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Marijampolės apskrities turizmo sektoriaus darbuotojų užimtumo vertinimas per vertybes, motyvaciją, pajamas bei mobilumą / The evaluation of Marijampole region tourism employment through the assessment of employee values, motivation, income and mobilityŠneiderienė, Kristina 02 June 2009 (has links)
Marijampolės apskrities turizmo sektoriaus darbuotojų užimtumo vertinimas per vertybes, motyvaciją, pajamas bei mobilumą
Tyrimo problema. Užimtumo valdymas turi įtakos ne tik mažinant nedarbą, bet ir didinant užimtų žmonių potencialių galimybių panaudojimą, t.y. labiau realizuojant jų profesines žinias, kūrybines galias, iniciatyvą ir kt., kas padeda augti darbinio potencialo aktyvumui. Tam reikia žinoti apie piliečius, kokia jų socialinė savijauta, nuotaika, materialinė gerovė, ko jie tikisi, bei kokie yra jų siekiai. Šiuo atveju, gali padėti žmonių užimtumo ir darbo rinkos monitoringas, kurio tikslai – vertinimas, kontrolė, prognozė ir sprendimų priėmimas.
Darbo objektas – turizmo sektoriaus darbuotojų užimtumo vertinimas vertybių, motyvacijos, pajamų ir mobilumo aspektu.
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti turizmo sektoriaus darbuotojų Marijampolės apskrityje užimtumą per vertybes, motyvaciją, pajamas bei mobilumą.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Teoriniu aspektu išanalizuoti turizmo sektoriaus darbuotojų užimtumą;
2. Nustatyti Marijampolės apskrities turizmo sektoriaus darbuotojų vertybių orentacijas;
3. Atskleisti Marijampolės apskrities turizmo sektoriaus darbuotojų motyvacijos apraiškas;
4. Įvertinti Marijampolės apskrities turizmo sektoriaus darbuotojų pajamas;
5. Nustatyti Marijampolės apskrities turizmo sektoriaus darbuotojų mobilumą.
Tyrimo metodai:
1.Mokslinės literatūros analizė;
2.Apklausa raštu;
3.Lyginamoji analizė.
1. Užimtumas -... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The evaluation of Marijampole region tourism employment through the assessment of employee values, motivation, income and mobility
The object of investigation - tourism enterprises employee employment assessment.
The problem of investigation. Employment management affects not only the reduction of unemployment, and increasing the potential of people employed in the use of the realization of their professional knowledge, creative power, initiative, and others, who helps the growth potential of the working activity. This requires knowledge of the citizens, what is their social being, mood, material wealth, which they expect, and what are their aspirations. In this case, may help people in employment and labor market monitoring, the objectives - evaluation, monitoring, prediction and decision making.
Purpose of the study: to assess the employee employment of tourism sector workers in Marijampolė within the values, motivation, income and mobility.
The goals of the study:
1. To reveal the theoretical aspects of employment;
2. To set values of employees working in the tourism sector in Marijampolė;
3. To set motives of employees working in the tourism sector in Marijampolė.
4. To set income of employees working in the tourism sector in Marijampolė
5. To set mobility of employees working in the tourism sector in Marijampolė
The methods used in the study are as follows:
1. Analysis of scientific literature;
2. Analysis of statistics;
... [to full text]
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Moving Cities: Reclaiming the Fragmented Region of the Oil SandsMacLeod, Beth 19 March 2013 (has links)
As the Oil Sands in Northern Alberta continue to develop and new companies take up leases, they continue to fragment the region’s communities and landscape. Rather than continuing the trend of subdividing the lands and the population, through isolated workers camps, this thesis proposes a moving city that can follow industry, remediate its path and reconnect the community through its processes.
Large scale canopies will cover past mining and tailings sites to create micro-climates and harvest energy through solar updraft. The elevated temperatures under the canopies will provide improved climatic conditions for human inhabitation and a bioremediation industry. Beneath the canopy, the inhabitants will be free to ‘plug-in’ to the provided infrastructure with their own version of ‘home’. A stronger attachment to the community, between people, and new clean industries that the population can find pride in, will vastly improve the reputation of the region.
