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A importância da escala do problema no processo de aprendizagem da migração nordestina na metrópole paulistana / The importance of the scale of the problem on the learning process regarding the north-eastern migration towards the paulistana metropolisFonseca, Carlos Eduardo 18 October 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata sobre a insuficiência do ensino e da aprendizagem de geografia na educação básica apoiado na categoria lugar sem conexões com outras escalas de tempo e espaço do problema estudado. Atualmente, crianças e adolescentes em idade escolar encontram-se num meio técnico-científico-informacional e sociedade em rede, sendo, inclusive, considerados nativos digitais. No entanto, enfrentam dificuldades intelectuais para resolver problemas colocados pela contemporaneidade e estão expostos à estímulos diretos com pouca ou nula mediação humana, o que pode comprometer seu desenvolvimento intelectual e cognitivo. A geografia, enquanto conhecimento científico e disciplina escolar, pode contribuir substancialmente para o desenvolvimento desses jovens escolares, mas se focada em estudos limitados de um dado recorte espacial, sem conexões com outras escalas de tempo e espaço do problema estudado, será insuficiente. Esta pesquisa utilizou-se da aplicação de uma sequência didática em quatro turmas de oitavas séries e apoiou-se nos aportes teóricos de Lev Semionovitch Vigotski e Reuven Feuerstein, com a Psicologia da Aprendizagem e a Teoria da Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada, respectivamente. Num primeiro momento os estudantes responderam a três questões-problema referentes à migração nordestina no país, porém a fizeram propositadamente sem qualquer tipo de mediação do professor. Noutro momento, após terem realizado atividades didático-pedagógicas em que o professor se utilizara dos três critérios universais da Teoria da Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada de Feuerstein e de algumas das premissas de Vigotski, apoiando-se, sobretudo, em diferentes recursos pedagógicos e modalidades de linguagem, os estudantes refizeram as três questões. Paralelamente às atividades da sequência didática, os estudantes realizaram entrevistas com migrantes nordestinos do Distrito de Pedreira, zona sul da capital paulista, a fim de que pudessem ter contato com as memórias e representações de mundo dessas pessoas, num mundo de meio técnico-científico-informacional e significativas injustiças de toda a ordem. O objetivo de tal atividade fora que pudessem aprender geografia enquanto conhecimento científico, trabalhando com escalas de tempo e espaço que não somente restrita ao lugar do aluno, mas que pudessem transcender a noção de lugar enquanto espaço territorialmente isolado, fragmentado, com pouca ou nula conexão com outras escalas espaciais e temporais, de outros lugares. Obtivemos que os alunos apresentaram seus conhecimentos espontâneos fortemente atrelados ao lugar e ao que lhe é mais próximo, mas após serem mediados, demonstraram que começaram paulatinamente a operar cognitiva e intelectualmente conectando outras escalas do problema estudado, neste caso, a migração nordestina na metrópole paulistana. / The current work discusses the insufficiency of teaching and learning geography in basic education grounded on the category of the surroundings without other space time scales over the studied issue or phenomenon. Nowadays, school-aged children and teenagers are in a technical-scientific-informational medium and a network society, even being known as \"digital natives\". Although, they go through intellectual hardships to fathom problems placed by contemporaneity and are exposed to direct stimuli with little to no human mediation, what can havoc their cognitive and intellectual development. Geography as science and a subject can substantially contribute to the development of this student youth, yet will be insufficient when focused on limited studies within a certain spacial trim. This research applied a didactic sequence on four eighth grades and based itself on Lev Semionovitch Vigotski\'s and Reuven Feuerstein\'s theoretical works about the Learning Psychology and the Mediated Learning Experience Theory, respectively. Firstly, the students answered to three questions involving migration from the north-east in the country, whereas on purpose there wasn\'t any mediation from the teacher. In another moment, after having done the didactic-pedagogical activities in which the teacher used the three universal criteria from the Feuerstein\'s Mediated Learning Experience Theory and some of the Vigotski\'s premisses, overall relying on different pedagogical resources and language models, students redid such questions. Parallel to the activities from the didactic sequence, the students interviewed north-eastern migrants in the Distrito de Pedreira, south zone of the paulista capital, so that they could have contact with the memories and world representations from these people in a globalized planet with considerable injustice and all its types. The activity\'s goal was to learn geography as a scientific knowledge, dealing with space and time scales not restricted to the \"student\'s surroundings\", but transcendent to the notion of place as an isolated, fragmented territory, with scarce to nonexistent connection with other scales from other places. We found the students presented their spontaneous knowledge strongly associated to their surroundings, but progressively demonstrated to relate other scales from the studied issue, the north-eastern migration to the paulistana metropolis.
