jonka todistetaan olevan edistyksellinen dynaamisissa ympäristöissä, joissa ei ole ennakkoinformaatiota saatavilla. Seuraavaksi väitöskirja laajentaa esitettyä lähestymistapaa parantamalla sen vakautta vääriä havaintoja vastaan. Lopuksi esitetään bayesialainen formulointi passiiviselle usean kohteen seuranta -ongelmalle (MTT). Väitöskirja on jaettu kolmeen on osaan. Ensimmäinen osa käsittelee aktiivisen ongelman kuvaamista matemaattisesti säilyttäen alhaisen kompleksisuuden. Erityisesti tässä osassa karakterisoidaan tilastollisesti matriisien spektrin käyttäminen kohteiden paikan esittämiseen moniulotteiseen skaalaukseen (MDS) pohjautuvassa menetelmässä. Saavuttaakseen tämän väitöskirja esittää Jacobin ominaisavaruuksiin perustuvan seuranta-algoritmin Gramian matriiseille, joiden osoitetaan olevan erityisen soveltuvia usean kohteen seuraamisongelman kuvaamiseen MDS-menetelmän avulla. Toinen osa käsittelee epätäydellistä aktiivista usean kohteen skenaariota, kuten myös mittausten lopullisia häiriötä, esim. ei-näköyhteyskanavasta johtuvaa harhaa. Edellä mainittu algebrallinen ratkaisu on laajennettu ottamaan huomioon heterogeeninen informaatio sekä tieto mittausdatan luotettavuudesta. Lisäksi tässä osassa esitetään ratkaisu klassiseen moniulotteiseen skaalausongelmaan (C-MDS) esittelemällä uudenlainen ydinmatriisi ja osoitetaan, kuinka tämä mahdollistaa heterogeenisen informaation, tässä tapauksessa kulma-ja etäisyysmittauksien, huomioon ottamisen. Viimeisessä osassa käsitellään äärellisten satunnaisten joukkojen soveltuvuutta bayesialaisen MTT-ongelman ratkaisuun passiivisissa skenaarioissa. Väitöskirja esittää uuden porttistrategian algoritmien kompleksisuuksien pienentämiseksi säilyttäen kuitenkin samalla niiden suorituskyvyn.

Hodnocení provozu malých fotovoltaických elektráren s připojením do sítě nn / Operational Evaluation of the Small Photovoltaic Power Plants Connected to the LV network

Černý, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to perform practical measurements of two small photovoltaic power plants, compare the received results with a theoretical calculation, and evaluate how the two differ from each other. Measured data are divided into three groups. The first group evaluates an overall electric power production in the individual months and compares it with the theoretical presumption that is instrumental to a return of investment calculation. The second group shows us a development of electric power production during characteristic days. We can compare how an ideal day from the FVE production point of view looks like, in other words a sunny and clear-sky day, with the opposite case when it is cloudy and raining all day long. Another extreme is a rapid growth or a performance drop, which can happen in a pho-tovoltaic power plant and a time period when this situation can arise. The third group contains statistic data from the electric power production. They are processed in the form of histograms and polygons of production that graphically illustrate production decomposition into the individual months. These data can be instrumental to a decision making about the form of purchase, whether it is economical for us to use the so called green bonus or not.

Aberace chromosomu 5 u dospělých nemocných s myelodysplastickými syndromy (MDS) / Aberrations of chromosome 5 in adult patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)

Šejgunovová, Nikola January 2021 (has links)
Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a clonal disease of hematopoesis resulting from damage to hematopoietic stem cells. The most common chromosomal aberration in patients with MDS is deletion of the long arms of chromosome 5, del(5q). The aim of this study is to analyse unbalanced aberrations of chromosome 5 in MDS patients, to compare the extent of 5q deletion in groups of patients with isolated del(5q) and with del(5q) in complex karyotypes, and to study the effect of the extent of del(5q) on overall survival and prognosis of the disease. We combined cytogenomic methods to examine 88 bone marrow samples from patients with MDS and del(5q) confirmed by conventional banding methods. Del(5q) was present in the karyotype as an isolated aberration in 31 patients (35,2 %), in combination with one other clonal aberration in 9 patients (10,2 %), and as part of complex karyotypes in 48 patients (54,6 %). Patients with complex karyotypes had a lower overall survival than patients with isolated del(5q). The occurrence of complex karyotypes was associated with a large extent of 5q deletion. When both the occurrence of complex karyotypes and the extent of 5q deletion were considered, only karyotype complexity had a significant effect on patients' overall survival. The extent of the deletion does not affect...

