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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Melioration and the Behavioral Addiction Process: An Experimental Analysis

Dinehart, Jared Micah 16 July 2004 (has links)
Melioration can be a factor contributing to behavioral addiction. In this study, 76 university undergraduates operated a "money machine" by selecting between choices that corresponded to maximization and melioration. Participants initially made choices consistent with a strategy of melioration and demonstrated significantly greater variability in choice behavior when visual cues were presented aimed at exposing the internality (or consequence) of the choice situation. Removal of the visual cues resulted in a return to lower responding. Visual cues may aid in interrupting the behavioral addiction pattern by limiting exclusive use of a melioration choice strategy. Methods of restructuring and experimentation with choice allocations are suggested as possible alternatives to melioration.

Šiaulių apskrities drenažo būklės tyrimai / The investigations on the condition of drainage systems in Siauliu district

Lengvinaitė, Oksana 08 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjami Joniškio, Akmenės ir Radviliškio rajonuose esančių drenažo sistemų būklės tyrimai. Tyrimai atlikti 2004, 2005, 2006 metais. Vietovės buvo parinktos pagal žmonių nusiskundimus, dėl blogai veikiančio drenažo. Vykdant šį darbą ištirtos 114 sistemos. 2004 metais 48 drenažo sistemų, 2005 metais 15 sistemų, 2006 metais 51 sistemų esančių Joniškio, Akmenės ir Radviliškio rajonuose. Atliekant tyrimus buvo nustatytos šios drenažo sistemų charakteristikos: bendras ilgis, išorinis ir vidinis vamzdžių skersmenys. Buvo matuoti drenažo sistemų nuolydžiai, paklojimo gylis. Apžiūrėti sujungimai tarp vamzdelių, rinktuvų su sausintuvais sujungimo vietos, vamzdelių būklė, rinktuvų uždumblėjimas, žiočių būklė. Nustatyta, kad dažniausiai pasitaikančios drenažo efektyvumo sumažėjimo priežastys yra tokios: 46 % drenažo uždumblėjimas grunto dalelėmis, 23 % drenažo linijų užaugimas asiūklių šaknimis, 31 % įrengimo trūkumai. / The investigations on the condition of drainage systems situated in Joniškis, Akmenė and Radviliškis districts were analyzed in this work. The investigations were carried out in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Vicinities were chosen according to the complaints of many people because of badly functioning drainage. 114 systems have been investigated while carrying out this work. In 2004 – 48 drainage systems, in 2005 – 15 systems, in 2006 – 51. Carrying out the investigations the following characteristics of drainage systems have been determined: general length, external and internal diameters of pipes. The gradients of drainage systems as well as the depth of the laying were measured as well. The joints between tiles, the joints between laterals and water collectors, tiles’ condition, the silting up of water collectors and the condition of hatchway were examined. It was determined that the main more frequently occurring reasons for the decrease of drainage efficiency are the following ones: 46 % – because of the silting up with ground particles, 23 % – because of the overgrowing of drainage lines with horsetail roots, 31 % – because of drainage arrangement defects.

Joniškio, Mažeikių ir Telšių rajonuose esančių melioracijos griovių būklės tyrimai / Condition state of melioratio channels in Joniskis, Mazeikiai and Telsiai district

