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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of the Effect of Changes in Lipid Bilayer Properties on the Activity of the Bacterial Cell Division Regulator Protein MinD

Ayed, Saud 13 September 2012 (has links)
Bacterial cell division requires formation of the cytokinetic cell division septum at the mid-cell position, a process that is determined by three Min proteins; MinC, MinD and MinE. Regulation of cell division by Min proteins occurs via a multi-step process involving interactions between various Min proteins, as well as the membrane. In this cycle, ATP-bound MinD binds to the membrane surface where it can recruit MinC to inhibit formation of the cell division septum. MinE binding to this complex displaces MinC and stimulates ATP hydrolysis, leading to the dissociation of MinD from the membrane. These interactions give rise to a dynamic pattern of Min protein localization that appears to involve a polymeric state that is designed to create a zone that is permissive to cell division at the mid-point of the cell. The interaction between MinD and the membrane is a critical aspect of this cycle, yet the role of the lipid bilayer in MinD activation, localization and polymerization is not well understood. To probe the role of membrane charge and fluidity on MinD activation and polymerization, we developed a kinetic assay of MinE-stimulated MinD ATPase activity. We found that membrane charge is essential for MinD activation and that differences in membrane fluidity give rise to changes in its activity. Moreover, a burst phase was also observed during the first few minutes of reaction, but only on the most fluid anionic lipid tested. To help determine if the observed membrane-dependent changes in MinD activity are linked to any changes in MinD polymer structure, we have begun to develop a method to identify surface exposed regions of MinD through a combination of covalent labeling and mass spectrometry. Optimization of various steps for the assay has been done, and the assay can be applied to the future characterization of MinD polymer structure. Results from this assay, in combination with those from the kinetic measurements described here, will help to improve understanding about how membrane properties modulate MinD ATPase activity, and how this can influence the Min protein oscillation that is required to ensure normal bacterial cell division.

Investigation of the Effect of Changes in Lipid Bilayer Properties on the Activity of the Bacterial Cell Division Regulator Protein MinD

Ayed, Saud 13 September 2012 (has links)
Bacterial cell division requires formation of the cytokinetic cell division septum at the mid-cell position, a process that is determined by three Min proteins; MinC, MinD and MinE. Regulation of cell division by Min proteins occurs via a multi-step process involving interactions between various Min proteins, as well as the membrane. In this cycle, ATP-bound MinD binds to the membrane surface where it can recruit MinC to inhibit formation of the cell division septum. MinE binding to this complex displaces MinC and stimulates ATP hydrolysis, leading to the dissociation of MinD from the membrane. These interactions give rise to a dynamic pattern of Min protein localization that appears to involve a polymeric state that is designed to create a zone that is permissive to cell division at the mid-point of the cell. The interaction between MinD and the membrane is a critical aspect of this cycle, yet the role of the lipid bilayer in MinD activation, localization and polymerization is not well understood. To probe the role of membrane charge and fluidity on MinD activation and polymerization, we developed a kinetic assay of MinE-stimulated MinD ATPase activity. We found that membrane charge is essential for MinD activation and that differences in membrane fluidity give rise to changes in its activity. Moreover, a burst phase was also observed during the first few minutes of reaction, but only on the most fluid anionic lipid tested. To help determine if the observed membrane-dependent changes in MinD activity are linked to any changes in MinD polymer structure, we have begun to develop a method to identify surface exposed regions of MinD through a combination of covalent labeling and mass spectrometry. Optimization of various steps for the assay has been done, and the assay can be applied to the future characterization of MinD polymer structure. Results from this assay, in combination with those from the kinetic measurements described here, will help to improve understanding about how membrane properties modulate MinD ATPase activity, and how this can influence the Min protein oscillation that is required to ensure normal bacterial cell division.