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A importância da escala do problema no processo de aprendizagem da migração nordestina na metrópole paulistana / The importance of the scale of the problem on the learning process regarding the north-eastern migration towards the paulistana metropolisCarlos Eduardo Fonseca 18 October 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata sobre a insuficiência do ensino e da aprendizagem de geografia na educação básica apoiado na categoria lugar sem conexões com outras escalas de tempo e espaço do problema estudado. Atualmente, crianças e adolescentes em idade escolar encontram-se num meio técnico-científico-informacional e sociedade em rede, sendo, inclusive, considerados nativos digitais. No entanto, enfrentam dificuldades intelectuais para resolver problemas colocados pela contemporaneidade e estão expostos à estímulos diretos com pouca ou nula mediação humana, o que pode comprometer seu desenvolvimento intelectual e cognitivo. A geografia, enquanto conhecimento científico e disciplina escolar, pode contribuir substancialmente para o desenvolvimento desses jovens escolares, mas se focada em estudos limitados de um dado recorte espacial, sem conexões com outras escalas de tempo e espaço do problema estudado, será insuficiente. Esta pesquisa utilizou-se da aplicação de uma sequência didática em quatro turmas de oitavas séries e apoiou-se nos aportes teóricos de Lev Semionovitch Vigotski e Reuven Feuerstein, com a Psicologia da Aprendizagem e a Teoria da Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada, respectivamente. Num primeiro momento os estudantes responderam a três questões-problema referentes à migração nordestina no país, porém a fizeram propositadamente sem qualquer tipo de mediação do professor. Noutro momento, após terem realizado atividades didático-pedagógicas em que o professor se utilizara dos três critérios universais da Teoria da Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada de Feuerstein e de algumas das premissas de Vigotski, apoiando-se, sobretudo, em diferentes recursos pedagógicos e modalidades de linguagem, os estudantes refizeram as três questões. Paralelamente às atividades da sequência didática, os estudantes realizaram entrevistas com migrantes nordestinos do Distrito de Pedreira, zona sul da capital paulista, a fim de que pudessem ter contato com as memórias e representações de mundo dessas pessoas, num mundo de meio técnico-científico-informacional e significativas injustiças de toda a ordem. O objetivo de tal atividade fora que pudessem aprender geografia enquanto conhecimento científico, trabalhando com escalas de tempo e espaço que não somente restrita ao lugar do aluno, mas que pudessem transcender a noção de lugar enquanto espaço territorialmente isolado, fragmentado, com pouca ou nula conexão com outras escalas espaciais e temporais, de outros lugares. Obtivemos que os alunos apresentaram seus conhecimentos espontâneos fortemente atrelados ao lugar e ao que lhe é mais próximo, mas após serem mediados, demonstraram que começaram paulatinamente a operar cognitiva e intelectualmente conectando outras escalas do problema estudado, neste caso, a migração nordestina na metrópole paulistana. / The current work discusses the insufficiency of teaching and learning geography in basic education grounded on the category of the surroundings without other space time scales over the studied issue or phenomenon. Nowadays, school-aged children and teenagers are in a technical-scientific-informational medium and a network society, even being known as \"digital natives\". Although, they go through intellectual hardships to fathom problems placed by contemporaneity and are exposed to direct stimuli with little to no human mediation, what can havoc their cognitive and intellectual development. Geography as science and a subject can substantially contribute to the development of this student youth, yet will be insufficient when focused on limited studies within a certain spacial trim. This research applied a didactic sequence on four eighth grades and based itself on Lev Semionovitch Vigotski\'s and Reuven Feuerstein\'s theoretical works about the Learning Psychology and the Mediated Learning Experience Theory, respectively. Firstly, the students answered to three questions involving migration from the north-east in the country, whereas on purpose there wasn\'t any mediation from the teacher. In another moment, after having done the didactic-pedagogical activities in which the teacher used the three universal criteria from the Feuerstein\'s Mediated Learning Experience Theory and some of the Vigotski\'s premisses, overall relying on different pedagogical resources and language models, students redid such questions. Parallel to the activities from the didactic sequence, the students interviewed north-eastern migrants in the Distrito de Pedreira, south zone of the paulista capital, so that they could have contact with the memories and world representations from these people in a globalized planet with considerable injustice and all its types. The activity\'s goal was to learn geography as a scientific knowledge, dealing with space and time scales not restricted to the \"student\'s surroundings\", but transcendent to the notion of place as an isolated, fragmented territory, with scarce to nonexistent connection with other scales from other places. We found the students presented their spontaneous knowledge strongly associated to their surroundings, but progressively demonstrated to relate other scales from the studied issue, the north-eastern migration to the paulistana metropolis.
