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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bestimmung der Substrat- und Inhibitorspezifität von Phosphodiesterasen mittels Mikrokaloriemetrie / Phosphodiesterase activity and specificity measured using microcalorimetry

Poppe, Heiko Anton January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Neben den cAMP- und cGMP-abhängigen Proteinkinasen (PKA bzw. PKG) sind als zyklonukleotid-regulierte Effektorproteine die Ionenkanäle CNG1-4, der "guanine nucleotide exhange factor“ Epac sowie die zyklonukleotid-spaltende Familie der Phosphodiesterasen (PDEs) von Bedeutung. Industriell synthetisierte cGMP- und cAMP-Analoga besitzen zwar meist eine hohe Affinität für ihr Zielprotein, über ihre Hydrolysestabilität gegenüber PDEs in der Zelle ist jedoch wenig bekannt. In dieser Arbeit wurden die kinetischen Konstanten von elf der am häufigsten genutzten cAMP-und cGMP-Analoga an verschiedenen Vertretern der PDE-Familien mittels Mikrokaloriemetrie bestimmt. Zudem konnte in den Messungen der inhibitorisch Effekt hydrolysestabiler Derivate auf die PDEs qualitativ und quantitativ ermittelt werden kann. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Phosphodiesterasen in der Lage sind, auch chemisch modifizierte Analogsubstanzen der Cyclonukleotide cAMP und cGMP zu hydrolysieren. Hydrolysestabile Derivate dagegen entwickeln häufig inhibitorische Wirkung auf die PDEs und verursachen dadurch Veränderungen der intrazellulären cAMP und cGMP Konzentrationen. So vermag z. B. die Epac-spezifische Substanz Sp-8-pCPT-2’-O-Me-cAMPS in den in vitro Experimenten die PDEs mit ki-Werten im einstelligen mikromolaren Bereich zu inhibieren. In mit Sp-8-pCPT-2’-O-Me-cAMPS stimulierten Thrombozyten steigt als Folge dieser PDE-Hemmung die cGMP Konzentration in der Zelle an und man beobachtet eine als Folge eine PKG-vermittelte Phosphorylierung des Substratproteins VASP – eine unerwünschte Nebenreaktion. Die erhobenen Daten lassen außerdem Rückschlüsse auf den Inhibitionsmechanismus zu. Einige Analoga inhibieren die cGMP-bindenden GAF-Domänen in den PDEs 2A, 5A, 6cone und 10A sowie die PDE 4D3 nach dem linear-mixed-Typ und beeinflussen daher, neben der katalytischen Aktivität, vermutlich auch regulatorische Zentren dieser Enzyme. Zusammenfassend erleichtern die erhobenen Daten Wissenschaftlern die Auswahl des für ihre Fragestellung am besten geeigneten Derivates. / cAMP and cGMP are critical second messengers that regulate multiple targets including different cAMP/cGMP-dependent protein kinases (PKA/PKGs), exchange proteins directly activated by cAMP (Epacs), phosphodiesterases (PDEs) and cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels (CNGs). Second and third generation cyclic nucleotide analogs are widely used to elucidate specificity of cellular signaling, mediated by these target proteins. However, the selectivity and stability of these analogs need to be fully understood in order to properly interpret results and rigorously assess the mechanisms by which these analogs work in the cell. To better understand the selectivity and cross-reactivity of these analogs I measured the activation or inhibitory activity of 13 commonly-used cyclic nucleotide analogs 8 different PDEs. To measure their stability to hydrolysis I utilized isothermal microcalorimetry, a method that allows to evaluate whether or not an analog can function as a substrate or inhibitor for PDEs. I demonstrate that indeed some of these analogs can be hydrolyzed by multiple PDEs and others are competitive inhibitors. Herein I provide Ki data for all of the non-hydrolyzable analogs and Km and Vmax values for all of the hydrolyzable analogs. Each of these values, as well as their mode of inhibition can be determined in a single experiment. The data strongly implied that several of these analogs might, in addition to their primary effects, also cause elevation of cAMP or cGMP indirectly by inhibiting PDEs in the cell. Such an effect could of course cloud interpretation of the use of these analogs. Similarly, those that are PDE substrates also might have their duration of action substantially reduced. To illustrate this point we show that Sp-8-pCPT-2’-O-Me-cAMPS, a highly specific non-hydrolyzable Epac activator in vitro, can under certain conditions enhance cGMP/PKG and cAMP/PKA signaling pathways in intact platelets. Specifically we found enhanced VASP phosphorylation at both PKA and PKG phosphorylation sites after the addition of Sp-8-pCPT-2’-O-Me-cAMPS. These data indicate that this “selective Epac activator” is able to indirectly activate the cAMP/PKA and cGMP/PKG signalling pathways presumably through inhibition of platelet PDE5 and/or PDE3. The data together allow to provide recommendations for how best to probe the different cyclic nucleotide signalling pathways using cyclic nucleotide analogs. In summary, the data provide evidence that most cAMP and cGMP analogs have multiple targets. Therefore, interpretation of any effects these analogs have in cells should take into consideration their possible cross-target reactivities.