Investigation of the Effect of Changes in Lipid Bilayer Properties on the Activity of the Bacterial Cell Division Regulator Protein MinD

Ayed, Saud January 2012 (has links)
Bacterial cell division requires formation of the cytokinetic cell division septum at the mid-cell position, a process that is determined by three Min proteins; MinC, MinD and MinE. Regulation of cell division by Min proteins occurs via a multi-step process involving interactions between various Min proteins, as well as the membrane. In this cycle, ATP-bound MinD binds to the membrane surface where it can recruit MinC to inhibit formation of the cell division septum. MinE binding to this complex displaces MinC and stimulates ATP hydrolysis, leading to the dissociation of MinD from the membrane. These interactions give rise to a dynamic pattern of Min protein localization that appears to involve a polymeric state that is designed to create a zone that is permissive to cell division at the mid-point of the cell. The interaction between MinD and the membrane is a critical aspect of this cycle, yet the role of the lipid bilayer in MinD activation, localization and polymerization is not well understood. To probe the role of membrane charge and fluidity on MinD activation and polymerization, we developed a kinetic assay of MinE-stimulated MinD ATPase activity. We found that membrane charge is essential for MinD activation and that differences in membrane fluidity give rise to changes in its activity. Moreover, a burst phase was also observed during the first few minutes of reaction, but only on the most fluid anionic lipid tested. To help determine if the observed membrane-dependent changes in MinD activity are linked to any changes in MinD polymer structure, we have begun to develop a method to identify surface exposed regions of MinD through a combination of covalent labeling and mass spectrometry. Optimization of various steps for the assay has been done, and the assay can be applied to the future characterization of MinD polymer structure. Results from this assay, in combination with those from the kinetic measurements described here, will help to improve understanding about how membrane properties modulate MinD ATPase activity, and how this can influence the Min protein oscillation that is required to ensure normal bacterial cell division.

Pórotvorné vlastnosti toxinu CyaA bakterie Bordetella pertussis a složení membránové dvojvrstvy. / Pore-forming properties of Bordetella pertussis CyaA toxin and composition of the lipid bilayer.

Rädisch, Robert January 2016 (has links)
Bordetella pertussis produces many virulent factors including adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA) This toxin preferentially invades cells of immune system with integrin receptor CD11b/CD18 and weakens the immune system of the host. CyaA affects invaded cells in two ways. First, CyaA creates a cation-selective pores in the membrane of invaded cell and causes colloidal osmotic lysis. Second, CyaA converts cytosolic ATP into signal molecule cAMP, which causes a loss of physiological function of invaded cell and also leads to cellular death. The aim of my thesis was to test a suitability of a new model system composed from synthetic lipids - diphytanoyls, for a characterization of pore-forming properties of adenylate cyclase toxin. In the past, asolectin model system comprising many different lipid was used for characterization but it was found to be too complex for defining the role of individual lipids in CyaA activity. Further the effect of cholesterol for activity of CyaA was studied in a new model system because it was found recently that translocation of adenylate cyclase domain takes place at lipids rafts with high concentration of cholesterol. The last aim of my thesis was to characterize a newly discovered type of channel with the two conductance levels. Key words: Bordetella pertussis, adenylate...

Επίδραση επώασης λιποσωμάτων παρουσία διαφορετικών τύπων κυκλοδεξτρινών στην ακεραιότητα της μεμβράνης λιποσωμάτων