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A mediação em sala de aula sob a perspectiva de Feuerstein: uma pesquisa-ação sobre a interação professor-aluno-objeto da aprendizagemPisacco, Nelba Maria Teixeira 04 December 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-12-04 / The present work investigates the interaction in classroom, under the trine conception of the mediation of the learning. The object of the study is composed by the very mediation elements: pupils, teacher, and learning object. The research main target was to demonstrate how, under the perspective of Feuerstein, the interaction among mediator, mediated and learning object is processed. Specifically, the proposal is: to characterize the relationships that occur between the constituent elements of the mediation and the mediational criteria; to demonstrate how the mediation criteria occurs in the teaching and learning process; and to identify the possibilities and impediments in the planning and accomplishment of the classes under the parameters of the moderated activity experience. The theoretical reference is based in Reuven Feuerstein's theoretical-instrumental proposal, particularly on the concerns of the mediated learning experience (MLE) – conceived as a process of mediated intentions that promote the structural cognitive modifiability (SCM) – and of the mediation criteria, that constitute the basic condition for characterization of the mediation. The methodology proposes the observation of the educational practices of mediation, according to the mediational categories, to be evaluated either by the pupils as by the teacher in classroom. In a research-action idea, the teacher and the twenty-five students – of the Normal Course, at a private school in the city of Ponta Grossa (state of Parana, Brazil) – became subject/object of the research, in the sense of the mediational actions evaluation. As instruments, the following were used: class plans, teacher's diary notes and recordings, teacher's and students’ records protocols, video-recording and questionnaires. The analysis and discussion were constituted in the interlacement of quantitative and qualitative indicators. The conclusion was that the interaction mediator-moderated – object of the learning, took place in different ways. The variables that interfere in such distinctions refer to: the cognitive and subjective aspects of the mediator and of the moderated ones, the specificities of the learning object, the didactic-methodological strategies, time, space, the moment lived by the group, and the differences of each criterion. From the interaction between each criterion and the elements of the mediation, some unilateral, bilateral and trine relationships emerged, which demonstrated the differentiation of the actions promoters of the mediation of each criterion. The occurrence of all of the criteria, with different frequencies, superior indexes for the criteria of mediation of the meaning, of the behavior of sharing, and of the intentionality/reciprocity, was observed. The mediational criteria are interdependent; the closest link was observed between the mediation of meaning, and the mediation of transcendence; however, the mediation of all of the criteria was permeated from those which are considered universal and fundamental parameters for the occurrence of the MLE: the intentionality/reciprocity mediation, the mediation of meaning, and the mediation of transcendence. The mediation is a two-way road: in the same class, each individual goes thru different processes of interaction and subjectivity, he attributes a self sense to a certain same lived social situation, and he constitutes his autonomy and identity as subject of the learning. Despite the distinct interactions, the indicators denote that the richness of the interaction enabled progresses, and the use of the parameters as advisors of the class favored the MLE in the school context. So, learning and teaching rendered being inseparable actions for mediators and mediated. / da mediação da aprendizagem. Compõem o objeto de estudo os próprios elementos da mediação: alunos, professor e objeto de aprendizagem. A pesquisa objetiva demonstrar como se processa a interação entre mediador, mediados e objeto da aprendizagem, sob a perspectiva de Feuerstein. Especificamente, propõe-se: caracterizar as relações que ocorrem entre os elementos integrantes da mediação e os critérios mediacionais; demonstrar como os critérios de mediação ocorrem no processo de ensino e aprendizagem e identificar as possibilidades e entraves no planejamento e realização das aulas sob os parâmetros da experiência de atividade mediada. O referencial teórico fundamenta-se na proposta teórico-instrumental de Reuven Feuerstein, especialmente no que concerne à experiência de atividade mediada, EAM - concebida como processo de intenções mediadas promotoras da modificabilidade cognitiva estrutural - e aos critérios de mediação, que constituem condição básica para caracterização da mediação. A metodologia propõe a observação das práticas docentes de mediação, conforme as categoriais mediacionais, a serem avaliadas pelos alunos e a professora em sala de aula. Numa idéia de pesquisa-ação, o professor e os vinte e cinco alunos - do Curso Normal, em uma escola da rede particular da cidade de Ponta Grossa - tornam-se sujeitos/objetos da pesquisa, no sentido da avaliação das ações mediadoras. Como instrumentos