Oxygen and CO adsorption on supported Pd nanoparticles and Pd(111)

Peter, Matthias 03 February 2014 (has links)
Um die Korrelation zwischen Partikelgröße und Reaktivität von Pd Nanopartikeln auf Eisenoxid zu untersuchen wurde die experimentelle Methode Einkristalladsorptionskalorimetrie mit der Präparation von Modellsystemen kombiniert. Da diese Systeme mit mikroskopischen Methoden untersucht wurden, liegen detaillierte strukturelle Informationen vor. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Adsorptionsenergie auf 3.4 nm großen Pd Nanopartikeln um 69 kJ/mol höher ist als auf Pd(111). Dieser Effekt resultiert aus der Änderung des Adsorptionsplatzes von Facettenplätzen auf Pd(111) zu Kantenplätzen auf Pd Nanopartikeln. Die Änderung der Partikelgröße im Bereich 3.4 nm - 1.9 nm führt zu einer Verringerung der Adsorptionsenergie um 70 kJ/mol. Eine Reduktion der Adsorptionsenergie auf kleineren Nanopartikeln wurde auch für CO gemessen. Die Differenz in der Pd-O Bindungsenergie zwischen den verschiedenen Systemen verringert sich bei erhöhter Adsorbatbedeckung. Die Anzahl adsorbierter Sauerstoffatome auf frisch präparierten Pd Nanopartikeln bei 300 K ist um drei bis vier mal höher als die Anzahl an Sauerstoffatomen welche Pd Oberflächenplätze sättigen können. Diese Beobachtung kann mit Sauerstoffdiffusion in die Nanopartikel oder in den Träger erklärt werden. Die Wechselwirkung zwischen Sauerstoff und CO auf Pd(111) und Pd Nanopartikeln verschiedener Größen wurde als Funktion der Bedeckung studiert. Aufgrund der CO-O Wechselwirkung verringert sich die CO Adsorptionsenergie um ~40 kJ/mol auf sauerstoffvorbedeckten Pd(111) und Pd Nanopartikeln der Größen 2.9 nm und 3.4 nm. / To determine the correlation between the particle size and the reactivity of Pd nanoparticles, which are supported on iron oxide, the experimental method single crystal adsorption calorimetry has been combined with the preparation of model systems. Detailed structural information on the supported systems is available from previous structural studies. It was found that the oxygen adsorption energy is 69 kJ/mol higher on 3.4 nm sized Pd nanoparticles compared to Pd(111) due to a change of the local adsorption site from threefold hollow to low coordinated sites. A reduction of the particle size in the range 3.4 nm - 1.9 nm was found to lead to a decrease of the adsorption energy by 70 kJ/mol. A reduction of the adsorbate binding energy has also been found for CO. The difference in the Pd-O binding energy between the different systems decreases with increasing coverage. It was demonstrated that the number of adsorbed oxygen atoms on freshly prepared Pd nanoparticles at 300 K is three to four times higher than the amount of oxygen atoms which saturate the Pd surface sites. This observation can be explained with oxygen diffusion either into the nanoparticles or into the support. The interaction between oxygen and CO has been studied on Pd(111) and Pd nanoparticles of different sizes as a function of the coverage. Due to CO-O interaction, the CO adsorption energy is reduced by ~40 kJ/mol on oxygen precovered Pd(111) and Pd nanoparticles of 2.9 nm and 3.4 nm.

