Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mechatronics""
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Simulation and control implications of a high-temperature modular reactor (HTMR) cogeneration plantTshamala, Mubenga Carl 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Traditionally nuclear reactor power plants have been optimised for electrical power generation only. In the light of the ever-rising cost of dwindling fossil fuel resources as well the global polluting effects and consequences of their usage, the use of nuclear energy for process heating is becoming increasingly attractive. In this study the use of a so-called cogeneration plant in which a nuclear reactor energy source is optimised for the simultaneous production of superheated steam for electrical power generation and process heat is considered and analysed. The process heat superheated steam is generated in a once-through steam generator of heat pipe heat exchanger with intermediate fluid while steam for power generation is generated separately in a once-through helical coil steam generator. A 750 °C, 7 MPa helium cooled HTMR has been conceptually designed to simultaneously provide steam at 540 °C, 13.5 MPa for the power unit and steam at 430 °C, 4 MPa for a coal-to-liquid fuel process. The simulation and dynamic control of such a typical cogeneration plant is considered. In particular, a theoretical model of a typical plant will be simulated with the aim of predicting the transient and dynamic behaviour of the HTMR in order to provide guideline for the control of the plant under various operating conditions. It was found that the simulation model captured the behaviour of the plant reasonably well and it is recommended that it could be used in the detailed design of plant control strategies. It was also found that using a 1500 MW-thermal HTMR the South African contribution to global pollution can be reduced by 1.58%. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tradisioneel is kernkragaanlegte vir slegs elektriese kragopwekking geoptimeer. In die lig van die immer stygende koste van uitputbare fossielbrandstohulpbronne asook die besoedelingsimpak daarvan wêreldwyd, word die gebruik van kernkrag vir prosesverhitting al hoe meer aanlokliker. In hierdie studie word die gebruik van ‘n sogenaamde mede-opwekkingsaanleg waarin ‘n kernkragreaktor-energiebron vir die gelyktydige produksie van oorverhitte stoom vir elektriese kragopwekking en proseshitte oorweeg ontleed word. Die oorvehitte stoom word in ‘n enkeldeurvloei-stoomopwekking van die hittepyp-hitteruiler met tussenvloeistof opgewek en stoom vir kragopwekking word apart in ‘n enkeldeurvloei-spiraalspoel-stoomopwekker opgewek. ‘n 750 °C, 7 MPa heliumverkoelde HTMR is konseptueel ontwerp vir die gelytydige veskaffing van stoom by 540 °C, 13.5 MPa, vir die kragopwekkings eenheid, en stoom by 430 °C, 4 MPa, vir ‘n steenkool-tot-vloeibare (CTL) brandstoff proses. Die simulasie en dinamiese beheer van ‘n tipiese HTMR mede-opwekkingsaanleg word beskou. ‘n die besonder word ‘n teoretiese model van die transiënte en dinamiese gedrag van die aanleg gesimuleer om sodoene riglyne te identifiseer vir die ontwikkeling van dinamiese beheer strategië vir verskillende werkstoestande van die aanleg. Daar was ook gevind dat die simulasie model van die aanleg se gedrag goed nageboots word en dat dit dus gebruik kan word vir beheer strategie doeleindes. Indien so ‘n 1500 MW-termies HTMR gebruik word sal dit die Suid Afrikaanse besoedling met 1.58% sal kan verminder.
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The Hybrid Pressurized Air Receiver (HPAR) for combined cycle solar thermal power plantsKretzschmar, Holger 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Concentrating solar power technology is a modern power generation technology
in which central receiver systems play a significant role. For this technology a
field of heliostats is used to reflect solar irradiation to the receiver located on
top of the tower. An extensive review has shown that contemporary receiver
designs face geometric complexities, lack of thermal efficiency as well as issues
with durability and cost. The purpose of this study is to develop a new receiver
concept that can potentially reduce these issues. A parametric analysis
was used to identify potential means of improvement based on an energy balance
approach including sensitivities involved with convection and radiation
heat transfer. Design criteria such as the use of headers to minimize pressure
drop was also investigated. Based on these findings the hybrid pressurized
air receiver was developed which is a combination of tubular and volumetric
receiver technologies. The fundamental idea of the receiver was investigated
by simulating the ray-tracing and coupled natural convection and radiation
heat transfer. The ray-tracing results have shown that the use of quartz glass
is a prospective solution to higher allowable flux densities, but with reflection
losses in the order of 7 %. The coupled natural convection heat transfer
simulation further revealed that the receiver concept effectively eliminates the
escape of buoyant plumes and radiative heat losses are minimized. Empirical
data was gathered from a medium flux concentrator and good agreement with
the numerical results was obtained. The thesis therefore concludes that the
research outcomes were met. Ongoing research aims to optimise the receiver
concept for a 5MW pilot plant. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gekonsentreerde sonkrag tegnologie is ’n moderne kragopwekkingstegnologie
waar sentrale ontvangersisteme ’n beduidende rol speel. Vir hierdie tegnologie
word ’n veld heliostate gebruik om sonstraling na die ontvanger wat aan
die bopunt van die toring geleë is te reflekteer. ’n Omvattende hersiening
het daarop gewys dat kontemporêre ontwerpe van die ontvangers ’n aantal
geometriese kompleksiteite, ’n tekort aan termiese doeltreffendheid sowel as
probleme in terme van duursaamheid en koste in die gesig staar. Die doel van
die studie is om ’n nuwe ontvangerskonsep te ontwikkel wat moontlik hierdie
probleme kan verminder. ’n Parametriese analise is gebruik om potensiële
maniere van verbetering aan te dui wat gebaseer is op ’n energiebalans benadering;
insluitend sensitiwiteite betrokke by konvektiewe en stralingswarmteoordrag.
