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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generace Y v komerčních komunikacích / Generation Y in Commercial Communications

Havlová, Kathryn January 2008 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá českou Generací Y v komerčních komunikacích, potažmo v marketingu. Zabývala jsem se tedy tzv. generačním marketingem, což marketingový přístup, který na zákazníky nazírá z hlediska generace, ke které příslušejí. Generace Y jsou současní mladí lidé, kteří se narodili v 80. a 90. letech minulého století. V současnosti tvoří přes jednu čtvrtinu obyvatelstva České republiky. Generace Y je již v současnosti zajímavou cílovou skupinou pro firmy, ale na svém významu bude nabývat především v budoucnu. Generace Y se od předchozích generací odlišuje v několika významných znacích, kterými se zabývám v této diplomové práci. V první kapitole práce obecně charakterizuji Generaci Y, v druhé kapitole se zabývám charakteristickými rysy, které jsou využitelné pro marketing a ve třetí kapitole poznatky konfrontuji s výzkumem Market & Media & Lifestyle -- TGI a s výsledky vlastního průzkumu mezi mladými českými lidmi.

Mentality of a Throw-Away Society : A study on sustainable consumption and the millennial perception of post-retail initiatives

Kvarnbäck, Klara January 2017 (has links)
The implication and rise of the fashion industry is not only affecting its consumers, but the whole world. As the fashion industry is proclaimed to be one of the largest contributors to climate change, and makes up for 4.8% of Swedish consumption (Centrum för konsumptionsvetenskap, 2016, p. 12), it is timely that more sustainable approaches must be taken. Disposing of one’s textiles is a vital part to reaching a more sustainable consumption, since many textiles can be recycled for redesign or to extract fibres. Post-retail initiatives are set out by many fashion firms, where they extend services to their customers in order to aid in sustainable clothing care or helping them dispose of their textiles in a more sustainable manner. The purpose of this study is to understand the perception of male consumers, a demographic that is often overlooked in fashion studies, and how they perceive post-retail initiatives, as well as looking into how male consumers take responsibility for their clothes after use. The following research questions: How are post-retail initiatives perceived by millennial men? How are sustainable clothing collections from a fast fashion company perceived by men? How do men take responsibility for their clothing when they are finished using them? Where does the responsibility lie of recycling clothes?   By using a qualitative method, in terms of semi-structured interviews, 8 participants were interviewed and questions with different themes such as: CSR, post-retail initiatives, sustainable consumption, behaviour and attitude towards sustainable consumption, fast fashion, and hedonism vs utilitarianism were used to code the data for analysis. The inductive nature of the study allowed for a model to be derived after data collection. By adapting a technological acceptance model (TAM) and a model for decision making of sustainable consumption the sustainable acceptance model (SAM) was made to interpret how external variables contribute to perceptions of sustainability and post-retail initiatives and how that can instigate a changed attitude or behaviour.    The SAM model helped to answer the research questions and showed that for perceptions to be formed, social and individual factors played a large role. One’s social context as well as situational and individual factors play a role in the perception of post-retail initiatives. The bearers of responsibility for textile recycling was believe to be in the hands of the municipalities, not the fashion industry, as they have a bigger influence of creating situational opportunities to instigate awareness for recycling textiles.   The findings show that perceptions of post-retail initiatives are derived from influences from external variables. Convenience plays a large role in perception as something that is perceived well must also be easily accessible. Clothing collections are not perceived well as availability over other convenient choices are not present. Responsibility for clothing varies from sale to donation, but an understanding was made that the lack of knowledge on where to dispose sustainably was limited. Responsibility for recycling clothing was said to be from a municipal level not the [clothing] industry level.

