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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cartographie d'un champ de pression induit par l'occlusion dentaire / Pressure mapping sensor array for dental occlusion analysis

Kervran, Yannick 06 January 2016 (has links)
Le diagnostic de l'occlusion dentaire reste actuellement un défi majeur pour les chirurgiens-dentistes. Des outils dédiés existent, comme le papier à articuler et le T-Scan®, mais sont limités pour diverses raisons. L'objectif de cette thèse est alors de développer un nouvel outil sous forme de matrice de capteurs de pression sur substrat flexible alliant les avantages des outils nommés précédemment, à savoir un produit électronique, informatisé et de faible épaisseur pour ne pas être intrusif. Nous avons choisi une technologie piézorésistive et l'utilisation de jauges de contrainte en silicium microcristallin. Ce matériau est déposé à basse température (< 200°C) directement sur substrat Kapton® par PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition) dans une perspective de faible coût. Ces jauges ont d'abord été caractérisées mécaniquement et électriquement lors de tests de courbure. Les facteurs de jauge longitudinaux et transversaux du silicium microcristallin ont été étudiés afin de maîtriser son comportement sous déformation. Les dispositifs restent fonctionnels jusqu'à des contraintes de 0,6 %, à partir de laquelle des dégradations apparaissent. Ces valeurs de contraintes permettent d'atteindre des rayons de courbure de l'ordre du millimètre pour des substrats de 25 µm d'épaisseur. Deux types de matrices ont ensuite été développées : une première de 800 jauges pour l'étude de la surface occlusale d'une dent puis une seconde de 6400 jauges pour l'étude d'une moitié de mâchoire. Dans les deux cas, des corrélations intéressantes entre le papier à articuler et nos réponses électriques ont été observées lors de caractérisations en conditions « semi-réelles » à l'aide d'un articulateur dentaire. Ces deux prototypes ont ainsi permis une preuve de concept fonctionnelle de l'objectif visé en utilisant des jauges en silicium microcristallin. / Dental occlusion diagnosis is still a major challenge for dentists. A couple of tools are dedicated to occlusal analysis, such as articulating papers and the T-Scan® system, but they are limited for various reasons. That's why, the goal of this thesis is to develop a novel system consisting in pressure sensor arrays on flexible substrates combining the positive aspects of both previously cited tools: an electronic and computerized system, on a very thin non-invasive flexible substrate. We chose a piezoresistive technology based on microcrystalline silicon strain gauges and 25-µm- or 50-µm-thick Kapton® substrates. Microcrystalline silicon is deposited directly on plastic at low temperature (< 200°C) using PECVD technique (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition) in a cost-effective solution perspective. Strain gauges have firstly been characterized using bending tests. Longitudinal and transversal gauge factors have been studied in order to understand the behavior of our deposited materials under bending. Those gauges remained functional until strains up to 0.6 % and degradations appeared for higher values. These values correspond to bending radius on the order of 1 mm for 25-µm-thick substrates. Then, those gauges have been integrated in arrays with two different designs: one was an 800-element array to study the occlusal surface of one tooth, and the second was a 6400-element array to study the occlusal surface of a hemiarcade. Those prototypes have showed interesting correlations between articulating paper marks and our electrical responses during characterizations using a dental articulator to simulate a human jaw. Thus, we have developed in this work a proof-of-concept of a flexible strain sensor using microcrystalline silicon dedicated to dental occlusion diagnosis.

Microcrystalline silicon based thin film transistors fabricated on flexible substrate / Transistors en couches minces à base de silicium microcristallin fabriqués sur substrat flexible

Dong, Hanpeng 25 September 2015 (has links)
Le travail de cette thèse porte sur le développement de transistors en couche mince (Thin Film Transistors, TFTs) à base de silicium microcristallin fabriqués sur un substrat flexible à très basse température (T< 180 °C). La première partie de ce travail a consisté à étudier la stabilité électrique de ces TFTs. L'étude de la stabilité électrique des TFTs de type N fabriqués sur verre a montré que ces TFTs sont assez stables, la tension de seuil VTH ne se décale que de 1.2 V au bout de 4 heures de stress sous une tension de grille VGSstress= +50V et à une température T=50 °C. L'instabilité électrique de ces TFTs est principalement causée par le piégeage des porteurs dans l'isolant de grille. La deuxième étape de ce travail s'est concentrée sur l'étude du comportement de ces TFTs sous déformation mécanique. Ces TFTs sont soumis à un stress mécanique en tension et en compression. Le rayon de courbure minimum que les TFTs pouvaient supporter est r=1.5 mm en tension et en compression. La limitation de la déformation mécanique de ces TFTs est principalement due à la contrainte mécanique du nitrure de silicium utilisé comme isolant de grille des TFTs. Autrement dit, ces TFTs sont mécaniquement fiables et présentes une faible variation du courant ION, de l'ordre de 1%, même après 200 cycles de déformation mécanique. Ces résultats obtenus laissent entrevoir la possibilité de concevoir une électronique flexible pouvant être pliée en 2. Enfin, les TFTs sont fabriqués avec différents isolants de grille afin d'augmenter la mobilité d'effet de champ. Malheureusement, aucun isolant de grille utilisé dans ces études n'a permis d'augmenter la mobilité d'effet de champ sans dégrader la stabilité électrique des TFTs. Des études plus détaillées et des optimisations complémentaires sur ces isolants de grille sont nécessaires. / This work deals with the development of microcrystalline silicon thin film transistors (TFTs) fabricated on flexible substrate at low temperature (T=180 °C). The first step of this work consists in studying the electrical stability of TFTs. The N-type TFTs fabricated on glass substrate are electrically stable under gate bias stress VGStress= +50V at T=50 °C. The threshold voltage shift (ΔVTH) was only 1.2 V during 4 hours. This electrical instability of TFTs is mainly due to carrier trapping inside the silicon nitride gate insulator. The second step of this work lies in the study of the mechanical behavior of the TFTs. Both tensile and compressive strains were applied on TFTs. The minimum curvature radius is r=1.5 mm for both tension and compression. The main limitation of TFTs comes from the mechanical strain εlimit of silicon nitride used as gate insulator of TFTs. Also, these TFTs are mechanically reliable: the variation of ION current was only 1% after 200 cycles mechanical bending. These results obtained open the way to the development of flexible electronics that can be folded in half.Finally, TFTs have been fabricated using different gate insulators in order to improve the mobility. Unfortunately, all the gate insulators used couldn’t improve mobility without sacrificing electrical stability of TFT. More detailed studies and complementary optimization of these gate insulators are necessary.

