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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Network topology and community function in spatial microbial communities

Menon, Rajita 15 November 2018 (has links)
Complex communities of microbes act collectively to regulate human health, provide sources of clean energy, and ripen aromatic cheese. The efficient functioning of these communities can be directly related to competitive and cooperative interactions between species. Physical constraints and local environment affect the stability of these interactions. Here we explore the role of spatial habitat and interaction networks in microbial ecology and human disease. In the first part of the dissertation, we model mutualism to understand how spatial microbial communities survive number fluctuations in physical habitats. We explicitly account for the production, consumption, and diffusion of public goods in a two-species microbial community. We show that increased sharing of nutrients breaks down coexistence, and that species may benefit from making slower-diffusing nutrients. In multi-species communities, indirect and higher order interactions may affect community function. We find that the requirement for spatial proximity severely restricts the network of possible microbial interactions. While cooperation between two species is stable, higher-order mutualism requiring three or more species succumbs easily to number fluctuations. Additional cyclic or reciprocal interactions between pairs can stabilize multi-species communities. Inter-species interactions also affect human health via the human microbiome: microbial communities in the gut, lungs and skin. In the second part of the dissertation, we use machine learning and statistics to establish links between microbiota abundance and composition, and the incidence of chronic diseases. We study the gut fungal profile to probe the effects of diet and fungal dysbiosis in a cohort of Saudi children with Crohn's disease. While statistical microbiome studies established that each disease phenotype is associated with a distinct state of intestinal dysbiosis, they often produced conflicting results and identified a very large number of microbes associated with disease. We show that a handful of taxa could drive the dynamics of ecosystem-level abundance changes due to strong inter-species interactions. Using maximum entropy methods, we propose a simple statistical approach (Direct Association Analysis or DAA) to account for interspecific interactions. When applied to the largest dataset on IBD, DAA detects a small subset of associations directly linked to the disease, avoids p-value inflation and identifies most predictive features of the microbiome.
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Redes ecológicas em comunidades bacterianas da filosfera, dermosfera e rizosfera de espécies arbóreas da Mata Atlântica / Ecological networks in bacterial communities of phyllosphere, dermosphere and rhizosphere of tree species of the Atlantic Forest

Berdugo, Silvia Eugenia Barrera 02 September 2016 (has links)
A Mata Atlântica é uma floresta tropical úmida considerada um \"hotspot\" de biodiversidade e endemismo. É uma das florestas mais antigas do mundo e uma das maiores florestas da América, abrangendo aproximadamente 150 milhões de hectares em condições ambientais altamente heterogêneas. Estudos em diferentes ambientes da Mata Atlântica, nos núcleos de Picinguaba e Santa Virginia no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM), têm sido realizados para determinar a diversidade de espécies e alterações da estrutura das comunidades de bactérias, tanto na filosfera, quanto na dermosfera e solo rizosférico. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre as funções ecológicas dessas bactérias, e sobre as interações ecológicas entre as comunidades microbianas e os ambientes onde se desenvolvem. Assim o objetivo desse trabalho foi explorar as interações entre as comunidades microbianas da filosfera, dermosfera e solo coletado sobre a projeção da copa de duas espécies arbóreas da Mata Atlântica ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal, usando análises de co-ocorrência, a partir dos dados obtidos por pirosequenciamento da região V4 do gene rRNA 16S de bactérias, para determinar padrões de associações de bactérias em diferentes níveis taxonômicos em cada microambiente. Para esse estudo, foi proposta a hipótese de que mesmo que as condições ambientais sejam diferentes em cada tipo de floresta (gradiente altitudinal), pode existir grupos de bactérias específicos que co-ocorrem na filosfera, dermosfera ou solo das plantas, funcionando como taxons chaves na estruturação das comunidades bacterianas. Com base do sequenciamento dos genes rRNA 16S, as comunidades bacterianas associadas à filosfera e dermosfera de E. edulis e G. opposita nas diferentes florestas foram mais similares entre si do que as do solo. Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes e Proteobacteria foram mais abundantes em todos os microambientes estudados. Diferenças nas estruturas das comunidades bacterianas na filosfera, dermosfera e solo foram observadas ao longo do gradiente altitudinal, independente da espécie de planta. Na floresta de terras baixas, a comunidade bacteriana associada à filosfera foi mais similar entre E. edulis e G. opposita. No solo, a comunidade bacteriana foi mais similar dentro de cada tipo de floresta do que entre florestas, sugerindo um efeito da fisionomia da floresta nas comunidades de bactérias dos solos. Explorando as redes de co-ocorrência das comunidades bacterianas em cada microambiente observou-se que no nível de UTOs, cada microambiente têm diferentes táxons chaves que podem regular as interações ecológicas da comunidade. Embora táxons chaves não representam as UTOs mais abundantes em cada microambiente, eles pertencem, predominantemente às classes Alphaproteobacteria e Gammaproteobacteria, sugerindo que na filosfera, dermosfera e solo o core microbioma não pode ser definido ao nível de UTO, mas possivelmente a níveis taxonômicos mais elevados representando grandes grupos microbianos que apresentam funções redundantes. / The Atlantic Forest is a rainforest considered a hotspot of biodiversity and endemism. It is one of the oldest forests in the world and one of the largest forests of America, covering approximately 150 million hectares in highly heterogeneous environmental conditions. Studies in different environments of the Atlantic forest, in the Picinguaba and Santa Virginia areas in the Serra do Mar State Park (PESM) have been conducted to determine the species diversity and changes in the structure of the bacterial communities in the phyllosphere, dermosphere and rhizosphere. However, little is known on the ecological functions of these bacteria, and on the ecological interactions between microbial communities and the environment in which they develop. The aim of this study was to explore the interactions between the microbial communities of the phyllosphere, dermosphere and rhizosphere of two tree species of the Atlantic Forest along an altitudinal gradient. Co-occurrence analysis based on data obtained by pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V4 region of bacteria to determine patterns of bacterial associations in different taxonomic levels in each microenvironment. For this study, the hypothesis that even if the environmental conditions are different in each type of forest (altitudinal gradient), there may be specific groups of bacteria that co-occur in the phyllosphere, dermosphere or rhizosphere, functioning as keystone taxa in the bacterial communities. Based on the sequencing of 16S rRNA genes, bacterial communities associated with the E. edulis and G. opposita phyllosphere and dermosphere in different forests were more similar to each other than the rhizosphere. Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were the more abundant taxa in all studied microenvironments. Differences in the bacterial community structures in the phyllosphere, dermosphere and rhizosphere were observed along the altitudinal gradient, regardless of the plant species. In the lowland forest, the bacterial community associated with the phyllosphere was more similar between E. edulis and G. opposita. The rhizosphere bacterial community was more similar within each forest type than between forests, suggesting an effect of the forest physiognomy on the bacterial communities of the rhizosphere. Exploring the co-occurrence networks in the bacterial communities of each microenvironment it was observed that at the OTU level each microenvironment has different keystoine taxa that may regulate the ecological interactions in the community. Although the keystone taxa do not represent the most abundant OTUs in each microenvironment, they belong predominantly to Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria classes, suggesting that in the phyllosphere, dermosphere and rhizosphere the core microbiome cannot be determined at the OTU level, but possibly at higher taxonomic levels representing microbial groups having redundant functions.