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Mobility Matters: Tamang Women's Gendered Experiences of Work, Labour Migration and Anti-Trafficking Discourses in NepalDevries, Samantha May 13 April 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the gendered work experiences and labour migration aspirations of Tamang women in Nepal. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the various factors that encourage and discourage Tamang women from travelling in search of paid work. I investigated these factors by conducting a qualitative study of Tamang women’s gender roles, economic opportunities, economic contributions, physical mobility, as well as cultural attitudes regarding women’s mobility. I found that participants wish to migrate in order to seek better employment opportunities, improve the financial status of their households, acquire prestige, as well as to experience adventure, modernity and independence. Although many participants wish to migrate, discourses about appropriate gender roles, women’s sexuality, human trafficking, travel and safety are all influential in discouraging Tamang women from travelling in search of paid work. In this thesis, I argue that anti-trafficking campaigns contribute to propagating these discourses and discouraging women’s independent travel. / Richard and Sophia Hungerford Graduate Scholarship and the Richard and Sophia Hungerford Research Travel Grant
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Seasonal variation and biological effects on mudflat erodibility in the Minas Basin, Bay of FundyCarrière-Garwood, Jessica 12 November 2013 (has links)
The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of intertidal mudflat biofilms on sediment erosion in the Minas Basin of the Bay of Fundy, Canada. From April through November 2012, sediment cores were collected biweekly and eroded using a Gust micro- cosm. Half of the cores were eroded without undergoing prior treatment, while the other half were treated with bleach prior to erosion to destroy biofilms. Size-specific sediment retention by biofilms was evaluated by comparing the disaggregated inorganic grain size (DIGS) distributions of sediment resuspended from untreated and treated cores, while seasonal variation in natural sediment erodibility was assessed by focusing on the mass eroded from untreated cores only. Results show that biofilms preferentially retained clays and very fine silts (< 10 μm), and that overall sediment erodibility decreased from spring to fall. Results also indicate that abundance of the infaunal amphipod Corophium volutator and rainfall increased sediment erodibility.
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The Social Reproduction of Systemic Racial InequalityMueller, Jennifer C 16 December 2013 (has links)
The racial wealth gap is a deeply inexorable indicator of inequality. Today the average family of color holds only six cents of wealth for every dollar owned by whites. What accounts for such stubborn inequality in an era lauded as racially progressive? Intergenerational family links suggest a major linchpin. In this dissertation I work toward a race critical theory of social reproduction, drawing on 156 family histories of intergenerational wealth transfer. These data were categorically coded for instances of wealth and capital acquisition and transfer, as well as qualitatively analyzed for thematic patterns using the extended case method. My analysis targets specific social mechanisms that differentially promote the transmission of wealth and other forms of capital (e.g., social networks, educational credentials) across racial groups over time.
I isolate racial patterns in the mobility trajectories of families through an original construct, inheritance pathways – instances involving the transfer and/or interconvertiblity of wealth/capital between two or more generations. Among my sample, inheritance pathways were regularly traceable from ancestors living during legal slavery and segregation. My analysis reveals that the wealth and capital acquired by white families regularly works in interlocking, supportive ways to “pave” pathways of protected, intergenerational mobility over time. In contrast, though families of color evidence many efforts to build upwardly mobile pathways, they are frequently divested of their capital through both explicitly and subtly racist means. Moreover, the value of their capital is often diminished, making it less useful in launching and sustaining mobility pathways. My analysis hones in on the recursive relationship between micro level family actions and the racial state, which is regularly implicated in these processes.
I draw on these data to additionally expand the concept racial capital – a type of “currency” that intersects with other forms of capital for individuals, families and groups. Collectively, the inheritance pathways of families suggest that whiteness often intervenes to (1) “unlock” forms of capital for some individuals/families/groups; and, (2) enhance the value of other forms of capital. Ultimately I argue that inheritance pathways and racial capital serve as primary means for reproducing conditions and meanings that sustain systemic racism over time.
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Physical mobility and aging in intellectual disabilityCleaver, Shaun Robert 14 September 2007 (has links)
Background: The growing population of older adults with intellectual disabilities is likely to experience secondary disabilities that affect well-being. Despite the established importance of mobility in the general population, there is little evidence of a scientific base on mobility limitations for people with intellectual disabilities.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to better understand mobility limitations in adults with intellectual disabilities, age 45 and over, by describing the prevalence and severity of mobility limitations and determining the association with living in a high support setting.
Methods: A systematic review of published literature on mobility limitations among adults with intellectual disabilities was conducted using a pre-determined search and extraction strategies. A cross-sectional study was then conducted among a representative sample of adults, age 45 and over with intellectual disabilities in South Eastern Ontario. Data was collected through standardized proxy response telephone surveys and analyzed descriptively to determine the prevalence and severity of mobility limitations in this population. A multivariate logistic regression model was then used to examine the association between mobility limitations and residential status.
Results: The systematic review identified 32 publications that met all inclusion criteria. Publications were generally not focused on mobility, cross-sectional in design and few investigators addressed key methodological features in their report. Original data was collected for 128 older adults with intellectual disabilities. The prevalence of mobility limitations varied according to the definition employed. Using comparable definitions, this prevalence was higher than what is seen in the general Canadian population. The prevalence of mobility limitations was not found to increase with age but was greater in females than males. People with intellectual disabilities and mobility limitations had 3.6 times greater odds of living in high support residential settings than those without mobility limitations. This difference was statistically significant.
