Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mechatronics""
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Parallel paradigms in optimal structural designVan Huyssteen, Salomon Stephanus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Modern-day processors are not getting any faster. Due to the power consumption limit of frequency
scaling, parallel processing is increasingly being used to decrease computation time. In
this thesis, several parallel paradigms are used to improve the performance of commonly serial
SAO programs. Four novelties are discussed:
First, replacing double precision solvers with single precision solvers. This is attempted in order
to take advantage of the anticipated factor 2 speed increase that single precision computations
have over that of double precision computations. However, single precision routines present
unpredictable performance characteristics and struggle to converge to required accuracies, which
is unfavourable for optimization solvers.
Second, QP and dual are statements pitted against one another in a parallel environment. This
is done because it is not always easy to see which is best a priori. Therefore both are started in
parallel and the competing threads are cancelled as soon as one returns a valid point. Parallel QP
vs. dual statements prove to be very attractive, converging within the minimum number of outer
iterations. The most appropriate solver is selected as the problem properties change during the
iteration steps. Thread cancellation poses problems caused by threads having to wait to arrive at
appropriate checkpoints, thus su ering from unnecessarily long wait times because of struggling
competing routines.
Third, multiple global searches are started in parallel on a shared memory system. Problems
see a speed increase of nearly 4x for all problems. Dynamically scheduled threads alleviate the
need for set thread amounts, as in message passing implementations.
Lastly, the replacement of existing matrix-vector multiplication routines with optimized BLAS
routines, especially BLAS routines targeted at GPGPU technologies (graphics processing units),
proves to be superior when solving large matrix-vector products in an iterative environment. These problems scale well within the hardware capabilities and speedups of up to 36x are
recorded. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hedendaagse verwerkers word nie vinniger nie as gevolg van kragverbruikingslimiet soos die
verwerkerfrekwensie op-skaal. Parallelle prosesseering word dus meer dikwels gebruik om berekeningstyd
te laat daal. Verskeie parallelle paradigmas word gebruik om die prestasie van
algemeen sekwensiële optimeringsprogramme te verbeter. Vier ontwikkelinge word bespreek:
Eerste, is die vervanging van dubbel presisie roetines met enkel presisie roetines. Dit poog om
voordeel te trek uit die faktor 2 spoed verbetering wat enkele presisie berekeninge het oor dubbel
presisie berekeninge. Enkele presisie roetines is onvoorspelbaar en sukkel in meeste gevalle om
die korrekte akkuraatheid te vind.
Tweedens word QP teen duale algoritmes in ’n parallel omgewing gebruik. Omdat dit nie altyd
voor die tyd maklik is om te sien watter een die beste gaan presteer nie, word almal in parallel
begin en die mededingers word dan gekanselleer sodra een terugkeer met ’n geldige KKT punt.
Parallele QP teen duale algoritmes blyk om baie aantreklik te wees. Konvergensie gebeur in alle
gevalle binne die minimum aantal iterasies. Die mees geskikte algoritme word op elke iterasie
gebruik soos die probleem eienskappe verander gedurende die iterasie stappe. “Thread” kanseleering
hou probleme in en word veroorsaak deur “threads” wat moet wag om die kontrolepunte
te bereik, dus ly die beste roetines onnodig as gevolg van meededinger roetines was sukkel.
Derdens, verskeie globale optimerings word in parallel op ’n “shared memory” stelsel begin.
Probleme bekom ’n spoed verhoging van byna vier maal vir alle probleme. Dinamiese geskeduleerde
“threads” verlig die behoefte aan voorafbepaalde “threads” soos gebruik word in die
“message passing” implementerings.
Laastens is die vervanging van die bestaande matriks-vektor vermenigvuldiging roetines met
geoptimeerde BLAS roetines, veral BLAS roetines wat gerig is op GPGPU tegnologië. Die GPU roetines bewys om superieur te wees wanneer die oplossing van groot matrix-vektor produkte in
’n iteratiewe omgewing gebruik word. Hierdie probleme skaal ook goed binne die hardeware se
vermoëns, vir die grootste probleme wat getoets word, word ’n versnelling van 36 maal bereik.
