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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CoMDD: uma abordagem colaborativa para auxiliar o desenvolvimento orientado a modelos / CoMDD: a collaborative model driven development approach

David Fernandes Neto 01 June 2012 (has links)
O desenvolvimento orientado a modelos (Model Driven Development - MDD) é uma abordagem que tem ganhado cada vez mais espaço na indústria e na academia, trazendo grandes benefícios, como o aumento de produtividade. Uma forma de se trabalhar usando MDD em equipe é usando uma IDE (Integrated Development Environment) associada a um sistema de versionamento. Entretanto, trabalhar colaborativamente usando uma IDE associada a um sistema de versionamento pode trazer algumas complicações para o desenvolvimento como: conflitos de modelos, documentação descontinuada, dificuldades por parte dos interessados em usar sistemas de versionamento, etc. Nesse contexto, este trabalho propõe uma abordagem de uso de wiki para desenvolvimento de MDD, de modo que o desenvolvedor seja capaz de criar modelos, gerar código fonte, compartilhar e versionar os modelos e ainda documentar colaborativamente, de maneira mais simples e fácil do que abordagens tradicionais. Isso possibilita que mais usuários não desenvolvedores possam participar mais no processo de desenvolvimento e ainda permite o aumento de produtividade. Para tentar evidenciar de que é possível uma wiki ser usada para desenvolver software, foi criada uma Domain Specific Language - DSL em uma wiki e foram realizados três estudos de caso: um com estudantes do ensino médio e que representam os não desenvolvedores, um com quatro alunos de pós-graduação com experiência de desenvolvimento na indústria e o último estudo de caso foi realizado com 48 participantes entre desenvolvedores e alunos de pósgraduação em Ciências da Computação. Os estudos de caso mostraram que é viável usar uma wiki para desenvolvimento, que não desenvolvedores se adaptam bem à abordagem e que 86% dos desenvolvedores usariam a abordagem proposta se tivessem que trabalhar com MDD. Os estudos de caso também levantaram as principais barreiras para aumentar a aceitação da abordagem. Com isso, este trabalho apresenta além de uma abordagem relativamente inédita na literatura, resultados sobre uso de sistemas de versionamento, de IDEs e de desenvolvimento colaborativo / The Model Driven Development (MDD) is an approach that has gained more space in industry and academia, bringing great benefits such as increased productivity. One way of working in teams with MDD is using an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with a versioning system. However, to collaboratively work with an IDE and a versioning system may have implications and problems for the development as: conflicts of models, documentation discontinued, difficulties for stakeholders to use versioning systems, etc. In this context, this work proposes an approach to use a wiki to develop MDD, so that the developer is able to create models, generate source code, sharing and versioning models and also to collaboratively document, in a more simple and easy way than the traditional approaches. This enables non developers can participate more in the development process and also allows increasing productivity. To try to show that a wiki can be used to develop software, we created a Domain Specific Language (DSL) in a wiki and were performed three case studies: one with high school students and represent the non developers, another one with four graduate students with experience in software development in the industry, and the last case study was conducted with 48 participants among developers and graduate students in Computer Science. The case studies showed the feasibility of using a wiki for development, that non developers adapted well to the approach and 86 % of the developers would use a wiki to develop MDD. The study also raised the main barriers to increase the acceptance of the approach. Therefore, this work presents also a relatively new approach in the literature and results on the use of versioning systems, IDEs and collaboratively development

Modelem řízený vývoj Android aplikací / Model Driven Development of Android Applications

Bělehrádek, Stanislav January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of Android application development tool based on model driven software development. The first part of the thesis is focused on general software development and next part on software development based on model driven development and executable UML. In next part Android platform, methods of Android application development and existing MDD tools are described. This thesis continues with the design of my own MDD tool for the creation of Android applications. The designed tool is realized like Gradle plugin and independent development environment using thisplugin. The designed tool is based on fUML and ALF language. The features and options of development tool are demonstrated by creation of example application.

