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Caracterização de espelhos para telescópios Cherenkov / Mirror characterizing for Cherenkov telescopesDipold, Jessica 10 February 2015 (has links)
Raios γ são bilhões de vezes mais energéticos do que fótons visíveis. Através da observação do céu deste tipo de radiação, é possível estudar fenômenos como a emissão de pulsares, explosões de super-novas e buracos negros, assim como os gamma ray bursts, um dos maiores mistérios da astrofísica moderna. A principal técnica utilizada em observações astrofísicas de chuveiros de raios gama é a de Telescópios Cherenkov, que podem reconstruir a trajetória dos raios γ durante sua passagem pela atmosfera observando sua emissão de radiação Cherenkov. Existem diversos experimentos bem-sucedidos em funcionamento, tais como o VERITAS, MAGIC e HESS. Em 2006 um novo observatório foi proposto, com sensibilidade uma ordem de magnitude melhor do que qualquer outro experimento atual. O Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) está em fase de protótipo e consistirá de dezenas de telescópios Cherenkov com tamanhos diferentes, o que possibilitará observações em muitas regiões do espectro de raios-gama. O local onde o Observatório será construído ainda não foi decidido e dependerá de várias características geográficas para fazê-lo, sendo uma das mais importantes o tempo observável, que deve ser maior que 80% para ser considerado um possível sítio. Um dos locais propostos está localizado no norte da Argentina, próximo a cidade de San Antonio de los Cobres (SAC). Para demonstrar a funcionalidade deste sítio, desenvolvemos um espaço nele para testarmos propriedades ópticas e mecânicas de quatro protótipos de espelhos, além de suas condições de condensação. Três espelhos hexagonais de Vidro/Alumínio, com 1.5 metro de base a base, e um circular de Vidro/Dielétrico, com 0.5 metro de diâmetro, todos esféricos com posição focal entre 15 e 16 metros, foram expostos às condições ambientais de SAC entre Maio/2013 até Junho/2014. Para testar a variação de suas propriedades mecânicas e ópticas devido à exposição ao meio ambiente, dois testes foram feitos. Para verificar se a curvatura e a suavidade da superfície do espelho permaneceram constantes, desenvolvemos um equipamento no Instituto de Física de São Carlos que media a posição 2f do espelho, onde a imagem formada é a menor possível, e sua Função Ponto Espalhada (PSF), o tamanho da imagem feita pelo espelho de uma fonte pontual. A posição focal de todos os espelhos foi estável, enquanto a PSF mostrou pequena variação com o tempo de exposição. Para analisar a variação da cobertura de Alumínio (ou Dielétrico) dos espelhos, nós medimos a variação de sua refletividade através de um espectrômetro portátil fabricado pela OceanOptics, que mostrou que a cobertura dielétrica é mais estável do que as de alumínio, que tiveram pouca variação entre 300-400 nm na maioria dos espelhos. E, finalmente, para testar a qualidade de ambos espelho e sítio em relação ao tempo de observação, calculamos o tempo de condensação de dois espelhos durante o período de Dezembro/2013 até Abril/2014. Isso foi feito através de fotos automáticas de cada espelho tiradas remotamente durante a noite, fornecendo dados para observar mudanças diárias na qualidade da superfície dos espelhos assim como a condensação durante esse período. Um espelho de Vidro/Alumínio e um de Vidro/Dielétrico foram testados, ambos mostrando resultados similares de aproximadamente 20% de tempo condensado, estando no limite de 80% de tempo observacional mencionado anteriormente. Através destes testes, pretendemos criar uma técnica para o cálculo do tempo de condensação em qualquer sítio proposto. / γrays are billions of times more energetic than visible photons. Through the sky observation of this kind of radiation, it is possible to study phenomena like the emission from pulsars, supernova explosions and black holes, as well as gamma-ray bursts, one of the greatest mysteries in modern astrophysics. The main technique used in astrophysical observations in γrays showers is the Imaging Cherenkov Telescope, which can image the trajectory of gamma-rays during its passage through the atmosphere by observing its emission of Cherenkov radiation. There are several successful experiments currently functioning, such as VERITAS, MAGIC and HESS. In 2006, a new observatory was proposed, which will have a sensitivity one order of magnitude better than any of the existing experiments. The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is in its prototype phase, and will consist of several tens of Cherenkov telescopes with different sizes, which will allow observation in many different regions of the γray spectrum. The site where the Observatory will be constructed is not yet decided and it depends on several geographic characteristics, being one of the most important the observable time, which must be above 80% to be considered as a possible site. One of the proposed sites is located in the north of Argentina, close to the city of San Antonio de los Cobres (SAC). In order to demonstrate the functionality of the site, we developed a facility on it to test the optical and mechanical properties of four prototype mirrors, as well as their condensation conditions. Three Glass/Aluminum hexagonal mirrors, 1.5 meters