utilizam-se: planos das aulas, anotações do professor em diário, protocolos de registro do professor e dos alunos, videofilmagem e questionários. A análise e a discussão são constituídas no entrelaçamento de indicadores quantitativos e qualitativos. Conclui-se que a interação: mediador – mediado - objeto da aprendizagem, ocorre de formas distintas. As variáveis que interferem em tais distinções referem-se a: aspectos cognitivos e subjetivos do mediador e dos mediados, especificidades do objeto da aprendizagem, estratégias didático-metodológicas, tempo, espaço, momento vivido pelo grupo e diferenças de cada critério. Da interação entre cada critério e os elementos da mediação emergem relações unilaterais, bilaterais e tríades, que demonstram a diferenciação das ações promotoras da mediação de cada critério. Houve a ocorrência de todos os critérios com freqüências distintas, índices superiores para os critérios de mediação de significado, do comportamento de compartilhar e de intencionalidade/reciprocidade. Os critérios mediacionais são interdependentes, o vínculo mais estreito deu-se entre a mediação de significado e transcendência; porém a mediação de todos os critérios foi permeada com aqueles que são considerados parâmetros universais e fundamentais para a ocorrência da EAM: a mediação de intencionalidade/reciprocidade, mediação de significado, e mediação de transcendência. A mediação é uma via de mão dupla: na mesma aula, cada indivíduo passa por processos distintos de interação e subjetivação, atribui sentido próprio à mesma situação social vivenciada, constitui sua autonomia e identidade como sujeito da aprendizagem. Apesar das interações serem distintas, os indicadores denotam que a riqueza da interação possibilitou avanços, a utilização dos parâmetros como orientadores da aula viabilizam a EAM no contexto escolar. Assim, aprender e ensinar se tornam ações indissociáveis para mediador e mediados. Palavras-chave: ensino-aprendizagem, pesquisa-ação, experiência de atividade mediada, subjetividade.
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Chinese Heritage Language School Teachers’ Pedagogical Belief and Practice of the Contextualized Language InstructionGu, Yue January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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A constructivist approach in instructional design and assessment practiceBooyse, Celia 11 1900 (has links)
In a globally interdependent world, teachers are charged with preparing learners for a complex, interactive world. This educational challenge requires teachers to develop learners with critical, creative and conceptual minds, while still teaching the required content. Therefore developing the individual learner's ability to construct personalised meaning for new concepts is a prerequisite for the classroom. So is the development of the learner's ability to solve increasingly complex problems in the learning area as well as in daily life. This revivefies the question of how to plan, structure and assess in order to accommodate these requirements while enhancing learner abilities and achiement. / Teacher Education / D.Ed. (Didactics)
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Taking a closer look : exploring processes and evaluating outcomes of a video intervention : video interaction guidance (VIG)Gromski, Danya January 2011 (has links)
Evidence suggests that Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) is an effective intervention leading to positive behaviour change when used with parents and their children. The aim of this paper is to explore the processes of Video Interaction Guidance (VIG). Utilising a case study methodology it explores some of the key processes within the video intervention through in-depth analysis of shared review sessions. It also examines what parents and EPs perceive as significant and helpful within the process of VIG. Results reveal that the interplay between the visual image and the nature and content of discussions appears to be qualitatively different when parents are more actively engaged in video review sessions. Parents perceived the intervention in different ways, which appeared to correspond with their level of engagement in shared review sessions. The limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are discussed and the direct implications are dealt with in the overall conclusion in Paper 2 (pg. 93). Abstract Evidence suggests that Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) is an effective intervention that leads to positive behaviour change when used with parents and their children. This paper aims to evaluate the perceived impact of VIG when used with four parents and their children. Utilising a mixed methods case study methodology, it explores parents’ views of their experiences of the video intervention and examines whether any changes are maintained over time. Findings indicate that parents perceived some positive attitudinal and emotional changes. However, it was not clear that any changes were maintained over time and whether they could be solely attributed to the impact of VIG but were perhaps a result of a combination of other factors. A number of common themes emerged across cases that related to barriers and enablers of successful outcomes in VIG as perceived by parents and EPs. The direct implications of this study, suggestions for further research, and for Educational Psychology are discussed.
