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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mixed-Asset Portfolio Optimization with Private and Public Hotel Real Estate

Williams, Kwamie, Wippel, James January 2013 (has links)
There has been a renewed interest by international institutional investors in the US hotel property market and increased interest in Real Estate Investment Trusts. One challenge these investors face is if it is feasible to simultaneously invest in a specific property type, both privately and publicly. In order to determine if their portfolios would benefit from the inclusion of private and public hotel real estate investors will have to carefully take into consideration: expectations for returns, tolerance for risk, allocation of assets, and the correlations between the assets. This study analyzed the performance of simulated mixed-asset portfolios using average annual returns from 1994 to 2012. The portfolios were constructed by using modern portfolio theory. The purpose was to analyze whether the inclusion of privately owned US hotel real estate and publicly traded US hotel real estate in a mixed-asset portfolio enhances the portfolio frontier. The results showed: the separate inclusion of private hotel real estate enhanced the frontier, the separate inclusion of public hotel real estate did not enhance the frontier, and the simultaneous inclusion of both private and public hotel real estate enhanced the frontier.

Direct and Indirect Real Estate in a Mixed-asset Portfolio  : Is direct or indirect preferable

Falk, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Studies carried out during the 2000’s have shown that securitized real estate has outperformed the direct real estate market with as much as up to 500 basis points on an annual basis during the 80’s and 90’s. Allocation to real estate among institutional investors has at the same time been at around 5%. Research conducted in the area during this period has suggested an allocation to real estate around 10% - 20% in a mixed-asset portfolio, depending on the specifics of the real estate. Securitized and direct real estate come with different benefits and different problems, such as a better inflation hedge and asset-liability frameworks but worse information transparency for direct real estate, but a higher liquidity, return (including volatility) and information transparency for securitized real estate market. This research shows that during the period 2000-2010 securitized real estate still outperforms direct real estate. The spread during the period is as much as 762 basis points per annum. The highest risk-adjusted return is given to the investor who invests between 21% - 30% depending on the specifics of the real estate. However, noticeable is that risk factors such as illiquidity, lower transparency and geographical could eventually give another perspective on the outcome of the risk-adjusted return.

Diversification Attributes of Dutch REITs During Recessions:Return, Standard Deviation and Liquidity Characteristics / Diversifieringsattribut hos nederländska REITs underlågkonjunkturer: Avkastning-, standardavvikelse-,samt likviditetsegenskaper

Bergstrom, Tom, Carlsson, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to determine the performance of Dutch REITs and liquidity aspects during recessions and economic upswings as well as correlation with other asset classes to gain further knowledge in the field ofreal estate investment and asset performance during certain time periods. This is achieved through a quantitative analysis of historical daily returns, standard deviation and transaction volume of shares regarding REITs and other assets that usually pertain to an investor’s portfolio. The analysis covers the time-period just prior to the global financial crisis up until the beginning of the financial crisis caused by Covid-19. Analyzed data display some correlation between REITs and other assets. However, the data still implies some diversification benefits ofincorporating REITs in a portfolio during all economic states through the time periods with both the objective tominimize risk i.e. standard deviation, and to maximize return. The liquidity results on offset-time efficiency is comparable with other assets stock, which suggests that REITs are as liquid as other stock and thus is more liquid than direct real estate investments. In conclusion the data does support some diversification benefits of including Dutch REITs in a Netherlands-based investment portfolio. However, to what extent can not be determined, in part because of individual investors preferences, beliefs, and behavior, but also because of additional factors, such as dividends, that affect the value of REITs to an actual investor. / Syftet med arbetet är att fastställa Nederländska REITs prestanda och likviditet under lågkonjunkturer och ekonomiska uppgångar samt korrelationen med andra tillgångsklasser för att få ytterligare kunskap inom området fastighetsinvesteringar och investeringstillgångars prestanda under vissa tidsperioder. Detta uppnås genom en kvantitativ analys av historisk marknadsutveckling, standardavvikelse samt transaktionsvolym av antalet aktier. Det är REITs tillsammans med tillgångar som vanligtvis hänför sig till en investerares portfölj som har undersökts. Analysen behandlar ett tidsspann från perioden strax innan finanskrisen 2008 fram till början av den finansiellakrisen orsakad av Covid-19. Analyserad data visar viss korrelation mellan REITs och de andra tillgångarna, men innebär fortfarande vissa fördelar med att inkludera REITs i en portfölj under samtliga ekonomiska tillstånd under samtliga tidsperioderna. Både avseende syftet att minimera risken, som i detta fall utgörs av standardavvikelse,samt för att maximera avkastningen. Likviditetsstudien visar att avyttringshastigheten är jämförbar med andra aktietillgångar, vilket antyder att REIT är lika likvida som andra aktier och därmed är mer likvida än direkta fastighetsinvesteringar. Sammanfattningsvis stödjer resultaten vissa diversifikationsfördelar med att inkludera Nederländska REITs i en Nederländskt baserad investeringsportfölj. Men i vilken utsträckning kan inte fastställas,delvis på grund av enskilda investerares preferenser, övertygelser och beteende, men också på grund av ytterligare faktorer, såsom utdelning, som påverkar värdet av REIT till en faktisk investerare.

