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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le pouvoir de l’humour : Politiques de représentations dans les sketches télévisuels en France. De Coluche à nos jours, transformation de la figure du comique en humoriste et montée des groupes subalternes / The power of humour : politics of representation in television sketches in France from Coluche until today, when comedian turns into humorist and subaltern groups grow

Quemener, Nelly 02 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’émergence des groupes subalternes, particulièrement des minorités ethnoraciales et des femmes, sur la scène télévisuelle de l’humour, depuis Coluche jusqu’à nos jours. Elle interroge l’état des discours au moment de leur apparition et les capacités d’agir de l’humour. Elle articule le passage du comique en humoriste. Dans les années 1970, le comique bouffon incarne une figure de contestation d’un système de pouvoir centralisé, dont il est un observateur critique. Il se transforme avec la montée de l’individualisme en acteur d’un monde dont il produit une vision subjective. L’analyse d’un corpus de sketches tirés de douze émissions de talk show montre que les humoristes femmes proposent des personnages aux identités de genre fluctuantes et multiformes, à la charnière du masculin et du féminin, à travers des procédés parodiques et un jeu d’incarnation basé sur le corps. Les humoristes issus des minorités ethnoraciales proposent des contre-modèles à l’intégration républicaine avec des récits « authentiques ». Ils ouvrent la voie à l’expression de subjectivités non blanches et à la dénonciation des discriminations sur la base de la couleur de peau. Leur humour s’actualise en 2006 avec l’appropriation du stand-up, la mise en scène de la diversité et des multiples territoires de l’identité. Cette thèse conclut sur un processus de contre-offensive, ou backlash, contestant aux groupes subalternes les avancées conquises durant la période précédente. Ce backlash se manifeste à partir de 2007 par un humour basé sur des commentaires d’actualité et des caricatures. Il favorise les visées hégémoniques blanches et masculines dans l’humour et l’éviction des politiques des identités. / This thesis deals with the emergence of subaltern groups in mainstream television, from Coluche until today. It focuses on two groups, female humorists and ethnic minorities. It questions the agency of humour and its power of displacement of hegemonic media representations, as well as the state of discourses at the moment of the appearance of subaltern groups. It articulates the transformation of comedian into humorist. The buffoon of the late 1970s stands for the figure of contestation of a centralized power, which it comments with a critical gaze. The growth of individualism and expressions of identities turn the comedian into a humorist that assumes a role of actor of the world and a subjective gaze. The analysis of sketches in television talk shows reveals that female humorists expose multiple subjectivities and destabilize the binary system masculine-feminine, by resorting to body acts as parts of humoristic mechanisms. Humorists from ethnic minority groups denounce discriminations and perform hybrid bodies and identities that destabilize the republican model of integration. Their appropriation of stand-up comedy genre renews in 2006 the staging of diversity and of the multiple territories of identities. The period 2007-2010 shows a counter-offensive, a backlash that marks the return to dominant values in the field of humour and denies to subaltern groups the advantages they’ve gained during the previous period. It is characterized by a renewal of humour based on news comments and caricatures, by the hegemonic power of masculine white humorists and the eviction of identity politics.

The new gatekeepers of fashion week : A qualitative study of the influencers role at fashion week

Brodin Holmstedt, Nina January 2017 (has links)
Aim of the research: This research aims to create an understanding for the new ways in which global fashion influencers’ attending fashion week are contributing to the presentation of it as gatekeepers and distributors of information and fashion knowledge, and how this rolea dds new perspectives to how fashion week is presented. Method: The research has been limited to analysing the material of six global fashion influencers, with a total following of 28 million people, during the major fashion weeks of Spring/Summer 2017 and Autumn/Winter 2017. The material has been collected and analyzed using a qualitative content analysis, also called ethnographic content analysis, with focus on distinguishing common characteristics in the text. Findings: The results have shown that the fashion influencers have contributed to the presentation of fashion week in several new ways, with the greatest characteristic being sharing a broad picture of what is going on during fashion week. The influencers are also sharing insight to exclusive fashion shows and events that have traditionally not been shared with the public. More over, the fashion influencers are sharing their personal perspectives and experiences of fashion week as well as their personal taste and opinions regarding fashion trends and other things. They are also adding a new commercial and promotional focus while presenting an idealized image of fashion week to their followers. The findings are indicated that the fashion influencers have established an important role at fashion week, which in turnis affecting the presentation of it. Contributions: The findings presented in this research can be of relevance for those who wants to understand the fashion influencers’ role during fashion week, for instance fashion brands and designers who wishes to learn how to engage with the fashion influencers’ from a business and marketing perspective. Considering social media and the fashion influencers affecting the presentation of fashion week as societal changes, the findings can also be relevant for fashion researchers who wishes to understand how these changes are affecting the presentation of fashion week and the fashion industry.