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Integrating the archaea, bacteria and fungi of the gut microbiome with human diet / Integrando arqueas, bactérias e fungos do microbioma intestinal humano com a dieta

Hoffmann, Christian 15 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-09-24T20:12:44Z No. of bitstreams: 2 hoffmann_doctoralThesis_2013_final.v4_forPrint.pdf: 2888260 bytes, checksum: 4331871b2fa71a10777e85a507ba14c8 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-09-24T21:00:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 hoffmann_doctoralThesis_2013_final.v4_forPrint.pdf: 2888260 bytes, checksum: 4331871b2fa71a10777e85a507ba14c8 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-24T21:00:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 hoffmann_doctoralThesis_2013_final.v4_forPrint.pdf: 2888260 bytes, checksum: 4331871b2fa71a10777e85a507ba14c8 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-15 / A dieta influencia a saúde sendo uma fonte de nutrientes e toxinas, e por moldar a composição de populações microbianas residentes no corpo humano. Estudos prévios começaram a mapear as associações entre a dieta e bactérias e vírus do microbioma intestinal humano. Este trabalho investiga as associações entre a dieta e populações arqueanas e fúngicas, tomando vantagem de amostras oriundas de 98 indivíduos bem caracterizados, e integra esses dados novos com o conhecimento corrente relacionado a bactérias e o microbioma intestinal humano. A dieta foi quantificada utilizando questionários que acessam a dieta usual e recente, e arquêas e fungos foram caracterizados usando genes marcadores obtidos de amostras fecais através e sequenciamento de DNA em larga escala de última geração. Foram encontrados 66 gêneros de fungos, geralmente com uma presença mutuamente exclusiva dos filos Ascomycota e Basidiomycota. Quanto as arquêas, Methanobrevibacter foi o gênero mais prevalente, presente em 30% das amostras. Diversas outras arquêas foram detectadas com abundancia e frequência mais baixa. Uma miríade de associações foi observada entre fungos e arquêas e a dieta, entre fungos e arquêas, e entre estes e linhagens bacterianas. Metanobrevibacter e Candida foram positivamente associados com uma dieta rica em carboidratos, e negativamente com dietas ricas em amino acidos, proteínas e ácidos graxos. Dados publicados previamente enfatizam que a estrutura das populações bacterianas no intestino são primariamente com hábitos alimentares de longo prazo, porém, uma abundancia alta de Candida foi fortemente associada com a ingestao recente de carboidratos. A abundância de Methanobrevibacter foi associada tanto com a ingestão usual ou recente de carboidratos. Estes resultados confirmam estudos direcionados anteriores e provém varias novas associações a serem consideradas quando modelando os efeitos da dieta no microbioma intestinal e a na saúde humana. / Diet influences health as a source of nutrients and toxins, and by shaping the composition of resident microbial populations. Previous studies have begun to map out associations between diet and the bacteria and viruses of the human gut microbiome. This work investigates associations of diet with fungal and archaeal populations, taking advantage of samples from 98 well-characterized individuals, and integrates this novel data with the current knowledge regarding the bacteria of the human gut microbiome. Diet was quantified using inventories scoring both long-term and recent diet, and archaea and fungi were characterized by deep sequencing of marker genes in DNA purified from stool. For fungi, we found 66 genera, with generally mutually exclusive presence of either the phyla Ascomycota or Basiodiomycota. For archaea, Methanobrevibacterwas the most prevalent genus, present in 30% of samples. Several other archaeal genera were detected in lower abundance and frequency. Myriad associations were detected for fungi and archaea with diet, with each other, and with bacterial lineages. Methanobrevibacter andCandida were positively associated with diets high in carbohydrates, but negatively with diets high in amino acids, protein, and fatty acids. Previously published data emphasized that bacterial population structure was associated primarily with long-term diet, but high Candida abundance was most strongly associated with the recent consumption of carbohydrates. Methobrevibacter abundance was associated with both long term and recent consumption of carbohydrates. These results confirm earlier targeted studies and provide a host of new associations to consider in modeling the effects of diet on the gut microbiome and human health.
