Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mental disability"" "subject:"mental isability""
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Specifika civilní ochrany obyvatelstva u zdravotně postižených osob Slovenské republiky / Specific elemets of civil defence of the population regarding physically disabled people of the Slovak Republic.HARMANOVÁ, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
In Slovak Republic, fundamentals of protection of people, property and environment are established by the Constitution of Slovak Republic, the Security Strategy of Slovak Republic and by numerous Acts, Declarations or Regulations of Government which refer to Civilian Protection and Integrated Rescue System. Legislative standards with regards to protection of health or property does not take into account people with health disabilities despite the fact that the right for safety and timely warning of imminent danger is granted for every citizen on the territory of Slovak Republic. Objective of my diploma work is to investigate readiness of institutions participating on solutions of extraordinary events which struck people with health disabilities. Based on results of quantitative survey we would like to point out on deficiencies of the system and to propose a solution to improve procedures of the Integrated Rescue System and Civil Protection with regards to people with health disabilities. Further objective is to process a proposal of methodical tutorial which would contain basis gesticulation important for communication with the hearing impaired. Theoretical part of the diploma work consists of several chapters. The first part discusses basic families, classes and types of health impairment. Further on system of Civil Protection and its mission was processed. Last part is dedicated to the Integrated Rescue System. In that chapter we described fundamental and other rescue branches which by large participated on solutions of extraordinary events. The theory was processed by means of law legislation, sources of literature and internet websites. The empirical (practical) part of the thesis has been used qualitative research method. Because it is extremely difficult to collect such data were made through guided interview with experts of Civil Protection and managers of particular rescue branches (Fire fighting and Rescue Force, Rescue Health Service, Police Force) only in three selected counties of Presov region (Poprad, Stará Ľubovňa, Prešov). Results of the managed interview were evaluated by SWOT analysis which compares the internal and external environment. On the basis of empirical phenomenon a searching strategy (WO) was chosen whereby the focus was laid on utilizing opportunities and eliminating weaknesses. Based on results we concluded that issue of health disability isn?t incorporated into law legislation and plans to solve extraordinary events. There is no common education of managerial and executive rescue branches which would enable them to gather fundamental knowledge of classes and specifications of health disability, possibilities of communication and means of first-aid provision. For further qualitative and quantitative development of education there is a deficiency of material-didactic instruments which serve to accomplish the objective. We also concluded that when rescuing health-impaired people there are no special procedures and methods taken into account. At the same time for the hearing-impaired there is no system of timely warning and information of imminent danger and possibility to call rescue branches through the emergency phone line. With regards to existing deficiencies we proposed practical recommendations. To improve communication with hearing impaired people we created a proposal of a methodical instrument for rescue branches which contains basic signs. As a part of it there is also a one-hand and two-hand finger alphabet for refinement and visualisation of words.
