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The role of decomposing plant litter in methylmercury cycling in a boreal poor fen /Branfireun, Marnie. January 2000 (has links)
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Neurochemical biomarkers to evaluate mercury toxicity in minkBasu, Niladri January 2005 (has links)
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Bringing home methylmercury : the construction of an authoritative object of knowledge for a Cree community in Northern QuebecScott, Richard T. (Richard Tolchard) January 1993 (has links)
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In vitro cellular models for neurotoxicity studies : neurons derived from P19 cellsPopova, Dina January 2017 (has links)
Humans are exposed to a variety of chemicals including environmental pollutants, cosmetics, food preservatives and drugs. Some of these substances might be harmful to the human body. Traditional toxicological and behavioural investigations performed in animal models are not suitable for the screening of a large number of compounds for potential toxic effects. There is a need for simple and robust in vitro cellular models that allow high-throughput toxicity testing of chemicals, as well as investigation of specific mechanisms of cytotoxicity. The overall aim of the thesis has been to evaluate neuronally differentiated mouse embryonal carcinoma P19 cells (P19 neurons) as a model for such testing. The model has been compared to other cellular models used for neurotoxicity assessment: retinoic acid-differentiated human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and nerve growth factor-treated rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. The chemicals assessed in the studies included the neurotoxicants methylmercury, okadaic acid and acrylamide, the drug of abuse MDMA (“ecstasy”) and a group of piperazine derivatives known as “party pills”. Effects of the chemicals on cell survival, neurite outgrowth and mitochondrial function have been assessed. In Paper I, we describe a fluorescence-based microplate method to detect chemical-induced effects on neurite outgrowth in P19 neurons immunostained against the neuron-specific cytoskeletal protein βIII-tubulin. In Paper II, we show that P19 neurons are more sensitive than differentiated SH-SY5Y and PC12 cells for detection of cytotoxic effects of methylmercury, okadaic acid and acrylamide. Additionally, in P19 neurons and differentiated SH-SY5Y cells, we could demonstrate that toxicity of methylmercury was attenuated by the antioxidant glutathione. In Paper III, we show a time- and temperature-dependent toxicity produced by MDMA in P19 neurons. The mechanisms of MDMA toxicity did not involve inhibition of the serotonin re-uptake transporter or monoamine oxidase, stimulation of 5-HT2A receptors, oxidative stress or loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. In Paper IV, the piperazine derivatives are evaluated for cytotoxicity in P19 neurons and differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. The most toxic compound in both cell models was TFMPP. In P19 neurons, the mechanism of action of TFMPP included loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. In conclusion, P19 neurons are a robust cellular model that may be useful in conjunction with other models for the assessment of chemical-induced neurotoxicity.
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Bioaccumulation du méthylmercure chez les invertébrés aquatiques aux latitudes tempérées et polaires : rôle des facteurs écologiques, biologiques et géochimiquesChételat, John January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Relation entre les espèces de mercure, le sélénium et les thiols dans les eaux de surface du parc national du Mont-Tremblant (Laurentides, Québec)Labonté-David, Émie 02 1900 (has links)
Les thiols et le sélénium peuvent jouer un rôle important dans la méthylation du mercure des environnements aquatiques. Pour démontrer la présence des thiols et du sélénium et leur relation avec le mercure dans certains écosystèmes d'eau douce québécois, une campagne d’échantillonnage fut réalisée durant l’été 2010, dans le parc national du Mont-Tremblant (Laurentides, Québec). Il existe une corrélation significative entre le sélénium et le mercure total dans l’eau des lacs du parc. Cependant, les concentrations de sélénium sont très faibles dans les lacs, les étangs de castor et les ruisseaux. Par ailleurs, les lacs du parc national du Mont-Tremblant ont des concentrations relativement élevées de méthylmercure avec une moyenne de 0,33 ng L-1 et des maximums allant jusqu’à 3,29 ng L-1. Les étangs de castor peuvent aussi être considérés comme des lieux de contamination au méthylmercure, avec une concentration moyenne de 0,95 ng L-1. Toutefois, la présence d’une colonie de castors sur le bassin versant d’un lac ne semble pas influencer les concentrations de mercure que l’on y retrouve. Deux thiols sont détectables dans l’eau de surface des Laurentides, soit le glutathion et l’acide thioglycolique. La concentration de ce dernier thiol est corrélée significativement avec celle du mercure total et du méthylmercure. Les thiols peuvent jouer un rôle important dans les processus de méthylation en