Spelling suggestions: "subject:"model off development"" "subject:"model oof development""
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Modellbasierte Entwicklung von Energiemanagement-Methoden für Flugzeug-EnergiesystemeSchlabe, Daniel 26 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Ein geringer Treibstoffverbrauch ist aufgrund von ökologischen und ökonomischen Zielen für die zivile Luftfahrt von großer Bedeutung. Daher werden seit Jahrzehnten konventionell hydraulisch oder pneumatisch betriebene Flugzeugsysteme durch elektrisch betriebene Systeme ersetzt. Dieser Trend wird auch als „More Electric Aircraft (MEA)“ bezeichnet. In bisherigen Studien waren MEA-Architekturen zwar effizienter, jedoch deutlich schwerer als die konventionellen Architekturen. Basierend auf ökonomischen Modellen wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit die modellbasierte Entwicklung eines intelligenten Energiemanagements für Flugzeug-Energiesysteme demonstriert. Das Energiemanagement ermöglicht eine deutliche Reduktion der Systemmasse, verbessert die Energieeffizienz und kann damit den Treibstoffverbrauch eines MEA beträchtlich reduzieren. Insbesondere durch die integrierte und frühzeitige Entwicklung des Energiemanagements mit dem elektrischen System in der Modellbeschreibungssprache Modelica lassen sich die Systemkomponenten mit realistischen Lastprofilen dimensionieren und dadurch die Systemmasse reduzieren.
Anhand eines elektrischen Referenzsystems wird das Optimierungspotenzial des Energiemanagements bezüglich Massenreduktion und Energieeffizienzsteigerung quantifiziert und am Systemmodell validiert. Es ergibt sich für das Systemmodell eine Reduktion der Systemmasse um 32 % sowie eine leichte Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz. Durch die multiphysikalische Implementierung des Energiemanagements lässt sich dieses auch für das thermische Management im Flugzeug verwenden. Hierbei kann eine deutliche Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz für die Bereitstellung von Kühlleistung erzielt werden. Aufgrund der erreichten Vorteile sollte ein Energiemanagement bei der Entwicklung zukünftiger Flugzeugenergiesysteme in Betracht gezogen werden. Insbesondere beim MEA existiert ein großes Optimierungspotenzial durch das Energiemanagement. Die Ausführungen in der vorliegenden Arbeit sollen als Motivation für die Flugzeugindustrie dienen, mit realistischen Lastprofilen zu dimensionieren und die modellbasierte und integrierte Entwicklung eines Energiemanagements mit den Energiesystemen bereits in frühen Entwicklungsphasen durchzuführen. / Low fuel consumption is a major concern in civil aerospace due to environmental and economic objectives. Hence, conventional hydraulically or pneumatically driven aircraft systems have been replaced by electrically driven systems for decades. This trend is also known as More Electric Aircraft (MEA). In former studies, MEA architectures were more efficient, but much heavier than their conventional counterparts. The present work demonstrates the model-based development of intelligent energy management algorithms for aircraft energy systems based on economic models. This energy management facilitates a significant reduction of system mass, improves energy efficiency and can hence reduce fuel consumption of MEA considerably. In particular, the integrated development of an energy management along with the electrical system in the Modelica modelling language enables sizing of system components with realistic load profiles. Hence, this reduces the system mass.
The optimization potential of the energy management is quantified and validated by means of an electrical reference system model. Applying the energy management, the mass of this system model can be reduced by 32 % and the energy efficiency can be improved slightly. Due to the multi-physical modelling of the energy management, it can also be applied to thermal management of aircraft systems. Thus, the energy efficiency of the cooling system can be improved significantly. As a result of the demonstrated benefits, an energy management should be considered for future development of aircraft energy systems. Especially for MEA, there is tremendous optimization potential for the energy management. Hence, the present work shall motivate aircraft industry to size aircraft systems with realistic load profiles and perform a model-based and integrated development of the energy management along with the electrical system in early phases of the system design process.