Studium mikrokrystalických inkluzí v jednobuněčných řasách pomocí Ramanovy mikroskopie / Microcrystalline inclusions in microalgae studied via Raman microscopy

Suja, Matyáš January 2019 (has links)
Many freshwater, terrestrial or marine microalgae contain various microcrystalline inclusions that they use in their life cycle. However, the identification of the molecular composition of these inclusions via many physical or chemical methods is often very difficult and susceptible to many measurement errors. Therefore, the chemical composition of these microcrystals in many microalgae has not been determined at all or may be incorrect. One of the high precision methods capable of determining the composition of microcrystalline bodies within microalgae is Raman confocal microscopy. This very promising method of optical vibrational spectroscopy allows rapid and non-destructive molecular analysis of objects. Raman microscopy does not require chemical extraction, modification or other color marking or staining of the sample. Therefore, it can directly measure living cells at various stages of their natural development. The chemical composition of the sample is then characterized by its corresponding Raman vibrational spectrum. The aim of this diploma thesis is to determine the presence of microcrystals in different species of microalgae, study the conditions of their occurrence and identify their chemical composition via Raman microscopy.

Herstellung von Einzelschichten und Solarzellen im Bereich der sehr hohen Plasmaanregungsfrequenzen (VHF) und Schichtdiagnostik

