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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Meanings, values, and life course : a study of participants' experiences at a Scottish outdoor education centre

Telford, John Andrew January 2010 (has links)
Residential outdoor education has had a significant formal and informal presence within the education system of the United Kingdom since the 1950s. However, there is little empirical research into the experiences of participants, particularly from a long-term perspective. The present study investigates the meanings, values, and impacts that participants attribute to a five-day residential experience at Ardentinny Outdoor Education Centre, near Dunoon, Scotland. Participants attended the Centre as school pupils between 13 and 16 years of age. Ardentinny Outdoor Education Centre operated as an educational facility under the auspices of the local authority between 1973 and 1996. Participants were contacted between 2007 and 2008, hence a minimum of 11 years after the Centre closed. Semi-structured questionnaires (n = 110) and interviews (n = 14) were used to generate data regarding participants’ experiences. These were analysed using a hermeneutic approach. Supplementary data were generated from archival documents and interviews (n = 29) with various stakeholders in Ardentinny Outdoor Education Centre, ranging from local authority education officers to Centre managers and instructional staff. These supplementary data contribute towards a nuanced interpretive account of participants’ experiences that has both breadth and depth. The data suggest that participants’ experiences at Ardentinny Outdoor Education Centre represented highly significant events in their school career. Principal findings relate to themes of achievement, independence and responsibility, and the development of more adult relationships. Seventy-two percent of questionnaire respondents claimed that their experience at Ardentinny Outdoor Education Centre continued to influence their adult lives. This influence was manifested in a variety of ways ranging from a love of the outdoor environment, to choices regarding use of leisure time, to employment choices. Bourdieu’s (1977, 1990b) theory of social practice, particularly the concepts of field and habitus, provides a framework to interpret participants’ expressions of the nature of their experiences and the impact those experiences did or did not have on their lives. From this perspective Ardentinny Outdoor Education Centre presented participants with a safe and authentic experience that differed sufficiently from their previous life experiences to allow for the opportunity to develop new understandings of self and the social world. These new understandings were expressed in different ways and at different times over participants’ subsequent life course.

An exploration of socially constructed meanings within a community of learners in changing academic and social contexts / Malefane Kenneth Maine

Maine, Malefane Kenneth January 2007 (has links)
This article explores some of the social processes and functions within a community of learners who had to adjust to changing social and academic contexts. The group included 13 learners from Botswana, five of whom were males and eight of whom were females, with an age range of between 25 and 45 years. The learners were primarily Tswana-speaking, with the exception of one who spoke Afrikaans. The learners were registered for an informal one-year counselling certificate course at the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus. The Botswana learners had no prior contact with mainly white, Afrikaans-speaking communities, such as those found in Potchefstroom. As a result, they had to make various adjustments on personal, academic and social levels. An inductive qualitative approach was followed, using the Mmogo™-method as a case study, to gain insight into the experiences of a group of learners. The Mmogo™-method facilitated the use of culturally appropriate items and the learners were able to use cultural symbols to reflect on their experiences. The learners were asked to make visual presentations of their experiences throughout the time spent in their new contexts. Thereafter focus group discussions were conducted, where the visual presentations were discussed. The central themes were derived from the focus group data and the analysis of the visual presentations. The findings indicate that the process of creating new social meanings occurred through various phases. The initial phases were marked by uncertainty and misconceptions. The early interactions among the community of learners led them to realise that they generally shared the same goals, and also had other things in common, such as political and religious beliefs. The development of a collective consciousness was characterised by the emergence of smaller groups within the large community. As time went by, the collective consciousness in the community deepened and the smaller groups became more diffused. This contributed to open sharing of information and knowledge creation; and it facilitated the attainment of goals. The findings also indicate that there were a number of processes involved in the construction of meanings that contributed to the negotiation of meaning, and an exchange of ideas and information within the community of learners. The communication patterns within the community of learners were found to be open, honest and inclusive. This contributed to the free flow of information and facilitated minimisation of misconceptions. In addition, these patterns facilitated decision-making and encouraged feelings of belonging within the community. Natural leadership emerged and the responsibilities associated with it were discharged in specific and African-conscious ways. The learners also used context-specific analogies to illustrate relational support within their community. For example, they compared relational support to oxen pulling a plough and to a traditional three-legged pot to express the extent to which they mutually depended on each other's talents and resources. The findings also point to certain underlying assumptions that contributed to the development of relational support. In this community, a collective consciousness and sense of trust emerged as the learners worked together towards their goals. The values of sharing and working together are also the defining features of the African worldview. / Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Significados da Hanseníase para os trabalhadores da saúde / Meanings of Hansen\'s disease for health workers