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[pt] Hoje em dia é incontável o volume aplicações desenvolvidas para a World Wide Web. Essas aplicações possuem interfaces com o usuário que devem ser capazes de se adaptar a diversas situações de uso, mudanças de contexto e conteúdo e ainda ser compatíveis com vários navegadores e dispositivos. Além disso, o projeto e a manutenção de interfaces que necessitam de adaptações em função das regras de negócio da aplicação demandam boa parte do esforço exigido durante do ciclo de vida do desenvolvimento de uma aplicação. Para auxiliar no projeto dessas interfaces, algumas UIDL s (User Interfaces Description Languages) foram propostas com o intuito de oferecer um nível de abstração para que o projetista não precise focar a atenção em aspectos mais concretos durante o desenvolvimento de uma interface. Esse trabalho apresenta uma proposta para modelagem e geração de interfaces de aplicações web baseadas em regras de produção. Essas regras definem critérios para as situações de: acionamento de uma interface, seleção dos elementos que participam da composição abstrata e do mapeamento dos widgets concretos que serão utilizados na etapa de renderização. Essa proposta contempla um método para modelagem das interfaces, uma arquitetura de implementação e um ambiente de autoria e execução dos modelos de interface. Também será apresentada uma arquitetura para construção de widgets concretos, uma máquina de interpretação e renderização de interfaces. O objetivo geral da proposta é conseguir projetar interfaces mais sensíveis aos dados e aos contextos de uso, cobrir certas situações de adaptação e gerar interfaces mais flexíveis e reutilizáveis. / [en] Today there is a countless number of applications developed for the World Wide Web. These applications have user interfaces that should be able to adapt to several usage scenarios, content and context changes and also to be compatible with multiple browsers and devices. Furthermore, the design and maintenance of interfaces that need adjustments depending on the business rules of the application require much effort during the development life cycle of an application. In order to assist in the design of these interfaces, some UIDL s (User Interface Description Languages) have been proposed aiming at providing a level of abstraction so that the designer does not need to immediately focus attention on concrete aspects during the development of an interface. This work presents a proposal for modeling and generating interfaces of web applications based on production rules. These rules define criteria for situations determining the activation of an interface; for the selection the elements that participate in the abstract composition and also for the mapping of specific widgets that will be used in the rendering stage. The proposal contemplates a method for modeling interfaces, an implementation architecture and a framework for authoring and execution of the proposed interface models. An architecture is also presented for building widgets as well as a concrete interface interpretation and rendering machine from a hierarchy specification. The overall goal of the proposal is to design interfaces more responsive to data and contexts of use, including situations of adaptation, generating more flexible and reusable interfaces.
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A model-based approach to support the systematic reuse and generation of safety artefacts in safety-critical software product line engineering / Uma abordagem dirigida a modelos para apoiar o reuso sistemático e geração de artefatos de safety em engenharia de linhas de produtos de sistemas embarcados críticosOliveira, André Luiz de 05 May 2016 (has links)
Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) has been proven to reduce development and maintenance costs, improving the time-to-market, and increasing the quality of product variants developed from a product family via systematic reuse of its core assets. SPLE has been successfully used in the development of safety-critical systems, especially in automotive and aerospace domains. Safety-critical systems have to be developed according to safety standards, which demands safety analysis, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), and assurance cases safety engineering artefacts. However, performing safety analysis, FTA, and assurance case construction activities from scratch and manually for each product variant is time-consuming and error-prone, whereas variability in safety engineering artefacts can be automatically managed with the support of variant management techniques. As safety is context-dependent, context and design variation directly impact in the safety properties changing hazards, their causes, the risks posed by these hazards to system safety, risk mitigation measures, and FTA results. Therefore, managing variability in safety artefacts from different levels of abstraction increases the complexity of the variability model, even with the support of variant management techniques. To achieve an effective balance between benefits and complexity in adopting an SPLE approach for safety-critical systems it is necessary to distinguish between reusable safety artefacts, whose variability should be managed, and those that should be generated from the reused safety artefacts. On the other hand, both industry and safety standards have recognized the use of model-based techniques to support safety analysis and assurance cases. Compositional safety analysis, design optimization, and model-based assurance cases are examples of techniques that have been used to support the generation of safety artefacts required to achieve safety certification. This thesis aims to propose a model-based approach that integrates model-based development, compositional safety analysis, and variant management techniques to support the systematic reuse and generation of safety artefacts in safety-critical software product line engineering. The approach contributes to reduce the effort and costs of performing safety analysis and assessment for a particular product variant, since