Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mest"" "subject:"mesh""
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Traitement et analyse de séries chronologiques continues de turbidité pour la formulation et le test de modèles des rejets urbains par temps de pluieMétadier, Marjolaine 14 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Des approches parcimonieuses sont aujourd'hui développées pour la modélisation de la qualité des rejets urbains par temps de pluie, e adéquation avec la quantité de données disponibles. De plus, l'analyse des incertitudes apparaît comme un outil incontournable pour le test des modèles. Parallèlement, le développement des techniques de mesure en continu en réseau, spectrométrie et turbidité, permet l'obtention de données continues de flux de matières en suspension et de demande chimique en oxygène en grand nombre, apportant une information riche. Ce travail constitue une des premières études en hydrologie urbaine basée sur l'exploitation d'une grande base de données acquises par la mesure de la turbidité. Des mesures sur la période 2004-2008 ont été exploitées sur deux sites. Après traitement et validation, 263 et 239 événements pluvieux ont été retenus. L'analyse des données a permis la formulation d'hypothèses sur la génération des flux pour la proposition de modèles adaptés. Le test de l'approche multi-régression a confirmé la nécessité de construire des modèles locaux, basés sur une analyse approfondie des données. Les meilleurs modèles obtenus sont ceux pour la masse événementielle qui parviennent à reproduire en tendance la variabilité des observations. La méthode bayésienne a été utilisée pour le test d'un modèle d'Accumulation-Erosion-Transfert simple à l'échelle du bassin versant. Les premiers résultats mettent e défaut la structure du modèle testé. Cependant ces premiers tests ont démontré l'efficacité de la procédure d'analyse bayésienne, dont l'application du principe d'apprentissage permet d'améliorer de manière significative les structures des modèles.
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Analýza a návrh rozšiřitelnosti MES řešení v potravinářské společnosti / MES Solution in Food Company: Analysis and Expansion ProposalSoukup, Milan January 2012 (has links)
The effective use of information system MES (Manufacturing Execution System) in the food company is the main topic of this master's thesis. The modularly built system provides valuable support of the production process on operational level. The thesis concentrates on the analysis of already implemented standard solution in the company's factory. Main goal is to propose expansion of the functioning area to the already existing solution, aiming for effective use of energy resources. It was necessary, in order to be able to achieve the goal, to get familiar with the complex corporate IT/ICT construction in alignment with the company's energy concept. The proposed solution is leaning on application of internal MES project methodology, leading to exact specification of energy component in the factory production frame. The thesis conclusions, besides the proposed solution itself should serve as an argument about the efficiency of starting MES system in other production factories of the company.
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Přenos a využití procesních dat (PLC) v systému řízení výroby / Transfer and utilization of process data (PLC) in production control systemKupčík, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This work explains to reader the difficulty of production scheduling and why is much advantageous using proper system for this work. Next he reads about complexity of production management and about necessity of linkage between all levels of company’s IT systems. We are going to use three different approaches for getting Siemens controller’s data out and for two of them we are going to describe general procedure, how we gets a data files, which are openable in classic table processor like MS Excel and which contain user’s choosen variables including their actual values. Finally reader will be familiarized with SimRead program, which serves for reading variable’s values in combination with Simatic standart communication blocks.
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Studie efektivnosti využití strojů ve vybraném provozu / The Study of the Machine Utilization Efficiency in the Particular Production ProcessPetržela, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The main subject of the master's thesis "Study of machines efficiency in manufacturing process" is the lean processes in the organization. The introductory section describes the theoretical grounds and methods of lean manufacturing. The main section consists of the analysis of selected manufacturing processes, including the implementation of two proposed solutions. The result of work is the elimination of certain types of waste during the production. Another contribution is improving of packaging processes at distribution to the customer.