favorisant le transport du mercure inorganique à l’intérieur des bactéries sulfato-réductrices. Afin de mieux comprendre l’action antagoniste entre le sélénium et le mercure, des études devraient être réalisées au niveau des tissus des organismes vivants dans ces zones pauvres en sélénium. / Thiols and selenium may influence mercury methylation in aquatic environments. To demonstrate the occurrence of both elements with mercury in selected aquatic systems of Quebec, a sampling campaign was conducted during the summer of 2010 in Mont-Temblant national park (Laurentians, Quebec). There is a significant correlation between selenium and total mercury in surface water. However, concentrations of selenium are very low in lakes and beavers ponds. In addition, the park’s lakes have a relatively high concentrations of methyl mercury with an average of 0,33 ng L-1 and maximum values up to 3,29 ng L-1. Beaver ponds can also be considered hotspots of methylmercury contamination, with an average concentration of 0,95 ng L-1. However, the presence of a colony of beavers in the watershed of a lake does not appear to influence the levels of mercury in that lake. Two species of thiols are present in the surface water of the Laurentian ecosystems: glutathione and thioglycolic acid. The latter is significantly correlated with total mercury and methyl mercury. Thiols may play an important role in the methylation process by promoting the transport of inorganic mercury within the sulfate-reducing bacteria. To better undestand the antagonistic action between selenium and mercury, more research should be conducted in the tissue of organisms living in areas of low concentration of selenium to know if they are protected against mercury toxicity.
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Impact des barrages de castors sur la variabilité spatiale et saisonnière des concentrations en mercure et en nutriments dans les ruisseaux des LaurentidesRoy, Virginie January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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La production de thiols biogéniques par les microorganismes aquatiquesLeclerc, Maxime 05 1900 (has links)
Les thiols à faible masse moléculaire (FMM) peuvent affecter la biodisponibilité du mercure et mener à une plus grande production de méthylmercure par les microorganismes méthylants. Les résultats d’une étude réalisée au sein de la matrice extracellulaire du périphyton de la zone littorale d’un lac des Laurentides ont démontré que les concentrations en thiols à FMM retrouvées dans cette matrice sont jusqu’à 1000 fois supérieures à celles de la colonne d’eau avoisinante. Ces thiols sont significativement corrélés à la chlorophylle a du périphyton, suggérant une production par les algues. Le mercure de la matrice extracellulaire, plus spécifiquement dans la fraction colloïdale mobile, est aussi corrélé aux thiols d’origine algale. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’une accumulation de thiols s’opère dans l’espace extracellulaire du périphyton et qu’ils peuvent favoriser le transfert du mercure vers les microorganismes produisant le méthylmercure. Les résultats d’une seconde étude menée sur les méthodes de préservation d’échantillons d’eau pour la conservation des thiols à FMM ont démontré que la température optimale d’entreposage était de -80 °C et que la lyophilisation menait à une sous-estimation des concentrations mesurées. Les taux de dégradation étaient plus rapides lors de la conservation à -20 °C et variables selon la chimie de l’eau utilisée et les espèces de thiols observées. Suivant ces résultats, nous proposons un cadre de recherche pour de futures études sur la spéciation du mercure dans le périphyton et nous suggérons des précautions lors de la manipulation et de la conservation des thiols à FMM d’échantillons naturels. / Low molecular weight (LMW) thiols can affect the bioavailability of mercury and by enhancing methylmercury production by methylating microorganisms. Results of a study conducted within periphyton extracellular matrix in the littoral zone of a lake of the Laurentians have shown that LMW thiol concentrations found in this matrix are up to 1000 fold higher than those in the water column of surrounding waters. Relationships between these thiols and periphyton chlorophyll a were significant, suggesting production by algae. Mercury in the extracellular matrix, especially in the mobile colloidal fraction, was also correlated to thiols from algal sources. These results suggest thiol accumulation in the periphyton extracellular space, and that thiols likely promote mercury transfer to methylating microorganisms. A second study on preservation methods of natural water samples for LMW thiols conservation showed that a storage temperature of -80 °C was optimal and that freeze-drying led to an under-estimation of measured concentrations. Degradation rates were faster with storage at -20 °C and varied substantially depending on the chemistry of the water used as depending on thiol species observed. In regards of these results, we propose a research framework for future studies on mercury speciation processes in periphyton. We also suggest precautions on handling and storing natural samples for LMW thiol analyses.