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Autonomous auscultation of the human heartBotha, J. S. F. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research presented in this thesis serves to provide a tool to autonomously
screen for cardiovascular disease in the rural areas of Africa. Vital information
thus obtained from patients can be communicated to advanced medical centres by
Telemedicine. Cardiovascular disease is then detected in its initial stages, which is
essential to its effective treatment. The system developed in this study uses recorded
heart sounds and electrocardiogram signals to distinguish between normal
and abnormal heart conditions. This system improves on standard diagnostic tools
in that it does not require cumbersome and expensive imaging equipment or a
highly trained operator.
Heart sound- and electrocardiogram signals from 62 volunteers were recorded
with the prototype Precordialcardiogram device as part of a clinical study to aid in
the development of the autonomous auscultation software and to screen patients
for cardiovascular disease. These volunteers consisted of 28 patients of Tygerberg
Hospital with cardiovascular disease and, for control purposes, 34 persons with
normal heart conditions.
The autonomous auscultation system developed during this study, interprets
data obtained with the Precordialcardiogram device to autonomously acquire a
normal or abnormal diagnosis. The system employs wavelet soft thresholding to
denoise the recorded signals, followed by the segmentation of heart sound by
identifying peaks in the electrocardiogram. Novel frequency spectral information
was extracted as features from the heart sounds, by means of ensemble empirical
mode decomposition and auto regressive modelling. These features proved to be
particularly significant and played a major role in the screening capability of the
system. New time domain based features were identified, established on the specific
characteristics of the various cardiovascular diseases encountered during the
study. These features were extracted via the energy ratios between different parts
of ventricular systole and diastole of each recorded cardiac cycle.
The respective features were classified to characterise typical heart diseases as
well as healthy hearts with an ensemble artificial neural network. Herein the decisions
of all the members were combined to obtain a final diagnosis. The performance
of the autonomous auscultation system used in concert with the Precordialcardiogram
device prototype, as determined through the leave-one-out crossvalidation
method, had a sensitivity rating of 82% and a specificity rating of 88%.
These results demonstrate the potential benefit of the Precordialcardiogram device
and the developed autonomous auscultation software in a Telemedicine environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis beskryf die navorsing van 'n outonome toetsing en sifting stelsel
vir kardiovaskulêre siektes in landelike dele van Afrika, vanwaar mediese inligting
per telefoon versend kan word. Die apparaat maak vroeë opsporing van kardiovaskulêre
siektes moontlik, wat essensieel is vir effektiewe behandeling daarvan
en ook die koste-effek van hierdie siektes verminder. In die huidige ontwikkelde
stelsel word normale sowel as abnormale hart-toestande getipeer met opnames
van hartklanke sowel as elektrokardiogram-seine. Voordele wat hierdie
stelsel bo standaard diagnostiese metodes het, sluit die hanteerbare formaat van
die hele apparaat sowel as die nie-noodsaaklikheid van duur beeldskeppende apparaat,
of hoogs opgeleide personeel.
Hartklank- en elektrokardiogramseine van 62 vrywilligers is met die prototipe
"Precordialcardiogram" apparaat opgeneem om by te dra tot die ontwikkeling van
die rekenaar sagteware vir die outonome auscultatsie stelsel en om die pasiëntsiftingsvermoë
daarvan te toets. Die vrywilligers het 28 pasiënte van Tygerberg
hospitaal met abnormale harttoestande ingesluit, sowel as ‘n kontrolegroep van 34
persone met normale harttoestande. Die outonome auskultasie-stelsel wat tot stand
gekom het deur hierdie ondersoek maak gebruik van “wavelet” sagte drempeling
om geraas uit die opgeneemde seine te verwyder. Daarna word die hartklanke gesegmenteer
deur die pieke van die elektrokardiogram te identifiseer.
Deur middel van "ensemble empirical mode decomposition" en outoregressiewe
modellering, is nuwe inligting aangaande die frekwensie spektra van
hartklanke, aanwysend van spesifieke harttoestande, verkry. Die beduidendheid
van hierdie eienskappe is bewys en het 'n belangrike rol in die siftingsvermoë van
die stelsel gespeel. Hierbenewens is nuwe tyd-gebaseerde eienskappe van die
onderskeie kardiovaskulêre siektes wat tydens die ondersoek bestudeer is, geïdentifiseer.
Hierdie eienskappe is geëien deur die energie-verhoudings tussen verskillende
dele van die ventrikulêre sistolie en diastolie van elke opgeneemde hartsiklus
te ontleed.