Vnímání cause related marketingu českým spotřebitelem / Perceptions of Cause Related Marketing by Czech Consumers

Kuncová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes Cause Related Marketing as a modern communication tool which enables to link commercial business interests to the needs of the nonprofit sector. The theoretical part presents the term Cause Related Marketing and specifies its definition, mechanisms and effects it brings to individual subjects. It also describes typical consumer attitudes to the concept and factors that influence their relationship to CRM. The effect of these factors is presented on examples of foreign campaigns. The practical part describes research of consumer attitudes carried out among Czech Millennials. After presenting the findings of past research studies concerning this topic it continues with the results of the conducted research which are analyzed according to the sex and age of respondents. At the end contrasts between the perceptions of American and Czech consumers are studied.

El Newsjacking en Facebook para generar recordación en la marca Entel en el 2017 en Millennials. Caso de estudio: Campaña “Disculpas Ilimitadas” con el Cóndor Mendoza de Entel Perú / Newsjacking on Facebook to generate brand recall for Entel in 2017 in Millennials. Case study: Campaign "Unlimited Apologies" with the Condor Mendoza of Entel Peru

Barrientos Mendoza, Alisson Daniela 27 August 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo se centra en analizar el uso de la técnica del Newsjacking en Facebook para generar recordación en la marca Entel en el 2017 en el público millennial. El caso que se analizará es la campaña “Disculpas Ilimitadas” con “El Cóndor” Mendoza de Entel Perú lanzada a inicios del año 2017. El Newsjacking es una técnica muy usada por distintas marcas que hace uso de una noticia para conectar rápidamente con la audiencia consiguiendo una rápida interacción de los usuarios en las redes sociales. La importancia del desarrollo de la presente investigación se puede percibir en los aportes que tiene con respecto al uso de la técnica Newsjacking y la recordación de marca, ya que el caso de estudio no se basó en el uso de una noticia reciente, sino en un evento que sucedió en el 2005 y la campaña empleo la noticia 12 años después, convirtiéndose en una de las más exitosas en la historia de la marca. En primer lugar, la presente investigación tiene una gran relevancia en el ámbito publicitario, ya que se centra en estudiar la recordación de marca con el uso del Newsjacking. En segundo lugar, desde una perspectiva científica o académica, la relevancia se centra en que, a nivel nacional e internacional, las investigaciones son recientes. Existen investigaciones académicas sobre el uso de esta técnica relacionadas al marketing de contenido en redes sociales. Sin embargo, le otorgan un mayor enfoque al Real Time Marketing como una estrategia para lograr objetivos a corto plazo, ya que se hace uso de un evento reciente y la acción debe ser rápida mientras todavía esté en coyuntura. El objetivo es analizar cómo el uso del Newsjacking en Facebook genera recordación en la marca Entel en el año 2017 en millennials. Para esto, se empleó como metodología una investigación cualitativa utilizando como herramientas las entrevistas a profundidad debido a la coyuntura actual que atraviesa el país y el mundo por el Covid-19 y el decreto del Estado Peruano al ordenar cuarentena obligatoria a nivel nacional. Por ello, se considera más pertinente realizar entrevistas a profundidad. Por un lado, el público primario lo conforman millennials que hayan visualizado la campaña “Disculpas Ilimitadas” por Facebook en el año 2017. El público objetivo secundario lo conforman dos grupos: profesionales que trabajaron con la marca Entel en el 2017 y/o participaron en la realización de la campaña “Disculpas Ilimitadas”; asimismo, profesionales que trabajan en agencias digitales y/o con conocimientos sobre el Newsjacking. / This work focuses on analyzing the use of the Newsjacking technique on Facebook to generate remembrance of the Entel brand in 2017 among the millennial public. The case that will be analyzed is the campaign "Unlimited Apologies" with "El Cóndor" Mendoza from Entel Peru launched in early 2017. Newsjacking is a technique widely used by different brands that makes use of a news story to quickly connect with the audience achieving rapid user interaction on social networks. The importance of the development of this research can be seen in the contributions it has regarding the use of the Newsjacking technique and brand recall, since the case study was not based on the use of a recent news item, but on a event that happened in 2005 and the campaign used the news 12 years later, making it one of the most successful in the history of the brand. First of all, this research is highly relevant in the advertising field, as it focuses on studying brand awareness with the use of Newsjacking. Secondly, from a scientific or academic perspective, the relevance centers on the fact that, at the national and international level, the research is recent. There is academic research on the use of this technique related to content marketing on social networks. However, they give Real Time Marketing a greater focus as a strategy to achieve short-term goals, since a recent event is used and the action must be quick while it is still at the juncture. The objective is to analyze how the use of Newsjacking on Facebook generates recognition in the Entel brand in 2017 in millennials. For this, qualitative research was used as a methodology using in-depth interviews as tools due to the current situation that the country and the world are going through due to Covid-19 and the decree of the Peruvian State to order mandatory quarantine at the national level. For this reason, it is considered more pertinent to carry out in-depth interviews. On the one hand, the primary audience is made up of millennials who have viewed the campaign “Unlimited Apologies” on Facebook in 2017. The secondary target audience is made up of two groups: professionals who worked with the Entel brand in 2017 and / or participated in the realization of the campaign "Unlimited Apologies"; also, professionals who work in digital agencies and / or with knowledge about Newsjacking. / Trabajo de investigación