Adsorption energetics on Pd model catalysts by microcalorimetry / construction of a UHV single crystal adsorption microcalorimeter and measurement of CO adsorption energetics as a function of particle size

Fischer-Wolfarth, Jan-Henrik 14 March 2011 (has links)
Die effiziente Nutzung der begrenzten Ressourcen auf der Erde ist ein entscheidender Faktor für ein nachhaltiges Leben. Die Entwicklung besserer Katalysatoren kann dabei einen wesentlichen Beitrag leisten. Ein umfassendes Verständnis der katalytischen Reaktivität würde es ermöglichen, spezifische katalytische Eigenschaften zu konzipieren und zu kontrollieren. In diese Arbeit wurde die Korrelation der Katalysatoroberfläche mit den Adsorptionswärmen von Molekülen aus der Gasphase untersucht. Insbesondere wurde die Adsorptionwärme von CO auf Pd-Partikeln als Funktion der Partikelgröße mittels gut charakterisierte Modelkatalysatorsysteme, eisenoxidgeträgerte Pd-Partikel, und UHV-Einkristalladsorptionskalorimetrie bestimmt. Es konnte die langjährige Kontroverse, wie sich die Adsorptionswärme von CO auf Pd mit der Partikelgröße ändert, aufgelöst werden. Die Adsorptionswärmen wurden für CO auf geträgerten Pd-Partikeln mit mittleren Größen zwischen 1.8 und 8 nm, sowie Pd(111) untersucht. Es zeigte sich dabei, dass die Anfangsadsorptionsenergie mit abnehmender Partikelgröße kleiner wird. Das Mikrokalorimeterexperiment besteht aus einer Präparationskammer und einer Kalorimetriekammer, die sowohl die Präparation und Charakterisierung von geträgerten metallischen Nanopartikeln, als auch Adsorptionsenergiemessungen ermöglichen. Das Kalorimeter basiert auf dem Design von Campbell et al. und nutzt eine pyroelektrische Folie als Detektor. Es wurden Verbesserungen in Bezug auf Ausrichtung, Temperaturstabilität und Vibrationsisolation implementiert. Ein gepulster Molekularstrahl wird eingesetzt, um die Oberfläche einem stabilen und homogenen Fluss von Gasphasenmolekülen auszusetzten. Desweiteren erlaubt ein In situ Reflektivitätsmessaufbau die Bestimmung der optischer Eigenschaften von Modelkatalysatoroberflächen, was entscheidend für eine akkurate Energiekalibration des Kalorimeters ist. / The efficient use of the limited resources on earth is a critical factor to sustainable life. The development of better catalysts can make a significant contribution. Complete understanding of the catalytic activity would facilitate the design and control of specific catalytic processes. In this work, the correlation of the catalyst structure and the heats of adsorption of gas-phase particles were investigated. In particular, the heat of adsorption for CO on Pd particles was determined as a function of particle size, using a well-characterized model catalyst system, Pd particles supported on an iron oxide film, and UHV single crystal adsorption microcalorimetry. It was possible to resolve the longstanding controversy, how the heat of adsorption of CO on Pd particles changes with particle size. The heat of adsorption for CO on Pd particles was studied on supported Pd particles with a mean diameter of 1.8 to 8 nm and Pd(111). The initial heat of adsorption was found to decrease with decreasing particle size. The completed microcalorimeter experiment comprises a preparation chamber and a calorimetry chamber, providing all means to prepare and characterize oxide supported metal nanoparticles and to perform adsorption energy measurements. The calorimeter is based on the design of Campbell et al., using a pyroelectric ribbon as a detector. Improvements with respect to alignment, temperature stability, and vibration isolation were implemented. A pulsed molecular beam is used to expose the surface to a stable and homogeneous flux of gas-phase molecules. Further, a dedicated in situ reflectivity measurement setup allows optical characterization of the model catalyst surfaces, which is crucial for an accurate energy calibration of the calorimeter.

Chip-Calorimetric Monitoring and Biothermodynamic Analysis of Biofilm Growth and Interactions with Chemical and Biological Agents

