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Strategický brand management z pohledu mediální agentury. / Strategic brand management for Media agency point of viewVacovský, Josef January 2009 (has links)
Main point of this work is to describe known aproaches to strategic brand management and to implement this aproaches on the real data from automotive industry. This whole topic is analyzed from media agency point of view.
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Vi marknadsför vår arbetsplats : En nyanserad syn av employee advocacy via sociala medier / We advocate our workplace : A nuanced view of employee advocacy on social mediaRundkvist, Zoe, Nilsson Lopez, Marisol January 2022 (has links)
I Sverige har det främst undersökts synen på employee advocacy utifrån organisationens engagemang samt strategisk användning av konceptet. Den här studien undersöker det svenska perspektivet på employee advocacy via sociala medier. Syftet med studien är att undersöka tillämpningen av konceptet employee advocacy på svenska mediebyråer, genom att analysera om konceptet är medvetet tillämpad i företagen eller inte. Det andra syftet är att förstå vilka attityder chefer och medarbetare har angående employee advocacy via sociala medier. Social exchange teorin beskrivs i tidigare studier som en framgångsfaktor till en fungerande användning av employee advocacy och är den grundläggande teorin för denna studie. Studien utgår från en metodkombination med kvalitativa intervjuer med ledande personer och kvantitativa enkäter med medarbetare. Empirin visade på att inga av de fem företagen arbetar med alla framgångsfaktorer relaterad till digital employee advocacy. Den framgångsfaktorn som företagen använde sig mest av är medarbetarnas engagemang. Resultatet visade också att en del företag arbetade med tillgängligheten av publiceringsmaterial och med att chefer föregår med gott exempel. Om ledningen i ett företag ställer sig positiv till att publicera arbetsrelaterat material på privata sociala medier, är det större chans att medarbetarna också gör det. Medarbetare framhävde att de inte ville bli drivna till digital employee advocacy för att kunna bibehålla sina privata sociala medier till vad de själva önskar. I denna studie framkom det att social exchange teorin är en fungerande teori i svenska mediebyråer, men är inte fullständig och heltäckande. Den underbygger inte samtliga bakomliggande motivationsfaktorer för både medarbetarna och ledningen. / Employee advocacy has mainly been studied in Sweden from the perspectives of organizational commitment and strategic application. As a result, this study contributed to the Swedish understanding of the concept through social media. The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of employee advocacy in Swedish media agencies to determine whether it is consciously used in corporations. This is accomplished by learning about the attitudes of managers and employees toward employee advocacy on social media. The social exchange theory serves as the foundation for this study. The theory is previous described as a success factor for an effective use of employee advocacy. This study's findings are based on two methods, including qualitative interviews with senior executives and quantitative surveys answered by employees. According to the findings, none of the five companies work with all the success factors related to digital employee advocacy. The most common success factor is employee engagement. The findings also revealed that some businesses made use of the availability of publishing materials as well as managers who set a good example. When a company's management encourages the publication of work-related material on private social media, employees are more likely to follow that example. Employees expressed a desire not to be pressured into digital employee advocacy in order to maintain their personal social media accounts. The social exchange theory formed as a working theory in Swedish media agencies, however it is not complete and thorough. It does not address all underlying motivators for personnel and management.