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Možnosti dynamické diagnostiky u dětí v mateřských školách-Škála využití kognitivních funkcí (ACFS) / Dynamic assessment of preschool children -Application of Cognitive Function Scale (ACFS)Drápalová, Alena January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to verify the practical utility of the Application of Cognitive Functions Scale (ACFS) to determin cognitive development of pre-school children. The theoretical part looks into specifics of the pre-school period and introduces the precise meaning of dynamic assessment, which is typical by its format consisting of three phases: pre- test - intervention - post-test. This part outlines the ACFS method and the influence of an adult on the process of mediated learning experience, which is a vital part of the intervention phase of the dynamic assessment. The empirical part describes the use of dynamic assessment and examines the possibilities of the ACFS method to observe the potential of cognitive functions development of pre-school children. The results show that the ACFS method is well-adapted to identify the potential of cognitive functions development of children and it provides specific and efficient guidelines for further development of their cognitive skills. Keywords: pre-school period, dynamic assessment, mediated learning experience, ACSF method, cognitive development of children
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Kurz Feuersteinova instrumentálního obohacování I očima jeho účastníků / Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment training I assessed by its traineesHavlíková, Vladana January 2012 (has links)
This work focuses on the form of instructor training in the method of Instrumental Enrichment at the FIE I (Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment I) course. Another key issue is monitoring of the professional structure of the course's attenders and the changes it undergoes with the introduction of a new instructor trainer to The Czech Republic. Next goal of the work is to explore how are the participants of the course motivated to work with this method and to cover potentional difficulties with putting it into practise as perceived by the participants themselves. Appart from covering how participants' motivation fluctuated during the course the practical part of the work also focuses on the participant's assesment of the course itself while trying to register anticipated changes in their thinking over its duration. For better understanding attenders' attitude to topics they assessed (whether it is about tools - the Instruments, a difficult sections of the lecture or technical terminology from the field of mediated learning) this work includes a brief presentation of Feuerstein's educational theory. KEY WORDS: Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment - FIE I, mediated learning, Instruments, motivation, putting the method into practise, professional structure of attenders
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Posouzení kognitivní plasticity u seniorů s použitím FIE / Estimation of Cognitive Plasticity in Old Adults Using FIEFišarová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
5 Abstract The work deals with the development of cognitive skills by the method of the Feuerstein Instrumental enrichment for seniors in a residential care. It should clarify whether the Instrumental Enrichment Program is practicable when working with seniors and how it will affect the development of cognitive abilities of these people. The theoretical part deals with the period of the old age, the cognitive specific of seniors, the contemporary views on the brain functioning, and especially with the Instrumental Enrichment Program.The practical part includes the results of the qualitative research. The main method of data collection was a " dynamic assessment " of the cognitive test and the case studies. The qualitative results evaluation of the Addenbrooke cognitive test showed the improvement in the solution methods almost in all levels ( input , elaboration and output) . The results of the study showed that the Instrumental Enrichment Program is very suitable for the seniors. Its use is meaningful not only for clients with mild cognitive insult but it is also very effective for the people with more severe degrees of dementia.
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Využití zprostředkovaného učení v rámci rozvoje komunikačních schopností u dětí předškolního věku / Use of mediated learning in the development of communication skills of preschool childrenKlausová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Thesis deals with the use of mediated learning experience in the focus on the communication skills of preschool children. Thesis follows up the theoretical knowledges of preschool education especially content of it and related to main documentes. Thesis describes the development of child in preschool age and describes the speech development and speech impairments. Thesis is focused on the mediated learning experience, its principles, goals and also on the theory of structural cognitive modifiability. In the last part of thesis is describede the program of Feuerstein instrumental enrichment, which is the main part of the research. The goal of thesis is to analysed the use of the Feuerstein instrumental enrichment program in the focus on development of preschool children's communication skills.
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