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Redes ecológicas em comunidades bacterianas da filosfera, dermosfera e rizosfera de espécies arbóreas da Mata Atlântica / Ecological networks in bacterial communities of phyllosphere, dermosphere and rhizosphere of tree species of the Atlantic Forest

Silvia Eugenia Barrera Berdugo 02 September 2016 (has links)
A Mata Atlântica é uma floresta tropical úmida considerada um \"hotspot\" de biodiversidade e endemismo. É uma das florestas mais antigas do mundo e uma das maiores florestas da América, abrangendo aproximadamente 150 milhões de hectares em condições ambientais altamente heterogêneas. Estudos em diferentes ambientes da Mata Atlântica, nos núcleos de Picinguaba e Santa Virginia no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM), têm sido realizados para determinar a diversidade de espécies e alterações da estrutura das comunidades de bactérias, tanto na filosfera, quanto na dermosfera e solo rizosférico. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre as funções ecológicas dessas bactérias, e sobre as interações ecológicas entre as comunidades microbianas e os ambientes onde se desenvolvem. Assim o objetivo desse trabalho foi explorar as interações entre as comunidades microbianas da filosfera, dermosfera e solo coletado sobre a projeção da copa de duas espécies arbóreas da Mata Atlântica ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal, usando análises de co-ocorrência, a partir dos dados obtidos por pirosequenciamento da região V4 do gene rRNA 16S de bactérias, para determinar padrões de associações de bactérias em diferentes níveis taxonômicos em cada microambiente. Para esse estudo, foi proposta a hipótese de que mesmo que as condições ambientais sejam diferentes em cada tipo de floresta (gradiente altitudinal), pode existir grupos de bactérias específicos que co-ocorrem na filosfera, dermosfera ou solo das plantas, funcionando como taxons chaves na estruturação das comunidades bacterianas. Com base do sequenciamento dos genes rRNA 16S, as comunidades bacterianas associadas à filosfera e dermosfera de E. edulis e G. opposita nas diferentes florestas foram mais similares entre si do que as do solo. Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes e Proteobacteria foram mais abundantes em todos os microambientes estudados. Diferenças nas estruturas das comunidades bacterianas na filosfera, dermosfera e solo foram observadas ao longo do gradiente altitudinal, independente da espécie de planta. Na floresta de terras baixas, a comunidade bacteriana associada à filosfera foi mais similar entre E. edulis e G. opposita. No solo, a comunidade bacteriana foi mais similar dentro de cada tipo de floresta do que entre florestas, sugerindo um efeito da fisionomia da floresta nas comunidades de bactérias dos solos. Explorando as redes de co-ocorrência das comunidades bacterianas em cada microambiente observou-se que no nível de UTOs, cada microambiente têm diferentes táxons chaves que podem regular as interações ecológicas da comunidade. Embora táxons chaves não representam as UTOs mais abundantes em cada microambiente, eles pertencem, predominantemente às classes Alphaproteobacteria e Gammaproteobacteria, sugerindo que na filosfera, dermosfera e solo o core microbioma não pode ser definido ao nível de UTO, mas possivelmente a níveis taxonômicos mais elevados representando grandes grupos microbianos que apresentam funções redundantes. / The Atlantic Forest is a rainforest considered a hotspot of biodiversity and endemism. It is one of the oldest forests in the world and one of the largest forests of America, covering approximately 150 million hectares in highly heterogeneous environmental conditions. Studies in different environments of the Atlantic forest, in the Picinguaba and Santa Virginia areas in the Serra do Mar State Park (PESM) have been conducted to determine the species diversity and changes in the structure of the bacterial communities in the phyllosphere, dermosphere and rhizosphere. However, little is known on the ecological functions of these bacteria, and on the ecological interactions between microbial communities and the environment in which they develop. The aim of this study was to explore the interactions between the microbial communities of the phyllosphere, dermosphere and rhizosphere of two tree species of the Atlantic Forest along an altitudinal gradient. Co-occurrence analysis based on data obtained by pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V4 region of bacteria to determine patterns of bacterial associations in different taxonomic levels in each microenvironment. For this study, the hypothesis that even if the environmental conditions are different in each type of forest (altitudinal gradient), there may be specific groups of bacteria that co-occur in the phyllosphere, dermosphere or rhizosphere, functioning as keystone taxa in the bacterial communities. Based on the sequencing of 16S rRNA genes, bacterial communities associated with the E. edulis and G. opposita phyllosphere and dermosphere in different forests were more similar to each other than the rhizosphere. Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were the more abundant taxa in all studied microenvironments. Differences in the bacterial community structures in the phyllosphere, dermosphere and rhizosphere were observed along the altitudinal gradient, regardless of the plant species. In the lowland forest, the bacterial community associated with the phyllosphere was more similar between E. edulis and G. opposita. The rhizosphere bacterial community was more similar within each forest type than between forests, suggesting an effect of the forest physiognomy on the bacterial communities of the rhizosphere. Exploring the co-occurrence networks in the bacterial communities of each microenvironment it was observed that at the OTU level each microenvironment has different keystoine taxa that may regulate the ecological interactions in the community. Although the keystone taxa do not represent the most abundant OTUs in each microenvironment, they belong predominantly to Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria classes, suggesting that in the phyllosphere, dermosphere and rhizosphere the core microbiome cannot be determined at the OTU level, but possibly at higher taxonomic levels representing microbial groups having redundant functions.