Karen da Silva Santos 30 October 2017 (has links)
No decorrer da história humana, a hanseníase esteve atrelada ao imaginário social da lepra e do leproso, produzindo significados e sentidos relacionados ao isolamento dos acometidos, a caridade, ao estigma e preconceito. O que está em produção social e que regem as práticas profissionais não estão descritos apenas nos manuais e nas rotinas dos serviços de saúde, mas também são guiados pelos significados e sentidos do processo saúde-doença-cuidado. Para Vigotski significados e sentidos são construídos socialmente nas relações socioculturais, a partir da interação com o outro. Diante disso, buscamos responder a seguinte pergunta: Quais são os significados e sentidos da hanseníase para os trabalhadores da saúde de serviços ambulatoriais, de uma cidade no interior paulista, voltados ao tratamento de hanseníase? Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi de analisar os significados da hanseníase para os trabalhadores da saúde. Utilizou-se a abordagem histórico-cultural, por meio da proposta da identificação dos Núcleos de Significação provenientes da análise das entrevistas com os trabalhadores. Ao todo, o estudo, contou com a participação de treze trabalhadores de diferentes disciplinas (enfermagem, medicina, serviço social e fisioterapia). Os resultados foram discutidos dentro de quatro capítulos. No capítulo 1 foi abordado os aspectos relacionados a vivência pessoal dos participantes (infância, formação, trabalho, família) em relação a hanseníase. Alguns trabalhadores contaram que tiveram algum familiar ou conhecido próximo com hanseníase e, relatam como essa experiência influenciou nas formas de significar a doença. Muitos relataram que tiveram uma formação deficiente ou até mesmo nula em relação a hanseníase. No segundo capítulo, identificou-se aspectos relacionados ao estigma e ao preconceito ainda presente na sociedade, mesmo após a descoberta da poliquimioterapia. Aspectos estes enraizados culturalmente e que vem sendo traduzidos nas ações das políticas públicas e do trabalho em saúde. O terceiro capítulo relaciona-se as dicotomias, desafios e potencialidades no cotidiano dos trabalhadores da saúde, o qual identificou o olhar e a postura dos profissionais atrelados ao sentimento de \"dó\", caridade, contrariando os princípios da política nacional de humanização. O último capítulo foi escrito buscando articular questões entre a hanseníase e a tuberculose, no contexto francês e brasileiro a partir da experiência da pesquisadora. Em suma, os significados e sentidos são produtos históricos e sociais e são construídos desde a infância, perpassam a vida profissional e continuam se modificando no decorrer do dia a dia do trabalho. / Throughout human history, Hansen\'s disease has been linked to the social imagery of leprosy and lepers, producing meanings and senses related to the isolation of those affected and to charity, stigma and prejudice. What is in social production and that govern professional practices are not only described in the manuals and routines of health services, but are also guided by the meanings and senses of the health-disease-care process. For Vygotsky meanings and senses are socially constructed in sociocultural relations, from the interaction with another. In view of this, we sought to answer the following question: What are the meanings and senses of Hansen\'s disease from the point of view of outpatient services health workers from a city in São Paulo state focused on this disease treatment? In this context, this study aimed to analyze the meanings of Hansen\'s disease for health workers. The historical-cultural approach was adopted, by means of the proposal of the meaning core identification from the analysis of the interviews with the health workers. In total, thirteen workers attended the study from different disciplines (nursing, medicine, social work and physiotherapy). The results were discussed within four chapters. In chapter 1, the aspects related to the personal experience of the participants (childhood, training, work, family) in relation to Hansen\'s disease were presented. Some workers reported having had a close family member or acquaintance with this disease, and described how that experience influenced the ways of meaning it. Many have reported that they have had a poor or even null training in Hansen\'s disease. In the second chapter, aspects related to the stigma and prejudice still present in society, even after the discovery of multidrug therapy, were pointed out. These aspects are culturally rooted and have been translated into public policies and health work. The third chapter concerns the dichotomies, challenges and potentialities in the daily routine of health workers, which identified the look and posture of professionals linked to the feeling of \"pitty\" and charity, contradicting the principles of the National Humanization Policy. The last chapter was written seeking to articulate questions between Hansen\'s disease and tuberculosis, in the French and Brazilian contexts, based on the researcher\'s experience. In sum, meanings and senses are historical and social products that are built from childhood passing through professional life and continue to change in the course of daily work.