Automated Modeling of Human-in-the-Loop Systems

Noah M Marquand (11587612) 22 November 2021 (has links)
Safety in human in the loop systems, systems that change behavior with human input, is difficult to achieve. This difficulty can cost lives. As desired system capability grows, so too does the requisite complexity of the system. This complexity can result in designers not accounting for every use case of the system and unintentionally designing in unsafe behavior. Furthermore, complexity of operation and control can result in operators becoming confused during use or receiving insufficient training in the first place. All these cases can result in unsafe operations. One method of improving safety is implementing the use of formal models during the design process. These formal models can be analyzed mathematically to detect dangerous conditions, but can be difficult to produce without time, money, and expertise.<br> This document details the study of potential methods for constructing formal models autonomously from recorded observations of system use, minimizing the need for system expertise, saving time, money, and personnel in this safety critical process. I first discuss how different system characteristics affect system modeling, isolating specific traits that most clearly affect the modeling process Then, I develop a technique for modeling a simple, digital, menu-based system based on a record of user inputs. This technique attempts to measure the availability of different inputs for the user, and then distinguishes states by comparing input availabilities. From there, I compare paths between states and check for shared behaviors. I then expand the general procedure to capture the behavior of a flight simulator. This system more closely resembles real-world safety critical systems and can therefore be used to approximate a real use case of the method outlined. I use machine learning tools for statistical analysis, comparing patterns in system behavior and user behaviors. Last, I discuss general conclusions on how the modeling approaches outlined in this document can be improved and expanded upon.<br> For simple systems, we find that inputs alone can produce state machines, but without corresponding system information, they are less helpful for determining relative safety of different use cases than is needed. Through machine learning, we find that records of complex system use can be decomposed into sets of nominal and anomalous states but determining the causal link between user inputs and transitions between these conditions is not simple and requires further research.

Rahmenwerk zur integrativen Gestaltung von Services: Modellgetriebene Servicebeschreibung

Augenstein, Christoph 03 June 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der modellgetriebenen Servicebeschreibung, einem Ansatz zur integrativen Beschreibung bzw. Modellierung von Services. Ausgehend von der Prämisse, dass die Natur von Services nur schwer zu erfassen ist und eine Disziplinen-übergreifende Positiv-Definition nicht erreicht werden kann, soll mit dem Ansatz eine Syn-these bisher vorhandener Modellierungsansätze erfolgen. Das Ziel liegt dabei nicht in einem erneuten Versuch, ein vollständiges Modell zur Beschreibung von Services zu entwickeln, sondern vielmehr vorhandene Perspektiven so zu integrieren, dass ein vollständiges Bild als eine Art Mosaik entsteht. Den Kern der Arbeit bildet das Service Modeling Framework. Als Rahmenwerk umfasst es Anforderungen und Restriktionen für die Arbeit mit unter-schiedlichen Servicemodellen, definiert Methoden zur Integration und bietet Werkzeuge, mit deren Hilfe die darin enthaltenen Konzepte umgesetzt werden. Ziel der Konstruktion des Rahmenwerks ist es Nutzer in die Lage zu versetzen mittels mo-dellgetriebener Verfahren eine Zusammenführung von Modellen zu ermöglichen. Auf Basis einer fachlichen, nicht nur syntaktischen Beschreibung von Beziehungen zwischen Model-len und Modellelementen sollen Zusammenhänge modelliert werden, die einen Informati-onsaustausch zwischen Modellen realisieren. Dadurch werden Abhängigkeiten zwischen Modellen explizit formuliert oder aber die Entwicklung neuer Modelle auf Basis bereits bestehender Modelle vorangetrieben. Der Beitrag dieser Arbeit besteht in der Erarbeitung der notwendigen Konzepte und in der Bereitstellung geeigneter Verfahren sowie Werkzeugen zur Umsetzung. Insbesondere stellt diese Arbeit einen Metamodell-basierten Ansatz zur Verfügung, mit dem Modelle über ein Domänen-neutrales Basismetamodell zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt werden können. Zugehörige Werkzeuge, wie Editoren, zeigen eine prototypische Umsetzbarkeit.

Personal Resource Management (PRM) in der modernen Produktentwicklung

Schleidt, Bettina January 2016 (has links)
Zunächst wird ein Überblick über berufliche Herausforderungen für Menschen in der modernen Produktentwicklung (-> Industrie 4.0) gegeben. Anschließend wird ein allgemeines Rahmenmodell beschrieben, in dem (nicht nur) psychologische Faktoren dargestellt werden, die menschliches Fühlen, Denken und Handeln beeinflussen. Im dritten Abschnitt wird ein Blick über den Tellerrand geworfen: In der Luftfahrt sind sogenannte Crew Resource Management Seminare für Besatzungen von Verkehrsflugzeugen gesetzlich verpflichtender Teil der Personalentwicklung und Weiterbildung. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, in wieweit Zielsetzung und Inhalte dieser Seminare auf das Setting und die Bedürfnisse eines in der modernen Produktentwicklung tätigen Menschen übertragen werden können. Diese Überlegungen münden in den Ansatz des sogenannten Personal Resource Management, der den in der Produktentwicklung tätigen Menschen dabei unterstützen kann, sich der ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen bewusst zu werden und Wege zu finden, diese Ressourcen in einem komplexen Umfeld zielorientiert abzurufen und ntsprechende Leistungen zu erbringen und gesund zu bleiben.