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Structural and mechanistic studies of the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme serine palmitoyltransferase

Mykhaylyk, Bohdan January 2018 (has links)
Sphingolipids (SLs) are complex lipid-derived structures that are essential components of cell membranes in eukaryotes and some bacteria. SLs and their complex derivatives ceramides are known to be involved in multiple processes such as the formation of lipid rafts, cell signalling and membrane trafficking. The first step of SL biosynthesis is universal to all sphingolipid-producing organisms from bacteria to humans and is catalysed by the enzyme serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT). SPT is a member of the alpha-oxoamine synthase (AOS) family of pyridoxal- 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes. All AOS family enzymes retain a high degree of structural homology and catalyse the decarboxylative Claisen-like condensation of amino acids with thioester substrates. The SPT enzyme catalyses the formation of the universal SL precursor, 3-ketodihydrosphingosine (KDS), by condensation of L-serine and coenzyme A-derived palmitic acid. Being the key controller in SL biosynthesis, SPT plays a big role in regulating natural and pathological processes. A lot of research interest has been recently generated by SLs isolated from bacterial members of the human microbiome and their roles in human health. Increasing evidence suggests that some of these SLs possess immunoregulatory effects and can have a direct impact on the immunity of the host. Bacteroides fragilis is a commensal gut-dwelling bacterium that belongs to a few human microbionts known to produce unique iso-branched sphingolipids (isoSLs); these have been shown to influence the human iNKT cell count. The production of SLs in B.fragilis is completely regulated by a gene product BF2461. In this work, BF2461 was expressed and purified; using a combination of UV-vis spectrometry, enzymatic assays, mass spectrometry and protein X-ray crystallography, it has been confirmed to be an SPT. The substrate specificity of the BfSPT has been assessed with a range of different chain-length substrates, including less common 15 and 17-carbon chain length coenzyme A substrates. The enzyme can produce different types of SL precursors with a preference for the 16-carbon chain substrate palmitoyl- CoA. However, at high levels of PCoA, a substrate inhibition is observed that might point to a natural control mechanism employed by the bacterium in favour of producing iso-branched SLs (isoSLs). The structure of BfSPT has been elucidated in a complex with its amino acid substrate L-serine. Search and analysis of putative SPTs from other microbiome-associated bacteria that produce isoSLs show that they share high similarity with an average amino acid conservation of 74%, suggesting they might be adapted to a particular type of substrate. In this respect, BfSPT might be the first isoSL-producing SPT to be structurally characterised, and the first one to have a direct impact on human health. Further structural data were obtained on protein complexes with L-cycloserine and L-penicillamine, some common inhibitors of the PLP-dependent enzymes. The structure obtained in the presence of L-penicillamine provides the first direct structural evidence of the inhibitory mechanism by a thiazolidine complex formation in the active site of a PLP-dependent enzyme. These findings shed light on certain aspects of the reaction and inhibition mechanisms of BfSPT as well as opening new prospects into researching this interesting target and its impact on the human microbiome.
