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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mobilisation et transformations du mercure et du carbone dans les réservoirs hydroélectriques de la rivière Romaine

de Bonville, Jérémy 08 1900 (has links)
Les réservoirs hydroélectriques contribuent à la remise en suspension du mercure (Hg) inorganique terrestre et de la matière organique suite à l’inondation des terres lors de la construction d’un barrage. Le développement de zones anoxiques dû à l’augmentation de la colonne d’eau et à la dégradation de matière organique inondée est une condition propice pour la méthylation du Hg par les communautés bactériennes aquatiques, le rendant neurotoxique et bioamplifiable. Les résultats de cette étude, conduite dans le complexe de réservoirs hydroélectriques de la rivière Romaine, démontrent que le pourcentage du mercure total (THg) étant du méthylmercure (MeHg) retrouvé dans les zones inondées est en moyenne 10 fois plus élevé que dans les systèmes naturels avoisinants et dans la portion de la rivière en amont de la série de barrages. Les concentrations en MeHg demeurent toutefois relativement faibles comparativement à d’autres réservoirs au Québec et ailleurs dans le monde. Des patrons de l’amont vers l’aval ont pu être observés, où le MeHg augmente de façon concomitante au dioxyde de carbone (CO2) à travers les réservoirs, les deux ayant des valeurs plus élevées au printemps, suite à la fonte des glaces, qu’en été, suggérant qu’une production sous la glace est probable due à une anoxie partielle avant que le retrait des glaces ne revienne oxygéner la colonne d’eau. De plus, les concentrations de mercure total ainsi que les patrons des composantes de matière organique dissoute et du carbone organique dissous demeurent très peu variables entre les sites inondés et naturels. Cela suggère que les réservoirs hydroélectriques agissent plutôt comme réacteurs de transformation du mercure inorganique terrestre en méthylmercure que comme mobilisateurs de mercure nouvellement importé dans le système, et que les processus opérant des centaines de kilomètres en amont et des mois auparavant sont importants pour les dynamiques de carbone et de mercure observées dans ce système hautement connecté. / Following the flooding of soil during the construction of hydroelectric reservoirs, terrestrial inorganic mercury (Hg) and organic matter typically increase in concentrations in the aquatic environment. The anoxia developed due to the deepening of the water column and the degradation of organic matter due to aquatic microbial communities create new conditions in the system that are prone to the methylation of mercury into its neurotoxic and bioaccumulative form : methylmercury (MeHg). Results from this study, led in the hydroelectric complex of reservoirs of the Romaine River, showed that the percentage of total mercury which is methylmercury in the flooded area is on average 10 times higher than in surrounding natural systems from the watershed and in the upstream section of the river. MeHg concentrations in the Romaine River, however, remain relatively low when compared to other reservoirs in Quebec and worldwide. Upstream to downstream patterns have been observed, where MeHg increases along with carbon dioxide (CO2) throughout the series of reservoirs and where both showed higher values in June than in August, following the snowmelt and the melting of the ice cover. Concentrations were lower in the summer campaign, suggesting there was under-ice production due to the development of partial anoxia before the water column is mixed and oxygenated in spring. Moreover, the distribution of total mercury concentrations, dissolved organic carbon and dissolved organic matter components remained stable between flooded and natural sites. This suggests that hydroelectric reservoirs act as reactors for the transformation of terrestrial inorganic Hg in MeHg rather than as mobilizers of newly imported Hg and that processes occurring several kilometers upstream and months prior to sampling affect the carbon and Hg dynamics of this inter-connected system.

Mercury concentrations and mercury methylation along the freshwater to marine continuum

Starr, Lindsay D. 01 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Influence of 2,5-Hexanedione, Acrylamide, tri-o-totyl Phoshate, Leptophos and Methylmercury on Endogenous Levels of Tryptophan, Serotonin and 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid and Serotonin Turnover Rates in Rat Brain

