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Síntese e caracterização de macromoléculas do tipo Poli(Ácido carboxílico)-Poli(Eter-poliol) com propriedades termoplásticas e termorrígidas e avaliação de propriedades mecânicas cerâmicos à base de caulim. / Synthesis and characterization of macromolecules of the type of poly (carboxylic acid)-poly(ether polyol) with thermoplastic and thermoset properties and evaluation of mechanical properties of ceramics materials based on kaolin.Rodrigues, José Carlos 27 August 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o estudo de um sistema polimérico bi-componente formado por Poli(Ácido carboxílico)-Poli(Eter-poliol), constituído primariamente de um polímero acrílico polimerizado pelo processo de polimerização em solução aquosa por mecanismo de radicais livres ao qual foi adicionado seqüencialmente, um Poli(Eter-poliol), ambos de baixo peso molecular médio. Tal sistema tem por finalidade atuar como dispersante-ligante em sistema cerâmico à base de caulim CADAM, uma vez que este sistema apresenta propriedades termoplásticas e termorrígidas a diferentes temperaturas. Foram sintetizados 03 protótipos de um sistema polimérico e o critério para escolha teve como base o pH do sistema em sentido generalizado, isto é, compreendendo as diversas fases de preparação dos polímeros e sua aplicação final. É do conhecimento comum que a reação de esterificação entre grupos COOHOH requer catálise ácida para ocorrer, o qual usualmente é realizada em pH abaixo de 4 e, neste ensaio, este pH ácido é devido à presença de ácido para-toluenosulfônico, que atua como catalisador de esterificação. Em tal intervalo de pH, em virtude do ponto isoelétrico do caulim ser comumentemente abaixo de 4, a estabilização da dispersão de caulim por repulsão eletrostática utilizando polímeros sintéticos é improvável de ocorrer, razão pela qual buscou-se mecanismos alternativos para obtenção de uma tal estabilização, entre os quais o mecanismo estérico surge como opção. O sistema polimérico do presente estudo apresenta-se na forma de uma solução aquosa sendo, de fato, uma mistura homogênea de um copolímero de ácido acrílico, N- metiloacrilamida e metacrilato de metoxipolietileno glicol e um poli(eter-poliol). O poli(eter-poliol) e N-metilolacrilamida presentes no sistema polimérico são principais fontes de grupo hidroxila para reação de poliesterificação e formação de ligações cruzadas à temperatura de 150 a 200 °C. No estado termoplástico o sistema polimérico produzido pela mistura poli(ácido carboxílico)-poli(eter-poliol) pode ser utilizado como dispersante de argilas com especial fóco sobre caulim como tratado neste trabalho. A propriedade dispersante pode ser atribuida à presença de grupos carboxílicos e metoxipolietilenoglicol aleatoriamente distribuídos ao longo da cadeia polimérica e, também, ao baixo peso molecular médio. A temperaturas entre 150 a 200 °C, o polímero é reticulado (crosslinked) por reação de poliesterificação, catalisada por ácido, entre grupos carboxila e grupos hidroxila, sendo as hidroxilas provenientes tanto de poliol como de N-metilolacrilamida (NMAM). Assim, do ponto de vista térmico comporta-se como termorrígido, sendo nesta condição insolúvel em água e adequado atuar como ligante na manufatura de materiais cerâmicos. Medidas de mobilidade eletroforética e viscosidade são aplicadas à caracterização de caulim e do sistema polimérico a fim de avaliar a potencialidade de aplicação como dispersante desta argila. Também, as transições dos estados termoplásticos para termorrigidos foram determinadas por análise termogravimétrica (TG) e análise dinâmico mecânica (DMA) nos polímeros isoladamente e depois com medidas de resistência mecânica do sistema caulim/polímero. O sistema apresentou comportamento dispersante em água e ligante após cura. Um sistema polimérico assim sintetizado foi propriamente curado por calor tornando- se, na forma termorrígida, um ligante para peças cerâmicas com propriedades mecânicas de alto desempenho, como resistência a flexão no estado cru (green strenght). / This work presents the study of a polymeric bi-component system made from Poly(carboxylic acid)-Poly(ether-polyol) primarily constituted of an acrylic acid polymerized through the process of aqueous solution polymerization by free radical mechanism, to which a poly(ether-polyol) has been sequentially added, both of them of low average molecular weight. Such a system has the aim to act as dispersing-binding balance on CADAM kaolin targeting to evaluate the applicability