Elevers attityder gentemot matematik på två grundskolor med olika socioekonomiska förutsättningar

Håkansson, Isabell January 2019 (has links)
Matematik är ett debatterat ämne som diskuteras i såväl skolans och medias värld. Få andra skolämnen skapar så mycket känslor som detta ämne (Olèn, 2016). Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka attityder till matematik hos unga elever samt dess bakomliggande faktorer i den sociala närmiljön. Vidare ämnar även studien att undersöka om det förekommer skillnader i attityder på två grundskolor i Malmö med olika socioekonomiska förutsättningar. För att undersöka detta har en enkät blivit besvarad av elever i en klass från varje skola. Tidigare nationell och internationell forskning visar på elevers negativa attityder gentemot matematik. Trots det visar resultatet i denna studie att en majoritet av eleverna uttrycker positiva attityder oavsett socioekonomiska förutsättningar. Framträdande skillnader mellan skolorna är användandet av matematik utanför skolmiljön. Tendenser påvisar att vårdnadshavare med högre utbildning har en prevalens av att vara mindre involverade i elevers matematik-utveckling i hemmet, enligt elevernas uppfattning. Samma elever uttrycker i högre utsträckning att de sällan får hjälp i eller samtalar om matematik i hemmet. Däremot visar resultatet att de elever som uppgett att deras vårdnadshavare saknar utbildning på högskola eller universitet erbjuds mer stöttning genom hjälp och samtal om matematik i hemmet. Studiens resultat belyser att läroboken, av eleverna, anses utgöra en central roll i matematikundervisningen på båda skolorna. Övriga likheter uppvisas genom att samtliga respondenter anser att ämnet är viktigt och en majoritet uppger även att de vill fortsätta att arbeta i läroboken i matematikundervisningen. Det framgår av resultatet att en merpart av eleverna upplever att undervisningen utgörs av kommunikation i form av diskussion och samtal i tillägg till lärobokens centrala roll. Flera svar tyder också på att mottagarna av undervisningen uppfattar lektionerna som varierade. Studien visar vidare att lärare eller vårdnadshavare är de som, ur elevernas perspektiv, har störst inverkan på attityden till matematik. / Mathematics is a topic which is up for debate and discussion in school as well as the media. Few other educational subjects induces emotions in the same manner as mathematics. The purpose of this paper is to examine the attitude towards mathematics in young students and the underlying influences by the immediate social environment. Further, the papers intends to examine if there are differences in attitudes towards mathematics in two different elementary schools in Malmö, Sweden, with different socio-economic conditions. In order to examine the topic, a questionnaire has been conducted with one class from each school. Pre-existing national as well as international research indicates a negative attitude towards mathematics in students. In contrary to this, the results of this study concludes a majority of the students expresses positive attitudes on the subject regardless of socio-economic basis. Augmented differences between the two schools are found to be in the use of mathematics outside of the educational environment. There are tendencies at display which indicates parental guardians with higher education are prevalent to be less involved in the students development in mathematics at home, according to the students perception. To a higher extent, the same students expresses that they receive less assistance or discussion regarding mathematics at home. On the contrary, the result indicates that students who stated their parental guardians lack higher level education such as a university degree receives more support through assistance and discussion regarding mathematics at home. The result illustrates that the textbook is, by the students, perceived as a central role of the mathematical education on both schools. Other similarities are at display through the fact that all respondents are of the opinion that mathematics is an important subject and a majority of them reports that they would like to continue working in the text book during mathematics education. It also apparent from the result that a majority of the students experience that the learning is conducted through communication in the form of discussion and conversation in addition to the central role of textbooks. Several answers also indicates that the recipients of the education acknowledges the classes or lessons as varied. Further, the study demonstrates that teachers or parental guardians are the ones, out of the students perspective, who implicates the students attitude towards mathematics the most.

Verknüpfung von formaler Verifikation und modellgetriebener Entwicklung

Ammann, Christian 29 April 2015 (has links)
Die modellgetriebene Entwicklung (MDD) ist ein Ansatz, um formale Modelle automatisiert in ausführbare Software zu übersetzen. Obwohl dieses Vorgehen die Häufigkeit von Fehlern im generierten Quellcode verringert, können immer noch die Ausgangsmodelle fehlerhaft sein. Deshalb sind zusätzliche Prüfverfahren, wie z.B. die Verwendung eines Model Checkers sinnvoll. Er stellt automatisiert sicher, dass ein Modell alle gestellten Anforderungen erfüllt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist daher die Integration eines Model Checkers in den modellgetriebenen Entwicklungsprozess, um die Qualität von Software-Produkten zu verbessern. Zu diesem Zweck wird das sogenannte DSL Verification Framework (DVF) vorgestellt. Es stellt Entwicklern vorgefertigte Sprachkonstrukte zur Verfügung, um die Implementierung von Parsern und Transformatoren zu erleichtern. Des Weiteren berücksichtigt es auch die "State Space Explosion", damit auch größere Modelle verifizierbar bleiben. Um die praktische Nutzung des DVF zu evaluieren, werden zwei Industriefallstudien durchgeführt.

