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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchung von humanen Melanozyten aus der äußeren Haarwurzelscheide des Haarfollikels auf unterschiedlichen biokompatiblen Scaffolds als neuer Ansatz in der Vitiligotherapie

Sülflow, Katharina 14 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Um eine verbesserte Therapieoption mit weniger Schmerzen und Nebenwirkun-gen für Patienten mit Depigmentierungsstörungen wie Vitiligo zu entwickeln, wurde eine Methode zur nichtinvasiven Gewinnung von autologen Melanozyten aus der Haarwurzel genutzt. Die Haarwurzel als einfach zugängliches Stammzell-reservoir bietet die Möglichkeit, Vorläufermelanozyten aus der äußeren Haar-wurzelscheide zu isolieren, differenzieren und zu proliferieren. Für zukünftige autologe Transplantationsversuche wurden in dieser Arbeit die kultivierten hu-manen Melanozyten aus der äußeren Haarwurzelscheide (Human Melanocytes from the Outer Root Sheath, HUMORS) auf drei unterschiedlichen Scaffolds getes-tet. Hinsichtlich mitochondrialer Aktivität (Marker für Zellproliferation), mela-nozytenspezifischer Markerexpression und ihrer Funktionalität (Tyrosinase-Enzymaktivität und Melaningehalt) wurden die Zellen auf Collagen Cell Carrier® (CCC), Poly-ε-Caprolacton-Scaffolds (PCL) und kollagen basierten Hydrogelen (cGEL) kultiviert und charakterisiert. Alle Scaffolds waren biokompatibel, immu-nologisch nur gering aktiv und wiesen eine dreidimensionale Struktur auf, die der extrazellulären Matrix nachempfunden war. Einen positiven Effekt auf die Prolife-ration wiesen die HUMORS auf den Collagen Cell Carrier® auf. Bei Untersuchun-gen der melanotischen Aktivität überzeugten die HUMORS auf dem cGEL Typ4 durch einen signifikant höheren Melaningehalt. Da Melanin das entscheidende Produkt der Repigmentierung bei Vitiligoläsionen ist, stellte sich damit das cGEL Typ4 als vielversprechender Zellträger für die Kultivierung und vorgesehene Transplantation der Melanozyten heraus.

Etude génotypique et phénotypique du Naevus Congénital, de taille moyenne et large