'n "Ensemble artificial neural network" is gebruik om die geïdentifiseerde eienskappe
van hartsiektes sowel as normale harttoestande, te klassifiseer. Hierin is
besluite van al die lede van die netwerk gekombineer, ten einde ‘n finale diagnose
te maak. Die klassifiseerder se geldigheid is kruis-bevestig deur middel van
die laat-een-uit kruisbevestigings-metode.
Deur middel van die kruis-bevestigingsmetode is die bedryfsvermoëns van die
outonome auskultasie-stelsel, toegerus met die "Precordialcardiogram" apparaat,
repektiewelik op 82% vir sensitiwiteit en 88% vir spesifisiteit vasgestel. Hierdie resultate demonstreer die benuttingspotensiaal van die apparaat in 'n Telemedisyne
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A comparative study on the performance of biodiesel in a modern 1.9L turbo diesel engineKotze, Johan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis comprises of the testing and evaluation of a modern diesel engine running on both biodiesel and mineral diesel on the upgraded Bio-fuels Testing Facility (BTF) at Stellenbosch University. The project was motivated by the need to install a modern diesel engine onto the existing BTF test rig for biodiesel testing. In this project, the BTF was re-designed to support a new Volkswagen 1.9L TDI engine. The capabilities of the BTF were then expanded further by the implementation of a low-cost pressure indicating system, utilising an optical pressure transducer. During the testing of biodiesel, it was found that the calorific value of the biodiesel was 14% lower than that of the tested mineral diesel. The ignition quality (cetane index) of the biodiesel was also lower than that of the mineral diesel. Even so, the engine only experienced a maximum power loss of 4.2%. During heat-release analysis, it was determined that there was no significant difference in the combustion process of biodiesel and that of mineral diesel. The conclusion could be made that biodiesel is suitable for use in modern TDI engines. Testing validated the operation of the upgraded test cell, and in trials it was determined that the test results are highly repeatable. The pressure indicating set proved to have some limitations. Only simplified heat-release analyses and reasonable indicated power calculations could be performed with the indicating set. Recommendations were made for improvement in future research. / Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies
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Design of a hexapod mount for a radio telescopeJanse van Vuuren, Frank 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The world's astronomy community is working together to build the largest and most sensitive radio telescope in the world namely: the SKA (Square Kilometre Array). It will consist of approximately three thousand dishes which will each require accurate positioning. The Square Kilometer Array has a testbed called the Phased Experimental Demonstrator (PED) in Observatory, Cape Town. A hexapod positioning mechanism is required to position a 3.7 m radio telescope which forms part of an array of seven radio telescopes.
This thesis details the design process of the hexapod system. The design consists of the mechanical design of the joints and linear actuators, a kinematic and dynamic model, a controller and a user interface.
In order to verify the design for the PED hexapod a scaled prototype was designed, built and tested. The hexapod's repeatability as well as ability to track a path was tested using an inclinometer. The tests confirmed the design feasibility of the PED hexapod and also highlight issues that require care when constructing the full scale hexapod, such as the amount of play in the platform joints.
The designed full scale hexapod will have an error angle less than 0.13°, a payload capacity of 45 kg, withstand wind speeds of 110 km/h and cost R160 000. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wêreld se sterrekundige gemeenskap is besig om saam te werk om die grootste en mees sensitiewe radioteleskoop in die wêreld te bou, naamlik: die SKA (Square Kilometre Array). Dit sal uit ongeveer drie duisend skottels bestaan wat elkeen akkurate posisionering benodig. Die SKA het 'n toetssentrum, genaamd die “Phased Experimental Demonstrator” in Observatory, Kaapstad. 'n Sespoot posisionering meganisme word benodig om die 3.7 m radioteleskoop te posisioneer, wat deel vorm van 'n stelsel van sewe radioteleskope.
Hierdie tesis beskryf die proses om die sespoot stelsel te ontwerp. Die ontwerp bestaan uit die meganiese komponent van die koppelings en lineêre aktueerders, 'n kinematiese en dinamiese model, 'n beheerder, asook 'n gebruikersintervlak.
'n Geskaleerde prototipe is ontwerp, gebou en getoets om die ontwerp te verifieer. Die platform se herhaalbaarheid sowel as akkuraatheid om 'n pad te volg was getoets met 'n oriëntasie sensor. Die toetse het probleme uitgelig wat versigtig hanteer moet word gedurende die konstruksie van die volskaalse sespoot, veral die hoeveelheid speling in die koppelings.