Hybrid Electric Vehicle Model Development and Design of Controls Testing Framework

Satra, Mahaveer Kantilal January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Modellbasierte Entwicklungsmethoden als Enabler von Smart Services im Kontext von Industrie 4.0

Kampfmann, Rüdiger, Menager, Nils 29 May 2018 (has links)
Ständig steigende Anforderungen an industrielle Anlagen, wie zum Beispiel ein höherer Durchsatz oder mehr Flexibilität, führen zu einer gesteigerten Komplexität dieser Systeme. Zusätzlich verlagert sich immer mehr Funktionalität aus dem Hardware- in den Softwarebereich, so dass dessen Bedeutung stetig zunimmt. Diesem Wandel mit wettbewerbsfähiger Entwicklungszeit zu begegnen, ist eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen im Automatisierungssektor. Einen Ansatz hierzu stellt die Verwendung modellbasierter Entwicklungsmethoden dar. Während in den frühen Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesses modellbasierte Methoden zunehmend häufiger eingesetzt werden, besteht vor allem in den späteren Entwicklungsphasen sowie in der Phase des Betriebs erheblicher Nachholbedarf. In diesem Beitrag werden zunächst die bereits heute in der Praxis verwendeten Methoden am Beispiel einer komplexen Roboterkinematik vorgestellt. Anschließend wird im Wesentlichen die Phase des Betriebs betrachtet und dargestellt, welche Mehrwerte sich durch die Verwendung so genannter Smart Services auf Basis der bereits vorhandenen physikalischen Simulationsmodelle ergeben.

Model Driven Development and Maintenance of Business Logic for Information Systems

Brückmann, Tobias 17 December 2010 (has links)
Since information systems become more and more important in today\''s society, business firms, organizations, and individuals rely on these systems to manage their daily business and social activities. The dependency of possibly critical business processes on complex IT systems requires a strategy that supports IT departments in reducing the time needed to implement changed or new domain requirements of functional departments. In this context, software models help to manage system\''s complexity and provide a tool for communication and documentation purposes. Moreover, software engineers tend to use automated software model processing such as code generation to improve development and maintenance processes. Particularly in the context of web-based information systems, a number of model driven approaches were developed. However, we believe that compared to the user interface layer and the persistency layer, there could be a better support of consistent approaches providing a suitable architecture for the consistent model driven development of business logic. To ameliorate this situation, we developed an architectural blueprint consisting of meta models, tools, and a method support for model driven development and maintenance of business logic from analysis until system maintenance. This blueprint, which we call Amabulo infrastructure, consists of five layers and provides concepts and tools to set up and apply concrete infrastructures for model driven development projects. Modeling languages can be applied as needed. In this thesis we focus on business logic layers of J2EE applications. However, concrete code generation rules can be adapted easily for different target platforms. After providing a high-level overview of our Amabulo infrastructure, we describe its layers in detail: The Visual Model Layer is responsible for all visual modeling tasks. For this purpose, we discuss requirements for visual software models for business logic, analyze several visual modeling languages concerning their usefulness, and provide an UML profile for business logic models. The Abstract Model Layer provides an abstract view on the business logic model in the form of a domain specific model, which we call Amabulo model. An Amabulo model is reduced to pure logical information concerning business logic aspects. It focuses on information that is relevant for the code generation. For this purpose, an Amabulo model integrates model elements for process modeling, state modeling, and structural modeling. It is used as a common interface between visual modeling languages and code generators. Visual models of the Visual Model Layer are automatically transformed into an Amabulo model. The Abstract System Layer provides a formal view onto the system in the form of a Coloured Petri Net (CPN). A Coloured Petri Net representation of the modeled business logic is a formal structure and independent of the actual business logic implementation. After an Amabulo model is automatically transformed into a CPN, it can be analyzed and simulated before any line of code is generated. The Code Generation Layer is responsible for code generation. To support the design and implementation of project-specific code generators, we discuss several aspects of code integration issues and provide object-oriented design approaches to tackle the issues. Then, we provide a conceptual mapping of Amabulo model elements into architectural elements of a J2EE infrastructure. This mapping explicitly considers robustness features, which support a later manual integration of generated critical code artifacts and external systems. The Application Layer is the target layer of an Amabulo infrastructure and comprises generated code artifacts. These artifacts are instances of a specific target platform specification, and they can be modified for integration purposes with development tools. Through the contributions in this thesis, we aim to provide an integrated set of solutions to support an efficient model driven development and maintenance process for the business logic of information systems. Therefore, we provide a consistent infrastructure blueprint that considers modeling tasks, model analysis tasks, and code generation tasks. As a result, we see potential for reducing the development and maintenance efforts for changed domain requirements and simultaneously guaranteeing robustness and maintainability even after several changes.

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