Leszczyńska, Barbara 02 October 2020 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den wesentlichen Aspekten der Hochrateabscheidung von amorphen (a-Si:H) und mikrokristallinen (μc-Si:H) Silizium-Schichten und Solarzellen. Die neuartige plasmaunterstützte chemische Gasphasenabscheidung unter Anwendung von den sehr hohen Anregungsfrequenzen bis 140 MHz (VHF-PECVD) wurde demonstriert. Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen befassten sich hauptsächlich mit der Anpassung der Anlagentechnik für den VHF Bereich und der Entwicklung des hochproduktiven Herstellungsverfahrens ohne Einbußen bei den Schichteigenschaften und dem Solarzellenwirkungsgrad. Durch Frequenzerhöhung bis 140 MHz wurde eine Steigerung der i-Schicht-Abscheiderate von 70 % sowohl für a-Si:H als auch für μc-Si:H realisiert. Die Weiteroptimierung des Solarzellenaufbaus zeigt die hervorragende Eignung des Herstellungsprozesses für die Abscheidung von hocheffizienten Solarzellen (ca. 10,7 % für a-Si:H- und 9,5 % für μc-Si:H-Zellen). Der neuartige VHF-PECVD-Prozess wurde außerdem für die Abscheidung von den Passivierungsschichten für die Silizium-Heteroübergangs-Solarzellen (HIT) getestet. Die Arbeit im VHF-Bereich ermöglicht einen Einsatz von hohen Depositionsraten bis 1 nm/s ohne Einbußen bei den Passivierungseigenschaften (2 ms Lebensdauer) im Vergleich zum 13,56-MHz-Prozess (0,5 ms Lebensdauer). Zuletzt wurde eine Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen Anregungsfrequenz, Plasmaleistung, Ionenenergie, Ioneneindringtiefe und Defektbildung in den intrinsischen Dünnschichtsiliziumschichten durchgeführt.:I. Abkürzungs- und Symbolverzeichnis vii 1 Einleitung 1 2 Physikalische und technologische Grundlagen 7 2.1 Plasmaunterstützte chemische Gasphasenabscheidung 7 2.1.1 Prozessparameter 9 2.1.2 Frequenzeinfluss 10 2.2 Amorphes und mikrokristallines Silizium 14 2.2.1 Eigenschaften von Dünnschichtsilizium 15 2.2.2 Siliziumbasierte Dünnschichtsolarzellen 20 2.2.3 Siliziumbasierte Solarzellen mit Heteroübergang 21 3 Entwicklung des Abscheidungsprozesses bis 140 MHz 23 3.1 Herstellung von dünnen Siliziumschichten 23 3.1.1 VHF-PECVD-Durchlaufanlage mit linearen Elektroden 24 3.1.2 F&E-Testanlage 25 3.2 Anpassung des Abscheidungssystems für sehr hohe Frequenzen 26 3.2.1 Temperaturregelung der HF Elektrode 26 3.2.2 Kompensation des Tiefpassverhaltens 28 3.2.3 Leistungseinkopplung 31 3.3 Homogenität der VHF-Abscheidung 32 3.4 Charakterisierung von dünnen Siliziumschichten und Solarzellen 34 3.4.1 Leitfähigkeitsmessung 34 3.4.2 Transmissionsmessungen im UV-VIS-NIR-Bereich 35 3.4.3 Fourier-Transform-Infrarotspektroskopie 37 3.4.4 Raman-Spektroskopie 38 3.4.5 Solarzellencharakterisierung 39 3.4.6 Messungen der effektiven Lebensdauer 42 3.5 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 43 4 Hydrogeniertes amorphes Silizium im VHF-Bereich 45 4.1 Intrinsische a-Si:H Einzelschichten bis 140 MHz 45 4.1.1 Optische Eigenschaften 47 4.1.2 Strukturelle Eigenschaften 48 4.1.3 Elektrische Eigenschaften 51 4.2 a-Si:H-Solarzellen bis 140 MHz 52 4.2.1 Variation der Silankonzentration 53 4.2.2 Abscheiderateerhöhung durch Prozessleistung 56 4.3 Weitere Entwicklung der amorphen Silizium-Solarzellen 61 4.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 62 5 Hydrogeniertes mikrokristallines Silizium im VHF-Bereich 65 5.1 μc-Si:H Schichten und Solarzellen – HPD-Regime 68 5.1.1 Einfluss des Prozessdruckes und der Silankonzentration bei hohen Gasflusswerten 69 5.1.2 Einfluss der Leistung bei hohen Gasflusswerten 72 5.2 μc-Si:H Schichten und Solarzellen – Frequenzerhöhung 74 5.2.1 μc-Si:H Schichteigenschaften – Vergleich 120 und 140 MHz 74 5.2.2 μc-Si:H Solarzellen – Vergleich 120 und 140 MHz 76 5.3 Weitere Entwicklung der μc-Si:H Solarzellen 78 5.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 79 6 Passivierungsschichten für HIT-Solarzellen 81 6.1 Schichteigenschaften – Vergleich zwischen 13,56 und 140 MHz 81 6.2 H2-Plasma-Vorreinigung 84 6.3 Passivierungsschichten – Frequenzeinfluss 87 6.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 88 7 Simulationsstudie 89 7.1 Ionenbeschussenergie 89 7.1.1 Modellübersicht – Ar-Plasma 90 7.1.2 Einfluss der Leistung und Betriebsfrequenz 91 7.2 Simulation des Ionenbeschusses 92 7.2.1 TRIM–Simulationssoftware 92 7.2.2 Ionenbeschuss auf die a-Si:H-Oberfläche 93 7.3 Solarzellen – Defekte in der i- Schicht 94 7.3.1 ASA–Simulationssoftware 95 7.3.2 Parameterset 99 7.3.3 Einfluss der Defektdichte auf Solarzelleneigenschaften 101 7.