flat-to-flat diameter, and one Glass/Dielectric circular mirror, 0.5 meters diameter, all spherical with a focal position between 15 and 16 meters, were exposed to the environmental conditions of SAC from May/2013 until June/2014. To test their mechanical and optical properties variation because of the environment exposition, two different tests were made. In order to verify if the curvature and smoothness of the mirrors remained constant, we developed an equipment at the Instituto the Física de São Carlos that could measure the 2f position, where the image formed by the mirror is the smallest as possible, and its Point Spread Function (PSF), the size of the image made by the mirror by a punctual source. The focal position of all mirrors was proven to be stable, while the PSF size showed small differences according to the exposure time. To examine the variation of the Aluminum (or Dielectric) covering of the mirrors we measured its reflectivity variation through a portable spectrometer fabricated by OceanOptics, which showed that the dielectric covering is more stable than the Aluminum ones, even though all of them showed a constant reflectivity in the 300-400 nm range. And finally, to test both the mirror and the site quality in observation time, we calculated the condensed time of two mirrors during the period of December/2013 until April/2014. This was done through automatic pictures of each mirror taken remotely during the night, providing data to observe daily changes in the quality of the mirror surfaces as well as if there is condensation during that period. A Glass/Aluminum mirror and the Glass/Dielectric one were tested, both showing very similar results of around 20% condensed time, being in the limit of the 80% of observational time forementioned. Through these tests, we intend to provide a technique for the calculation of condensed time in any proposed site.
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Dynamic control of a one-dimensional beam structure in the presence of distributed unsteady loadsMcQuade, Peter David January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1982. / Microfiche copy available in Archives and Barker. / Includes bibliographical references. / by Peter David McQuade. / M.S.
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MIRRORSRoss, Zachary R 01 May 2014 (has links)
MIRRORS is a cycle of songs composed for soprano voice and piano using five poems by Sylvia Plath. The work features the creation of a protagonist and tells a chronological story through the arrangement of the five poems colored and unified by the manipulation of a thematic twelve-tone row.
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Fabrication of Micro-Mirrors in Silicon Optical WaveguidesPowell, Olly, n/a January 2004 (has links)
The conventional large radii bends used in large cross section silicon-on-insulator waveguides were replaced with novel wet etched corner mirrors, potentially allowing much smaller devices, therefore lower costs. If such corners had been based on reactive ion etch techniques they would have had the disadvantage of rougher surfaces and poor alignment in the vertical direction. Wet etching overcomes these two problems by providing smooth corner facets aligned precisely to the vertical {100} silicon crystallographic planes. The waveguides obtained had angled walls, and so numerical analysis was undertaken to establish the single mode condition for such trapezoidal structures. To show the relationship between fabrication tolerances and optical losses a three dimensional simulation tool was developed, based on expansion of the incident mode into plane waves. Various new fabrication techniques were are proposed, namely: the use of titanium as a mask for deep silicon wet anisotropic etching, a technique for aligning masks to the crystal plane on silicon-oninsulator wafers, a corner compensation method for sloping sidewalls, and the suppression of residues and pyramids with the use of acetic acid for KOH etching. Also, it was shown that isopropyl alcohol may be used in KOH etching of vertical walls if the concentration and temperature are sufficiently high. As the proposed corner mirrors were convex structures the problem of undercutting by high order crystal planes arose. This was uniquely overcome by the addition of some structures to effectively convert the convex structures into concave ones. The corner mirrors had higher optical losses than were originally hoped for, similar to those of mirrors in thin film waveguides made by RIE. The losses were possibly due to poor angular precision of the lithography process. The design also failed to provide adequate mechanisms to allow the etch to be stopped at the optimal time. The waveguides had the advantage over thin film technology of large, fibre-compatible cross sections. However the mirror losses must be reduced for the technology to compete with existing large cross section waveguides using large bends. Potential applications of the technology are also discussed. The geometry of the crystal planes places fundamental limits on the proximity of any two waveguides. This causes some increase in the length of MMI couplers used for channel splitting. The problem could possibly be overcome by integrating one of the mirrors into the end of the MMI coupler to form an L shaped junction.