such analysis is performed from the reused safety artefacts. Thus, variant-specific fault trees, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and assurance case artefacts required to achieve safety certification can be automatically generated with the support the model-based safety analysis and assurance case construction techniques. / Engenharia de Linha de Produtos de Software (ELPS) contribui para a redução dos custos de desenvolvimento e de manutenção, a melhoria do time-to-market, e o aumento da qualidade de produtos desenvolvidos a partir de uma família de produtos por meio do reuso sistemático dos ativos principais da linha de produtos. A ELPS vem sendo utilizada com sucesso no desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados críticos, especificamente nos domínios de sistemas automotivos e aeroespaciais. Sistemas embarcados críticos devem ser desenvolvidos de acordo com os requisitos definidos em padrões de segurança, que demandam a produção de artefatos de análise de segurança, árvores de falhas e casos de segurança. Entretanto, a realização de atividades de análise de segurança, análise de árvores de falhas e construção de casos de segurança de forma manual para cada produto de uma linha de produtos é uma tarefa demorada e propensa a erros. O gerenciamento de variabilidade em artefatos de análise de segurança pode ser automatizado com o apoio de técnicas de gerenciamento de variabilidades. Em virtude de safety ser uma propriedade dependente de contexto, a variabilidade no projeto e contexto inerente uma linha de produtos software impacta na definição de propriedades de segurança do sistema, modificando as ameaças à segurança do sistema, suas causas e riscos, medidas de mitigação aplicáveis, e resultados de análise de árvore de falhas. Dessa forma, gerenciar variabilidades em artefatos relacionados à safety em diferentes níveis de abstração aumenta a complexidade do modelo de variabilidade mesmo com o apoio de técnicas de gerenciamento de variabilidades. Para alcançar o equilíbrio eficaz entre os benefícios e a complexidade da adoção de uma abordagem de ELPS para o desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados críticos é necessário fazer a distinção entre artefatos de safety reusáveis, em que a variabilidade deve ser gerenciada, e artefatos de safety que devem ser gerados a partir de artefatos reusáveis. Por outro lado, tanto a indústria quanto os padrões de segurança têm reconhecido o uso de técnicas dirigidas a modelos para apoiar a análise segurança e a construção de casos de segurança. Técnicas de análise de segurança composicional e otimização de projeto, e de construção de casos de segurança dirigido a modelos vêm sendo utilizadas para apoiar a geração de artefatos de safety requeridos para certificação. O objetivo desta tese é a proposta de uma abordagem dirigida a modelos que integra técnicas de desenvolvimento dirigido a modelos, análise de segurança composicional e otimização de projeto, e construção de casos de segurança dirigido a modelos para apoiar o reuso sistemático e a geração de artefatos de safety em engenharia de linhas de produtos de sistemas embarcados críticos. A abordagem proposta reduz o esforço e os custos de análise e avaliação de segurança para produtos de uma linha de produtos, uma vez que tal análise é realizada a partir de artefatos de safety reusados. Assim, artefatos como análises de árvores de falhas e de modos de falha e efeitos, e casos de segurança requeridos para certificação podem ser gerados automaticamente com o apoio de técnicas dirigidas a modelos.
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Geração parcial de código Java a partir de especificações formais Z. / Partial generation of Java code from Z formal specifications.Miyazawa, Alvaro Heiji 03 October 2008 (has links)
Especificações formais são úteis para descrever o que um sistema deve fazer sem definir como, e, em virtude da sua natureza formal e da possibilidade de abstração, é possível analisá-las sistematicamente. No entanto, o uso de especificações formais como parte do desenvolvimento de software não constitui prática comum. Isso se dá, em parte, pelo fato de existirem apenas um pequeno número de metodologias e ferramentas adequadas que dêem suporte a esse desenvolvimento. O primeiro objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma metodologia de desenvolvimento que possibilite, a partir de uma especificação formal em notação Z, produzir uma implementação dessa especificação em Java. Essa metodologia centra-se na geração do esqueleto da aplicação Java e na instrumentação desse esqueleto com mecanismos de verificação de condições (invariantes, pré e pós-condições) e rastreamento de violações dessas condições. Através desses mecanismos, possibilita-se intercalar desenvolvimento formal e informal no processo global de desenvolvimento de software. O segundo objetivo é desenvolver uma ferramenta que implemente parte dessa metodologia, produzindo uma implementação parcial que deverá ser complementada pelo usuário. / Formal specifications are useful for describing what a system should do, without defining how, and, owing to its formal nature, it is possible to analyse them systematically. However useful formal specifications are, their usage as part of the software development process is rather rare. This is, in part, due to the scarcity of both methodologies and tools that support this development. The first goal of this work is to define a software development methodology that enables the developer to produce a Java application from a formal specification written in Z. This methodology will rely strongly on the generation of Java application skeletons and instrumentation of the generated code with means of verifying conditions (invariants, pre and post-conditions) e tracing violations of these conditions. Through this mechanisms, it is possible to mix formal and informal development in the global software development process. The second goal of this work is to develop a tool that will implement part of this methodology, producing a partial implementation that must be complemented by the developer.