Improving strategic decisions for real estate investors : Perspectives on allocation and management

Katzler, Sigrid January 2017 (has links)
Real estate is an attractive asset class in the mixed-asset portfolio due to favorable risk return characteristics and low correlations with other asset classes like stock and bonds. Unlike financial assets, real estate is a physical asset where large lot sizes/indivisibility, heterogeneity, low liquidity and high transaction costs make applying financial models like modern portfolio theory (MPT) challenging. Optimal allocations to real estate found in literature are generally lower than actual allocations by investors and portfolio managers indicating there are aspects of the application of MPT to real estate that are not fully understood. Since management of real estate is costly and requires expert skills, the question on whether to outsource property management functions is of paramount interest for the real estate industry. The aim of the thesis is to contribute to the literature on strategic decisions for real estate investors on allocation and management, Apart from reviewing literature relevant for strategic decisions at different levels and using a top-down approach to illustrate how selected allocation and management decisions are connected, four separate empirical studies are made to investigate the nature of selected strategic decisions for real estate investors. / <p>QC 20170515</p>

Prix et rendements de l'immobilier résidentiel en France : effets démographiques et investissement dans la Métropole Parisienne / Housing prices and returns en France : demographic impact and investment case in Paris metropolis

Essafi, Yasmine 25 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le marché résidentiel français sous différents angles. Tout d'abord, nous analysons les dynamiques qui régissent les prix des logements en intégrant la dimension démographique. En effet, dans un paysage démographique marqué par l'arrivée des premières générations des baby-boomers à l'âge de la retraite et par le vieillissement plus généralement, il s'avère que la population, que ce soit en terme de taille ou de structure, impacte significativement les prix des logements. L'impact négatif avéré du vieillissement sur les prix est atténué par l'effet positif de la taille de la population. Cependant, la restructuration de la population française en faveurs des personnes âgées n,est pas homogène sur tout le territoire. Dès lors, une approche territorialisée perd tout son sens. En suivant une étude typologique des marchés résidentiels départementaux, le lien démographie-marché du logement apparaît comme facteur structurant dans la différenciation des marchés locaux. Certains départements bénéficieront alors de la création de richesse immobilière, tandis que d'autres subiront une perte amplifiée. En fin, nous avons centré notre analyse sur la métropole du Grand Paris, en considérant l'immobilier résidentiel physique comme une classe d'actif dans un portefeuille de valeurs mobilières. Dans ce contexte, l'actif résidentiel démontre une capacité à protéger contre l'inflation ainsi qu'un pouvoir de diversification notable. Le poids alloué à l'actif résidentiel au sein du portefeuille est significatif quelle que soit la commune ciblée. / This thesis studies the French residential market from different perspectives. First, we analyze the dynamics that govern housing prices by integrating the demographic dimension. Indeed, in a demographic landscape marked by the arrival of the first generations of baby boomers at retirement age and by aging more generally, it turns out that the population, whether in terms of size or structure, has a significant impact on housing prices. The negative impact of aging on prices is moderated by the positive effect iof population size. However, the restructurinf of the French population in favor of the eldery is not homogeneous throughout the territory. Thus, a territorialized study is particularly appropriate. By following a typology approach of departmental residential markets, the demography-housing market link appears as a structuring factor in the differentiation of local markets. Some departments will then benefit from the creation of real estate wealth, while others will suffer an amplified loss. Finally, we focused our analysis on the metropolis of Parisian Region, considering physical residential real estate as an asset class in a portfolio of securities. In this context, residential assets demonstrate an ability to protect against inflation as well as significant diversification power. The weight allocated to residential assets in the portfolio is significant regardless of the targeted commune.