Social and Cultural Practices around Using the Music Streaming Provider Spotify - A qualitative study exploring how German Millennials use Spotify

Anbuhl, Caroline January 2018 (has links)
Over the last years, the music industry has been disrupted by music streaming services which shifted the focus from owning music to accessing it. While the previous research focuses on the economic aspects, the social and cultural consequences remain largely unexplored. Existing research from an audience perspective is often focusing on one particular practice around music streaming and is mainly coming from and focusing on northern EU-countries. However, a broader contemplation of the sociocultural practices around music streaming is still missing. This thesis examines which sociocultural practices have emerged among urban and middle class Millennials in Germany when using the market-leading streaming provider Spotify and which affordances and gratifications these are based upon. The study is based on ten semi-structured interviews with German Millennials aged between 20 to 30 years. Three of these study participants are using a free Spotify account and seven the premium version. By conducting a thematic analysis against the theoretical background that interlinks practice theory, affordance theory and uses and gratifications theory, the practices are described and examined based on the underlying affordances and gratifications.The study found sociocultural practices around the themes social setting, listening mode, Spotify networks and music collection and outlines the underlying affordances and gratifications. During individual listening situations, users engage in the practices of mobile listening and mood management, while listening in social settings focused around navigating the group dynamics and the creation of context-sensitive playlists. The users also aim to create an unstructured and undisrupted music flow but are mainly listening in a passive manner while carrying out other activities. Due to social norms and privacy issues, the participants either reject the network function or build only small networks through which they were sharing and discovering music as well as creating playlists with friends. Lastly, users were building, organizing and maintaining individual music collections.

The Impact Of Mobile Banking Customer Experience On Loyalty Among Millennials In South Africa

Ncube, Justice 23 February 2021 (has links)
The modern environment of pervasive interconnectedness via mobile devices and services makes it important to understand the nature of customer-bank interactions and relationships. Businesses that offer mobile banking are trying to provide their customers with improved customer service and experiences. The objective of this study is to examine how customer experience of mobile banking influences loyalty towards the bank. This study focuses on the millennials in South Africa. Banks need to remain competitive in the ever-changing business environment. Millennials are one of the largest customer segments with a large digital and mobile appetite; as a result, they form a natural target for banks. To increase their customer base, banks need to ensure that their customer experience strategy caters for these young customers in accordance with their expectations. However, customer experience within mobile banking is under researched. Previous studies in this research area have focused on customer experience in traditional banking context. This study tries to fill the gap by exploring the factors that influence customer experience in mobile banking and also understand how this experience influences customer loyalty to their bank. Considering this, a broad literature review was done that revealed the factors that influence mobile customer experience. Based on literature a conceptual model was developed and this model was used a framework for investigating the research problem. This study used a mixed methods strategy and collected data from 344 mobile banking users via an online survey questionnaire and further, 10 semi-structured interviews were also conducted. The research hypotheses were tested through regression analysis and this resulted in 4 out of 8 research hypotheses being supported. Thematic analysis was used for both the open-ended questions in the survey and the 10 interviews. The results showed that convenience, ease of use and customization are the most significant factors that influence customer experience in mobile banking, whereas the customer experience was in turn found to have a significant influence on customer loyalty. Through conducting this research on millennials in South Africa, this study has expanded the knowledge of mobile banking research in the country. A valuable contribution was made by this study, as this study gave better insight into the factors that significantly influence the customer's experience of millennials in mobile banking. This study recommends that, it is important that banks as well as other firms that offer mobile banking offer a mobile app that is convenient and lets customers to perform their activities in a flexible way in their own time, easily and in a customizable manner. Therefore, should banks implement this study's recommendations it will be beneficial for them as this will result in increased loyalty of their millennial mobile banking customers.