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Of monarchs and hydrarchs : a conceptual development model for viking activity across the Frankish realm (c. 750-940 CE)Cooijmans, Christian Albertus January 2018 (has links)
Despite decades of scholarly scrutiny, the politico-economic exploits of vikings in and around the Frankish realm (c. 750-940 CE) remain - to a considerable extent - obscured by the constraints of a fragmentary and biased corpus of (near-)contemporary evidence, conveying the impression that these movements were capricious, haphazard, and gratuitous in character. For this reason, rather than selectively assessing individual instances of regional Franco-Scandinavian interaction, the present study approaches the available interdisciplinary data on a cumulative and conceptual level, and combines this with the innovative use of GIS to detect and define overall spatiotemporal patterns of viking activity. Set against a backdrop of continuous commerce and knowledge exchange, this overarching survey demonstrates the existence of a relatively uniform, sequential framework of wealth extraction, encampment, and political engagement, within which Scandinavian fleets operated as adaptable, ambulant polities - or 'hydrarchies'. By delineating and visualising this framework, a four-phased conceptual development model of hydrarchic conduct and consequence is established, whose validity is substantiated by its application to three distinct regional case studies: the lower Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt Basin, the Seine Basin, and the Loire Basin. As well as facilitating the deductive analysis of viking activity for which primary evidence has thus far been ambiguous or altogether absent, the parameters of this abstract model affirm that Scandinavian movements across Francia were the result of prudent and expedient decision-making processes, contingent on exchanged intelligence, cumulative experience, and the ongoing individual and collective need for socioeconomic subsistence and enrichment.
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Integrated information management in complex product developmentMalvius, Diana January 2009 (has links)
Where do companies begin their efforts when trying to improve information management in product development? In large companies involving many people, multiple processes and highly technological products several factors have an impact on efficiency. Interdisciplinary integration and structured information are two overall proposed key factors that have been identified as important to obtain efficient information management. Measurement of satisfaction level among information systems users is proposed as an angle of approach to identify key improvement areas from an operative perspective that are argued to be strategic for management to address. However, the need for adjustments to contextual prerequisites and a changing environment makes evaluation necessary prior to measurement. An evaluation framework is proposed to identify metrics that are tailored and kept in line with business and development strategies to ensure their relevancy. This research has aimed at taking a holistic approach to information management in complex product development. The research focus has been on the integration between engineering disciplines where software and electrical R&D departments at automotive companies have been the main source of the analysis material. Integrated information management entails support for activities within the engineering domain. Several strategies are discussed to manage trade-offs in organizations in order to succeed with integrated information management. A needs-based balance is one important approach proposed to resolve changing and conflicting needs. Furthermore, it is argued that operative and strategic goals should be allowed to co-exist. Providing the right infrastructure to support designers in their everyday work does not necessarily mean additional functionality to existing information systems or automated work activities by improved document templates. Rather, it is suggested that a shift in focus (from addressing detailed requirements management to reflecting on interrelationships between information objects and system inter-dependencies) would be a strong mechanism to succeed with information management. The transition into model-based development is argued to be a much needed change for organizations to obtain integrated information management, since a model-based approach is considered an important basis for structured information. Anticipated benefits with integrated information management are increased information availability, reduced information overflow, and enhanced communication and understanding of critical system dependencies / QC 20100730
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Modell und Optimierungsansatz für Open Source SoftwareentwicklungsprozesseDietze, Stefan January 2004 (has links)
Gerade in den letzten Jahren erfuhr Open Source Software (OSS) eine zunehmende Verbreitung und Popularität und hat sich in verschiedenen Anwendungsdomänen etabliert. Die Prozesse, welche sich im Kontext der OSS-Entwicklung (auch: OSSD – Open Source Software-Development) evolutionär herausgebildet haben, weisen in den verschiedenen OSS-Entwicklungsprojekten z.T. ähnliche Eigenschaften und Strukturen auf und auch die involvierten Entitäten, wie z.B. Artefakte, Rollen oder Software-Werkzeuge sind weitgehend miteinander vergleichbar.
