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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studie av en medeltida husgrund : en analys av bronsfynd från husgrund 6, Västergarn, Gotland / An analysis of bronze from a medieval building-foundation

Olsson, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
This essay is an analysis of the objects made of bronze found in an excavation Västergarn parish, Gotland, in 2010, conducted by the University of Gotland. The studied material presented in this essay comes from contexts inside, as well as nearby the foundation of a medieval building which purpose is still not certain. The first purpose of this study is to present the bronze-objects found inside and nearby the foundation of house 6, and to see if there are any datable objects. There is also a discussion whether there has been any bronze-crafting in the area. The second purpose is to make a contextual analysis to see if there are any differences between the material found outside and inside of the building, and what conclusions can be made regarding the function and use of the building. A spatial analysis has also been made to distinguish any patterns of the distribution of material inside and around the house.The result of this essay is partly a presentation of the material, but also that there has occurred some bronze-crafting in the form of cutting metal sheets inside or near the foundation treated in this essay. There is no evidence for casting bronze near the house foundation.The frequency of finds from outside the foundation compared to the frequency of finds within the foundation is nearly quadruple, which is to be expected since there probably has been a wooden floor inside the house to prevent all but the tiniest objects from falling through. Objects that landed on the floor were cleaned out, just to land near the entrance of the building. The finds from within the building much resembles the finds from outside the building, and the distribution-patterns of the trench indicates that the entrance to the building probably was located near the north-west corner or near the south-east corner.Hopefully, this study contributes another piece to the great puzzle that is Västergarn.

En studie om byggteknik och kulturhistoriska värden för medeltida takkonstruktioner i kyrkor / A study of building technology and cultural-historical values ​​of medieval roof constructions in churches

Kajtazi, Jeton, Berg, Christopher January 2021 (has links)
Arbetet syftar till att öka kunskapen om de medeltida takkonstruktioner och hur de är uppbyggda. Genom att göra en inventering och byggnadsundersökning av två takkonstruktioner i medeltida kyrkor. Resultatet av studien är tänkt att öka kunskapen av denna typ av byggnadsverk, dess kulturhistoriska värden och ge underlag för en långsiktig och hållbar förvaltning. De två kyrkorna som har undersökts är Drevs gamla kyrka och Hemmesjö gamla kyrka. I Sverige finns det många exemplar av välbevarade takkonstruktioner från medeltiden vilket är unikt. Examensarbetet genomfördes med hjälp av platsbesök, litteraturstudier och intervjuer, vilket var en bra kombination som gav ett tillförlitligt resultat. De personer som valdes att intervjuas är kunniga inom området och det var Samuel Palmblad från Kulturparken Småland samt timmerman och forskare Mattias Hallgren från Traditionsbärarna. Resultatet visar att båda kyrkorna är konstruerade i en romansk stil vilket är en arkitektonisk stil som var vanlig bland sockenkyrkorna under den tidiga medeltiden (1100-talet). Byggnadsteknikerna utvecklades under medeltiden vilket sakristian i Hemmesjö gamla kyrka visar med sin gotiska takkonstruktion från 1400-talet. Resultatet påpekar att båda dessa kyrkor är en del av Sveriges kulturarv och måste därefter bli behandlade på ett korrekt sätt för att dess kulturhistoriska värde inte ska förstöras. Resultatet påvisar även vikten av att dokumentera denna typ av takkonstruktioner då det ska fungera som en hjälp för förvaltningen av denna typ av bebyggelse. Detta examensarbete har svarat på varför det är viktigt att bevara de medeltida kyrkornas takkonstruktioner, dess byggnadstekniker samt vilken betydelse de kulturhistoriska värdena har. / The work aims to increase knowledge of the medieval roof structures and how they are built. By making an inventory and building survey of two roof structures in medieval churches. The result of the study is intended to increase knowledge of this type of building, its cultural-historical values ​​and provide a basis for long-term and sustainable management. The two churches are Drevs gamla kyrka (The old church of Drev) and Hemmesjös gamla kyrka (The old church of Hemmesjö), both are in Småland Sweden. The churches are well-preserved and have a history to tell through themselves. The study was possible through onsite study, article study and two interviews with Samuel Palmblad, Kulturparken Småland and Mattias Hallgren, Traditionsbärarna. The results have shown that the churches are built in a Romanic style which is an architectural expression on a building technology used during the early medieval time (12th century), with one part of the old church of Hemmesjö being built by using a later found building technology also called gothic style which was more common during late medieval time. During the interviews it was mentioned that these churches are heritage to Sweden and therefore need to be treated accordingly. There is still knowledge to be found and understood which will help with the preservation of the churches and their historical value. If the knowledge does not exist, there can be faults that happen which means that the values can be lost or misused which will lead to the destruction of a part of history. With little to no documents from the time they were built, it will be difficult to maintain for the people who work with the preservation if responsibility is not taken to learn more about these churches.  This study will look at the importance of preserving these churches and their roof constructions with the help of explaining the building technology and the culture-historical values.