Riauba, Vilius 08 August 2007 (has links)
Straipsnyje apibendrinami melioracijos griovių ir reguliuotų upelių būklės dviejų metų tyrimų duomenys. Nustatyta, kad didžiausios deformacijos vyksta griovio dugne ir šlaitų papėdėje. Daugiausia griovys deformuojasi dėl dugne besikaupiančių sąnašų – nevalomas griovys seklėja, lėkštėja jo šlaitai. Atliekant tyrimus buvo nustatomos šios melioracijos griovių charakteristikos: bendras ilgis, plotis, šlaitų nuolydis, dugno plotis, gylis, sąnašų kiekis griovyje, šlaitų apaugimas krūmais; griovyje esančių įrenginių charakteristikos: drenažo žiočių būklė, pralaidų būklė. Tyrimo metu ištirta 171,1 km melioracijos griovių, 199 pralaidos, 1951 drenažo žiotys, esančių Joniškio, Mažeikių ir Telšių rajonuose. Tyrimai atlikti 2005 , 2006 metais. Buvo tirti tik blogos būklės grioviai. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti Joniškio, Mažeikių ir Telšių rajonuose esančių melioracijos griovių ir jų įrenginių esamą būklę. Nustatyta, kad vyraujančios tyrinėjamų griovių deformacijos yra šlaitų apaugimas įvairaus tankumo krūmais, dugno uždumblėjimas, vandens augmenijos priaugimas, bebrų ir kitų žvėrelių išrausiojimai. Hidrotechninių statinių (pralaidų) esamos deformacijos: netinkamos kelio dangos, netvarkingi sargšuliai, blogos būklės antgaliai, vamzdžių sandūrose atsiradę tarpai, pralaidose susikaupusios sąnašos. Drenažo žiočių esamos deformacijos: po sąnašomis, po velėną, užaugusios krūmų ir žolių šaknimis, sulūžusios, atitrūkusios. / Data from a 2 years study of drainage channels and canalized rivulets are summarized in this paper. It was observed that the majority of information processes occur on the bottom of channels and on channels slopes. In most cases channels are deformated due to the deposit, which accumulate on the bottom, and, if no desilting is executed, channel (where a thick layer of silt exists), the channel profile becomes irregular and unstable. The following characteristics of these drainage channels where determined when carrying out the investigations: general length, width, slopes pitch, bottom width, depth, deposit amounts in drainage channels, slopes shrubby; in channel structures characteristics: the outlets of drainage condition, the water culverts condition. In Joniškis district explore 171,1 km drainage channels, 199 water culverts, 1951 drainage outlets where investigated in 2005, 2006. The drainage channels are under bad conditions. The aim of the work is to evaluate state of drainage channels and its structures in the territory of the Joniškis district. The drainage channels the slopes are overgrown with a medley shrubbery, the drainage channels bottom silt up, water plants growth, beaver and other animal damage. Water culverts deformation is: low keep paving, bad condition of pipe heads, joint tightness, out of order staves, in water culverts to make a collection deposit. The deformation of drainage outlets is: under deposit, under the sod, the rank scrub and grass roots... [to full text]

The use of phosphate rock in a rice-legume rotation system on acid soil in the humid forest zone of West Africa /

Attiogbevi-Somado, Eklou. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-150).

Optimalizace nasazení mechanizace při údržbě melioračních objektů. / The optimalisation of setting land mechanisation at maintenance of melioration objects.

ŠINDLER, David January 2009 (has links)
The graduation theses at the theme ,, The optimalisation of seting land machanisation at maintenance of melioration objects (waterwork) is described using methods of scheduled maintenance of melioration objects and setting the land mechanisation at this operations with their tools. The next part of graduation theses is discribed the choose of optimal alternace (variation) resolution manner of maintenance complience with legislature and promulgation 225/2002 Sb. The general references at recultivation water reservoir (pond) is set out with practical pictures on pond Beranov near by village Čakov.

Seleção de pacotes de respostas envolvendo ganhos e perdas de tokens com ratos: Um estudo experimental dentro da análise do comportamento econômico / Not informed by the author