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Signal Processing and Machine Learning Techniques Towards Various Real-World Applications

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Machine learning (ML) has played an important role in several modern technological innovations and has become an important tool for researchers in various fields of interest. Besides engineering, ML techniques have started to spread across various departments of study, like health-care, medicine, diagnostics, social science, finance, economics etc. These techniques require data to train the algorithms and model a complex system and make predictions based on that model. Due to development of sophisticated sensors it has become easier to collect large volumes of data which is used to make necessary hypotheses using ML. The promising results obtained using ML have opened up new opportunities of research across various departments and this dissertation is a manifestation of it. Here, some unique studies have been presented, from which valuable inference have been drawn for a real-world complex system. Each study has its own unique sets of motivation and relevance to the real world. An ensemble of signal processing (SP) and ML techniques have been explored in each study. This dissertation provides the detailed systematic approach and discusses the results achieved in each study. Valuable inferences drawn from each study play a vital role in areas of science and technology, and it is worth further investigation. This dissertation also provides a set of useful SP and ML tools for researchers in various fields of interest. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2018
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Systematic Analysis of the Factors Contributing to the Variation and Change of the Microbiome

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Understanding changes and trends in biomedical knowledge is crucial for individuals, groups, and institutions as biomedicine improves people’s lives, supports national economies, and facilitates innovation. However, as knowledge changes what evidence illustrates knowledge changes? In the case of microbiome, a multi-dimensional concept from biomedicine, there are significant increases in publications, citations, funding, collaborations, and other explanatory variables or contextual factors. What is observed in the microbiome, or any historical evolution of a scientific field or scientific knowledge, is that these changes are related to changes in knowledge, but what is not understood is how to measure and track changes in knowledge. This investigation highlights how contextual factors from the language and social context of the microbiome are related to changes in the usage, meaning, and scientific knowledge on the microbiome. Two interconnected studies integrating qualitative and quantitative evidence examine the variation and change of the microbiome evidence are presented. First, the concepts microbiome, metagenome, and metabolome are compared to determine the boundaries of the microbiome concept in relation to other concepts where the conceptual boundaries have been cited as overlapping. A collection of publications for each concept or corpus is presented, with a focus on how to create, collect, curate, and analyze large data collections. This study concludes with suggestions on how to analyze biomedical concepts using a hybrid approach that combines results from the larger language context and individual words. Second, the results of a systematic review that describes the variation and change of microbiome research, funding, and knowledge are examined. A corpus of approximately 28,000 articles on the microbiome are characterized, and a spectrum of microbiome interpretations are suggested based on differences related to context. The collective results suggest the microbiome is a separate concept from the metagenome and metabolome, and the variation and change to the microbiome concept was influenced by contextual factors. These results provide insight into how concepts with extensive resources behave within biomedicine and suggest the microbiome is possibly representative of conceptual change or a preview of new dynamics within science that are expected in the future. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Biology 2018
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The rhizosphere microbiome of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and the effects on phosphorus uptake / O microbioma da rizosfera de feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) e os efeitos na absorção de fósforo