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 102 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 105 II. Abbildungsverzeichnis 111 III. Tabellenverzeichnis 117 IV. Literaturverzeichnis 119 V. Veröffentlichungen 129 VI. Lebenslauf 131 VII. Danksagung 133 / The following thesis deals with the main aspects of the high-rate deposition of amorphous (a-Si:H) and microcrystalline (μc-Si:H) silicon layers and solar cells. The very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique with excitation frequencies up to 140 MHz (VHF-PECVD) has been introduced. These study deals mainly with the adaptation of the deposition system for the VHF-range and the development of the highly productive manufacturing process without deterioration of the layer properties and the solar cell efficiency. An increase of the excitation frequency up to 140 MHz ensured a 70 % enhancement of the a-Si:H and μc-Si:H deposition rate. A further optimization of the solar cells shows the excellent suitability of these manufacturing process for the deposition of the highly efficient solar cells (about 10.7% for a-Si:H and 9.5% for μc-Si:H cells). The novel VHF-PECVD process has also been analyzed for the deposition of the passivation layers for the silicon heterojunction solar cells (HIT). Working in the VHF-range allows the use of very high deposition rates up to 1 nm/s, without deterioration of the passivation properties (2 ms lifetime) compared to the 13.56 MHz process (0.5 ms lifetime). Finally, an analysis of the correlations between excitation frequency, plasma power, ion energy, ion penetration depth and defect formation in the intrinsic thin film silicon layers was performed.:I. Abkürzungs- und Symbolverzeichnis vii 1 Einleitung 1 2 Physikalische und technologische Grundlagen 7 2.1 Plasmaunterstützte chemische Gasphasenabscheidung 7 2.1.1 Prozessparameter 9 2.1.2 Frequenzeinfluss 10 2.2 Amorphes und mikrokristallines Silizium 14 2.2.1 Eigenschaften von Dünnschichtsilizium 15 2.2.2 Siliziumbasierte Dünnschichtsolarzellen 20 2.2.3 Siliziumbasierte Solarzellen mit Heteroübergang 21 3 Entwicklung des Abscheidungsprozesses bis 140 MHz 23 3.1 Herstellung von dünnen Siliziumschichten 23 3.1.1 VHF-PECVD-Durchlaufanlage mit linearen Elektroden 24 3.1.2 F&E-Testanlage 25 3.2 Anpassung des Abscheidungssystems für sehr hohe Frequenzen 26 3.2.1 Temperaturregelung der HF Elektrode 26 3.2.2 Kompensation des Tiefpassverhaltens 28 3.2.3 Leistungseinkopplung 31 3.3 Homogenität der VHF-Abscheidung 32 3.4 Charakterisierung von dünnen Siliziumschichten und Solarzellen 34 3.4.1 Leitfähigkeitsmessung 34 3.4.2 Transmissionsmessungen im UV-VIS-NIR-Bereich 35 3.4.3 Fourier-Transform-Infrarotspektroskopie 37 3.4.4 Raman-Spektroskopie 38 3.4.5 Solarzellencharakterisierung 39 3.4.6 Messungen der effektiven Lebensdauer 42 3.5 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 43 4 Hydrogeniertes amorphes Silizium im VHF-Bereich 45 4.1 Intrinsische a-Si:H Einzelschichten bis 140 MHz 45 4.1.1 Optische Eigenschaften 47 4.1.2 Strukturelle Eigenschaften 48 4.1.3 Elektrische Eigenschaften 51 4.2 a-Si:H-Solarzellen bis 140 MHz 52 4.2.1 Variation der Silankonzentration 53 4.2.2 Abscheiderateerhöhung durch Prozessleistung 56 4.3 Weitere Entwicklung der amorphen Silizium-Solarzellen 61 4.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 62 5 Hydrogeniertes mikrokristallines Silizium im VHF-Bereich 65 5.1 μc-Si:H Schichten und Solarzellen – HPD-Regime 68 5.1.1 Einfluss des Prozessdruckes und der Silankonzentration bei hohen Gasflusswerten 69 5.1.2 Einfluss der Leistung bei hohen Gasflusswerten 72 5.2 μc-Si:H Schichten und Solarzellen – Frequenzerhöhung 74 5.2.1 μc-Si:H Schichteigenschaften – Vergleich 120 und 140 MHz 74 5.2.2 μc-Si:H Solarzellen – Vergleich 120 und 140 MHz 76 5.3 Weitere Entwicklung der μc-Si:H Solarzellen 78 5.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 79 6 Passivierungsschichten für HIT-Solarzellen 81 6.1 Schichteigenschaften – Vergleich zwischen 13,56 und 140 MHz 81 6.2 H2-Plasma-Vorreinigung 84 6.3 Passivierungsschichten – Frequenzeinfluss 87 6.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 88 7 Simulationsstudie 89 7.1 Ionenbeschussenergie 89 7.1.1 Modellübersicht – Ar-Plasma 90 7.1.2 Einfluss der Leistung und Betriebsfrequenz 91 7.2 Simulation des Ionenbeschusses 92 7.2.1 TRIM–Simulationssoftware 92 7.2.2 Ionenbeschuss auf die a-Si:H-Oberfläche 93 7.3 Solarzellen – Defekte in der i- Schicht 94 7.3.1 ASA–Simulationssoftware 95 7.3.2 Parameterset 99 7.3.3 Einfluss der Defektdichte auf Solarzelleneigenschaften 101 7.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 102 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 105 II. Abbildungsverzeichnis 111 III. Tabellenverzeichnis 117 IV. Literaturverzeichnis 119 V. Veröffentlichungen 129 VI. Lebenslauf 131 VII. Danksagung 133