Significados e sentidos de trabalho e carreira de trabalhadores de seis países das américas / Meanings and senses of working and career of workers from six countries in the Americas

Sánchez, Wilner Arbey Riascos 05 May 2017 (has links)
O objetivo da pesquisa é compreender os significados e os sentidos do trabalho e da carreira de trabalhadores de seis países das Américas (Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia, Chile, México e Peru) e sua relação com discursos e práticas discursivas presentes nas narrativas de sujeitos trabalhadores. Através de uma pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, se obteve informações de duas fontes: textos e notícias de jornais e blogs dos países pesquisados durante um período de três semanas e entrevistas a 5 pessoas de cada país analisado, com idade limite de até 28 anos. As narrativas e práticas discursivas dos textos e das entrevistas mostram uma presença significativa de valores liberais como a autonomia, independência e a individualidade tanto na sugestão de modelos privilegiados de sujeito (nos textos de jornais e páginas de internet encontrados) como de constituição da carreira das pessoas entrevistadas. A primeira definição de trabalho dos participantes regularmente refere a condições concretas da atividade, elemento que também aparece na imagem que os textos de jornais passam sobre o que é considerado trabalho. No caso de alguns participantes, a exploração da trajetória permite ampliar a referência sobre trabalho e a consideração das implicações dessa atividade na própria vida. O trabalho é considerado importante para os participantes, mas ao mesmo tempo são narradas outras dimensões da vida do sujeito que ajudam na configuração do sentido e o significado do trabalho e carreira. Na configuração de carreiras, os referentes de família e pessoas consideradas importantes pelos participantes, constituem referentes importantes nas escolhas de carreira e nas aproximações ao mundo do trabalho. Discursos de empreendimento ligados a valores liberais aparecem como desejo de realização de carreira e imagem do trabalhador modelo a seguir. São discutidas a presença destes discursos nas narrativas como elementos que participam no desenvolvimento de subjetividades de trabalhadores na contemporaneidade / The research aim is to understand the meanings and senses of the work and career of workers from six countries in the Americas (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru) and their relation with discursive and discursive practices in the narratives of working subjects. Through a qualitative and descriptive research, information for the analysis was used from two sources: texts and news from newspapers and blogs of the countries analyzed, during a period of three weeks, and interviews with five people from each analyzed country, with age limit of up to 28 years. The narratives and discursive practices of texts and interviews show a significant presence of liberal values such as autonomy, independence and individuality both in the suggestion of privileged models of subject (in the texts of newspapers and Internet pages found) and in the constitution of the career of people interviewed. The first definition of work of the participants commonly refers to concrete conditions of the activity; this also appears in the image that the texts of newspapers show on what work is considered. In the case of some participants, the exploration of the careers allows to increase the reference on work and the consideration of the implications of this activity in the own life. Work is considered important to the participants, but at the same time other dimensions of the subject\'s life are narrated which help in shaping the meaning and senses of work and career. In the career construction, the family and people considered important by the participants are important references in career choices and approaches to the world of work. Entrepreneurial discourses linked to liberal values appear as a desire to realize a career and image of the model of worker to follow. The presence of these discourses in the narratives are discussed as elements that participate in the development of the subjectivities of workers in contemporary times

English learner underachievement : in search of essences and meanings : a phenomenological study of educator experiences of underachievement among English learners in one Georgia public school system