Dessars, Barbara 26 June 2008 (has links)
Un naevus congénital mélanocytique (CMN) est une prolifération bénigne de mélanocytes cutanés, cliniquement apparente à la naissance. On en retrouve chez approximativement 1% des nouveau-nés. Les CMN de taille large (LCMN), définis par un diamètre le plus large de plus de 20 cm, affectent environ 1 nouveau-né sur 20.000.<p>Puisque les LCMN ont une propension à dégénérer en tumeur mélanomateuse (dans 2 à 5% des cas) et que leur grande taille apporte un contingent cellulaire abondant, ils représentent un bon modèle d’étude des étapes initiales de la mélanotumorigénèse. Nous disposions précisément de cultures primaires de mélanocytes établies à partir de vingt-sept cas de naevi congénitaux (24 de taille large et 3 de taille moyenne (MCMN)) curetés pour la plupart chez des enfants en période néonatale.<p>La première phase de ce projet a permis d’identifier un mécanisme alternatif d’activation de l’oncogène BRAF dans deux cas de LCMN. Nous avons en effet mis en évidence dans ces deux cas de LCMN une translocation chromosomique entrainant une activation constitutive de BRAF par le biais d’une perte de son domaine auto-inhibiteur. Si des mutations activatrices de BRAF sont fréquemment rencontrées dans les tumeurs mélanocytiques, elles restent rares dans les naevi congénitaux et les mélanomes survenant dans des zones non exposées au soleil. Les translocations chromosomiques décrites ici pourraient représenter un mécanisme moléculaire récurrent d’activation de l’oncogène BRAF dans ces groupes de tumeurs mélanocytiques.<p>La seconde phase du projet consistait à réaliser sur notre série de 27 L/MCMN des analyses caryotypiques, des analyses « mutationnelles » (pour rechercher la présence de mutations activatrices des oncogènes BRAF et NRAS) et des études d’expression différentielle.<p>A l’inverse de ce que l’on observe dans le mélanome malin, les anomalies chromosomiques sont rares et isolées, reflétant très probablement le caractère bénin de ces lésions.<p>La mutation BRAFV600E a été mise en évidence pour 4/27 CMN (15%), des mutations du gène NRAS pour 19/27 (70%), soit une situation en miroir de ce que l’on observe dans les CMN de petite taille (SCMN) et dans les naevi acquis bénins, confirmant les résultats obtenus par d’autres. <p>L’étude du profil d’expression transcriptionnelle révèle des dysrégulations communes à l’ensemble des échantillons naeviques, comme une franche augmentation d’expression du transcrit de l’Ostéopontine.<p>Le profil d’expression des échantillons de CMN BRAFV600E semble refléter une réduction de la synthèse et de la distribution de pigment et une activation de gènes impliqués dans la réponse cellulaire aux dommages à l’ADN. Comme des altérations des mécanismes de la pigmentation peuvent générer des dommages oxydatifs au niveau de l’ADN, l’activation de la réponse cellulaire aux dommages à l’ADN pourrait refléter la capacité des cellules naeviques à se protéger contre le stress cellulaire. Enfin, on observait aussi une expression élevée de gènes médiant la chimiorésistance dans différents cancers, ce qui pourrait éventuellement jouer un rôle dans l’inefficacité caractéristique et bien connue de la chimiothérapie dans le mélanome malin.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Untersuchung von humanen Melanozyten aus der äußeren Haarwurzelscheide des Haarfollikels auf unterschiedlichen biokompatiblen Scaffolds als neuer Ansatz in der Vitiligotherapie

Sülflow, Katharina 06 October 2016 (has links)
Um eine verbesserte Therapieoption mit weniger Schmerzen und Nebenwirkun-gen für Patienten mit Depigmentierungsstörungen wie Vitiligo zu entwickeln, wurde eine Methode zur nichtinvasiven Gewinnung von autologen Melanozyten aus der Haarwurzel genutzt. Die Haarwurzel als einfach zugängliches Stammzell-reservoir bietet die Möglichkeit, Vorläufermelanozyten aus der äußeren Haar-wurzelscheide zu isolieren, differenzieren und zu proliferieren. Für zukünftige autologe Transplantationsversuche wurden in dieser Arbeit die kultivierten hu-manen Melanozyten aus der äußeren Haarwurzelscheide (Human Melanocytes from the Outer Root Sheath, HUMORS) auf drei unterschiedlichen Scaffolds getes-tet. Hinsichtlich mitochondrialer Aktivität (Marker für Zellproliferation), mela-nozytenspezifischer Markerexpression und ihrer Funktionalität (Tyrosinase-Enzymaktivität und Melaningehalt) wurden die Zellen auf Collagen Cell Carrier® (CCC), Poly-ε-Caprolacton-Scaffolds (PCL) und kollagen basierten Hydrogelen (cGEL) kultiviert und charakterisiert. Alle Scaffolds waren biokompatibel, immu-nologisch nur gering aktiv und wiesen eine dreidimensionale Struktur auf, die der extrazellulären Matrix nachempfunden war. Einen positiven Effekt auf die Prolife-ration wiesen die HUMORS auf den Collagen Cell Carrier® auf. Bei Untersuchun-gen der melanotischen Aktivität überzeugten die HUMORS auf dem cGEL Typ4 durch einen signifikant höheren Melaningehalt. Da Melanin das entscheidende Produkt der Repigmentierung bei Vitiligoläsionen ist, stellte sich damit das cGEL Typ4 als vielversprechender Zellträger für die Kultivierung und vorgesehene Transplantation der Melanozyten heraus.