Χατζή, Παναγιώτα 11 February 2009 (has links)
Οι κυκλοδεξτρίνες είναι υδρόφιλα μόρια ολιγοσακχαριτών που έχουν την ικανότητα να σχηματίζουν σύμπλοκες ενώσεις με δυσδιάλυτα στο νερό μόρια φαρμάκων, εγκλωβίζοντας τα μέσω ασθενών διαμοριακών δυνάμεων στην υδρόφιλη κοιλότητα του μορίου της κυκλοδεξτρίνης (Frank 1975). Η ιδιότητα τους αυτή να σχηματίζουν σύμπλοκες ενώσεις με δυσδιάλυτα στο νερό φάρμακα έχει πολλές εφαρμογές στη φαρμακευτική βιομηχανία, καθώς ο σχηματισμός συμπλόκων των φαρμάκων αυτών με τις κυκλοδεξτρίνες έχει σημαντική επίδραση στις φυσικοχημικές τους ιδιότητες (διαλυτότητα, χημική σταθερότητα, βιοδιαθεσιμότητα). Τα λιποσώματα από την πλευρά τους είναι μορφές χορήγησης φαρμάκων με πολλά πλεονεκτήματα. Παρουσιάζουν όμως το πρόβλημα της διαφυγής των λιπόφιλων φαρμάκων (που διέρχονται από τη μεμβράνη), κυρίως μετά από in vivo χορήγηση (Kirby and Gregoriadis, 1983; Takino et al, 1994). Έτσι για την παρασκευή σταθερών μορφών χορήγησης φαρμάκων προτάθηκε ο εγκλωβισμός συμπλόκων του φαρμάκου με κυκλοδεξτρίνη στην υδατική φάση του λιποσώματος σχηματίζοντας σύστημα φάρμακο-σε-κυκλοδεξτρίνη-σε-λιπόσωμα (McCormack and Gregoriadis, 1994). Ωστόσο και το σύστημα αυτό εμφανίζει προβλήματα λόγω ικανότητας των κυκλοδεξτρινών να απομακρύνουν λιπίδια από τη μεμβράνη και να σχηματίζουν με αυτά σύμπλοκες ενώσεις. Καθώς όμως τα λιπίδια απομακρύνονται από τη μεμβράνη και εισέρχονται στην κοιλότητα της κυκλοδεξτρίνης αντικαθιστούν το φάρμακο που βρίσκεται εντός της κυκλοδεξτρίνης, το οποίο με τη σειρά του απελευθερώνεται από το λιπόσωμα λόγω αποδιοργάνωσης της λιπιδικής μεμβράνης. Στη παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η σταθερότητα της μεμβράνης (προσδιορισμός συγκράτησης καλσεΐνης) και η σχετική θολερότητα διαφορετικών λιποσωμικών διασπορών κατά την επώασή τους παρουσία διαφορετικών κυκλοδεξτρινών. Συγκεκριμένα παρασκευάστηκαν DRV, MLV και SUV λιποσώματα αποτελούμενα από διαφορετικά φωσφολιπίδια και τα οποία περιέχουν ή όχι χοληστερόλη. Όλες οι παραπάνω λιποσωμικές μορφές παρασκευάστηκαν έτσι ώστε να περιέχουν καλσεΐνη (100mM) στην υδατική φάσης τους και έπειτα προσδιορίστηκε η συγκράτηση της καλσεΐνης από τα λιποσώματα κατά τη επώασή τους για 24 ώρες παρουσία των κυκλοδεξτρινών ΗΡ-β-CD, HP-γ-CD και Methyl-β- CD. Τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης της σταθερότητας της μεμβράνης έδειξαν ότι η σταθερότητα των λιποσωμάτων στα διαλύματα των κυκλοδεξτρινών εξαρτάται από τον τύπο του λιποσώματος και τη λιπιδική σύσταση. Έτσι στα λιποσώματα με την ίδια λιπιδική σύσταση η διαφυγή καλσεΐνης από τα λιποσώματα κατά την επώασή τους παρουσία κυκλοδεξτρινών, ακολούθησε την εξής σειρά MLV>DRV >SUV. Η σταθερότητα των MLV και SUV λιποσωμάτων επηρεάστηκε περισσότερο από τη Methyl-β-CD σε σχέση με τις άλλες κυκλοδεξτρίνες. Μάλιστα είναι χαρακτηριστικό ότι η σταθερότητα των SUV λιποσωμάτων επηρεάστηκε μόνο από τη Me-β-CD. Όσον αφορά στη επίδραση της λιπιδικής σύστασης, τα DSPC λιποσώματα βρέθηκε να είναι σταθερά παρουσία και των τριών κυκλοδεξτρινών, ακόμα και όταν η λιπιδική τους μεμβράνη περιείχε χοληστερόλη. Επιπλέον τα HPC λιποσώματα αποδείχτηκαν σταθερότερα από τα PC, γεγονός που καταδεικνύει την επίδραση του κορεσμού των λιπιδίων, αλλά και της ακαμψίας της μεμβράνης στη σταθερότητα των λιποσωμάτων. Τέλος η χοληστερόλη βρέθηκε να αυξάνει τη σταθερότητα των PC και να αποσταθεροποιεί τα λιποσώματα που αποτελούνται από HPC. Επιπλέον οι μετρήσεις θολερότητας των λιποσωμικών διασπορών παρουσία αυξανόμενης συγκέντρωσης κυκλοδεξτρινών έδειξαν ότι η Me-β-CD προκάλεσε τη διαλυτοποίηση των