Conclusion: Past epidemiological research on mobility limitations for people with intellectual disabilities is of poor quality. In addressing these limitations, this study found that mobility limitations are common among people with intellectual disabilities and are associated with meaningful outcomes, such as the place in which a person lives. / Thesis (Master, Community Health & Epidemiology) -- Queen's University, 2007-08-23 22:56:48.77
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Interference Management and Call Admission Control in Two-Tier Cellular Wireless NetworksSaquib, Nazmus 13 February 2013 (has links)
Two-tier macrocell-femtocell network is considered an efficient solution to enhance area spectral-efficiency, improve cell coverage and provide better quality-of-service (QoS) to mobile users. However, interference and mobility management are considered to be the major issues for successful deployment of macrocell-femtocell network. In this thesis, a unified framework is developed for interference management, resource allocation, and call admission control (CAC) for two-tier macrocell-femtocell network. Fractional frequency reuse (FFR) is considered to provide both link-level and call-level QoS measures for mobile users. In this framework, joint resource allocation and interference coordination problem is formulated as an optimization problem to obtain design parameters for sectored FFR. The CAC problem is formulated as Semi-Markov Decision Process and Value Iteration Algorithm is used to obtain optimal admission control policy. Performance of this framework is evaluated through simulations. The performance evaluation results show that the proposed framework outperforms traditional non-optimized FFR scheme in two-tier network.
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The study of factors influencing teacher mobility in post-primary schools of Leribe, Lesotho.Masoebe, Liteboho E. January 2003 (has links)
One of the practices in post-primary schools of Leribe is teacher movement between schools (Teacher Mobility). This study was intended to determine factors influencing teacher mobility in Leribe post-primary schools in Lesotho. Random sampling of heads of department, teachers (transferred and not transferred), and parent representatives was carried out from the target population of all heads of departments, all teachers in different categories, head teachers, deputy head teachers, education officers and parents representatives in the Leribe district. Samples were made up 18 head teachers and 18 deputy head teachers, 36 heads of department, 144 teachers (72 transferred and 72 not transferred), 36 parent representatives and 8 education officers. Two leaders of teachers unions were part of the sample. The study used both quantitative and qualitative research techniques in collecting data. Questionnaires were used to collect data from head teachers, deputy head teachers, and heads of department, teachers and parent representatives. Education officers and leaders of teachers unions were personally interviewed because they were fewer in number. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data and the following results were revealed by the study: The lack of facilities in schools and poor management of schools contributed to teacher mobility in the Leribe district. Teachers' preference of teaching near home and teaching in schools situated in urban areas. Unsatisfied teachers' needs and interests, lack of grants in schools and teachers' preference of teaching in better performing schools in examinations. Lack of co-operation among teachers themselves and between teachers and administration. The remaining teachers were negatively affected because of high teaching overloads. Disorganization of schools plans Students' academic performance was negatively affected. Respondents were aware of teacher mobility, however, they could not determine the extent at which it was happening. Suggestions by the respondents to address teacher mobility were as follows: Teachers must be involved in the affairs of the school and provision of equal facilities by stakeholders in all schools. Meeting teachers' needs and interests and creation of good working relationships in schools. Review of policies and rules in relation to teachers' transfers. From the findings it was noted that several factors contributed to teacher movements between schools in Lesotho and more particularly in the Leribe district. Teacher transfers were exacerbated by the teaching service regulation on transfer which allowed teachers to transfer to other schools whenever they deemed necessary. Recommendation for further research was that, research could be undertaken using a more qualitative approach in order to get in-depth information from the respondents. The further study could also be undertaken involving more than one district in the country to determine factors influencing teacher mobility in schools which the present might not have accomplished. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.
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An evaluation of variables affecting black residential patterning in Atlanta and their application to black enclavesMatthews, Anne Rachel 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Three essays on flexible working arrangements and labour market outcomesLi, Jing January 2012 (has links)
This thesis looks at the effects of flexible working arrangements on workers' labour market outcomes. The particular type of flexible working arrangement analysed in this thesis is called "flexitime". This is an arrangement which gives workers the freedom to choose when to start and end their work. Flexitime provides workers with a new way to cater to their domestic responsibilities and in turn may reduce the costs of participating in the labour market. Therefore, it is closely connected with workers' compensation structure, human capital accumulation process, labour supply and job mobility. The effects of flexitime on workers' labour market outcomes are analysed from three aspects: wage, labour supply, and job mobility. The first chapter gives an introduction and overview of the thesis. The second chapter is a study on the compensating wage differentials associated with flexitime. In general I do not find convincing evidence showing the existence of compensating wage differentials associated with flexitime. One possible reason might be that flexitime brings additional benefits to firms (such as increased productivity and reduced turnover rate) so that firms may not necessarily need to reduce actual wages in exchange for flexitime provision. In the third chapter, I develop a model describing how flexitime may affect workers' labour supply decisions. The main finding of the model is that flexitime will increase workers' labour supply when the benefit associated with flexitime (increased child care production efficiency) is high relative to the cost of wage reduction (prediction 1). Meanwhile, the model also predicts that flexitime causes high human capital workers to increase their labour supply more than low human capital workers (prediction 2). Empirical findings show that flexitime is positively associated with working mothers' labour market hours, which confirms model prediction 1. However, there is arguably insufficient empirical evidence verifying model prediction 2. The fourth chapter considers the relationship between flexitime and workers' job satisfaction and job mobility. Flexitime is associated with high job satisfaction levels for both male and female workers. It also reduces the probability of quitting for female workers with young children. Male workers' job mobility decisions are not significantly affected by flexitime. The fifth chapter gives the conclusion of the thesis.
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