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Manufacturing Execution System (MES) an Examination of Implementation StrategyElliott, Riley F. 01 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The priorities of executing the manufacturing orders generated by an MRP system are often in operational conflicts with the dynamics of the manufacturing floor. It is not uncommon for a given manufacturing order to reach the shop floor several weeks or longer after being "opened" by an MRP system where it may face a chaotic case of large queues, machine down-time, parts shortage, scrap problems and other resource management constraints. Many companies have resorted to the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software solution to resolve these problems. This method first gained popularity in mid-90’s within the semiconductor industry. An MES approach is an on-line, real-time data gathering, analysis and storage to assist in short-interval scheduling (shift or day) manufacturing operations with an emphasis on revising scheduling priorities. It is essentially an information system tool for the shop floor and if designed properly, it may be used as an advisory system for effective decision-making. However, in implementation MES faces several challenges including the proper software platform/architecture, integration within ERP or a stand-alone best-of-breed, amount and type of data/information to be exchanged with the MRP engine, and a user-centered interface for various layers of decision making. This paper will provide a detailed background on various technical, software, and organizational factors that the use of an MES implementation may impose upon the practitioner. Furthermore, and as a case study, it will discuss a systematic implementation strategy for MES at a high-tech company in California. The discussion of the critical success factors in implementation planning will hopefully be of value to both practitioners and researchers in similar projects.
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Моделирование системы оценки функциональности компонентов для повышения эффективности межструктурных коммуникаций : магистерская диссертация / Modeling of a functionality-evaluating system for interstructural communication effectiveness increaseВасилевич, Д. А., Vasilevich, D. A. January 2019 (has links)
As a part of this study a solution is being developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the components of the MES system. The bottom line is to assess the degree of use of standard functionalities (taking into account their weight ratio) as compared to design modifications for different projects. Analysis of the data provided to the user allows making clear, based on real indicators conclusions about the effectiveness of each component (or module) of the system, allowing to highlight the weak points of the system and determine the trajectory of the further development of each component and the entire software product. / В рамках данной работы разрабатывается решение для оценки эффективности компонентов MES-системы. Суть заключается в оценке степени использования стандартных функциональностей (с учетом коэффициента их весомости) по сравнению с проектными доработками для разных проектов. Анализ предоставляемых пользователю данных позволяет делать четкие, основанные на реальных показателях выводы об эффективности каждого компонента (или модуля) системы, позволяя выделять слабые места системы и определять траектория дальнейшего развития как каждого компонента, так и всего программного продукта в целом.
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Avaliação da qualidade de sedimentos do reservatório Billings-SP por meio de linhas de evidências químicas e ecotoxicológicas / Sediment quality assessment of the Billings-SP reservoir through chemical and toxicological lines of evidenceCervi, Eduardo Cimino 22 March 2017 (has links)
O Complexo Billings é o maior reservatório de água da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Devido a sua importância estratégica e à degradação da qualidade de suas águas e sedimentos, a represa foi e continua sendo alvo de muitas pesquisas. No entanto, os valores-guia da qualidade de sedimentos (VGQS) adotados pelas normas nacionais vigentes, usualmente aplicados nestes estudos, baseiam-se na abordagem canadense Threshold Effect Level/Probable Effect Level (TEL/PEL), e sua interpretação quanto aos efeitos tóxicos podem divergir dos países que as originaram. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial tóxico de contaminantes orgânicos e inorgânicos na água e nos sedimentos do reservatório Billings por meio da utilização de diferentes VGQS empíricos e teóricos e ensaios ecotoxicológicos. Uma abordagem multi-tarefas foi conduzida através de avaliações em campo e em laboratório envolvendo extensas caracterizações químicas, físicas e toxicológicas ao longo de dez pontos do reservatório. Em cada local, os parâmetros de qualidade da água superficial foram monitorados in situ. Amostras de sedimento integral, água intersticial e superficial foram coletadas para a avaliação das propriedades físicas e químicas nestes locais, como granulometria e carbono orgânico total (COT). Os teores de sulfetos volatilizáveis por acidificação (SVA) e os metais extraídos simultaneamente (MES) foram obtidos nas amostras de sedimento integral, assim como as concentrações totais de metais (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn) e contaminantes