λιποσωμάτων. Μάλιστα τα DRV λιποσώματα βρέθηκε να επηρεάζονται περισσότερο σε σχέση με τα SUV λιποσώματα. Χαρακτηριστικό είναι ότι τα αποτελέσματα από της μελέτης της απελευθέρωσης καλσεΐνης δε συμφωνούσαν πάντα με τα αποτελέσματα μέτρησης της σχετικής θολερότητας. Έτσι εξάγεται το συμπέρασμα ότι η απελευθέρωση καλσεΐνης είναι ανεξάρτητη της λιποσωμικής διαλυτοποίησης. / Cyclodextrins (CDs) are hydrophilic water-soluble oligosaccharides that can accommodate water-insoluble drugs in the hydrophobic cavities they form (Frank, 1975). They received considerable attention in the pharmaceutical field because of the improved characteristics (as aqueous solubility, chemical stability and bioavailability) observed for several drug molecules through inclusion complex formation. Previous indications that highly lipophilic drugs are rapidly released from liposomes after in-vivo administration (Kirby and Gregoriadis, 1983; Takino et al, 1994) prompted the consideration of an alternative approach for stable encapsulation of lipophilic drugs in the aqueous interior of liposomes, utilizing CDs (McCormack and Gregoriadis, 1994). This approach established a novel system in drug delivery, combining liposomes and cyclodextrin complexes of lipophilic drugs by forming drug-in-cyclodextrin-in-liposome preparations. A recently observed problem of such systems is the release of drug from the CD-drug complex encapsulating liposomes. This has been connected with the known ability of CDs to remove lipid components from cell membranes by forming inclusion complexes with the lipids (Fauvelle et al, 1997, Nishijo and Mizuno, 1998). In other words, membrane lipids may be entering in the CD cavity replacing the drug, which is in turn released from the vesicles as a consequence of the lipid membrane reorganization. The membrane integrity (calcein retention) and relative turbidity of different liposomal dispersions during incubation in presence of various cyclodextrin (CD) molecules was studied. DRV, MLV and SUV liposomes, composed of different phospholipids and containing or not cholesterol were prepared. All liposomes were formulated to encapsulate calcein (100 mM), and the retention of the liposome entrapped dye was followed during a 24 hour incubation period in presence of HP-β- CD, HP-γ-CD or Me-β-CD. The experimental results demonstrate that the integrity of liposome membranes in cyclodextrin solutions is affected by the liposome lipid composition and type. In general, for the same lipid composition calcein release from liposomes during incubation in CD’s was in the order MLV>DRV>SUV. The CD molecule that influences MLV and SUV liposome stability the most is Me-β-CD. In fact SUV liposomes, are affected only by Me-β-CD. Considering lipid composition, DSPC liposomes are always very stable, while cholesterol addition in their membrane either has no effect or decreases stability. HPC liposomes are more stable compared to PC liposomes, suggesting that phospholipid saturation and/or membrane rigidity influences their interaction with CD molecules, while cholesterol addition improved PC-liposome stability but destabilized HPC liposomes. Turbidity of some liposome dispersions was measured in presence of increasing concentrations of cyclodextrins and results show that Me-β-CD induces liposome solubilization. Aditionaly, they confirm that DRV liposomes are affected more than SUV. Decrease of relative turbidity does not always agree with calcein release, indicating that calcein release occurs irrespective of liposomal solubilization.