Bowen, Irina January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand and describe the educators’ experiences of English learner underachievement. The overall aim was to discover and illuminate the essences of this phenomenal experience. The essences embody what is immanent and universal to the phenomenon, what makes the phenomenon the way it inherently is, and what cannot be removed from the phenomenon. This study sought to reveal the general essential features educators’ experiences of English learner share. Furthermore, it was an attempt to arrive at a deeper understanding of the world of everyday human experience. The school system where the study took place is located in southeast Georgia, United States. The group of elementary, middle, and high school educators who participated in the study consisted of eight professional women of diverse cultural backgrounds. All of them had extensive experience of working with English learners in the environment where English was the primary medium of instruction. Data were collected using in-depth interviews and essays. Participant confidentiality was maintained throughout the data collection and analysis. The collected data were organized and analyzed using Moustakas’s modified version of the Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen method that utilizes the processes of the epoché, phenomenological reduction, imaginative variation, and synthesis. Several textural and structural categories emerged from the analysis of the data. The textural thematic categories included: underachieving English learner performance in school, emotional and psychological barriers, language and cultural change, prior educational experience, family’s socioeconomic status and parental involvement, educational practices and teacher attitudes. The structures underlying the educators’ experience of English learner underachievement were represented through evaluation, observation, communication and interaction, development of professional awareness and accountability, examination of students’ backgrounds, professional collaboration, and examination of educational practices. The totality of what the educators experienced in relation to English learner underachievement reveals that no aspect or quality of this phenomenon can be singled out to prevail in this phenomenal appearance. What makes the phenomenon of English learner underachievement intricately complex is its multi-dynamic character which emerges amidst educational, cultural, and socioeconomic inequities. English learner underachievement is ingrained in the structures of school and society. The key findings from the study suggest that educators need to create effective learning situations to accommodate individual needs of underachieving English learners. Similarly, educators need extensive support from the school, district, and policy in ways that help them gain professional knowledge of approaches, strategies, and programs to provide quality education to all English learners. The study has contributed to the overall understanding of the phenomenon of English learner underachievement and drawn attention to the importance of the educator voice in educational decision making.

Sentidos da pobreza e suas implicaÃÃes para a AtenÃÃo Socioassistencial de um CRAS Rural do interior do Cearà / Meanings of poverty and its implications for the Socioassistential attention of a Rural CRAS from the countryside of CearÃ

Gisely Roberta Gomes Silva 29 May 2017 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / O modo de produÃÃo capitalista produziu trabalhadores excedentes, provocou lutas entre classes e a consequente gÃnese da questÃo social, sendo a pobreza da classe trabalhadora uma das expressÃes desta.A pobreza à uma categoria multidimensional que se manifesta tanto em meio urbano, quanto rural e refere-se à desigual distribuiÃÃo da riqueza socialmente produzida. No Brasil, a gestÃo da pobreza deu-se ao longo da histÃria econÃmica e social do paÃs, inicialmente, por aÃÃes filantrÃpicas e caridosas, posteriormente, e ainda com luta e resistÃncia, por aÃÃes pautadas pela lÃgica do Estado de Direito, a partir de 1988, em especial no tocante à inserÃÃo da Seguridade Social no texto constitucional.No Estado de Direito, mulheres e homens tÃm deveres e direitos iguais relativos ao trabalho, à saÃde, à educaÃÃo, à justiÃa, à assistÃncia social, dentre outros. A AssistÃncia Social à um dos pilares da Seguridade Social. à polÃtica social para o combate à pobreza e destina-se a sujeitos em situaÃÃo de risco e vulnerabilidade social e tem o Centro de ReferÃncia de AssistÃncia Social (CRAS), presente em contextos urbanos e rurais, enquantoporta de entrada dos usuÃrios para os programas, projetos e serviÃos da PolÃtica Nacional de AssistÃncia Social. A partir do modo de produÃÃo capitalista, cada vez mais trabalhadores se tornarÃo usuÃrios da AssistÃncia Social. Os trabalhadores da AssistÃncia Social estÃo na ponta dos serviÃos socioassistenciais e constroem sentidos acerca da realidade social dos usuÃrios e usuÃrias que atendem, e, igualmente, sobre suas prÃticas profissionais. Diante disso, este estudo se questiona como os sentidos da pobreza construÃdos por trabalhadores da atenÃÃo socioassistencial podem implicar no atendimento despendido aos usuÃrios. A partir da metodologia qualitativa o objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi âanalisar as implicaÃÃes dos sentidos da pobreza construÃdos por trabalhadoras do CRAS rural para a atenÃÃo socioassistencial aos usuÃrios. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no CRAS RuralJosà Valdir Aguiar no municÃpio de Pentecoste, interior do CearÃ, entre os meses de fevereiro a setembro de 2016, a partir de observaÃÃo participante, registro em diÃrio de campo, entrevistas semiestruturadas e da realizaÃÃo de grupos focais com trabalhadoras e usuÃrias do CRAS rural. Para anÃlise dos dados advindos das entrevistas e grupos focais foi utilizada a Rede de SignificaÃÃes (RedSig) com o auxÃlio do software Atlas TI versÃo 5.2. Os sentidos da pobreza construÃdos pelas participantes sÃo dinÃmicos e ora se apresentam a partir de uma perspectiva unidimensional, sem ligaÃÃes com a realidade socioeconÃmica que a fomenta, ora se apresentam a partir de uma visÃo multidimensional, considerando que o acesso precÃrio a direitos tambÃm constitui a vida em condiÃÃes de pobreza. A partir desses sentidos construÃdos, as prÃticas profissionais sofrem implicaÃÃes, sejam para a ratificaÃÃo da subalternidade ou para a concepÃÃo dos usuÃrios da AssistÃncia Social enquanto sujeitos de direitos. Estima-se que esta pesquisa contribua para a produÃÃo do conhecimento no Ãmbito da PolÃtica de AssistÃncia Social, bem como para a problematizaÃÃo da atuaÃÃo profissional, em especial, em contextos rurais. Agradecimentos à FUNCAP.