Kriminalita a její prezentace v médiích. Mediální reprezentace čtyř pachatelů trestných činů v ČR po roce 1993 / Criminality and its presentation in media-4choses cases in the Czech Republic after 1993

Kasalová, Renata January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Criminality and its presentation in media - media representation of four chosen criminals in the Czech Republic after 1993" deals with presentation of criminality and criminals in mass media. Mass media play an important role, they are the main actor that creates public opinion and influences attitudes and opinions of the public within the basic themes that are important for contemporary society. After 1989, in connection with beginning media freedom and development of commercial media sector we could observe remarkable growth of news related to criminality and crime. We could also realize an increase of their tabloidization and brutalization. Unqualified public gains its knowledge of criminality in the region it is staying in and also in the whole republic particularly from the media. Media may although report to the recipients incorrectly about the involvement of criminality, number of crimes etc. The themes of this diploma thesis are as following: media production related to criminality and journalism, normative demands for journalism and media products including their infringements, social and media construction of reality and media representation. Within the qualitative analysis I am observing the media representations of the criminals, named Jiri Kajinek, Petr Zelenka, Vaclav...

Chroniques d'une maternité hégémonique. Identités féminines, représentations des mères et genre de la parentalité dans les séries télévisées familiales françaises (1992-2012) / Chronicles of a Hegemonic Motherhood. Women Identities, Depiction of Mothers and Gendered Parenthood in French Family TV Series (1992-2012)

Lécossais, Sarah 19 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’émergence d’une figure hégémonique de « bonne » mère dans les séries télévisées françaises et sur les impératifs à caractère injonctif qui la caractérisent. Cette recherche en sciences de l’information et de la communication adopte une démarche au croisement de la sociologie des médias, des Cultural studies et des études de genre. Elle s’appuie sur un corpus de séries familiales, produites et diffusées par les chaînes historiques françaises entre 1992 et 2012, constitué à l’aide des outils de l’Inathèque. La méthodologie et le cadre théorique fournissent le socle à une analyse des représentations fictionnelles de la parentalité, de ses discours et des politiques de représentations à l’œuvre.L’analyse qualitative du corpus montre que ces fictions mettent en avant une figure valorisée et légitimée de « bonne » mère. Cette figure consensuelle se caractérise par des impératifs de responsabilité, de communication, de disponibilité, d’amour, de réflexivité ou encore de culpabilité. L’articulation des identités féminines et maternelles se fait sous contrainte, tant la maternité vient phagocyter les autres dimensions identitaires des femmes devenues mères. L’exercice du métier de mère renvoie à des performances, de genre comme de parentalité, tant les héroïnes s’attachent à mettre en pratique les attendus d’une « bonne » maternité. Une approche intersectionnelle, enfin, permet de mettre en lumière que la « bonne » mère, de surcroît, est blanche, de classe moyenne ou supérieure, et hétérosexuelle. Cette thèse montre ainsi que les politiques de représentation à l’œuvre viennent réassigner les femmes à leur genre en faisant la promotion d’identités féminines centrées sur la maternité tout en transformant en injonctions les attentes normatives vis-à-vis de la maternité, participant par là à un mouvement de backlash. La maternité construite par ces fictions est hégémonique dans la mesure où elle est ponctuellement discutée et remise en question par des figures humoristiques contre-hégémoniques. Cependant, la transgression que pourrait constituer l’humour – nombre de ces séries sont des comédies – sert finalement une réaffirmation des normes de genre et de parentalité. Ces séries deviennent ainsi les complices de la promotion d’une parentalité policée et de la normalisation de la vie familiale. / This thesis deals with the emergence of a hegemonic mother figure in French TV series and its imperious exhortation. The research is based on a corpus of family TV series, produced and broadcasted by historic TV channels between 1992 and 2012, gathered with help of the INA (Audiovisual National Institute) archives. The qualitative analysis of this material is at the crossroads of information and communication sciences, media studies, sociology, cultural studies and gender studies. The methodology and the theoretical framework make up the basis for an analysis of fictional representations of parenthood, of its discourse and its politics of representation.The qualitative analysis shows a valuable and legitimated figure of « good » mother. This consensual mother is characterized by imperative duties such as duties of communication, responsibility, availability, love, reflexivity or guilt. The articulation between feminine and maternal identities is complex: the maternal dimension swallows up the other ones. The mother’s job becomes a performance of gender and of parenthood. Indeed heroines intend to perform the model of good mother along with the social expectations about motherhood. Intersectionality encourages us to consider the articulation of gender, race, class and parenthood. Thus, the “good” mother is also a White middle or upper class, heterosexual one. This analysis suggests a phenomenon of backlash against mothers. This thesis shows that the ongoing politics of representation reassign mothers to their gender by promoting women’s identities centred on motherhood; they turn normative expectations about motherhood into injunctions. These TV series construct a hegemonic motherhood that is discussed into the margins by counter-hegemonic and comic figures. However, the transgressive opportunity of humour eventually reaffirms the norms of gender and parenthood. These family TV series thus become abled allies for the promotion of a gendered and controlled parenthood. They support the normalization of family life.