Antibody-based Profiling of Expression Patterns using Cell and Tissue Microarrays

Strömberg, Sara January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, methods to study gene and protein expression in cells and tissues were developed and utilized in combination with protein-specific antibodies, with the overall objective to attain greater understanding of protein function.</p><p>To analyze protein expression in <i>in vitro</i> cultured cell lines, a cell microarray (CMA) was developed, facilitating antibody-based protein profiling of cell lines using immunohistochemistry (IHC). Staining patterns in cell lines were analyzed using image analysis, developed to automatically identify cells and immunohistochemical staining, providing qualitative and quantitative measurements of protein expression. Quantitative IHC data from CMAs stained with nearly 3000 antibodies was used to evaluate the adequacy of using cell lines as models for cancer tissue. We found that cell lines are homogenous with respect to protein expression profiles, and generally more alike each other, than corresponding cancer cells <i>in vivo</i>. However, we found variability between cell lines in regards to the level of retained tumor phenotypic traits, and identified cell lines with a preserved link to corresponding cancer, suggesting that some cell lines are appropriate model systems for specific tumor types. </p><p>Specific gene expression patterns were analyzed in vitiligo vulgaris and malignant melanoma. Transcriptional profiling of vitiligo melanocytes revealed dysregulation of genes involved in melanin biosynthesis and melanosome function, thus highlighting some mechanisms possibly involved in the pathogenesis of vitiligo. Two new potential markers for infiltrating malignant melanoma, Syntaxin-7 and Discs large homolog 5, were identified using antibody-based protein profiling of melanoma in a tissue microarray format. Both proteins were expressed with high specificity in melanocytic lesions, and loss of Syntaxin-7 expression was associated with more high-grade malignant melanomas.</p><p>In conclusion, the combination of antibody-based proteomics and microarray technology provided valuable information of expression patterns in cells and tissues, which can be used to better understand associations between protein signatures and disease.</p>

Efeitos da luz sobre o metabolismo de triptofano em melanócitos e melanomas / Effect of light on tryptophan metabolism in melanocytes and melanomas.