Role Of Stacking Fault Energy On Texture Evolution In Micro- And Nano-Crystalline Nickel-Cobalt Alloys

Radhakrishnan, Madhavan 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Plastic deformation of metals and alloys are invariably accompanied by the development of texture. The origin of texture is attributed to the deformation micro-mechanisms associated with processing. The face-centered cubic (FCC) metals and alloys are known to exhibit two distinct types of textures when subjected to large strain rolling deformation, namely, (i) Cu-type texture, commonly seen in high/medium stacking fault energy (SFE) materials, (ii) Bs-type texture in low SFE materials. The circumstances that could result in the formation of Bs-type texture in low SFE materials still remains an open question and no definite mechanism has been uniquely agreed upon. Apart from the SFE, grain size could also influence the deformation mechanism and hence the deformation texture. It is well known that in materials with grain sizes less than 100 nm (referred to as nano-crystalline materials), the microstructures contain large fraction of grain boundaries. This subsequently introduces a variety of deformation mechanisms in the microstructure involving grain boundary-mediated processes such as grain boundary sliding and grain rotation, in addition to slip and twinning. A clear understanding of texture evolution in nano-crystalline materials, particularly at large strains, is a topic that remains largely unexplored. The present work is an attempt to address the aforementioned issues pertaining to the evolution of deformation texture, namely, (i) the effect of SFE and (ii) the effect of grain size, in FCC metals and alloys. Nickel-cobalt alloys are chosen as the model system for the present investigation. The addition of cobalt to nickel leads to a systematic reduction of SFE as a function of cobalt content. In this thesis, three alloys of Ni-Co system have been considered, namely, nickel – 20 wt.% cobalt, nickel – 40 wt.% cobalt and nickel – 60 wt.% cobalt. For a comparison, pure nickel has also been subjected to similar study. Chapter 1 of the thesis presents a detailed survey of literature pertaining to the evolution of rolling textures in FCC metals and alloys, and chapter 2 includes the details of the experimental techniques and characterization procedures, which are commonly employed for the entire work. Chapter 3 addresses the effect of stacking fault energy on the evolution of rolling texture. The materials subjected to study in this chapter are microcrystalline Ni-Co alloys. The texture evolution in Ni-20Co is very similar to pure Ni, and a characteristic Cu-type rolling texture is observed. The evolution of texture in these materials is primarily attributed to the intense dislocation activity throughout the deformation stages. In Ni-40Co, a medium SFE material, the rolling texture was predominantly Cu-type up to a strain of ε = 3 (95% thickness reduction). However, beyond this strain level, namely at ε = 4 (98%), the texture gets transformed to Bs-type with orientations maxima predominantly close to Goss ({110} <001>) position. Simultaneously, the Cu component which was dominant until 95% reduction has completely disappeared. The analysis of microstructures indicate that deformation is mostly accommodated by dislocation slip up to 95%, however, at ε > 3, Cu-type shear bands get initiated, preferably in the Cu-oriented ({112} <111>) grains. The sub-grains within the shear bands show preferred orientation towards Goss, which indicates that the Cu component should have undergone transformation and resulted in high fraction of Goss component. In Ni-60Co alloy, Bs-type texture forms in the early stages of deformation (ε ~ 0.5) itself and further deformation results in strengthening of the texture with an important difference that the maximum in orientation distribution has been observed at a location close to Goss component, rather than at exact Bs-location. The development of Bs-type texture is accompanied by the complete absence of Cu and S components. Extensive EBSD analyses show that the deformation twinning gets initiated beyond 10% reduction and was found extensively in most of the grains up to 50% reduction. At higher strains, tendency for twinning ceases and extensive shear banding is observed. A non-random distribution of orientations close to Goss orientation was found within the shear bands. The near-Goss component in the Ni-60Co alloy can be explained on the basis of deformation twinning and shear banding. Thus, a reasonable understanding of the deformation texture transition in the extreme SFE range has been developed. In chapter 4, the effect of fine grain size on the evolution of rolling texture has been addressed. Nanocrystalline (nc) nickel-cobalt alloys with a mean grain size of ~20 nm have been prepared by pulse electro-deposition method. For a comparison, nc Nickel (without cobalt) with similar grain size has also been deposited. For all the materials, a weakening of the initial fiber texture is observed in the early stage of room temperature rolling (ε ~ 0.22). A combination of equiaxed grain microstructure and texture weakening suggests grain boundary sliding as an operative mechanism in the early stage of rolling. At large strain (ε = 1.2), Ni-20Co develops a Cu-type texture with high fractions of S and Cu components, similar to pure Ni. The texture evolution in Ni-40Co and Ni-60Co alloys is more towards Bs-type. However, the texture maximum occurs at a location 10° away from the Goss. The evolution of Cu and S components in nc Ni-60Co alloy takes place simultaneously along with the α-fiber components during rolling. Microstructural investigation by TEM indicates deformation twinning to be more active in all the materials up to 40% reduction. However, no correlation could be drawn between the texture evolution and the density of twins. The deformation of nc Ni-20Co alloy, is also accompanied by significant grain growth at all the stages of rolling. The increase in grain size, subsequently, renders the texture to be of Cu-type. However, Ni-40Co and Ni-60Co alloys show high grain stability. The absence of strain heterogeneities such as shear bands, and the lack of significant fraction of deformation twins indicate that the observed Bs-type texture could be due to planar slip. The increase in deformation beyond 70% reduction caused a modest reduction in the intensity of deformation texture. The microstructural observation indicates the occurrence of restoration mechanisms such as recovery/ recrystallization at large strains. The overall findings of the investigation have been summarized in chapter 5. The deformation mechanism maps relating stacking fault energy with amount of strain and with grain size are proposed for micro- and nano- crystalline materials respectively.