Farr, Craig H. 01 May 1992 (has links)
Several industrial and environmental chemicals cause distal and/or central neuropathy among other diverse toxic effects. Spague-Dawley derived rats were fed doses of 2,5-hexanedione, acrylamide, tri-o-tolyl phosphate, leptophos and methylmercury via gavage. The dose levels and administration periods were established in previous experiments designed to assess clinical neuropathy using rats trained to walk on a rotorod apparatus fitted with an electrode floor. After intravenous injections of 3H-Tryptophan, whole rat brain homogenates were analyzed using liquid scintillation and spectrofluorometric techniques for levels of tryptophan, serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid. Serotonin turnover rates were calculated using the specific activities of tryptophan and serotonin at two different time periods. The levels of serotonin as well as the serotonin turnover rates were unaffected by dosages of 5 to 50 mg acrylamide/kg given daily doses, while whole brain concentrations of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid increased significantly in a dose-dependent manner. the rise in 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels coupled with no effects on the other levels in acrylamide and 2,5-hexanedione-fed animals suggests a possible inhibition of the energy-dependent 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid efflux system in the brain. Animals given five doses of Leptophos (4.5 to 45 mg/kg) or six doses from 30 to 300 mg/kg tri-o-tolyl phosphate, administered every third day, showed slightly eleveated, non-significant, serotonin turnover rates while levels of serotonin and tryptophan remained unchanged with a slight decrease in 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels at the highest dosages. Levels of endogenous indole compounds in methylmercury treated rats showed no significant differences from control values; however, the turnover rates and levels of serotonin were slightly lower in the two lower treatment levels, while the highest dose level had no apparent effect on turnover rates or concentrations. Further studies involving longer treatment periods, alternate species or examination of discrete brain areas, may further clarify the effects of these chemicals on brain biochemistry.

Functional identification of microorganisms that transform mercury in marine sediments

Romas, Lisa 12 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Développement d’outils utilisant la surveillance biologique pour évaluer l’exposition et les risques pour la santé : application au méthylmercure et au sélénium