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Diference rodičovských rolí v rodině se zdravým dítětem a v rodině s dítětem s mentálním postižením / Differences between Family with Healthy Child and Family with Mental Disabilities ChildHRKALÍKOVÁ, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The families with a mental disability child go through the information of child´s diagnosis very hard test which can means even the marital break-up. These mentioned families should manage the crisis, but successful managing of this situation can be very strengthening element. The families with a mental disability child manifest in different way than the families with healthy children, because the birth of child with a mental disability intervenes the peace of the whole family. This fact can remark the family even this way, which the physical problems can appear by the parents or they can incline to risk change of their behaviour. The parents? roles also could change and exists also risk, that brothers and sister of child with a mental disability can follow contacts with difficulties. These families have their own particularity, because the birth of child with a mental disability means great stress for these families. The theoretic part of this work pays attention to a mental disability and its classification. Further are the welfare services available, which can families with a mental disability child use of. It is not also left out the role of family, the importance of parental roles and brotherly and sisterly constellation. I describe style of upbringing and further I concern the particularity of family with a mental disability child in my dissertation likewise the role of brother and sister by the child with a mental disability. There are also stages of acceptance with the diagnosis of a mental disability and risk behaviour of parents these children with a mental disability as results of managing critical situation described and the related physical problems. The target of dissertation is finding out if exists diametrically differences between parental roles by the care about a mental disability child and the healthy child. The intermediate target is finding out if the families with a mental disability child are more predisposed to a presence of social pathological syndromes. The theory expects following fact that the care for a mental disability child has provided by overall in majority by mothers. Families with a mental disability child incline to risk change of their behaviour than by the families with the healthy child. Brothers and sisters of a mental disability child do less friendly relationships than of the healthy children. The approach to quantitative study was used at all. The strategy of questionnaire: The questionnaire inquiry was performed by the 20 families with healthy children and by the 20 families with a mental disability child. The filled questionnaires had evaluated using the elementary statistics of software programmes SPSS and Excel. I found out more conflicting relationships between brothers and sisters in the families with a mental disability child than in the families with healthy children. Brothers and sisters of a mental disability child care more about their mental disability brother or sister than the elder brothers and sisters care about their younger ones. Likewise the brothers and sisters with a mental disability brother or sister have less friendly relationships than the children with healthy brothers and sisters. Families with healthy children enjoy more harmonious parental care than by the families with a mental disability child and mainly mothers do it. The grandparents act on behalf of parents with healthy children more often than in the families with a mental disability child, there exists often absence caring grandparents. The same is the fact that both compared families models using mostly democratic style of upbringing. Psychical problems exist more often by the parents with a mental disability child.
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Respektování práv jedinců s mentálním postižením a školní integrace / Recognizing of rights of mentally disabled individuals and school integration.CZINEGOVÁ, Eva January 2009 (has links)
The attitude of society towards persons with mental disabilities and recognizing their rights and dignity are important evaluation aspects of the society. The Czech Republic follows modern European trends that provide the mentally disabled with the same extent of activities as people without disabilities. As a topic of my thesis I have chosen the mentally disabled children´s right to education. The thesis addresses attitudes of primary school headmasters as well as attitudes of the staff of special education centers for children and youths with mental disabilities to integration of pupils with mental disabilities into a regular primary school. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with important documents discussing the rights of individuals with mental disabilities. It describes not only mental disability and its degrees, but in particular education of children with mental disabilities in schools set up for pupils with special educational needs and the possibility of integrating these pupils into mainstream education. The theoretical part is followed by the practical part. The objective of the thesis was to identify the attitude of primary school headmasters as well as that of the staff of a special education center for the mentally disabled staff to the integration process of children with mental disabilities into mainstream primary schools and implementation of the right to education of children with mental disabilities. The research was conducted by the interrogation method using anonymous questionnaires. The results show that a majority of primary schools headmasters in the South Bohemian region support the right to education of pupils with mental disabilities in the form of their integration into regular classrooms. All the respondents, both primary school headmasters and the special education center staff, give the priority at education to individual learning abilities of each child with a mental disability. At the integration of a pupil with a mental disability into a regular primary school the crucial criterion is health and social motivation, not economic motivation. This thesis can be used as a survey of current attitudes and opinions of primary school headmasters and special education centers´ staff on the possibility of pupils with mental disabilities integration into mainstream education.