VePMAD: A Vehicular Platoon Management Anomaly Detection System : A Case Study of Car-following Mode, Middle Join and Exit Maneuvers

Bayaa, Weaam January 2021 (has links)
Vehicle communication using sensors and wireless channels plays an important role to allow exchanging information. Adding more components to allow exchanging more information with infrastructure enhanced the capabilities of vehicles and enabled the rise of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS). Leveraging such capabilities, more applications such as Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) and platooning were introduced. CACC is an enhancement of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC). It enables longitudinal automated vehicle control and follows the Constant Time Gap (CTG) strategy where, distance between vehicles is proportional to the speed. Platooning is different in terms of addressing both longitudinal and lateral control. In addition, it adopts the Constant Distance Gap (CDG) control strategy, with separation between vehicles unchanged with speed. Platooning requires close coupling and accordingly achieves goals of increased lane throughput and reduced energy consumption. When a longitudinal controller only is used, platooning operates in car-following mode and no Platoon Management Protocol (PMP) is used. On the other hand, when both longitudinal and lateral controllers are used, platooning operates in maneuver mode and coordination between vehicles is needed to perform maneuvers. Exchanging information allows the platoon to make real time maneuvering decisions. However, all the aforementioned benefits of platooning cannot be achieved if the system is vulnerable to misbehavior (i.e., the platoon is behaving incorrectly). Most of work in the literature attributes this misbehavior to malicious actors where an attacker injects malicious messages. Standards made efforts to develop security services to authenticate and authorize the sender. However, authenticated users equipped with cryptographic primitives can mount attacks (i.e., falsification attacks) and accordingly they cannot be detected by standard services such as cryptographic signatures. Misbehavior can disturb platoon behavior or even cause collision. Many Misbehavior Detection Schemes (MDSs) are proposed in the literature in the context of Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) and CACC. These MDSs apply algorithms or rules to detect sudden or gradual changes of kinematic information disseminated by other vehicles. Reusing these MDSs directly during maneuvers can lead to false positives when they treat changes in kinematic information during the maneuver as an attack. This thesis addresses this gap by designing a new modular framework that has the capability to discern maneuvering process from misbehavior by leveraging platoon behavior recognition, that is, the platoon mode of operation (e.g., car-following mode or maneuver mode). In addition, it has the ability to recognize the undergoing maneuver (e.g., middle join or exit). Based on the platoon behavior recognition module, the anomaly detection module detects deviations from expected behavior. Unsupervised machine learning, notably Hidden Markov Model with Gaussian Mixture Model emission (GMMHMM), is used to learn the nominal behavior of the platoon during different modes and maneuvers. This is used later by the platoon behavior recognition and anomaly detection modules. GMMHMM is trained with nominal behavior of platoon using multivariate time series representing kinematic characteristics of the vehicles. Different models are used to detect attacks in different scenarios (e.g., different speeds). Two approaches for anomaly detection are investigated, Viterbi algorithm based anomaly detection and Forward algorithm based anomaly detection. The proposed framework managed to detect misbehavior whether the compromised vehicle is a platoon leader or follower. Empirical results show very high performance, with the platoon behavior recognition module reaching 100% in terms of accuracy. In addition, it can predict ongoing platoon behavior at early stages and accordingly, use the correct model representing the nominal behavior. Forward algorithm based anomaly detection, which rely on computing likelihood, showed better performance reaching 98% with slight variations in terms of accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score. Different platooning controllers can be resilient to some attacks and accordingly, the attack can result in slight deviation from nominal behavior. However, The anomaly detection module was able to detect this deviation. / Kommunikation mellan fordon som använder sensorer och radiokommunikation spelar en viktig roll för att kunna möjliggöra informationsutbyte. Genom att lägga till er komponenter för infrastrukturkommunikation förbättras fordonens generella kommunikationskapacitet och möjliggör C-ITS. Det möjliggör också för att introducera ytterligare applikationer, exempelvis CACC samt plutonering. CACC är en förbättring av ACC -konceptet. Denna teknik möjliggör longitudinell automatiserad fordonskontroll och följer en CTG -strategi där avståndet mellan fordon är proportionellt mot hastigheten. Plutonering är annorlunda med avseende på att hantera longitudinell och lateral kontroll. Dessutom antar den en kontrollstrategi för CDG där avståndet mellan fordon förblir oförändrat med hastighet. Plutonering kräver en nära koppling mellan fordon för att uppnå målet med ökad filgenomströmning och reducerad energikonsumtion. När enbart longitudinell kontroll är aktiverad, fungerar plutonering i bilföljande läge och funktionen PMP används inte. När både longitudinella och laterala kontroller används, arbetar plutonen istället i manöverläge och samordning mellan fordon behövs för att utföra olika manövrar. Informationsutbytet möjliggör att plutonen kan man manövrera i realtid. Alla ovan nämnda fördelar med plutonering kan emellertid inte uppnås om systemet är sårbart för felbeteende, det vill säga att plutonen beter sig fel. I litteraturen kopplas detta missförhållande till skadliga aktörer där en angripare injicerar skadliga meddelanden. I standardiseringsarbeten har man försökt utveckla säkerhetstjänster för att autentisera och auktorisera avsändaren. Trots detta kan autentiserade användare utrustade med kryptografiska primitiv upprätta förfalskningsattacker som inte detekteras av standardtjänster som kryptografiska signaturer. Felaktigt handhavande kan orsaka störningar i plutonens beteende eller till och med orsaka kollisioner och följaktligen påverka tillförlitligheten. Det finns manga MDSs beskrivna i litteraturen i relation till VANET och CACC. MDSs använder algoritmer eller regler för att detektera snabba eller långsamma förändringar kinematisk information som sprids av andra fordon. Direkt användning av MDSs under manövrar kan leda till falska positiva resultat eftersom de kommer att behandla förändringar i kinematisk information under manövern som en attack. Denna avhandling adresserar detta gap genom utformningen av ett modulärt ramverk som kan urskilja manöverprocessen från misskötsamhet genom att utnyttja plutonens beteendeigenkänningsmodul för att intelligent känna igen plutonläget (t.ex. bilföljande läge eller manöverläge). Ramverket har vidare egenskapen att känna igen pågående manövrar (frikoppling eller växelbyte) och avvikelser från förväntat beteende. Modulen använder en oövervakad maskininlärningssmodell, GMMHMM, för att lära en plutons normala beteende under olika lägen och manövrar som sedan används för plutonbeteendeigenkänning och avvikelsedetektion. GMMHMM tränas på data från plutoneringens normalbeteende i form av multivariata tidsserier som representerar fordonets kinematiska karakteristik. Olika modeller används för att upptäcka attacker i olika scenarier (t.ex. olika hastigheter). Två tillvägagångssätt för avvikelsedetektion undersöks, Viterbi-algoritmen samt Forward-algoritmen. Det föreslagna systemet lyckas upptäcka det felaktiga beteendet oavsett om det komprometterade fordonet är en plutonledare eller följare. Empiriska resultat visar mycket hög prestanda för beteendeigenkänningsmodulen som när 100%. Dessutom kan den känna igen plutonens beteende i ett tidigt skede. Resultat med Forward- algoritmen för avvikelsedetektion visar på en prestanda på 98% med små variationer med avseende på måtten accuracy, precision, recall och F1-score. Avvikelsedetektionsmodulen kan även upptäcka små avvikelser i beteende.