A Critical Visual Analysis of the images shared by Colombian female photojournalists under the hashtag #8mfotografascolombia on the March 8th, 2021, feminist mobilization.

Valenzuela Anzola, Ana María January 2021 (has links)
The intention of this thesis is to investigate whether there are consistent narrative patterns of images produced by female photojournalists under the Instagram hashtag #8mfotografascolombia in the context of the feminist mobilization of March 8, 2021, that took place in Colombia. I aim to establish if indeed these new communicative strategies in expansion respond to narratives widely used by traditional photojournalism, or if they operate under a different set of dynamics. Under the lens of Representation Theory I want to study how hegemonic depiction and absent stories form photojournalism are configuring counter narratives on social media platforms. On the other hand the perspective of Feminist Media Theory will provide understanding and context about the processes of production, circulation and absent feminine gaze within the media. The subsequent analysis shows that in fact narratives are being configured opposed to the structures of large media organizations in which the female gaze produces not only aesthetically different results, but the photographic process is intrinsically linked to performative actions, the recognition of subjects and away of the logic of spectacle and violence of the big media, but also outside of what the Instagram algorithm privileges.

The Peruvian minstrel: an analysis of the representations of blackness in the performance of <em>El Negro Mama</em> from 1995 to 2016

Mosquera Rosado, Ana Lucía 22 March 2019 (has links)
Peruvian mass media has failed in addressing and representing the cultural and ethnic diversity of its country, as the presence and representation of ethnic minorities (indigenous and Afro-Peruvian) are almost exclusively reduced to the reproduction of stereotypes in comedy shows, in which they are often racialized and the target of offenses directly related with their ethnic identities. The analysis will focus on the figure of El Negro Mama, a very popular character in Peruvian television thought to be a portrait of the Afro-Peruvian population. Through the use of textual analysis, the paper will explore of this character in order to determine the performativity of blackness in national television and the use of racist discourses in the national media and their direct relation with the reproduction of stereotypes and racist language. The research, then, seeks to provide an analysis of the transformation of the discourses that this character produced to show the variations of the racist discourse affecting this ethnic group and the transformation of the portrayals and interactions of the character when publicly rejected by the Afro-Peruvian civil society.