Mariana, Frida 21 July 2015 (has links)
Over the last years, varieties of technologies for biofilm analysis were developed and established. They work on different principles and deliver information about biofilms on different information levels. In this work, chip-calorimetry was applied as an analytical tool that measures heat produced from biofilms. Any change of metabolism in biofilms is reflected by a changed heat flow. The heat, which is the integral of the heat flow vs. time, is quantitatively related to the growth stoichiometry of the biofilm, as described by the Hess’ Law. The heat flow is related to the growth kinetics with the reaction heat as proportionality factor. The results from the calorimetric measurement thus, deliver general information about growth stoichiometry and kinetics. The other interpretation of calorimetric results bases on the assumed proportionality between heat flow and oxygen consumption rate (- 460 kJ/mol ). This ratio is called oxycaloric equivalent. Because in case of aerobic growth the majority of oxygen is consumed in catabolic processes during the electron transport phosphorylation, calorimetry is assumed to provide information about the catabolic side of the metabolism. The newly developed chip-calorimeter applied in this work is much more suitable for biofilm studies compared to conventional microcalorimeters due to the flow-through design of the calorimetric chamber. The measurement of undisturbed growing biofilms and the comparison with conventional biofilm analysis tools (i.e. plate counts, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), and the determination of intermediates’ concentrations (e.g. ATP)) demonstrate the proper functionality of the calorimetric method and the related cultivation procedure by delivering measurement results in the range of literature values. However, when the biofilms were challenged with antimicrobial agents i.e. antibiotics, bacteriophage, and predatory bacteria, the calorimetric results surprisingly deviated from the reference analyses. By combining the results of the calorimetric and reference analyses, additional information about the antimicrobial effects on biofilms can be acquired. Combination of heat measurement and plate counts, which is one of the most conventional approaches, demonstrated that antimicrobials (especially the bactericidal acting kanamycin) could cause the loss of culturability while the cells were still metabolically active. The measurement of ATP content resulted in values out of the typical range, which indicated that antimicrobial treatments disturbed the cellular ATP regulation and the ATP concentration was no longer linearly correlated to the cell number. ATP measurements are therefore not suitable for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The comparison of heat profiles with the biovolume determined by quantification of microscopic images shows an elevated cell specific heat production rate after the introduction of some antimicrobials (antibiotics and bacteriophage). In case of antibiotics, this can be explained as a consequence of the bacterial defense mechanisms. Most of the described defense mechanisms against antibiotics need biological energy and therefore drive the electron transport phosphorylation (ETP). In case of biofilm treatments with bacteriophage, the trigger of increasing ETP might be the synthesis of phage proteins, hull material, and genetic information molecules. In aerobic conditions, oxygen is used as terminal electron acceptor. Elevated ETP leads therefore to an increase in oxygen consumption, which correlates to the heat production using oxycaloric equivalent as a factor. These correlations explain the increase of cell specific heat productions as biofilms were challenged by antibiotics and bacteriophage. However, also a decrease of specific heat production was observed (in case of predatory bacteria). Here, the predatory bacteria activity caused various damages in host cells, including the interruption of ETP. With these experiments, chip-calorimetry was demonstrated as a promising complementary tool in biofilm research, which provides deeper insights about metabolic activity and alterations. It benefits from the noninvasive handling and the online, real-time measurement that allow the method to be applied for monitoring purposes. Furthermore, its miniaturized dimension allows easy integration in more complex analytic systems and also reduces experiment costs with minimal media/chemical consumption. This thesis also demonstrates the potential development of chip-calorimetry to be more suitable for routine analyses. The use of superparamagnetic beads as matrix to grow biofilms allows regulated transfer of biofilm samples into and from the measurement chamber. This was an initial step towards automation and higher-throughput analysis. One further outcome of the thesis is based on the highly interesting fact about the elevated heat production rate of the host cells induced by the phage infection observed in the chip- calorimetric experiments. The volume specific detection limit of the chip-calorimeter is lower compared to a commercial microcalorimeter. Thus, the infection effect of phages was additionally measured in microcalorimeter to get better quantitative information about the thermal effect of the infection. The results showed that the immediate heat increase after the addition of phage into the solution of the host cells appeared to be quantitatively related to the infection factor, MOI (Multiplicity of Infection). Unfortunately, microcalorimetric measurements in closed ampoules are often subjected to the oxygen limitation. Thus, this problem of microcalorimetric measurement has been addressed. The combination of experimental results and mathematical modeling showed that the rate of metabolism in the static ampoules is defined by the diffusion rate of oxygen into media. This factor has to be considered while designing biological experiments in closed calorimetric measuring chambers and interpreting the calorimetric results for their biological meaning. Some possible solutions to overcome the oxygen bioavailability problem are e.g. to design the experiments with low biomass, or by using media with elevated density to float the biomass at the interface to air and thus to reduce the diffusion path.

Organic farming and the impact of fiber-related digestive processes in pigs / Zum Einfluß faserbezogener Verdauungsprozesse bei Schweinen verschiedener genetischer Herkünfte

Meister, Elke 18 November 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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