A OPINIÃO NO RISO: UMA ANÁLISE DA INTERTEXTUALIDADE NA CONSTRUÇÃO DA SIGNIFICAÇÃO DE CHARGES NA IMPRENSA PARAIBANA / The opinion in the laugh: an analysis of the intertextuality of meanings of cartoons in Paraíba

Brito, Rosildo Raimundo de 21 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-25T12:22:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RosildoRaimundoDeBrito.pdf: 3169924 bytes, checksum: 9a71b0e1b6e1a73d3cef44fff05d1cd8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-21 / Considered a phenomenon of high complexity in human being s life, the meaning process is still one of the biggest challenges pursued by studious from both language and communication areas. Situated in the intercrossing of these two theoretical sources, this work turns to an analysis concerning the construction process of meanings of journalistic cartoons, with the purpose of verifying the contribution of intertextuality to this dynamic process, in the scope of Paraíba press. For this intent, the research turned to the analysis of the cartoons published in Correio da Paraíba and Jornal da Paraíba, from July to October of 2005, period registered as one of the most significant historical pages of Brazilian politics life during the last decades. Based on an interdisciplinary perspective, this work has as main theoretical support the dialogue theory of Mikhail Bakhtin, also using some theoretical principles from Linguistics, mainly from Textual Linguistics, Speech Analysis and Semiotics. In what concerns to the nature of this work, it is about a qualitative research, on a documentary character, which was developed from the collected material, through which both descriptive analyses and data interpretation had been carried through. Amongst the conclusions, it was evidenced that intertextuality is one of the main phenomena which are responsible for the construction of meaning of cartoons in Paraíba newspapers, ando also that this reality is processed through many different intertextual strategies involving both the cartoon and a series of intertexts with whom it is related within and without the newspaper. We also observed that the interaction process between enunciator and enunciated of the cartooned text is strongly tied to this intertextual and essentially dialogical chaining. / Considerado como um fenômeno de grande complexidade da vida humana, a significação continua sendo um dos maiores desafios perseguidos por estudiosos da área das ciências da linguagem e da comunicação. Situado no entrecruzar destas duas vertentes teóricas, este trabalho se volta para uma análise acerca do processo de construção da significação da charge jornalística, com o objetivo de verificar a contribuição da intertextualidade neste dinâmico processo, no âmbito da imprensa paraibana. Para isto, a pesquisa se propôs a analisar as charges publicadas nos jornais diários Correio da Paraíba e Jornal da Paraíba, de julho a outubro de 2005, período este registrado como uma das páginas históricas mais marcantes da vida política brasileira das últimas décadas. Baseado numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, o estudo tem como suporte teórico principal a teoria de dialogismo de Mikhail Bakhtin, utilizando-se ainda de alguns princípios teóricos da Lingüística, em especial da Lingüística Textual, da Análise do Discurso e também da Semiótica. No que diz respeito à natureza do trabalho, trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter documental desenvolvida a partir do material coletado, por meio do qual foram realizadas análises descritivas e a interpretação dos dados. Dentre as conclusões, ficou evidenciado que a intertextualidade é um dos principais fenômenos responsáveis pela construção da significação de charges na imprensa paraibana e que esta realidade se processa através de diversas estratégias intertextuais envolvendo a charge e vários tipos de intertextos com os quais esta se relaciona dentro e fora do jornal. Também foi constatado que o processo de interação entre enunciador e enunciatário do texto chárgico está fortemente vinculado a este encadeamento essencialmente dialógico e de caráter intertextual.