Avaliação do comportamento de flavonas e flavonóis frente à celulose microcristalina em estado sólido / Evaluation of the behavior of flavones and flavonols with Microcrystalline cellulose in solid state

Moraes, Roberta Hansel de January 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foi avaliado o comportamento de alguns flavonóides e do adjuvante tecnológico celulose microcristalina (CMCr) no estado sólido, em relação ao tipo de interação e sua intensidade, quando existente, utilizando misturas físicas equiponderais e na proporção ponderal 1:2, respectivamente, através da calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), análise termogravimétrica e espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR). A relação estrutura-propriedade de interação dos flavonóides estudados foi determinada nas possíveis interações sólido-sólido com a celulose microcristalina, correlacionando os padrões de hidroxilação nos anéis A, B e C dos flavonóides com: 1) a intensidade de variação (IV - %) entre as entalpias observada e esperada, 2) a energia do sistema conjugado do anel aromático relativa à banda I, 3) o pKa dos flavonóides e 4) os cálculos do campo de força da mecânica molecular 2 (MM2) para a energia de interação do sistema flavonóide-CMCr. Os flavonóides avaliados foram canferol, fisetina, luteolina, miricetina, morina e quercetina. Os resultados da DSC evidenciaram interações de natureza física do tipo ligações de hidrogênio, com variação de entalpia para todas as misturas dos flavonóides com a CMCr, mas que não puderam ser confirmadas por FTIR, devido à sobreposição de bandas com os flavonóides. O potencial de interação (PI) mostrou-se proporcional ao número de hidroxilas e apresentou a ordem de importância de posição e presença das hidroxilas nos anéis: B>C>A. A miricetina apresentou a menor energia do sistema conjugado do anel aromático relativa à banda I, relacionado ao maior PI entre os flavonóides estudados. Na avaliação do pKa dos flavonóides em relação à IV, não foi possível estabelecer uma correlação entre estas variáveis, não apresentando uma tendência de aumento ou diminuição do valor de pKa em relação ao aumento do PI. Os cálculos de MM2 para a energia de interação do sistema flavonóide-CMCr, considerando as dez interações propostas, demonstraram que a CMCr determinou a melhor orientação do flavonóide para obter a conformação de menor energia, não sendo possível estabelecer um padrão de conformação mais estável de interação para estes flavonóides. / In this work was evaluated the behavior of some flavonoids and of technological adjuvant microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) in solid state, in relation to the type of interaction and its intensity, when existing, using equiponderal physical mixtures and in 1:2 ratio, respectively, through of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Structure-property of interaction relation was determined to studied flavonoids in possible solid-solid interactions with MCC, correlating standard hydroxylation in A, B and C rings of flavonoids with: 1) intensity variation (IV-%) between observed and hoped enthalpies, 2) energy of the conjugated system of aromatic ring relative to band I, 3) pKa value of flavonoids and 4) molecular mechanics 2 (MM2) force field calculations for interaction energy of system flavonoid-MCC. Evaluated flavonoids were fisetin, kaempferol, luteolin, morin, myricetin and quercetin. DSC results evidenced physical interactions hydrogen bonds type, with enthalpy variation for all mixtures of flavonoids with MCC, but could not be confirmed by FTIR, due to overlapping with flavonoids bands. Interaction potential (IP) showed to be proportional to the number of hydroxyls and presented in order of importance of position and presence of hydroxyls in rings: B>C>A. Myricetin presented the lowest energy of the conjugated system of aromatic ring relative to band I, related with the highest IP among studied flavonoids. In the evaluation pKa value of flavonoids in relation to IV, it was not possible to establish a correlation between these variables, not presenting a trend of increase or decrease of pKa value in relation to the increase of IP. MM2 force field calculations for interaction energy of system flavonoid-MCC, considering ten proposed interactions, demonstrated that MCC determined the best orientation of flavonoids to get the lowest energy conformation, not being possible to establish the steadiest standard conformation of interaction for these flavonoids.

Avaliação do comportamento de flavonas e flavonóis frente à celulose microcristalina em estado sólido / Evaluation of the behavior of flavones and flavonols with Microcrystalline cellulose in solid state