Market frictions effect on optimal real estate allocation in a multi-asset portfolio : A study of the Swedish market / Marknadsimperfektioners påverkan på den optimala allokeringen av fastigheter i en portfölj med flera tillgångsslag

Malm, Fabian, Javelius, Emil January 2017 (has links)
The weight of real estate in a multi-asset portfolio is a highly discussed matter and the main purpose for every investor is to reach an optimal diversification. The aim of the thesis is to apply a new allocation model, which considers market imperfections characterized by real estate. The most known and used method today is the mean-variance approach, founded in the modern portfolio theory. Modern portfolio theory is based on several assumptions, where one of these is the assumption of an efficient market. However, real estate is not considered the be a part of the efficient market due to several market imperfections, such as illiquidity, transaction cost etc. Market imperfection generate risk, which naturally should decrease the optimal weight of real estate in the portfolio. In order to assess optimal real estate allocation in a multi-asset portfolio when accounting for market imperfections an extended approach of the mean-variance model is applied. The extended model accounts for risk-aversion, transaction cost and time-on-market. The model is divided in two approaches, the benchmark- and normative approach, based on two different papers. The model is tested on the Swedish market with current market conditions in order to assess the models applicability. The result from the benchmark approach suggested an optimal real estate allocation of 0,72 –  5,84 %. The normative approach has been dismissed as inconclusive and unreliable due to abnormal weight of real estate. However, the value of risk-aversion is identified as the strongest determinant in both the models.  The allocation from the benchmark approach is, as expected, lower than results of the standard mean-variance approach. The extended model is a useful and valid tool in the consideration of market imperfections characterized by real estate. / Vikten av fastigheter i en portfölj med fler tillgångsslag är en omdiskuterad fråga där det huvudsakliga målet för en investerare är att uppnå en optimal diversifiering. Målet med uppsatsen är att testa en ny allokerings modell som tar hänsyn till fastigheters speciella attribut, marknadsimperfektioner. Den vanligast förekommande metoden för att beräkna allokeringen mot fastigheter härstammar från modern portfolio teori (MPT). MPT baserar på ett antal antaganden, varav ett är en effektiv marknad. Problematiken ligger i att fastigheter inte kvalificerar sig inom ramen för den effektiva marknaden då de delvis räknas som en illikvid tillgång, förenade med höga transaktionskostnader. Marknadsimperfektioner resulterar i risk vilket logiskt leder till en lägre vikt av fastigheter i portföljen. För att utvärdera den optimala allokeringen mot fastigheter i en portfölj med flera tillgångar används en modifierad version av den klassiska medelvariationsmodellen som tar hänsyn till vissa av marknadsimperfektioner. Den modifierade versionen tar hänsyn till risk aversion, transaktionskostnad och försäljningstid. Modellen är uppdelad i två tillvägagångsätt, den ena benämnd som benchmark- och den andra som normativa metoden, baserat på varsin vetenskaplig artikel. Modellen testas på den svenska marknaden under nuvarande marknadsförutsättningar för att bedöma dess tillämplighet. Resultatet från benchmarkmetoden visar på en optimal fastighetsallokering om 0,72 – 5,84 %. Resultaten för den normativa modellen är förkastade som ofullständiga och opålitliga. I vilket fall identifieras riskaversionen som den mest avgörande faktorn i båda modellerna. Benchmarkmetoden ger en lägre optimal allokering gentemot fastigheter, än den som räknas fram med den klassiska mean-variance metoden. Den utvidgade modellen anses vara en användbar och giltig metod som tar hänsyn till de marknadsimperfektioner som fastigheter karaktäriseras av.

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