Silva, Maysa Braga Barros 06 April 2017 (has links)
Apesar de ser bem conhecido que a radiação ultravioleta (UV) causa danos na pele, já foram descritos alguns efeitos benéficos desta radiação, como por exemplo a sensação de bem estar proporcionado pela exposição a luz. Na pele, o triptofano (Trp) é metabolizado a compostos biologicamente ativos, e acredita-se que a síntese de serotonina (SER), um dos metabólitos do Trp, na fototerapia seja parte dos mecanismos de remissão da depressão de pacientes com desordem de humor sazonal. Ainda, a radiação UV induz diretamente a expressão e atividade de TDO, enzima que catalisa a transformação de Trp em quinurenina (KYN), em bactérias, efeito que ainda não havia sido estudado em células humanas. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a habilidade da radiação UV-A em modular a expressão de enzimas envolvidas nas rotas catabólicas do Trp em melanócitos e melanomas. Para isso foi realizada a padronização das condições de radiação UV-A através de ensaio de viabilidade celular, e então definimos condições que não levaram a morte das células (1,5 J/cm2 para melanócitos e 3 e 6 J/cm2 para melanomas). A radiação UV-A aumentou a expressão de IDO e TDO nos melanomas, enzimas que favorecem a progressão tumoral, e não só essas enzimas, houve aumento da expressão de KYNU e KMO, que também estão envolvidas na progressão tumoral. Além disso, a expressão de AANAT e HIOMT, responsáveis pela produção de melatonina (MLT), foi maior nos melanomas após 48 horas da radiação, enquanto a enzima INMT teve sua expressão aumentada em todos os tempos. O aumento de INMT em melanomas é muito interessante e podemos relacionar ao bem estar proporcionado pela exposição à luz, já que o produto dessa enzima, DMT, é conhecido por proporcionar essa sensação, porém o aumento observado na expressão de IDO e TDO em melanomas, indica um efeito nocivo da luz associado a produção de moléculas que estão fortemente ligadas aos processos de progressão e imunoescape tumoral. Os melanócitos parecem possuir menor susceptibilidade a radiação UV-A, pois as únicas enzimas que tiveram expressão aumentada após a radiação foram a KMO e a TPH1, e apesar da enzima TPH1 ter a expressão aumentada, esse aumento foi modesto o que nos levou a pensar que outras células da pele possam ter um papel mais relevante na produção de SER ou então outras condições de radiação. / Although it is well known that ultraviolet (UV) radiation causes skin damage, it was already described some benefits to this radiation, for instance the well-being feelings provided by light exposure. In the skin, tryptophan (Trp) is metabolized to biologically active compounds, and it is believed that the synthesis of serotonin, one of tryptophan metabolites, in phototherapy is part of mechanisms of remission of depression in patients with seasonal mood disorder. Moreover, in bacteria the UV radiation directly induces the expression and activity of TDO, the enzyme that catalyzes the metabolization of Trp to kynurenine (KYN). This effect has not been studied in human cells yet. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate if UV-A radiation modulates the expression of enzymes involved in melanocytes and melanoma Trp metabolism. For this aim, we standardized the UV-A radiation conditions through cell viability assay, and then we defined the better conditions to avoid cell death (1,5 J/cm2 to melanocytes and 3 and 6 J/cm2 to melanomas). The UV-A radiation increased the expression of IDO and TDO in melanomas, enzymes that contribute to tumor immune- escape. The expression of KYNU and KMO also increased, and these enzymes are also involved with some types of tumors progression. Furthermore, the expression of AANAT and HIOMT, responsible for melatonin (MLT) production, was higher in melanomas after 48 hours of radiation while INMT had an increased expression at all times. The increase of INMT by melanomas is very interesting and can be related to the well being provided by exposure to light, since the product of this enzyme, DMT, is known to provide this sensation. However, the observed increased of expression of IDO and TDO in melanomas indicates a harmful effect of light associated with the production of molecules linked to tumor progression and immune-escape processes. The melanocytes appear to be less susceptible to UV-A radiation, because only the enzymes KMO and TPH1 had their expression increased after radiation, and for TPH1 this effect was relatively small. Thus, we believe that other skin cells may have a more relevant role in SER production or other radiation conditions.

Avaliação de melanócitos humanos expostos ao inseticida carbaril e à radiação solar em cultura / Evaluation of cultured human melanocytes exposed to carbaryl insecticide and solar radiation