Moraes, Roberta Hansel de January 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foi avaliado o comportamento de alguns flavonóides e do adjuvante tecnológico celulose microcristalina (CMCr) no estado sólido, em relação ao tipo de interação e sua intensidade, quando existente, utilizando misturas físicas equiponderais e na proporção ponderal 1:2, respectivamente, através da calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), análise termogravimétrica e espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR). A relação estrutura-propriedade de interação dos flavonóides estudados foi determinada nas possíveis interações sólido-sólido com a celulose microcristalina, correlacionando os padrões de hidroxilação nos anéis A, B e C dos flavonóides com: 1) a intensidade de variação (IV - %) entre as entalpias observada e esperada, 2) a energia do sistema conjugado do anel aromático relativa à banda I, 3) o pKa dos flavonóides e 4) os cálculos do campo de força da mecânica molecular 2 (MM2) para a energia de interação do sistema flavonóide-CMCr. Os flavonóides avaliados foram canferol, fisetina, luteolina, miricetina, morina e quercetina. Os resultados da DSC evidenciaram interações de natureza física do tipo ligações de hidrogênio, com variação de entalpia para todas as misturas dos flavonóides com a CMCr, mas que não puderam ser confirmadas por FTIR, devido à sobreposição de bandas com os flavonóides. O potencial de interação (PI) mostrou-se proporcional ao número de hidroxilas e apresentou a ordem de importância de posição e presença das hidroxilas nos anéis: B>C>A. A miricetina apresentou a menor energia do sistema conjugado do anel aromático relativa à banda I, relacionado ao maior PI entre os flavonóides estudados. Na avaliação do pKa dos flavonóides em relação à IV, não foi possível estabelecer uma correlação entre estas variáveis, não apresentando uma tendência de aumento ou diminuição do valor de pKa em relação ao aumento do PI. Os cálculos de MM2 para a energia de interação do sistema flavonóide-CMCr, considerando as dez interações propostas, demonstraram que a CMCr determinou a melhor orientação do flavonóide para obter a conformação de menor energia, não sendo possível estabelecer um padrão de conformação mais estável de interação para estes flavonóides. / In this work was evaluated the behavior of some flavonoids and of technological adjuvant microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) in solid state, in relation to the type of interaction and its intensity, when existing, using equiponderal physical mixtures and in 1:2 ratio, respectively, through of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Structure-property of interaction relation was determined to studied flavonoids in possible solid-solid interactions with MCC, correlating standard hydroxylation in A, B and C rings of flavonoids with: 1) intensity variation (IV-%) between observed and hoped enthalpies, 2) energy of the conjugated system of aromatic ring relative to band I, 3) pKa value of flavonoids and 4) molecular mechanics 2 (MM2) force field calculations for interaction energy of system flavonoid-MCC. Evaluated flavonoids were fisetin, kaempferol, luteolin, morin, myricetin and quercetin. DSC results evidenced physical interactions hydrogen bonds type, with enthalpy variation for all mixtures of flavonoids with MCC, but could not be confirmed by FTIR, due to overlapping with flavonoids bands. Interaction potential (IP) showed to be proportional to the number of hydroxyls and presented in order of importance of position and presence of hydroxyls in rings: B>C>A. Myricetin presented the lowest energy of the conjugated system of aromatic ring relative to band I, related with the highest IP among studied flavonoids. In the evaluation pKa value of flavonoids in relation to IV, it was not possible to establish a correlation between these variables, not presenting a trend of increase or decrease of pKa value in relation to the increase of IP. MM2 force field calculations for interaction energy of system flavonoid-MCC, considering ten proposed interactions, demonstrated that MCC determined the best orientation of flavonoids to get the lowest energy conformation, not being possible to establish the steadiest standard conformation of interaction for these flavonoids.

Avaliação do comportamento de flavonas e flavonóis frente à celulose microcristalina em estado sólido / Evaluation of the behavior of flavones and flavonols with Microcrystalline cellulose in solid state

Moraes, Roberta Hansel de January 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foi avaliado o comportamento de alguns flavonóides e do adjuvante tecnológico celulose microcristalina (CMCr) no estado sólido, em relação ao tipo de interação e sua intensidade, quando existente, utilizando misturas físicas equiponderais e na proporção ponderal 1:2, respectivamente, através da calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), análise termogravimétrica e espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR). A relação estrutura-propriedade de interação dos flavonóides estudados foi determinada nas possíveis interações sólido-sólido com a celulose microcristalina, correlacionando os padrões de hidroxilação nos anéis A, B e C dos flavonóides com: 1) a intensidade de variação (IV - %) entre as entalpias observada e esperada, 2) a energia do sistema conjugado do anel aromático relativa à banda I, 3) o pKa dos flavonóides e 4) os cálculos do campo de força da mecânica molecular 2 (MM2) para a energia de interação do sistema flavonóide-CMCr. Os flavonóides avaliados foram canferol, fisetina, luteolina, miricetina, morina e quercetina. Os resultados da DSC evidenciaram interações de natureza física do tipo ligações de hidrogênio, com variação de entalpia para todas as misturas dos flavonóides com a CMCr, mas que não puderam ser confirmadas por FTIR, devido à sobreposição de bandas com os flavonóides. O potencial de interação (PI) mostrou-se proporcional ao número de hidroxilas e apresentou a ordem de importância de posição e presença das hidroxilas nos anéis: B>C>A. A miricetina apresentou a menor energia do sistema conjugado do anel aromático relativa à banda I, relacionado ao maior PI entre os flavonóides estudados. Na avaliação do pKa dos flavonóides em relação à IV, não foi possível estabelecer uma correlação entre estas variáveis, não apresentando uma tendência de aumento ou diminuição do valor de pKa em relação ao aumento do PI. Os cálculos de MM2 para a energia de interação do sistema flavonóide-CMCr, considerando as dez interações propostas, demonstraram que a CMCr determinou a melhor orientação do flavonóide para obter a conformação de menor energia, não sendo possível estabelecer um padrão de conformação mais estável de interação para estes flavonóides. / In this work was evaluated the behavior of some flavonoids and of technological adjuvant microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) in solid state, in relation to the type of interaction and its intensity, when existing, using equiponderal physical mixtures and in 1:2 ratio, respectively, through of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Structure-property of interaction relation was determined to studied flavonoids in possible solid-solid interactions with MCC, correlating standard hydroxylation in A, B and C rings of flavonoids with: 1) intensity variation (IV-%) between observed and hoped enthalpies, 2) energy of the conjugated system of aromatic ring relative to band I, 3) pKa value of flavonoids and 4) molecular mechanics 2 (MM2) force field calculations for interaction energy of system flavonoid-MCC. Evaluated flavonoids were fisetin, kaempferol, luteolin, morin, myricetin and quercetin. DSC results evidenced physical interactions hydrogen bonds type, with enthalpy variation for all mixtures of flavonoids with MCC, but could not be confirmed by FTIR, due to overlapping with flavonoids bands. Interaction potential (IP) showed to be proportional to the number of hydroxyls and presented in order of importance of position and presence of hydroxyls in rings: B>C>A. Myricetin presented the lowest energy of the conjugated system of aromatic ring relative to band I, related with the highest IP among studied flavonoids. In the evaluation pKa value of flavonoids in relation to IV, it was not possible to establish a correlation between these variables, not presenting a trend of increase or decrease of pKa value in relation to the increase of IP. MM2 force field calculations for interaction energy of system flavonoid-MCC, considering ten proposed interactions, demonstrated that MCC determined the best orientation of flavonoids to get the lowest energy conformation, not being possible to establish the steadiest standard conformation of interaction for these flavonoids.