Ontwerpkriteria soos die gebruik van spruitstukke om drukverliese
te minimaliseer is ook ondersoek. Gebaseer op hierdie bevindinge is die hibriede
saamgepersde-lug ontvanger ontwikkel. Laasgenoemde is ’n kombinasie
van buis- en volumetriese ontvangertegnologie. Die fundamentele idee van die
ontvanger is ondersoek deur straalberekening asook die gelyktydige natuurlike
konveksie en stralingswarmteoordrag te simuleer. Die straalberekeningsresultate
het getoon dat die gebruik van kwarts glas ’n moontlike oplossing is om
hoër stralingsintensiteit te bereik, maar met refleksieverliese in die orde van
7 %. Die gelyktydige natuurlike konveksie en stralingswarmteoordrag simulasie
het verder aan die lig gebring dat die ontvangerkonsep die ontsnapping
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Application of laser doppler vibrocardiography for human heart auscultationKoegelenberg, Suretha 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the feasibility of the laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) for
use in the autonomous auscultation of the human heart. As a non-contact measurement
device, the LDV could become a very versatile biomedical sensor. LDV,
stethoscope, piezoelectric accelerometer (PA) and electrocardiogram (ECG) signals
were simultaneously recorded from 20 volunteers at Tygerberg Hospital. Of
the 20 volunteers, 17 were confirmed to have cardiovascular disease. 3 patients with
normal heart sounds were recorded for control data.
The recorded data was successfully denoised using soft threshold wavelet denoising
and ensemble empirical mode decomposition. The LDV was compared to
the PA in common biomedical applications and found to be equally accurate. The
heart sound cycles for each participant were segmented using a combination of ECG
data and a simplicity curve. Frequency domain features were extracted from each
heart cycle and input into a k-nearest neighbours classifier. It was concluded that
the LDV can form part of an autonomous, non-contact auscultation system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die haalbaarheid daarvan om die laser Doppler vibrasiemeter
(LDV) vir die outonome beluistering van die menslike hart te gebruik. As
'n kontaklose meettoestel kan die LDV werklik 'n veelsydige biomediese sensor
word. Twintig vrywilligers by die Tygerberg Hospitaal se LDV-, stetoskoop-, piësoelektriese
versnellingsmeter (PV)- en elektrokardiogram (EKG) seine is gelyktydig
opgeneem. Uit die 20 vrywilligers was daar 17 bevestigde gevalle van kardiovaskulêre siektes. Die data van drie pasiënte met normale hartklanke is as kontroledata
Geraas is suksesvol uit die opgeneemde data verwyder deur 'n kombinasie van
sagtedrempelgolf en saamgestelde empiriese modus ontladingstegnieke. Die LDV
was vergelyk met die PV vir algemene biomediese gebruike en daar was gevind
dat dit vergelykbare akkuraatheid het. Die hartklanksiklusse van elke deelnemer
is gesegmenteer deur EKG data en 'n eenvoudskromme te kombineer. Frekwensiegebiedskenmerke
is uit elke hartsiklus onttrek en in 'n k-naastebuurpunt klassifiseerder ingevoer. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die LDV deel van 'n
outonome, kontaklose beluisteringstelsel kan uitmaak.
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Robocup small size league : active ball handling systemSmit, Daniel Gideon Hugo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The RoboCup offers a research platform to advance robotics and multi-robot
cooperation in dynamic environments. This project builds on work previously
done to develop a research platform for multi-robot cooperation at Stellenbosch
University. This thesis describes the development of an active ball handling
system for a robot in the RoboCup Small Size League (SSL). This was achieved
by building on the work done in the previous projects.
The hardware for the kicker and dribbler mechanisms on the robot were
implemented and tested to characterise their capabilities. The kicker was
characterised to control the speed at which a ball is kicked and the dribbler
for optimal control over a ball. More accurate movement was required and the
Proportional Integral and Derivative (PID) controllers for translational and
rotational movement on the robot were improved. The test results show an
improvement in straight line trajectory tracking when compared to those of the
previous controllers. Dribble control sensors were implemented on the robot for
successful dribbling by the robot. This resulted in a significant improvement to
the dribbling ability of the robot when these sensors are used. This dribbling
ability was compared to the dribbling ability of the robot when no feedback
was received from the sensors. Lastly a proposed curved trajectory tracking
algorithm was tested by combining translational and rotational movement of
the robot. This algorithm showed the capabilities of the robot to follow a
curved trajectory with the improved translational and rotational controllers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die RoboCup bied ’n navorsingsplatvorm om robotika en multi-robot samewerking
in ’n dinamiese omgewing te bevorder. Hierdie projek bou voort op
werk wat reeds gedoen is om ’n navorsingsplatvorm vir multi-robot samewerking
aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch te ontwikkel. Hierdie tesis beskryf die
ontwikkeling van ’n aktiewe balhanteringsstelsel vir ’n robot in die RoboCup
Klein Liga (KL). Dit is bereik deur voort te bou op die werk wat in vorige
projekte gedoen is.