orgânicos (pesticidas organoclorados e hidrocarbonetos aromáticos polinucleares). Os contaminantes foram então comparados a diferentes linhas de evidências (LDE), dentre elas VGQS empíricos (TEL/PEL, LEL/SEL e VRR), VGQS baseados na teoria do Equilíbrio de Partição (EqP) e ensaios ecotoxicológicos com as espécies Daphnia magna e Hyalella azteca em água superficial e sedimento integral, respectivamente. As concentrações de metais nas águas superficial e intersticial do reservatório foram relativamente baixas e ausentes de efeitos crônicos ou agudos pelos ensaios ecotoxicológicos. Os teores de SVA foram superiores aos de MES quando normatizados pela fração COT. Embora a LDE baseada em EqP tenha sugerido a ausência de toxicidade nos sedimentos do reservatório Billings, a mesma ocorreu nos pontos Braço do Rio Grande e Barragem de Pedreira. Os resultados dos ensaios ecotoxicológicos demonstraram efeitos agudos para Hyalella azteca, com sobrevivência dos organismos de 32,5 ± 6,57% e 45 ± 5,77% nos pontos Braço do Rio Grande e Barragem de Pedreira, respectivamente. Efeitos crônicos também foram observados para a espécie H. azteca em ambos os pontos. Os valores de biomassa individuais dos anfípodas foram afetadas quando comparadas ao Controle (0,072 ± 0,01 mg), com valores de 0,032 ± 0,01 mg e 0,031 ± 0,01 mg no Braço do Rio Grande e Barragem de Pedreira, respectivamente. A utilização dos VGQS empíricos TEL/PEL e os Valores de Referência Regionais demonstraram ser eficazes para predição de efeitos tóxicos, visto que as concentrações dos metais Cu, Cr, Ni, e Zn presentes nos sedimentos superaram o limiar PEL em vários pontos do reservatório, indicando uma alta probabilidade de efeitos adversos à biota, comprovada pelos ensaios ecotoxicológicos. As concentrações dos pesticidas organoclorados mirex e DDT encontram-se acima de TEL, enquanto o DDE, mais persistente, demonstrou uma alta probabilidade de ocorrência de efeitos tóxicos (acima de PEL). Embora o EqP não tenha sido eficaz na predição dos efeitos tóxicos, foi imprescindível para compreender a dinâmica dos metais no reservatório, visto que os elevados teores de sulfetos e COT demonstram ser os responsáveis pelo equilíbrio dos metais neste ambiente. Dessa forma, a combinação de VGQS empíricos e teóricos pode - de maneira não regulatória - ser considerada uma solução efetiva e de baixo-custo para a tomada de decisão sobre locais passivos de contaminação. / The Billings Complex is the largest water-storage facility in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region. Due to its strategic importance and the deterioration in its water quality over time, the Billings reservoir was and remains subject of many researches. However, the sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) adopted in Brazil and usually applied in these studies are based on the Canadian Threshold Effect Level/Probable Effect Level (TEL/PEL) and may not suitably predict ecotoxicological effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of organic and inorganic compounds in the overlying water, pore water and bedded sediments of the Billings reservoir through several SQGs and toxicological tests. A laboratory and field assessment was conducted involving extensive physical, chemical, and toxicological characterizations within ten stations of the Billings reservoir. At each sampling station, water quality parameters (pH, redox, DO, conductivity, turbidity, and temperature) were measured in depth (intervals of 1 meter). Bedded surface sediment, sediment pore water, and overlying water were collected to assess the physical and chemical properties at these sites, such as particle size and total organic carbon (TOC). Sediment samples were analyzed for acid volatile sulfides (AVS) and simultaneously extractable metals (SEM), total metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and organic contaminants (organochlorine pesticides and semivolatile organic compounds). Empirical (TEL/PEL, RRV, and LEL/SEL) and mechanistic (AVS/SEM) SQGs approaches were applied and compared with 10-d toxicity tests with Daphnia magna and Hyalella azteca for overlying water and bedded sediment, respectively. Metals in the overlying and pore water were at a relatively low concentrations and absent of chronic or acute effects. AVS concentrations was greater then SEM in every station of the reservoir, therefore suggesting the absence of toxicity. However, Hyalella azteca post-exposure survival was affected in both Rio Grande branch and Pedreira Dam stations (32,5 ± 6,57% and 45 ± 5,77%, respectively). Relative growth rates were also affected in both Rio Grande branch and Pedreira Dam stations (0,032 ± 0,01 mg and 0,031 ± 0,01 mg) when compared to Control (0,072 ± 0,01 mg). Empirical (TEL/PEL, RRV, and LEL/SEL) guidelines were more suitable for toxicity prediction. Several stations exhibit metal concentrations for Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn higher than the Canadian PEL adopted in Brazil. Organic compounds such as mirex and DDT were above TEL. Persistent DDT metabolite p,p\'-DDE were above PEL in both Rio Grande branch and Pedreira Dam stations. Although EqP was not suitable for toxicity prediction, it was important for understanding the role of sulfides and TOC for metal contamination in the reservoir. Therefore, the adoption of both empirically and mechanistic SQGs for sediment quality assessments can provide a more accurate and low cost alternative for sediment management decisions.