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Avaliação da interação entre os polimorfismos da Óxido Nítrico Sintase Endotelial (eNOS) e a biodisponibilidade sistêmica do óxido nítrico em indivíduos expostos a mercúrio / Evaluation of the interaction between endothelial nitric oxide synthase polymorphism and the systemic nitric oxide bioavailability in mercury exposed subjectsMarco, Katia Cristina de 26 November 2010 (has links)
Há décadas a exposição ao mercúrio é alvo de estudos toxicológicos devido ao alto potencial de danos a saúde humana. Na região amazônica os primeiros estudos reportavam a exposição ocupacional pelo uso nos garimpos de ouro, entretanto recentemente destacam-se os estudos relacionados a exposição ambiental que ocorre na região decorrente do consumo de peixes contaminados com mercúrio. Muitos estudos se concentram em populações ribeirinhas residentes na região do rio Tapajós, onde o consumo de peixes é frequente e o metil-mercúrio (MeHg) contido nos peixes é o responsável pela exposição dessas pessoas ao metal. O MeHg apresenta efeitos tóxicos relevantes sobre o sistema cardiovascular, e muitos grupos de pesquisa buscam elucidar os mecanismos que expliquem tais efeitos. Alguns estudos apontam uma diminuição significativa na disponibilidade do óxido nítrico (NO) após exposição ao organometal, o que poderia contribuir para uma alteração da fisiologia cardiovascular uma vez que o NO é um modulados desse sistema. O NO é sintetizado pela óxido nítrico sintase endotelial (eNOS) e sua atividade pode ser alterada por vários fatores, dentre eles, os polimorfismos nos genes que codificam essa proteína, são eles: T-786C na região promotora, 27-pb VNTR no intron 4 e Glu298Asp no exon 7. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos dos polimorfismos da eNOS sobre a síntese de NO entre os indivíduos expostos a metilmercúrio. Foram analisadas amostras de sangue de 214 voluntários com idade entre 15 e 84 anos, dos quais 103 homens e 111 mulheres. A concentração de mercúrio no sangue (Hg sangue) total variou de 1,7 a 179,3 µg/L e a concentração plasmática de nitrito variou entre 85,7 e 695,8 M. Foram determinados os valores de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), pressão arterial diastólica (PAD), índice de massa corporal (IMC) e freqüência cardíaca (FC) de todos os voluntários. A PAS média foi de 119,8 mmHg e a média da PAD foi 71,8 mmHg. O IMC médio foi de 24,5 Kg/m2 e a FC média foi 70,4 batimentos por minuto (bpm). Não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos, segundo genótipos dos três polimorfismos, quanto às características dos voluntários: idade, PAS, PAD, IMC, FC, Hg sangue e as concentrações plasmáticas de nitrito. Quando os polimorfismos foram estudados isoladamente foi observado que o alelo C na região promotora, o alelo 4b no intron 4 e o alelo Glu no exon 7 apresentaram-se associados a concentrações reduzidas e nitrito plasmático. Quando a população foi estratificada com base na concentração de Hg essa associação desapareceu, provavelmente mascarada pelas altas concentrações do metal. Entretanto quando foram estudados os haplótipos pode ser observada novamente a associação desses mesmos alelos com a diminuição da concentração do nitrito, confirmando os achados iniciais. O haplótipo mais frequente na população combina os alelos selvagens para todos os polimorfismos (T, 4b e G) e o haplótipo menos freqüente combina os alelos variantes. O haplótipo associado à menor concentração plasmática de nitrito combina os alelos selvagens (C, 4b e G), confirmando os primeiros resultados. Essa abordagem haplotípica é muito útil na observação de efeitos mais discretos uma vez que é possível observar os efeitos dos três polimorfismos agindo simultaneamente sobre uma variável, nesse caso o óxido nítrico. O presente estudo sugere que os fatores genéticos exercem grande influência sobre a