Dies motiviert den Gedanken, ein verallgemeinerbares Modell zu entwickeln, welches die generalisierbaren Entwicklungsprozesse im Kontext von OSS zu einem übertragbaren Modell abstrahiert. Auch in der Wissenschaftsdisziplin des Software Engineering (SE) wurde bereits erkannt, dass sich der OSSD-Ansatz in verschiedenen Aspekten erheblich von klassischen (proprietären) Modellen des SE unterscheidet und daher diese Methoden einer eigenen wissenschaftlichen Betrachtung bedürfen.
In verschiedenen Publikationen wurden zwar bereits einzelne Aspekte der OSS-Entwicklung analysiert und Theorien über die zugrundeliegenden Entwicklungsmethoden formuliert, aber es existiert noch keine umfassende Beschreibung der typischen Prozesse der OSSD-Methodik, die auf einer empirischen Untersuchung existierender OSS-Entwicklungsprojekte basiert. Da dies eine Voraussetzung für die weitere wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit OSSD-Prozessen darstellt, wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit auf der Basis vergleichender Fallstudien ein deskriptives Modell der OSSD-Prozesse hergeleitet und mit Modellierungselementen der UML formalisiert beschrieben. Das Modell generalisiert die identifizierten Prozesse, Prozessentitäten und Software-Infrastrukturen der untersuchten OSSD-Projekte. Es basiert auf einem eigens entwickelten Metamodell, welches die zu analysierenden Entitäten identifiziert und die Modellierungssichten und -elemente beschreibt, die zur UML-basierten Beschreibung der Entwicklungsprozesse verwendet werden.
In einem weiteren Arbeitsschritt wird eine weiterführende Analyse des identifizierten Modells durchgeführt, um Implikationen, und Optimierungspotentiale aufzuzeigen. Diese umfassen beispielsweise die ungenügende Plan- und Terminierbarkeit von Prozessen oder die beobachtete Tendenz von OSSD-Akteuren, verschiedene Aktivitäten mit unterschiedlicher Intensität entsprechend der subjektiv wahrgenommenen Anreize auszuüben, was zur Vernachlässigung einiger Prozesse führt.
Anschließend werden Optimierungszielstellungen dargestellt, die diese Unzulänglichkeiten adressieren, und ein Optimierungsansatz zur Verbesserung des OSSD-Modells wird beschrieben. Dieser Ansatz umfasst die Erweiterung der identifizierten Rollen, die Einführung neuer oder die Erweiterung bereits identifizierter Prozesse und die Modifikation oder Erweiterung der Artefakte des generalisierten OSS-Entwicklungsmodells. Die vorgestellten Modellerweiterungen dienen vor allem einer gesteigerten Qualitätssicherung und der Kompensation von vernachlässigten Prozessen, um sowohl die entwickelte Software- als auch die Prozessqualität im OSSD-Kontext zu verbessern.
Desweiteren werden Softwarefunktionalitäten beschrieben, welche die identifizierte bestehende Software-Infrastruktur erweitern und eine gesamtheitlichere, softwaretechnische Unterstützung der OSSD-Prozesse ermöglichen sollen. Abschließend werden verschiedene Anwendungsszenarien der Methoden des OSS-Entwicklungsmodells, u.a. auch im kommerziellen SE, identifiziert und ein Implementierungsansatz basierend auf der OSS GENESIS vorgestellt, der zur Implementierung und Unterstützung des OSSD-Modells verwendet werden kann. / In recent years Open Source Software (OSS) has become more widespread and its popularity has grown so that it is now established in various application domains. The processes which have emerged evolutionarily within the context of OSS development (OSSD – Open Source Software Development) display, to some extent, similar properties and structures in the various OSSD projects. The involved entities, e.g., artifacts, roles or software tools, are also widely comparable.
This leads to the idea of developing a generalizable model which abstracts the generalizable development processes within the context of OSS to a transferable model. Even the scientific discipline of Software Engineering (SE) has recognized that the OSSD approach is, in various aspects, considerably different from traditional (proprietary) models of SE, and that these methods therefore require their own scientific consideration.