Franceschini, Ana Carolina Trousdell 19 September 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi testar as hipóteses de simetria e assimetria entre reforçamento e punição utilizando análise oriunda da Economia Comportamental. Foram utilizados cinco ratos Sprague Dawley, treinados em uma cadeia comportamental mantida por economia de tokens, em uma caixa tendo como operanda duas rodas e uma barra: respostas de girar a roda produziam tokens (LEDs) e as de pressionar a barra trocavam os tokens por sacarose. O elo de produção de tokens consistia em um esquema concorrente, sendo um oferecendo reforçamento positivo (adição de tokens) e o outro um esquema misto de reforçamento positivo e punição negativa (adição ou remoção de tokens, respectivamente). A variável independente foi a exigência de determinado número de respostas de girar a roda para liberação de 1ml de sacarose (preço unitário), sendo a variável dependente a alocação de respostas entre os dois esquemas concorrentes. Todos os sujeitos estabeleceram distribuições estáveis de respostas (analisados como pacotes de respostas) entre os dois esquemas, os quais variaram em função do preço unitário. Os resultados confirmaram que os LEDs tiveram função de estímulo discriminativo, mas não foram claros sobre a sua função punitiva quando removidos contingente à resposta. Consequentemente, os dados obtidos não permitiram que se concluísse sobre as hipóteses testadas. Os resultados foram então analisados por três modelos explicativos do comportamento de escolha: melioração, maximização e satisficing. O modelo de satisficing foi o que produziu a melhor explicação das escolhas molares de todos os sujeitos, sob todos os preços unitários. O modelo de melioração ofereceu explicações adequadas para três sujeitos, especialmente quando o preço unitário era baixo, enquanto o de maximização foi adequado na condição de preços unitários altos, mas apenas para dois sujeitos / The objective of this study was to test the hypotheses of symmetry and asymmetry between reinforcement and punishment using an analysis that stems from behavioral economics. Five Sprague Dawley rats were used, submitted to a behavioral chain maintained by a token economy. The operant chamber had two response wheels and a lever: wheelspinning responses produced tokens (LEDs) and lever-presses exchanged tokens for sucrose. The token-production link was a concurrent condition: a positive reinforcement (token production) schedule, and a mixed schedule with a positive reinforcement and a negative punishment component (token production and removal, respectively). The independent variable was unit price, that is, the number of wheel-spins required to produce 1 cc of sucrose; the dependent variable was response allocation between the two concurrent schedules. All subjects established stable response distributions (considered as response packages) between the two schedules, which varied according to unit prices. The results confirmed that the LEDs acted as discriminative stimulus, but were not clear as to their punitive function when removed, response-contingently. Therefore, the results did not support any conclusion about the tested hypotheses. They were then analyzed based on three choice models: melioration, maximization, and satisficing. The satisficing model produced the most comprehensive explanation of molar choices among all subjects and unit prices. The melioration model produced adequate explanations for three subjects, mostly when unit prices were low, while maximization was adequate in the condition when unit prices were high, but only for two subjects

Seleção de pacotes de respostas envolvendo ganhos e perdas de tokens com ratos: Um estudo experimental dentro da análise do comportamento econômico / Not informed by the author

Ana Carolina Trousdell Franceschini 19 September 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi testar as hipóteses de simetria e assimetria entre reforçamento e punição utilizando análise oriunda da Economia Comportamental. Foram utilizados cinco ratos Sprague Dawley, treinados em uma cadeia comportamental mantida por economia de tokens, em uma caixa tendo como operanda duas rodas e uma barra: respostas de girar a roda produziam tokens (LEDs) e as de pressionar a barra trocavam os tokens por sacarose. O elo de produção de tokens consistia em um esquema concorrente, sendo um oferecendo reforçamento positivo (adição de tokens) e o outro um esquema misto de reforçamento positivo e punição negativa (adição ou remoção de tokens, respectivamente). A variável independente foi a exigência de determinado número de respostas de girar a roda para liberação de 1ml de sacarose (preço unitário), sendo a variável dependente a alocação de respostas entre os dois esquemas concorrentes. Todos os sujeitos estabeleceram distribuições estáveis de respostas (analisados como pacotes de respostas) entre os dois esquemas, os quais variaram em função do preço unitário. Os resultados confirmaram que os LEDs tiveram função de estímulo discriminativo, mas não foram claros sobre a sua função punitiva quando removidos contingente à resposta. Consequentemente, os dados obtidos não permitiram que se concluísse sobre as hipóteses testadas. Os resultados foram então analisados por três modelos explicativos do comportamento de escolha: melioração, maximização e satisficing. O modelo de satisficing foi o que produziu a melhor explicação das escolhas molares de todos os sujeitos, sob todos os preços unitários. O modelo de melioração ofereceu explicações adequadas para três sujeitos, especialmente quando o preço unitário era baixo, enquanto o de maximização foi adequado na condição de preços unitários altos, mas apenas para dois sujeitos / The objective of this study was to test the hypotheses of symmetry and asymmetry between reinforcement and punishment using an analysis that stems from behavioral economics. Five Sprague Dawley rats were used, submitted to a behavioral chain maintained by a token economy. The operant chamber had two response wheels and a lever: wheelspinning responses produced tokens (LEDs) and lever-presses exchanged tokens for sucrose. The token-production link was a concurrent condition: a positive reinforcement (token production) schedule, and a mixed schedule with a positive reinforcement and a negative punishment component (token production and removal, respectively). The independent variable was unit price, that is, the number of wheel-spins required to produce 1 cc of sucrose; the dependent variable was response allocation between the two concurrent schedules. All subjects established stable response distributions (considered as response packages) between the two schedules, which varied according to unit prices. The results confirmed that the LEDs acted as discriminative stimulus, but were not clear as to their punitive function when removed, response-contingently. Therefore, the results did not support any conclusion about the tested hypotheses. They were then analyzed based on three choice models: melioration, maximization, and satisficing. The satisficing model produced the most comprehensive explanation of molar choices among all subjects and unit prices. The melioration model produced adequate explanations for three subjects, mostly when unit prices were low, while maximization was adequate in the condition when unit prices were high, but only for two subjects