Die volskaalse sespoot ontwerp het 'n hoek fout van minder as 0.13°, 'n ladingsvermoë van 45 kg en kan 'n windspoed van 110 km/h weerstaan en kos R160 000.
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Design, implementation & analysis of a low-cost, portable, medical measurement system through computer visionVan der Westhuizen, Gareth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The In the Physiotherapy Division of the Faculty of Health Sciences on the Tygerberg
Hospital Campus of the University of Stellenbosch, the challenge arose to
develop a portable, affordable and yet accurate 3D measurement machine for the
assessment of posture in school children in their classroom environment. Currently
Division already uses a state-of-the-art VICON commercial medical measuring machine
to measure human posture in 3D in their physiotherapy clinic, but the system
is not portable and is too expensive to cart around to different places for testing.
To respond to this challenge, this Master’s thesis designed and analyzed a machine
and its supporting system through both research on stereo-vision methodologies
and empirical appraisal in the field. In the development process, the research
was required to overcome the limitations posed by small image resolutions and
lens distortions that are typical of cheap cameras. The academic challenge lay in
the development of an error prediction model through Jacobian derivation and Error
Propagation Law, to predict uncertainties of angular measurement calculated
by the system.
The research culminated in a system that is comparable in accuracy to the VICON
within 3mm, and that has 1.5mm absolute accuracy within its own system for a measurement volume radius of 2.5 m. As such, the developed error model is
an exact predictor of the angular error to within 0.02° of arc. These results, for both
system accuracy and the error model, exceed the expectations on the basis of the
initial challenge of the system.
The development of the machine was successful in providing a prototype tool
that is suitable for commercial development for use by physiotherapists in human
posture measurement and assessment.
In its current incarnation, the machine will also serve the Engineering Faculty
as the most fundamental form of a three-dimensional measuring apparatus using
only basic theories and algorithms of stereo-vision, thereby providing a basic
experimental platform from which further scientific research on the theory and application
of computer vision can be conducted. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Fisioterapie Afdeling van die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe op die Tygerberg
kampus van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch gebruik ’n allernuutste VICON
kommersiële mediese meettoestel om menslike postuur in drie dimensies te
Vanuit hierdie Afdeling het die uitdaging ontstaan om ’n draagbare, bekostigbare,
maar tog akkurate, drie-dimensionele meetapparaat geskik vir die meet van
die postuur van skoolkinders in die klaskamer te ontwikkel.
In aanvaarding van hierdie uitdaging, het hierdie Magistertesis ’n toestel en
ondersteuningstels ontwerp en ontleed deur beide navorsing in stereo-visie metodiek
en terplaatse beoordeling. In die ontwikkelingsproses moes die navorsing die
beperkings wat deur klein-beeld resolusie en lens-distorsie (tipies van goedkoop
kameras) meegebring word, oorkom. Die akademiese uitdaging lê in die ontwikkeling
van ’n voorspellende foutmodel deur van die Jacobianse-afleiding en die Fout Propageringswet gebruik te maak om onsekerheid van hoeksberekening deur
die stelsel te voorspel.
Die navorsing het gelei tot ’n stelsel wat binne 3mm vergelykbaar is in akkuraatheid
met dié van die VICON en ook 1.5mm absolute interne akkuraatheid
het in ’n meet-volume radius van 2.5m radius. Die ontwikkelde foutmodel is dus
’n presiese voorspeller van hoekfout tot binne 0.02° van boog. Die resultate met
betrekking tot beide die akkuraatheid en die foutmodel het die oorspronklike verwagtinge
van die uitdaging oortref.
Die ontwikkeling was suksesvol in die skep van ’n prototipe-toestel geskik vir
kommersiële ontwikkeling, vir gebruik deur fisioterapeute in die meting en evaluering
van menslike postuur.
Die stelsel is in sy fundamentele vorm, deur die gebruik van slegs basiese teorieë
en algoritmes van stereo-visie, funksioneer as ’n drie-dimensionele meetapparaat.
In die fundamentele vorm sal die stelsel die Ingenieursfakulteit dien as ’n
basiese eksperimentele platform waarop verdere wetenskaplike navorsing in die
teorie en toepassing van rekenaar-visie gedoen kan word.
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Control of the feeder for a reconfigurable assembly systemKruger, Karel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis documents the research conducted into the control of the feeder subsystem of a Reconfigurable Assembly System (RAS). The research was motivated by a new set of modern manufacturing requirements associated with an aggressive and dynamic global market. The motivation can be more specifically attributed to the need for selective automation, through the installation of reconfigurable systems, in the South African manufacturing industry.