Efeito antioxidante dos compostos fenólicos de especiarias sobre os ácidos graxos das séries ω 3 e ω 6 / Influence of spices phenolic compounds on lipoperoxidation and lipid profile of rats tissues

Moreira, Ana Vládia Bandeira 19 February 2003 (has links)
Dentro da perspectiva da utilização de compostos fenólicos como antioxidantes naturais para minimizar os efeitos in vitro e in vivo do processo oxidativo dos lípides insaturados, foi realizada a monitoração dietética de duas dietas ricas em lípides das séries ω3 e ω6 e a suplementação de um chá de uma mistura de especiarias, em ratos Wistar, com o objetivo de verificar a influência dos compostos fenólicos, presentes nas especiarias, sobre o metabolismo de ácidos graxos das séries ω3 e ω6. Extratos e frações das especiarias mostarda, canela e erva doce foram obtidos e tiveram suas atividades antioxidantes testadas em sistemas aquoso (cooxidação de substratos com o uso de ácido linoléico/β-caroteno) e lipídico (RANCIMAT) e o perfil de compostos fenólicos identificados e quantificados por CGMS. A partir de uma mistura de especiarias, foi elaborado um chá que foi fornecido aos animais de cada grupo dietético (ω3 e ω6). Após 45 dias de tratamento, os animais foram sacrificados e tiveram seus tecidos coletados para análise de TBARs e do perfil lipídico por CGMS. Todos os extratos das especiarias apresentaram atividade antioxidante equivalente ou superior ao BHT. Foram identificados por CGMS os ácidos fenólicos: catecol, salicílico e caféico. Foi obtido nos tecidos dos animais que o somatório do perfil de ácidos graxos saturados e dos insaturados apresentaram diferença entre os grupos testes e controles. Logo, no tecido cerebral, o EPA foi incorporado apenas no grupo ω3 que recebeu o extrato das especiarias. Já para o DHA, do mesmo grupo dietético, os tecidos hepático e renal também apresentaram incorporação aumentada em relação ao controle. No grupo dietético ω6, destaca-se um aumento no percentual de incorporação do ácido linoléico nos tecidos cardíaco e renal no grupo experimental. Enquanto, para o ácido araquidônico, houve diferença em todos os tecidos. Já, para os resultados da lipoperoxidação, observou-se que todos os tecidos dos animais que receberam o extrato das especiarias apresentaram baixos valores em comparação aos seus respectivos controles. Este estudo também avaliou a ação de compostos fenólicos do chá da mistura das especiarias mostarda, canela e erva doce sobre as enzimas lipoxigenase e cicloxigenase. O extrato da mistura das especiarias a 100 e 200 ppm foi adicionado no meio de reação contendo o substrato e a enzima lipoxigenase 1B da Sigma com 112.000 und/mg. A cicloxigenase foi obtida de vesículas seminais de carneiro e seguiu-se o mesmo protocolo de atividade para a lipoxigenase. Indometacina foi o inibidor utilizado como controle positivo da reação. Observou-se que a 200 ppm, como na concentração do chá (0,02%), a lipoxigenase foi inibida em aproximadamente em 90%. Já para a cicloxigenase, o extrato a 200 ppm resultou numa média de 75% de inibição da atividade da enzima, enquanto que a indomentacina apresentou uma média de 77% de inibição. A absorção aparente do chá das especiarias indicou que os fenólicos presentes na mistura foram absorvidos em média de 75%. O estudo histopatológico dos intestinos delgados dos animais não apresentou nenhuma diferença na área de absorção entre o grupo experimental e o controle. Estes dados sugerem, portanto, um efeito antioxidante das substâncias fenólicas identificadas nas especiarias sobre os ácidos graxos das séries ω3 e ω6, podendo agir diretamente: (1) no alimento (óleo), (2) com modificação do perfil lipídico, (3) proteção quanto à oxidação de tecidos e (4) inibição das enzimas da biossíntese dos eicosanóides. / Considering the perspective for the use of phenolic compounds as natural antioxidants to minimize in vitro and in vivo effects of oxidative processes on unsaturated lipids, this work monitored Wistar rats fed with two diets rich in ω3 and ω6 polyunsaturated lipids, supplemented with tea made from a blend of spices. The objective of the work was to study the influence of phenolic compounds present in spices on the metabolism of ω3 and ω6 fatty acids. Extracts and fractions of mustard, cinnamon and anise were obtained and had their antioxidant activity tested in aqueous (co-oxidation of substrates using linoleic acid/β-carotene) and lipidic systems (RANCIMAT). Their phenolic compounds profile was determined and quantified using CGMS. The rats of each diet group (ω3 and ω6) were given tea made from a blend of spices and sacrificed after 45 days. Their tissues were then collected and analyses of TBARS and lipid profile were performed using CGMS. Ali the extracts of spices showed equal or higher antioxidant activity than BHT. The following phenolic acids were identified using CGMS: cathecol, salicilic and cafeic. It was observed that the total amount of the profile of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the rat tissues were different in the test group and the control group. In brain tissue, EPA was found only in the ω3 diet group which was given the tea. Concerning DHA, liver and kidney tissues of the same diet group showed higher concentrations than the control group. In the ω6 diet group, an outstanding increase of linoleic acid in cardiac and kidney tissues was found. Concerning the arachidonic acid, a difference in concentration was observed in ali tissues. Ali the tissues from rats given the tea presented a lower level of lipid peroxidation than their respective control groups. The present research also evaluated the action of phenolic compounds found in the tea made from the blend of mustard, cinnamon and anise on the enzymes lipoxygenase and cycloxygenase. The extract of the blend of spices, in the concentrations of 100 and 200 ppm, was added to the substrate and Sigma lipoxygenase 112.000 units/mg. Cycloxygenase was obtained from sheep seminal bladders and underwent the same protocol as lipoxygenase. Indomethacin was the inhibitor used as the positive control of the reaction. It was observed that in the concentration of 200 ppm (that is 0.02%, the same concentration as in the tea), lipoxygenase presented an average 90% inhibition. The extract of cycloxygenase 200 ppm presented 75% inhibition of the enzyme activity, while indomethacin presented an average 77% inhibition. It was found that around 75% of the phenolic compounds present in the tea made from the blend of spices were absorbed, thus leading to the conclusion that apparent absorption of the tea took place. Histopathologic examinations on the small intestines of the rats did not reveal any difference in the absorption area between the experimental and the control groups. Such results suggest therefore an antioxidant effect of the phenolic substances identified in the spices on the ω3 and ω6 fatty acids, this effect being possible directly (1) on the food (oil) , (2) modification of the profile fatty acids, (3) oxidation protection tissues and, (4) inhibition of enzymes of eicosanoids biosinthesys.