Klonale Evolution und zytogenetische Evolutionsmuster bei Myelodysplastischen Syndromen (MDS) und sekundärer akuter myeloischer Leukämie nach MDS / Clonal evolution and evolution patterns of myelodysplastic syndroms and acute leukemia following MDS

Cevik, Naciye 23 March 2016 (has links)
No description available.


Pelé, Julien 20 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G de classe A (RCPG) constituent la plus grande famille de récepteurs transmembranaires du génome humain et sont impliqués dans la régulation de nombreux mécanismes physiologiques. Comprendre les mécanismes évolutifs qui ont conduit à la diversité de cette famille de récepteurs pourrait permettre une meilleure connaissance des relations séquence-structure-fonction des différentes sous-familles. Pour obtenir des informations sur l'évolution des RCPG, nous avons exploré leur espace de séquences par multidimensional scaling métrique (MDS). Nous avons appliqué une nouvelle technique MDS qui projette des séquences supplémentaires sur un espace de référence et permet ainsi la comparaison des séquences de différentes espèces. Les résultats montrent que les récepteurs se répartissent en quatre groupes et suggèrent que les récepteurs actuels ont évolué à partir d'ancêtres des récepteurs de peptides suivant trois directions évolutives principales. Les prolines des hélices transmembranaires 2 et/ou 5 sont impliquées dans deux de ces directions. Pour comprendre le mécanisme fin ayant abouti à la formation des différentes sous-familles, nous avons analysé les covariations des résidus à différents niveaux hiérarchiques (classe/groupe/sous-famille). Nous avons testé différentes méthodes pour analyser les mutations corrélées afin de sélectionner une méthode robuste pour les différents jeux de séquences. L'application de cette méthode met en évidence des résidus spécifiques qui sont cruciaux pour l'évolution de sous-familles particulières.

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