Ferrucio, Bianca 05 March 2015 (has links)
O carbaril (metilcarbamato de naftila), um inseticida de amplo espectro, foi recentemente associado ao desenvolvimento de melanoma cutâneo em estudo epidemiológico de coorte com trabalhadores agrícolas norte-americanos, expostos também à radiação solar, o principal fator etiológico para o desenvolvimento de tumores cutâneos. Apesar de abrangente e bem planejado, aquele estudo epidemiológico não é suficiente para caracterizar a contribuição direta do inseticida e da radiação solar na melanomagênese. Diversos estudos têm explorado o efeito sinérgico de determinadas substâncias químicas à radiação UV, potencializando seus efeitos deletérios sobre a pele, e possivelmente contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de tumores. A hipótese deste trabalho é de que a exposição ao carbaril associada à radiação solar possa estimular a transformação de melanócitos. Esse estudo visou caracterizar melanócitos humanos após exposição individual ou combinada ao carbaril (100uM) e à radiação solar (375 mJ/ cm2). Em ensaio de microarray, o carbaril, mas não a radiação solar, induziu uma importante resposta a estresse oxidativo, evidenciada pelo aumento da expressão de genes antioxidantes, como o Hemeoxigenase-1 (HMOX1), e pela diminuição da expressão do gene MiTF, regulador da atividade melanocítica; os resultados foram confirmados por qRT-PCR. Além disso, tanto o carbaril quanto a radiação solar induziram respostas que sugerem dano ao DNA e alteração de ciclo celular. A expressão dos genes nestas categorias, como p21 e BRCA1/2, foi notavelmente mais intensa no grupo de tratamento combinado e de fato, ensaios por citometria de fluxo demonstraram parada de ciclo celular na fase S, redução do número de células em apoptose e indução mais rápida de lesões do tipo CPD neste grupo experimental. Nossos dados sugerem que o carbaril é genotóxico para melanócitos humanos, especialmente quando associado à radiação solar / Carbaryl (1-naphthyl-methylcarbamate), a broad spectrum insecticide, has recently been associated with the development of cutaneous melanoma in an epidemiological cohort study with U.S. farm workers also exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which is known to be the main etiologic factor for skin carcinogenesis. Although comprehensive and well designed, the epidemiological study is not sufficient to characterize the direct contribution of the insecticide and solar radiation in melanomagenesis. Several studies have explored the synergistic effect of certain chemicals with UV radiation, increasing its deleterious effects on the skin, possibly contributing to tumor development. We hypothesized that Carbaryl exposure associated with UV solar radiation may induce melanocyte transformation. This study aims to characterize human melanocytes after individual or combined exposure to Carbaryl (100uM) and solar radiation (375 mJ/ cm2). In a microarray analysis, Carbaryl, but not solar radiation, induced an important oxidative stress response, evidenced by the upregulation of antioxidant genes, such as Hemeoxygenase-1 (HMOX1), and downregulation of MiTF, the main regulator of melanocytic activity; results were confirmed by qRT-PCR. Moreover, both Carbaryl and solar UV induced a gene response that suggests DNA damage and cell cycle alteration. The expression of genes in these categories, such as p21 and BRCA1/2, was notably more intense in the combined treatment group in an additive manner and in fact, flow cytometry assays demonstrated cell cycle arrest in S phase, reduced apoptosis induction and faster induction of CPD lesions in this experimental group. Our data suggests that carbaryl is genotoxic to human melanocytes, especially when associated with solar radiation

Avaliação de melanócitos humanos expostos ao inseticida carbaril e à radiação solar em cultura / Evaluation of cultured human melanocytes exposed to carbaryl insecticide and solar radiation