Die hardeware vir die skopper- en dribbelmeganismes is geïmplementeer
en getoets om hulle vermoëns te karakteriseer. Die skopper is gekenmerk deur
die spoed waarteen ’n bal geskop word en die dribbler vir optimale beheer
oor ’n bal. Meer akkurate beweging was nodig en die PID-beheerders vir
translasie- en rotasiebeweging in die robot is verbeter. Die resultate van die
toetse toon ’n verbetering in reguitlynbeweging in vergelyking met dié van die
vorige beheerders. Dribbelbeheersensors is in die robot geïmplementeer vir
suksesvolle dribbelbeweging deur die robot. Gevolglik is daar ’n aansienlike
verbetering in die dribbelvermoë van die robot wanneer hierdie sensors gebruik
word. Hierdie dribbelvermoë is vergelyk met die dribbelvermoë wanneer die
robot geen terugvoer van die sensors ontvang nie. Laastens is ’n voorgestelde
algoritme vir die robot om ’n geboë trajek te volg, getoets. Dit is bereik deur
die translasie- en die rotasiebeweging van die robot te kombineer. Hierdie
algoritme het die vermoë van die robot om ’n geboë baan te laat volg deur
gebruik te maak van die verbeterde translasie- en rotasiebeheerders.
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Pneumatic power measurement of an oscillating water column converterKooverji, Bavesh 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A measurement device was developed to accurately determine the pneumatic
power performance of an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) model in a wave
flume. The analysis of the pneumatic power is significant due to the wave-topneumatic
energy being the primary energy conversion process and where the
most energy losses can be expected. The aim of the research study is to address
the accurate pneumatic power measurement of unsteady and bidirectional airflow
in OWC model experiments.
The two fundamental measurements required for the pneumatic power
measurement are the pressure difference over an orifice on the OWC model and
the volumetric flow rate of air through the outlet. The designed, constructed and
assembled measurement device comprised of a venturi flow meter, containing a
hot-film anemometer, which could measure the pressure drop and the volumetric
flow rate in one device. The assembled pneumatic power measurement device
was calibrated in a vertical wind tunnel at steady state. The results from the
calibration tests showed that the volumetric flow rate measurements from the
pneumatic power measurement device was accurate to within 3 % of the wind
tunnel’s readings. The pneumatic power measurement device was incorporated
onto a constructed Perspex physical model of a simple OWC device. This
assembled system was used as the test unit in the wave flume at Stellenbosch
University (SUN).
The results from the experimental tests underwent comparative analysis with
three analytical OWC air-flow models which were simulated as three scenarios
using Matlab Simulink. These results showed that the measurement device has the
ability to measure the pneumatic power but there is difficulty in modelling the
complex air-flow system of the OWC device. This results in varying levels of
agreement between the experimental and simulated pneumatic power results. The research study has revealed that there is difficulty in designing an accurate
device for a wide range of test parameters due to the variance in output values.
The unsteady and bidirectional nature of the air flow is also difficult to accurately
simulate using a one-dimensional analytical model. Recommendations for further
investigation are for CFD systems to be used for the analysis of the air-flow in an
OWC system and to be used to validate future pneumatic power measurement
devices. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Meetinstrument was ontwikkel om die pneumatiese kraglewering van ‘n model
van die Ossillerende Water Kolom (OWK) golfenergie omsetter in ‘n golf tenk
akkuraat te meet. Dit is belangrik om die omskakeling van golf na pneumatiese
energie te analiseer siende dat die grootste energieverlies in dié proses plaasvind.
Die doel van hierdie navorsingsprojek was om die akkurate pneumatiese
kragmeting van variërende en twee-rigting vloei van lug in ‘n OWK model na te
Die twee fundamentele metings wat benodig word vir die pneumatiese
kragbepaling is die drukverskil oor die vloei vernouing en die volumetriese
vloeitempo van lug deur die uitlaat van die toetstoestel. Die spesiaal ontwerpte
meettoestel wat gebruik is in die eksperiment het bestaan uit ‘n venturi vloeimeter
wat ‘n verhitte-film anemometer bevat het wat die drukverandering en die
volumetriese vloeitempo kan meet in ‘n enkele instrument. Die pneumatiese
kragmeting was gekalibreer in ‘n vertikale windtonnel waarin ‘n konstante vloei
tempo geïnduseer was. Die kalibrasieproses het bevestig dat die meettoestel
metings lewer met ‘n fout van minder as 3 % wanneer dit vergelyk word met die
bekende konstante vloei tempo soos bepaal in die windtonnel. ‘n Fisiese model
van ‘n vereenvoudigde OWK golfenergie omsetter was ontwerp en gebou uit
Perspex om as toetstoestel te gebruik vir die evaluering van die ontwerpte
pneumatiese kraglewering meettoestel. Die toetse was uitgevoer in ‘n golftenk by
die Universiteit Stellenbosch (SUN).