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Úloha asistentů pedagoga při vzdělávání odsouzených se zdravotním postižením / Role of teaching assistants in the education of convicts with disabilitiesPodskalská, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma work is to evaluate the work of teaching assistants in supporting the study of convicts with disabilities in the Vocational School in Vinařice Prison. The partial aim of this diploma work is to determine whether the teaching assistants are providing enough support to pupils with disabilities in the level of support that will lead to better learning results and also would enable students to succeed at the open labor market. Diploma work will be divided into the theoretical part and the practical part. The practical part will be elaborated by quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative research will be conducted through a questionnaire, which will be focused on support which is provided by teaching assistants while working with students with disabilities and then on the perception on teaching assistants support that is provided to students with disabilities. Qualitative research will include case studies of pupils - convicts with disabilities in the Vocational School Vinařice. KEYWORDS Convicted, treatment programs, specialized department, secondary vocational school, special education center, teaching assistant, disability, mental disability, education
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Omezení svéprávnosti osob se zdravotním postižením / Limitation of legal capacity for persons with disabilitiesKolářová, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
The Master's dissertation entitled Limitation of legal capacity for persons with disabilities examines problematics of rights and obligations of clients in protected housing and housing for people with disabilities. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. Basic concepts that are connected to legal capacity are outlined in the theoretical part. These are followed by the rights and obligations of the client and the institute of guardianship. Concepts of mental retardation and its diagnosis and methods of working with people with mental disabilities are outlined as well. The end of the theoretical part of the dissertation deals with the approach to deinstitutionalisation. The method of qualitative research was employed within the research survey. Data were obtained by the method of questioning and technique of semi-structured interviews. The research sample consists of addressing two facilities with constitutional service and two facilities with community service. The main aim of the practical part of the thesis is to compare how people with mental disabilities are limited by legal capacity in housing for people with disabilities and protected housing with appointed guardians. Semi-structured interviews and document studies serve as a help to support this aim. Acquired data...
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Význam rizika pro empowerment jedinců s mentálním postižením a možnosti jeho podstupování v DZR Terezín / The significance of risks to the empowerment of individuals with mental disabilities and the possibility of taking in DZR TerezinHájková, Alena January 2016 (has links)
Title: The importance of risk for the empowerment of individuals with mental disabilities and the possibility of taking in DZR Terezin Objectives: The aim of this paper is to examine the phenomenon of risk-taking and its importance in the process of empowerment of persons with mental disabilities in social services. Methods: In empirical research we were surveyed employee attitudes DZR Terezin to the issue of risk in social services. In the first part of the research was to look at the views and attitudes of social workers employed form questionnaire (Lepešková, 2013) in a group of 22 employees - women with a mean age of 46 years. The second part of the research were semi-structured interviews with staff enabling deeper qualitative analysis of the problem. Talks with 7 employees participated. 6 women and 1 man. The recording was used edited form an interview. Results: The survey both methods show that the respondents as one of the most important tasks when working with the risks and support to people deemed to support their independence. The aim is to get clients to the extent possible, make their own decisions about their own lives. An essential element in this process is considered self- management. The client does not passively wait to social service workers determine what to do and what will...
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Rozvoj komunikačních dovedností žáků speciální základní školy / Development of communication for pupils at special primary schoolKubíková, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is aimed to development of communication of students at special primary school. Special primary school is creating unique conditions for education of students with lower intellectual competences. The aim of education is equip students by knowledges and skills for integration into the society. The theoretical part of thesis consists of four chapters. The first of them specifies the term mental disability, classifies type of mental retardation, characterizes specific characteristics of person with mental disability and presents possibilities primary education mental disabilited students. The second and the third chapter compare psycho-motion development and ontogenezis of speech to mental handicapped children with children without disability. The fourth chapter characterizes supporting communication methods used in educational process of students with mental disability. The fifth chapter is applied to study. It characterizes chosen school institution and special pedagogical attitude to students and application augmentative and alternative aids. At the end of chapter are summarized knowledges from the study. The main goal of the study is presentation of methods using for development of communication of mental disabilited students and characterization supporting communication methods which...