potential or the preparation of ceramic bodies as this polymeric system presents thermoplastic and thermosetting properties at different temperatures. Were made the synthesis of 03 polymeric system prototypes which criteria for choice was based on pH of the system at whole sense, that is, regarding the several steps for polymers preparation and its final application. It is knowledge that esterification reaction between COOH-OH groups requires acid catalyst to occur, which usually is done at pH below 4 and, in this work this pH is due to p-toluene sulfonic acid that act as esterification catalyst. In this range of pH, due to the isoeletric point of kaolin to be below 4 the electrostatic stabilization of dispersion is unlikely to occur, from which reason was looked for an alternative mechanism to achieve the dispersion stabilization, among them the steric mechanism arises an option. The polymeric system of this study is the form of an aqueous solution, which actually is a homogeneous blend of a copolymer of acrylic acid, N-Methylolacrylamide Methoxypolyethyleneglycol Methacrylate (MPEGMA) and Poly(ether-polyol). The Poly(etherpolyol) and the N-Methylolacrylamide presents at the polymeric system are the main sources of hydroxyl groups to enhance the polyesterification reaction for further crosslinking at temperatures from 160 to 200 °C. At the thermoplastic state the polymeric system made by Poly(carboxilic acid)poly(ether-polyol) macromolecules may be used as clay dispersant focusing on kaolin for this work. The dispersant property may be attributed to the carboxylic and methoxypolyethyleneglycol group randomly distributed along the polymeric chain backbone and, also to the low average molecular weight. At temperatures between 150 to 200 °C, the polymer is crosslinked by polyesterification reaction catalized by acid between carboxyl groups and hydroxyl groups, in such way that hydroxyls groups comes both from the polyol base polymer and NMethylolacrylamide (NMAM) present at first polymer backbone. Thus, through a thermal standpoint it behaves as thermoset being that, under this condition, water insoluble and adequate to act as binder for manufacturing of ceramic materials. Electrophoretic mobility and viscosity measurements were applied for the characterization of kaolin and the polymeric system targeting to the evaluation its potential application as a dispersant for this clay. Also, the transitions from the thermoplastic to the thermoset state have been determined by thermo-gravimetric analysis (TG) and dynamicmechanical analysis (DMA) for the Poly(carboxylc acid)poly(ether-polyol) polymers alone and further by mechanical resistance measurements for a clay-polymer system. The system has presented both dispersant behavior on aqueous media and binder just afterward cure. A polymeric system thus synthesized was properly cured by heat turning and then, at the thermoset state, become suitable for act as a binder for ceramic bodies with high performance mechanical properties measured as flexural resistance at green strength.
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Chemorhelogical Modeling Of Amine-Cured Multifunctional Epoxy Resin Systems Used As Matrices In Aerospace CompositesSubramaniam, C 10 1900 (has links)
High performance multifunctional epoxy resin systems are becoming increasingly important as matrix materials for the advanced composites used in aerospace, electronics, automotive and other industries. In a composite based on epoxy resin systems, a three-dimensional network of the matrix is formed around the reinforcing fibre as a result of the chemical reaction between the resin and the curing agent. This chemical process, known as curing, is an important event to he considered in the production of composite components made up of these resin systems. Two process parameters namely viscosity and chemical conversion are of paramount significance in the production of composite materials Curing studies of the resin systems based on these two parameters, would therefore assume great importance in deciding the performance reliability of the end product.
The objectives of the present investigation are
1. to study the cure kinetics of three thermoset resin systems, viz.,
i) epoxy novolac (EPIT)/ diamino diphenyl methane{DDM), ii) trigylcidyl para- ammo phenol (TGPAP)/toluene diamine (TDA) and iii) tetraglycidyl diamino diphenyl methane (TGDDM)/pyridine diamine(PDA) using the cure kinetic models based on chemical conversion (α), Theological conversion (β) and viscosity.