The Effect of Microcrystalline Cellulose as cushioning excipient during controlled release

Jansson, Felisa January 2017 (has links)
In the pharmaceutical industry, it is always important to have reproducible processes and raw materials of high quality to ensure good quality products. AstraZeneca, that is a leading manufacturer of different pharmaceuticals, works according to GMP to make sure that their processes deliver products of the same quality every time. A problem that has occurred at AstraZeneca is when a raw material is not properly understood and variations in the raw material affects the final product. Variations in drug release in one of AstraZeneca´s products, Product X, has been linked to the cushioning excipient Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). Variations in drug release has been noticed during change from one batch of MCC to another. The aim of this study was to investigate which material attributes of MCC that contributes to variations in the final product. Particle size and moisture content were identified as critical material attributes (CMA´s) and were therefore chosen to be investigated more thoroughly. By variating particle size and moisture content during manufacturing of Product X, the influence of these attributes could be investigated using Design of Experiment (DoE). An additional experiment that compared two MCC batches from different suppliers was also performed during this study. The results from these experiments showed that the particle size and moisture content of MCC does affect the drug release. Large particles and high moisture content gave rise to a faster drug release compared to small particles and low moisture content that gave rise to a slower drug release. It is however hard to draw conclusions regarding how small differences in particle size and moisture content could affect the drug release.

Modélisation de transistors en couches minces (TFT) fabriqués en technologie silicium microcristallin très basse température / Modeling of thin film transistors (TFT) based on microcrystalline silicon fabricated at low temperature

Samb, Mamadou Lamine 15 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la modélisation de TFTs à base de silicium microcristallin fabriqués à basse température. L'enjeu est de produire un modèle de TFT valide qui nous permettra d'apporter des explications sur les phénomènes observés expérimentalement et qui pourrait servir de base à un modèle compact. Tout d'abord, une étude expérimentale, dans laquelle il est montré l'effet bénéfique de l'utilisation de fines couches actives pour les TFTs, a été effectuée. En effet, plus la couche active des TFTs est fine, plus les TFTs sont stables, et meilleures sont leurs caractéristiques électriques. La croissance colonnaire de la structure du silicium microcristallin et le mauvais état de surface pour les grandes épaisseurs de couche active jouent un rôle important sur la détérioration de la qualité des TFTs. Par la suite, une simulation (sous SILVACO) du comportement des TFTs ayant des couches actives de différentes épaisseurs a été effectuée, pour essayer d'apporter des explications d'ordre électrostatique. Les mêmes effets observés sont surtout causés par une augmentation du champ électrique latéral lorsque l'épaisseur de la couche active diminue pour un matériau défectueux, favorisant ainsi la formation rapide du canal. La mauvaise qualité des interfaces avant et arrière a aussi une forte influence sur la détérioration des caractéristiques électriques de TFTs. Cette influence est réduite en utilisant une très fine couche active. / This thesis focuses on the modeling of TFTs based on microcrystalline silicon fabricated at low temperature. The challenge is to produce a valid model of TFT which enable us to provide an explanation of the phenomena observed experimentally and that could be the basis for a compact model. Firstly, an experimental study, in which it is shown the beneficial effect for the use of thin active layers for TFTs, has been performed. Indeed, the TFTs performances are better, when their active layers are more thin. The columnar growth of microcrystalline silicon structure and the bad interfaces state for thick active layer have an important part in the deterioration of the quality of TFTs. Thereafter , a simulation (on SILVACO ) of the behavior of TFTs with active layers of different thicknesses were made to try to provide electrostatic explanations. The same effects are caused mainly by an increase of the lateral electric field when the thickness of the active layer decreases for a defective material, promoting thereby the rapid formation of the channel. The bad quality of the front and rear interfaces has also a strong influence on the deterioration of electrical characteristics of TFTs. This influence is reduced by using a very thin active layer.

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