Trust Issues? : An explorative study about millennials understanding of trust at work

Amoako-Atta, Christopher, Le Persson, Timmy January 2020 (has links)
Through demographic change, millennials now make up the most substantial part of the workforce. This is relevant as they are also a generation faced with prejudice. This thesis aims to explore how millennial followers are looking at trust in work relationships and how they perceive to establish trust in work relationships to increase understanding. The focus of this study is on millennial followers, as leadership literature is plentiful, and most millennials are and will always be followers.  We examine the millennials’ understanding of trust and explore what issues they bring up when reflecting on trust at work. This thesis argues that millennials think of trust as relying on others when thinking of healthy relationships. They prefer knowledge-based relationships over calculus- and identity-based relationships. To build trust, millennials perceive that they use both task- and relationship-based trust-building together with interactions as based to earn and evolve trust. In relationships where there are trust issues, they change their understanding of trust and stick to task-based or calculus-based relationships. This study follows an interpretivist approach with an abductive structure. For data collection, indepth interviews with 7 millennials from Sweden and Switzerland were conducted. To analyze a thematic approach to coding was employed. The emerging patterns are introduced in a thematic narrative to increase comprehensibility. The study provides insights into the millennial followers’ understanding of trust.

Rituales corporativos y el compromiso laboral del colaborador millennial: Su relación en un banco peruano

Chavez Luna, Luis Abdón, Horna Cerna, Kevin Axel 03 December 2019 (has links)
El presente estudio buscó explorar la existencia de una posible relación entre la participación en rituales corporativos y el compromiso del colaborador millenial con una empresa. En este sentido, se desarrolló el caso de la empresa BCP, empresa representativa y líder en el mercado peruano con 130 años de trayectoria. De esta manera, la investigación se encuentra compuesta por los siguientes apartados: (1) introducción al tema; (2) marco teórico, que sirvió de estructura para el desarrollo del análisis; (3) diseño metodológico, realizado a través de encuestas; (4) conclusiones y recomendaciones, que fueron necesarias para brindar un aporte que sirva a otros investigadores A manera de conclusión, se comprobó que, a pesar de tener una correlación positiva, no existe relación entre el compromiso laboral de un colaborador millennial y el número de rituales en que este participa. Teorizamos, para futuras investigaciones, que puede deberse a que existen muchos más factores externos que influyen en el compromiso laboral de un millennial. / This paper seeks to analyze if there is a relationship between a strong employee engagement and how many corporate rituals does an employee participates in. In this study, we chose to research Banco de Crédito del Perú’s (BCP) case. BCP is the largest Company in Perú and the most important bank in the country, we think this Company is a well recognized referent in the industry, and makes a very relevant subject for our research. This research contains an introduction, our framework, the analysis, research design, and conclusions and recommendations. In our research design, we contemplate surveys to a select sample of millennial employees. As a conclusion, we found that in spite of having a positive correlation, it’s not strong enough to prove a relationship between a strong employee engagement and the number of rituals an employee participates in. We theorize this result could lead to study other variables that can influence employee engagement. / Tesis

"Quater-life crisis" po Česku aneb Jak generace českých mileniálů čelí výzvám dospívání / "Quater-life Crisis" in the Czech Republic - How Do Czech Millennials Cope?