2.to develop a correlation between a and viscosity (η) and modify an existing autocatalytic model based on α, to the viscosity domain and
3.to investigate the cure behaviour of these systems in terms of the TTT cure diagram and its associated models.
EPN/DDM, TGPAP/PDA and TGDDM/PDA resin systems were chosen for the studies to represent a range of functionalities, The cure was monitored using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) techniques by following the changes in enthalpy, functional groups and rheology, respectively.
The kinetic parameters namely, order of reaction and activation energy were estimated from dynamic DSC data using the methods of Freeman-Carroll and Ellerstein using nth rate expression. Barton, Kissinger and Osawa methods were employed to find out the activation energy from the peak/equal conversion at different heating rates. Isothermal DSC data were also analyzed using nth order model and it was observed that the data could be fitted satisfactorily only for higher temperatures The results obtained from the analysis of both dynamic and isothermal DSC data using nth order model clearly indicate that this model is inadequate for describing the cure behavior. The isothermal DSC data was analyzed by the autocatalytic models of Hone and Kamal Good correlation was observed with Hum and Kamal models up to 60-70%, 25% and 45% conversions for EPN/DDM, TGPAP/TDA and TCDDM/PDA systems respectively. However, the parameters m and n in Kamal model were found to be temperature dependent for EPN/DDM and TCPAP/TDA systems. The limited applicability of the autocatalytic models IK attributed to the counter-effect offered by the intra-molecular bonding taking place.
The primary amine and epoxy groups conversions obtained from FTIR were analyzed using autocatalytic model and the kinetic parameters were calculated. The reactivity ratio of the primary amine and the secondary amine with epoxy was found to be dependent on temperature in agreement with the recent findings reported m the literature.
The existing models that relate the cure kinetics and the rheological changes, are dual Arrhenius nth order model and autocatalytic model The nth order kinetic model was used to evaluate the kinetic parameters using the viscosity data at different cure temperatures under isothermal conditions As the storage modulus, G' is proportional to the chemical cross links and becomes significant only after the g<4 point, it was used to follow the changes in conversion known as rheoconversion after the gel point The rheoconversion was found by normalizing the G' data with G1^, the storage modulus of the fully cured resin It was used to study the cuie kinetics using an autocatalytic model The kinetic parameters such as rate constant, acceptation and retardation parameters were evaluated and that temperature dependence was established.
While the existing models relate viscosity and conversion only up to gel point the new proposed model, termed VISCON model takes into account the changes up to vitrification. The relation so developed is used to modify the autocatalytic cure model based on chemical conversion. The parameters appearing in this model were evaluated using Levenberg-Marquardt error minimization algorithm. The kinetic parameters obtained are comparable with the values estimated using the DSC data.
All the models cited above represent the microkinetic aspects. The models based on the information of TTT cure diagrams, however, represent the macrokinetic aspects of the cure, as they are based on the cure stages such as gelation and vitrification TTT diagram relates the cure characteristics like cure temperature, cure time, Ta and, indirectly, chemical conversion Hence the ultimate properties of the composite could he predicted and established with the help of the models based on TTT cure diagrams The changes in the storage modulus, G1 and loss modulus, G", were followed to identify the gel and vitrification points of the resin systems at different cure temperatures Gel point and vitrification point were used to generate gelation and vitrification hues in the construction of TTT cure diagrams for EPN/DDM, TGPAP/TDA and TGDDM/PDA resin systems Theoretical TTT diagrams were generated and IBO-T, contours were established using the TTT diagram-based models The cure schedule for the resin systems investigated could be determined from the TTT diagram and the respective rheological data.