The toetsresultate was vergelyk met drie ander OWK lugvloei modelle wat
gesimuleer was deur om die analitiese modelle op te stel en te simuleer in Matlab
Simulink. Die vergelyking van modellering resultate het gewys dat die meettoestel
die vermoë het om pneumatiese krag te meet. Daar was wel komplikasies met die
modellering van die komplekse lugvloei in die OWK toestel, die resultate het geen
definitiewe ooreenstemming gewys tussen die eksperimentele en gesimuleerde
pneumatiese krag resultate nie. Die navorsingsprojek het gewys dat daar komplikasies is om ‘n enkel toestel te
ontwerp wat oor ‘n wye bereik kan meet weens die variasie van die verskillende
parameters. Die variërende en twee-rigting lugvloei is ook moeilik om akkuraat te
simuleer met ‘n een-dimensionele analitiese simulasie model. Aanbevelings vir
verdere navorsing sluit in om die lugvloei in die OWK stelsel te modelleer en te
analiseer in ‘n drie-dimensionele model om die lesings van ‘n pneumatiese krag
meettoestel te bevestig.
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Development of patient-specific knee joint prostheses for unicompartmental knee replacement (UKR)Van den Heever, David Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The knee is the largest, most complicated and incongruent joint in the human
body. It sustains very high forces and is susceptible to injury and disease.
Osteoarthritis is a common disease prevalent among the elderly and causes
softening or degradation of the cartilage and subcondral bone in the joint, which
leads to a loss of function and pain. This problem can be alleviated through a
surgical intervention commonly termed a “knee replacement”. The aim of a knee
replacement procedure is to relieve pain and restore normal function. Ideally, the
knee replacement prosthesis should have an articulating geometry similar to that
of the patient’s healthy knee, and must allow for normal motion. Unfortunately,
this is often problematic since knee prostheses are supplied in standard sizes from
a variety of manufacturers and each one has a slightly different design.
Furthermore, commercial prostheses are not always able to restore the complex
geometry of an individual patient’s original articulating surfaces. This dissertation
shows that there is a significant variation between knee geometries, regardless of
gender and race. This research aims to resolve the problem in two parts: Firstly by
presenting a method for preoperatively selecting the optimal knee prosthesis type
and size for a specific patient, and secondly by presenting a design procedure for
designing and manufacturing patient-specific unicompartmental knee
replacements. The design procedure uses mathematical modelling and an artificial
neural network to estimate the original and healthy articulating surfaces of a
patient’s knee. The models are combined with medical images from the patient to
create a knee prosthesis that is patient-specific. These patient-specific implants are
then compared to conventional implants with respect to contact stresses and
kinematics. The dissertation concludes that patient-specific implants can have
characteristics that are comparable to or better than conventional prostheses. The
unique design methodology presented in this dissertation introduces a significant
advancement in knee replacement technology, with the potential to dramatically
improve clinical outcomes of knee replacement surgery. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die knie is die grootste, mees komplekse en mees ongelyksoortige gewrig in die
liggaam. Osteoarthritis is ’n siekte wat algemeen by bejaardes voorkom en die
versagting of agteruitgang van die kraakbeen en subchondrale bene in die gewrig
tot gevolg het, wat tot ’n verlies van funksionering en pyn lei. Hierdie probleem
kan verlig word deur ’n chirurgiese ingryping wat algemeen as ’n
“knievervanging” bekend staan. Die doel van ’n knievervangingsprosedure is om
pyn te verlig en normale funksionering te herstel. Ideaal gesproke behoort die
knievervangingsprostese ’n gewrigsgeometrie te hê wat soortgelyk aan die pasiënt
se gesonde knie is, en normale beweging moontlik maak. Ongelukkig is dit
dikwels problematies aangesien knieprosteses in standaardgroottes en deur ’n
verskeidenheid vervaardigers verskaf word, wat elkeen se ontwerp effens anders
maak. Verder kan kommersiële prosteses nie altyd die komplekse geometrie van
’n individuele pasiënt se oorspronklike gewrigsoppervlakke vervang nie. Hierdie
proefskrif wys dat daar ’n betekenisvolle variasie tussen knieafmetings is,
afgesien van geslag en ras. Hierdie navorsing is daarop gemik om die problem op
tweërlei wyse te benader: Eerstens deur ’n metode aan te bied om die optimal
knieprostesetipe en -grootte vir ’n spesifieke pasiënt voor die operasie uit te soek,
en tweedens om ’n ontwerpprosedure aan te bied vir die ontwerp en vervaardiging
van pasiëntspesifieke unikompartementele knievervangings. Die
ontwerpprosedure gebruik wiskundige modellering en ’n kunsmatige neurale
netwerk om die oorspronklike en gesonde gewrigsoppervlakke van ’n pasiënt se
knie te bepaal. Die modelle word met mediese beelde van die pasiënt
gekombineer om ’n knieprostese te skep wat pasiëntspesifiek is. Hierdie
pasiëntspesifieke inplantings word dan met konvensionele inplantings vergelyk
wat kontakstres en kinematika betref. Daar word tot die slotsom gekom dat die
pasiëntspesifieke inplantings oor eienskappe kan beskik wat vergelykbaar is met
of selfs beter is as dié van konvensionele prosteses. Die unieke
ontwerpmetodologie wat in hierdie proefskrif aangebied word, stel beduidende
vordering in knievervangingstegnologie bekend, met die potensiaal om die
kliniese uitkomste van knievervangingsoperasies dramaties te verbeter.