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Materials Science of Multilayer X-ray MirrorsGhafoor, Naureen January 2008 (has links)
This thesis treats the reflective and structural properties of multilayer structures. Soft X-ray multilayer mirrors intended as near-normal incidence reflective optics and polarizers in the water window (λ=2.4-4.4 nm) are the main focus. Such mirrors require multilayer periodicities between 1.2-2.2 nm, a large number ~600of multilayer periods (N), and atomically flat interfaces. Bi-metallic multilayers were deposited by dual-target magnetron sputtering on Si(001) Geometrical roughness and intermixing/interdiffusion at the interfaces were investigated in connection with the impact of ion-surface interactions during growth of Cr/Ti, Cr/Sc, and Ni/V multilayers. This was achieved by comparing multilayers grown with or without high-flux low energy (Eion<30 eV) ion assistance. The use of modulated ion assistance resulted in a substantial improvement of interface flatness and abruptness in each of theAb-initio calculations indicate that the stabilization of the amorphous layer structure is due to a lowering of the total energy of the system by eliminating high energy incoherent interfaces between crystalline Sc and Cr. Light element incorporation in Cr/Sc multilayers was investigated through residual gas pressure variation. It is shown that multilayers retain their structural and optical properties within the high vacuum range of 2×10-7-to-2×10-6 Torr. The incorporation of 34 at.% nitrogen at a higher residual gas pressure ( ~2×10-5 Torr) resulted in highly textured understoichiometricx/ScNy multilayers. As a result of nitrogen incorporation, interface widths as small as 0.29 nm, and near-normal incidence reflectivity enhancement (at λ=3.11 nm) by 100 % (compared to pure Cr/Sc multilayers) was achieved. Light element incorporation was also found to be advantageous for the thermal stability of the multilayers. In-situ hard X-ray reflectivity measurements performed during isothermal annealing in thex/ScNy are stable up to 350 °C. As an alternative route to metallic multilayers, single crystal CrN/ScN superlattices, grown by reactive sputtering in N atmosphere onto MgO(001), were also investigated. The superlattice synthesis at 735 °C, resulted in highly abrupt interfaces with minimal interface widths of 0.2 nm. As-deposited superlattices with only 61 periodsλ=3.11 nm as well as very high thermal stability up to 850 °C. / Denna avhandling behandlar syntes, analys, och materialvetenskap rörande så kallade multilagerspeglar för mjuk röntgenstrålning. Speglarna är lämpade som optiska komponenter för instrument såsom röntgenmikroskop i våglängdsområdet 2,4 nm till 4,4 nm, även kallat vattenfönstret. Tack vare de senaste decenniernas stora teknologiska och vetenskapliga framsteg i att framställa mycket intensiva källor för mjuk röntgenstrålning, såsom tex synkrotronljuskällor, frielektronlasrar, och plasmagenererade källor, är det nu tänkbart att utnyttja denna strålning till nya tillämpningar som tidigare inte varit möjliga. Några exempel är; röntgenmikroskopi av biologiska preparat med upplösning ca 1/100 av det som är möjligt med synligt ljus, fotolitografi av Det finns flera stora utmaningar för att lyckas tillverka multilagerspeglar. Först och främst måste man hitta materialkombinationer som ger upphov till reflektion i mellanytorna mellan materialen men som inte samtidigt absorberar all röntgenstrålning. Dessutom måste materialen gå att belägga på varandra i flera hundra tunna lager, vart och ett endast ca 1 nanometer tjockt, med en ytojämnhet om endast några tiondels nanometer. Den absoluta tjockleks precision i varje I det här arbetet har fyra olika typer av multilagerbeläggningar undersökts: krom/titan (Cr/Ti), krom/skandium (Cr/Sc), nickel/vanadin (Ni/V) samt kromnitrid/skandiumnitrid (CrN/ScN). Materialvalen har baserats på teoretiska beräkningar som visat att dessa materialsystem genererar mycket god reflektans i vattenfönstret. Varje kombination av metaller är optimal för en specifik våglängd och de individuella lagertjocklekarna måste optimeras teoretiskt för varje enskilt