Efeito antioxidante dos compostos fenólicos de especiarias sobre os ácidos graxos das séries ω 3 e ω 6 / Influence of spices phenolic compounds on lipoperoxidation and lipid profile of rats tissues

Ana Vládia Bandeira Moreira 19 February 2003 (has links)
Dentro da perspectiva da utilização de compostos fenólicos como antioxidantes naturais para minimizar os efeitos in vitro e in vivo do processo oxidativo dos lípides insaturados, foi realizada a monitoração dietética de duas dietas ricas em lípides das séries ω3 e ω6 e a suplementação de um chá de uma mistura de especiarias, em ratos Wistar, com o objetivo de verificar a influência dos compostos fenólicos, presentes nas especiarias, sobre o metabolismo de ácidos graxos das séries ω3 e ω6. Extratos e frações das especiarias mostarda, canela e erva doce foram obtidos e tiveram suas atividades antioxidantes testadas em sistemas aquoso (cooxidação de substratos com o uso de ácido linoléico/β-caroteno) e lipídico (RANCIMAT) e o perfil de compostos fenólicos identificados e quantificados por CGMS. A partir de uma mistura de especiarias, foi elaborado um chá que foi fornecido aos animais de cada grupo dietético (ω3 e ω6). Após 45 dias de tratamento, os animais foram sacrificados e tiveram seus tecidos coletados para análise de TBARs e do perfil lipídico por CGMS. Todos os extratos das especiarias apresentaram atividade antioxidante equivalente ou superior ao BHT. Foram identificados por CGMS os ácidos fenólicos: catecol, salicílico e caféico. Foi obtido nos tecidos dos animais que o somatório do perfil de ácidos graxos saturados e dos insaturados apresentaram diferença entre os grupos testes e controles. Logo, no tecido cerebral, o EPA foi incorporado apenas no grupo ω3 que recebeu o extrato das especiarias. Já para o DHA, do mesmo grupo dietético, os tecidos hepático e renal também apresentaram incorporação aumentada em relação ao controle. No grupo dietético ω6, destaca-se um aumento no percentual de incorporação do ácido linoléico nos tecidos cardíaco e renal no grupo experimental. Enquanto, para o ácido araquidônico, houve diferença em todos os tecidos. Já, para os resultados da lipoperoxidação, observou-se que todos os tecidos dos animais que receberam o extrato das especiarias apresentaram baixos valores em comparação aos seus respectivos controles. Este estudo também avaliou a ação de compostos fenólicos do chá da mistura das especiarias mostarda, canela e erva doce sobre as enzimas lipoxigenase e cicloxigenase. O extrato da mistura das especiarias a 100 e 200 ppm foi adicionado no meio de reação contendo o substrato e a enzima lipoxigenase 1B da Sigma com 112.000 und/mg. A cicloxigenase foi obtida de vesículas seminais de carneiro e seguiu-se o mesmo protocolo de atividade para a lipoxigenase. Indometacina foi o inibidor utilizado como controle positivo da reação. Observou-se que a 200 ppm, como na concentração do chá (0,02%), a lipoxigenase foi inibida em aproximadamente em 90%. Já para a cicloxigenase, o extrato a 200 ppm resultou numa média de 75% de inibição da atividade da enzima, enquanto que a indomentacina apresentou uma média de 77% de inibição. A absorção aparente do chá das especiarias indicou que os fenólicos presentes na mistura foram absorvidos em média de 75%. O estudo histopatológico dos intestinos delgados dos animais não apresentou nenhuma diferença na área de absorção entre o grupo experimental e o controle. Estes dados sugerem, portanto, um efeito antioxidante das substâncias fenólicas identificadas nas especiarias sobre os ácidos graxos das séries ω3 