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Air-cooled condenser steam flow distribution and related dephlegmator design considerationsOwen, Michael Trevor Foxwell 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The steam-side side operation of a practical air-cooled steam condenser is
investigated using a combination of CFD, numerical, analytical and experimental
methods. Particular attention is directed towards the vapor flow distribution in the
primary condensers and dephlegmator performance.
Analysis of the vapor flow in the distributing manifold, connecting the steam
turbine exhaust to the air-cooled heat exchangers, highlights the importance of
careful design of the guide vanes in the manifold bends and junctions. Improved
guide vane design and configuration can reduce the steam-side pressure drop over
the manifold and improve the vapor flow distribution, which may be beneficial to
condenser operation.
The vapor flow in the primary condensers is shown to exhibit a non-uniform
distribution amongst the heat exchanger tubes. The vapor flow distribution is
strongly linked to the distribution of tube inlet loss coefficients through the heat
exchanger bundles. The non-uniform flow distribution places an additional
demand on dephlegmator performance, over and above the demands of row
effects in the case of multi-row primary condenser bundles. Row effects are
shown to account for as much as 70 % of available dephlegmator capacity in this
case. Simultaneously, inlet loss coefficient distributions can account for up to
30 % of dephlegmator capacity. In some situations then, the dephlegmator is fully
utilized under ideal operating conditions and there is no margin of safety to cope
with non-ideal operation of the primary condensers. The upstream regions of the
primary condensers are therefore exposed to a high risk of undesirable noncondensable
gas accumulation. Reduced dephlegmator capacity due to insufficient
ejector performance may further compound this problem. Single-row primary
condenser bundles eliminate row effects and thereby significantly reduce the
demands on dephlegmator performance. The use of such bundles in the
dephlegmator would also measurably reduce ejector loading. In light of the
findings of this study, it is recommended that single-row bundles be considered as
the primary option for future air-cooled condenser applications. A hybrid (dry/wet) dephlegmator concept is analysed and shown to be able to
provide measurably enhanced dephlegmator performance when operating in wet
mode, while consuming only a small amount of water. The enhanced
dephlegmator cooling translates to an increase in total air-cooled condenser
capacity of up to 30 % at high ambient temperatures in this case. The benefit of
this enhanced cooling capacity to steam turbine output may be significant. The
hybrid dephlegmator concept therefore offers a simple, cost-effective and
sustainable solution to the issue of reduced air-cooled condenser performance
during hot periods. Careful design of the first and second stage bundle
configurations in the hybrid dephlegmator is necessary to avoid flooding in the
first stage during wet operation of the second. Furthermore, the slightly poorer
dry-operation performance of the hybrid dephlegmator results in increased risk of
non-condensable gas accumulation in multi-row primary condensers. Again,
single-row primary condenser bundles would lay rest to such concerns. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bedryf aan die stoom-kant van ʼn praktiese lugverkoelde-stoomkondensor
word ondersoek met behulp van 'n kombinasie van berekeningsvloeimeganika,
numeriese, analitiese en eksperimentele metodes. ʼn Spesifieke fokus word geplaas
op die dampvloeiverspreiding in die primêre kondensors asook die deflegmatorwerksverrigting.
Ontleding van die damp vloei in die verdeelspruitstuk, wat die uitlaat van die
stoomturbine aan die lugverkoelde-stoomkondensor koppel, beklemtoon die
belangrikheid van noukeurige ontwerp van die leilemme in die spruitstukdraaie en
aansluitings. Verbeterde leilemontwerp en opstelling kan die drukval aan die
stoom-kant van die draaie en aansluitings verminder en die
dampvloeiverspreiding verbeter. Dit kan gevolglik lei tot verbeterde
werksverrigting van die kondensor.