Noisel, Nolwenn 05 1900 (has links)
Dans une perspective d’analyse des risques pour la santé publique, l’estimation de l’exposition revêt une importance capitale. Parmi les approches existantes d’estimation de l’exposition, l’utilisation d’outils, tels que des questionnaires alimentaires, la modélisation toxicocinétique ou les reconstructions de doses, en complément de la surveillance biologique, permet de raffiner les estimations, et ainsi, de mieux caractériser les risques pour la santé. Ces différents outils et approches ont été développés et appliqués à deux substances d’intérêt, le méthylmercure et le sélénium en raison des effets toxiques bien connus du méthylmercure, de l’interaction entre le méthylmercure et le sélénium réduisant potentiellement ces effets toxiques, et de l’existence de sources communes via la consommation de poisson. Ainsi, l’objectif général de cette thèse consistait à produire des données cinétiques et comparatives manquantes pour la validation et l’interprétation d’approches et d’outils d’évaluation de l’exposition au méthylmercure et au sélénium. Pour ce faire, l’influence du choix de la méthode d’évaluation de l’exposition au méthylmercure a été déterminée en comparant les apports quotidiens et les risques pour la santé estimés par différentes approches (évaluation directe de l’exposition par la surveillance biologique combinée à la modélisation toxicocinétique ou évaluation indirecte par questionnaire alimentaire). D’importantes différences entre ces deux approches ont été observées : les apports quotidiens de méthylmercure estimés par questionnaires sont en moyenne six fois plus élevés que ceux estimés à l’aide de surveillance biologique et modélisation. Ces deux méthodes conduisent à une appréciation des risques pour la santé divergente puisqu’avec l’approche indirecte, les doses quotidiennes estimées de méthylmercure dépassent les normes de Santé Canada pour 21 des 23 volontaires, alors qu’avec l’approche directe, seulement 2 des 23 volontaires sont susceptibles de dépasser les normes. Ces différences pourraient être dues, entre autres, à des biais de mémoire et de désirabilité lors de la complétion des questionnaires. En outre, l’étude de la distribution du sélénium dans différentes matrices biologiques suite à une exposition non alimentaire (shampoing à forte teneur en sélénium) visait, d’une part, à étudier la cinétique du sélénium provenant de cette source d’exposition et, d’autre part, à évaluer la contribution de cette source à la charge corporelle totale. Un suivi des concentrations biologiques (sang, urine, cheveux et ongles) pendant une période de 18 mois chez des volontaires exposés à une source non alimentaire de sélénium a contribué à mieux expliciter les mécanismes de transfert du sélénium du site d’absorption vers le sang (concomitance des voies régulées et non régulées). Ceci a permis de montrer que, contrairement au méthylmercure, l’utilisation des cheveux comme biomarqueur peut mener à une surestimation importante de la charge corporelle réelle en sélénium en cas de non contrôle de facteurs confondants tels que l’utilisation de shampoing contenant du sélénium. Finalement, une analyse exhaustive des données de surveillance biologique du sélénium issues de 75 études publiées dans la littérature a permis de mieux comprendre la cinétique globale du sélénium dans l’organisme humain. En particulier, elle a permis le développement d’un outil reliant les apports quotidiens et les concentrations biologiques de sélénium dans les différentes matrices à l’aide d’algorithmes mathématiques. Conséquemment, à l’aide de ces données cinétiques exprimées par un système d’équations logarithmiques et de leur représentation graphique, il est possible d’estimer les apports quotidiens chez un individu à partir de divers prélèvements biologiques, et ainsi, de faciliter la comparaison d’études de surveillance biologique du sélénium utilisant des biomarqueurs différents. L’ensemble de ces résultats de recherche montre que la méthode choisie pour évaluer l’exposition a un impact important sur les estimations des risques associés. De plus, les recherches menées ont permis de mettre en évidence que le sélénium non alimentaire ne contribue pas de façon significative à la charge corporelle totale, mais constitue un facteur de confusion pour l’estimation de la charge corporelle réelle en sélénium. Finalement, la détermination des équations et des coefficients reliant les concentrations de sélénium entre différentes matrices biologiques, à l’aide d’une vaste base de données cinétiques, concourt à mieux interpréter les résultats de surveillance biologique. / In the context of public health risk analysis, exposure assessments are of primary importance. Among the approaches used to assess exposure, tools such as food questionnaires, toxicokinetic modelling or reverse dosimetry, combined with biomonitoring allow to refine exposure estimates as well as toxicological health risk estimates. Such approaches and tools have been developed and applied to two contaminants of interest - methylmercury and selenium - due to the known toxic effect of methylmercury, the interaction between methylmercury and selenium which reduces its toxicity, and common sources of exposure through fish consumption. Hence, the main objective of this thesis consists in producing kinetic and comparative data for the validation and the interpretation of approaches and tools used for exposure assessment to methylmercury and selenium. These data are currently lacking. To achieve this goal, the influence of the method used to assess methylmercury exposure was determined by comparing daily intakes and health risk estimated with different approaches (direct exposure assessment using biomonitoring and toxicokinetic modelling or indirect exposure assessment using food questionnaires). Important discrepancies between these two methods have been observed: the questionnaire-based intakes are higher than modeled intakes higher by a six-fold factor. These two approaches lead to divergent health risk estimates considering that, with the direct exposure assessment, methylmercury daily intakes are above Health Canada guidelines in most cases (21 of 23 volunteers) while only 2 volunteers have intakes above guidelines when using the direct approach. Among possible reasons, discrepancies could be due to recall and desirability bias related to the completion of food questionnaire. Subsequently, the study of selenium distribution in different biological matrices following a non-dietary exposure (selenium-containing shampoo) aimed to study the kinetic of the selenium originating from this exposure as well as assess the contribution of this source to the total Se body burden. The time courses of selenium biological concentration in blood, urine, hair and nails over 18 months for volunteers exposed to a non-dietary source of selenium contributed to better elucidate the mechanisms of selenium transfer to blood (concurrency of regulated and non-regulated pathways). This study also confirms that, unlike methylmercury, the use of hair as a biomarker can lead to a significant overestimate of the actual selenium body burden if confounding factors such as the use of selenium-containing shampoo are not controlled. In addition, a detailed analysis of selenium biomonitoring data from 75 published studies in the literature was conducted in order to better understand the kinetic of selenium in the human body. In particular, this analysis led to the development of a tool that relates daily intakes and selenium concentrations in biological matrices using mathematical algorithms. Consequently, by using these kinetic data expressed as a system of logarithmic equations and graphical representations, it enables the assessment of daily intakes in an individual from various biological sampling. Moreover, it facilitates the comparison of selenium biomonitoring data from studies using different biomarkers. Overall, these results show that the approach used to assess exposure has a sound impact on health risk estimates. Research showed that selenium from a non-dietary source does not contribute significantly to total body burden, however it constitutes a confounding factor. Finally, the determination of equations and coefficients using an extensive kinetic database relating selenium concentrations from different biological matrices helps to better interpret biomonitoring data.