e ω6, podendo agir diretamente: (1) no alimento (óleo), (2) com modificação do perfil lipídico, (3) proteção quanto à oxidação de tecidos e (4) inibição das enzimas da biossíntese dos eicosanóides. / Considering the perspective for the use of phenolic compounds as natural antioxidants to minimize in vitro and in vivo effects of oxidative processes on unsaturated lipids, this work monitored Wistar rats fed with two diets rich in ω3 and ω6 polyunsaturated lipids, supplemented with tea made from a blend of spices. The objective of the work was to study the influence of phenolic compounds present in spices on the metabolism of ω3 and ω6 fatty acids. Extracts and fractions of mustard, cinnamon and anise were obtained and had their antioxidant activity tested in aqueous (co-oxidation of substrates using linoleic acid/β-carotene) and lipidic systems (RANCIMAT). Their phenolic compounds profile was determined and quantified using CGMS. The rats of each diet group (ω3 and ω6) were given tea made from a blend of spices and sacrificed after 45 days. Their tissues were then collected and analyses of TBARS and lipid profile were performed using CGMS. Ali the extracts of spices showed equal or higher antioxidant activity than BHT. The following phenolic acids were identified using CGMS: cathecol, salicilic and cafeic. It was observed that the total amount of the profile of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the rat tissues were different in the test group and the control group. In brain tissue, EPA was found only in the ω3 diet group which was given the tea. Concerning DHA, liver and kidney tissues of the same diet group showed higher concentrations than the control group. In the ω6 diet group, an outstanding increase of linoleic acid in cardiac and kidney tissues was found. Concerning the arachidonic acid, a difference in concentration was observed in ali tissues. Ali the tissues from rats given the tea presented a lower level of lipid peroxidation than their respective control groups. The present research also evaluated the action of phenolic compounds found in the tea made from the blend of mustard, cinnamon and anise on the enzymes lipoxygenase and cycloxygenase. The extract of the blend of spices, in the concentrations of 100 and 200 ppm, was added to the substrate and Sigma lipoxygenase 112.000 units/mg. Cycloxygenase was obtained from sheep seminal bladders and underwent the same protocol as lipoxygenase. Indomethacin was the inhibitor used as the positive control of the reaction. It was observed that in the concentration of 200 ppm (that is 0.02%, the same concentration as in the tea), lipoxygenase presented an average 90% inhibition. The extract of cycloxygenase 200 ppm presented 75% inhibition of the enzyme activity, while indomethacin presented an average 77% inhibition. It was found that around 75% of the phenolic compounds present in the tea made from the blend of spices were absorbed, thus leading to the conclusion that apparent absorption of the tea took place. Histopathologic examinations on the small intestines of the rats did not reveal any difference in the absorption area between the experimental and the control groups. Such results suggest therefore an antioxidant effect of the phenolic substances identified in the spices on the ω3 and ω6 fatty acids, this effect being possible directly (1) on the food (oil) , (2) modification of the profile fatty acids, (3) oxidation protection tissues and, (4) inhibition of enzymes of eicosanoids biosinthesys.

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