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Positional games on graphs / Pozicione igre na grafovimaMikalački Mirjana 20 February 2014 (has links)
<p>\section*{Abstract}<br />We study Maker-Breaker games played on the edges of the complete graph on $n$ vertices, $K_n$, whose family of winning sets $\cF$ consists of all edge sets of subgraphs $G\subseteq K_n$ which possess a predetermined monotone increasing property. Two players, Maker and Breaker, take turns in claiming $a$, respectively $b$, unclaimed edges per move. We are interested in finding the threshold bias $b_{\cF}(a)$ for all values of $a$, so that for every $b$, $b\leq b_{\cF}(a)$, Maker wins the game and for all values of $b$, such that $b>b_{\cF}(a)$, Breaker wins the game. We are particularly interested in cases where both $a$ and $b$ can be greater than $1$. We focus on the \textit{Connectivity game}, where the winning sets are the edge sets of all spanning trees of $K_n$ and on the \textit{Hamiltonicity game}, where the winning sets are the edge sets of all Hamilton cycles on $K_n$.<br /><br />Next, we consider biased $(1:b)$ Avoider-Enforcer games, also played on the edges of $K_n$. For every constant $k\geq 3$ we analyse the $k$-star game, where Avoider tries<br />to avoid claiming $k$ edges incident to the same vertex. We analyse both versions of Avoider-Enforcer games, the strict and the monotone, and for each provide explicit winning strategies for both players. Consequentially, we establish bounds on the threshold biases $f^{mon}_\cF$, $f^-_\cF$ and $f^+_\cF$, where $\cF$ is the hypergraph of the game (the family of target sets).<br />We also study the monotone version of $K_{2,2}$-game, where Avoider wants to avoid claiming all the edges of some graph isomorphic to $K_{2,2}$ in $K_n$. </p><p>Finally, we search for the fast winning strategies for Maker in Perfect matching game and Hamiltonicity game, again played on the edge set of $K_n$. Here, we look at the biased $(1:b)$ games, where Maker's bias is 1, and Breaker's bias is $b, b\ge 1$.</p> / <p>\section*{Izvod}</p><p>Prou\v{c}avamo takozvane Mejker-Brejker (Maker-Breaker) igre koje se igraju na granama kompletnog grafa sa $n$ \v{c}vorova, $K_n$, \v{c}ija familija pobedni\v{c}kih skupova $\cF$ obuhvata sve skupove grana grafa $G\subseteq K_n$ koji imaju neku monotono rastu\'{c}u osobinu. Dva igra\v{c}a, \textit{Mejker} (\textit{Pravi\v{s}a}) i \textit{Brejker} (\textit{Kva\-ri\-\v{s}a}) se smenjuju u odabiru $a$, odnosno $b$, slobodnih grana po potezu. Interesuje nas da prona\dj emo grani\v{c}ni bias $b_{\cF}(a)$ za sve vrednosti pa\-ra\-me\-tra $a$, tako da za svako $b$, $b\le b_{\cF}(a)$, Mejker pobe\dj uje u igri, a za svako $b$, takvo da je $b>b_{\cF}(a)$, Brejker pobe\dj uje. Posebno nas interesuju slu\v{c}ajevi u kojima oba parametra $a$ i $b$ mogu imati vrednost ve\'cu od 1. Na\v{s}a pa\v{z}nja je posve\'{c}ena igri povezanosti, gde su pobedni\v{c}ki skupovi grane svih pokrivaju\'cih stabala grafa $K_n$, kao i igri Hamiltonove konture, gde su pobedni\v{c}ki skupovi grane svih Hamiltonovih kontura grafa $K_n$.</p><p>Zatim posmatramo igre tipa Avojder-Enforser (Avoider-Enforcer), sa biasom $(1:b)$, koje se tako\dj e igraju na granama kompletnog grafa sa $n$ \v{c}vorova, $K_n$. Za svaku konstantu $k$, $k\ge 3$ analiziramo igru $k$-zvezde (zvezde sa $k$ krakova), u kojoj \textit{Avojder} poku\v{s}va da izbegne da ima $k$ svojih grana incidentnih sa istim \v{c}vorom. Posmatramo obe verzije ove igre, striktnu i monotonu, i za svaku dajemo eksplicitnu pobedni\v{c}ku strategiju za oba igra\v{c}a. Kao rezultat, dobijamo gornje i donje ograni\v{c}enje za grani\v{c}ne biase $f^{mon}_\cF$, $f^-_\cF$ i $f^+_\cF$, gde $\cF$ predstavlja hipergraf igre (familija ciljnih skupova).<br />%$f^{mon}$, $f^-$ and $f^+$.<br />Tako\dj e, posmatramo i monotonu verziju $K_{2,2}$-igre, gde Avojder \v{z}eli da izbegne da graf koji \v{c}ine njegove grane sadr\v{z}i graf izomorfan sa $K_{2,2}$.</p><p>Kona\v{c}no, \v{z}elimo da prona\dj emo strategije za brzu pobedu Mejkera u igrama savr\v{s}enog me\v{c}inga i Hamiltonove konture, koje se tako\dj e igraju na granama kompletnog grafa $K_n$. Ovde posmatramo asimetri\v{c}ne igre gde je bias Mejkera 1, a bias Brejkera $b$, $b\ge 1$.</p>