Chiaramonte, Josiane Barros 10 August 2018 (has links)
The current population growth will demand a higher productive agriculture to full the food requirement. To supply this need and preserve the environment, many resources are applied to promote sustainable agriculture. Phosphorus depletion is the main factor that limits crops yields in tropical soils, where the pH and clay content rapid fixate this nutrient. Plant breeders aim to solve this issue by changing the plant requirements for phosphorus and adapting them to low P availability. However, with these approaches the demand for phosphorus fertilizers will continue and so the depletion of the natural deposits. In this study is proposed that plants with contrasting phosphorus uptake efficiency, i.e. P-efficient and P-inefficient, recruits distinct rhizosphere microbiome specialized in phosphorus mobilization. This hypothesis was tested growing plants in a gradient of two sources of P, triple superphosphate or rock phosphate Bayovar. Thebean rhizosphere microbiome was assessed with culture dependent and independent approaches, enzymatic assays, predictive metagenomics and networks analysis. A differential enrichment of several OTUs in the rhizosphere of the P-inefficient common bean genotype, and the enrichment of bacterial chemotaxis functions and functions involved in phosphorus mobilization suggest that this genotype has superior communication with the rhizosphere microbiome and is highly dependent on it for phosphorus mobilization. As a proof of concept, the P-efficientefficient genotype was sown in soil previously cultivated with P-inefficientinefficient genotype. The results showed that P-efficientefficient genotype positively responded to the modified rhizosphere in early stages, that is, the microbiome selected and enriched by the P-inefficient genotype improved the P uptake in the genotype cultivated afterwards in the same soil. Taken collectively, these results suggest that plants partly rely on the rhizosphere microbiome for P uptake and that the exploration of these interactions during plant breeding would allow the selection of even more efficient genotypes, leading to a sustainable agriculture by exploring soil residual P. / O atual aumento populacional irá demandar uma maior produção agrícola para completar a necessidade de alimento. Para suprir essa necessidade e preservar o meio ambiente, muitos recursos serão aplicados para promover a agricultura sustentável. A depleção de fósforo é um dos principais fatores que limita a produção agrícola em solos tropicais, onde o pH e o conteúdo de argila fixam rapidamente esse nutriente. Os melhoristas de plantas visam solucionar esse problema alterando a necessidade de fósforo das plantas e adaptando-as as baixas disponibilidade de fósforo. No entanto, com essas estratégias a demanda por fertilizantes fosfatados irá continuar assim como a exploração das reservas naturais de fósforo. Nesse estudo foi proposto que as plantas contrastantes em relação a eficiência na absorção de fósforo, i.e. P-eficiente e P-ineficiente, recrutariam um microbioma rizosférico distinto em relação a mobilização de fósforo. Essa hipótese foi testada cultivando plantas em um gradiente usando duas fontes distintas de P, triplo fosfato ou fosfato de rocha Bayovar. O microbioma da rizosfera de feijão foi então avaliado por técnicas dependentes e independentes de cultivo, análise enzimática, predição metagenômica e análises de network. Um enriquecimento diferencial de várias OTUs observado na rizosfera do genótipo de feijão P-ineficiente, e o enriquecimento de funções de quimiotaxia bacteriana e envolvidas na mobilização de fósforo sugerem que esse genótipo tem uma maior comunicação com o microbioma rizosférico e é altamente dependente deste para a mobilização de fósforo. Como prova de conceito, o genótipo P-eficiente foi plantado em solo previamente cultivadocom o genótipo P-ineficiente. Os resultados mostraram que o genótipo P-eficiente responde positivamente à rizosfera modificada nos estádios iniciais de crescimento, ou seja, o microbioma selecionado e enriquecido pelo genótipo P-ineficiente melhorou a absorção de fósforo no genótipo cultivado posteriormente no mesmo solo. Coletivamente, esses resultados sugerem que as plantas dependem parcialmente do microbioma da rizosfera para a absorção de P e que a exploraçãodestas interações durante o melhoramento vegetal permitiria a seleção de genótipos muito mais eficientes, conduzindo à uma agricultura sustentável explorando o fósforo residual do solo.