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Thermal and rheological approaches for the systematic enhancement of pharmaceutical polymeric coating formulations : effects of additives on glass transition temperature, dynamic mechanical properties and coating performance in aqueous and solvent-free coating process using DSC, shear rheometry, dissolution, light profilometry and dynamic mechanical analysisIsreb, Mohammad January 2011 (has links)
Additives, incorporated in film coating formulations, and their process parameters are generally selected using a trial-and-error approach. However, coating problems and defects, especially those associated with aqueous coating systems, indicate the necessity of embracing a quality-by-design approach to identify the optimum coating parameters. In this study, the feasibility of using thermal and rheological measurements to help evaluate and design novel coating formulations has been investigated. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate (HPMCAS), an enteric coating polymer, was used as the film forming polymer. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), and Parallel Plate Shear Rheometery (PPSR) were used to evaluate the effect of different plasticisers on the performance of HPMCAS. The results illustrate that, for identical formulations, the DSC and DMA methods yielded up to 40% differences in glass transition temperature (Tg) values. Moreover, Tg measured using loss modulus signals were always 20-30 oC less than those measured using tan delta results in DMA testing. Absolute and relative Tg values can significantly vary depending on the geometry of the samples, clamp size, temperature ramping rate and the frequency of the oscillations. Complex viscosity data for different formulations demonstrated a variable shear thinning behaviour and a Tg independent ranking. It is, therefore, insufficient to rely purely on Tg values to determine the relative performance of additives. In addition, complex viscosity results, obtained using both the DMA and PPSR techniques at similar temperatures, are shown to be comparable. The results from both techniques were therefore used to produce continuous master curves for the HPMCAS formulations. Additionally, step strain tests showed that HPMCAS chains do not fully III disentangle after 105 seconds as predicted by the Maxwell model. Finally, in situ aqueous-based coating experiments proved that mixtures of triethyl acetyl citrate and acetylated monoglyceride (TEAC/AMG), even without cooling of the suspension, do not cause blocking of the spray nozzle whereas triethyl citrate (TEC) based formulae did. TEAC (alone or in a combination with AMG) exhibits superior wettability to HPMCAS than TEC/AMG formulations and can be used to enhance the efficiency and film quality of the dry coating process.
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Fabrication and characterization of shape memory polymers at small scalesWornyo, Edem 17 November 2008 (has links)
The objective of this research is to thoroughly investigate the shape memory effect
in polymers, characterize, and optimize these polymers for applications in information storage systems.
Previous research effort in this field concentrated on shape memory metals for
biomedical applications such as stents. Minimal work has been done on shape memory poly-
mers; and the available work on shape memory polymers has not characterized the behaviors
of this category of polymers fully. Copolymer shape memory materials based on diethylene
glycol dimethacrylate (DEGDMA) crosslinker, and tert butyl acrylate (tBA) monomer are
designed. The design encompasses a careful control of the backbone chemistry of the materials.
Characterization methods such as dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC); and novel nanoscale techniques such as atomic force microscopy
(AFM), and nanoindentation are applied to this system of materials. Designed experiments
are conducted on the materials to optimize spin coating conditions for thin films. Furthermore,
the recovery, a key for the use of these polymeric materials for information storage, is
examined in detail with respect to temperature. In sum, the overarching objectives of the
proposed research are to: (i) design shape memory polymers based on polyethylene glycol
dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) and diethylene glycol dimethacrylate (DEGDMA) crosslinkers,
2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and tert-butyl acrylate monomer (tBA). (ii) utilize
dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) to comprehend the thermomechanical properties of
shape memory polymers based on DEGDMA and tBA. (iii) utilize nanoindentation and
atomic force microscopy (AFM) to understand the nanoscale behavior of these SMPs, and
explore the strain storage and recovery of the polymers from a deformed state. (iv) study
spin coating conditions on thin film quality with designed experiments. (iv) apply neural
networks and genetic algorithms to optimize these systems.