The objective of the research was to implement and evaluate Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) and IEC 61499 function block systems as potential control strategies for reconfigurable systems. The control strategies were implemented for the control of the feeder subsystem of an experimental RAS at Stellenbosch University. The subsystem's hardware consisted of a singulation unit with a machine vision camera, part magazines and a six DOF pick-'n-place robot.
The structure of the control strategies is based on the ADACOR holonic reference architecture. The mapping of the subsystem holons to the structures of the control strategies is explained. The development and implementation of the control strategies, along with the accompanying lower level software, is described in detail.
A system reconfigurability assessment was performed and the results are discussed. The assessment was performed at two levels – the Higher Level Control (HLC) (where the control strategies were implemented) and the low level control and hardware. The assessment was done through four reconfiguration experiments. The evaluation of the HLC was done through both quantitative and qualitative performance measures. The implications of the reconfiguration, involved in each of the respective experiments, on the low level software and hardware are discussed.
The experimental results show that agent-based control adds more reconfigurability to the feeder subsystem than IEC 61499 function block control, and that agents have more advantages regarding customizability, convertibility and scalability than IEC 61499 function blocks. Also, the ability of agent-based control to implement reconfiguration changes during subsystem operation makes it more suitable to the case study application. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis dokumenteer die navorsing gedoen in die beheer van die voerder sub-stelsel vir 'n herkonfigureerbare monteringstelsel. Die navorsing was gemotiveer deur „n nuwe stel vereistes vir moderne vervaardiging wat met 'n aggresiewe en dinamiese globale mark geassosieer word. Die motivering kan meer spesifiek toegeskryf word aan die behoefte tot selektiewe outomatisasie, deur middel van die implimentering van herkonfigureerbare stelsels, in the Suid-Afrikaanse vervaardigingsnywerheid.
Die doel van die navorsing is om multi-agent stelsels en IEC 61499 funksie-blok stelsels, as potensiële beheerstrategiëe vir herkonfigureerbare stelsels, te implementer en evalueer. Die beheerstrategiëe was geïmplementeer vir die voerder sub-stelsel van „n eksperimentele herkonfigureerbare monteringstelsel by Universiteit Stellenbosch. Die hardeware behels „n skeier-eenheid (singulation unit) met „n masjienvisie kamera, onderdeelmagasyne en „n ses-vryheidsgraad gearktikuleerde optel-en-plaas robot.
Die struktuur van die beheerstrategiëe is gebaseer op die ADACOR holoniese verwysingsargitektuur. Die afbeelding van die sub-stelsel holons na die struktuur van die beheerstrategiëe word verduidelik. Die ontwikkeling en implementering van die beheerstrategiëe, asook die gepaardgaande laer-vlak programmatuur, word in detail beskryf.
Die stelsel se herkonfigureerbaarheid was geassesseer en die resultate daarvan word bespreek. Die assessering was op twee vlakke gedoen – die hoër-vlak beheer (waar die beheerstrategiëe geimplementeer was) en die lae-vlak beheer en hardeware. Die assessering was gedoen deur middel van vier herkonfigurasie eksperimente. Die hoër-vlak beheer was geëvalueer deur beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metings. Die implikasies van die herkonfigurasie, betrokke by die onderskeie eksperimente, op die lae-vlak beheer en hardeware word beskryf.
Die eksperimentele resultate wys dat agent-baseerde beheer meer herkonfigureerbaarheid tot die voerder sub-stelsel toevoeg as IEC 61499 funksie-blok beheer. Dit is geïdentifiseer dat agente meer voordele inhou ten opsigte van aanpasbaarheid, skakelbaarheid en skaalbaarheid as IEC funksie-blokke. Agent-baseerde beheer laat ook toe dat herkonfigurasieveranderinge tydens sub-stelsel werking geïmplimenteer kan word – dus is dit meer geskik vir aanwending in die gevallestudie.
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Development of distributed control system for SSL soccer robotsHoltzhausen, David Schalk 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis describes the development of a distributed control system for SSL
soccer robots. The project continues on work done to develop a robotics research
platform at Stellenbosch University. The wireless communication system
is implemented using Player middleware. This enables high level programming
of the robot drivers and communication clients, resulting in an easily
modifiable system. The system is developed to be used as either a centralised
or decentralised control system. The software of the robot’s motor controller
unit is updated to ensure optimal movement. Slippage of the robot’s wheels
restricts the robot’s movement capabilities. Trajectory tracking software is developed
to ensure that the robot follows the desired trajectory while operating
within its physical limits.