Die studie toon dat ʼn nie-eenvormige dampvloeiverspreiding in die
warmteruilerbuise van die primêre kondensors bestaan. Die verspreiding van
buisinlaat-verlieskoëffisiënte deur die bundels van die warmteruiler is sterk
afhanklik van die voorgenome dampvloeiverspreiding. Die nie-eenvormige
vloeiverspreiding veroorsaak 'n groter aanvraag na deflegmator-werksverrigting,
bo-en-behalwe nog vereistes van ry-effekte in die geval waar multi-ry-bundels vir
primêre kondensors gebruik word. Ry-effekte is verantwoordelik vir so veel as
70 % van die beskikbare deflegmator kapasiteit. Terselfdertyd kan die
verspreiding van inlaat-verlieskoëffisiënte verantwoordelik wees vir tot 30 % van
die deflegmator kapasiteit. In sommige gevalle is die deflegmator dus ten volle
aangewend onder ideale bedryfstoestande, en bestaan daar geen band van
veiligheid om nie-ideale werksverrigting van die primêre kondensor te hanteer
nie. Sekere dele van die stroom-op primêre kondensors word dus blootgestel aan
'n hoë risiko vir die opbou van ongewenste nie-kondenseerbare gasse. Verder kan
‘n vermindering in deflegmator kapasiteit, weens onvoldoende werksverrigting
van die vakuumpompe, dié probleem vererger. Enkel-ry-bundels vir primêre
kondensors vermy ry-effekte en lei sodoende tot ʼn aansienlike vermindering in die aanvraag na deflegmator-werksverrigting. Die gebruik van sulke bundels in die
deflegmator sou die vakuumpomplas ook meetbaar verminder. Uit die bevindinge
van hierdie studie word dit aanbeveel dat enkel-ry bundels beskou word as die
primêre opsie vir toekomstige lugverkoelde-kondensor aansoeke.
’n Konsep vir ’n hibriede-deflegmator (droog/nat) word ontleed. Die studie toon
dat, deur hierdie konsep in die nat-modus te gebruik, ’n meetbare verbetering in
deflegmator-werksverrigting gesien kan word, ten koste van net ʼn klein
hoeveelheid waterverbruik. Die verbetering in verkoelingsvermoë van die
deflegmator beteken ʼn toename van tot 30 % in die totale verkoelingsvermoë van
die lugverkoelde-kondensor gedurende periodes wanneer hoë
omgewingstemperature heersend is. Die voordeel van hierdie verbeterde
verkoelingsvermoë op die werksuitset van die stoomturbine kan beduidend wees.
Die konsep vir ’n hibriede-deflegmator bied dus 'n eenvoudige, koste-effektiewe
en volhoubare oplossing vir warm atmosferiese periodes, wanneer die
lugverkoelde-kondensor se verkoelingsvermoë afneem. Noukeurige ontwerp van
die eerste en tweede fase bundelkonfigurasies in die hibriede-deflegmator is nodig
om oorstroming in die eerste fase, tydens nat werking van die tweede fase, te
verhoed. Verder veroorsaak die effens swakker werksverrigting, gedurende die
bedryf van die hibriede-deflegmator in die droog-modus, ʼn verhoogde risiko vir
die opbou van nie-kondenseerbare gasse in multi-ry primêre kondensors.
Weereens sal enkel-ry-bundels in primêre kondensors hierdie probleem oplos.
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Design and development of a novel wave energy converterJoubert, James Rattray 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The design, development and evaluation of a novel wave energy converter (WEC)
device, called the ShoreSWEC, in a South African port development is presented.
Based on the device requirements, site selection criteria were specified and applied
to identify a suitable deployment location. A wave modeling procedure was
developed to determine the operational wave conditions and available wave power
resource at the selected location. The site was found to have a low mean annual
average resource of approximately 2.3 kilowatt per meter wave crest (kW/m) due to
its relatively sheltered location. The wave model was further used to determine
design storm conditions and a structural stability analysis of the device was
Experimental tests were performed to evaluate the hydrodynamic conversion
efficiency of a single chamber of the device at its most conservative orientation,
under a variety of wave energy conditions. The effect of a floor incline and an
additional chamber on the performance of the system was investigated. The incline
improved efficiency for low wave heights, making it ideal for the low wave power
resource conditions of the site, whilst the multi-chamber system experienced
increased performance at high wave periods. A comparison between the
ShoreSWEC and a conventional oscillating water column (OWC) WEC showed that
the OWC extracted 72% more energy, highlighting the sensitivity of performance on
device orientation. A three-dimensional (3D) numerical model of the experimental
setup was developed. The numerical model provided comparable water surface
elevations inside the flume and chamber, yet predicted significantly higher internal
chamber pressures and overall efficiency. The electricity generation potential of a 10
chamber ShoreSWEC at the specified location, approximated from the experimental
results and 11 years of hindcast wave data, was found to be 6 kW on average for a
15 kW capacity system.
Results of this study highlighted the need for greater understanding of the
hydrodynamic characteristics of a full length device. Experimental tests in a 3D wave
basin on a scaled full length ShoreSWEC model are therefore recommended. Once
conducted, South Africa will be one step closer to the deployment of the full scale
SWEC device. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwerp, ontwikkeling en evaluasie van ‘n unieke golfenergieomsetter (GEO),
genaamd die ShoreSWEC, in ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse haweontwikkeling word aangebied.
Terrein evaluasie kriteria, gebaseer op die omsettervereistes, is ontwikkel en
toegepas om die mees belowende terrein te identifiseer. ‘n
Golfmodeleringsprosedure is ontwikkel om die operasionele golfkondisies en
beskikbare golfdrywinghulpbron te bepaal. Daar is gevind dat die terrein ‘n lae
gemiddelde golfdrywing van bykans 2.3 kilowat per meter golfkruin het as gevolg
van die beskutte ligging. Die golfmodel is verder gebruik om ontwerpstormkondisies
te bepaal en ‘n stabiliteitsanalise was op die toestel struktuur uitgevoer.