Mercury species transformations in marine and biological systems studied by isotope dilution mass spectrometry and stable isotope tracers

Lambertsson, Lars January 2005 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the implementation of species-specific isotope dilution (SSID) methodology and stable isotope tracers to determine mercury species occurrence and transformation processes in-situ and during sample treatment. Isotope enriched tracers of methyl-, ethyl- and inorganic mercury were synthesised and applied in different combinations to marine and biological samples. Experimental results were obtained using gas chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (GC-ICP-MS). Mercury methylation and methylmercury demethylation processes in surface sediments were studied in the brackish Öre River estuary, Bothnian Bay. Uni- and multivariate data evaluation identified the organic material content and mercury methylation potential in the sediments as important factors controlling incipient methylmercury levels. Mercury species distribution in mice treated with the pharmaceutical preservative Thimerosal (ethylmercurithiosalicylate) was studied. The ethylmercury moiety of Thimerosal was observed to rapidly convert to inorganic mercury in the mice during the treatment period as well as during sample treatment, hence necessitating SSID methodology for accurate ethylmercury determinations in biological samples. To facilitate the introduction of SSID as a routine quantitative method in mercury speciation, a methylmercury isotopic certified reference material (ICRM) was produced. Prior to certification, the stability of the material was examined in conventional and isochronous stability studies spanning 12 months, which permitted uncertainty estimation of the methylmercury amount content for two years of shelf-life. Finally, a field-adapted SSID method for methylmercury determinations in natural water samples was developed. The proposed analytical protocol significantly simplified sample storage- and treatment procedures without sacrifices in analytical accuracy.

Comparative Neurotoxicity of Methylmercury and Mercuric Chloride In Vivo and In Vitro

Thuett, Kerry A. 2009 August 1900 (has links)
It is impossible to remove methylmercury (MeHg) from biological systems because MeHg is found throughout our environment in many fresh and salt water fish. The consumption of fish is important to human nutrition and health. The mechanism of MeHg neurotoxicity must be understood to minimize adverse exposure consequences. The dissertation objective was to: 1) compare mechanisms of MeHg neurotoxicity between animals exposed as adults and those exposed during gestation, and 2) develop an in vitro test model of in vivo MeHg exposure. Total mercury (Hg) levels in tissue / cells were determined by combustion / trapping / atomic absorption. Cell death was determined by Fluoro-Jade histochemical staining and activated caspase 3 immunohistochemistry for in vivo studies, and Trypan blue exclusion, lactate dehydrogenase activity, and cytotoxicity assays for in vitro studies. Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), intracellular calcium ion concentration ([Ca2+]i), and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were determined using fluorescence microscopy or microplate reader assays. Young adult C57Bl/6 mice were exposed to a total dose of 0, 1.0, or 5.0 mg/kg body weight MeHg divided over postnatal days (P)35 to 39. Pregnant female mice were exposed to a total does of 0, 0.1, or 1.0 mg/kg body weight MeHg divided over gestational days (G)8 to 18. SY5Y cells were exposed to 0, 0.01, 0.1, or 1.0 ?M MeHg or HgCl2 for 24, 48, or 72 hours. Total Hg in brains of young adult mice, mouse pups, and SY5Y cells accumulated in a dose-dependent manner. Cell death increased in SY5Y cells exposed to the highest concentrations of MeHg and HgCl2 used in this study. Cell death increased in the molecular and granule cerebellar cell layers of young adult mice exposed to the highest doses of MeHg used in this study. P0 mouse pups showed no increase in cell death within the cerebellum following MeHg exposure. Cerebella of mice at P10 exhibited decreased dying cells only in the external germinal layer. Low concentrations of MeHg affected MMP in both in vivo and in vitro studies, but did not result in decreased MMP typically associated with higher MeHg concentrations. [Ca2+]i was increased throughout the in vivo experiments in an age- , sexand brain region-dependent manner. Generation of ROS was decreased in both in vivo and in vitro studies with both the MeHg and HgCl2 (in vitro) treatments. In summary, low and moderate MeHg exposure, both in vivo and in vitro, altered mitochondrial function, Ca2+ homeostasis, and ROS differently than what is reported in the literature for higher MeHg exposure concentrations. SY5Y cells were sensitive to low-levels of MeHg and HgCl2 and responded similarly to cells in the whole animal studies, thus making SY5Y cells realistic candidates for mechanistic MeHg studies. Cell culture and whole animal neuronal functional studies at chronic low-level MeHg exposure are limited. These data suggest that low-levels of MeHg may affect neuronal function. Therefore, further chronic low-level MeHg neuronal functional studies are warranted.