Numerous publications have already analyzed individual aspects of OSSD and formulated theories about the fundamental development methods, but to date there is still no comprehensive description of the typical processes of OSSD methodology based on an empirical study of existing OSSD projects. Since this is a precondition for the further scientific examination of OSSD processes, a descriptive model of OSSD processes is obtained on the basis of comparative case studies and described in a formalized manner with UML modeling elements within the context of this dissertation. The model generalizes the identified processes, process entities and software infrastructures of the analyzed OSSD projects. It is based on a specially developed meta model which identifies the entities to be analyzed and describes the modeling viewpoints and elements which are used for the UML-based description of the development processes.
Another procedure step includes the further analysis of the identified model in order to display the implications, and the potential for optimization. For example, these encompass the insufficient planning and scheduling capability of processes or the observed tendency of OSSD actors to carry out various activities at different intensities depending on the subjectively perceived incentives which leads to some processes being neglected.
Subsequently, the optimization targets which address these inadequacies are displayed, and an optimization approach for the improvement of the OSSD model is described. The approach incorporates the expansion of the identified roles, the introduction of new or the expansion of already identified processes and the modification or expansion of artifacts of the generalized OSSD model. The presented model enhancements serve, above all, to increase quality assurance and to compensate neglected processes in order to improve developed software quality as well as process quality in the context of OSSD.
Furthermore, software functionalities are described which expand the existing identified software infrastructure and should enable an overall, software-technical support of OSSD processes. Finally, the various application scenarios of OSSD model methods - also in commercial SE - are identified and an implementation approach based on the OSS GENESIS is presented which can be used to implement and support the OSSD model.
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Keramikos pramonės internetinio marketingo plėtros modelis / Model of development of internet – marketing in a ceramic industryBorovko, Andrej 27 June 2008 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe „Keramikos pramonės internetinio marketingo plėtros modelis“ analizuojamos keramikos pramonės internetinio marketingo modelio tobulinimo galimybės, teoriniai internetinio marketingo modeliai, įvertinamos internetinio marketingo komunikacijos priemonės, jų privalumai ir trūkumai, remiantis Lietuvos ir užsienio IMM žvalgomaisiais tyrimais sukuriamas keramikos pramonės internetinio marketingo plėtros modelis.
Pirmoje teorinėje dalyje analizuojama informacinių technologijų plėtra, įtaka verslui. Analizuojami el. verslo modeliai, internetinio marketingo komunikacijos priemonės, internetinio marketingo principai. Atlikta antrinių šaltinių analizė įrodo internetinio marketingo svarbą verslui ir palankias plėtros perspektyvas.
Antroje dalyje analizuojama Lietuvos keramikos pramonės padėtis, atliekama Lietuvos ir užsienio keramikos pramonės įmonių IMM analizė. Tyrimų rezultatai parodo, kad užsienio įmonių internetinis marketingas yra pažangesnis negu Lietuvos įmonių. Užsienio modeliai nuo Lietuvos skiriasi tuo, kad yra didesnis internetinio marketingo komunikacijų skaičius ir platesnė įgyvendinimo formų įvairovė.
Trečioje dalyje, remiantis žvalgomojo tyrimo rezultatais, formuluojamas Lietuvos keramikos pramonės internetinio marketingo plėtros modelis, nustatomi internetinio marketingo komunikacijų ir IMM efektyvumo kriterijai. Siūlomas keramikos pramonės internetinio marketingo plėtros modelis, kuris turėtų pagerinti internetinio marketingo veiklą įmonėse... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In degree work „Model of development of internet – marketing in a ceramic industry“ ways of perfection of model of Internet - marketing to a ceramic industry, theoreticals models of Internet - marketing are analyzed, ways of communication in Internet - marketing, their advantages and the lacks are estimated, the executed analysis Lithuanian and foreign models of Internet - marketing allows to formulate model of development of Internet - marketing in a ceramic industry.
In the first part development of information technologies, their influence on business are analyzed. It is analyzed electronic models of business, ways of communication in Internet - marketing, principles of Internet - marketing. The executed analysis of the secondary data proves importance of Internet - marketing for business and positive prospects of development.
In the second part position of the Lithuanian ceramic industry is analyzed, to be made the analysis of model of Internet - marketing in the Lithuanian and foreign firms. Results of research show, that the model of Internet - marketing in foreign firms is more advanced than in the Lithuanian firms. Foreign models from Lithuanian differ that they use wider quantity of ways of communication in Internet - marketing, and also use more ways of realization of these ways.