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Mesurage en continu des flux polluants en MES et DCO en réseau d'assainissement / On-line monitoring of polluant fluxes (TSS and COD) in sewersLepot, Mathieu 01 October 2012 (has links)
Les débitmètres sont des technologies connues et fortement répandues mais pas exemptes d’erreurs, dont les causes peuvent être assez variées. Ces capteurs installés dans les systèmes d’assainissement ne sont de plus pas rigoureusement étalonnables in situ. Une méthode de vérification in situ des débitmètres, utilisable pour des pseudos étalonnages, est présentée. En effet, l’injection ponctuelle d’un traceur dans un écoulement permet de calculer le débit et son incertitude d’une manière indépendante des sondes en place. Cette méthodologie, en sept étapes, offre des résultats comparables à ceux fournis par des méthodes considérées comme des références (traçages aux sels et débitmètre électromagnétique). Des premiers essais en réseaux unitaires ont été réalisés pour la vérification de débitmètres (le long d’un collecteur du Grand Lyon) et pour le calage de courbes de tarages (sur le Syndicat Intercommunal d’Assainissement Grand Projet). Pour les mesures qualitatives des effluents, de nombreuses études antérieures ont montrées de bonnes corrélations entre les concentrations en polluants et les signaux fournis par des turbidimètres et des spectromètres UV/visible. Un pilote expérimental et des campagnes d’échantillonnages sur des effluents prétraités de la station d’épuration de Fontaines sur Saône ont été mis en place pour répondre aux objectifs suivants : i) concevoir et tester un site de mesure de nouvelle génération, ii) chercher des modèles de régressions entres différents capteurs (turbidimètres mono et bi-longueur(s) d’onde(s), conductimètre, pHmètre, spectromètre UV/visible, capteurs à micro-ondes) et les concentrations en polluants pour les échantillons de temps sec, de temps de pluie et la totalité, iii) caractériser la performance de ces modèles et iv) tester la robustesse des méthodes proposées sous des conditions atypiques mais susceptibles d’être rencontrées en réseau d’assainissement. Les résultats confirment les bonnes corrélations entre certains paramètres (turbidité, conductivité et spectre UV/visible) et les concentrations en polluants. Aucun capteur n’est le plus performant pour l’ensemble des polluants. La majorité des capteurs délivrent des estimations comparables aux incertitudes près mais ces estimations sont peu voire pas redondantes aux analyses effectuées sur les échantillons. La conception du banc (et les variations des matrices des eaux usées) et/ou les conditions expérimentales lors des tests de robustesse sont peut être en cause. / Flowmeters are well known technologies and highly prevalent but not free of errors, the causes can be quite varied. These sensors installed in sewer systems can’t be in situ calibrate. A method of in situ verification of flow meters, used for pseudo-calibrations, is presented. Indeed, the injection of a tracer in a flow allows to calculate the flow and its uncertainty in a manner independent of probes in place. This methodology, in seven steps, provides results comparable to those provided by methods considered standards (tracer salts and electromagnetic flowmeter). The first applications in combined sewers were conducted for verification of flowmeters (along a main pipe of Greater Lyon) and for calibrations curves (the Syndicat Intercommunal Grand Sanitation Project). For qualitative measures of