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Zavedení týdenních témat do výuky na základní škole speciální / Implementation of weekly thematic units into the teaching in special elementary schoolMegyešiová, Lucia January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with possibilities of educating pupils with moderate and severe mental disabilities, multiple disabilities and autism. The theoretical part describes an educational system of these pupils and presents an integrated thematic teaching model in weekly units. The practical part presents a proposal of teaching project in the specific educational needs of these pupils. The aim of this thesis is to introduce proposed teaching project in the duration of one month, into the conditions of particular special elementary school and find out its learning results by action research. The outputs of this thesis are proposals for integrated thematic teaching in special elementary school. KEYWORDS Pupils with mental disability, integrated thematic teaching, special schools, multiple disability, framework educational program
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Psykisk ohälsa är en långvarig sjukdom som inte kan botas med enbart medicin (Bundensen m.fl. 2020). Tidigare forskningar menar de att det är ett alternativ att behandlas med olika konstnärliga och kreativa aktiviteter, som till exempel kreativt skrivande, musik, livsberättelse, dans, teatereller poesiför att individen ska få tillbaka sin självkänsla (Bundensen m.fl. 2020; Slattery m.fl. 2020). Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka konstnärliga och kreativa metoder som finns och hur yrkesverksamheter inom psykisk ohälsa använder sig utav dessa metoder för att hjälpa personer med psykisk ohälsa. En kvalitativ metod har använtsi denna studie för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Datainsamlingen skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och ett målinriktat urval användes för att rekrytera intervjupersonerna. Vi intervjuade sex personer som verksamma inom psykisk ohälsa. Dessa personer har en akademisk utbildning inom teater, uttryckande konst och pedagogik. De insamlade materialen analyserades med innehållsanalys.Resultatet blev sex olika teman: Empowerment, gemenskap,KASAM, kompetens och metod, samverkan och känslouttryck. Samt att personalen på verksamheterna arbetar med olika konstnärliga och kreativa metoder för återhämtningsprocessen för personer som drabbats av psykisk ohälsa. Personer med psykisk ohälsa behöver gemenskapen för att utveckla KASAM. Konstnärliga och kreativa metoder ökar individens välmående, självkänslan och självförtroende (Bundensen m.fl. 2020; Slattery m.fl. 2020)
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“Document[s] in madness” : female mental (dis)abilities in Hamlet and The ChangelingBerrached, Salma 08 1900 (has links)
Mon mémoire de recherche porte sur les représentations sur scène des différents types de folie féminine se retrouvant dans les pièces Hamlet de William Shakespeare et The Changeling de Thomas Middleton et William Rowley. Ceci est principalement réalisé par la rencontre de notions comme le genre, le corps féminin et les espaces domestiques. Dans mon analyse, je me base sur les conceptions de la folie qui prévalaient durant la Renaissance, en tandem avec les connaissances actuelles sur les traumatismes et les troubles mentaux. J’ai considéré dans ce mémoire la folie des personnages, simulée ou réelle, comme des formes d’(in)capacité mentale. Ce mémoire offre donc un point de vue nouveau sur la perception de la détresse féminine au début de l’époque moderne. Divisé en deux chapitres, le premier traite des causes engendrant le passage de la psyché d’Ophélie d’un état de lucidité à un état de folie, en mettant l’accent sur l’effet de sa jeunesse sur sa santé mentale. Le second chapitre s’intéresse aux états mentaux d’Isabella et de Beatrice-Joanna, respectivement, à travers l’intégration de concepts comme les troubles mentaux forgés, le ravissement et les traumatismes. Il est à mentionner à propos de cette démarche que ces personnages brouillent les distinctions entre la lucidité et la folie. / My thesis examines the on-stage manifestations of the different types of female madness presented in William Shakespeare's Hamlet and Thomas Middleton and William Rowley’s The Changeling. This is mainly accomplished through the exploration of the interwoven relations between notions such as gender, the female body, and domestic spaces. In my analysis, I primarily draw on the Renaissance understanding of madness in tandem with modern trauma and disability theories. I read the madness of these characters, feigned and real, as forms of mental (dis)ability. This thesis thus offers novel insights on the perception of early modern female distraction. Divided into two chapters, the first deals with the causes engendering the metamorphosis of Ophelia’s psyche from a state of sanity into a state of madness, placing emphasis on the effect of her youth on her mental transition. The second explores Isabella and Beatrice-Joanna’s mental dispositions, respectively, through the incorporation of concepts such as dissembled disability, ravishment, and trauma. In this endeavor it is noteworthy that these characters blur the lines between sanity and madness.
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