The distributed control architecture reduces the robots dependency on the
wireless network and the off-field computer. The robots are given some autonomy
by integrating the navigation and control on the robot self. Kalman filters
are designed to estimate the robots translational and rotational velocities. The
Kalman filters fuse vision data from an overhead vision system with inertial
measurements of an on-board IMU. This ensures reliable and accurate position,
orientation and velocity information on the robot. Test results show an
improvement in the controller performance as a result of the proposed system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis beskryf die ontwikkeling van ’n verspreidebeheerstelsel vir SSL
sokker robotte. Die projek gaan voort op vorige werk wat gedoen is om ’n
robotika navorsingsplatform aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch te ontwikkel.
Die kommunikasiestelsel is geïmplementeer met behulp van Player middelware.
Dit stel die robotbeheerders en kommunikasiekliënte in staat om in hoë vlak
tale geprogrameer te word. Dit lei tot ’n maklik veranderbare stelsel. Die
stelsel is so ontwikkel dat dit gebruik kan word as óf ’n gesentraliseerde of verspreidebeheerstelsel.
Die sagteware van die motorbeheer eenheid is opgedateer
om optimale robot beweging te verseker. As die robot se wiele gly beperk dit
die robot se bewegingsvermoëns. Trajekvolgings sagteware is ontwikkel om
te verseker dat die robot die gewenste pad volg, terwyl dit binne sy fisiese
operasionele grense bly.
Die verspreibeheerargitektuur verminder die robot se afhanklikheid op die
kommunikasienetwerk en die sentrale rekenaar. Die robot is ’n mate van outonomie
gegee deur die integrasie van die navigasie en beheer op die robot self te
doen. Kalman filters is ontwerp om die robot se translasie en rotasie snelhede
te beraam. Die Kalman filters kombineer visuele data van ’n oorhoofse visiestelsel
met inertia metings van ’n IMU op die robot. Dit verseker betroubare
en akkurate posisie, oriëntasie en snelheids inligting. Toetsresultate toon ’n
verbetering in die beheervermoë as ’n gevolg van die voorgestelde stelsel.
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Grey water reclamation utilising solar thermal energyHartwig, Gerhard Rudolf 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to obtain clean drinkable water from treated
sewage effluent by using a solar-powered distillation cycle. Technologies and
concepts were borrowed from the solar desalination industry to propose a unique
circular distillation cell design. From the design, a specific mathematical
correlation was developed to predict the distillate mass flow rate by using only
evaporation and condensation temperature as inputs.
This model was incorporated into a simulation model built using Transient
System Simulation software. Long-term simulations were carried out to determine
the operating capabilities of the design. A prototype was successfully constructed
and operated. Experimental results indicated good agreement with the mass flow
rate mathematical correlation. Water quality levels were tested against the South
African National Standard 241 national drinking water quality standard. Four
quality parameters are outside acceptable levels. Evidence suggested that
acceptable quality levels could be reached.
The circular distillation cell design is a major contribution made by this research.
Another contribution is the simulation model capable of predicting an output for
different locations. Finally, the proposed prototype is potentially a very valuable
device contributing towards the reduction of consumer demand in terms of water
and energy as well as the household load on the wastewater treatment system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om te beskryf hoe behandelde rioolwater deur middel
van ’n son aangedrewe distillasiesisteem gesuiwer kan word om drinkbare water
as eindproduk te lewer. Die nodige tegnologieë en konsepte is oorgeneem uit
kommersiële sonaangedrewe ontsoutingsisteme om met ’n unieke ontwerp
voorendag te kom wat uit ’n sirkelvormige natuurlike konveksie distillasiesel
bestaan. Met behulp van hierdie ontwerp is ’n wiskundige korrelasie ontwikkel
om die gesuiwerde water se massavloei te bepaal. Slegs die verdampings- en
kondensasietemperature word as insetwaardes gebruik om die massavloei te
’n Simulasiemodel is met behulp van die Transient System Simulation
programmatuur gebou. Die wiskundige korrelasie is by die simulasiemodel
geïnkorporeer om langtermynsimulasies te kan uitvoer. Voorts is ’n
demonstrasiemodel suksesvol gebou en aangedryf. Eksperimentele resultate
toon goeie ooreenstemming met die simulasieresultate. Die gesuiwerde water se
gehalte is met die nationale SANS 241 drinkwaterstandaard as maatstaf getoets.