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Microbial Restoration Ecology of Biological Soil Crusts

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) are topsoil communities of organisms that contribute to soil fertility and erosion resistance in drylands. Anthropogenic disturbances can quickly damage these communities and their natural recovery can take decades. With the development of accelerated restoration strategies in mind, I studied physiological mechanisms controlling the establishment of cyanobacteria in biocrusts, since these photoautotrophs are not just the biocrust pioneer organisms, but also largely responsible for improving key soil attributes such as physical stability, nutrient content, water retention and albedo. I started by determining the cyanobacterial community composition of a variety of biocrust types from deserts in the Southwestern US. I then isolated a large number of cyanobacterial strains from these locations, pedigreed them based on their 16SrRNA gene sequences, and selective representatives that matched the most abundant cyanobacterial field populations. I then developed methodologies for large-scale growth of the selected isolates to produce location-specific and genetically autochthonous inoculum for restoration. I also developed and tested viable methodologies to physiologically harden this inoculum and improve its survival under harsh field conditions. My tests proved that in most cases good viability of the inoculum could be attained under field-like conditions. In parallel, I used molecular ecology approaches to show that the biocrust pioneer, Microcoleus vaginatus, shapes its surrounding heterotrophic microbiome, enriching for a compositionally-differentiated “cyanosphere” that concentrates the nitrogen-fixing function. I proposed that a mutualism based on carbon for nitrogen exchange between M. vaginatus and its cyanosphere creates a consortium that constitutes the true pioneer community enabling the colonization of nitrogen-poor, bare soils. Using the right mixture of photosynthetic and diazotrophic cultures will thus likely help in soil restoration. Additionally, using physiological assays and molecular meta-analyses, I demonstrated that the largest contributors to N2-fixation in late successional biocrusts (three genera of heterocystous cyanobacteria) partition their niche along temperature gradients, and that this can explain their geographic patterns of dominance within biocrusts worldwide. This finding can improve restoration strategies by incorporating climate-matched physiological types in inoculum formulations. In all, this dissertation resulted in the establishment of a comprehensive "cyanobacterial biocrust nursery", that includes a culture collection containing 101 strains, isolation and cultivation methods, inoculum design strategies as well as field conditioning protocols. It constitutes a new interdisciplinary application of microbiology in restoration ecology. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Liberal Studies 2019
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Microbial Associations of Four Species of Algal Symbiont-Bearing Foraminifera from the Florida Reef Tract, USA

Martin, Makenna May 04 June 2018 (has links)
Marine microbiome research is a rapidly expanding field of study, as scientists investigate the functions of microbial associations in eukaryotic organisms. Foraminifera are among the most abundant shelled organisms in the oceans, yet little is known of their associated microbiomes. This study investigated microbes associated with four species of Foraminifera that host three kinds of algal endosymbionts. The Order Miliolida, Family Soritidae, was represented by three species: Archaias angulatus and Cyclorbiculina compressa, which both host chlorophyte symbionts, and Sorites orbiculus, which hosts dinoflagellate symbionts. The fourth species, Amphistegina gibbosa, belongs to the Order Rotaliida and hosts diatom endosymbionts. Bacterial DNA extraction was attempted from 5−8 specimens per species followed by amplification and amplicon sequencing of the V4 variable region of the 16S rRNA gene. Three Ar. angulatus specimens shared 177 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs), and six C. compressa specimens shared 58 OTUs, of which 31 OTUs were found in all specimens of both species. Four S. orbiculus specimens shared 717 OTUs dominated by Proteobacteria, notably Amoebophilaceae. The three soritid species shared 26 OTUs, predominantly representing the bacterial families Rhodobacteraceae and Flavobacteriaceae. Since S. orbiculus shared 84% of the OTUs shared by Ar. angulatus and C. compressa, which host similar endosymbionts, phylogenetic relatedness of host taxa clearly had more influence on core microbiomes than the algal-symbiont taxon. The microbiomes of three normal-appearing and five partly-bleached specimens of Am. gibbosa varied widely, sharing only six OTUs, four of which represented Proteobacteria. All four species shared only four OTUs, three of which may have been contaminants. As the first known microbiome study to include western Atlantic/Caribbean benthic foraminifers that host algal endosymbionts, the results for Am. gibbosa revealed quite similar results to a recent study of the microbiome of Am. lobifera, a closely related Indo-Pacific taxon.
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