För Cr/Sc multilager har vi visat att lagren som beläggs har en oordnad, så kallad amorf, struktur mellan metallatomerna som har sitt ursprung i att multilagrets totala energi kan sänkas om mellanytor mellan kristallint Cr och kristallint Sc kan undvikas. Studier av effekterna av kväveupptag hos Cr/Sc multilagerspeglar under sputtringsprocessen har lett till ökad förståelse av materialsystemet. Till exempel har vi visat att kvävet framförallt binder till de inre regionerna av Sc och inte så mycket till Cr-lagren eller i mellanytorna. Med kväve i strukturen har vi gjort speglar som tål höga temperaturer, vilket är av stor betydelse för tillämpningar baserade högintensiva ljuskällor. Så kallade supergitter, dvs multilager
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Growth and Nano-structural Studies of Metallic Multilayer for X-ray MirrorsGhafoor, Naureen January 2005 (has links)
<p>A part of the Ph.D. project focused on growth and characterization of metal multilayers is presented in this licentiate thesis. The main interest in carrying out this research is to develop highly reflective normal-incidence condenser mirrors for soft X-ray microscopy studies in the water window (λ=2.4-4.2 nm) wavelength regime.</p><p>Transition metals like Sc, Ti V, etc. have been considered because of the presence of their 2p-absorption edges within the water window. An anomalous dispersion at absorption edges has been utilized to get enhanced reflectance of soft X-rays. Since a single surface exhibits a very poor X-ray reflectivity, Cr/Sc, Cr/Ti, and Ni/V multilayers were grown in order to coherently add many reflections from several interfaces. The selection of Cr and Ni, as spacer layer, was made on the basis of their X-ray optical contrasts with the above-mentioned transition metals. The multilayer design, i.e., the individual layer thicknesses and the total number of bilayers, directly influences the resultant reflectance and careful determination was therefore made with the aid of computer simulations.</p><p>All multilayers were grown on chemically cleaned Si substrates by ion-assisted dual target magnetron sputtering under high vacuum (~10<sup>-7</sup> Torr) conditions. The effect of low and high ion-flux bombardment of low energy (<50 eV) Ar ions, on growing surfaces was studied for all material systems. Furthermore, a two-stage deposition of each individual layer with modulated ion-energies was applied in order to obtain smooth and abrupt interfaces with as small intermixing as possible. Ion-surface interactions were also theoretically considered for estimating an appropriate ion-flux and ion-energy range desired for sufficient ad-atom mobilities.</p><p>X-ray reflectivity and transmission electron microscopy have been the main probes for multilayer characterization in this work. For the Cr/Ti multilayer designed for normal incidence and grown with optimized two-stage ion-energy modulation, a peak reflectance of 2.1% was achieved at the Ti-2p absorption edge (λ=2.74 nm). For a multilayer mirror designed for the Brewster angle a maximum reflectance of 4.3% was accomplished. These measurements were made at the synchrotron radiation source BESSY in Berlin. Specular reflectivity and diffuse scattering scans were utilized for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the vertical and lateral structure of the multilayers. At-wavelength measurements of a series of Cr/Ti multilayers revealed the accumulation of roughness with increasing number of bilayers (N>100) for this material system. Hard X-ray reflectivity and diffractometry were used for quality checks of the multilayers for rapid feedback to the deposition. In-situ annealing using hard X-ray reflectivity was also performed to assess the thermal stability of Cr/Ti multilayers. It was found that probably due to a strong thermal diffusion the degradation of multilayers (with bilayer period of 1.37 nm) in this material system occurs just above the growth temperature (~40°C). The accumulation of a low spatial frequency "waviness" with increasing number of layers in Cr/Ti multilayers was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The influence of process conditions on multilayer structure with different periodicities was investigated by TEM analyses of a series of three samples for each of the above-mentioned material system. The Cr/Sc multilayers have shown the most flat and abrupt interface structure without any significant roughness evolution when grown with optimum process parameters.</p> / Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC-2005:48. On the day of the defence data the status of article I was: Accepted.