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Advanced modelling of multilayered composites and functionally graded structures by means of Unified Formulation / Modélisation avancée des structures composites multicouches et de matériaux à gradient fonctionnel par une formulation unifiéeCrisafulli, Daniela 11 April 2013 (has links)
La plupart des problèmes d'ingénierie des deux derniers siècles ont été résolus grâce à des modèles structuraux pour poutres, plaques et coques. Les théories classiques, tels que Euler-Bernoulli, Navier et de Saint-Venant pour les poutres, et Kirchhoff-Love et Mindlin-Reissner pour plaques et coques, ont permis de réduire le problème générique 3-D, dans le problème unidimensionnel pour les poutres et deux dimensionnelle pour les coques et les plaques. Théories raffinés d'ordre supérieur ont été proposées au cours du temps, comme les modèles classiques ne consentez pas à d'obtenir une complète domaine des contraintes et des déformations. La Carrera Unified Formulation (UF) a été proposé au cours de la dernière décennie, et permet de développer un grand nombre de théories structurelles avec un nombre variable d'inconnues principales au moyen d'une notation compacte et se référant à des nuclei fondamentales. Cette formulation unifiée permet de dériver carrément des modèles structurels d'ordre supérieur, pour les poutres, plaques et coques. Dans ce cadre, cette thèse vise à étendre la formulation pour l'analyse des structures fonctionnellement gradués (FGM), en introduisant aussi le problème thermo-mécanique, dans le cas des poutres fonctionnellement gradués. Suite à la formulation unifiée, les variables génériques déplacements sont écrits en termes de fonctions de base, qui multiplie les inconnues. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, de nouvelles fonctions de bases pour la modélisation des coques, qui représentent une approximation trigonométrique des variables déplacements, sont pris en compte / Most of the engineering problems of the last two centuries have been solved thanks to structural models for both beams, and for plates and shells. Classical theories, such as Euler-Bernoulli, Navier and De Saint-Venant for beams, and Kirchhoff-Love and Mindlin- Reissner for plates and shells, permitted to reduce the generic 3-D problem, in onedimensional one for beams and two-dimensional for shells and plates. Refined higher order theories have been proposed in the course of time, as the classical models do not consent to obtain a complete stress/strain field. Carrera Unified Formulation (UF) has been proposed during the last decade, and allows to develop a large number of structural theories with a variable number of main unknowns by means of a compact notation and referring to few fundamental nuclei. This Unified Formulation allows to derive straightforwardly higher-order structural models, for beams, plates and shells. In this framework, this thesis aims to extend the formulation for the analysis of Functionally Graded structures, introducing also the thermo-mechanical problem, in the case of functionally graded beams. Following the Unified Formulation, the generic displacements variables are written in terms of a base functions, which multiplies the unknowns. In the second part of the thesis, new bases functions for shells modelling, accounting for trigonometric approximation of the displacements variables, are considered.
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[pt] O presente trabalho de pesquisa estuda a modelagem numérica de solos residuais no que se refere ao seu comportamento mecânico, a partir da análise micro-mecânica, utilizando como ferramenta de modelagem o método dos elementos discretos (MED), o qual permite a representação do solo como meio particulado 2D por meio de elementos discretos circulares. Diversos são os fenômenos micro e macro-estruturais presentes nos solos residuais, os quais condicionam sua resposta mecânica, podendo-se mencionar a dupla estrutura e dupla porosidade, a presença de uma matriz argilosa, a condição não saturada, a cimentação e quebra de grãos, e a presença de pequenos blocos de rocha não alterada. A partir do estudo destes fenômenos foram propostas formulações matemáticas que os descrevem, as quais foram implementadas no código de elementos discretos DEMlib. Após a calibração e validação do programa de análise implementado, a influência de cada um destes fenômenos na resposta mecânica do solo foi estudada pela simulação dos ensaios edométrico e de cisalhamento direto em amostras discretas com compacidade variada, criticando os resultados e obtendo conclusões. Em seguida estes fenômenos foram estudados de forma combinada no intuito de reproduzir a resposta de alguns solos residuais jovens e maduros. Encerrando o trabalho foram resumidas as conclusões obtidas e apontadas sugestões para um aprofundamento e desenvolvimentos subseqüentes da linha de pesquisa implementada. / [en] The present research studies the numerical modeling of the
mechanical behavior of residual soils, by a micro-mechanical
analysis, using as modeling tool the discrete elements
method (DEM), which allows the representation of the soil
as 2D particle assembly of circular discrete elements. There
are several micro and macro structural phenomena present in
residual soils, which determine its mechanical response:
double structure and double porosity of soil mass, the
presence of a clay-like matrix, partially saturated
condition, grain cementation, grain crushing, and the
presence of small blocks of not-weathered parental rock.
Based on the study of these phenomena, mathematical
formulations have been proposed in order to describe them,
which have been implemented in the DEMlib discrete elements
code. After calibration and validation of the implemented
analysis program, the influence of each phenomena in soil
response was studied by simulating edometrical and direct
shear tests in discrete samples with several
densities, criticizing the results and getting conclusions.