Analýza reprezentace sebevražd a sebepoškozování v populární kultuře v letech 1999-2019 / The Analysis of Representation of Suicide and Self-Mutilation in Popular Culture in Years 1999-2019

Nainová, Victoria January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis is focusing on the representation of suicides and self-mutilation in American production movies and television in the year 1999-2019. The thesis aims to find out, how are these phenomena shown and with whom popular culture connects them. The theoretical part is dealing with social and media construction of reality, stereotype, stigmatization, and clearing the concepts and definitions of phenomena. For better understanding this part also includes a short presentation of socially deviant behavior since examined phenomena are part of it. The analysis was made based on qualitative content analysis and completed with short quantitative analysis for sociodemographic comparison with available real data. The sample contains 23 motion pictures as are films and series. Based on them and with processes of grounded theory the coding was done, typology was made and pointed out findings with whom American production connects these phenomena and how they represent them in popular culture. Those findings are important for their relations to media construction of reality as non-experts can perceive the way it is represented for their own.

Reprezentace úspěchu v českých televizních seriálech po roce 1989 / Representation of the succes in czech television serials after 1989

Freislebenová, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Diploma theses "Medial representations of success in Czech series after 1989" is researching, how is through six Czech television series presented the success. Medial images are an important source of knowledge of our current society. Success itself is a phenomenon we are facing daily in our lives. A large part of this experience is made through the media. The purpose of this work is to identify, which key phenomena of society distinguished values has been viewed in selected series (Konec velkých prázdnin, Život na zámku, Ranč U Zelené sedmi, Reportérka, Semestr and Terapie). Through the observations we are able to describe which images were mostly displayed, which at least and with who it has been connected. Thanks to this, we can review whether these medial representations of success are indulgent with their own evaluation of this concept. The recognizability of these phenomena and its interpretation is considered as a parameter of an individual personalities and their observation is being the typical subject of stereotyping. The conclusion of the thesis shows what is the development of representation of success in the Czech series and which picture of the current society has been created by these interpretations.

Exploring the Impact of Negative Media Representation on University Students Residing in Segregated Areas : A Case Study of Malmo's Rosengård Student Housing

Yohannes Alemayohu, Feven January 2022 (has links)
This research aims to explore the effects of negative media representation on the experiencesof university students residing in Rosengård, Malmö, Sweden. Drawing upon media and masscommunication theories such as Media Shadow theory, Agenda Setting theory, andincorporating elements of Social Identity theory, the study investigates the influence of mediaportrayals on community perception and individual experiences. Through qualitative semistructuredinterviews conducted with fifteen students living in Rosengård, their accounts weretranscribed and analyzed to gain a comprehensive understanding of their experiences. Thefindings indicate that media representation holds significant power in shaping communityperception and profoundly impacts the experiences of residents. This research underscores theimportance of balanced media representation in mitigating negative influences and emphasizesthe need to consider social identity dynamics when examining the impact of media portrayalson individuals' perceived reality and experiences within a specific community.

BOSNIAN IDENTITY AFTER THE WAR : The Importance of How the War Is Described in Media for Contemporary Bosnian Identity / BOSNIAN IDENTITY REPRESENTED : The importance of how the war is described in media for contemporary Bosnian identity

Srebrenica, Bahrudin January 2022 (has links)
After World War II, Europe has only experienced two wars, in the 1990s when Yugoslavia dissolved and now in 2022 when Russia went to war with Ukraine. Regardless of the outcomes of wars, it is clear that wars continue to recur in a continent that prides itself on its peaceful aspirations. During the breakup of Yugoslavia, the war in Bosnia was, in terms of scale,  the most terrible of all wars in the Balkans. In addition, it was the war that received extensive media coverage. This affordance has not been fully utilized. After the war ended, the Bosnians went a long way in rebuilding their devastated community. Based on a semiotic analysis of media representation of war-torn reality in this community, it was found that community subjectivity built up at a similar rate to the media's representation of their reality. The results show the five most commonly used terms to describe Bosnians in connection with the Bosnian War. These terms are 1. Genocide 2. Crime 3. Tragedy 4. Invaders 5. Victims. And,  results show that realistic depictions of war presented in the media reduce victim identification in war-devastated communities.

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