produção e biodisponibilidade de NO e que esses fatores combinados com a exposição ambiental ao Hg podem agir de maneira sinérgica, aumentando a suscetibilidade aos efeitos cardiotóxicos do metal através da modulação da atividade da eNOS. / The mercury (Hg) exposure has been target of toxicological studies due the high potential of damage to human health. In the Amazon region the first studies reported the occupational exposure due the use in gold mining, however, recently become relevant the studies about the environment exposure due the fish intake in the riparian population. Several studies have been concentrated in the riparian community in the Tapajós river region, where the fish consumption is frequent and the methylmercury content in fish is responsible to exposure of this people. The MeHg presents toxic effects in the cardiovascular system and many researches groups try to elucidate the mechanisms that explain this effects. Some studies report a significant reducing in nitric oxide (NO) production after the Hg exposure, which could contribute to an altered physiology of the cardiovascular system, once the NO is a modulating factor of this system. The NO is produced by the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and its activity can be altered by many factors like polymorphisms in gene that codify this protein, among this: : T-786C in the promoter region, 27-pb VNTR in intron 4 and Glu298Asp in exon 7. In this regard, the present study mean to evaluate the effects of the eNOS polymorphisms over the NO synthesis among the Hg exposed subjects. In this work, the whole blood samples of 214 volunteers were analyzed for determination of Hg concentration, nitrite plasma concentration and genotyping. The age of the volunteers varied between 15 and 84 years old, including 103 men and 111 women. The blood mercury concentration varied between 1.7 and 179.3 µg/L and the nitrite plasma concentration varied between 85.7 and 695.8 M. Was determinate the systolic arterial pressure (SAP), diastolic arterial pressure (DAP), body mass index (BMI) and heart rate (HR). The SAP mean was 119.8 mmHg and the DAP mean was 71.8 mmHg. The BMI mean was 24.5 Kg/m2 and the HR mean was 70.4 beats per minute. There was no difference among the groups of the three polymorphisms according the volunteers characteristics: age, DAP, SAP, BMI, HR, blood Hg concentration and nitrite plasma concentration. When the polymorphisms were observed separately the reduced nitrite plasma concentration was associated with the presence of the alleles: C in promoter region, 4b in intron 4 and G in exon 7, however there is lack of association when the volunteers were grouped according the blood Hg concentration, probably due a mask effect of the high Hg concentration. When these three polymorphisms were observed simultaneously, in analysis of the haplotypes, the association between the same alleles and the nitrite plasma concentration was observed again, confirming the initial findings. The commonest haplotype in the volunteers combine the alleles of the three polymorphisms (T, 4b and G) and the less frequent haplotype combine the three variants alleles. There was an association between the haplotype C, 4b and G and reduced nitrite plasma concentration, according the result of the polymorphisms separately. The haplotype analysis is too interesting to observe discrete effects, once is possible to analyze the effects of the three polymorphisms acting simultaneously above one variable, in this case, nitric oxide production. The present study suggest that genetic factors could exert a relevant influence above the NO production and bioavailability and that this factors combined with environmental Hg exposure can acting synergic, increasing the susceptibility to Hg cardiovascular effects, through the modulation of the eNOS activity.
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