Significados e sentidos de trabalho e carreira de trabalhadores de seis países das américas / Meanings and senses of working and career of workers from six countries in the Americas

Wilner Arbey Riascos Sánchez 05 May 2017 (has links)
O objetivo da pesquisa é compreender os significados e os sentidos do trabalho e da carreira de trabalhadores de seis países das Américas (Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia, Chile, México e Peru) e sua relação com discursos e práticas discursivas presentes nas narrativas de sujeitos trabalhadores. Através de uma pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, se obteve informações de duas fontes: textos e notícias de jornais e blogs dos países pesquisados durante um período de três semanas e entrevistas a 5 pessoas de cada país analisado, com idade limite de até 28 anos. As narrativas e práticas discursivas dos textos e das entrevistas mostram uma presença significativa de valores liberais como a autonomia, independência e a individualidade tanto na sugestão de modelos privilegiados de sujeito (nos textos de jornais e páginas de internet encontrados) como de constituição da carreira das pessoas entrevistadas. A primeira definição de trabalho dos participantes regularmente refere a condições concretas da atividade, elemento que também aparece na imagem que os textos de jornais passam sobre o que é considerado trabalho. No caso de alguns participantes, a exploração da trajetória permite ampliar a referência sobre trabalho e a consideração das implicações dessa atividade na própria vida. O trabalho é considerado importante para os participantes, mas ao mesmo tempo são narradas outras dimensões da vida do sujeito que ajudam na configuração do sentido e o significado do trabalho e carreira. Na configuração de carreiras, os referentes de família e pessoas consideradas importantes pelos participantes, constituem referentes importantes nas escolhas de carreira e nas aproximações ao mundo do trabalho. Discursos de empreendimento ligados a valores liberais aparecem como desejo de realização de carreira e imagem do trabalhador modelo a seguir. São discutidas a presença destes discursos nas narrativas como elementos que participam no desenvolvimento de subjetividades de trabalhadores na contemporaneidade / The research aim is to understand the meanings and senses of the work and career of workers from six countries in the Americas (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru) and their relation with discursive and discursive practices in the narratives of working subjects. Through a qualitative and descriptive research, information for the analysis was used from two sources: texts and news from newspapers and blogs of the countries analyzed, during a period of three weeks, and interviews with five people from each analyzed country, with age limit of up to 28 years. The narratives and discursive practices of texts and interviews show a significant presence of liberal values such as autonomy, independence and individuality both in the suggestion of privileged models of subject (in the texts of newspapers and Internet pages found) and in the constitution of the career of people interviewed. The first definition of work of the participants commonly refers to concrete conditions of the activity; this also appears in the image that the texts of newspapers show on what work is considered. In the case of some participants, the exploration of the careers allows to increase the reference on work and the consideration of the implications of this activity in the own life. Work is considered important to the participants, but at the same time other dimensions of the subject\'s life are narrated which help in shaping the meaning and senses of work and career. In the career construction, the family and people considered important by the participants are important references in career choices and approaches to the world of work. Entrepreneurial discourses linked to liberal values appear as a desire to realize a career and image of the model of worker to follow. The presence of these discourses in the narratives are discussed as elements that participate in the development of the subjectivities of workers in contemporary times

Significados da Hanseníase para os trabalhadores da saúde / Meanings of Hansen\'s disease for health workers