Eksperimentele toetse van verskeie golfenergie kondisies is gedoen om die
hidrodinamiese omsettingseffektiwiteit van ‘n enkel kamer van die toestel te bepaal
teen sy konserwatiefste orientasie. Die effek van ‘n vloerhelling en ‘n addisionele
kamer op die uitsette van die sisteem is ondersoek. Die helling het effektiwiteit
verbeter vir lae golfhoogtes wat dit ideaal maak vir die lae hulpbron by die terrein,
terwyl die veelvoudige-kamer-sisteem beter gevaar het by hoë golfperiodes. ‘n
Vergelyking tussen die ShoreSWEC en ‘n konvensionele ossilerende waterkolom
(OWK) GEO het gewys dat die OWK 72% meer energie onttrek. Dit beklemtoon die
sisteem se sensitiwiteit vir die inkomende golfrigting. ‘n Drie-dimensionele (3D)
numeriese model van die eksperimentele opstelling is ontwikkel. Die numeriese
model het aansienlik hoër drukke binne die kamer, en gevolglik algehele effektiwiteit,
voorspel as die eksperimentele toetse. Die elektriese opwekkingskapasiteit van ‘n 10
kamer ShoreSWEC by die terrein, gebaseer op die eksperimentele resultate en 11
jaar se golfdata, is bereken as 6 kW gemiddeld vir ‘n 15 kW kapasiteit stelsel.
Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het die behoefte aan ‘n beter begrip van die
hidrodinamiese eienskappe van ‘n vollengte sisteem beklemtoon. Eksperimentele
toetse in ‘n 3D golfbak op ‘n geskaleerde vollengte ShoreSWEC model word dus
aanbeveel. Sodra dit voltooi is, sal Suid-Afrika een stap nader wees aan die
ontplooiing van ‘n volskaalse SWEC toestel.
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Rock bed thermal storage for concentrating solar power plantsAllen, Kenneth Guy 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Concentrating solar power plants are a promising means of generating electricity. However, they are dependent on the sun as a source of energy, and require thermal storage to supply power on demand. At present thermal storage – usually molten salt – although functional, is expensive, and a cheaper solution is desired. It is proposed that sensible heat storage in a packed bed of rock, with air as heat transfer medium, is suitable at temperatures of 500 – 600 °C. To determine if this concept is technically feasible and economically competitive with existing storage, rock properties, packed bed pressure drop and thermal characteristics must be understood. This work addresses these topics.
No previously published data is available on thermal cycling resistance of South African rock, and there is limited data from other countries in the proposed temperature range for long-term thermal cycling, so samples were thermally cycled. There is rock which is suitable for thermal storage applications at temperatures of 500 – 600 °C. New maps of South Africa showing where potentially suitable rock is available were produced. Dolerite, found extensively in the Karoo, is particularly suitable.
Friction factors were measured for beds of different particles to determine the importance of roughness, shape, and packing arrangement. Five sets of rock were also tested, giving a combined dataset broader than published in any previous study. Limitations of existing correlations are shown. The friction factor is highly dependent on particle shape and, in the case of asymmetric particles, packing method. The friction factor varied by up to 70 % for crushed rock depending on the direction in which it was poured into the test section, probably caused by the orientation of the asymmetric rock relative to the air flow direction. This has not been reported before for rock beds. New isothermal correlations using the volume equivalent particle diameter are given: they are within 15 % of the measurements. This work will allow a techno-economic evaluation of crushed rock beds using more accurate predictions of pumping power than could previously be made.
Thermal tests below 80 °C show that bed heat transfer is insensitive to particle shape or type. A heat transfer correlation for air in terms of the volume equivalent diameter was formulated and combined with the E-NTU method. The predicted bed outlet temperatures are within 5 °C of the measurements for tests at 530 °C, showing that the influence of thermal conduction and radiation can be reasonably negligible for a single charge/discharge cycle at mass fluxes around 0.2 kg/m2s.
A novel method for finding the optimum particle size and bed length is given: The Biot number is fixed, and the net income (income less bed cost) from a steam cycle supplied by heat from the bed is calculated. A simplified calculation using the method shows that the optimum particle size is approximately 20 mm for bed lengths of 6 – 7 m. Depending on the containment design and cost, the capital cost could be an order of magnitude lower than a nitrate salt system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gekonsentreerde son-energie kragstasies is n belowende manier om elektrisiteit op te wek, maar hulle is afhanklik van die son as n bron van energie. Om drywing op aanvraag te voorsien moet hulle energie stoor. Tans is termiese stoor – gewoonlik gesmelte sout – hoewel funksioneel, duur, en n goedkoper oplossing word gesoek. Daar word voorgestel dat stoor van voelbare warmte-energie in n gepakte rotsbed met lug as warmteoordrag medium geskik is by temperature van 500 – 600 °C. Om te bepaal of dié konsep tegnies gangbaar en ekonomies mededingend met bestaande stoorstelsels is, moet rotseienskappe, gepakte bed drukval en hitteoordrag verstaan word. Hierdie werk spreek hierdie aspekte aan.