L'église Sainte-Marie-Majeure de Ferentino et la dimension cistercienne de l'architecture du Latium méridional au XIIIe siècle / The Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Ferentino and the Cistercian Dimension of Thirteenth-Century Architecture in Southern Lazio / La chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore a Ferentino e gli echi cistercensi nell‟architettura duecentesca del Lazio meridionale

Gallotta, Emanuele 21 June 2019 (has links)
La recherche porte sur l'étude historique et architecturale de l'église de Sainte-Marie-Majeure à Ferentino (province de Frosinone, Italie), l'un des plus importants édifices construits dans le Latium méridional au XIIIe siècle. Le contexte scientifique montre d'énormes désaccords relatifs à la période d'édification et, par conséquent, aux différentes références culturelles ayant inspiré l'architecture de l'église, à partir des abbayes de Fossanova (1208) et Casamari (1217). D'autre part, en raison de la rareté des sources médiévales qui nous sont parvenues, nous ne connaissons pas avec précision la chronologie relative et absolue du bâtiment. Le texte de synthèse, qui est supporté de deux volumes supplémentaires rassemblant les sources iconographiques et toute la documentation écrite (inédite ou non) sur Sainte-Marie-Majeure, se compose de trois parties. Après avoir retracé l'histoire de l'église, depuis ses origines jusqu'aux dernières restaurations, à partir de l'exposé critique de questions historiographiques, l'architecture de l'édifice et ses principales phases de construction sont analysées de manière exhaustive. Enfin, la dernière section contextualise notre étude de cas dans le cadre du renouvellement architectural du Latium méridional et, plus largement, dans l'histoire de l'architecture médiévale, sans se limiter à l'Italie. En sélectionnant tel édifice-clé, constituant un exemplum sous le point de vue architectural, la recherche a spécifié les modalités de réception et de transmission des modèles provenant de la Bourgogne et de l'Ile-de-France à l'architecture religieuse et civile dans la province ecclésiastique de Campagna et Marittima au XIIIe siècle. / My research deals with the historical and architectural study of Santa Maria Maggiore in Ferentino (in the modern province of Frosinone), one of the most important buildings erected in southern Lazio during the thirteenth century. The existing scholarship on the church was out of date and suffered from large gaps that left the history of its construction unexplained. Neither the date of the site‟s foundation nor that of its completion are known because of the lack of medieval documentary sources. Consequently, the main disagreements about Santa Maria Maggiore had concerned the sources of inspiration for its architecture, as scholars generally compared it to the model of the Cistercian abbeys of Fossanova (1208) and Casamari (1217). My dissertation is accompanied by two additional volumes containing the images supporting the text and a catalogue of written sources including unpublished archival documents, and it is divided into three parts. The first traces the entire history of the building and begins with a critical exposition of related historiographical issues. The second section exhaustively analyses the architecture of the church and its building phases by reconciling documentary evidence and visual analysis of the church. The third section contextualizes the design of Santa Maria Maggiore within the territory of southern Lazio and the panorama of "Cistercian" architecture. By taking this exemplary monument as its subject, my research demonstrates the complex reception of architectural models from Burgundy and the Ile-de-France, analysing their subsequent reworkings in thirteenth-century religious and civil architecture in the ecclesiastical province of Campagna and Marittima. / La ricerca affronta lo studio storico-critico della chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore a Ferentino (FR), uno dei più importanti edifici costruiti nel Lazio meridionale durante il XIII secolo. Nonostante sia stata dichiarata Monumento Nazionale nel 1884, non era mai stata oggetto di uno studio sistematico ed è ancora oggi pressoché inedita. Il contesto scientifico, ormai desueto, soffre di grandi lacune sulle vicende costruttive della fabbrica, di cui non sono note né la data di fondazione né quella di completamento del cantiere a causa della scarsità di fonti documentarie medievali. Di conseguenza, i principali disaccordi hanno riguardato le influenze culturali fonte d‟ispirazione per l‟architettura di Santa Maria Maggiore, troppo genericamente ricondotte al modello delle abbaziali cistercensi di Fossanova (1208) e Casamari (1217). La dissertazione, accompagnata da due volumi supplementari che contengono le immagini di supporto al testo e il repertorio delle fonti documentarie, è suddivisa in tre parti: quella iniziale ripercorre l‟intera storia dell‟edificio a partire dall‟esposizione critica delle questioni storiografiche; la seconda sezione analizza in modo esaustivo l‟architettura della fabbrica e le fasi edilizie riconosciute; la terza parte, infine, contestualizza il caso studio nel quadro del Lazio meridionale e nel panorama dell‟architettura “cistercense”. Estendendo il campo di indagine, il lavoro ha acquisito un valore a scala territoriale poiché la ricostruzione delle vicende edilizie di Santa Maria Maggiore ha permesso l‟istituzione di raffronti con diverse altre architetture coeve sia italiane che francesi, al di là dei due magniloquenti monasteri di Fossanova e Casamari. A questi ultimi, infatti, la storiografia ha attribuito da sempre un ruolo privilegiato nell‟introduzione del linguaggio gotico ultramontano nel territorio a sud di Roma, di cui la chiesa ferentinese rappresenta una derivazione locale. Selezionando tale exemplum, la ricerca ha precisato le modalità di accoglienza dei modelli provenienti dalla Borgogna e dall‟Ilede-France, rintracciando le successive rielaborazioni nell‟edilizia duecentesca sia religiosa che civile nella Provincia ecclesiastica di Campagna e Marittima.

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