Santos, Karen da Silva 30 October 2017 (has links)
No decorrer da história humana, a hanseníase esteve atrelada ao imaginário social da lepra e do leproso, produzindo significados e sentidos relacionados ao isolamento dos acometidos, a caridade, ao estigma e preconceito. O que está em produção social e que regem as práticas profissionais não estão descritos apenas nos manuais e nas rotinas dos serviços de saúde, mas também são guiados pelos significados e sentidos do processo saúde-doença-cuidado. Para Vigotski significados e sentidos são construídos socialmente nas relações socioculturais, a partir da interação com o outro. Diante disso, buscamos responder a seguinte pergunta: Quais são os significados e sentidos da hanseníase para os trabalhadores da saúde de serviços ambulatoriais, de uma cidade no interior paulista, voltados ao tratamento de hanseníase? Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi de analisar os significados da hanseníase para os trabalhadores da saúde. Utilizou-se a abordagem histórico-cultural, por meio da proposta da identificação dos Núcleos de Significação provenientes da análise das entrevistas com os trabalhadores. Ao todo, o estudo, contou com a participação de treze trabalhadores de diferentes disciplinas (enfermagem, medicina, serviço social e fisioterapia). Os resultados foram discutidos dentro de quatro capítulos. No capítulo 1 foi abordado os aspectos relacionados a vivência pessoal dos participantes (infância, formação, trabalho, família) em relação a hanseníase. Alguns trabalhadores contaram que tiveram algum familiar ou conhecido próximo com hanseníase e, relatam como essa experiência influenciou nas formas de significar a doença. Muitos relataram que tiveram uma formação deficiente ou até mesmo nula em relação a hanseníase. No segundo capítulo, identificou-se aspectos relacionados ao estigma e ao preconceito ainda presente na sociedade, mesmo após a descoberta da poliquimioterapia. Aspectos estes enraizados culturalmente e que vem sendo traduzidos nas ações das políticas públicas e do trabalho em saúde. O terceiro capítulo relaciona-se as dicotomias, desafios e potencialidades no cotidiano dos trabalhadores da saúde, o qual identificou o olhar e a postura dos profissionais atrelados ao sentimento de \"dó\", caridade, contrariando os princípios da política nacional de humanização. O último capítulo foi escrito buscando articular questões entre a hanseníase e a tuberculose, no contexto francês e brasileiro a partir da experiência da pesquisadora. Em suma, os significados e sentidos são produtos históricos e sociais e são construídos desde a infância, perpassam a vida profissional e continuam se modificando no decorrer do dia a dia do trabalho. / Throughout human history, Hansen\'s disease has been linked to the social imagery of leprosy and lepers, producing meanings and senses related to the isolation of those affected and to charity, stigma and prejudice. What is in social production and that govern professional practices are not only described in the manuals and routines of health services, but are also guided by the meanings and senses of the health-disease-care process. For Vygotsky meanings and senses are socially constructed in sociocultural relations, from the interaction with another. In view of this, we sought to answer the following question: What are the meanings and senses of Hansen\'s disease from the point of view of outpatient services health workers from a city in São Paulo state focused on this disease treatment? In this context, this study aimed to analyze the meanings of Hansen\'s disease for health workers. The historical-cultural approach was adopted, by means of the proposal of the meaning core identification from the analysis of the interviews with the health workers. In total, thirteen workers attended the study from different disciplines (nursing, medicine, social work and physiotherapy). The results were discussed within four chapters. In chapter 1, the aspects related to the personal experience of the participants (childhood, training, work, family) in relation to Hansen\'s disease were presented. Some workers reported having had a close family member or acquaintance with this disease, and described how that experience influenced the ways of meaning it. Many have reported that they have had a poor or even null training in Hansen\'s disease. In the second chapter, aspects related to the stigma and prejudice still present in society, even after the discovery of multidrug therapy, were pointed out. These aspects are culturally rooted and have been translated into public policies and health work. The third chapter concerns the dichotomies, challenges and potentialities in the daily routine of health workers, which identified the look and posture of professionals linked to the feeling of \"pitty\" and charity, contradicting the principles of the National Humanization Policy. The last chapter was written seeking to articulate questions between Hansen\'s disease and tuberculosis, in the French and Brazilian contexts, based on the researcher\'s experience. In sum, meanings and senses are historical and social products that are built from childhood passing through professional life and continue to change in the course of daily work.

An exploration of socially constructed meanings within a community of learners in changing academic and social contexts / M. Kenneth Maine

Maine, Malefane Kenneth January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

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