Afterwards, these phenomena were studied in a combined way
in order to reproduce the response of some young and mature
residual soils. To finish up this work the conclusions
obtained have been summarized and suggestions for deepening
and further developing of the implemented research line have
been stated.
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Design of Automatic System in Ice-cream ShopGuo, Yijie, Shen, Yaowen January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this work was to design, develop and implement an automatic scoop system for an ice-cream shop. The main contribution covers programming of PLC and Arduino, LabVIEW, mechanical structure design of scoop, assembly line, timing belt and robotics arm and stress analysis of the structures in the system. This work solved the problem that the scooping ice-cream shop employees need to be supported by technology in their hard work and to improve the efficiency of the ice-cream disposal. The scoop is designed as a new type solving the stress issue. The control system was programmed to use robotics arm to scoop ice-cream, which enhanced the work efficiency. stress and modal analysis was done for ensure the safety of the system. Testing and validation of the system was carried out and results show it worked properly.
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Making the Case for High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) Overhead Transmission Line ConductorsJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: The future grid will face challenges to meet an increased power demand by the consumers. Various solutions were studied to address this issue. One alternative to realize increased power flow in the grid is to use High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) since it fulfills essential criteria of less sag and good material performance with temperature. HTLS conductors like Aluminum Conductor Composite Reinforced (ACCR) and Aluminum Conductor Carbon Composite (ACCC) are expected to face high operating temperatures of 150-200 degree Celsius in order to achieve the desired increased power flow. Therefore, it is imperative to characterize the material performance of these conductors with temperature. The work presented in this thesis addresses the characterization of carbon composite core based and metal matrix core based HTLS conductors. The thesis focuses on the study of variation of tensile strength of the carbon composite core with temperature and the level of temperature rise of the HTLS conductors due to fault currents cleared by backup protection. In this thesis, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) was used to quantify the loss in storage modulus of carbon composite cores with temperature. It has been previously shown in literature that storage modulus is correlated to the tensile strength of the composite. Current temperature relationships of HTLS conductors were determined using the IEEE 738-2006 standard. Temperature rise of these conductors due to fault currents were also simulated. All simulations were performed using Microsoft Visual C++ suite. Tensile testing of metal matrix core was also performed. Results of DMA on carbon composite cores show that the storage modulus, hence tensile strength, decreases rapidly in the temperature range of intended use. DMA on composite cores subjected to heat treatment were conducted to investigate any changes in the variation of storage modulus curves. The experiments also indicates that carbon composites cores subjected to temperatures at or above 250 degree Celsius can cause permanent loss of mechanical properties including tensile strength. The fault current temperature analysis of carbon composite based conductors reveal that fault currents eventually cleared by backup protection in the event of primary protection failure can cause damage to fiber matrix interface. / Dissertation/Thesis / Fault current temperature relationship program in C / Current temperature relationship program in C / M.S. Electrical Engineering 2014
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Development Of An Advanced Methodology For Automotive IC Engine Design Optimization Using A Multi-Physics CAE ApproachSehemby, Amardeep A Singh 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The internal combustion engine is synonyms with the automobile since its invention in late 19th century. The internal combustion engine today is far more advanced and efficient compared to its early predecessors. An intense competition exists today amongst the automotive OEMs in various countries and regions for stepping up sales and increasing market share. The pressure on automotive OEMs to reduce fuel consumption and emission is enormous which has lead to innovations of many variations in engine and engine-related technologies. However, IC engines are in existence for well more than a century and hence have already evolved to a highly refined state. Changes in IC engine are therefore largely incremental in nature. A deterrent towards development of an engine configuration that is significantly different from its predecessor is the phenomenal cost involved in prototyping. Thus, the only viable alternative in exploring new engine concepts and even optimizing designs currently in operation is through extensive use of CAE.