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Hållbarhetsredovisning inom Allmännyttan : Drivkrafterna bakom kommunala bostadsbolags hållbarhetsredovisningRebecca, Johansson, Mirjam, Mazouz January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera vilka drivkrafter som motiverar till hållbarhetsredovisning för svenska kommunala bostadsbolag samt att förklara hur den allmännyttiga roll de besitter påverkar deras synsätt på hållbarhetsredovisning. Genom att identifiera motiven som påverkar hållbarhetsredovisningen hos kommunala bostadsbolag syftar studien till att skapa förståelse för vad som kan uppmuntra företag till ökad frivillig hållbarhetsredovisning. Studien utgår från ett teoretiskt ramverk grundat i intressentteorin, legitimitetsteorin och MAST (från engelskans Media Agenda Setting Theory). För att uppfylla studiens syfte samlas data in genom enkäter till kommunala bostadsbolag. Studien kombinerar en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ metod, där enkätens slutna frågor analyseras med hjälp av en logistisk regression samt en korrelationsanalys och kompletteras med en tematisk analys av enkätens öppna frågor. Flermetodsvalet gör att studien förhåller sig mellan motpolerna för de ontologiska och epistemologiska antagandena. Studien är av en analytisk form och tillämpar en abduktiv forskningsansats. Den kvantitativa delen av studien finner med hjälp av den logistiska regressionen inga signifikanta variabler, men finner utifrån en korrelationsanalys signifikant korrelation mellan kommunala bostadsbolags hållbarhetsredovisning och påtryckningar från olika intressentgrupper. Ur den kvalitativa delen framkom fyra teman: legitimering, interna drivkrafter, kommunalt ansvar och förbättringsmöjligheter. Studien drar slutsatsen att det finns externa drivkrafter till svenska kommunala bostadsbolags hållbarhetsredovisning, i form av att bemöta externa påtryckningar och skapa legitimitet för bolaget gentemot omgivningen. Det framkommer även interna drivkrafter så som att individer i bolaget själva värderar hållbarhetsarbetet och redovisningen av det, samt att hållbarhetsredovisning kan förbättra styrningen i bolagen. Gällande kommunala bostadsbolags ansvar dras slutsatsen att de upplever att de har ett ansvar när det kommer till hållbarhetsredovisning, i form av ökad transparens och att leva upp till långsiktiga visioner. Samtidigt har de ett ansvar för boendeförsörjning och att inte hållbarhetsredovisningen ska medföra ökade kostnader som drabbar hyresgästerna. Slutligen konstateras att det finns ett behov av förbättringar inom hållbarhetsredovisningen, däribland mer stöd och tydligare snarare än strängare krav, eftersom redovisningen i nuläget uppfattas som för resurskrävande. / The purpose with this study is to identify what incentives motives municipal housing companies to conduct sustainability reporting and to explain how their public role affects their view on sustainability reporting. Through identifying the incentives for sustainability reporting the study aims to create an understanding of what could encourage companies to voluntarily conduct sustainability reports. The study uses a theoretical framework consisting of Stakeholder Theory, Legitimacy Theory and Media Agenda Setting Theory. To fulfil the aim of the study data is collected through surveys to municipal housing companies. The study combines a quantitative and qualitative method, where the closed questions of the survey is analyzed through a logistic regression and a correlation analysis while it is complemented by a thematical analysis of the open survey questions. The mixed research methods lead to the study taking a middle position when it comes to ontological and epistemological assumptions. The study is conducted as an analytical study and applies an abductive research approach. The quantitative part of the study finds no significant variables in the logistic regression but finds significant correlation between sustainability reporting of municipal housing companies and pressure from different stakeholder groups when using a correlation analysis. From the qualitative part, four themes emerged: legitimation, internal incentives, municipal responsibility, and opportunities for improvement. The study concludes that there are external incentives for the sustainability reporting of Swedish municipal housing companies, such as responding to external pressure and creating legitimacy for the company towards its surroundings. Internal incentives also emerge, such as that individuals in the company themselves value sustainability and sustainability reporting, and that sustainability reporting can improve corporate governance. Regarding municipal housing companies' responsibility, it is concluded that they feel that they have a responsibility regarding sustainability reporting, like increased transparency and living up to long-term visions. At the same time, they have a responsibility for the supply of housing, and they recognize that sustainability reporting might entail increased costs that could directly affect the tenants. Finally, it is noted that there is a need for improvements in regard to sustainability reporting, including more support and clearer rather than stricter requirements, considering that the reporting is currently perceived as too resource-intensive.
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Spolupráce celostátních deníků a agentur pro výzkum veřejného mínění v České republice / The cooperation of national press and agencies for research of public opinion in Czech republicBebutová, Erika January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The cooporation of national daily press and agencies for research of public opinion in the Czech republic" attempts to describe from the practical point of view how mutual cooperation of agencies for public opinion research and the media, especially the press, looks. The chapters of theoretical part of diploma thesis deal with the historical development of public opinion researches in our country where the year 1989 is stressed as the separation turning-point and the foreign studies about the relation of public opinion polls and media. In the practical part of diploma thesis is detailed analysis of media presentation of public opinion polls in the press. At first it compares the different approach of the journalists and sociologists to the work with the informations about public opinion polls and then the way of media processing of public opinion polls in the newspaper in two different historical periods, namely in 1991 and 2009. The analysed materil contained the press releases by IVVM and by CVVM of the first five months 1991 and 2009 and the press articles where the journalists used the informations from this press releases. The media act in the diploma thesis in part as the users of informations about public opinion polls and in part as the initiators of these polls. The staff...