Slegs vier gehalteparameters val buite die aanvaarbare vlakke, hoewel dit blyk
dat hierdie elemente wel tot aanvaarbare vlakke verlaag kan word.
Hierdie navorsing se grootstet bydrae is die ontwerp van die unieke sirkelvormige
distillasiesel. ’n Bykomende bydra is die aanpasbaarheid van die simulasiemodel
sodat dit produksievermoë op verskillende plekke kan voorspel. Die
demonstrasiemodel is ’n potensieel waardevolle ontwerp wat kan bydra tot die
verlaging in verbruikersaanvraag na water en energie. ’n Ontwerp van hierdie
aard kan die las wat huishoudings op suiweringaanlegte vir rioolwater plaas,
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Development of tailorable mechanical design support softwareVan Der Merwe, Ruan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A wide variety of design methodologies exist in literature and the methodologies employed may differ among companies and even among design teams. Therefore a software tool, called DiDeas II, is being developed for the early phases of mechanical engineering design. DiDeas II is customisable to accommodate various design methodologies.
An approach for customisability which allows the user interface and data structure to be customised without changing the source code has been implemented in previous developments via an approach combining ontology and conceptual graphs. This approach is expanded in this thesis to allow for the implementation of various design methodologies through the use of tables for the display of information with inheritance of data among these tables.
During groupwork, communication is both asynchronous and synchronous. DiDeas II has been developed in this thesis to facilitate and capture both asynchronous and synchronous communication between team members. Capturing such communications has the potential to provide insight into design decisions.
The communication functionality was assessed in case studies in an academic environment. DiDeas II proved to be effective at recording “soft” information during design and placing the information into context for future reference.
The degree to which DiDeas II could be customised to suit the design process at different companies was assessed through discussions with engineers in industry. These discussions showed that it was possible to customise DiDeas II according to the design processes followed by the participants. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: „n Wye verskeidenheid ontwerpsmetodologieë bestaan in die literatuur en die metodologieë wat gebruik word kan tussen maatskappye en selfs tussen ontwerpspanne verskil. Daarom word „n sagteware-hulpmiddel, genaamd DiDeas II, ontwikkel vir die vroeë fases van meganiese ingenieursontwerp. DiDeas II is pasbaar om voorsiening te maak vir verskeie ontwerpsmetodologieë.
„n Benadering vir pasbaarheid wat toelaat dat die gebruikerskoppelvlak en datastruktuur aangepas kan word sonder om veranderings aan die bron-kode te maak, is geïmplementeer in vorige ontwikkelings deur „n benadering wat ontologie en konseptuele grafieke kombineer. Hierdie benadering is in hierdie tesis uitgebrei om voorsiening te maak vir die implementering van verskeie ontwerpsmetodologieë d.m.v. tabelle vir die vertoon van informasie, met data wat “oorgeërf” word tussen hierdie tabelle.
Kommunikasie is beide asinkroon en sinkroon tydens groepwerk. DiDeas II is in hierdie tesis verder ontwikkel om beide asinkrone en sinkrone kommunikasie metodes te bemiddel en daarvan rekord te hou. Die rekordhouding van sulke kommunikasie het die potensiaal om insig te bied aangaande ontwerpbesluite.
Die kommunikasie funksionaliteit is geassesseer in gevallestudies in „n akademiese omgewing. DiDeas II was effektief in die rekordhouding van “sagte” informasie tydens ontwerp, sowel as om sulke informasie binne konteks te plaas vir latere verwysing.
Die mate waartoe DiDeas II aangepas kan word om voorsiening te maak vir die ontwerpsprosesse van verskillende maatskappye, is geassesseer deur gesprekke met ingenieurs in industrie. Hierdie gesprekke het getoon dat dit moontlik is om DiDeas II aan te pas volgens die ontwerpsprosesse wat die deelnemers gebruik.