Geen voorheen gepubliseerde data is beskikbaar oor die termiese siklus weerstand van Suid-Afrikaanse rots nie, en daar is beperkte data van ander lande in die voorgestelde temperatuurbereik, dus is monsters onderwerp aan termiese siklusse. Daar bestaan rots wat geskik is vir termiese stoor toepassings by temperature van 500 – 600 °C. Nuwe kaarte van Suid-Afrika is opgestel om te wys waar potensieel geskikte rots beskikbaar is. Doleriet, wat wyd in die Karoo voor kom, blyk om veral geskik te wees.
Wrywingsfaktore is gemeet vir beddens van verskillende partikels om die belangrikheid van grofheid, vorm en pak-rangskikking te bepaal. Vyf rotsstelle is ook getoets, wat n saamgestelde datastel gee wyer as in enige gepubliseerde studie. Beperkings van bestaande korrelasies word aangetoon. Die wrywingsfaktor is hoogs sensitief vir partikelvorm en, in die geval van asimmetriese partikels, pakkings metode. Die wrywingsfaktor het met tot 70 % gevarieer vir gebreekte rots, afhanklik van die rigting waarin dit in die toetsseksie neergelê is. Dit is waarskynlik veroorsaak deur die oriëntasie van die asimmetriese rots relatief tot die lugvloei rigting, en is nie voorheen vir rotsbeddens gerapporteer nie. Nuwe isotermiese korrelasies wat gebruik maak van die volume-ekwivalente partikel deursnee word gegee: hulle voorspel binne 15 % van die gemete waardes. Hierdie werk sal n tegno-ekonomiese studie van rotsbeddens toelaat wat meer akkurate voorspellings van pompdrywing gebruik as voorheen moontlik was.
Termiese toetse onder 80 °C wys dat die warmteoordrag nie baie sensitief is vir partikelvorm en -tipe nie. n Warmte-oordragskorrelasie vir lug in terme van die volume-ekwivalente deursnee is ontwikkel en met die E-NTU-metode gekombineer. Die voorspelde lug uitlaat temperatuur is binne 5 °C van die meting vir toetse by 530 °C. Dit wys dat termiese geleiding en straling redelikerwys buite rekening gelaat kan word vir n enkele laai/ontlaai siklus by massa vloeitempos van omtrent 0.2 kg/m2s.
n Oorspronklike metode vir die bepaling van die optimum partikelgrootte en bedlengte word gegee: Die Biot-getal is vas, en die netto inkomste (die inkomste minus die bed omkoste) van n stoomsiklus voorsien met warmte van die bed
word bereken. n Vereenvoudigde berekening wat die metode gebruik wys dat die optimum grootte en lengte ongeveer 20 mm en 6-7 m is. Afhangende van die behoueringsontwerp en koste, kan die kapitale koste n orde kleiner wees as dié van n gesmelte nitraatsout stelsel
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Integrated Design of Servo Mechatronic Systems for Driving Performance ImprovementChen, Chin-yin 05 February 2009 (has links)
The servo mechatronic system design process usually covers two different engineering domains: structure design and system control. The relationship between these two domains is much closed. In order to reduce the disturbance caused by parameters in either one, the domain knowledge from those two different fields needs to be integrated. Thus, in order to reduce the disturbance caused by parameters in either one, the mechanical and controller design domains need to be integrated. Therefore, the integrated design method Design For Control (DFC), will be employed in this thesis. In this connect, it is not only applied to achieve minimal power consumption but also enhance structural performance and system response at same time. To investigate for the integrated design method, there are two common servo mechatronic systems: feed drive system and legged servo mechatronic system are used as the design platform.
1. Mechatronic Feed Drive System
To investigate the method for integrated optimization, a mechatronic feed drive system of the machine tools is used as a design platform. The 3D software, Pro/Engineer is first used to build the 3D model to analyze and design structure parameters such as elastic deformation, nature frequency and component size, based on their effects and sensitivities to the structure. Additionally, in order to achieve system robust, Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT), will be applied to determine proper control parameters for the controller. Therefore, overall physical properties of the machine tool will be obtained in the initial stage. Following this Design Then Control process, the iterative design process is following to enhance some of system performance. Finally, the technology design for control will be carried out to modify the structural and control parameters to achieve overall system performance. Hence, the corresponding productivity is expected to be greatly improved.
2. Legged Servo Mechatronic System
The goal of this study is to develop a one-degree-of-freedom (DOF) legged servo mechatronic system with DFC. For this system, the kinematics and control dynamic analysis of legged servo mechatronic system have been solved by using four bar linkage with symmetrical coupler point, pantograph, and common position and velocity controller. In addition, in order to improvement system dynamic performance and reduce the control cost, the counterweight, that base on mass redistribution is employed to integrate structure and control into one design step for reduce shaking moment. Additionally, in order to improvement the system performance, the complete force balance is not only to take advantage of control cost, but also easy to control.
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