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Absolute Measurements of Large MirrorsSu, Peng January 2008 (has links)
The ability to produce mirrors for large astronomical telescopes is limited by the accuracy of the systems used to test the surfaces of such mirrors. Typically the mirror surfaces are measured by comparing their actual shapes to a precision master, which may be created using combinations of mirrors, lenses, and holograms. The work presented here develops several optical testing techniques that do not rely on a large or expensive precision, master reference surface. In a sense these techniques provide absolute optical testing.The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) has been designed with a 350 m2 collecting area provided by a 25 m diameter primary mirror made out from seven circular independent mirror segments. These segments create an equivalent f/0.7 paraboloidal primary mirror consisting of a central segment and six outer segments. Each of the outer segments is 8.4 m in diameter and has an off-axis aspheric shape departing 14.5 mm from the best-fitting sphere. Much of the work in this dissertation is motivated by the need to measure the surfaces or such large mirrors accurately, without relying on a large or expensive precision reference surface.One method for absolute testing describing in this dissertation uses multiple measurements relative to a reference surface that is located in different positions with respect to the test surface of interest. The test measurements are performed with an algorithm that is based on the maximum likelihood (ML) method. Some methodologies for measuring large flat surfaces in the 2 m diameter range and for measuring the GMT primary mirror segments were specifically developed. For example, the optical figure of a 1.6-m flat mirror was determined to 2 nm rms accuracy using multiple 1-meter sub-aperture measurements. The optical figure of the reference surface used in the 1-meter sub-aperture measurements was also determined to the 2 nm level. The optical test methodology for a 1.7-m off axis parabola was evaluated by moving several times the mirror under test in relation to the test system. The result was a separation of errors in the optical test system to those errors from the mirror under test. This method proved to be accurate to 12nm rms.Another absolute measurement technique discussed in this dissertation utilizes the property of a paraboloidal surface of reflecting rays parallel to its optical axis, to its focal point. We have developed a scanning pentaprism technique that exploits this geometry to measure off-axis paraboloidal mirrors such as the GMT segments. This technique was demonstrated on a 1.7 m diameter prototype and proved to have a precision of about 50 nm rms.
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The mirror as device : a study of the mirror motif in select examples of South African and western artworks.Parsuram, Sirola. January 2010 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.
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Fabrication of Ceramic Layer-by-Layer Infrared Wavelength Photonic Band Gap CrystalsHenry Hao-Chuan Kang January 2004 (has links)
19 Dec 2004. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "IS-T 2082" Henry Hao-Chuan Kang. 12/19/2004. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.
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Throught a glass darkly Pynchon, Calvino, and the mirror /Mann, Sasha. January 2009 (has links)
Honors Project--Smith College, Northampton, Mass., 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 65).
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