Gonsiorová, Olga January 2019 (has links)
In her diploma thesis, the author deals with the Quarter-life crisis and the experience that Czech Millenials have with this phenomenon. Given that Quarter-life crisis is a relatively new concept that has not yet been greatly explored by academics, the author devotes a part of the thesis to a detailed account of the knowledge on this phenomenon that is currently available, with a considerable part coming from popular psychology and popular science books. The theoretical part of the thesis further describes the social change that enabled the emergence of a new period in psychological development - the "emerging adulthood" and the associated Quarter-life crisis, its development as a concept and academic recognition. The work further describes the generation of Millenialls currently associated with this crisis and their characteristics making them susceptible to experience this crisis. The practical part is a qualitative research on the experiences of Czech Millenials, who are going through or have gone through this crisis. The research results are analysed with an consideration of the specifics of the Czech environment and unique factors that can influence the experience with this phenomenon.

Hur synen på kärlek påverkas av digital media

Forsberg, Elin, Johansson, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Studiens avsikt har varit att studera en ny, indirekt, inriktning av forskningsfältet upplevelseekonomi (experience economy) som inte tidigare behandlats, till skillnad från fältets klassiska, direkta inriktning. Studien har avgränsats mot dokusåpor, då det idag kan anses vara en del av den “nya”, indirekta upplevelseekonomin i dagens post-moderna samhälle. Fältet har tidigare avsett ett direkt värdeskapande som kommit till följd av produkter och tjänster, men idag avser upplevelser även indirekta sinnesintryck som skapas av andra, exempelvis genom att titta på dokusåpor där vi upplever genom att titta på deltagarnas känslor och miljöer. Studien har försökt att studera hur denna indirekta inriktning kan påverka vår uppfattning av äkthet, det vill säga verklighets-uppfattning, när det gäller att särskilja simulationer från verklighet, även kallat hyperverklighet. Vidare har studien avsett att undersöka millennier, (de som är födda mellan år 2000 och 2010, och har haft tillgång till teknik och sociala medier allt sedan uppväxten), och hur deras uppfattningar och känslor kring kärleksrelationer påverkats av de sinnesintrycken från dokusåpornas innehåll som många gånger fokuserar på drama för att skapa underhållning (exempelvis Paradise Hotel, Love Island, Bonde söker fru, Middag med mitt ex etc.). Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen från studien är att millenniers uppfattning av kärleksrelationen kan påverkas till följd av de sinnesintryck som uppkommer vid konsumtion av dokusåpor. Studien tyder också på att tillit och externa faktorer som ekonomi och politik idag spelar lika stor roll, om inte större roll, i kärleksrelationer, än kärleken i sig. / The purpose with this study has been to examine a new, indirect alignment in the field of experience economy. The field has not previously been studied, unlike the more classical, direct approach of the field. The study has been delimited, and thus only reviews the recent phenomenon, reality shows - a phenomenon which in recent times has seemed to increase significantly and is an example of the “new”, indirect experience economy in today’s postmodern society. Previously, the field of research put its main focus on the development of products and services, but as for today experiences are created in new ways, by a different kind of stimuli. such as sensory expressions given by other people in our surroundings. The study examines how this indirect alignment can affect our perception of what is fake and what is original (authenticity), also called hyperreality. Furthermore, the study reviews how millennials’ (those who were born between 2000 – 2010, and furthermore have had access to the digital technology and social media all their life) feelings and perceptions of relationships (of love) are influenced by the consumption of reality shows whose content mostly depicts drama (for example Paradise Hotel, Love Island, Bonde söker fru and Middag med mitt ex). The main conclusion of this study is that millennials’ expectations of relationships (of love) can be affected by the sensory impressions received from other people or from the experiences received by consuming reality shows in a frequent manner. The study also indicates that trust and other external factors, such as economics or politics, as for today play a bigger role in the development of long-lasting relationships (of love). Love (expressed in feelings) itself tends to be secondary and not nearly as important.

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