Altered DNA Repair, Antioxidant and Cellular Proliferation Status as Determinants of Susceptibility to Methylmercury Toxicity in Vitro

Ondovcik, Stephanie Lee 20 June 2014 (has links)
Methylmercury (MeHg) is a pervasive environmental contaminant with potent neurotoxic, teratogenic and likely carcinogenic activity, for which the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unclear. Base excision repair (BER) is important in mitigating the pathogenic effects of oxidative stress, which has also been implicated in the mechanism of MeHg toxicity, however the importance of BER in MeHg toxicity is currently unknown. Accordingly, we addressed this question using: (1) spontaneously- and Simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen-immortalized oxoguanine glycosylase 1-null (Ogg1-/-) murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs); and, (2) human Ogg1 (hOgg1)- or formamidopyrimidine glycosylase (Fpg)-expressing human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells; reciprocal in vitro cellular models with deficient and enhanced ability to repair oxidatively damaged DNA respectively. When spontaneously-immortalized wild-type and Ogg1-/- MEFs were exposed to environmentally relevant, low micromolar concentrations of MeHg, both underwent cell cycle arrest but Ogg1-/- cells exhibited a greater sensitivity to MeHg than wild-type controls with reduced clonogenic survival and increased apoptosis, DNA damage and DNA damage response activation. Antioxidative catalase alleviated the MeHg-initiated DNA damage in both wild-type and Ogg1-/- cells, but failed to block MeHg-mediated apoptosis at micromolar concentrations. As in spontaneously immortalized MEFs, MeHg induced cell cycle arrest in SV40 large T antigen-immortalized MEFs, with increased sensitivity to MeHg persisting in the Ogg1-/- MEFs. Importantly, cells seeded at a higher density exhibited compromised proliferation, which protected against MeHg-mediated cell cycle arrest and DNA damage. In the reciprocal model of enhanced DNA repair, hOgg1- and Fpg-expressing cells appeared paradoxically more sensitive than wild-type controls to acute MeHg exposure for all cellular and biochemical parameters, potentially due to the accumulation of toxic intermediary abasic sites. Accordingly, our results provide the first evidence that Ogg1 status represents a critical determinant of risk for MeHg toxicity independent of cellular immortalization method, with variations in cellular proliferation and interindividual variability in antioxidative and DNA repair capacities constituting important determinants of risk for environmentally-initiated oxidatively damaged DNA and its pathological consequences.

Altered DNA Repair, Antioxidant and Cellular Proliferation Status as Determinants of Susceptibility to Methylmercury Toxicity in Vitro

Ondovcik, Stephanie Lee 20 June 2014 (has links)
Methylmercury (MeHg) is a pervasive environmental contaminant with potent neurotoxic, teratogenic and likely carcinogenic activity, for which the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unclear. Base excision repair (BER) is important in mitigating the pathogenic effects of oxidative stress, which has also been implicated in the mechanism of MeHg toxicity, however the importance of BER in MeHg toxicity is currently unknown. Accordingly, we addressed this question using: (1) spontaneously- and Simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen-immortalized oxoguanine glycosylase 1-null (Ogg1-/-) murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs); and, (2) human Ogg1 (hOgg1)- or formamidopyrimidine glycosylase (Fpg)-expressing human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells; reciprocal in vitro cellular models with deficient and enhanced ability to repair oxidatively damaged DNA respectively. When spontaneously-immortalized wild-type and Ogg1-/- MEFs were exposed to environmentally relevant, low micromolar concentrations of MeHg, both underwent cell cycle arrest but Ogg1-/- cells exhibited a greater sensitivity to MeHg than wild-type controls with reduced clonogenic survival and increased apoptosis, DNA damage and DNA damage response activation. Antioxidative catalase alleviated the MeHg-initiated DNA damage in both wild-type and Ogg1-/- cells, but failed to block MeHg-mediated apoptosis at micromolar concentrations. As in spontaneously immortalized MEFs, MeHg induced cell cycle arrest in SV40 large T antigen-immortalized MEFs, with increased sensitivity to MeHg persisting in the Ogg1-/- MEFs. Importantly, cells seeded at a higher density exhibited compromised proliferation, which protected against MeHg-mediated cell cycle arrest and DNA damage. In the reciprocal model of enhanced DNA repair, hOgg1- and Fpg-expressing cells appeared paradoxically more sensitive than wild-type controls to acute MeHg exposure for all cellular and biochemical parameters, potentially due to the accumulation of toxic intermediary abasic sites. Accordingly, our results provide the first evidence that Ogg1 status represents a critical determinant of risk for MeHg toxicity independent of cellular immortalization method, with variations in cellular proliferation and interindividual variability in antioxidative and DNA repair capacities constituting important determinants of risk for environmentally-initiated oxidatively damaged DNA and its pathological consequences.

Biomarkers of fish consumption and risk of stroke or myocardial infarction

Wennberg, Maria, January 2010 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2010.

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