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Vnímání aktuálních trendů online reklamy se zaměřením na retargeting / Perception of current trends in online advertising focusing on retargetingŘíhová, Terezie January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with complex view on the current online advertising form in the context of continuous technological development of contemporary society. Internet advertising and its range is viewed from a marketing perspective and in the context of media studies. Together with online advertising history, diploma thesis represents the development of the internet market and in this context it is pointed at reach of online advertising industry. Readers are acquainted with basic types of online advertisements, payment models and online advertising buying ways. Thesis in detail deals with modern trends such as programmatic buying of online advertising, behavioral targeting, retargeting, and many others that are examined from the perspective of advertisers, online content publishers and users whose privacy is from some perspective disrupted by these trends. To show the complexity of the issue, the thesis also contains deeper information about technology. At the end of the theoretical part, the thesis deals with intensively discussed topic of ad-blockers. To create a wider conclusion about the topic, there is also a part of the work that contains interpretation of survey focused on standard users and presentation on findings from structured questionnaire that has been designated to leading Czech...
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媒體企畫新藍圖:數位時代媒體代理商的思與行 / A new blueprint for media planning: media decision sequence of media agencies in the digtal era陳禮安, Chen, Lee An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Ha & McCann(2008)從資訊環境、廣告操縱和思考出發點等差異所提出的整合性分析架構,以及Dentsu(2006)提出媒體企畫從AIDMA模式轉化為AISAS的論點,探討新科技環境帶來媒體企畫思維和架構改變的同時,國內媒體代理商如何為廣告主擬定媒體企畫?策略為何?影響因素為何?又如何在資源有限又須更有效地觸達日趨複雜的消費者前提下,認知行銷環境上的變化?本文研究對象為台灣地區綜合媒體代理商之資深媒體企畫、購買及研究人員,主要採取量化的問卷調查,並以質性研究之深度訪談做為輔助。問卷調查採分層方式進行樣本配置,共發出102份問卷,回收101份,回收率為99%。統計分析方式包括描述性次數分配、T檢定、因素分析、相關分析和迴歸分析。
4.媒體代理商仍傾向以透過媒體虛擬形塑出的集體社群進行傳播,並引導社群間的互動、分享,以及消費者對廣告活動的涉入。媒體代理商所需求的消費者資訊仍以集體社群為主,而非個人化的資訊尋求行為。 / The media scenario has become so complex that the information for media selection and planning is specific to the target, for a sophisticated segmentation of the media in relation to a segmented target, a specific combination, distribution and designing of advertisements in the media. This study explores how media agencies frame media planning packages for advertisers in the new era, changing media planning and implementation due to the new technology environment. It examines what are the influencing factors for media planning and buying agencies’ strategy. How do they cognize the change of marketing environment with the premise of limited resources and the necessity of effectively reaching increasingly complex consumers?
The study is based on two theoretical contentions. One is an integrated model that Ha & McCann (2008) raised from the divergence of information processing, consumer or advertiser control, and media or consumer-centered strategies. The other that Dentsu (2006) raised is media planning has changed from AIDMA model to AISAS model.
Subjects of the thesis consisted of senior media planners, buyers, and researchers of media agencies. The study adopts mainly quantifiable investigation and qualitative in-depth interviews as an auxiliary source. The sampling for quantifiable investigation adopts stratified sampling. The study was sent out to 102 respondents in total and received 101 returns; the response rate is 99%.
The main findings are as follows:
1.Media buyers will change their planning and designing due to various reasons when making media mix decision. Television remains a significant medium for integrated communication, while the internet can be a first communication strategy to reach alternative audiences.
2.While emphasis on different audiences in the digital era, media planners tend to focus on multimedia strategies. For traditional media, it can remain advantageous position if the planners integrated effectively with new media with different effects.
3.Media planners tend to use quantifiable advertisement criteria as measurement before they make decisions. They also use various consumer service feedback to create advertisement campaigns for help understand whole advertising effect. The quantitative and iterative nature of media planning makes it an attractive tool for media planning.
4.Media agencies still tend to conduct interviews and collect information from wide variety of community groups. The growing trend of interactive media needs to engage with community groups for further information for interactive marketing strategies.
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