In light of published work in the field of analysis of IC engines, current research effort is directed towards development of a rational methodology for arriving at a weight-optimized engine design, which simultaneously meets performance of various attributes such as thermal, durability, vehicle dynamics and NVH. This is in contrast to the current methodology adopted in industry, according to which separate teams work on aspects of engine design such as combustion, NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harshness), acoustics, dynamics, heat transfer and durability. Because of the involvement of heterogeneous product development groups, optimization of an engine for weight, which can have a significant impact on its power-to-weight ratio, becomes a slow process beset with manual interventions and compromise solutions. Thus, following the traditional approach, it is quite difficult to claim that an unambiguous weight-optimized design has been achieved. As a departure from the practiced approach, the present research effort is directed at the deployment of a single multi-physics explicit analysis solver, viz. LS-DYNA - generally known for its contact-impact analysis capabilities, for simultaneously evaluating a given engine design for heat transfer, mechanical and thermal loading, and vibration. It may be mentioned that only combustion analysis is carried out in an uncoupled manner, using proven phenomenological thermodynamic relations, to initially arrive at mechanical and thermal loading/boundary conditions for the coupled thermo-mechanical analysis. The proposed methodology can thus be termed as a semi-integrated technique and its efficacy is established with the case study of designing a single cylinder air-cooled diesel engine from scratch and its optimization.
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Modélisation du roulement d'un pneumatique d'avion / Modeling of aircraft tire rollingKongo Konde, Ange 13 January 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse présente la démarche utilisée pour construire un modèle éléments finis en statique ou en dynamique d'un pneumatique d'avion gros porteur prenant en compte la géométrie, la structure matérielle complexe, les différents matériaux et leurs propriétés ainsi que les interactions entre le pneumatique et le sol (contact, frottement et couplage thermomécanique). Des essais ont été effectués afin d'identifier les paramètres géométriques et matériaux.Ces simulations utilisant une approche Lagrangienne et une approche mixte Eulérienne/Lagrangienne ont été réalisées sur le modèle proposé. La seconde approche qui réduit considérablement le temps de calcul a été validée pour simuler le roulement en dérapage du pneumatique. Le modèle permet ainsi d'estimer le torseur des efforts dans le contact pneumatique /sol. Nous montrons l'influence des paramètres de chargement (charge verticale, pression de gonflage et vitesse de roulage) et de l'angle de dérapage sur le moment d'autoalignement (MZ) et sur le potentiel d'adhérence (µY) correspondant au rapport entre l'effort latéral et l'effort vertical dû au poids de l'avion. Nous présentons aussi une étude de sensibilité aux paramètres géométriques et matériels.Des essais de Coulomb et de diffusion thermique ont permis d'identifier la loi d'évolution du coefficient de frottement en fonction de la température (béton, asphalte) et l'évolution de la température dans l'épaisseur du pneumatique. Ceci a permis de prendre en compte les effets thermiques dans le modèle et de proposer un modèle de couplage thermomécanique qui met en évidence la décroissance de µY et la chute rapide de MZ vers des valeurs négatives au-delà d'un angle de dérapage critique βmax variant avec les conditions de chargement du pneumatique. Ces variations sont observées expérimentalement. / This PhD Thesis presents the approach adopted for the setting of numerical model based on Finite Element Method for jumbo-jet tire. The model takes into account the real geometry, the complex material structure, the various materials and their properties as well as the interactions between the tire and the ground (contact, friction and thermal-mechanical coupling due to friction). Tests are performed in order to identify geometrical and material parameters.Static and dynamic simulations using a Lagragian approach and an Eulerian/ Lagrangian mixed approach were performed on this proposed model. This second approach which significantly reduces the computational cost time was validated for cornering tire simulation. The model allows thereby to estimate the forces in the tire/ ground contact patch. We show the influency of loading parameters (vertical load, inflating pressure and rolling velocity) and of the slip angle on the self aligning torque (MZ) and on the lateral friction coefficient (µY) corresponding on the ratio between lateral force and vertical load due to the aircraft weight. We also present a sensitivity study on geometrical and material parameters.Coulomb's and thermal diffusion tests were performed in order to identify the friction coefficient law as function of temperature (on concrete and asphalte surfaces) and the temperature evolution in the aircraft tire thickness. These tests allowed to take into account thermal effects in the model and to propose a thermal-mechanical coupling model which emphasized the decreasing of µY and the rapid vanishing of MZ towards zero beyond a critical slip angle βmax varying with the tire loading conditions. These variations were observed experimentally
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