influents, many previous studies have shown good correlations between pollutant concentrations and the signals provided by turbidimeters and UV/visible spectrometers. A pilot and experimental samples taken during campaigns on the pretreated influent of the waste water treatment plant of Fontaines-sur-Saône, a bench was built to meet the following objectives: i) design and test a site measuring of a new generation, ii) seek regression models among different sensors (single and dual length(s)-wavelength(s) turbidimeters, conductivity meter, pH meter, UV/visible spectrometer, microwave sensors) and pollutant concentrations for samples of dry weather, wet weather and all, iii) characterize the performance of these models and iv) test the robustness of the proposed methods under atypical conditions but succeptibles to be encountered in sewers. The results confirm the good correlations between few parameters (turbidity, conductivity and UV/Vis fingerprint) and pollutant concentrations. No sensor is the most efficient for all pollutants. The majority of sensors deliver similar estimates to uncertainties but these estimates are little or no redundant with laboratory analysis. The design of the bench (and changes in wastewater matrices) and / or experimental conditions during the tests of robustness may be involved.
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Bassin de retenue des eaux pluviales en milieu urbain : performance en matière de piégeage des micropolluantsSébastian, Christel 27 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les bassins de retenue des eaux pluviales constituent des éléments importants de gestion des rejets urbains de temps de pluie (RUTP). De nombreuses études montrent que, lorsqu'ils sont bien conçus, ils permettent de lutter contre les inondations et de décanter efficacement la pollution métallique et les hydrocarbures fortement fixés aux matières en suspension (MES). Le travail se propose d'étudier les performances de ce type de système afin d'en mesurer et d'en modéliser leur efficacité en termes d'abattement de micropolluants à une échelle évènementielle. Pour cela, il a été développé un suivi expérimental d'un bassin en service sec et étanche de grande taille localisé à l'exutoire d'un bassin versant drainé par un réseau d'assainissement séparatif pluvial faisant partie de l'Observatoire de Terrain en Hydrologie Urbaine (OTHU). Ainsi un total de 100 micropolluants (MP) a-t-il été suivi : 22 éléments traces métalliques (ETM), 16 hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP), 2 alkylphénols (AP), 5 alkylphénols éthoxylates (APEO), Bisphénol A, 9 polybromodiphényléthers (PBDE) et 45 pesticides. Dans les eaux, ils ont été analysés en phase dissoute et particulaire en entrée et en sortie. 67 % des MP recherchés ont été détectés au moins une fois en entrée ou en sortie. Les concentrations moyennes évènementielles à l'exutoire du bassin versant alimentant l'ouvrage sont comparables aux données de la littérature quand elles existent et montrent une grande variabilité. L'efficacité massique évènementielle (EME) de piégeage des MP a été évaluée selon différentes méthodes, prenant en compte les incertitudes totales. L'efficacité est avérée pour la majorité des ETM et HAP, sur un nombre limité de campagnes pour les PBDE et les APEO, très limité pour le 4-Tert-Octylphénol et le 4-Nonyphénol (1 sur 5). Les performances de l'ouvrage ont été mises en avant pour 7 pesticides (sur 15 détectés) mais des efficacités négatives témoignent d'un relargage possible des polluants. L'étude des sédiments accumulés dans le bassin depuis 6 ans montre qu'ils sont assez chargés tant en métaux, HAPs qu'en 4-Nonylphénol, BDE209 et Diuron. Enfin, nous avons expérimenté 3 niveaux de modèles afin d'identifier des pistes pertinentes pour la suite des travaux dans ce domaine.
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