Bodenverbesserungsmittel auf heterogenen Standorten

Pößneck, Jörg 16 June 2016 (has links)
Die Broschüre informiert zum Einsatz von Bodenverbesserungsmitteln und deren Kombination mit Kompost. Kompost mit Additiv hat ein höheres Wasserhaltevermögen und einen höheren Sauerstoffgehalt. Kompost in Kombination mit einem geeigneten Bodenverbesserungsmittel unterstützt die Kulturpflanzen bei der Überbrückung von Vorsommertrockenperioden. Mit der teilschlagbezogenen Kompostausbringung können die bodenbedingt schwachen Teilflächen ertragsseitig stabilisiert und gefördert werden. Landwirtschaftsbetriebe haben mit Kompost aus Eigenproduktion eine pflanzenbaulich nachhaltig wirkende Option.

Návrh optimálního složení mechanizačních prostředků pro pravidelný cyklus údržby staveb k vodohospodářským melioracím pozemků. / Proposal of optimum composition of the mechanization devices for the regular cycle maintenance of building for the wateragricultural meliorations of pieces of land

KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ, Miroslava January 2008 (has links)
In my diploma work I engage in the mechanization for the regular maintenance of building for the wateragricultural meliorations of piece of lands. The applicable mechanization: Dampr, Skrejpr, Dozer, graftmachine, bushescut{\dots}{\dots}{\dots}{\dots}{\dots} My proper work I engage on revitalization of pond names Hamerníků Doubí near by the village Lásenice. Out of the results of my proper work is evident, that the revitalization of ponds is very exacting and expensive work.

Interaktionen zwischen Boden und Bestockung auf Kippenstandorten des Niederlausitzer Braunkohlenrevieres am Beispiel der Rekultivierungsbaumarten Gemeine Kiefer, Gemeine Birke und Traubeneiche : Wachstums-, ernährungs- und bodenkundliche Untersuchungen

Stähr, Falk 12 August 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Auf repräsentativen Kippenstandorten des Niederlausitzer Braunkohlenrevieres wurden typische Forstökosysteme der ersten Generation analysiert. Gegenstand der Untersuchung waren mittelalte Bestände (46- bis 70 Jahre) der Rekultivierungsbaumarten Kiefer (n = 22) und Birke (n = 12) sowie 24- bis 45jährige Jungbestände der Baumarten Trauben- (n = 7) und Roteiche (n = 2). Die Roteichenbestände dienten primär vergleichenden Untersuchungen. Für altersspezifische und standortsvergleichende Betrachtungen wurden Ergänzungsbestände auf Kippenstandorten und Vergleichsbestände auf unverritzten Waldstandorten zusätzlich einbezogen. Die untersuchten Erstaufforstungen stocken auf Kippenkomplexen, die klimatisch, hydrologisch und geomorphologisch vergleichbar sind und baumartenweise weitestgehend identischen bodenmeliorativen Maßnahmen sowie waldbaulichen Behandlungsverfahren unterzogen wurden. Ziel der Untersuchung war die Qualifizierung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Kippenstandort und aufstockendem Bestand. Als Leitgrößen für die Wirkung standörtlicher Merkmale auf die Baumarten dienten wachstums- (Leistungsparameter) und ernährungskundliche Kenndaten (Vitalitätsweiser). Quantität und Qualität der Humusauflage sowie die bodengenetische Entwicklung wurden als Indikatoren für die Rückwirkungen der bestandesbildenden Rekultivierungsbaumarten auf den Standort verwendet. Besondere Berücksichtigung fand das lokale Depositionsgeschehen.

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