In the third part, being based on the lead researches, the model of development of Internet - marketing in the Lithuanian ceramic industry is formulated, criteria of efficiency of... [to full text]
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Modeliais grįsto programų kūrimo metodo taikymas dokumentų valdymo sistemų kūrime / Using model driven development in the creation of document management systemsVaitkevičius, Laurius 08 September 2009 (has links)
Modeliais grįstas programų kūrimas yra vienas naujausių abstrakcijos pakėlimo būdų programų kūrimo procese. Jis kai kuriais atvejais leidžia pagreitinti programų kūrimo procesą net iki 10 kartų. Šiame darbe analizuojamas dviejų modeliais grįstų metodų taikymas dokumentų valdymo sistemų kūrime – tai apibendrinta modeliais grįsta architektūra (MDA) ir dalykinei sričiai specifinis modeliavimas (DSM). Darbe rasite tiek teorinius šios temos aspektus, tiek ir praktinius bandymus. Teorinėje dalyje apibrėžta dokumentų valdymo sistema – jos pagrindinės funkcijos bei savybės. Taip pat išskirti pagrindiniai modeliais grįstų metodų privalumai ir trūkumai. Praktinių bandymų metu atsiskleidžia tikroji metodams skirtų palaikyti įrankių vertė. MDA įrankių atveju realiai pamatysite, kokios pagalbos galima laukti iš jų spartinant programų kūrimą. Tuo tarpu analizuojant DSM galimybes buvo sukurtas pilnai funkcionuojantis įrankis skirtas dokumentų valdymo sistemoms kurti, kuris leidžia sumodeliuoti dokumentų valdymo sistemų duomenų sluoksnį, sugeneruoti jo kodą bei duomenų bazių schemą. DSL kalbos kūrimo žingsnių aprašymas gali būti naudojamas kaip pagrindas kitų dalykinių sričių kalbų kūrimui, o sukurta kalba gali būti praplėsta iki tokio lygio, kokio reikia, ir naudojama dokumentų valdymo sistemų kūrime. / Model Driven Development is one of the newest ways to increase level of abstraction in software development process. In some cases it allows to increase productivity up to 10 times. This work analyzes usage of two model driven methods in the creation of document management systems. They are, unified Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Domain Specific Modeling (DSM). You will find both, theoretical and practical aspects of this topic. Theoretical part consists of a definition of document management system, its functions and characteristics. It also contains main advantages and drawbacks of model driven methods. During practical experiments the real value of method supporting tools is revealed. In case of MDA tools, you will see what help can you expect while increasing productivity. Whereas while analyzing DSM possibilities the fully functional tool for modeling document systems was created. It allows creating a model of a data layer, generating its source code and database scheme. The description of DSL creation steps can be used as a base for other domains, and created language can be extended as much as needed and used to create document management systems.
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Statische Codemetriken als Bestandteil dreidimensionaler SoftwarevisualisierungenSchilbach, Jan 20 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Statische Codemetriken sind wichtige Indikatoren für die Qualität eines Softwaresystems. Sie beleuchten dabei unterschiedliche Aspekte eines Softwaresystems. Deshalb ist es notwendig, mehrere Codemetriken zu nutzen, um die Qualität eines Softwaresystems in seiner Gesamtheit bewerten zu können. Wünschenswert wäre zudem eine Darstellung, die die Struktur des Gesamtsystems und die Bewertung einzelner Elemente eines Softwaresystems in einer Darstellung kombiniert. Die Arbeit untersucht deshalb, welche Metaphern geeignet sind, um eine solche Darstellung zu ermöglichen. Ein zweites Ziel der Arbeit war es, eine solche Visualisierung automatisch erzeugen zu können. Dafür wurde ein Generator entwickelt, der diese Anforderung erfüllt. Zur Konzeption dieses Generators kamen Techniken aus der generativen Softwareentwicklung zum Einsatz. Bei der Umsetzung des Generators wurde auf Techniken aus der modellgetriebenen Softwareentwicklung zurückgegriffen, vor allem auf Techniken aus dem openArchitectureWare-Framework. Der Generator kann in Eclipse eingebunden werden und ist in der Lage, aus einem Java-Projekt die Struktur und die Metrikwerte automatisch zu extrahieren. Diese Werte werden daraufhin in ein dreidimensionales Modell überführt, das auf dem offenen Extensible 3D Standard basiert. Der Generator ermöglichte zudem die Evaluierung zweier unterschiedlicher Metaphern, die im Rahmen der Arbeit durchgeführt wurde.
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