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Control of a conveyor system for a reconfigurable manufacturing cellLe Roux, Anro 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This work entails a study of the control software of transportation systems
for use in recon gurable manufacturing systems (RMSs). Various control approaches
are considered, with the focus on enhancing recon gurability. The
work is unique in the sense that the RMS is designed to manufacture small
parts/products and is meant to be used in developing countries. Manufacturing
systems that can ensure product quality and delivery, are a critical need
in countries where the bulk of manufacturing systems function with manual
labour. RMSs and holonic manufacturing systems (HMSs) are identi ed as
concepts that can potentially compete with manual manufacturing systems.
The competing system must thus have a low initial adoption risk, be able to
adapt to changing product functionality and demands, and have a comparable
throughput rate. IEC61311-3, IEC64199 function block and agent-based
control architectures are evaluated. The control software is tested on an experimental
conveyor system.
The thesis shows that IEC61131-3 and IEC64199 architectures are advantageous
in lower levels of control. IEC64199 function blocks provide human
interface and development tools and simpli es the distribution of control. The
human interface and development tools of IEC64199 function blocks may prove
bene cial in providing system monitoring and rapid low skilled adaptation of
the control system, increasing recon gurability of systems in under-developed
countries. Unfortunately, the low maturity of the development environments
for IEC64199 function blocks is a limitation. It is shown that an IEC64199
function block controller becomes complex as the actuator/sensor count exceed
10. Agent-based systems o er reliable control and powerful communication tools but requires a higher level of expertise than IEC64199 function blocks.
Agent-based systems are proposed for the core high level control. Complex
systems can be controlled with agents and intelligence can be added to control
systems in a recon gurable way. For the recon gurable control of large manufacturing
systems, agent-based control was found to be superior to IEC64199
function blocks. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werk behels 'n studie in die beheersagteware van vervoerstelsels vir
die gebruik in herkon gureerbare vervaardigingstelsels. Verskeie benaderings
word oorweeg, met die fokus op die verbetering van herkon gureerbaarheid.
Die werk is uniek in die sin dat die herkon gureerbare vervaardigingstelsel ontwerp
is vir die vervaardiging van klein onderdele/produkte en is bedoel vir
die gebruik in die ontwikkelende lande. Vervaardigingstelsels wat die kwaliteit
van die produk en a ewering kan verseker, is 'n kritieke behoefte in die lande
waar die grootste deel van die vervaardiging met handearbeid gedoen word.
Herkon gureerbare vervaardigingstelsels en holoniese vervaardigingstelsels is
geïdenti seer as konsepte wat moontlik kan meeding met die handmatige
produksie-stelsels. Die mededingende stelsel moet dus 'n lae aanvanklike aannemingsrisiko
hê, in staat wees om te kan aanpas by die veranderende produk
funksionaliteit en aanvraag, en 'n vergelykbare deurvloeikoers kan lewer.
IEC61311-3, IEC61499 funksie-blok en agent-gebaseerde beheer argitekture
word geëvalueer. Die beheer sagteware is getoets op 'n eksperimentele vervoerband
Die tesis toon dat IEC61131-3 en IEC61499 argitekture voordelig is in die
laër vlakke van beheer. IEC61499 funksie-blokke voorsien menslike koppelvlak
en ontwikkelings-gereedskap, en vereenvoudig die verspreiding van beheer. Die
menslike koppelvlak en ontwikkelings-gereedskap van die IEC61499 funksieblokke
is moontlik voordelig in die voorsiening van stelselmonitering en vinnige
laag-geskoolde aanpassing van die beheer stelsel. Dit mag dus moontlik
die herkon gureerbaarheid van stelsels, in onder-ontwikkelde lande, verhoog. Die lae vlak van volwassenheid van die ontwikkelingsomgewings vir IEC61499
funksie-blokke verlaag hul bruikbaarheid. Daar word aangetoon dat IEC61499
funksie-blok beheerders baie kompleks raak as die hoeveelheid van aktueerders
en sensors meer as 10 raak. Agent-gebaseerde stelsels bied betroubare beheer,
en kragtige kommunikasie-gereedskap, maar vereis 'n hoër vlak van kundigheid
as IEC61499 funksie-blokke. Agent-gebaseerde stelsels word voorgestel vir die
hoëvlak beheer. Komplekse stelsels kan beheer word met agente en intelligensie
kan bygevoeg word om stelsels te beheer in 'n herkon gureerbare manier.
Dit was gevind dat agent-gebaseerde beheer beter is as IEC61499 funksie-blok
beheer vir die herkon gureerbare beheer van groot vervaardigings stelsels.
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