Bianca Ferrucio 05 March 2015 (has links)
O carbaril (metilcarbamato de naftila), um inseticida de amplo espectro, foi recentemente associado ao desenvolvimento de melanoma cutâneo em estudo epidemiológico de coorte com trabalhadores agrícolas norte-americanos, expostos também à radiação solar, o principal fator etiológico para o desenvolvimento de tumores cutâneos. Apesar de abrangente e bem planejado, aquele estudo epidemiológico não é suficiente para caracterizar a contribuição direta do inseticida e da radiação solar na melanomagênese. Diversos estudos têm explorado o efeito sinérgico de determinadas substâncias químicas à radiação UV, potencializando seus efeitos deletérios sobre a pele, e possivelmente contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de tumores. A hipótese deste trabalho é de que a exposição ao carbaril associada à radiação solar possa estimular a transformação de melanócitos. Esse estudo visou caracterizar melanócitos humanos após exposição individual ou combinada ao carbaril (100uM) e à radiação solar (375 mJ/ cm2). Em ensaio de microarray, o carbaril, mas não a radiação solar, induziu uma importante resposta a estresse oxidativo, evidenciada pelo aumento da expressão de genes antioxidantes, como o Hemeoxigenase-1 (HMOX1), e pela diminuição da expressão do gene MiTF, regulador da atividade melanocítica; os resultados foram confirmados por qRT-PCR. Além disso, tanto o carbaril quanto a radiação solar induziram respostas que sugerem dano ao DNA e alteração de ciclo celular. A expressão dos genes nestas categorias, como p21 e BRCA1/2, foi notavelmente mais intensa no grupo de tratamento combinado e de fato, ensaios por citometria de fluxo demonstraram parada de ciclo celular na fase S, redução do número de células em apoptose e indução mais rápida de lesões do tipo CPD neste grupo experimental. Nossos dados sugerem que o carbaril é genotóxico para melanócitos humanos, especialmente quando associado à radiação solar / Carbaryl (1-naphthyl-methylcarbamate), a broad spectrum insecticide, has recently been associated with the development of cutaneous melanoma in an epidemiological cohort study with U.S. farm workers also exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which is known to be the main etiologic factor for skin carcinogenesis. Although comprehensive and well designed, the epidemiological study is not sufficient to characterize the direct contribution of the insecticide and solar radiation in melanomagenesis. Several studies have explored the synergistic effect of certain chemicals with UV radiation, increasing its deleterious effects on the skin, possibly contributing to tumor development. We hypothesized that Carbaryl exposure associated with UV solar radiation may induce melanocyte transformation. This study aims to characterize human melanocytes after individual or combined exposure to Carbaryl (100uM) and solar radiation (375 mJ/ cm2). In a microarray analysis, Carbaryl, but not solar radiation, induced an important oxidative stress response, evidenced by the upregulation of antioxidant genes, such as Hemeoxygenase-1 (HMOX1), and downregulation of MiTF, the main regulator of melanocytic activity; results were confirmed by qRT-PCR. Moreover, both Carbaryl and solar UV induced a gene response that suggests DNA damage and cell cycle alteration. The expression of genes in these categories, such as p21 and BRCA1/2, was notably more intense in the combined treatment group in an additive manner and in fact, flow cytometry assays demonstrated cell cycle arrest in S phase, reduced apoptosis induction and faster induction of CPD lesions in this experimental group. Our data suggests that carbaryl is genotoxic to human melanocytes, especially when associated with solar radiation

Antibody-based Profiling of Expression Patterns using Cell and Tissue Microarrays

Strömberg, Sara January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, methods to study gene and protein expression in cells and tissues were developed and utilized in combination with protein-specific antibodies, with the overall objective to attain greater understanding of protein function. To analyze protein expression in in vitro cultured cell lines, a cell microarray (CMA) was developed, facilitating antibody-based protein profiling of cell lines using immunohistochemistry (IHC). Staining patterns in cell lines were analyzed using image analysis, developed to automatically identify cells and immunohistochemical staining, providing qualitative and quantitative measurements of protein expression. Quantitative IHC data from CMAs stained with nearly 3000 antibodies was used to evaluate the adequacy of using cell lines as models for cancer tissue. We found that cell lines are homogenous with respect to protein expression profiles, and generally more alike each other, than corresponding cancer cells in vivo. However, we found variability between cell lines in regards to the level of retained tumor phenotypic traits, and identified cell lines with a preserved link to corresponding cancer, suggesting that some cell lines are appropriate model systems for specific tumor types. Specific gene expression patterns were analyzed in vitiligo vulgaris and malignant melanoma. Transcriptional profiling of vitiligo melanocytes revealed dysregulation of genes involved in melanin biosynthesis and melanosome function, thus highlighting some mechanisms possibly involved in the pathogenesis of vitiligo. Two new potential markers for infiltrating malignant melanoma, Syntaxin-7 and Discs large homolog 5, were identified using antibody-based protein profiling of melanoma in a tissue microarray format. Both proteins were expressed with high specificity in melanocytic lesions, and loss of Syntaxin-7 expression was associated with more high-grade malignant melanomas. In conclusion, the combination of antibody-based proteomics and microarray technology provided valuable information of expression patterns in cells and tissues, which can be used to better understand associations between protein signatures and disease.

UVA/B induced redox alterations and apoptosis in human melanocytes /

Wäster, Petra, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

The role of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling enzymes in melanoma

Keenen, Bridget A. January 2010 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of Toledo, 2010. / "Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Biomedical Sciences." Title from title page of PDF document. "A Dissertation entitled"--at head of title. Bibliography: p. 63-71, 126-140.

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